How to find a purpose in life: invaluable advice from Igor Mann. How to find a purpose in life: a reliable way

Does everyone have a life purpose? No, only a few. But why? The fact is that, unlike a dream, a goal requires effort, daily work to achieve. If you think about what is important to you every day, and take steps to achieve the goal, then you have a goal. If you don’t know what is important to you, or new thoughts arise every day, or you think a lot but do nothing, then you don’t have a goal yet.

Meaning of life

From time to time we all ask ourselves the question: “What is the meaning of life? Where should I go? What do I want to see at the end of this path? But not everyone answers such questions, and this is important. After all, a global life goal helps not to give up, to move forward, not to get lost in the cycle of life. There are methods to help determine the true purpose of life.

There are mundane plans: to buy an apartment / house, start a family and children, become a worthy worker, achieve success in a career, but a person may not find a serious goal. It can be seen that this is not particularly important, that if you do not know where you are going, then you cannot make a mistake on the road. Part of this statement is true.

Get ready to accept everything. For some people, the word "goal" is associated with wealth, success. You have to come to terms with the fact that this is not the case. It is important to understand that the goal will be prosaic and mundane.

But what will be the path - joyful or difficult? If a person is happy, he does not think about the goal and the horror begins when he falls into depression and melancholy. That's when a true goal is required in order for the desire to live on to appear. Well, if it is already prepared.

To search for a goal that means a lot to you, you should not turn to psychics and seers, or live in a monastery. Next, we will talk about a method that will not require so much time. But before that, it is worth clarifying some points.

Not necessarily the goal is in a familiar area where you are looking for destiny and meaning. Just prepare for the fact that the meaning will be a completely new and unfamiliar thing.

Why does a person need a life purpose

It is very important in search of the meaning of life to understand why a person really needs a life goal:

  • gives us a reason to live on. A person has what he aspires to. Now you are happy, but if there is no goal, then the emptiness inside will one day swallow you;
  • the goal does not just give meaning to existence, it will help to find the right path, reasonable and correct decisions. The choice becomes easy if you see a clear end goal;
  • goal is motivation. Even in difficult periods, you can not throw everything halfway. Troubles and sorrows begin to haunt you. But in this case, aspirations are needed that will give motivation to live on.

Finding purpose in life and complexity

It is also worth understanding that the process of finding a purpose in life is not easy, because the goal does not have a universal formula. This is a personal concept for each of us.

Believe in yourself and the goal. This is the main achievement criterion. You can not stop halfway if you are 100% sure of the choice.

Also, remember that finding your life purpose will take time. This is the key reason why people cannot find the target. People usually want instant results, and this journey is not limited by time frames.

Lack of faith is one of the reasons

Sometimes people don't reach their goals because they don't believe it's possible. There are certain reasons for this. Sometimes there is no support from loved ones in this, or bad experience of the past interferes. But you will prove that it is real.

If you are not sure of yourself from the very beginning, then give up the chosen goal. She is most likely wrong. But focus your efforts on the new task.

Wrong target

What does the concept of "incorrectly chosen goal" mean? It happens that you want to achieve a goal because it is the desire of other people. Or are you doing it to impress.

Sometimes another indication of the wrong goal is the fact that you do not think about whether you will succeed in achieving it. You can't just repeat another person's goal either.

Lack of patience, action plan and consistency

If you have found the whole, then your road will not become simple and easy. You will need a lot of time and effort. And lack of patience will not help you in anything.

It also happens that a person sets a goal, but does not go further. He does not believe that it is necessary to draw up a minimum plan of action, to determine the time frame for achieving the goal. Every day should start with reading the list of life goals.

It is important to set the right tasks that will help you achieve your goal, every day you need to look for solutions.

Main Goal Criteria

The only correct criterion for a true goal is that it brings joy and satisfaction. We strive to continuously enjoy life, and at the same time, it should be a lot, no matter what: from work or success in it, from gaining new knowledge, communicating with people.

True purpose is a global source of joy and satisfaction that lasts a lifetime. Thus, your goal is easy to check: if it does not bring joy, then this is definitely not it.

How to find your own goals in life. easy way

So, that very easy method "How to find your own goals":

  • retire;
  • write the title "My Goal" on a piece of paper;
  • turn off all thoughts;
  • start writing whatever comes into your head.

The purpose of the method is that if the true purpose is written, then you will experience a violent emotional outburst.

Why is it necessary to turn off thoughts? Because a lot of ideas accumulate in the head during life. They write right away. And in order not to get confused, it is important to monitor emotions. If the writing does not evoke these feelings, then the goal is not suitable.

It will take one person 20 minutes, the other will sit for 2 hours. The main thing is not to stop. After the first thoughts that will not evoke emotions in you, it seems that this is all nonsense, a waste of time. But it is important to overcome yourself, which will allow you to find out what you are going to live for.

During reflection and search, options arise that cause an uplift in mood, but not powerful. Mark them, maybe they are part of the main goal and will help you find it.

This advice will help purposeful people who are not afraid to seek the true purpose and meaning of life. Everyone will become such a person if they get out of the shell and stop being afraid of change. Around us is an interesting world full of new achievements. You just need to open up and trust him.

Questions for goal setting

In the process of searching, you can also use this method. Here are 7 questions to help you set the right goal:

  • what brings you satisfaction? The choice of goal depends entirely on the activities that you like. There are many examples in life when people, doing their favorite work, reached incredible heights. You don't have to look far for examples: Bill Gates was fond of computers, Oprah Winfrey helped people, and Edison loved to come up with innovative inventions from childhood. Think about what is right for you. This is communication, business, sports, needlework - anything;
  • how do you spend your leisure time? These activities also help in finding goals. If you like to stand at the easel, then this is a sign where you should move. Likewise with any hobby. The main thing is to find the signs and not lose them. In your free time, think about what you would like to do;

The right questions are the key to the right answers. All this directs thoughts in the right direction, helps to look for the main answer.

  • what is given special attention? Everyone knows that many sellers immediately determine whether the product will become popular among buyers. The same applies to hairdressers who immediately determine whether styling is suitable for a person or not. And the designer will choose stylish clothes among the absurdities. What attracts attention? What annoys you? These answers will help you find that very goal;
  • What are you interested in learning or learning? What literature do you read? Maybe it is about business, hunting, cooking? These preferences will help solve the basic problems of life. Think about the books you would like to have in your library;
  • what inspires you to create? Perhaps you are sure that selling is an art? Or do you want to come home as soon as possible to prepare a new culinary masterpiece? Or new impressions make you pick up a brush and paint? Think about these questions;
  • Do other people like your features or what you do? Do your friends like your culinary delights? If this is not the case, then cooking is definitely not your goal. Or do people like your voice and also the way you dance? Perhaps friends like to read your notes. Each person has special abilities that attract others;
  • If you knew you were going to be successful, what would you be doing? One would open a salon, the other would take up music, and the third would begin the development of the store. Each answer to this question is a setting for finding a goal.

As you can see, the search for the main purpose in life is not too difficult, but it requires some effort and time. Strive for the best, do not stop halfway, then you will certainly find what is hidden in the depths of your soul.

Every person once asks himself the question: “What am I living for?” or “What am I striving for?” If you can’t answer it, then something is wrong with your life. People who are dissatisfied with the course of events often decide to change their lives. And first of all, they have a question: “How to find a purpose in life?” Because it is the global goal that will help in difficult times not to give up and remain yourself.

We are all different, and therefore the standards and vision of the world among people are also different. Every second person immediately has a material object in front of his eyes. But ask yourself, will you enjoy owning it? After all, joy can be obtained from everything: the result of work, learning new things and communication. If you are high and happy at this moment, then this is your global goal in life. Because only she can fill life with meaning.

There are many ways in the world how to choose a goal and we will try to list them in our article. Try everything, try to understand yourself, and someday you will wake up with a firm conviction that life is beautiful.

How to set a goal in life

Method one, fast
  1. Retire, turn off your mobile and try to put all thoughts out of your head.
  2. Print the title “my goal” on a piece of paper and start writing whatever comes to mind. First, you will write down all those stamps that have accumulated in your mind throughout your life, but it is not at all necessary that within half an hour or an hour you will understand what you need.
  3. When the real goal is fixed, you will feel a violent response of the body, up to tears. Watch your reaction, there may be several such goals, and they may turn out to be a small part of the global idea that you need in life.
Method two
  1. Get together and give a complete analysis of your life.
  2. Answer the questions honestly: “Why am I in this position?” and “What gives me communication with these people?” Understand that you are doing this only for yourself and therefore answer clearly and specifically.
  3. The correct answer should be: "Because I get pleasure, pleasure, I am happy." Everything that you will do for the soul is your goal. The rest of the answers: “I need to feed my family, I don’t want to lose face in front of my friends” indicate that you should change something.

    Often, for the sake of money, we drive ourselves into moral (and not only) bondage. We wake up at 6 in the morning, ride in a crowded transport, listen to the boss's nagging at work. This is how the entire conscious life of many of our compatriots goes by just because they are afraid to leave their comfort zone, and besides, they are not sure of the future.

  4. Don't worry about the coming changes. Because, the main thing that a person should do in life is to be happy. And everything else is secondary.

Method three

  1. Another question that will definitely help you in this difficult task: “What would I do in my life if I didn’t have to earn money?”
  2. Analyze your interests, what you like to do in your free time.
  3. Ask yourself: "What do I love the most?". Steve Jobs has always been interested in computers and was a talented manager, so his company is considered today the most successful in the world. People who have achieved fame and recognition were completely absorbed in what they loved. This was their goal, to which they went all their lives, without turning anywhere. They enjoyed what they did, and the bonus was recognition and money.
  4. You can hear the answer, they say, I like to draw or play the guitar, but I have to work for someone, because otherwise I won’t live. But this idea is imposed on you by the cowardly and inert older generation, which is most afraid of taking the first steps into the unknown in order to choose a new life. How many creative people, stubbornly moving towards their goal, became famous after going through poverty?
  5. If you have no interests at all, you should think about what warms your soul. Without passion, you will not be able to solve the question: “How to find a purpose in life?” When the emptiness inside a person is filled, this is the strongest motivation. It will help to survive in difficult moments of life, of which there are plenty in the fate of every person.

Step by step guide on how to set a goal in life

Step 1. You should find harmony with yourself. People put on some kind of masks every day and this makes them feel out of place. Today it is fashionable among young people to be macho, but maybe it was you who were always monogamous.

Being free from prejudice, you will be able to better understand what you need in life and yourself. In addition, others, not feeling falseness from you, will become more open. This means that you are guaranteed the location and support of loved ones.

Step 2 Dream. The banal phrase that we all have heard many times: “A man without a dream is like a bird without wings” very accurately conveys the meaning of human aspirations. According to statistics, the top three dreams on planet Earth include material well-being, a reliable partner nearby, and health (of one's own and loved ones).

When dreaming, a person not only statically represents the object of his desire, but also draws in his head the possibilities of how to find it. The way you were able to choose may well be a reflection of your life purpose. And all you have to do is start implementing it.

Step 3 Be sure to let go of all your past fears, as they are the ones that will keep you from realizing your dreams. This is your main brake, and now you should drive away all doubts. You need to believe in your dream in order for everything to work out.

Do not forget that nothing ever goes smoothly, everyone has defeats and failures, but fate will definitely give a second (third, fourth) chance to those who strive for this with all their heart.

Step 4 Devote all your free time to your hobby. Perhaps what does not cost you any effort, others seem to be a divine gift. Passion for cooking can grow into your own restaurant, and singing in karaoke - into a world-class star. This is how the singer Slava (Anastasia Slanevskaya) met a producer who helped her become a popular pop diva.

Of course, mindless sitting in front of the TV or in social networks is not very suitable for the purpose of life. But here you must clearly understand the difference between dependence and a sense of joy from the actions taken. As for online networks, no one bothers fans of such communication to become a site administrator or build a business on the Internet. Cultivate your hobbies and someday you will get a return on them.

Step 5 Start taking action. If you do not know how to find a purpose in your life and do not want to get up from the sofa, you will sit on it for the rest of your days, while life passes by. You can’t be afraid of change, because it’s what you need right now in the first place. If you don't get out of your comfort zone, you won't succeed.

To achieve the goal, it is imperative to choose a direction and develop a step-by-step action plan. It is very good to hang it in a conspicuous place and start performing real tasks, preferably within a predetermined time period. And if it didn’t work out, then adjust this plan in the process of execution.

Remember that there is not a single person in the world whom God has deprived of talents. Some people lack a teacher in life, someone a push or a good chance. In any case, overcoming laziness and despair, you will believe in yourself, you will be able to find a goal and begin to get high from life!

(apathy, Oblomovism ...) it is not to know: what to strive for in life. Even a simple one, for example, to buy a brand new gadget (mobile phone, tablet, beech ...) already gives some meaning to life - being. Is not it?

The best way to get (good luck, prosperity...) is to find your purpose in life and strive for it.

How to find your purpose in life

1. What are you doing when you lose track of time?

Do you have such affairs, hobbies, hobbies, doing which you lose the passage of time? Just started, once, and the evening has already come.

Sleep, watching TV, talking on the phone, movies, and so on do not count. These things are rather time thieves.

2. If people ask you, how are you happy to help?

First, if you are asked for help. That kind of help may already be your calling. And it is more logical to develop in it. But you may not always like your skills yourself.

Then, secondly, what kind of your help to others most of all causes you "attacks" of joy?

3. How would you like others to feel?

How can you help them with this?

Perhaps you don't like working for yourself. Therefore, you cannot choose goals in life for yourself. Then set goals that will be yours, but will bring joy to others. And their joy is your joy.

The circle will close: you are with a goal, people are happy ... (You are our knight. It is fashionable to be an egoist, and that's all for yourself. Do not destroy the altruist in yourself, being truly kind is as natural as in any other case)

4. How are you unique?

What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes you stand out is given to you for a reason. Your uniqueness is a clue to your purpose.

5. How to find your purpose in life. Chronometric method

6. What kind of people would you like to surround yourself with? What are these people doing?

Maybe you want to surround yourself with friends - bankers or fishermen - whalers (or the light version - crab anglers). Their “topic”, perhaps your theme?

7. What would you do if you had a million?

Often, running for the "green" distracts you from your true values ​​and your goals in life. Try to imagine that the financial issue is resolved for you once and for all. What would you do then?

It seems there is a goal, how to check that this is my goal?

Take a step in her direction. And keep track of what is happening inside and around you. Positive change is your goal.

Good luck in achieving your goals in life!

Most people today live without goals but how can you find your life goal and how her reach Few know and care. After all, life without a goal is uninteresting, routine, meaningless and short. Only the person who has set a specific and clear goal for himself and begins to do everything to achieve it will be happy and will definitely achieve everything he wants.

1. Stop living someone else's life.

To find your purpose in life, the first thing you need to do is stop living someone else's life, imposed by society, parents, friends and everyone around you. Each person is individual and each has his own life, so until you start living your life, you will not understand why you live.

2. Start searching.

Also, to find your purpose in life, you need to start looking. The one who seeks always finds, the problem is that 80% of people never find an important life goal and this is a problem of society. Start acting, try to fulfill various goals and tasks, and it doesn’t matter if you succeed or not. Listen to your heart and then you will find what you have been looking for or dreamed of finding for a long time.

How to find your purpose in life?

3. Think about what you would like the most.

To determine your purpose in life, you need to sit in silence and consider whether you want to live the way you live today. If not, then start thinking about what you would like to change in your life, what you lack for complete happiness and whether you will be happy having achieved this goal. Basically, a person receives pleasure and happiness when he finds his goal and begins to do everything to achieve it, even if he does not have time to realize it. And the one who does not find his goal entails a dull existence.

4. Do what you love.

How to reach the goal?

5. Proper goal setting.

If you decide to achieve a goal, you need a competent goal setting, because without it you will not be able to properly plan for the implementation of the goals, and this is a fairly easy process. Decide what you want in life. This can take more than one day and a year and often you need to be alone and quiet for a while. Since relatives, friends and acquaintances can interfere with you with their comments, advice and disbelief not in your strength, but in their own.

6. Make a plan for achieving the goal.

To get there When you have already found your purpose in life, you need to make a clear and specific plan to achieve what you want. Take a blank sheet of paper, title it: "my goals in life," then write down the goal in order of importance. It is advisable to set only one important goal, since small and insignificant goals do not inspire anyone and are often not achieved.

7. Goal Implementation Plan.

To achieve a goal in life, you need to write on the back of your goal list sheet everything you need to do to realize your dream. If you don't know what to do to achieve your goal, ask those who have already achieved a similar or the same goal. Read books of such people, watch videos, go to seminars, trainings. Finding out what you need to achieve your goal is not difficult if you have a desire and you have chosen your goal, and not someone else's.

Achievements of goals

8. Get Started.

The one who asks: how to reach the goal, did not do 3 basic and simple things: did not set a goal, did not draw up a plan for its implementation, and of course, did not start acting. Most set goals and make plans for implementation, but never take action. This is the most difficult process.

But you can be happy, because the complexity lies only in the first step towards your goal. Of course, on the way there will be doubts, disbelief in your own strength, criticism of others and other springboards that are easy to overcome if you have a strong desire to realize your goal.

9. Start with small steps.

To achieve goals, it is not necessary to take big and abrupt steps, it is enough just to start with a small step and that will be enough. No one is forcing you to achieve your goal. Of course, sometimes it is helpful to have a mentor who will constantly remind you of what you are going to achieve and play pranks on you to show your passion to achieve what you want.

So, how to find purpose in life. Good question. If such a question is raised, then there is already an understanding that I do not just live in order to eat and sleep. And I was born for some special purpose.

And I thank you for asking yourself this question. Although the answers to it can be formed for several days, and several years. I would even put this question a little differently. Not how to find a purpose in life, but how to find the direction in which I would like to develop.

I don't think you can find direction or purpose in life by reading a single book or article. You can find some hints, hints, options that will start the internal search process. And already as a result of this inner understanding, one can come to some kind of understanding.

To find a purpose in life, you need to start asking yourself questions. What do I want? Who am i? Why do I live? Why did I come into this world?

These are questions that can take years to answer. But if you ask yourself these questions, then people, books, situations will come, in general, information will come from a variety of sources that will directly or indirectly answer these questions.

For a while, you can decide that this is it, the goal of my life. Create a working business to feed and entertain me.

But then time passes and you realize that there is something else. Create a family and raise children.

Time passes and again something else is needed. And again you ask yourself questions. And the answers come. To know the world around us in order to live like God.

To find a purpose in life, you need to constantly ask yourself questions. And catch the answers. And they come. And understanding will gradually develop. This process is endless. Constant search and development.

You can find your purpose in life by beginning to answer the following three questions:

1. What experience would I like to have?
2. What kind of person do I need to become for this?
3. What contribution would I like to make to people's lives?

And if you slowly delve into yourself and answer these questions, then the goal in life will be clearer.

  • What experience do I want to have?

To do this, you can make a list of what you would like to experience in life. Where would you like to go, what to try, who to meet. For example, when I was compiling such a list, I got into it:

- Visit the Apple office;
- Swim in the hole;
Climb the Great Wall of China...

  • What kind of person do I need to become for this?

What do I need to do every day, what are the small steps to swim in the ice hole in winter in a few months or years? For example, I can accustom my body to cold water by creating the habit of taking hot and cold contrast showers every day. And start small - pour cold water only on the feet. Then a few weeks later raise to the knees. Then to the pelvis. Etc.

That is, already based on an understanding of what experience I want to experience in life, it is possible to determine what kind of person I need to become for this and start taking specific small steps in this direction. And bring it to the level of daily habits.

  • What contribution would I like to make to people's lives?

Life is truly filled with meaning and happiness when I begin to benefit the people around me. When I not only consume, but also give. When I create something useful for society.

When I begin to give without demanding anything in return, then I act in a divine way. God does not ask or demand anything in return. But how much has he created and is creating!

If you are asking this question - how to find a purpose in life - then the process is already underway. And I sincerely congratulate you!

By asking myself these questions, I begin to raise my awareness. Receiving answers and building my life in accordance with them, I begin to increase my understanding of the Universe, the Universe, God. And thus, increase your spirituality.

This is the so-called spiritual growth. This is changing the world for the better. Because by changing myself for the better, I am changing the whole world for the better.

By thinking about how to find a purpose in life, you automatically start the process of changing yourself for the better, and as a result, you automatically change the whole world around you for the better.

And it's wonderful!

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