A comic script representing the school team of juid. Material on the topic: Scenario for the performance of the UID team

The scenario of the performance of the Zebra team at the competition of creative programs to promote the safe behavior of children and adolescents on the roads as part of the regional festival "Marathon of creative programs to promote the safe behavior of children on the roads" among students of educational institutions of the Sergiev Posad district.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 8", Sergiev Posad

The scenario of the performance of the team "Zebra"

At the competition of creative programs to promote the safe behavior of children and adolescents on the roads as part of the regional festival "Marathon of creative programs to promote the safe behavior of children on the roads" among students of educational institutions of the Sergiev Posad district.


sl.Yu. Entinamus. Gene. Gladkov (phonogram Appendix No. 1.)

There is nothing better in the world
Than friends wander around the world
Those who are friendly are not afraid of anxiety
Any roads are dear to us.
Any road is dear to us.

Against the background of presentation No. 1 (Appendix No. 2)

Roads! Roads! What an important word!

And what are the roads?

  • narrow and wide
  • country roads and highways
  • major and minor
  • federal significance and ground.

How many different roads!

How to figure it out, how to remember everything?

How many signs on the roads!

And all of them must be studied!

And we help to understand and learn the signs - the guys from the detachment of the UID of the Bird City School No. 8.

Meet - this is our village Ptitsegrad.

Our native school number 8. - - - Our main street,

And this is the most difficult intersection!

And let the roads wind in ribbons

And let the traffic lights work properly.

And traffic is moving faster

Traffic rules have become more difficult again,

But always on duty

There is a UID squad in our school!

We will not forget our calling

Rules, we'll tell you people
Traffic rules are the most important thing in the world
Adults and children know this!

A lot of different signs
On the roads here and there.
The inspector must know all of them
He will always help us.

What is the name of the road sign?
- Area of ​​effect of it?
- Where can it spread?
- What is special about him?

(Guys demonstrate signs with rebuilding)

***Warning signs
The information is given
Danger is coming
Get ready, take action
The path / all together / will be safe.

*** Prohibition signs,
The most difficult.
Cancel or enter
Travel restrictions.

*** Signs have priority.
They regulate
Queue for travel
Crossroads on the way.

***For traffic organization
The prescriptive sign is:
Turn around, go around in circles
Be careful here /all together/.

***Information on the road,
Everyone will show the service - a sign.
Where is the gas station? Where is the hospital?
Everything works for us

Against the background of presentation No. 2 (Appendix No. 3)

1. Baby, remember the signs
road traffic,
Then you will walk
Always without complications:

2. For the car, everyone knows
There are roads, there are highways.
He also remembers, young and old,
Pedestrians - PAVEMENT.

I'm walking on the sidewalk
I walk slowly.
And the walk is not dangerous
And the weather is good

3. I just went outside the yard -
And I saw a traffic light.
The red light came on -
We have no way forward.

I stand and wait for
May I go, but even
Yellow light, surprisingly.
Doesn't give me permission.
Tells me:
- Stop and wait!
Green light - go!

4. Green light shines brightly -
Come boldly, children!

5. If you see that a little
Painted road
Stripes in white.
Like painted parquet.
So we are always waiting here
And now all together, together.
Let's go to this place.
Stop, car, wait.
Skip the pedestrians!

6. To avoid accidents.
must be strictly observed
traffic rules,
And norms of behavior.
You remember, friends.
We can't be on the road
Run, jump and jump
And play football with the ball.
And don't think wrong.
It's not at all dangerous here.
Learn little by little how to cross the road.

7. I'm going to the village this summer,
I traveled by car with my grandfather.
On the road here sometimes
There is no markup.
Well, then how can we be?
How to cross it?
If there are no cars, then you can.
Just be very careful:
Left to right view.
Do not run and do not fly!
And without too much fuss
You will cross the road!

(With rebuilding.)

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you decide to go to a red traffic light

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you run across the street in front of a nearby vehicle!

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you turn the roadway into a playing field!

Guys! Tell yourself: Stop! When you arrange random bike races through the yards and streets!


(phonogram Appendix No. 4.)

Rules! Rules! Rules! Rules!

The safety inspectorate made them for a reason!

Observe! Teach! Watch out! And know!

In books, on the radio, on the Internet!

Lots of useful and important information

Each of you will come in handy someday!

Agitation brigade of the consolidated detachment

YID MBOU secondary school №5

G. Korolev 2011

Sounds the introduction of the song "We must believe the young" exit of the team

1 Jewish man: Young walkers!
Future drivers!

2 judovets: Motorists!
Children and parents!

3 judovets: Guests in the hall, all our viewers!
Do you want to see the UID team?

4 yuidovets: Welcome to the UID team
City district of Korolev

All: Zebra

1 Jewish man: Our motto

All: Take it as a rule
Follow the rules

The backing track sounds "We must believe the young"
girls in colored t-shirts run out onto the stage, sing and dance

Today we will gather in a close circle
And tell everyone around about the rules
Because they need to know
And always skillfully apply.
Passenger, driver or pedestrian
Only the one who is safe on the road
Who treasures his beautiful life
Never violates, not in a hurry.

Chorus: Let's try
Engage in UID
Learn the laws of the roads
Walk where you can
And be careful
And follow the rules!

1 Jewish man: And so friends, there are two issues on the agenda:
What to do? And where to start?

2 judovets: Yes, after all, over the 12 years of the existence of the detachment, we seem to
already talked about everything.

3 judovets: Well, what are we going to talk about now?

4 yuidovets: And if you try...

1 Jewish man: No it's boring

2 judovets: So you need...

1 Jewish man: No need.

3 judovets: Maybe...

1 Jewish man: What are you? We will not be understood.

4 yuidovets: Well then...

1 Jewish man:

But let's try this.
This cannot be tolerated.
This must be fought!

Phonogram ("plasticine crow")

The Jews sing in chorus: One funny tale, or maybe not a tale
We want to tell you about the rules of the movement.
After all, if they are violated, and there is no doubt about it,
It may be very bad, which can be proved!

Julia: Once a sad uncle, or maybe not sad,
It's not hard for any man to understand.
He was taking his mother-in-law, his beloved mother-in-law, to the station,
Came for a year to stay a little.

A husband and wife are sitting in front of the car, the husband is driving. Grandmother and grandson are in the back seats. Child plays psp.
The husband is gloomy silently, drives the car.

Wife: Mom, what a pity that you have to leave!
Honey, are you upset too?

Husband: Crazy! (sarcastically) Mom, what time is your train?

Mother-in-law: At 18.10

Wife: Oh my God! Mom, you said that 19.10!!!

Mother-in-law: Well, I messed up.

Husband: Don't worry mom! I will do my best for you to catch your train!

The whole family makes a movement, symbolizing that the driver has sharply pressed the gas pedal.

Child: about! Cool, dad!

Julia: Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 60 kilometers per hour entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two to two and a half thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

Music from the beginning

Sasha: In a completely different car, more precisely in a Mercedes,
A cool uncle rode with his pregnant wife.
And the lady in position did not know what she wanted,
And the tired husband really dreamed of getting home.

Husband and pregnant wife are driving.

Wife: Honey, I'm hot. Turn on the air conditioner!
Husband turns on.

Honey, I'm cold! Turn off!
Husband Turns off.
Not! Still hot. Can we open a window?
The husband (annoyed) opens the window.
Ugh! What gassiness! I have nothing to breathe.
Better air conditioning.
The husband, silently, closes the window, turns on the air conditioner.
The displeased wife nervously fans herself with a fan,
drops it, tries to pick it up.
It does not work. The belt is still in the way.
I'll unfasten him.
Unfastens the belt. Still can't lift.
Dear, my fan fell. Pick it up please.
The husband nervously throws the steering wheel, distracted from the road,
bends over the fan

Silent scene, the participants freeze.

Sasha: Passengers are obliged, when traveling in a vehicle equipped with seat belts, to be fastened with them. Passengers are prohibited from distracting the driver from driving the vehicle while it is moving.

Motorcyclist in a leather jacket and motorcycle helmet. Behind him is a friend.
She pats her friend on the shoulder, he opens the helmet,
turns to her, she shouts:

Friend: Hurry up! Get over this Mercedes!

Biker: No problem baby!

Friend: Hurry up!

Vova: When riding a motorcycle, the passenger must
be wearing a motorcycle helmet.

The squeal of brakes, the sound of broken glass, all participants in the movement
falling in different directions


The moral of this tale, and maybe not a fairy tale,
Of course, everyone who wants to live long will understand.
After all, the rules of traffic are worthy of respect,
It is very important to remember them, they must be taught to everyone.

(everyone stands up, removes the elements of the costume)

1 Jewish man:

The roads will be great
If it's safe to drive

2 judovets:

Fasten your strap
Happy journey everyone.

3 judovets:

Two solid - impossible,
Even if carefully.

4 yuidovets:

Follow the traffic rules and be friends with the traffic police.
Final song. Everyone takes the stage
music sounds "Who, if not us !!!"
Time affects days and events
Time sometimes makes us hurry
But it is also known that haste is fatal
The traffic police calls everyone around:
How to obey all the laws of motion,
Be careful on the way every time
People should know this without a doubt
After all, our TOMORROW depends on us.

Who, if not us, is the power of the generation.
Who, if not us, for the rules of the movement,
Who, if not us, squad of the decade,
Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.
Who, if not us, is a single team,
Who, if not us, propaganda laws,
Who, if not us, will master all the rules,
Who, if not us, the YIDovtsy of Russia!

The scenario of the performance of the UID "Zebra" team in 2009.
Staged song "Traffic Lights"

YIDovets (parrot) -
YIDovka girl-
Elephant -
Monkey -

Act one

(to the music, the youths appear on the stage, unfold the pedestrian crossing, set up a traffic light)

YIDovets: Gather your thoughts!

Young woman: Be patient!

Together: We're starting our show!

YIDovets: Listen and watch carefully.

Young woman: Everything you see...
Everything you hear...

Together: Be sure to tell your friends!

Action two

(the phonogram of "Street Noises" sounds, the YID members part. He puts on a parrot wig. Elephant and Monkey appear on the mesonscene, the baby elephant is frightened by all the horns and squeal of brakes)

Baby elephant:(frightened) Street, street... What's the picture?
Rushing with a growl of creepy cars.
How can the elephant cross the road,
To get home faster?

Monkey:(mockingly) Oh, you crybaby! Oh, and whiner!
Hey guys take a look:
I found the problem, dude...
Legs in hands and - run!
Nothing will happen to you.
It's not a beast at the wheel!

(grabs the Baby Elephant by the hand, runs across the road. They freeze at the screech of brakes)

Act Three

Parrot: Shops, squares, houses -
People are in a hurry, cars are flying,
In the age of speed, an elephant will be brought down
Who runs, embraced by fear.

Young woman: Like air, blue skies and clear water
We need traffic rules!

Parrot: Yes Yes Yes! Yes!

Young woman: Our main assistant on the way is a traffic light,
We will talk about it now.

Parrot:(pointing to a green traffic light)
Green is life! Green is joy!
And a safe path, and the first grass.
And if the traffic light looks green,
Then you can step. Saying to yourself: It's time!

(Song to the motive "If there was no winter")

1st verse
Girl: Even if the head is empty or the wind
don't run a red light for anything in the world!
Only the bull, having become furious, always rushes to red,
Well, you are a smart animal - do not take risks in vain!

2nd verse
Parrot: (referring to Baby Elephant)
Yellow caresses the eye with a sunny hello,
Only we still don’t have a yellow light ...
Be patient, my friend, just a little, wait a little,
So as not to become a cake on the high road.

3rd verse:
Monkey: Life is preparing miracles for you and me!
I realized that it's not worth risking your head ...

Elephant: Traffic lights will wink bright eyes.
Well, if it is not there, we will find the "Zebra"!

4th verse:
All together: We will all cross the right path together,
After all, the red eye of cars shines very strictly!

Parrot: We performed on stage
To prove to all of you
That the rules of the road
Even the animals must know!

Young woman: To live without knowing grief,

Baby elephant: To run!

Monkey: Jump!

Parrot: And fly!

Young woman: You gotta traffic rules
Observe always and everywhere!

(cheerful music sounds. The heroes leave, taking the scenery)


VED. Hello! You have created an emergency. What is your name?

We ask you to excuse
But please say
Since your friend is a bicycle,
How old are you, excuse me?

We will advise you:
Children up to 14 years old on a bike
Drive on the road
Forbidden! It is forbidden!

B. I don't need rules, friends!

To live without knowing grief,
To run, swim and fly
You gotta traffic rules
Observe always and everywhere.


Q. These are the monkeys who were chasing me. (ENTER PRIMIALS)


VED. We don't understand anything. Who you are?

VED-2. Violators.

PERV. Woo.

VED. They fought back very fearlessly from the Mercedes.

PERV. Sa-sa…

VED. And ran away from the motorcycle.

PERV. La la...

VED. I think they are primitive people.

PERV. Ltd.


Q. They liked my bike.

VED. So they followed him and ran across the road.

VED. You have to cross the road at the traffic lights. (SHOW PICTURE “TRAFFIC LIGHT”)


Q. This is a powerful enemy.

Not an enemy, but a helper.
A traffic light follows the road with three eyes,
The traffic light gives the following orders:
Red eye - stop! Order.
The yellow eye will blink to the people,
Get ready for the transition.
And the green lights up - the path is clear,
Decide for yourself: you can safely hurry,
You can stomp slowly.

Traffic lights, traffic lights...
Well, why are they needed?
All empty talk.
For whom are they important?
Our city is small.

VED. But there are a lot of cars.

Wherever I want, I cross my path.
What if there is a red light? Wait? Stand?
There is no patience.

If you don't know the rules, if you don't follow them,
That trouble can not be avoided. You can become primitive.

Song to Rybnikov's melody "About Little Red Riding Hood"

If you walk to school along the path, along the path,
Be careful a little, you do not forget the rules.
And probably, and of course,
And maybe, maybe, maybe
Choose a safe path for yourself.
Ah! Think better when you go on a long journey.
Ah! Don't forget the rules of the road!
Ah! Both girls and boys
Ah! Even though you're in too much of a hurry
Ah! Don't break the rules though! - 2 times.

PERV. (They take Vovka and lead him to the VED.) Yes, yes, yes!

Q. They tell me to sign up with you in the UID squad.

PERV. (stroking themselves. pretending to be asleep) Calm. Spock.

PERV. Po-po, ra-ra.

AT. I give you my bike. After all, you are already 14.


B. Make sure there are no cars nearby - and blow.


Q. I wanted to say - scratch. (FIRST ITCHING.)

VED. He wanted to say go.

Q. And learn to ride a bike.

VED. According to the rules of the road.

PERV. Mahalai halay. Yeah.

VED. And we also give you traffic signs.

Q. Do you need to know them too?

PERV. Yeees!

Road signs are no joke.
The roads are terrible without them.
Red circle, and the circle is empty.
Everything is white as a cabbage leaf.
What does this sign mean?
He forbids movement.

Q. If suddenly I fell ill, leaving on the road?

VED. There's a hospital here, doctors. They will help you.

There are 2 brothers in the triangle,
They are all running somewhere.

The most important sign in the world
That means there are kids around!
Here in the square is a miracle zebra
And a pedestrian walks.

Everyone recognizes this sign -

(FAREWELL SONG to the melody “If you went out with a friend”)

If with a friend went on the road - 2 times
Merry road.
But be careful - 2 times
Follow the signs strictly.
Let there be no more troubles - 2 times
Sadness and anxiety.
Let the green light burn - 2 times
On your road


We study traffic rules, prevent accidents!
Well, good luck! How did you go!

AT. How scratched! How blew!

ALL. Real pedestrians!


VOVKA. Blimey! I also want to join you in the UID squad.

VED. To be a Judaist, one must not only know the rules of the road and road signs, one must learn to be strong and dexterous.


And I promise you: to equal you in everything,
Do not be afraid of work, be serious in everything
And it is safe to live in this world.

It's easy to join a squad.
If you are with us, it is reliable!
UID - we hear voices.
UID - the kids are walking.
UID - you lead us to knowledge
And protect our childhood!

1-2, 3-4, 3-4,1-2. Who walks together in a row? “Our Judid Squad!”

Scenario of performance for the YID competition.

Marching out. The commander gives orders. After stopping, he submits a “report”:

- (team) Attention!. (viewers) The team of the YID of the Priholmskaya school of the Minusinsk district arrived to participate in the "Safe Wheel" competition. (team) At ease! Sing the song!

(They sing a song to the motive “A long time ago” for 1 verse each, the last line of each verse is repeated all together).

Let them tell me that salaga

I'm not offended. I know anyway:

I serve as a traffic inspector

A long time ago - 3 times.

For three years I have been in UID,

With me, my friends are of course at the same time.

We introduce traffic rules to others

A long time ago - 3 times

I will go to serve in the traffic police

I will become a traffic inspector anyway!

People like me are probably waiting there

A long time ago - 3 times.

It will probably take two hundred years

And our great-grandchildren will see only in the movies

How the intruders disappeared

A long time ago - 3 times.

1 member (father):

The little son came to his father and asked the baby:

2nd member (son):

Dad, I feel terribly bad!

1 participant:

What have you done son? Confess now!

2 participant:

Crossed the street, what an infection!

I just wanted to go, suddenly a car is on the way.

I did not have time to look back, as the bus arrived in time.

I was pushing for two hours… I didn’t guess how to go!

(They sing to the tune “If you frown ...”, raise the “Traffic Light” and point to it “To the Negligent Son”)

If you frown and trample at the "zebra"

Look how fast the driver rushes to the car

Will wink at you with an eye bright and green

A pedestrian's best friend is a traffic light!

Like a hand outstretched to you

Your green good beam.

Safe and healthy

You will return to your home!

The driver is also very gloomy behind the wheel:

Pedestrians climb right on the rampage!

The traffic light will light up - put things in order

He will smile at discipline on the road.

Like a hand outstretched to you

Your green good beam.

Safe and healthy

You will return to your home!

(referring to "son")

3rd party:

Out on the street - be vigilant.

To be safe in any way.

To cross your path.

To the left, look to the right.

4 member:

Remember! The road to you is not a boulevard.

Get on the sidewalk as fast as you can.

If he is missing on the way,

Feel free to walk along the left side.

2nd member (son):

Oh guys, how can you?

It's impossible to remember everything!

1 member (father):

You need to learn all this!

For science - life is a reward!

1st: Learn!

2nd: Teach!

3rd: Remember

4th: And most importantly...


They sing to the tune "Pursuit": On the last line of the verse they raise the letters "GAI"

Fatigue is forgotten, fumes are swaying

And along the highway patrol rush

And there is no rest for them, they do not sleep until dawn.

2 times

We will come to replace you not to play games

Call car hooligans to account

Be a brave inspector and look at both

Let the violator remember three letters forever: GAI - 2 times

They say in line:

Long live the school of road science!

To not hear the siren's evil sound.

And every single one of them to learn.

The commander gives orders and marches away.