Mineral deposits in Buryatia. Water resources of the Republic

INTRODUCTION .................................................. ................................................. .. 3

1. Description of the region and its natural resources .............................................. 4

2. Modern economy of Buryatia .............................................. ................. 6

3. Food potential of the region............................................... ....... eight

4. Industry of Buryatia............................................... ........................... nine

5. Non-traditional mineral fertilizers .............................................................. . ten

6. Water resources of the Republic............................................... ....................... eleven

7. Agro-industrial and forest resources of Buryatia .............................................. 12

CONCLUSION................................................. ............................................ fifteen

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................ ............................... 17


In order to develop the economy of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to carry out an extensive set of measures to further strengthen the material and technical base of industry and agriculture.

The successful solution of the tasks set can be carried out only in the process of further study of natural conditions and resources.

The purpose of the work is a comprehensive study of the natural resources of the Republic of Buryatia, as a subject of the Russian Federation.

The division of Russia into subjects is necessary in order to have a clear idea of ​​the problems, disadvantages and advantages of each region. Such a division will help in the future to obtain a clear and precise picture of the state of the natural resources of the entire Russian Federation, to reveal regions of the country that are promising for further development and have already exhausted themselves.

As a method for a comprehensive study of the natural resources of a given region, it is advisable and necessary to use statistical data, on the basis of which in-depth ideas are formed about the patterns of distribution of minerals, about the hydrosphere, biosphere, vegetation and soil cover, climate change, meteorological phenomena.

Solving the issues of economic organization is impossible without a comprehensive accounting and long-term assessment of natural resources, studying the impact of human activity on the environment. A comprehensive study of natural resources (CIPR) is designed to help identify hidden and little-studied natural resources, their quantitative and qualitative assessment for the purposes of rational use, conservation and reproduction.

1. Description of the region and its natural resources

The Republic of Buryatia was founded in 1923, its area was 397.5 thousand square meters. kilometers, population - 435.5 thousand people, including Buryats - 55.5%, Russians - 44.2%.

The republic is located between 49 55 and 57 15 north latitude and 98 40 and 116 55 east longitude, in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, to the south and east of Lake Baikal. The territory of the republic is 351.3 thousand square meters. km and is approximately equal in size to the area of ​​10-12 regions of the Central European part of the Russian Federation. The population is 1059.4 thousand people. In the south, Buryatia borders on the Mongolian People's Republic, in the southwest - on the Republic of Tuva, in the northwest - on the Irkutsk region, in the east - on the Chita region. The republic is removed from Moscow by 5 time zones.

Buryatia occupies a favorable geographical position. Two railway lines pass through its territory - Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur, connecting the central parts of Russia with the regions of the Far East and the countries of Southeast Asia - China, North Korea, Mongolia, Japan and others. In administrative terms, the republic is divided into 21 districts, has 6 cities, 29 urban-type settlements. The capital of Buryatia is the city of Ulan-Ude. The territory of the city covers an area of ​​346.5 sq. km. Currently, more than 390.0 thousand inhabitants live in the city

The Republic is located in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, at the pole of the moderately cold climate of Siberia, in the transition zone between the taiga spaces of Eastern Siberia and the vast steppe regions of Mongolia.

The natural conditions of Buryatia differ sharply from other regions of the country located within the same latitudes. Its remoteness from the seas and oceans affects. Of no small importance is the "cold breath" of the Arctic Ocean and the "barrier" of the Himalayas and Tibet, which prevents the penetration of warm air masses from the equatorial latitudes deep into Central Asia. The location of Buryatia almost in the center of the Asian continent, at a great distance from the softening influence of the seas, determines a number of features of the region. In winter, calm and clear weather prevails throughout the republic with frosts up to 50°C. In summer, the territory of Buryatia gets very warm, and at the same time, a low pressure area forms, reaching 750-755 mm in July, which is 5-10 mm lower than normal. At this time, the air temperature sometimes rises to 38-40°C. The climate of Buryatia is sharply continental. Winter is the longest time of the year, in the southern regions of the republic, moreover, it has little snow.

According to the features of the relief, Buryatia is divided into 4 large regions: the Eastern Sayan Mountains, the Baikal mountain region, the Selenga Dauria and the Vitim plateau. The predominance of the mountainous relief of the republic makes it one of the most active seismic regions of the planet. On the territory of Buryatia, large and small earthquakes are quite frequent.

In terms of wealth, reserves and diversity of minerals, Buryatia occupies one of the leading places in Russia. However, mineral wealth is still far from being fully utilized. About 30 coal-bearing areas are known. There are coal-bearing depressions - Udinskaya, Dzhidinskaya, Pribaikalskaya. Gusinoozerskaya and others. Of the 11 coal deposits, Gusinoozerskoye, Tugnuiskoye, Sanginskoye, Daban-Gorkhonskoye, and Okino-Klyuchevskoye are especially intensively developed.

On the territory of Buryatia there are also ores of tungsten, molybdenum, nickel. The largest deposits of tungsten ores include Kholtosonskoe and Inkurskoe; molybdenum - Orekitkanskoye, Malayonogorskoye, Zharchikhinsky; nickel - Chaiskoye, Baikalskoye. The republic also explored reserves of non-ferrous metals - beryllium, lead, zinc and tin. The most promising for industrial development: for tin - Mokhovoe; for beryllium, tantalum-beryllium ores - Okinsky district; for strontium - Khalyutinsky.

The largest deposits of lead and zinc are Ozernoye and Kholodninskoye. In the northern regions of Buryatia, large reserves of gold (ore and alluvial) have been explored and developed since pre-revolutionary times.

There are also non-metallic minerals: phosphates, apatites, fluorspar. The deposits of fluorspar - Naranskoye and Zgitinskoye - have been identified; phosphorites - Ukhogol and Kharanur; apatity - Oshurkovskoye. The reserves of fluxes and refractories have been explored: dolomite limestone, refractory clays, quartz and quartzites, and graphite. Large deposits of asbestos were found - Molodyozhnoye, Ilchirskoye, Zelenoe; bauxites - Boksonskoe. In Buryatia there are unique deposits of potassium-alumina ores - Sannyr; nepheline syenites - Mukhalskoye, Nizhne-Burgultayskoye.

The republic has a variety of deposits of building materials - brick and expanded clay, sand and gravel mixture, building stone, carbonate rocks for building limestone, cement, perlite and zeolites.

Buryatia is rich in fresh, mineral and thermal waters. Operating resources for water supply and irrigation are 21 million cubic meters. m / day. On the basis of mineral and mineral-thermal waters, there are resorts of Russian significance - Arshan and Goryachinsk, local significance - Nilova Pustyn, Khakusy, Kuchiger, Goryachiy Klyuch and others.

2. Modern economy of Buryatia

The economy of Buryatia largely depends on the Russian transfer, which in 2004 amounted to 865.6 billion rubles. with an annual plan of 13895 billion rubles.

In Buryatia for 11 months of 2004 the volume of the gross regional product (GRP) amounted to 9143 million rubles. Production volumes increased in non-ferrous metallurgy (gold mining), mechanical engineering (helicopters, electric motors, household appliances), forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, flour and cereals and mixed fodder industries. In the industry of the Republic of Belarus, 15 enterprises are classified as monopolists, their share in the total volume of production amounted to 51% for 9 months of 2004. For 9 types of products, full concentration is maintained at 1 enterprise (cement, slate, cardboard, chipboard, electric kettles and electric boilers, flour, cereals, alcohol).

Investment activity is carried out mainly at the expense of own funds of economic entities - 75.8%, federal budget funds amounted to 19.8%, funds of the consolidated republican budget - 4.4%. In housing construction, 88.9 thousand square meters were put into operation. meters with a plan of 102 thousand square meters, more than half (57%) was built at the expense of individual developers.

The agricultural products of the republic are mainly: grain, potatoes, vegetables, meat.

Six enterprises (U-U LVRZ, JSC "TSM", JSC "Buryatenergo", Selenginsky CCC, JSC "Timlyuisky ACI", JSC "Livona") form 37% of the profit in the republic. Four enterprises (JSC "Livona", JSC "Baikalpharm", JV "Emilia", LLC "Gian") ensure the receipt of excises.

Major exporters of the republic are the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, the Arig Us Concern, Closed Cloth Manufactory Closed Joint-Stock Company, LVRZ, STsKK. Among the major importers are CJSC "Motom", Trading House "Mav", Severobaikalsky CJSC "Gilyui", Tugnuisky coal mine.

The modern economy of the Republic of Buryatia is an industrial and promising economic complex in terms of its potential. The share of the republic in the volume of industrial production of the East Siberian region is 5.4%. The Republic of Buryatia occupies a prominent place in a number of important types of products. It specializes in the production of aircraft, electric motors with a power of over 100 kW, various appliances, bridge structures, agricultural equipment, tungsten concentrate, window glass, cardboard, pulp and lumber, slate and cement, washed wool, knitwear, woolen fabrics, meat products and some other types. products.

The Republic of Buryatia differs both in large reserves of minerals and natural resources, and in their diversity and originality. Mountain ranges, dense forests, valleys with an abundance of herbs, wide steppes, a large number of shrubs in which berries and nuts grow - all this creates the most favorable conditions for the residence of many species of animals and birds. On the territory of Buryatia, you can find many rare species, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The brown bear, Barguzinsky sable, reindeer, mountain goat are known all over the world in the territory of Buryatia. In addition, elk, red deer, roe deer, squirrel, wolverine, wild boar, Baikal seal and many other animal species also live here. Today, the territory of the republic is inhabited by 446 registered species of terrestrial vertebrates. All amphibians of this region are divided into 2 species and are represented by six orders. Also, 7 species of reptiles live on the territory of the republic, which are included in one order and make up only 0.1% of all reptiles in the world. Such figures can be explained by a small number of suitable habitats and certain climatic conditions. It should also be noted that the distribution of reptiles across the territory of the republic is rather uneven. Most often they live in isolated spaces, therefore they are amenable to the enormous influence of environmental factors. Some species are on the verge of extinction or are considered rare. The most extensive class of terrestrial vertebrates in Buryatia is represented by birds. In total they are about 348 species, which are united in 18 units. This number of birds is approximately 4% of the world's avifauna. Of all this diversity, about 260 species regularly nest on the territory of the republic, 7 species winter here, 34 species fly by and 46 fly periodically. These figures are quite unstable and depend on the location and some other factors.

About 85 species of mammals live in Buryatia, which are divided into 7 orders, which is 21-23% of the entire world theriofauna. However, the species composition of animals in Buryatia is not so stable. Both qualitative and quantitative changes are constantly taking place here. From time to time, some species appear, some others disappear. Endangered species require special attention, therefore they are under constant protection.

Unfortunately, there are not so many such endangered species in Buryatia, they include 4 species of reptiles, 2 species of amphibians, 25 species of mammals and about 63 species of birds. Of all vertebrates, 40 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia and 7 species in the Red Book of international scale.

plays an important role in the life of the Republic Lake Baikal, which is a reservoir with a fifth of the world's fresh water. The age of the lake is about 20 million years, its length is 636 kilometers, and its width is 80 kilometers. The maximum depth of the lake is 1637 meters. About 2,500 species of fish and animals live here, of which 250 are endemic.

Also Buryatia is rich in mineral resources. Over the past 50 years, more than 700 deposits of various minerals have been discovered on the territory of the republic, most of them are on the state balance sheet. Of these, 247 deposits are gold-bearing, 16 are ore, 228 are alluvial and 3 are complex.

The strategic types of mineral raw materials include 13 uranium deposits, 7 tungsten deposits, 4 polymetal deposits, 2 beryllium deposits and the same number of molybdenum deposits. Also, on the territory of the republic there is one deposit of aluminum and tin. In addition, there is a fairly large raw material base of uranium. Metallurgical enterprises of the Far East and Siberia are provided with the necessary materials thanks to 8 deposits of the fluorine state. The fuel and energy complex of Buryatia is provided with the necessary amount of coal thanks to 10 deposits of brown and 4 deposits of hard coal. Also, on the territory of the republic there are several jade deposits, 2 deposits of asbestos, several - apatite, graphite, phosphorite, zeolite and building materials. In total, the bowels of these lands contain more than 48% of the zinc reserve in Russia, 27% of tungsten, 37% of molybdenum, 24% of lead, 15% of chrysotile - asbestos and 16% of fluorspar. Most of the mineral deposits are located at a distance of about 200 kilometers from the BAM and VSZhD railway lines. Based on the data on the degree of geological exploration of the subsoil, we can conclude that this area is quite promising and contains a large number of undiscovered mineral deposits. These include some new genetic types.

Development of mineral resources in the bowels of the republic is a promising direction and plays a significant role in the economic and geopolitical space of the entire country. Simultaneous continuous development of industrial and mining complexes provides obvious advantages and provides a continuous production chain from raw materials to finished products.

It should be noted that the development of deposits in Buryatia can be divided into three levels. First level- federal, which includes the Ozernoye, Orekitkanskoye and Kholodinskoye deposits. It also includes the reactivation of the Inkursky and Kholtosonsky mines and the restoration of a fluorite ore processing plant in the Kyakhtinsky district.
Second level- federal-republican. It includes the development of Khiagda, Molodezhnoye, Mokhovoye and some other deposits.

Third level- Republican. This level includes the development of deposits of coal, gold, granular quartz, graphite, jade zeolite. In addition, deposits of mineral waters, building materials and some non-traditional varieties of mining raw materials can also be included here.

The bowels of the Republic of Buryatia are rich in mineral resources. The total value of explored balance reserves of minerals is estimated at more than 5 trillion. rubles, and the actual cost of the annual extraction of minerals is less than this cost by three orders of magnitude.
The development of the mineral resource complex of the Republic of Buryatia in the medium and long term will be based on the formation of 5 complexes: the Severobaikalsky, located in the zone of the Baikal-Amur Railway, the Central, Southern and East Sayan, located in the zone of influence of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the East, which is being formed in the middle part of the republic in the zone of influence of the railway planned for construction, connecting the BAM with the Trans-Siberian.
As a result of the implementation of major investment projects in the mineral resource complex of the Republic of Buryatia, Russia's internal needs for zinc, lead, high-purity quartz raw materials, uranium will be fully satisfied, and the production of tungsten and molybdenum concentrates will also increase.
In the Republic of Buryatia, forests occupy about 83% of its entire territory, the total area of ​​forest fund lands is 25.8 million hectares. The total stock of wood is 2243.8 million m³. The forests of the republic are rich in non-timber resources.
The volume of allowable cutting area for the forests of the republic is 6.2 million m³, while the percentage of development of allowable cutting area in 2007 was only 14% (866.7 thousand m³ were mastered by final felling).
The main part of wood and its products (raw and processed timber, unbleached kraft liner, etc.) is exported. This is the second most important commodity group in the republic's exports (43.7% in 2006).
China remains the main buyer of unprocessed timber products of the republic - 98% of all exports. Minor deliveries are made to Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and Japan.
In the future, there is a significant reorientation in the structure of exports towards processed forest products, as well as an increase in demand for timber within the region. This is due to the development of technologies for panel and frame wooden housing construction, local and municipal energy on the so-called pellet fuel.
The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation approved a list of common minerals in the Republic of Buryatia:

Siltstones, mudstones (except those used in the cement industry, for the production of mineral wool and fibers).
Anhydrite (other than that used for the cement industry).
Bitumens and bituminous rocks.
Breccias, conglomerates.
Clays (except for bentonite, palygorskite, refractory, acid-resistant, used for porcelain and faience, metallurgical, paint and varnish and cement industries, kaolin.
Dolomites (except those used in the metallurgical, glass and chemical industries).
Lime tuff, drywall.
Limestones (except for those used in the cement, metallurgical, chemical, glass, pulp and paper and sugar industries, for the production of alumina, mineral feeding of animals and poultry).
Quartzites (except for those used in the glass and metallurgical industries and for the production of crystalline silicon).
Igneous and metamorphic rocks (except for those used for the production of refractory, acid-resistant materials, stone casting, mineral wool and fibers, in the cement industry).
Facing stones (except for highly decorative ones and those characterized by a predominant output of blocks of 1-2 groups).
Sand (except for molding, glass, abrasive, for porcelain and faience, refractory and cement industries, containing ore minerals in high concentrations).
Sandstones (except for dinas, flux, for the glass industry, for the production of silicon carbide, crystalline silicon and ferroalloys).
Sand-gravel, gravel-sand, boulder-gravel-sand, boulder-block rocks.
Sapropel (except for those used for medicinal purposes).
Shales (except combustible, disthene and sillimanite).
Loams (except those used in the cement industry).
Peat (except used for medicinal purposes).

More than 700 deposits of various minerals have been explored on the territory of Buryatia. Among the discovered deposits there are 247 gold (228 alluvial, 16 ore and 3 complex). The list of strategic types of mineral raw materials includes 7 deposits of tungsten, 13 - uranium, 4 - polymetals, 2 - molybdenum and beryllium, 1 - tin and aluminum. Also explored are 8 deposits of fluorspar, 10 deposits of brown and 4 deposits of coal, 2 deposits of asbestos, a number of jade and building materials, as well as apatite, phosphorite, graphite and zeolites.
The bowels of Buryatia contain:
48% of the balance reserves of zinc in Russia,
24% - lead,
37% - molybdenum,
27% - tungsten,
16% - fluorspar,
15% - chrysotile asbestos.
The largest polymetallic, rare-metal and phosphorite deposits in Russia have been discovered in Buryatia. 48% of the explored balance reserves of zinc and 24% of lead of the Russian Federation are concentrated in the republic. The reserves of tungsten ores in Buryatia make up 27% of all explored reserves in Russia and 15% of their production in the country. The share of Buryatia in the explored reserves of molybdenum ores is 37 percent.
In terms of reserves and quality of iron ore, the Kurbino-Eravninsky iron ore region (the valley of the Uda River and the Yeravninskaya depression) is in first place.
Buryatia has a significant reserve of apatite - the most important mineral raw material for the production of phosphate fertilizers. A large deposit of this ore is located on the left bank of the river. Selenga, 20 km from Ulan-Ude.
Almost the entire periodic table was found on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia. The total value of the approved reserves of the main deposits is more than 130 billion US dollars.

Copper mining in Buryatia has not yet been carried out and is not planned in the coming years. The most promising Namaminskaya ore zone is located between the tributaries of the Barguzin and Upper Angara rivers. Over 50 small manifestations of copper, lead, zinc, antimony, bismuth and gold are known within its limits. The largest of them is the Namaminskoye copper-polymetallic deposit, which contains ores of zinc, lead, arsenic, antimony, but it can only be reached by helicopter, pack trail or sledge in winter.

Copper ores contain small deposits of the Ozerninsky ore cluster in the Yeravninsky district. The most promising are the Yuzhno-Arishinskoye copper-iron ore deposit with resources of 281.4 thousand tons of copper and the Turkulskoye copper-barite deposit with resources of 48.4 thousand tons of copper. Obviously, an integrated approach to the development of 30 as yet undistributed deposits located in a small area of ​​the Ozerninsky ore cluster is needed.
Another promising group of copper-nickel deposits is located in the Severo-Baikal region. Rosnedra put up for auction in Buryatia the most explored Chayskoye deposit. It is located 70 km northeast of Lake Baikal, in the upper reaches of the river. Chaya, 60 km east of the Kholodninsky lead-zinc deposit. The resources of the Chayskoye deposit are estimated at 160 thousand tons of copper.

The Republic of Buryatia has a unique source of highly pure quartz in terms of reserves and purity. At the Cheremshanskoye deposit (Pribaikalsky district), quartzite is mined, which is used for the production of metallurgical silicon in the Irkutsk region.
The situation is favorable for most of the minerals in Buryatia. According to the estimates of the All-Russian Institute of Economics of Mineral Raw Materials, the projected demand of the sectors of the Russian economy by 2010 may exceed the pre-reform demand for tungsten by 1.5-2 times, for zinc, nickel, aluminum and tin by 3-4 times, for manganese and copper by 8-9 times, and for molybdenum by more than 30 times.

Reserves of uranium ore in Buryatia have not yet been sufficiently studied. The assessment of the most promising of the reserve deposits, the Imskoye deposit, is planned for 2009. The first production volumes are planned for 2016. to a production level of 1000 tons per year (according to Minatom - 500 tons), and by 2020 to a production level of 2000 tons per year, the life of the deposit will be 70-75 years.

The developed coal reserves at the Tugnuisky mine today amount to 230 million tons, according to geological exploration, the reserves of the Nikolskoye deposit are 250 million tons. At present, the Tugnuisky open pit produces 6.7 million tons per year, in 2009 the open pit will reach its design capacity of 8.5 million tons. The Nikolsky open pit, when it reaches its design capacity, will also produce about 8 million tons. For the next 35 years, the republic is provided with coal.

Mineral resources. The mining industry is developed in Buryatia, for example, in the Bichursky district at the Okino-Klyuchevskoy field, high-quality brown coal is being mined by an open method, as a result of which cheap and high-quality coal is produced. Coal is supplied to the Gusinoozerskaya GRES, to other production facilities both within the republic and abroad. The reserves of the Okino-Klyuchevsky basin are significant. Mining is also developed - gold, jade, uranium and other minerals.

forest resources. Along with sawmilling and mechanical woodworking, the republic has established the production of cellulose, cardboard, paper, chipboard and fibreboard. The Baikal and Ust-Ilimsk timber processing complexes, as well as the Selenginsky pulp and paper mill and the Ust-Ilimsk pulp mill operate in the republic. The total timber reserves are 2000 million cubic meters. This is a wooded area.

Water resources. Buryatia is characterized by a fairly developed river network. The rivers belong to the basin of the Yenisei (Ch. Lake Baikal) and Lena. The potential hydropower resources of the rivers are 15 million kW of average annual capacity. The most important tributaries of Lake Baikal are the Selenga, the Barguzin and the Upper Angara. In the western part of Buryatia, the Irkut, Oka, Kitoy flow. Some rivers are used for irrigation. Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power stations were built on the Angara.

Land resources. Podzolic type lands are more common in Buryatia. In the forest-steppe and steppe regions (Central and Southern Buryatia), in the Barguzin Plain and the Tunkinskaya Hollow, there are dark gray forest, as well as varieties of chestnut and chernozem soils. Swamps and wetlands occupy large areas in intermountain basins. Permafrost rocks are widespread. 4/5 The terrain of Buryatia is covered with taiga vegetation, and the southern and central parts are covered with steppe and forest-steppe. Pastures are located in intermountain basins.

2.3. Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Buryatia

In the first quarter of 2011 and throughout 2010, there is a positive dynamics of indicators in most sectors of the republican economy, which indicates the stabilization of the economy of the republic, under the influence of the global economic crisis.

industrial production. Industrial production index in January - February 2011 compared to January-February 2010. reached 116%, including mining - 106.9%, manufacturing - 127.9%, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 96.2%. Significant growth in manufacturing was observed in such activities as: pulp and paper production and publishing and printing activities (by 10%), production of rubber and plastic products (by 72.6%), production of other non-metallic mineral products (by 54.0%). %), production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment (by 110%).

Agriculture. As of March 1, 2011 the number of cattle in large, medium and small agricultural enterprises amounted to 44.5 thousand heads and decreased compared to March 1, 2010. by 1.5%, poultry - 194.6 thousand heads (by 3.9%), sheep and goats - 90 thousand heads (increase - by 1.6%). Production of livestock and poultry for slaughter (in live weight) in January - February 2011 compared to January-February 2010. increased by 10.7%, milk production - by 0.7%, eggs - decreased by 3.6%. .

Construction. The volume of work performed by the type of activity "construction" (in full circle) amounted to 500 million rubles, or 119.7% of the level of January-February 2010. Residential buildings with a total area of ​​25 thousand square meters have been built on the territory of the republic. meters. Compared to the same period of the previous year, the volume of commissioned housing increased by 26.7%.

Transport and communication. Freight turnover of transport amounted to 41.0 billion ton-km, or 103.4% of the 2009 level. In the structure of freight turnover, 99.8% belongs to railway transport. Public transport transported 57.8 million passengers, or 106% compared to 2009, while passenger turnover decreased by 0.6% and amounted to 1.7 billion passenger-km. In the structure of passenger traffic of public transport, rail transport prevails (57%). This type of transport in 2010. more than 2.4 million people were transported (79% by 2009), passenger turnover amounted to 977 million passenger-kilometers (94%).

In 2010, more than 1.5 thousand accidents were registered (97% compared to 2009), the number of deaths was 212 people (95%), injured - 1926 people (93%). There were 196 accidents involving children and teenagers under 16, in which 204 people were injured and 12 people died. 90% of all accidents were committed due to violation of traffic rules through the fault of vehicle drivers. Through the fault of drivers of vehicles belonging to citizens, 1189 accidents were committed (94% by 2010), of which 139 were caused by drivers in a state of intoxication (79.0%).

Revenues from communication services in 2010 amounted to 5.7 billion rubles, or 24% more than in 2009. Rendered communication services to the population for more than 3.7 billion rubles, or 123% of the 2009 level.

Finance. The consolidated budget of the Republic of Buryatia, according to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Buryatia, as of January 1, 2011 executed with a deficit of 1,628.3 million rubles. Consolidated budget revenues were received in the amount of 39198.1, expenses amounted to 40826.4 million rubles.

According to the operational data of the Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Republic of Buryatia, in the budget system of the Russian Federation in January-December 2010. received taxes, fees and other obligatory payments in the amount of 17683.2 million rubles, while the debt on taxes and fees as of January 1, 2011. amounted to 1084.8 million rubles.

As of January 1, 2011 positive balanced financial result (profit minus loss) of organizations (excluding small businesses, banks, insurance and budgetary organizations) in current prices amounted to 10,181.2 million rubles (214 organizations received a profit of 11,068.0 million rubles, 67 organizations had losses in the amount of 886.8 million rubles).

As of January 1, 2011 the total debt on the obligations of organizations amounted to 43424.1 million rubles, including accounts payable - 27182.1 million rubles (62.6%), debt on loans received from banks and loans in general - 16242.0 million rubles (37 ,4%). The amount of overdue debt amounted to 1534.0 million rubles, or 3.5% of the total debt. In the structure of overdue accounts payable, a significant amount is occupied by debts of enterprises of the type of activity “Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water”, in the structure of debt on bank loans and loans, debts of enterprises of the type of activity “Retail trade, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of household and personal items.

Accounts receivable in the whole country as of January 1, 2011 reached 19325.6 million rubles, of which overdue - 1750.8 million rubles, or 9.1 percent of the total volume of receivables. The largest share of overdue receivables was observed at enterprises of the type of activity "Manufacture of vehicles and equipment" .

Consumer market. Retail trade turnover amounted to 14,050.1 million rubles and decreased compared to January-February 2010. by 1.4%. 97.1% of the retail trade turnover was formed by individual entrepreneurs selling goods outside the market. The share of sales of goods in retail markets was 2.9%. In the structure of retail trade turnover, the share of food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in January-February 2011 was 56% (2010 - 56%), non-food products - 44% (2010 - 44%).

Prices. Consumer price index and tariffs for goods and paid services to the population in February 2011 compared to December 2010 was 103.6%. The main impact on the growth of the consumer price index was the increase in tariffs for housing and communal services (by 8.9%) and medical services (by 2.7%). Food products in January (compared to December 2010) rose in price by 5.1%, non-food - by 1.1%. The cost of paid services to the population increased by 4.6%.

Among foodstuffs, prices for oil and fats (by 4.2%), potatoes (by 31.8%), cereals and legumes (by 9.9%), sugar (by 8.2%), bread and bakery products (by 10.6%). Among non-food products, tobacco products rose most of all (by 3.7%).

Standards of living. Cash income per capita in January 2011 amounted to 12403.2 rubles, which is 23.7% more than in January 2010. Real disposable cash income in January 2011 compared to January 2010 increased by 13.6%.

The average nominal salary accrued in January 2011 in organizations that are not small businesses, the average number of employees of which exceeds 15 people, including medium-sized enterprises, micro and small enterprises (including additional calculation), according to preliminary data, was 17,918 rubles. A decrease in wages was noted in comparison with the previous month by 23.3% and an increase in comparison with January 2010 - by 9.0 percent. Real wages, calculated taking into account the consumer price index, in January 2011 corresponded to 74.9 percent against the level of December 2010, against the level of January 2010 - 99.7 percent.

The total wage arrears in the range of observed types of economic activity as of March 1, 2011 amounted to 15.9 million rubles and decreased compared to March 1, 2010 by 30.3 percent, compared to February 1, 2011 - increased by 2.7 percent. The volume of overdue wage arrears, as of March 1, 2011, is 1.9% of the payroll fund of workers in the observed types of economic activity, including 0.1 percent in the social sphere.

The number of economically active population in February 2011 was, according to estimates based on the results of surveys of the population on employment issues, 455 thousand people, or about 47 percent of the total population of the republic. Among them, 407 thousand people, or about 90 percent of the economically active population, were employed in the economy and 47.5 thousand people (10.4%) did not have employment, but were actively looking for it (in accordance with the methodology of the International Labor Organization, they classified as unemployed). As of the end of February 2011, 9.6 thousand people were registered as unemployed in state institutions of the employment service.