"Ayurveda. Review of the book "Ayurveda

Recently, the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house (more about it at the end of the article) sent me another book. Last time I wrote to Leanne Campbell, now I have the opportunity to read the edition of Thomas Yarema, Johnny Brannigan and Daniel Rod. And here's what I think...

As always, for convenience and clarity, I will write everything down point by point.


1. To be honest, such books evoke sacred awe in me by their very appearance. Pleasant cover, coated paper, high-quality binding... In general, the quality of the publication cannot be underestimated.

2. People who are interested in Ayurveda simply must have such a book at home. It is undoubtedly useful for those who are just beginning to study this ancient science. And if your friends or relatives ask you: “What is Ayurveda?”, You can give them “Ayurveda. Healthy recipes with thousands of years of history for modern life” for review. I was even a little surprised how much useful information is contained in the book. It seems that the authors were able to cover all topics, highlighting the main theses in each. Here you will find a description of the doshas, ​​and information about tastes, and tips on arranging the kitchen, shopping for food, nutrition during pregnancy and various diseases, as well as many other useful topics.

3. The section on doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) would like to be highlighted separately. For me it has been very helpful. I have been a vegetarian for more than 2 years, I am familiar with the basics of Vedic cooking and some of the principles of Ayurveda. But, interestingly, she could not force herself to understand the doshas. I opened some articles, books a couple of times, but everything seemed so confusing to me. But thanks to the book, I was able to quickly understand the meaning of doshas and even easily determined my type.
The information in the book, as well as the recipes, are given according to the type of constitution of each person. So, you can find here the main recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition for representatives of each of the 3 doshas. In addition, in the second section of the book there are recipes for breakfasts, lunches, dinners and even snacks, and also for Vata, Pitta, Kapha separately.

4. Let me give a little advice to those who want to study the book. At the end there are a few words from the authors. I advise you to start with them. I really liked the following lines: “Let the pages of the book have food stains, and its text makes you think: “Yeah, I knew that.” May your meal times be filled with laughter, lightness and gratitude. And may the book give you and your loved ones joy and confidence, and may the food you cook be a reflection of your unique self.
In general, after reading parting words from the author, studying the book is much more interesting. We can say that the appropriate tone for reading is set.
Therefore, I also attributed the fact that the book has a few words from the authors to the pluses.

5. After flipping through the book for the first time, I came across a recipe with salmon and then I thought: “strange ... Ayurveda and fish don’t seem to go well together ... That’s the first minus.” But, having read the book in full, I changed my mind on this issue.
Yes, at first I was a little struck by the fact that the book gives recommendations for eating meat. Although in the book itself, out of more than 170 recipes, only 7 with fish and chicken. No meat or eggs are found anywhere else.
Then I thought that this is the right position - after all, not all people are ready to give up meat right away. Perhaps such a tolerant approach to this topic, on the contrary, will be of interest to more people. After all, there are no phrases like: "You should not eat meat" or "Meat will kill you." No. Although at the same time the authors of the book make it clear that meat is harmful and that being a vegetarian is more beneficial for health. And there, everyone will decide for himself what and how to eat.


1. Surprisingly, there is only one minus for me. And he's talking about recipes again. Since the authors are American, most of the recipes contain ingredients that are not very accessible to us (for example, not everyone can find mung beans, and coconut milk and asparagus are quite expensive here). Although, of course, for those who want variety, the recipes are wonderful.
And I'm still waiting for one of our compatriots to write a book with vegetarian recipes that will contain more familiar potatoes, turnips, zucchini and more.

And in conclusion, I want to say a few words about the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber". I currently have three of their books in my library: Recipes for Health and Longevity by Leanne Campbell, The China Study by Colin Campbell, and Ayurveda. Healthy recipes with thousands of years of history for modern life" Thomas Yarema, Johnny Brannigan and Daniel Rod. And I never get tired of admiring and scrolling through them. Firstly, the publications, as I said, are very high quality and beautiful. And secondly, the books are really as useful as possible, as indicated. In general, I am very glad that I got acquainted with this publishing house. Thank you very much for such a fruitful and necessary work.

P.S. If you liked the article, subscribe to updates - new vegetarian recipes will be waiting for you in the mail!

Food is life. The quality of our life depends on the quality of food. Unfortunately, in the modern world, most people pay little attention to proper nutrition and lifestyle. More and more preference is given to fast foods and convenience foods. But there is absolutely no benefit from such food, rather the opposite. If you want to be healthy, full of strength and energy, your food must also be healthy.

We present to your attention the Ayurveda guide "Ayurveda. Healthy recipes with a thousand years of history for modern life", which was developed by three authors: Thomas Yarema, the creator of the diet based on Ayurvedic principles, his patient Daniel Rhoda, who regained his health with the help of this diet, and Johnny Brannigan, Chef who has prepared and designed over 150 healthy recipes.

This book is a true masterpiece, both in design and content. This is a storehouse of useful information for everyone who is interested in healthy eating, cooking, Ayurveda.

The illustrated encyclopedia of Ayurveda consists of two main parts: Introduction to Ayurveda and Recipes.

Part I. Guide:

1. About Ayurveda in a nutshell

From this chapter you will learn what Ayurveda is from antiquity to the present day, get acquainted with the doshas and determine your belonging to one of them, learn about the six tastes and how they are related to the doshas, ​​learn how to choose the right foods for your body constitution.

2. We buy, prepare and store live foods

This chapter discusses aspects such as Ayurveda for vegetarians and non-vegetarians, modern nutritional problems and how to solve them, as well as practical advice on what foods to buy, how best to store and prepare them to preserve the maximum of nutrients.

3. Basics of Ayurveda: atmosphere, blessing and consumption

This chapter talks about the importance of creating a certain attitude towards cooking and eating food, and gives recommendations for a healthy diet.

4. Natural cycles

If you dream of leading a healthy lifestyle in harmony with yourself and the world, you should definitely read this section. It describes the cycles and seasons of life, their impact on our lives, gives recommendations for sleep, sexual relations, physical activity. You will learn about the benefits of yoga and meditation, learn about how to breathe properly

5. Food as medicine

Instead of treating the consequences, it is better to eliminate the causes of the disease. Food can be medicine for your body. In this chapter, you will learn about the six stages of illness, the benefits of fasting and its types, foods to take for a particular disease, how to eat during pregnancy in each of the trimesters and while breastfeeding, about foods that promote beauty. We also advise you to read the 10 most important ingredients for health, if you apply them in your life, you will change beyond recognition!

Part II. Cookbook:

1. Introduction to recipes

In this section you will find ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner for each type of dosha, as well as how to cook for the whole family if you are representatives of different body types, which means that your food should be different.

2. The basics of Ayurvedic recipes

This section describes the instructions for preparing the main ingredients, without which it is difficult to imagine Ayurveda and a healthy diet. You will learn how to prepare ghee, yogurt, seasonings for different doshas, ​​paneer, almond and coconut milk, how to make spice mixtures for different dishes.

3. Expanded recipes

This section includes 16 categories - from main dishes to desserts, which are designed for more experienced chefs.

The second part of the book is the dream of anyone who loves to cook and eat delicious food. Already from one viewing of beautiful professional photos, there is an appetite and a desire to cook something new. Healthy eating is very tasty, see for yourself by preparing any of the 150 recipes presented in this book.

The book also contains useful additions:

1. List of foods for each dosha in the form of a table.

2. Cooking tables (how to cook legumes, cereals by time, how much liquid is needed).

3. Germination schedule (if you decide to germinate grains to eat live food, which is incredibly energetic and healthy).

4. Glossary (Ayurvedic terms).

List of CIS stores where you can To buy a book.

Original name: Thomas Yarema "Eat-Taste-Heal. An Ayurvedic Cookbook for Modern Living"

About the book in one sentence: Proper nutrition is the best cure for all diseases.

The book is beautifully published. Hardcover, coated paper and a bookmark already familiar in the books of the MIF publishing house. Beautiful photographs, clear diagrams and a very convenient structure. Pleasant to hold, flip through and study.

The book is divided into two parts - "Manual" and "Cookbook".
In the first part, the essence of Ayurveda is revealed in a very understandable and accessible form. The chapter "About Ayurveda in a nutshell" perfectly reflects its meaning. Here you can learn about the origin of this direction and its development, about the nature and individual characteristics of the personality (doshas), about the six tastes and the relationship between what we eat and how we feel.
I really liked how the authors assigned their color to each dosha for clarity: green - Vata, lilac - Pitta and orange - Kapha.
If you don't know what type of person you are, don't worry. On the pages of the book there is not only an overview of each of them, but also physiological characteristics and disorders, psychological characteristics, inherent qualities and ways to find balance. According to the description or the proposed test, it is not difficult to determine the type of personality.

In no case do not skip the first chapter, referring immediately to the recipes. There is a lot of useful information here that allows you to more subtly feel how to choose the right nutrition, taking into account your personality type, season, and even part of the day.

Chapter 2, "Buying, Cooking, and Storing Live Foods," made me a little upset. It's not because it's badly written. It's just that it is not intended for the Russian reader. The narrative concerns exclusively the USA, Canada and the West. The emphasis is on the fact that the products from which the right food is prepared should be environmentally friendly. The authors encourage us to become clients of the departments of "eco products" and small farmers. With us, eco-products are more like a sticker that allows you to sell a product three times as much. Yes, and only in large metropolitan areas.
We were amused by the inserts about how broiler chickens are grown, whose beaks and fingers are cut. Or how poor calves are not allowed to walk or lie down and are kept in a stall 0.6x0.9 m. Or about the slaughter of conscious cows. Too much, it seems to me.
Separately, I will note products with GMOs and a call to avoid them to the maximum. At the same time, soy milk is present in the recipes of the book, although soy products have the highest probability of getting GMOs.
I think that this chapter definitely needed to be revised for the Russian reader. And the book would lose nothing if the main ideas of this part were presented in thesis. But about us.

Chapter 3, The Basics of Ayurveda: Atmosphere, Blessing and Consumption, will appeal to any nutritionist. Eat in a quiet and relaxed environment, chew thoroughly, do not eat on the run, rest for a few minutes after eating ... - all this is recommended to us by a variety of experts in the field of proper nutrition. Time-honored laws.

Chapter 4, "Natural Cycles," describes the options for building a day that are optimal for each type of personality, both in terms of nutrition and periods of work and rest. The rules of good sleep, recommendations for building harmonious sexual relationships and physical activity, breathing techniques are given.

Chapter 5, "Food as Medicine," explains how to eat to prevent illness, stop its progress, and heal yourself. According to Ayurveda, there are no incurable diseases. Even in the most difficult situations there is a way out. At the same time, Ayurveda does not negate traditional medicine. Each type is offered its own version of fasting, nutrition, the use of herbs and spices for healing. At the same time, the authors do not impose or assert. They tell how they were healed by food and fasting in ancient times, how they preserved and supplemented this knowledge in the future, and how we can help the body ourselves.

And finally, Part II - "Cookbook".
Of course, the previous chapters have given a lot of useful information about how and what to eat in order to feel happy and healthy. But how to put this knowledge into practice? You can immediately get confused, especially if there are several personality types in the family.
Even though we are all different, Ayurveda recommends including all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, tart, spicy and bitter) in your diet.
The book gives recipes for each dosha, with notes after the recipe about what needs to be substituted for other doshas. For those who follow a gluten-free diet, there is a special mark. Again, it is very convenient to perceive information with the usual green, lilac and orange squares, which indicate compliance with a certain dosha.

The recipes are varied. From basic sets of spices for each dosha to interesting holiday dishes.
In the course of studying the recipes, the insistence of the authors to show the importance of using “organic” oil and “filtered” water was amused, although Chapter 2 devoted many pages to this. Also, I very much doubt that it is so easy to find Bragg amino acids in Russia. But the vast majority of recipes are viable and applicable. If a couple of years ago the list of spices could be bewildering, now even in my small Belgorod I found everything I needed without any problems.
The appendices provide convenient lists of products recommended for each dosha by group, tables for cooking legumes and cereals, sprouting schedules.

And now my thoughts. The book is great! If you are just starting your acquaintance with Ayurveda and do not know how to approach this philosophy, then I strongly recommend it. If the information in the book is not enough for you, then you can already search for special literature in bookstores or on the Internet with a certain knowledge of the matter, without being afraid of unfamiliar words and owning a certain base.
The unobtrusive style of presentation of the book only recommends, in no case imposes or insists. This appeals to me, because I do not like categorical.

I would like to end my review with the phrase with which the book begins: "All the wisdom of the world comes down to a simple truth: food is life." I cannot but agree with this.

Ayurveda. Healthy recipes with thousands of years of history for modern life. Big gift book.

This book details Ayurveda - the most ancient system of healthy lifestyle - and offers healing recipes that nourish the body, mind and soul. The book is very large, similar in Russian has not yet come out. A complete textbook on Ayurveda, with a huge number of interesting recipes. Not only vegetarian: here you can find both fish and chicken.

A unique book, and the quality of the publication is amazing, a book from Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014 edition ().

Large format, coated paper, hardcover. A book that can be passed on to grandchildren, it is so good. Recommended to EVERYONE who is somehow studying the problem of healthy eating.

There is a silk ribbon bookmark. And many other pleasant little things that together make up the concept "great book": color marks (vata-pitta-kapha are highlighted in different colors, easy to see on any page), sensible explanations, applications with tables that are needed all the time (because everything can be remembered only with time, and it takes a lot of time, the material is in the book set out huge).

It's great that the book contains not only the recipes themselves (inspiring!), but also the principles of the recipes, thanks to which you themselves You can make any recipes, guided by the principles of Ayurvedic nutrition.

Tea, fruit salad.

The quality of the paper (it is thick) allows you to keep the book in the kitchen, at hand - exactly where it is most needed, and not just on a shelf in a bookcase.

The photo below shows some of the pages of the book.

The photographs of the dishes in the book are so good that it is a pleasure to look at the book just like that, looking at recipes for a future breakfast/lunch/dinner. We look, we make lists of products ( how to select and store them is also described in the book), bring everything home, and start creating culinary miracles! Most importantly, healthy! And the products here are familiar, familiar, just thanks to the book we can learn how to cook them in a new way, not quite the way we are used to, using spices, herbs, understanding the subtleties and secrets of craftsmanship. Changing habits - changing diet and lifestyle. With health benefits.

“As is the cosmic body, so is the human body. What is the cosmic mind, such is the human mind. As is the macrocosm, so is the microcosm.

The infinite intelligence of nature at the quantum level is the basis of our existence. What is the Universe (macrocosm), such is man (microcosm). By understanding this connection, we can find the power of healing within ourselves. » .

The word Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit wordsayus andveda. Ayusmeans "life" in translationveda- "knowledge" or "science". Thus, it can be considered that Ayurveda is knowledge or the science of life.Ayus(life) is not only the biological age or physical health of a person. According to Ayurvedic principles, “it is the union of mind, body, senses and soul. It's endless energy and life force » .

Here I want to say very briefly: this is the best book on Ayurveda that I have ever studied or held in my hands.

Even the dosha test, with which you determine which energies predominate in your body (fire, air, ether, water or earth), the variations for which are in the hundreds, is absolutely logical and understandable in this book.

“Doshas are the biological forces of the human body and mind. They control all physical and mental processes and predetermine the individual scenario of health and self-realization of each person. » says Ayurveda. Understanding your doshas is the beginning of applying Ayurveda in your life.

In this book you will find:

1. A very brief, but voluminous and detailed introduction to the basic concepts of Ayurveda (the authors managed to brilliantly structure and literally explain the principles of ancient knowledge on their fingers).

2. Clear and valuable tests. For example, by determining the amount of ama (toxins), a taste test. Why are they so useful? They give you the opportunity to assess your current state of health and choose the best plan for either its strengthening or healing.

3. Simple recipes for preparing Ayurvedic dishes, as well as general principles of nutrition and food combinations.

There are people who are shown a raw food diet, while others it is contraindicated. One suits running, the other - smooth yoga. Some do well in humid climates, others do well in dry ones. Ayurveda provides the key to understanding your health and the tools with which you can get rid of all diseases. And even if you can't move to a country with the ideal climate for you or completely choose organic food for yourself, in this book you will find a lot of tools to help you adjust the environment so that your life is as comfortable as possible.

Ayurveda heals the body, and through it, the emotions and soul. When our body is not slagged either on a physical or emotional level, everything is much easier for us - self-realization in the profession, and creativity, and building harmonious relationships.

For me, Ayurveda is one of the most organic and holistic teachings that serve as a catalyst in knowing yourself and improving your life. This book can be your starting point in this fascinating world of ancient, but at the same time extremely relevant wisdom today.

Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing

Excerpt from the book: