And yet he will reach the levels. And yet, he will reach certain degrees

Here's the news! I take a minute

Enlivened by a date with you,

And talkative; is there no time

That I'm dumber than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?

Have you yet broken the silence of the press?

There were songs where brand new notebooks

He sees, sticks: please write off.

And yet, he will reach certain degrees,

After all, today they love the dumb.

Not a man, a snake!

(Loudly and forcefully.)

I want to ask you:

Have you ever laughed? or in sadness?

Mistake? did you say good things about someone?

Though not now, but in childhood, maybe.

When everything is soft like that? both tender and immature?

Why so long ago? here's a good deed for you:

Calls just rattling

And day and night in the snowy desert,

I hasten to you, breaking my head.

And how do I find you? in some strict order!

I endure coldness for half an hour!

The face of the most holy pilgrimage! .. -

And yet I love you without memory.

(Momentary silence.)

Listen, are my words all the pegs?

And tend to someone's harm?

But if so: mind and heart are not in harmony.

I'm in weirdo to another miracle

Once I laugh, then I forget:

Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go to dinner.

Yes, well - burn, if not?

Phenomenon 8

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky, Famusov.

Here's another one!

Ah, father, sleep in hand.

Damn dream.

Phenomenon 9

Famusov, Chatsky (looks at the door through which Sofia came out)

Well, you threw out a thing!

Three years did not write two words!

And suddenly it burst like from the clouds.

(They embrace.)

Great, friend, great, brother, great.

Tell me, is your tea ready?

Collection of important news?

Sit down, tell me quickly.

(They sit down.)

Chatsky (absently)

How beautiful Sofya Pavlovna has become!

You, young people, have no other business,

How to notice girlish beauty:

She said something in passing, and you,

I'm tea, I'm filled with hopes, I'm bewitched.

Oh! No; I'm a little spoiled for hope.

"Dream in hand" - she deigned to whisper to me,

Here's what you thought...

I? - Not at all.

What did she dream about? what?

I am not a dream reader.

Don't trust her, everything is empty.

I believe my own eyes;

I haven’t met a century, I’ll give a subscription,

To be at least a little like her!

He's all his own. Yes, tell me in detail

Where was? Roamed for so many years!

From where now?

Now I'm up to it!

Wanted to travel around the world

And did not go round a hundredth.

(Gets up hastily.)

Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you,

Didn't go home. Farewell! In one hour

I will appear, I will not forget the slightest detail;

You first, then you tell everywhere.

(In the door.)

How good!

Event 10

Famusov (one)

Which of the two?

"Oh! father, sleep in hand!

And he says it out loud to me!

Well, guilty! What a hook I gave!

Molchalin daviche put me in doubt.

Now ... yes, half a mile from the fire:

That beggar, that dandy friend;

Notorious[24] wasted, tomboy,

What kind of commission[ 25 ], Creator,

To be an adult daughter's father!

End of Act I

Act II

Phenomenon 1

Famusov, servant.

Parsley, you are always with a new thing,

With a broken elbow. Get out the calendar;

Don't read like a sexton[ 26 ],

And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

Wait. - On a sheet, draw on a notebook,

Against next week:

To Praskovya Feodorovna's house

On Tuesday I am called for trout.

How wonderful is the light!

Philosophize - the mind will spin;

Then you take care, then lunch:

Eat for three hours, and in three days it will not be cooked!

Mark, on the same day... No, no.

On Thursday I was called to the funeral.

Oh, the human race! fell into oblivion

That everyone himself must climb there,

In that casket, where neither to stand nor sit.

wings. sl. Quote from A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824), d. 1, yavl. 7, Chatsky's words:

And yet, he will reach certain degrees,

Because now they love wordless.

Quoted as applied to those who please someone in order to achieve their own selfish goals.

  • - see Variation...

    Geological Encyclopedia

  • - in mechanics, the number of independent possible movements of a mechanical system ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - union and introductory word 1. Union. The same as "however, nevertheless, nevertheless." Syntactic constructions joined by the union "" are distinguished by punctuation marks. No punctuation is required after the word ""...
  • - union + introductory word Expresses indecision, doubt, transition to another thought. The words "" are distinguished by punctuation marks, while a comma is usually not put inside the combination ...

    Punctuation Dictionary

  • - Iskon. Fusion of the preposition in and local. p. units h. adj. other. Literally - "in the rest" ...

    Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - to reach - to the honors of official position Cf. Where is Molchalin by the way? Have you broken the silence of the press yet? And yet he will come, For now they love the dumb! Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky. See he'll go far...
  • - Quote from the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", d. 1, yavl. 7, the words of Chatsky: After all, now they love the dumb ...
  • - From the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboyedov. Chatsky's words: After all, now they love the dumb ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - see. But, by the way, he will reach certain degrees ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - The union, however, goes back to the expression in other things, which consists of the preposition in and the prepositional case form from the substantivized adjective other `rest'...

    Word history

  • - union and introduction...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - vpro / than, union and introductory. sl. However, don't talk about it...

    merged. Separately. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - adv. in everything else, in other respects, in everything except what has been said; in general, in general; for this, for that; but. He said what he heard, but I don't know. Here's my advice, however...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - Where is Molchalin, by the way? Have you broken the silence of the press yet? And yet, he, After all, now they love the dumb. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky. See he'll go far...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - To reach the known degrees - to the honors of official position ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - See TALK -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

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The message will reach you

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And, however, he will reach the degrees of known

author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

And, by the way, he will reach the known levels. From the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). The words of Chatsky (act. 1, yavl. 7): But, however, he will reach the known degrees, After all, now they love the dumb. Perhaps Griboyedov was inspired by lines from the poem "Fashionable

Reach the levels known

From book encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Reach the known degrees, see. But, by the way, he will reach the degrees

We are Kalutsky, it will not reach us

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We are Kalutsky, we will not reach The phrase, popular in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century as an analogue of the European well-known expression, the patriotism of the bell tower. The meaning of the expression: we live far from the front (in the Kaluga, Tambov, etc. provinces), the enemy is before us ( war) will not come,

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5. When the news reaches the Egyptians, they will tremble when they hear about Tire.

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5. When the news reaches the Egyptians, they will tremble when they hear about Tire. They will tremble (the Egyptians) - not only because of their commercial ties with Tyre, but also because the mighty Tyre was, so to speak, a lightning rod for Egypt, diverting the attention of a significant part of

14. And if a rumor about this reaches the ruler, we will convince him, and we will save you from trouble.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

14. And if a rumor about this reaches the ruler, we will convince him, and we will save you from trouble. From these words it is clear, in any case, that the guard was given by Pilate (cf. note on 27:65). The warriors were responsible to him. He could deal severely with them (cf. Acts 12:19).

A long time ago, at school, we were almost forcibly forced to read "according to the program", boring works, but not all of them were like that. The novel "What to do?" I never read it to the end, not only at the school desk, but also at the pedagogical institute. But there were other works before which our generation bows. "How the Steel Was Tempered", "The Fate of a Man" and "Virgin Soil Upturned", "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" ..., "To spite all deaths". This list can be continued indefinitely. A special place in it, at least for me, is occupied by AS Griboedov's immortal comedy "Woe from Wit", which is practically all quoted today. Even its name has become winged.
Let's take a tour of the pages of comedy to understand the secret of its relevance. Moreover, I will quote only the most common lines.

And yet, he will reach certain degrees.
- Quote from the comedy, the words of Chatsky:
And yet he will reach certain degrees,
After all, today they love the dumb.
Our system, which we will never squeeze out of ourselves and part with it, has always needed humility and the ability to remain silent, "no matter how something happens." I remember the lines from Galich's song "And the silent ones became bosses, because silence is golden."
- Quoted as applied to those who pander to someone to achieve their own selfish goals. And then, about what I already spoke.

And to mix these two crafts is the darkness of craftsmen; I am not one of them.
- from a comedy, the words of Chatsky:
When in business - I hide from fun,
When I fool around - I fool around;
And to mix these two crafts
There is a darkness of artisans; I am not one of them.

In my years one must not dare to have one's judgment.
- Molchalin's words from the comedy.
- I again remember Galich: "Keep silent, you will end up in the executioners. Keep silent ..."

The hero is not my novel.
- From comedy.
Meaning: not to my taste. Sometimes we say that "the photo is not from my album".

How to compare and look at the current century and the past century.
- Chatsky's words are universal: they can now be used almost everywhere.

Bypass us more than all sorrows and lordly anger, and lordly love.
- The words of the maid Lisa can also be used, depending on the situation.

Do not greet such praises.
- Chatsky's words from the comedy.
- In my opinion, it goes back to the winged proverb "A drop of tar in a barrel of honey."

Listen, lie, but know the measure.
- The words of Chatsky addressed to the lying Repetilov.
- By the way, I remember ex-president Barack Obama, who recently blamed Russia for all internal problems of the United States.

They argue, make noise and disperse.
- Famusov's words about old people who will find fault
"To this, to this, and more often to nothing:
They argue, make noise and disperse."

With me, employees of strangers are rare: more and more sisters, sister-in-laws, children.
- Famusov's words.
- Quoted when it comes to nepotism, patronage and acquaintances in official or other matters.

- The character of a comedy, a slacker, a liar and a talker, repeating other people's words.
- The same as Baron Munchausen, the worst option and format.

Fresh legend, but hard to believe.
- the words of Chatsky. Close in meaning are his words "Houses are new, but prejudices are old."

- The protagonist of the comedy is the personification of rude tsarist Russia, and, alas, the current army too. His name has become synonymous with a rude ignoramus and martinet.

I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.
- Chatsky's words from the comedy.

If the evil is stopped, take away all the books and burn them.
- Famusov's words.
- It is quoted at the address of the representatives of obscurantism. By the way, there is also a rational grain here: there are too many works of pornographic and erotic persuasion, from reading which even a camel would die of longing.

More in number, cheaper.
- Chatsky's words seem to have been heard by buyers of the current market.

To have children, who lacked intelligence?
- Chatsky's words addressed to Molchalin.

Noise, brother, noise.
- The words of the already named Repetilov.

I am not a reader of nonsense, but more exemplary.
- Chatsky's words.


Good morning, Valery! That is why Griboedov's comedy is called immortal, because it is topical even today. And open Saltykov-Shchedrin? My husband once watched a film based on the novel by Mikhail Evgrafovich and said: a new parody of the Soviet Union. I was very surprised when I said that the author lived and worked in the 19th century. It is a pity that the classics do not teach anything. And even their own mistakes too. And about the school program, I have "Where will Perspektiva lead?" But the program removed the quotes from the title. I noticed: I haven't visited you for a long time, you have so many new things! All the best! See you again!

Good evening Love! And today in the library, with its staff, we held a literary lounge dedicated to the genocide of the Cossacks (on January 24, the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Sverdlov, signed a decree on storytelling, which destroyed two million Cossacks). N. N. Stomatova (Laishevtseva), my uncle, Anatoly Mikhailovich Efimov, who was also born in the settlement, in 1933, was called in, local historians. Two classes of high school students were also invited. At the video presentation, which lasted an hour and a half, all the invitees who were interviewed by Magnitogorsk television also spoke. The stories will be shown on television today, on Russia-1. Our television studio will send these stories to Khanty - Mansiysk and Berezov. It turned out to be a kind of teleconference "Ugra - Magnitogorsk". It made a big impression on the guys...

And, however, he will reach the degrees of known
From the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829).
The words of Chatsky (act. 1, yavl. 7):
And, however, he will reach the known degrees,
After all, today they love the dumb.

Perhaps Griboyedov was inspired by lines from the poem "Fashionable Wife" (1792) by the poet I. I. Dmitriev, very popular in his time:
Everyone crawled, yes crawled, but beat with his forehead
And, finally, such an innocent craft -
Crawled to the extent known to man.

Allegorically: about an unworthy person who, by servility, flattery and ostentatious humility, achieves his goals, since both the views and interests of his superiors and the social atmosphere as a whole (Sark.) favor this.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "And, by the way, he will reach the known degrees" in other dictionaries:

    Quote from the comedy A.S. Griboedova Woe from Wit (1824), d. 1, yavl. 7, the words of Chatsky: But by the way, he will reach the known degrees, After all, now they love the dumb. Quoted in application to those who please someone in order to achieve their ... ...

    And yet, he will reach certain degrees- wing. sl. Quote from A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824), d. 1, yavl. 7, the words of Chatsky: But by the way, he will reach the known degrees, After all, now they love the dumb. Quoted as applied to those who please someone for ... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Where is Molchalin, by the way? Have you broken the silence of the press yet? And yet, he will reach the known levels, For now they love the dumb. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky. See he'll go far...

    See. However, he will reach certain degrees. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Reach (in the official hierarchy) to the honors of official position Cf. Where is Molchalin by the way? Have you broken the silence of the press yet? And yet he will reach the known levels, For now they love the dumb! Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky. See he will go… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    - (1795 1829) writer and poet, playwright, diplomat And by the way, he will reach the known levels, After all, now they love the dumb. And who are the judges? Oh! if someone loves whom, Why go crazy and search so far? Oh! evil tongues are worse than a gun. Blessed...

    Griboyedov A.S. Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich (1790 or 1795-1829) Russian writer, poet, playwright, diplomat. 1826 was under investigation in the case of the Decembrists. 1828 appointed ambassador to Persia, where he was killed by Persian fanatics. Aphorisms, quotes ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Winged words- words and expressions included in the language. from the definition lit. or ist. source. Sayings of prominent societies. figures, quotations from works. artist, publicist, scientific and other liters. Names belong to K.S. ist. and mythologist. events and realities that received ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    wordless, wordless, wordless; (short masculine not used) wordless, wordless. 1. Deprived of the ability to speak (book). A dumb animal. 2. Silent, taciturn. In every parliament there are many dumb deputies. || With… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    BIRTH- BIRTH. Contents: I. Definition of the concept. Changes in the body during R. Causes of the onset of R ............................ 109 II. Clinical current of physiological R. . 132 Sh. Mechanics R. ................. 152 IV. Leading P .............. 169 V ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

And yet, he will reach certain degrees

Quote from the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), d. 1, yavl. 7, Chatsky's words:

And yet, he will reach the known levels, After all, now they love the dumb. Quoted as applied to those who please someone in order to achieve their own selfish goals.

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004

See what "But by the way, he will reach the known degrees" in other dictionaries:

    From the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795 1829). The words of Chatsky (act. 1, yavl. 7): But, however, he will reach the known degrees, After all, now they love the dumb. Perhaps Griboedov was inspired by lines from the poem "Fashionable Wife" ... ...

    And yet, he will reach certain degrees- wing. sl. Quote from A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824), d. 1, yavl. 7, the words of Chatsky: But by the way, he will reach the known degrees, After all, now they love the dumb. Quoted as applied to those who please someone for ... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Where is Molchalin, by the way? Have you broken the silence of the press yet? And yet, he will reach the known levels, For now they love the dumb. Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky. See he'll go far...

    See. However, he will reach certain degrees. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    Reach (in the official hierarchy) to the honors of official position Cf. Where is Molchalin by the way? Have you broken the silence of the press yet? And yet he will reach the known levels, For now they love the dumb! Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky. See he will go… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    - (1795 1829) writer and poet, playwright, diplomat And by the way, he will reach the known levels, After all, now they love the dumb. And who are the judges? Oh! if someone loves whom, Why go crazy and search so far? Oh! evil tongues are worse than a gun. Blessed...

    Griboyedov A.S. Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich (1790 or 1795-1829) Russian writer, poet, playwright, diplomat. 1826 was under investigation in the case of the Decembrists. 1828 appointed ambassador to Persia, where he was killed by Persian fanatics. Aphorisms, quotes ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Winged words- words and expressions included in the language. from the definition lit. or ist. source. Sayings of prominent societies. figures, quotations from works. artist, publicist, scientific and other liters. Names belong to K.S. ist. and mythologist. events and realities that received ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    wordless, wordless, wordless; (short masculine not used) wordless, wordless. 1. Deprived of the ability to speak (book). A dumb animal. 2. Silent, taciturn. In every parliament there are many dumb deputies. || With… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    BIRTH- BIRTH. Contents: I. Definition of the concept. Changes in the body during R. Causes of the onset of R ............................ 109 II. Clinical current of physiological R. . 132 Sh. Mechanics R. ................. 152 IV. Leading P .............. 169 V ... Big Medical Encyclopedia