Shall we beat Mika baki? Let's beat Mike's tanks, write "Kisa and Osya were here.

Or, to put it more scientifically, about mushrooms...

First, there are mushrooms. And this is very good. There are different ones. There are some that you can eat, some that you can’t eat, and some that you don’t know if you can eat them or not, but it’s better not to even try them. For.

Secondly, mushrooms live in a strange symbiosis with mosquitoes. And this is not very good. Because when you walk past some kind of mushroom, and you don’t seem to pay any attention to it, then the mosquitoes don’t give a damn about you either, but as soon as you bend over after it, then they are here. And the nastiest one itches right in the ear.

Third, illustrations...

White. Large, but slightly wormy. And gnawed by a slug...

Kind of a hoot...

And here are the foxes. Little...

And again, all nonsense. But interesting.

And this is a wave. One.

That's all.

But we will definitely come back here. Because all these small yellow spots in the pictures below, in a week they will turn into quite collective and very tasty mushrooms. And never with worms.

If only someone else does not mow them down there ...

Eh, a portable fence made of barbed wire, but thicker, and a power source, which is more reliable, long-playing, so that the current is still ...

“After all, you are not my mother, not my sister, and not my mistress!” (Ostap Bender Vorobyaninov) As a business acquaintance of mine recently said, “Now the sea is throwing big fish ashore,” meaning that in the wake of the explosive growth in staff cuts, the labor market was quickly filled with very good candidates, who would have had to be seriously hunted for a year ago and heavily overpaid. Businesses have a wide choice of labor resources. And this is good. But unlike fishing and similar activities, where not only the result is important, but also the process itself, employers often approach the candidate selection procedure too pragmatically and superficially, forgetting that “big fish” is caught on a serious bait, but not not on a fishing rod for a top water. Now I will explain in more detail. Communicating with candidates, many employers today began to recall their half-forgotten practice of almost 10 years ago, namely: to give applicants some practical “tasks”, by completing which candidates must demonstrate their professional qualities and skills declared in the resume. I will give a real example, presented to me by one of these owners. This text ( presented with minor abbreviations.) he sends to applicants in response to the sent resume: Hello. Thanks for the resume you sent. I answer to the point. I am the Chairman of the Board, co-founder of ____________ LLC. We are looking for an out-of-the-box thinking person, an entrepreneur by nature, for the position of Head of Department. Entrepreneurs (people who undertake, assume, predict) - total 10% (see R. Kiyosaki, B. Schaeffer, Maslow). Performers (managers, specialists) - 90%. Therefore, do not be afraid to express your ideas - another person, without you, will not be able to develop and implement them, they can only repeat them. And someone has to be first. Then there are several sentences describing the situation of this business and leading to a statement of the main problem. We set a TASK: based on the realities of Ukraine, the mentality of the middle class, the size of the market, world experience - TO OFFER A STRATEGY for solving the problem - ... Here is a brief formulation of his business problem (but without specific parameters for evaluating the result and deadlines). Next - a few more phrases describing the resources and capabilities of the company itself (in general terms, without significant figures and justifications) And at the end of the letter - such a "encouraging" passage: “To get what you never had, you must do what you never did” - B. Schaeffer. Offer your vision of solving the Problem.

On the one hand, everything seems to be quite logical, with some justification and even ideological support for the opinion of reputable European consultants. Especially when “the office writes”: after all, you can’t find anything in the resume (paper will endure!). But how to check that what is written is true? Moreover, the practice of letters of recommendation is not yet so widespread in our country. They rather believe the entries in the Labor Book (although, in principle, the same paper J is used there). According to an old Soviet habit, specially bound paper with seals “weighs” a strand more in the eyes of the personnel officer ... But this is by the way. So. How should an applicant who has received such a “Task” act? In practice, there are three erroneous behaviors of the applicant and only one worker, i.e. one in which a “product with complete non-resistance of the parties” is obtained, i.e. the parties are able to reach an agreement. First, as usual, let's talk about erroneous ways. The first is to silently “spit” on such an employer and continue to send out your resume further. The second is to rush frantically (but how else? J) to try to complete the task with high quality and even within the allotted time. In order to "prove" and "find"! And the third is to write to the employer something about “free cheese”, thank you for your attention and close this topic (i.e. the company) for yourself forever. It is clear that this list is not exhaustive, and there is also a fourth, fifth, etc. options. But, according to the employer himself, who is actively practicing such a recruitment technology today, everything else is either special cases of the three previous ones, or nothing more than a statistical error associated with the notorious “human factor”. Now let's try to consider the causes and consequences of all three options for both sides. First, the reasons. Option number 1 - "How can you spit something?", i.e. refuse further contact and not respond to such requests. There may be several reasons for refusal. Firstly, if we are talking about a new industry/market/business/profession for the applicant, then after weighing the amount of work to be done required to meet his own level, and comparing them with the chances of employment with this particular employer, a serious specialist, most likely, does not will get involved. Chances - minimum, load - maximum. Why minimum, you ask? Let me remind you that this is the case when it comes to a field of activity NEW for the applicant and, all other things being equal, specialists from this market/business/industry will have advantages. Even greater - in the case of a new profession. Secondly, even if this is a strong specialized specialist from this area, then, of course, he knows all the significant players in this market, and they probably know him. In this case, “like” and “match” is quite real, but there is a problem: it will be almost impossible to do without insider information. But even the shameless Ostap Bender still "as a child he killed such people on the spot with a slingshot." And it's not just about business ethics - any traitors, sooner or later, are still shot. Not “ours”, so “strangers”. Well, the third “causal” case unites all those applicants who simply objectively cannot or will simply be lazy to complete the task. What is left for them, how not to ignore such a request? Although it is not about them now. But there's more to Option #1: consider the implications. First for business. According to statistics, the part of those who silently "spit" is the most numerous (about 90%). This means that there will definitely be “every creature - in pairs”, i.e. there will be both obviously not suitable on the one hand, and obviously suitable, but dropped out of consideration, on the other side of this interval. How much exactly - one can only guess. Those. the first disadvantage for the employer is that he himself significantly narrowed the search area for himself by setting such a powerful filter already “at the entrance”. In addition, we should not forget about competitors, especially those who use other filters and recruitment methods. As for applicants, ignoring any requests, even such not quite correct ones, resembles the position of an ostrich, which either runs or heads into the sand. By refusing further contacts, candidates also significantly reduce their chances. Especially those of them who can really “try on” the proposed conditions, but at the same time they reason too rationally (fixated on the cost / chance ratio). After all, any sale is primarily an act of TWO-WAY communication. And you should definitely look for another way to agree! Now consider option number 2, when the applicant immediately rushes to complete the task. With all the positives of such an allegedly active position, there are a number of "pitfalls" here, which it is useful to think about. It should be borne in mind that applicants are not unified machines, but specialists with individual qualities. The company is also a living organism, where EVERY employee determines its image and form of life. And the same business problem will be solved by different specialists in their own way and with some differences in the final results. After all, even in school mathematics unified for centuries, there are sometimes several solutions! Accordingly, even if you decide to take on this work, you should first clarify all the possible “individual” wishes of the customer by filling the TOR with specific details, which is possible only after additional communication between the parties. In addition, the employer-customer himself often has a very approximate idea of ​​the whole range of possible suitable options, since everything that can be done without additional costs for human resources in the business, as a rule, is already being done. Hence the approximate setting of the “task” and the overestimation of expectations, supported only by a reckless recommendation to actively act, like the classic: “Saw, Shura, saw ..!” Therefore, those who immediately rush to execute, take on the risks described above. Moreover, as you know, "only cats will be born soon." As a result, discrepancies in understanding both the “task” itself and the results obtained can nullify any valuable developments! In this scenario, the likelihood of a "sword and plowshare" union is extremely small. What remains - option number 3 or "Let's beat Mike's tanks"? Here I propose to delve deeper. First, applicants. Thank you for your attention and refuse - you always have time, so "The meeting continues"! So, do it? But what about the above arguments "against"? Neither one nor the other! This is where a good reason appears to search, together with the customer-employer, for the very “other way” to get to know each other. Unless, of course, for the company this is a real search for candidates for a vacancy, and not an attempt to generate a couple of useful and fresh business ideas with other people's brains. So, first of all, you should study the request of the employer. And try to see in this request the real needs of this business in the context of the presented vacancy. For example, if we are talking about marketers, then you should by any available (but correct!) Means find out the state of the issue-task in the industry and in this particular market. View open sources, industry press, etc. from the point of view of searching, if not the answer to the main question posed in the “task”, then at least the reasons for its occurrence. But this is already analytical work, someone will object! And then! Certainly analytical. But for the time being, you are doing it for yourself, pursuing your own goals, somehow: · to find out what marketing problems will have to be solved in this business; find out how ready you are for these works, whether you have the tools and sufficient qualifications; · indirectly assess the company's place in the market, the dynamics of development and prospects, i.е. understand objective moments; · and finally - to determine whether it is worth devoting the coming years of your professional activity to these problems at all? After all, this, fortunately, is still someone else's problem! In other words, "Shura, my dear, restore the status quo!" Having delved into the essence of the need and discarded all unnecessary circumstances and verbal husks, you should definitely answer the employer, briefly highlighting your professional understanding of the problem-need. Often, this alone may be enough to establish a specific business communication on the topic. After all, sometimes the “chief” cannot afford to discuss the problem of interest to his native staff for an elementary psychological reason: in order not to show his illiteracy to his subordinates in any new or narrow-profile issue. An interview is a completely different conversation! Here, each of the parties has the opportunity to speak on a variety of topics and to any reasonable "depth of immersion" in the issues. As a rule, a competent and interested employer will take the chance to soften or "reformat" their requests individually for you or appreciate your balanced approach already at this stage! Then the negotiations can continue further in the newly created general context by you, which clearly increases the chances of the parties to reach an agreement. If the head of the company is close to you in spirit, and you are the very professional she needs today, then the principle that “like tends to like” will definitely work and you will agree. Otherwise, the fact that "Ostap plays eighteen Spanish games" turns out "already on the third move." How to be a candidate when the customer of the work strongly insists on the free completion of a trial “task” in the original formulation and is not ready to concede in anything? Of course, one should not shout with the pathos of Panikovsky: “Who are you?” and get into a pose. According to any owner, there are always many managers, and he has only one. So any shouting here is useless. But working for free is just stupid. Therefore, there is only one recommendation: "do not be a lady's cow" and tell such a hard-working employer in the words of another famous character: "Go, go, I serve only on Saturdays." That is, say goodbye to this potential boss without any regrets. Indeed, in this situation, after the long-awaited transformation from an applicant to an employee of the company, he will continue to “command the parade”, and you will have to continue to “break” only yourself. But is it worth it? Summing up, I want to note that there are not so many fans of “giving tasks for free” among sane managers, and as a rule, it is always possible to communicate with them productively for both parties, if you manage to translate communications into the right business format.
* - Thanks to Ilf and Petrov for the title and quotes in the text.

The phrase from "The Twelve Chairs", like the episode itself with the legendary Kolya and Mika, is well known to everyone. The expression to fill tanks is also well known - "to deceive, deliberately distract someone's attention with empty talk." In the Russian literary language, however, it has not yet received the status of a stable language unit: none of our dictionaries has yet recorded it.

Despite being neglected by codifiers, it has long been used by writers and studied by linguists. So, at about the same time as I. Ilf and E. Petrov, V. Kaverin used it in the story "The End of the Khaza" (1926). Since this story deals with the underworld, the writer had to attach a special dictionary to it, which also explains the turn to screw the tanks "to lie, speak" (Kozlovsky III, 151). In the 1920s, the expression about tanks was also used by the writer N. Karpov in the story "On a work loan": Don't beat up the tanks for me. Commenting on this usage, Prof. A. M. Selishchev qualifies the turnover as slang, which came from the language of criminals (Selishchev 1928.75).

Indeed, this expression in Russian is undoubtedly slang. It is no coincidence that the "great schemer" Ostap Bender also uses it. And it is no coincidence that many dictionaries and dictionaries of "criminal music", that is, the speeches of thieves and other criminals, stably fix it in different variations. A. I. Molotkov, noting its slang character, refers to V. M. Popov’s “Dictionary of the Thieves’ and Prisoner’s Language” of 1912 (see: Kozlovsky II), where tanks to drive in, tanks to screw in and tanks to score are characterized by the definition “lie, divert attention" (Molotkov 1977, 216). You can also name the source that recorded the turnover of hammering (screwing) tanks "to lie something, distract someone's attention with a conversation" even earlier than V. M. Popov, this is the dictionary "Thieves' Music" by V. F. Trakhtenberg 1908 (Kozlovsky 1.76). Since then, in many dictionaries of our jargon (the dictionaries of Potapov, Varivod, etc.), this expression is recorded regularly (Kozlovsky II, 164; III, 77; IV, 102.162).

Jargon, as you know, is replenished from a variety of sources of professional speech, other languages, dialects. The expression to fill tanks is originally Slavic, because we find it in the South Russian (Voronezh) dialects, which are related by origin to the Ukrainian language, and in Central Russian, bordering on the Belarusian (Pskov) language. “You can’t cope with it for a century, you can’t beat tabs on the go,” an old woman in the Nevelsky district of the Pskov region told dialectologists from Samarkand about thirty years ago. This old woman, of course, had no connections with the underworld: she had heard this expression in her own village since childhood.

In the same way, Ukrainian and Belarusian phrases have nothing to do with prison jargon, baki zabіvats in the same meanings as Russian jargon. In these closely related languages, they have long become the property of the literary language and are widely used by many writers. In Ukrainian literature, for example, they are found in G. F. Kvitko-Osnovyanenko, I. Ya, Franko, Ya. D. Kachura, Panas Mirny, M. P. Stelmakh, P. A. Zagrebelny. Moreover, there is no particularly "jargon" raid on these expressions here; they can be translated into Russian by a colloquial phraseological unit to fool the head, which is adequate in style to the Ukrainian tanks to hammer.

The expression came to the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages ​​precisely from living folk speech, as evidenced by its fixation in the oldest collections of proverbs and sayings. In the Ukrainian collection of M. Nomis of 1864, for example, it is recorded as part of a rhyming saying: Kill me tanks, build me dogs. It is also reflected in the dictionary of the middle of the 19th century by Ya. F. Golovatsky: "Clog the tanks 1. Go crazy. 2.3 silence the pr. from the blow." In the dictionary of Ukrainian folk speech B. D. Grinchenko, the phrase “zabivati/zabiti baki” is defined more generally as “to confuse, fool, fool”. This phraseologism is also noted in Western Ukraine. I. Ya. Franko, in his monumental collection of Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, not only gives him an original semantic description - "zabalamutiti anyone, stumanity", but also corrects the incorrect accentuation given by the lexicographer Zhelekhovsky ("hibno accented" hammer ""), points to a parallel in Voronezh Great Russian dialects and offers a decoding of the original image, which I will talk about below. In addition, in his collection, a proverb context is also given, which includes our expression: They beat the tanks for me, that there is no third.

As actively as in Ukrainian, the expression of interest to us is used in the Belarusian language. I. I. Nosovich, who recorded in live use the species pair of tanks zabivyts zabivyts zabits, interprets its meaning as "stubbornly refute the obvious" and gives a phraseological synonym - to close one's eyes (Nasovich 1983, 13). Now, as already mentioned, in the Belarusian literary language this expression lives an active life, forming options like baki pazabіvats baki pazabіts.

Etymological meaning

How do etymologists decipher the primary meaning of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian expressions?

So far, no one has written anything about Russian in an etymological vein, limiting, as we have seen, only a statement of the slang nature of this turnover. As for Ukrainian and Belarusian, there are different points of view.

In some dictionaries of the 19th century, the original meaning of the expression baki zabivati ​​was associated with baki "eyes". Ya. F. Golovatsky was the first to offer such an interpretation. "Baki, actually eyes," he writes, citing a convincing illustration, where this word does not allow any other interpretation: Vytr & tsiv bakiyak tsybuli. The dictionary of B. D. Grinchenko also contains a combination that does not allow another semantization of the word baki: yaibanchiti baki "goggle". The material of I. I. Nosovich is just as definite, which, however, is white. baki "eyes", and the expression baki zabivats describes in different dictionary entries, but to the first word he gives an expressive illustration of Qi tobi baki vyiiizli, and to the second a phraseological parallel that leaves no doubt that baki is eyes: to close up eyes.

This prosaic and rather logical version was challenged by later researchers. M. M. Shapiro, in his review of the dictionary by I. I. Nosovich more than a hundred years ago, questioned the interpretation "to close one's eyes, stubbornly refute the obvious." Pointing to the commonality of Belarusian and Ukrainian phraseological units, he assumes not their original, but their borrowed character. “This explanation is erroneous,” he writes. This expression is also known in Little Russian. Baki in this phrase means the mouth, not the eyes, and they don’t hit the eyes, and to score doesn’t mean to close up. This comic name for the mouth, in our opinion, comes from Low German and Dutch Bakkes, instead of Backhuis, a bakery where food is digested" (Shapiro 1873.5).

Here, as we see, the author proceeds from the seeming illogicality of "clogging" the eyes, which he understands literally, in the "strike" sense. It is curious that for the same reason I. Franko also interprets the literal meaning of the Ukrainian expression as "hit someone in the face so that you don't bite him" and, apparently, he perceives the word baki as a borrowing from it. Vaske "cheek, cheekbone", as well as in the expression baki svititi "to suck up, to flatter".

The original interpretation was expressed by the Belarusian phraseologist V.I. Koval. Commenting on the Russian dialectal (Don.) to hammer in the letters "to knock down a fight, to scare", he correctly connects it with pitch. tanks to score "deceive" and zap.-Bryan. tanks to score "to throw dust in the eyes, impudently without knowledge of the case to refute someone's arguments", but considers the last two turns to have arisen "lexico-phraseologically as a result of the explication of the verb bakat" to speak "". Further, he describes the successive stages of the alleged contamination of baki hammer into hammer letters: "However, the transition baki hammer - > hammer letters did not occur immediately, but through another, phonetically closer to the new turn of phraseological unit hammer buki "talk" (raven.). Thus, Phraseme formation in this case has a "three-stage" character: clog tanks (primary phraseme formation, the result of the explication of the verb bakat) -> hammer beeches (secondary phraseme formation, paronymic transformation of the previous phraseme; "link") -> clog letters (secondary phraseme formation, the result of paronymic transformation phrasemes to score beeches)" (Koval 1982, 138).

It must be said that the connection between the Russian dialectal phrases to hammer in, the beeches to hammer in and to hammer in the letters is indeed undoubted, if only because it is a single structural-semantic model. The contamination of the letter buki baki is caused by the oblivion of the internal form and the low use of this turnover in the Russian dialect array. Agree with the fact that the Russian dialect and Ukrainian. clog tanks, clog tanks and white. tanks to hammer are formed by explication, that is, the expansion of the verb bakat "to speak", however, is impossible.

Firstly, this expression coincides areally with the spread of the noun baki "eyes", whose relatively free compatibility in Ukrainian and Belarusian, as we have seen, is undeniable (cf. Ukrainian vytreschiv baki, vibanchiti baki and Bel. baki got out) and which is semantically impossible explain by the deployment of the verb bakat "to speak5. Secondly, the variant of the turnover baki beat beeches beat in Russian dialects is quite independent, represented by a wide range and is torn off from the narrow dialect letter beat: score to score beeches" speaking intentionally difficult and confusing, depriving someone of the opportunity to think clearly , to understand" is recorded in the Voronezh, Kursk and Kaluga dialects (SRNG 3, 265). It is also curious that this South Russian dialectism has already been reflected in the language of some modern writers: "He clogs his mother's beeches" (F. Nasedkin. Great Hicks). we see that both the meaning and the structure make us see phonetic varieties of the same phrase in a pair of these expressions, and not paronymy, as before believes V. I. Koval.

The compilers of the recently published Ukrainian and Belarusian etymological dictionaries confidently attribute our expression to baki "eyes", thus, as if returning to the traditional interpretation of the 19th century. The Ukrainian phraseologist M. G. Demsky argues the same point of view in a special note. However, upon closer examination, it is easy to see that the explanations of Ya. F. Golovatsky and I. I. Nosovich radically diverge from the interpretation of modern etymologists. Interpreting the word baka in the expressions clog baki and svititi baki "suck up, fawn", the authors of the "Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language" compare it with bakula "bulging eyes", pol. baka in the turnover bakę (baki) świecić "to suck up" and on this basis the following etymological diagnosis is made: "a derivative formation with the primary meaning "eye" from the verb bachiti" (ESUM1,119). The verb bachiti, following the majority of researchers, is considered by this dictionary to be a borrowing from the Polish language (ibid., 154). Even more categorical is the statement about the borrowed character of baki "eyes" in Bel. zabіvats baki and ukr. score tanks in the "Etymological Dictionary of the Belarusian Language". Here it is directly stated that this word is borrowed from Polish: baka "eye" (and this, in turn, is a formation from baczyć "to see").

Thus, we see that if some Ukrainian and Belarusian lexicographers of the 19th century, linking the turn baki zabivat with baki "eyes", noted its primordial, folk-colloquial character, then modern etymologists interpret it as a borrowing from Polish.

Which of these two versions is correct?

To establish the truth, it is necessary to turn to Polish material.

When referring to the Polish language as a source of formation of the phrase baki slaughter, the researchers refer to the expression bakę (baki) komu świecić "crouch before someone." or to the verb baczyć "to see". But at the same time, not a single Polish source gives an expression that is structurally and semantically correlated with Ukrainian. clog tanks and white. bakіzabіvatsya. It turns out a paradox: East Slavic phraseological units have been actively used for two centuries now in literary languages ​​and in live folk speech, recorded in different territories, have phonetic, derivational and semantic variations, and in the alleged source language they are not recorded at all. The conclusion about borrowing, therefore, conflicts with the laws of linguistic geography.

It is impossible not to dwell in more detail on the argumentation of the internal logic of our turnover from the point of view of the connection of the noun baki "eyes" with the verb zabiti. M. M. Shapiro, I. Ya. Franko and partially V. I. Koval, as we have seen, such a connection seemed doubtful - that is why hypotheses arose about the German borrowing or explication of the verb bakat. These doubts, however, are deprived of any grounds, if we ignore the literal, "shock" understanding, the verb zabiti. However, it would be quite easy to prove the possibility of combining the word baki with stressed verbs. To do this, just look again at the "Twelve Chairs" by I, Ilf and E. Petrov:

"They'll beat you!" Vorobyaninov said bitterly.

Of course, there is a risk. They can fill the tanks! However, I have one thought that will protect you in any case.

Here, to fill the tanks, apparently, means initially "to strike at the eyes."

Such a phrase, however, is not the most typical for the word baki. In Ukrainian and other Slavic languages, there are many phrases with the general meaning "to deceive", in which the eye component is combined with other verbs. Such are the modern zamazuvati eyes and zamilyuvati eyes, reflected in the literary language, blind eyes, hoarse eyes, dialect (Podolsk) shove eyes and zamazat ochі "deceive". They correspond to our Russian to cover up the eyes with a wide range of variations in Russian dialects - to cover the eyes, fill the eyes, blind the eyes (eyes), darken the eyes, fog the eyes, etc. "to mislead, deceive." Similar expressions are easy to find in Polish, Slovak, Czech and other Slavic languages. And all of them, it seems, quite definitely suggest how to understand the verb zabiti in the Ukrainian expression zabiti bins, "fill, clog with dust, sand", "cover up with mud", "close, nail down with something." With this understanding, the logic of connecting this verb with baki in the meaning of "eyes" is obvious.

A special etymological analysis shows that both the verb bachiti "to see" and the expression baki zabivati ​​are originally Ukrainian, and not borrowed from the Polish language (Mokienko 1990a). Bachiti is formed from baki "eyes" according to the same model as staring - from the eyes (cf. and numerous parallels in European languages: Swede, ôga "eye" ôgna "look", Dutch. ogen "eyes" - ogen "look closely, eat with eyes", Porto Gal. olho "eye" olhar "look", Spanish ojo "eye" ojear "look, see", Italian occhio "eye" occhieggiare "look, look", etc.). Yes, in fact, Russian formations such as goggle, stare, hatch, etc. are also, ultimately, formed precisely from expressions with the word eye: goggle, stare, stare eyes.

So, the history of Russian jargon demonstrates the close interaction of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. Ukrainism baki to hammer, known to the southern Russian folk dialects, by coincidence, specialized as a slang phrase. Perhaps its penetration into both the jargon of criminals and Russian literature was influenced by its active use in the vernacular of the city of Odessa, and it is not by chance that it was used by Odessa writers. Having arisen in the bowels of the folk speech of Ukrainians and Belarusians, having passed through the unsafe crucible of the speech of criminals, it has reached the modern literary language. He arrived, bringing from his "dark" past a rough-coloured colloquial coloring and a somewhat vulgar tonality.

Turkish lyric poet. His true name is Mahmud; Baki, actually abbreviated Abd-al-B. - a servant of God, there is a pseudonym of the poet. B. was born in Constantinople ...
  • TANK
    ? Turkish lyric poet. His true name is Mahmud; Baki, actually abbreviated Abd-al-B. ? servant of God, is a pseudonym of the poet. B. was born in …
    score, score, score, score, score, score, score, score "t, score" l, score "la, score" lo, score "whether, score" , hammered "the former, hammered, hammered" the one who hammered, hammered "lice, hammered" the former, ...
  • TANK in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ba "ki, ba" k, ba "kam, ba" ki, ba "kami, ...
  • TANK in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords.
    1. owls. transition and indefinitely. 1) a) Start hitting, hitting, knocking with smth. for smth. b) non-transition. Start making sounds resound...
  • TANK in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    pl. unfold Same as: ...
    kill, kill, ...
  • TANK in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    b'aki, tank ...
    kill, kill, ...
  • TANK in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    bins, bins...
  • SCORE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    kill, kill, ...
  • TANK in the Spelling Dictionary:
    b'aki, tank ...
  • SCORE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    drive in deeply, to the end Z. nail, wedge. score close up, close tightly Z. window with boards. score to fill to the limit with something; litter ...
    I will score, you will score, pov. kill it, owl (to score). 1. what. Drive in something; to drive deeply, firmly into something. Hammer a nail. Hammer the pile. …
  • TANK in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    tank, unit (colloquially obsolete) tank, tanks, w. …
    score 1. owls. transition and indefinitely. 1) a) Start hitting, hitting, knocking with smth. for smth. b) non-transition. Start making sounds …
  • TANK in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    tanks pl. unfold Same as: ...
    I owl. transition and indefinitely. 1. Start hitting, hitting, knocking something on something. ott. neperekh. Start making sounds sound (of...
  • TANK in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    pl. unfold the same as...
    I owl. neperekh. 1. Start hitting, hitting, knocking something on something. 2. Start making sounds; sound (about percussion musical ...
  • TANK in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    pl. unfold Hair from the temples along the cheeks, left when shaving; …
  • HOW TO HIT A NAILE CORRECTLY in Helpful Hints:
    How to hammer a nail? In order for the connection to be strong, the nail must be of sufficient length and enter into the structure to which it is nailed, ...
    Baki (b. Baki), an urban-type settlement, the center of the Krasnobakovskiy district of the Gorky region of the RSFSR. Pier on the right bank of the river. Vetluga (a tributary of the Volga), ...
  • BUCKENBARDS in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    cm. …
  • APOLLO SPACESHIPS in the Directory of Miracles, Unusual Phenomena, UFOs, and More:
    manned spacecraft for a manned flight to the moon, created under the Apollo program (see - "Apollo Program") by North American - Rokwell. ...
    In new apartments, it happens that the frames of the front doors are loosened. To fix them, you need to drill holes in the box and at the end of the wall ...
  • REPAIR OF CRASHED CHAIRS in Helpful Hints:
    We offer a reliable way to repair loose chairs. For a strong fastening of the spike in the socket, you need to expand the socket by 2-3 mm, and in ...
    If you need to hang a light curtain, and the concrete wall does not allow you to hammer in a nail, use a toothpaste cap and epoxy ...
  • KAPRON CHOPIK FOR SCREW in Helpful Hints:
    After drilling a hole for a screw in a concrete or brick wall, wait for a wooden plug to be hammered into it. It's much better to plug the hole tightly...
  • USING A CLOTHING PEG in Helpful Hints:
    A clothespin, in addition to its intended purpose, can be useful in many other cases. It will help, for example: - to support the growing ...
    If the left hand is busy, then with one right hand you can hammer a nail. Pinch his head between the middle and index ...
    It is not so easy to drive a nail into a springy wooden plank that cannot be supported from below. The situation is facilitated if you use a clamp instead of a hammer ...
  • in Helpful Hints:
    Hammering a nail in a hard-to-reach place will not be difficult if you use a simple device in the form of a bolt with a nut on ...
  • A NAIL IN A HARD-TO-REACH PLACE in Helpful Hints:
    To hammer a nail in a hard-to-reach place, you need to put it in a metal tube, and insert a steel rod on top, along which ...
  • THE FASTEST REFUELING; "CESSN-310" in the 1998 Guinness Book of Records:
    The fastest refueling of the aircraft was carried out by the aviation maintenance team at Cheyenne Airport, pc. Wyoming, USA. July 5, 1992 in the aircraft tanks ...
  • COMPOSITE ROCKET in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    a rocket, a multi-stage rocket, a rocket in which, in flight, as fuel is used up, a sequential discharge of used and unnecessary for ...
  • HORSEBACK RIDING in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    sports, riding and horseback riding for sporting purposes. The first mention of the participation of horse chariots in the Olympic ...
  • ETHER SULFUR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    or ethyl. - Monatomic alcohols, losing water, are able to give derivatives of two kinds: 1) hydrocarbons, 2) oxides of hydrocarbon radicals; to the number...
  • CHEATING FISH OIL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    or fat burning - is a special rather large-scale production, which is most widespread in Norway and the North American Union. States. In the first …
  • OLIFA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Drying oil. - Many vegetable oils, remaining in the air, under the influence of light and heat, thicken, and dry out in a thin layer, turning into a semi-solid ...
  • TANK TANK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    is made of wood, iron or cast iron and is intended for water storage, especially for small water supplies, for example, for individual residential ...
  • TO BEGIN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    worry. CONCRETE, see concrete. BANDAGE, see bandage. TAKE, -SIA, see pick up, -Xia. Clogged, th, th; -it. Exhausted and scared. …
  • NUMBER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, pl. stakes, -ev and stakes, -ov, m. 1. (plural stakes, -ev). Thick pointed stick. Drive in, score in. Aspen ...
  • SALUTE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "SALUT", a series of orbital stations created in the USSR for flights in near-Earth orbit; their development program. Equipped with equipment for the study of space. …
  • ETHER SULFUR in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    or ethyl. ? Monohydric alcohols, losing water, are able to give derivatives of two kinds: 1) hydrocarbons, 2) oxides of hydrocarbon radicals; to the number...
  • CHEATING FISH OIL in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    or fat burning? is a special rather large-scale production, which is most widespread in Norway and the North American Union. States. In the first …
  • OLIFA in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? Many vegetable oils (see), remaining in the air, under the influence of light and heat, thicken, and dry out in a thin layer, turning ...