Space Rangers 2 dominators download for android. Hacked space rangers

Space Rangers: Legacy / Space Rangers: Legacy- No sooner had the fans enjoyed Space Rangers: Quest in August this year than 1C Studio announced the release of a new part of the space epic on the Android and iOS platforms called Space Rangers: Legacy. This game will be not just a spiritual heir to the two cult parts, but also a kind of rethinking of them. In fact, the plot of the first part of the space opera was almost identical to the plot of Star Control 2, released back in 1992, not to mention that the confrontation between the Space Alliance and some hostile race is an immortal classic for the science fiction genre. And even despite a bunch of different Easter eggs and references, the global nature of the game does not allow calling it a clone of anything. In Legacy, players will find new adventures and flashbacks from previous parts. One of the innovations that we will see is a perfectly adapted "old" interface, which has become, in addition, much more intuitive and friendly to new players. It strikes with the fact that it is usually not at all characteristic of space strategies - thoughtfulness to the smallest detail. You will always have a real command post at your fingertips, consisting of important messages pinned to the panel on the right and a summary of the latest news. So, if a space pirate escapes somewhere or a supernova breaks out, you will be one of the first to know about it. The built-in search system will allow you to easily find the planet or other object you are interested in, which is very useful in the quest genre, where you have to not only look for a lot of new information, but also occasionally return to what you have already found. Also, everyone will be pleased with the new interactive galactic map, a dynamic mini-map and a compass, which makes it possible to always know the location of an enemy. It is also worth noting the graphical shell of the game. Nobody departed from the canonical and very high-quality 2D rendering. The developers only refreshed it with a set of animated characters, replicas and special effects that add some action to everything that happens on the screen. 7 global space stations, 5 in-game races already familiar to fans and 18 types of futuristic weapons, exciting quests, an original storyline and different endings - all this and much more awaits you in the new part of Space Rangers!

Download Space Rangers: Legacy for Android from the developer 1C Publishing EU s.r.o. you can follow the links below. The version of this application is 1.6.5 from 2-10-2018, 02:29. Pay attention to the android version of your device - this application requires android not lower than 4.1. Also in the download block there is a full version of the application, or a mod a lot of money.

What's new?
- camera jumps during battles;
- visual artifacts on the buttons when switching screens;
- critical errors during training;
- the failure of the task the next day after it was taken;
- problems with the collection of some objects in space;
- heating of devices is significantly reduced.
- areas of pressing in the learning mode;
- building a route with instant jumps;
- the engine immediately cools down when resurrected for cubits.

"Space Rangers 2" is a cult universe created by domestic developers. The game combines elements of such genres as RPG, turn-based strategy, text quest and many, many others.

The plot of the game

The game takes place 250 years after the end of the war with the Kleesans. People try to maintain relationships with other developed inhabitants of their galaxy. However, as is usually the case in such stories, a completely new threat appears.

We are talking about the Dominators, which are a form of cyberlife, endowed with their own intelligence. You have to protect the galaxy from their invasion, otherwise it will be completely destroyed.

Gameplay Features

Attributing the game to any one genre is incredibly difficult, since so many of them are intertwined here. It is characterized by complete freedom of action. The life of the universe surrounding the hero is constantly going on as usual.

In the course of the gameplay, as in the first part, you will have to face bandits, merchants and many, many other characters. The game evaluates the player's actions and summarizes the results at the end of each game. The final score will depend on which difficulty level the player has chosen. The time spent on the game and the experience gained are also taken into account. If the result is impressive, then he can get into the global table of records.

The game is one of the best text quests. It is noteworthy that it was released by domestic developers.

Gameplay Features

This is a fully interactive text quest. Welcome to the universe of space rangers! At the very beginning of the game, you will immediately be sent to recruit young recruits. In parallel with this, you will need to look for supporters in different galaxies. To do this, you must select the class of the ship on which you will fly. You have to choose between a warrior, a pirate and a merchant ship.

In the game you will find many different space systems. You will need to complete several missions in each of them. Exploring space stations is an incredibly exciting pastime. Also in the game, unforeseen situations often occur, in which you will need to take decisive action. So, for example, an unknown object reflected on the radar can easily turn out to be a pirate.


The graphical component of the game is implemented superbly. The picture looks very good even by today's standards. High-quality animation of the flight of the ship looks incredibly realistic.

As for the sound, it needs to be highlighted in a special order. The game will please users with a huge number of chic soundtracks, between which you can switch at any time. If desired, other music can be loaded into the game.