A paragraph and a complex syntactic whole period and its structure is a dialogic unity. Stylistic use in speech

Lecture plan

1. The concept of a complex syntactic whole.

2. Means of interphrase communication between sentences in a complex syntactic whole:

proper lexical;

· lexico-grammatical;


3. Structural types of complex syntactic integers: based on a chain connection; on a parallel connection; on connection; mixed type.

4. Functional-semantic types of complex syntactic integers: narrative, descriptive: type of reasoning; mixed.

5. Paragraph and complex syntactic whole.

Basic concepts

Complex syntactic integer- this is a semantic and structural-intonation association of several independent sentences, characterized by the relative completeness of the topic (micro-theme).

Formal means of communication independent sentences in STS: intonation, the unity of the aspectual-temporal forms of verbs-predicates; the use of 3rd person pronouns, demonstrative, possessive pronouns; the use of synonymous words, lexical repetitions; the use of connecting structures; the same word order, structural parallelism in the construction of independent sentences; the use of various circumstances - words and sentences related in meaning to all sentences of the STS.

“Chain connection consists in the structural linking of sentences. Continuous movement, the development of thought from one sentence to another, is usually carried out in the repetition of the word accented in the previous sentence (member of the sentence) and its deployment in the next one. The connection of any complete sentences is impossible (with a consistent movement of thought) without repetition, the development of any member of the previous sentence ”(G. Ya. Solganik. Syntactic style. - M., 1973. - P. 58 - 59).

The parallel connection lies in the fact that the sentences are independently formed without a lexical and grammatical connection with the previous sentences. “Such proposals are built on the principle of structural parallelism. Proposals are not linked to each other, but are compared; at the same time, due to the parallelism of constructions, depending on the lexical “content”, comparison or opposition is possible ”(G. Ya. Solganik. Syntactic style. - M., 1973. - P. 132).

Anaphoric construction of the SCS- lies in the fact that structural parallelism is enhanced by the repetition of a word at the beginning of sentences.

Epiphoric construction of the SCS lies in the fact that parallelism is enhanced by the repetition of words and expressions at the end of sentences.

Connecting connection based on the use connecting structures, sequentially adjacent to the beginning of the SCS.

Narrative STS- this is a type that tells about successive events, phenomena related to the past.

Descriptive STS are characterized by the unity of aspectual-temporal forms of predicates, syntactic parallelism and a certain area of ​​use - descriptive contexts of speech.

STS type of reasoning include elements of all types of syntactic links between sentences; they contain the author's generalization, evaluation of events and phenomena.

Paragraph and complex syntactic integer– categories of different language levels: SSC is a semantic-syntactic category, paragraph- a unit of compositional articulation of speech, i.e. a means of highlighting "meaningful and compositionally significant segments of speech."

Practice #12

Topic for discussion: Complex syntactic integer. Paragraph.

Target: Mastering the skills of analyzing a complex syntactic whole as a semantic-syntactic category.

The period is not only a structural-syntactic phenomenon, but also a compositional-stylistic one. It is characterized by emotional richness, lyrical or journalistic orientation, harmony, musicality - the qualities of an upbeat, musical speech. Period sentences form periodic speech (as opposed to jerky). This type of speech is characterized by smoothness, musicality, completeness of expression of thought, and complex argumentation. P. is common in literary processed speech: in artistic prose, poetry, journalism, and oratory.

Complex syntactic whole as a language unit. Compositional-semantic structure of STS. Paragraph and STS.

Complex syntactic whole as a language unit.

STS - a group of sentences, united in meaning and grammatically, and expressing a more or less complete thought. It is a syntactic unit larger than a sentence. This is a language unit, like a word and a sentence, but more complex in structure.

A complex syntactic whole differs from a complex sentence (including a polynomial one) by a less close connection between the parts, their formal syntactic independence.

In the scientific literature, this unit is called differently: superphrasal unity (SPU), text component, prose stanza.

The beginning of a complex syntactic whole- the first (usually) phrase that structurally organizes the STS, self-sufficient in terms of meaning, setting the micro-theme of the STS.

Compositional-semantic structure of STS.

1) The beginning of STS is the beginning of thought.

2) The middle part is the development of a thought-micro-theme.

3) Ending - summing up the development of the micro-theme

The main means of connecting sentences in STS is structural and semantic correlation, it is also important to take into account the unity of tense forms of predicates in STS.

Can be:

  • Homogeneous composition. Parallel connection between sentences. Sentences are autosemantic, i.e. are significant in themselves, independently formed without lexical and grammatical connection with the preceding sentences.
  • heterogeneous composition. Chain (serial) communication. Sentences are synsemantic, (closely fused sentences, which, being isolated, lose the ability to be used independently, since they have lexico-grammatical indicators of connection with previous sentences).

Thematic progression– an abstract model of the development of the topic, which underlies the construction of the SCS / text (linear, constant, derivative, with splitting of the topic, fan, parallel, thematic jump).

Paragraph and STS.

1) Indent at the beginning of the line, red line.

2) 2 piece of text between two such indents

Syntax subject - 2nd value

The division of the test into paragraphs is associated with the functional and stylistic features of the text, as well as with the individual author's style.

Paragraph is the part of the text between two indents, or red lines. A paragraph and a complex syntactic whole are units of different levels of division, since the bases of their organization are different (a paragraph does not have a special syntactic design, unlike a complex syntactic whole), but these units are intersecting, functionally contiguous, since both of them play a semantic-stylistic role. That is why a paragraph and a complex syntactic whole can coincide in their particular manifestations, correspond to each other. Such a coincidence is not accidental, but not necessarily!

· As a punctuation mark - indent at the beginning of the line; and a piece of text between two such indents

How the subject of syntax can consist of 1 sentence, of 1 STS, include several STSs

The main reasons forcing the writer to use paragraph articulation are as follows:
1) novelty of information, new micro-topic;
2) the importance of the information within the given text;
3) emotional highlighting of a detail;
4) the impossibility of further presentation of information without violating the meaning and consistency (as a result of the linear incompatibility of phrases).

Lecture VIII


I. The concept of SCS

II. SSC structure

III. Means of interphrase communication in the SCS

IV. Types of interphrase communication

V. Functional-communicative typology of STS

VI. Paragraph as a stylistic and compositional unit for the design of the STS and text

I. The concept of SCS

STS differs from complex sentences and complex syntactic constructions (SP with different types of connection) in that in STS sentences are more independent than parts of SP, the links between them are less close. Nevertheless, they form a semantic and structural unity.

What unites the proposals in the SSC? First of all, the unity of the theme (micro-theme).

A large audience gathered in Kyiv to listen to the original musician. He was blind, but rumors passed on miracles about his musical talent and about his personal fate. It was said that as a child he was kidnapped from a wealthy family by a gang of blind people with whom he wandered until a famous professor noticed his remarkable musical talent. Others said that he himself left the family for the poor out of some romantic motives. Whatever it was, the hall was packed ...

(N. Korolenko)

The micro-theme of the STS is rumors about a blind musician.

Such combinations of sentences within a text have attracted the attention of linguists since the 18th century. (“A Brief Guide to Eloquence” by M.V. Lomonosov), observations of this phenomenon were present in the works of A.Kh. Vostokova, F.I. Buslaeva, A.M. Peshkovsky, but they became the subject of a syntactic description in the middle of the 20th century. In the 1940s and 1950s, interest arose in the study of complex forms of speech organization. It was during this period that such a syntactic unit as STS was defined (Terminological synonyms: superphrasal unity(L.A. Bulakhovsky, I.R. Galperin), prose stanza(G.Ya. Solganik).

In the 1960s and 1970s, various ways of linking sentences in the text were studied, the relationship between the paragraph and the STS was considered, and the signs of the STS and the text were identified. In the 70-80s, in connection with the active study of the communicative aspect of syntax, the syntax of the text was associated with the theory of actual articulation.

Signs of SSC:

1) thematic unity of proposals in the group;

2) special ways of connecting independent, intonationally complete sentences with each other.

II. SSC structure

Being the largest syntactic unit, on the one hand, and at the same time the minimum unit of the text, on the other hand, the STS is characterized by a special construction, compositional-thematic division. The syntactic and compositional-thematic plans of the STS are closely interconnected, although they do not coincide.

In its most general, classical form, the SCS consists of conception, main part and endings. The beginning and ending fasten the sentences between them in the FSC.


Hot air trembles over the burnt porous slate of roofs, over the softened asphalt of straight deserted streets. In the hot haze, the pale yellow walls of earthquake-resistant houses, rare thorny trees, thickets of television antennas above the houses sway. The streets are empty, the city seems to be abandoned.

Here a hedgehog, big, eared, ran out of the dusty front garden onto the panel. He moved his nose, buckled up, I rushed away, leaving a chain of depressed bird tracks on the pavement.

And quiet. Only the howling - almost melodious - of small-ribbed boxes of air conditioners sticking out of the windows, flowing out in trickles of water condensate.

Heat.(A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky)

IV. Types of interphrase communication

chain Parallel
Meaning Reflects a consistent movement, the development of thoughts in a coherent speech. Expresses enumeration, comparison or opposition. SSCs are usually descriptive.
Character It is expressed in the structural correlation of two sentences. It is expressed in the same or similar construction of sentences: sentences are of the same type in grammatical structure, have the same word order, PE are expressed in the same grammatical forms, etc.
Means of communication - repetitions; - pronouns; - pronominal demonstrative adverbs; - repeated nomination; - introductory words; - unions and allied words at the beginning of a sentence; - Structural deficiency. - the use of words of one thematic group; -repetitions, anaphoras; - the ratio of aspectual-temporal forms of predicates; - syntactic parallelism.
Examples A large audience gathered in Kyiv to listen to the original musician. He was blind, but rumors passed on miracles about his musical talent and about his personal fate. It was said that as a child he was kidnapped from a wealthy family by a gang of blind people with whom he wandered until a famous professor noticed his remarkable musical talent. Others said that he himself left the family for the poor out of some romantic motives. Be that as it may, the hall was packed ... (N. Korolenko) SSCs with chain links make up the bulk (80–85%) of the verbal fabric in all styles of speech. In the very center of Accra - bright, as if illuminated, outlandish tropical trees. On the outskirts are squat, massive baobabs. Like bright butterflies, flexible, long branches of exotic shrubs are strewn with flowers. Cacti bloom with yellow and pink lights. In such a green kingdom, feathered tropical fidgets feel at ease. (From newspapers). The sentences of this complex syntactic whole have a similar grammatical structure: they are two-part, common, complete; they have the same word order, in this case, the reverse, because the composition of the predicate precedes the composition of the subject, homogeneous definitions are of the same type.

Differences between sss and paragraph

Paragraph to FCS Ratio

A = FSC This ratio is considered neutral and is typical for informative texts. It gives lightness, clarity, transparency, dynamism to the artistic and journalistic text. Potatoes have been grown in Belarus since 1850. Climatic conditions and soil of Belarus are the best suited to the liking of the overseas guest. On Belarusian soil, potatoes have found a second home, having won universal recognition. Paying tribute to this plant, the Belarusian people sang and glorified the potato in the folk song and dance "Bulba".(From an anthology on botany)
BUT< ССЦ Деление ССЦ на абзацы позволяет крупным планом показать каждый элемент текста: действие, предмет или аргумент. Иногда оформление одного предложения ССЦ отдельным абзацем противопоставляет его остальному тексту, подчеркивает его значимость. Near the Christmas tree lay a thick book - a gift from my mother. These were the fairy tales of Christian Andersen. I sat down under the tree and opened the book. It contained many color pictures covered with tissue paper. I had to carefully blow off this paper in order to examine these pictures, still sticky from paint. There, the walls of snowy palaces sparkled with Bengal fire, wild swans flew over the sea, in which pink clouds were reflected, and tin soldiers stood on the clock on one leg, clutching long guns. I began to read and read so much that, to the chagrin of adults, I almost did not pay attention to the elegant Christmas tree. K. Paustovsky)
A > STS This ratio is intended for the perception of information not dissected, but as a whole, serves to combine different events into one picture. This is typical for reasoning about complex, multidimensional relationships between people, phenomena, events, or about inseparable phenomena and events. In literary texts, “story within a story”, dreams, memories, etc. are usually given in one paragraph to highlight their interstitial nature. It was an August night, starry but dark. Because I had never before in my life been in such an exceptional situation as I happened to be in now, this starry night seemed to me deaf, unfriendly and darker than it actually was. // I was on a railroad line that was still under construction. A high, half-finished embankment, heaps of sand, clay and rubble, barracks, pits, wheelbarrows scattered here and there, flat elevations above the dugouts in which the workers lived - all this jumble, painted in darkness in one color, gave the earth some strange , a wild face, reminiscent of times of chaos. There was so little order in everything that lay in front of me that among the ugly pitted, unlike ground, it was somehow strange to see the silhouettes of people and slender telegraph poles, both of which spoiled the ensemble of the picture and seemed not of this world. . / / It was quiet, and only heard above our heads, somewhere very high, the telegraph buzzed its boring song. (A. Chekhov)

The division of the text into paragraphs determines both the general tone of the narration and the specific semantic and expressive content of its individual parts. Compare, for example, the different division into paragraphs of an excerpt from Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in the interpretation of different translators. Due to the different division into paragraphs, the emphasis in translations shifts significantly.

...And then Becky, passing by the teacher's table, which stood not far from the door, noticed that the key was sticking out of the lock! Could such a rare event have been missed? She looked around, not a soul around. A minute later she was holding the book in her hands. The title "Anatomy", the work of Professor So-and-so, did not explain anything to her, and she began to leaf through the book. On the first page, she came across a beautifully drawn and painted figure of a naked man. At that moment, a shadow fell on the page: Tom Sawyer appeared in the doorway and glanced at the picture out of the corner of his eye. Becky hastily slammed the book shut, but inadvertently tore the picture halfway through. She put the book in the drawer, turned the key, and burst into tears of shame and annoyance.(Translated by K. Chukovsky). ... And so, passing by the pulpit, which stood near the very doors, Becky noticed that the key was sticking out in the box. It was a pity to miss such a moment. She looked around and saw that there was no one around, and in the next moment the book was already in her hands. The title on the first page - "Anatomy" by Professor So-and-so - said absolutely nothing to her, and she began to leaf through the book. She immediately came across a very beautiful picture, all in colors: a completely naked person. At that moment, a shadow fell on the page - Tom Sawyer was standing in the doorway, looking into the book over her shoulder. In her haste to close the book, Becky pulled it towards her, and so unsuccessfully that she tore the page halfway. She threw the book into the drawer and burst into tears of shame and annoyance.. (Translated by N. Daruses, 1953)
In this passage, one paragraph and one heroine is Becky, and Tom is given in her perception, There are two actors here. Tom appears in the second paragraph and is perceived as an independent hero, he becomes the culprit of what happened. The appearance of the second active hero - a consequence of paragraph highlighting - dramatizes the action.

Example taken from: Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. A guide to spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. M.: CheRo, 1999.

Lecture VIII


I. The concept of SCS

II. SSC structure

Exam: Economics and Law

42. Paragraph (A) and complex syntactic whole (STS). Period and its structure. dialogic unity.

The boundaries of A and SCS, although they coincide, are not the same. A. is 1) a red line or an indent at the beginning of a line equal to 3 characters, 2) a segment of written speech from the 1st red line to the next. Signs of A. as a segment of speech: 1) A. is not a structural-semantic, but a stylistic-compositional unit, 2) A. highlights the most important groups of sentences or individual sentences in the text in order to: a) describe a new stage in the development of the action, b) give a characterization of the new hero, c) make the author's digression, 3) the division of the text into paragraphs is associated with the musical features of the text, with the individual author's manner of ordering and presentation of information, 4) dividing the text into A-s can serve as a means of influencing the worst imagination of the reader and his emotions, and in many cases is a creative process.

A. and STS are "units of different levels, but they can intersect, functionally touch, because they play a semantic-stylistic role. In this regard, they can coincide (this happens often). Such A-s are stylistically neutral. Borders A. and STS can and do not coincide. A.s can consist of 2-3 STS. In these cases, the stylist role of A. will be different.A. from one sentence express the expression of emphasis, give events in close-up, acting as a kind of headline following it STS, i.e. A in this case is the beginning (micro-theme ) STS. One suggestion can stand out in a separate A. and in those cases when it is the ending of the STS and plays the role of a kind of generalization. When A. consists of 2-3 STSs, it serves to combine different events in one picture. In this case, several micro-themes form one common big theme, which is shown in one paragraph. The winter was warm. Behind Revel, the sea was ice-free. Shchedrin looked at took off from the deck of the transport to the dusk-shrouded shores. There, in Reval, his mother remained. She came from Petrograd to see off her son and stayed at an inexpensive hotel. Here A. includes 2 STS. One with a parallel connection (the first two sentences), the other with a chain connection (the last three sentences). The division of the text into A. is an important style-forming factor. Thus, large A-s are more characteristic of an epicly calm narrative. A-s - sentences are more characteristic of a dynamic, tense narrative. from the individual style of the author.The role of A in different styles is different (in public style).

Period (P) and its structure

Distribution in the language of thin. literature and in public. P (Greek "circle") - a special form of organization of speech. P - most often various complex sentences with homogeneous, subordinate or independent sentences. In addition to complex ones, there are also simple sentences built in the form of a period (to be chosen, to serve eternal truth, to give everything to the idea: youth, strength, health, to be ready to die for the common good - what a high, what a happy destiny!). P is characterized by the following signs: 1) a clear, rhythmic-intonational and semantic division of the entire sentence into 2 parts. 1st is pronounced with an increase in tone and an acceleration of the tempo, 2nd - after a deep pause - with a decrease in tone and a slowdown in tempo, 2) the 1st part usually depends on the 2nd (submits to it), is larger in volume, and most often is divided into parts of the same type ( members of P), 3) usually the members of P are built symmetrically, they are prepositions or turns of the 1st structure, with the 1st word order, with predicates of the same type in form. Monogamy (anaphora) is widely used (I will sink to the bottom of the sea, I will fly beyond the clouds, I will give you everything, everything earthly - Love me). P at the junction of parts is usually divided by a dash, zpt + dash, zpt. Any preposition is constructed in the form of P m b. "P - especially solemn, expresses excitement, emotion, elation, is widely used in poetry, in poetic prose, oratorical, journalistic styles. Form P corresponds to its content in verse - NII "When the yellowing field is agitated."

Dialogue unit (DE)

DE is a combination of replica-sentences into one structural and semantic whole, according to the patterns, to which dialogic speech is built. DE - the largest structural-but-semantic. unit of dialogue speech, consists of 2, less often 3-4 sentences - replicas, closely connected. m / in itself in meaning and structure, while the content and form of the 1st replica determines the form and content of the 2nd. It turns out that only in a combination of replicas is the necessary completeness of this part of the dialogue found for understanding:

What is your name?

My name is Leonty Petrovich.

According to their meaning and formal features, including intonation, DEs are divided into a number of types: 1) question-answer unity (most distribution), 2) unity, in which the 2nd repl continues the unfinished 1st, connection meaning with her:

Tatyana: He is beautifully dressed...

Black grouse: And cheerful.

3) unity with relations of disagreement / agreement m / y replicas:

You, Yegor, this does not concern.

No, it does.

4) unit with the relation of the statement and one or another of its qualifications:

Their tower is like a fortress.

Such a simple building.

Not all successive repls have these features. There are replicas that appear to be complete in terms of the meaning of the sentence, and they are, as it were, not connected m / with themselves:

Comrade Maksudov? the blond asked.

I'm looking for you all over the theater, - a new acquaintance spoke up. - Let me introduce myself: Director Foma Strizh.

    Answered by: Maxim Berezhnov
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