Signs of drug intoxication or how to identify a drug addict by the eyes. Red-eye masking

Quite often, the first signs of drug use are manifested in the appearance and behavior of a loved one immediately after the first dose. Perhaps the most effective method of visually determining whether a person is taking drugs is the state of his pupils. The pupil is the dark opening in the iris of the eye. It limits the amount of light reaching the retina.

Reference material about pupils: Changes in pupil size occur due to light stimulation of the retina, eye strain to distinguish objects at different distances from each other, and also in response to stimuli of a different nature. The size of the pupil changes due to two muscles of the iris: the circular one, which provides constriction of the pupil, and the radial one, which provides expansion. In a sober person, the pupil is never absolutely calm. The constant movements of the pupil depend on numerous stimuli: increased human activity, pain, emotional stress, strong fear, a sudden sharp stimulus (push, loud sound) lead to the expansion of the pupils. So the human body tries to quickly get visual information about the stimulus. The addict's pupil is in one position (during the action of the drug), sometimes changing slightly literally by 1 mm.

How to know by the eyes that a person is a drug addict?

The pupil can indicate the type of drug taken. How it looks can be seen in the photo 1,2,3

Photo 1 The pupil is normal (the person is presumably sober)

In moderate lighting it is in the average size, changing depending on the brightness of the light, the pupil is constantly in motion from constricted to dilated. The sharpness of the change in lighting also affects, so if you shine a flashlight into the eyes, then the pupil of a sober person will immediately work to narrow, turning off the bright light, the pupil will expand - this is a sign of the normal functioning of the pupil, after such manipulations, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position, in which ? narrowed or widened, see figures 2 and 3.

Photo 2: The pupil of the addict - Heroin, morphine, poppy drugs, codeine-containing medications (terpincod, codelac, nurofen, etc.) - cause constriction.

The pupil of the eye is narrowed (small), does not respond to changes in lighting, if you shine a flashlight for a few seconds and turn it off, the pupils will remain in one, narrowed position, for people who understand such situations, the eyes of a drug addict with a narrowed pupil are suspicious already from a distance of 1-2 meters. For your information, the duration of action of drugs such as opiates (opioids), heroin, morphine, codeine, etc. is about 5 hours, by this time the pupils of the eye begin to gradually function, the reaction of the pupil to light is slow, almost imperceptible, but still it is present. As the active substance (drug) leaves the body, this happens after 5 hours after use, the drug addict sobers up and the functionality of the pupil is gradually restored.

Photo 3: The pupil of an addict - Cocaine, amphetamine, ecstasy, LSD, pervitin (screw in slang), sometimes butyrate causes a noticeable dilation of the pupils.

The pupil in this position is immediately noticeable, usually the effect of such drugs lasts about 24 hours (except for cocaine, which has an effect of 1-1.5 hours), and the pupil can be dilated after a day or more, sometimes coming to the middle position, then expanding again, this happens as the person sobers up. In some cases, after taking Pervitin ("screw" in slang), the pupil remains dilated for two days. When checked with a flashlight, the pupil remains in an enlarged, large state, slightly changing literally by 1 mm, depending on the time that the drug has been taken.

Marijuana, hashish, "Spice" (smoking mixtures, mixes), etc. can cause both constriction and dilation of the pupil. After taking this drug, the white of the drug addict's eye becomes pinkish or reddened, inflamed (swollen) vessels are visible, and most importantly, the drug addict's eyes become "glassy" (glare in the light), to hide this, drug addicts use eye drops such as "Vizin", etc.
The color of the iris (eye color: blue, gray, brown, etc.) does not play a role, but the darker it is, the more difficult the diagnosis.

If you see a person very often with non-standard pupils, then this is the first sign of drug use.

Usually a person uses one drug. When a child or relative returns home, look into the eyes if the pupil is consistently irregular and the same size, either large or small - this is a sign of drug use.

Do not forget, a small or large pupil is a reaction to light, darkness or the sun, but a constantly small or large pupil is a sign of use. Change the lighting or turn the flashlight on and off by shining it in their eyes. In a presumably sober person, the pupil will constantly change, narrow in bright light, expand in darkness, the eye is clear to the light, transparent does not shine and is not inflamed, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position, inflamed protein, eyes that look glassy, ​​shine, or cloudy, seeing your loved one every day, you can easily notice changes in his eyes and behavior, do not be afraid to use rapid urine drug tests for 5 or more types (sold in a pharmacy). The newfangled and very common drug "Spice" is not detected in tests and analyzes, at least at the moment. Only external factors, eyes and behavior can be identified.

If a person has been seen using opiates (heroin, codeine, poppy, tramal, zaldiar, etc.), such drug addicts use some tricks to mask the pupil. The trick is that pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that dilate pupils purposefully and not.

An enlarged pupil also indicates a withdrawal syndrome (refusal to use, withdrawal, drug hangover).

How to identify drug use? It is important for parents and family members to be savvy in this matter in order to take action in time and save a loved one.

It is easier to recognize a drug addict if he already has a long history of use. But it is more important to determine that a person is a drug addict much earlier. To do this, you need to be attentive and observe what happens to your loved one.

If you have any doubts about whether your son or daughter uses drugs, watch them and contact us for help!

So, you can recognize drug use by these common symptoms:

  • changes in the eyes and pupils (details below);
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • sore muscles and joints;
  • dry mouth;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • in men, potency decreases, in women, menstruation disappears;
  • weight loss
  • decreased immunity and, as a result, frequent illnesses.

How to identify a person who uses certain drugs? Each group of drugs acts differently and has its own set of symptoms (for example, opiates, methadone, stimulants, amphetamines and cocaine, sedatives such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines, and common marijuana and other cannabis drugs):

  • Taking opiates (heroin, codeine, etc.) is characterized by superficial slow breathing, itching, lethargy, passivity, inconsistency of speech, as well as carelessness and euphoria;
  • Cannabis drug use can be recognized by nausea, dizziness, headaches, difficulty breathing, as well as talkativeness, euphoria, and mood swings;
  • A cocaine and amphetamine addict can be identified by nosebleeds, euphoria and self-confidence, swagger and talkativeness, as well as anorexia, hallucinations and mood swings;
  • Signs of addiction to sedative pills include impaired ability to move normally, poor memory, absent-mindedness, weak breathing and pulse, as well as disorientation and incomprehensible speech.

What are the pupils of a drug addict

Dilated pupils when using drugs give out drug addicts first of all. Pupils react differently to different substances, they can be dilated or constricted. This is not a 100% criterion, since such changes can be symptoms of diseases. However, the pupils of the addict do not respond to changes in lighting. Therefore, you can conduct the following test - while observing the pupils, turn the person to a bright light (the pupils should narrow), and then turn the person away from the light source (the pupils should expand). If the pupils do not respond to changes in lighting, then the person has used drugs.

Drug addicts try to cover up this symptom in many ways, such as putting eye drops in their eyes. So, due to the use of opiates, the pupil becomes very small, and drug addicts drip the medicine to make it normal. However, they cannot drip equally into both eyes, and the pupils are different.

Be observant to notice such things.

What are the eyes of a drug addict

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and under drugs they change, just as the psyche, behavior and moral values ​​change. Often an addict will be given red eyes, unnatural shine, swelling of the eyelids, sleepy or cloudy eyes, reddened whites.

One of the signs of cocaine addiction is the eyes: red, especially after insomnia, dilated pupils and pain due to bright light, from which drug addicts escape by wearing glasses.

Behavior of a drug addict

The more a person uses, the more his behavior changes. Gradually, he moves away from family and friends, and more and more his social circle is limited to drug addicts like him. Life comes down to finding the next dose, thinking about drugs, and so on. At the same time, degradation, mental and moral, is on the face.

Features of the behavior of a drug addict:

  • difficulty with memory and attention, distracted, forgetful;
  • does not evaluate his actions adequately;
  • selfishness, lack of interest in anything but yourself and drugs;
  • mood swings;
  • outbreaks of aggression, anger, irritation;
  • swagger and talkativeness or excessive isolation;
  • lethargy or, on the contrary, does everything too quickly, hastily;
  • secrecy and dishonesty;
  • euphoria and too good mood or lethargy and depression.

The behavior of a drug addict is inadequate, he poses a threat to others - such people need our help. It is important to identify addiction and take action to eliminate it. This will help rehabilitation.

If you observe some or most of these signs in combination, then it is worth testing the person for drug addiction with a drug test and calling us for a consultation.

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Topic: "How to identify a drug addict by the eyes?"

Drug intoxication or how to identify a drug addict by the eyes.Perhaps this is the most effective method of visually determining whether a person is taking drugs.

The pupil is the dark opening in the iris of the eye. It limits the amount of light reaching the retina.

A little theory:

Changes in the size of the pupil occur in response to light irritation of the retina, convergence of the visual axes of both eyes, eye strain to distinguish between objects at different distances from each other, as well as in response to stimuli of a different nature. The size of the pupil changes due to two muscles of the iris: the circular one, which provides constriction of the pupil, and the radial one, which provides expansion. In a sober person, the pupil is never absolutely calm. The constant movements of the pupil depend on numerous stimuli: increased human activity, pain, emotional stress, strong fear, a sudden sharp stimulus (push, loud sound) lead to the expansion of the pupils. So the human body tries to quickly get visual information about the stimulus. The addict's pupil is in one position (during the action of the drug), sometimes changing slightly literally by 1 mm.

How to recognize by the eyesthat man is an addict?

The pupil can indicate the type of drug taken. How it looks is indicated in the figures (photo) 1,2,3

PICTURE 1 The pupil is normal (the person is presumably sober)

In moderate lighting it is in the average size, changing depending on the brightness of the light, the pupil is constantly in motion from constricted to dilated. The sharpness of the change in lighting also affects, so if you shine a flashlight into the eyes, then the pupil of a sober person will immediately contract, turning off the bright light, the pupil will expand - this is a sign of the normal functioning of the pupil, after such manipulations, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position, in which? narrowed or widened, see figures 2 and 3.

FIGURE 2 Addict's eyes

Figure 2: The pupil of an addict - , morphine, poppy drugs, (terpincod, codelac, nurofen, etc.) - cause constriction.

The pupil of the eye is narrowed (small), does not respond to changes in lighting, if you shine a flashlight for a few seconds and turn it off, the pupils will remain in one, narrowed position, for people who understand such situations, the eyes of a drug addict with a narrowed pupil are suspicious already from a distance of 1-2 meters. For your information, the duration of action of drugs such as opiates (opioids), heroin, morphine, codeine, etc. is about 5 hours, by this time the pupils of the eye begin to function gradually, the reaction of the pupil to light is almost imperceptible, but it is still present. As the active substance (drug) leaves the body, this happens after 5 hours after use, the addict sobers up and the functionality of the pupil gradually is being restored.

FIGURE 3 Addict's eyes

Figure 3: Pupil - , LSD, perevintin (screw in slang), sometimes causes a noticeable dilation of the pupils.

The pupil in this position is immediately noticeable, usually the effect of such lasts about 24 hours (except for cocaine, which has an effect of 1-1.5 hours), and the pupil can be dilated after a day or more, sometimes coming to the middle position, then expanding again, this happens after measure of a person's sobriety. In some cases, after using perevintina ("screw" in slang), the pupil remains dilated for two days. When checked with a flashlight, the pupil remains in an enlarged, large state, slightly changing literally by 1 mm, depending on the time that the drug has been taken.

, hashish, "Spice" (smoking mixtures, mixes), etc. can be called as contraction and expansion pupil. After taking this drug, the white of the drug addict's eye becomes pinkish or reddened, inflamed (swollen) vessels are visible, and most importantly, the drug addict's eyes become "glassy" (glare in the light), to hide this, drug addicts use eye drops such as "Vizin", etc.

The color of the iris (eye color: blue, gray, brown, etc.) does not play a role, but the darker it is, the more difficult the diagnosis.

If you see a person very often with non-standard pupils, then this is the first sign of drug use.

Usually a person uses one drug. When a child or returns home, look into the eyes if the pupil is constantly not standard and of the same size, either large or small - this is a sign.

Do not forget, a small or large pupil is a reaction to light, darknessor in the sun, but constantly a small or large pupil is a sign of use. Change the lighting or turn the flashlight on and off by shining it in their eyes. In a presumably sober person, the pupil will constantly change, narrow in bright light, expand in darkness, the eye is clear to the light, transparent does not shine and is not inflamed, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position, inflamed protein, eyes that look glassy, ​​shine, or cloudy, seeing your loved one every day, you can easily notice changes in his eyes and behavior, do not be afraid to use rapid urine drug tests for 5 or more types (sold in a pharmacy). Newfangled and very common drug NOT defined in tests and analyses, at least for now 2013. Only external factors, eyes and behavior can be identified.

If a person has been seen using opiates (heroin, codeine, poppy, tramal, zaldiar, etc.), such drug addicts use some tricks to mask the pupil. The trick is that pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that dilate pupils purposefully and not.

An enlarged pupil also indicates withdrawal syndrome (refusal to use, drug hangover).

About quality rehabilitation

In general, in Russia, high-quality addiction rehabilitation is not possible due to the lack of real world methods, and the main reason is the lack of highly qualified personnel, psychiatrists, narcologists, and psychologists. Rehabilitation is a finely tuned mechanism in which an addicted person stays for a long time. The nervous system recovers for at least 4 weeks and during this time a person must be in very favorable conditions, where every little thing, every hour spent and, most importantly, a favorable climate plays an important role: a comfortable environment of international doctors and patients from different countries. Studies have shown that close contact of Russian-speaking drug addicts is unacceptable, which is the sin of rehabilitation centers in Russia, organized in the cramped premises of rented cottages, keeping patients imprisoned within a low social group. The organizers only make it worse. You can not put a patient in a low socialized and low cultured environment and call it "12 steps." As the proverb says: "Whoever you go with, that's what you'll get."

"Mosmedservice Rehabilitation Center" in Israel is part of a large-scale international program "Step by step", do not confuse it with the 12 step program. According to our international "Step by step" treatment methodology, former drug addicts are not kept together. Firstly, there are no close contacts of patients, this is monitored by the doctors on duty. Secondly, all patients are from different countries, with different languages. Thirdly, the patient's regimen is strictly scheduled by the hour, which includes; work with a professional psychologist, excursions, physical rehabilitation, swimming, philosophy, yoga, etc.

We correspond to the VIP status and protect our clients from prying eyes and ears, provide 100% anonymity at affordable prices! Treatment costs a little more than in Russia, but the quality is simply incomparable!, or rather, it simply does not exist in Russia! In simple words, your relative will return from us with a high feeling, rehabilitation in our center will be remembered forever, this will be the point from which people start a new life!

If you are using drugs- stop doing it!

This information is not drug propaganda, manufacturing and drug use . The purpose of this material is to convey to people who use drugs simple principles that will help them stay healthy and avoid various kinds of diseases, one way or another related to drug use, and most importantly, immediately begin treatment for addiction to them.

There are a large number of signs of how to identify a drug addict and find out about the presence of psychoactive substances in the human body: behavior, physiology, mood, and so on. However, not all of them are suitable at times (for example, some types of spice-type drugs are not detected by standard blood or urine tests).

The most common and easy to understand symptom is the eyes: drug addicts change pupils from taking drugs. Drug addicts, not wanting to bother relatives and friends, often hide the consequences of taking drugs: they don’t ask for money for drugs, they don’t bring friends home, they don’t show injection sites. However, they will not be able to hide the condition of the eyes. This is the reason why pupils are the best indicator.

Here are the highlights:

  • during the action of the drug, the eyes of a person are motionless and are in an almost unchanged position (except that they twitch a couple of millimeters back and forth);
  • the pupils of the addict constrict and remain in this state, resembling a pinhead in size. They do not respond to changes in lighting. Such narrow pupils are typical for those taking heroin, opiates, morphine, drugs containing codeine;
  • excessively dilated pupils after amphetamines, sometimes to such an extent that the eyes become completely black. This reaction is also characteristic of drug addicts under LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, pervitin. The pupils dilate and are maintained in this state for 12-24 hours.

The reason for the narrowing and widening of the eyes in a healthy person is to adjust the light flux by the muscles of the pupil. If the light flux is strong, it does not take much for the sensitive tissue at the bottom of the eyeball to distinguish the rays, and the pupillary opening decreases. If there is darkness around, the pupil opens to get as much light as possible.

Not so with a drug addict. The drug, entering the body, affects the control centers of the body, due to which the automatic function of the pupil is paralyzed: the addict no longer looks at the world around him.

Interestingly, some of the current street mixes look so unpredictable in their composition that the name will not tell you much about the reaction of the eyes. These are things like spices, smoking blends, marijuana or other weed.

Don't be too harsh, however: there are other reasons for pupils to be constricted or dilated: it could simply be inappropriate lighting or drugstore eye drops.

Here are some more signs of “smoky” eyes from grass or other drugs:

  • red pupils of the eyes of a teenager, reddened or pinkish whites;
  • a person has glass eyes - so much so that the look of the drug addict seems to “glare”, shines in bright light;
  • bruises and circles under the eyes;
  • on proteins, inflamed, clearly visible eye vessels are visible.

The sooner you notice these signs, the easier it will be to help a person return to the world to their loved ones and a healthy existence.

However, do not react to a single sign as if the person has just confessed to you all his actions. Be on the lookout and investigate the situation further: is there a change in behavior? Did he have any illnesses? How does he spend his time? Believe me, if a person has really started taking drugs, you will find other oddities in great numbers. Call the person to talk, but do not scold, but try to achieve mutual understanding and cooperation in solving the problem.

The condition of the eyes of an addict using drugs will change to normal to the extent that a person gets rid of drugs in his body. On our program (contrary to rumors that drug addiction cannot be cured), we achieve complete rehabilitation of 85% of drug addicts. This path is not wide and easy, but it leads to the right place, and it can be walked.

In order to help a child or a loved one with such a terrible disease as drug addiction, it is necessary to immediately recognize the signs of drug use. You need to start with external signs of drug use.

What does an addict look like?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the pupils. Many may be interested in the question: dilated pupils are a sign of what? Is it necessary for drug addicts to have such a sign? In a normal state, a person's pupils can be dilated with a decrease in illumination, arousal, the use of eye drops like atropine. Sometimes this phenomenon is observed in pathological conditions associated with the nervous system or eye disease.

In a drug addict, the pupil can be steadily dilated or constricted when using various psychotropic substances - cocaine, LSD, ecstasy. In this state, it remains, not reacting to changes in lighting, all the time the drug is in action. The use of a screw ("screw") leads to a stable increase in pupil area up to two days.

Or they can cause not only dilation, but also constriction of the pupils. At the same time, the eyes become reddened and as if glassy.

A dilated pupil can also be observed during withdrawal symptoms and when refusing to use a psychotropic drug.

Signs of cocaine use

The signs are as follows: such a drug addict has a rapid pulse, a pronounced state of euphoria, hyperactivity, increased sweating, a decrease or lack of appetite, agitation, and possible manifestation of severe anxiety or fear. With prolonged use of the drug, heart rhythm disturbances, various kinds of bleeding, most often from the nose, a decrease or complete loss of smell and taste sensations, psychoses with a paranoid component, severe aggressiveness, hallucinations, and the development of heart failure are noted.

marijuana use

An addict who uses marijuana as a psychotropic drug has increased talkativeness, obsession, inadequate cheerful mood, redness of the sclera, a pronounced feeling of hunger and thirst, an aggravation of the perception of external stimuli, and photophobia. Signs of marijuana use with increasing doses are lethargy, lethargy, slurred speech, impaired coordination. Sometimes - panic, fear, hallucinations. Constant use leads to severe depression, impaired memory processes and other types of mental activity, adolescents experience a slowdown in puberty, in adults - a decrease in spermatogenesis and menstrual irregularities. Women and men with prolonged use of this type of remedy remain infertile. High doses can cause paranoid psychoses. Often there is the development of pulmonary pathology (bronchitis, pneumonia, cancer).

smoking hashish

Hashish, like marijuana, is a substance derived from hemp. Therefore, the signs are not much different from the symptoms that appear in marijuana users.

Signs of the beginning of the use of psychotropic substances

In order to start treatment on time and avoid long-term consequences, which can be quite serious, parents or close relatives should know the first signs of drug addiction. This is especially important if a teenager starts using drugs, because, due to the characteristics of his body, he can very quickly acquire from psychotropic substances, the treatment of which can take a very long time, and sometimes without achieving a real result.

So, you can suspect that a child or a loved one is taking drugs by the following signs:

  1. Change of cheerful mood to complete depression, for no reason. Sometimes unmotivated outbursts of anger and aggressive behavior.
  2. Constant sleepiness during the day and increased alertness and activity at night.
  3. Prolonged and complete lack of appetite, which can be abruptly replaced by gluttony. An addict can eat several servings at a time, while he does not get better.
  4. The pupils are in a constant state, absolutely do not react to changes in lighting. They can be greatly narrowed, or maximally expanded, which indicates drug intoxication.
  5. The appearance of traces of injections. As a rule, many drug addicts try to inject into places that are hidden from prying eyes by clothes.
  6. There is an absolute indifference to what until recently interested or worried. Indifference to the joy or grief of loved ones. Signs of such behavior lie in the fact that the addict now cares about only one question: where to get a dose? Nothing that does not concern the drug and its use no longer worries him.
  7. The way of speaking also changes. The addict can answer the question unambiguously, or be completely silent. On the phone, the conversation is in fragmentary phrases.
  8. In the conversation, previously unknown terms and jargons inherent in the drug addict environment appear.
  9. Perhaps either a complete change in appearance, or absolute indifference to it. There are attempts to mask the eyes by constant wearing of dark glasses.
  10. Symptoms that resemble a cold. Characteristic of the initial stage of abstinence when using opiates. Chills, sweating, lacrimation, runny nose occur.
  11. A drug addict often experiences dry mouth and sometimes consumes large amounts of liquid.
  12. The occurrence of obsessive movements - scratching, biting nails and the like.
  13. Sometimes there is anxiety and persecution mania. This is especially true when using stimulants like amphetamines or cocaine. A similar picture is given by the so-called "bath salts".
  14. Some drugs can cause redness of the sclera of the eyes. Often this is observed due to the use of cannabis - under its influence, blood vessels burst, and hemorrhage occurs.
  15. Finding attributes for drug use in the house. Pill packs, charred spoons, used syringes, pieces of paper or foil.
  16. There are also changes in character. A person closes, stops communicating with former friends, makes contact poorly. He makes new "weird" friends.
  17. A drug addict develops memory lapses, the process of memorization is disrupted, schooling worsens. Such changes occur especially rapidly during adolescence, when the formation of neural connections in the central nervous system has not yet been completed.
  18. Things and money begin to disappear from the house. Requests to parents for financial assistance, under any pretext, are becoming more frequent.

The presence of at least three of these signs is a good reason to start a conversation and try to figure out the situation. If this is not possible, then you should seek help from school psychologists, or to a drug dispensary at the place of residence.

Some drug addicts, knowing about the peculiarities of their appearance, may try to disguise it. This, of course, applies to those who have not yet passed to that stage when it becomes all the same. So, the narrowing of the pupils is masked with the help of the drug becarbon. It is sold in pharmacies as a gastric remedy and dilates the pupil as a side effect. For a quick effect, it is crushed into a powder, diluted with water, and dripped into the eyes.

The presence of such a package in the pocket of a loved one, in the absence of problems with the stomach, should alert. It should be said that becarbon does not always dilate the pupils of a drug addict in the same way, so their different diameters can serve as an indirect sign. With the constant instillation of this drug in the eyes, a person's vision can be severely impaired. Atropine and atropine-like agents have the same property.

Dilated pupils, which are characteristic of those who use stimulants, are also masked with drugs (pilocarpine). And this with the same degree of probability is completed by a strong loss of visual acuity.

From the redness of the eyes when using marijuana, vizine is used.

From frequent punctures, “paths” form on the veins of a drug addict. They usually try to pass them off as scratches, or they prefer to prick themselves in the groin, legs or neck. In order to quickly remove bruises from injections, they carry with them and constantly use ointments - troxevasin or heparin.

Despite attempts to disguise the signs of the use of psychotropic drugs, with careful communication, you can identify a drug addict by many other signs. And not a single drug addict is able to hide a change in the psyche or behavioral characteristics. This is especially true for those who have been using them for a long time and constantly.

Signs of taking the most common drugs:

- the pupils are dilated, the skin is pale, the blood pressure is high, the pulse is quickened, speech is illegible.

- the pupils are dilated, the jaws are tightly compressed, insomnia is often manifested.

- the eyes appear glassy, ​​and the pupil turns into a dot. Appetite is absent, respiration and pulse are slowed down, sleepy state. The lips are often swollen and red, and there is scratching of the face or other parts of the body.

- the pupils are dilated, there is no appetite, strong mobility, anxiety.

Pervitin - dilated pupils, insomnia, appetite disappears, pulse is quickened, jaws are often cramped.