What to do at work so that the boss does not fire you. Looking for something to do at work when bored and have free time

2 367 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about what to do when there is nothing to do. Boredom can cause depression, so do not let yourself get bored even in the most hopeless situation. There is an activity for every occasion.

What to do at home when there is nothing to do?

  • Hobby. Trivially. Trite. Surely you have already thought about it. But nothing will cheer you up and pass the time like a passion for what you love. Now is the perfect time to do things you love that you have been putting off for a long time.
    - Start drawing a picture by numbers? Yes.
    — Embroider a beautiful picture with a cross? Please!
    - Watch a new movie? Please turn it on!

You can even combine some of your favorite activities together.

  • Useful things. Getting rid of boredom goes well with doing household chores that were constantly put off until later. Sort through the closet, sort photos for printing, clean flowers and window sills, etc.
  • The beauty. Take care of yourself - soak in the bath, make an elaborate facial mask, or invite a manicure specialist or massage therapist to your house.
  • Preparing delicious treats. If you like to cook, then it's time to choose a new recipe and please your family with a gourmet dish. We make a list of products and run to the store!
  • Planning. Make a plan for the next week, year or month. Set goals for yourself and work towards achieving them. If it comes to the end of the year, look at the past 365 days from the outside. We advise you to read:
  • Communication with loved ones. Haven't seen your grandmother for a long time or gossip with a classmate? Give them a call and invite them over. While you wait for the guests, you can bake a cake or a pie.
  • Music and dancing. If you are bored and have nothing to do, then arrange incendiary dances to your favorite songs. This activity is not only pleasant, but also useful for the figure. You can dance while putting things in order in the apartment. And if you have a small child sleeping, then put on headphones and Let's dance!
  • Help. Make time for someone who needs help. It can be family members, relatives or strangers. Sort through things, and donate unwanted clothes in good condition to a charitable foundation. Offer to help an animal shelter.

What to do at work when there is nothing to do?

  • Plan your vacation. Even if you've just come from there. Look on the Internet for new places, calculate how much the trip will cost you. Calculate what you can save on to visit a particular place or visit two cities. Learn about couchsurfing. Make a plan for each day of your stay in a new city.
  • Reading books. For situations where everything is redone, and there is still a lot of time before the end of the working day, keep a book of your favorite writer or genre in stock. Don't want to read? Download an audiobook to your phone.
  • Drawing. If you have sheets and pens with pencils at hand and you have talent, then get creative. When the authorities appear, the accessories can be easily hidden.
  • Entertainment on your smartphone or computer. The Internet is full of different ways to have fun - games, tests, videos, etc. If access to sites is limited at work, then download interesting applications to your phone at home.
  • Crosswords. Buy magazines and newspapers with crosswords, sudoku, charades. Solving puzzles helps pass the time and trains the brain.
  • Charger. Office workers spend a lot of time in a sitting position, and this is bad for their health. Hence laziness, drowsiness and non-working mood. Once every 2 hours, do exercises and warm up - this will relieve boredom and bring the end of the working day closer.

  • Snack. Drinking tea with sweets at work is a very pleasant experience and helps to kill 10-15 minutes of time. It is recommended to make a choice towards healthy and healthy snacks so as not to accumulate a few extra pounds.
  • Trainings. Choose the online training you are interested in and improve yourself. At work, this brings doubly more benefits - you earn money and gain new knowledge.

What to do outside the home when bored?

  • Shopping. Going shopping and getting the things you like or need is for many people. You can wander around shopping centers in search of discounts or bargains. But do not forget to first make a list of essential things, it will take another 10-15 minutes.
  • Cinema. Why not get acquainted with the latest in the film industry? Invite a friend or visit the gym on your own. In any case, there will be many people around, and you will not feel lonely.
  • Walk around the city. Walk along familiar streets, visit sights, take pictures of beautiful places. The lesson will be even more enjoyable when your favorite soundtracks are playing on the headphones.
  • Courses. An ideal activity that allows you to pass not only the current time, but also other boring moments is signing up for courses. Learn a foreign language, go to fitness, swimming pool, etc.
  • Cafe. You can dispel boredom in a cafe with a pleasant design and live music. Try a new dish or just order a cup of aromatic coffee.
  • Attractions. Why not remember your childhood and go to an amusement park? There are many attractions for adults to help you relax and unwind.

What to do if you are bored on the road?

  • Acquaintance. This option is suitable for you if you are traveling by public transport. Meeting new people is a good way to pass the time on the road.
  • Dream. If you can comfortably sleep in a sitting position, then sleep. You will get a charge of vivacity and will not notice how you arrive at your destination.
  • Creation. Take knitting and embroidery with you on the road. Creative work helps out well on a train or plane.
  • Movie. Download a few movies that you have long wanted to watch and you will not notice how time flies. This is especially true on long trips and flights.
  • Dreams. What could be better than driving, looking out the window at the flickering landscapes and dreaming? The road well helps to rethink current events and calm down.
  • Introduction to the route. If you are going to visit a new city or country, then use the Internet or other resources to find out more about them. Read information about attractions and look for new places of interest.
  • Observations. Secretly consider the people who are in the same transport with you. Imagine how they live and where they go. Carefully eavesdrop on someone else's conversation. Write down what you hear in a notebook and use it as the basis for your story.

What to do at the computer when bored?

  • Earnings. There are many options on the Internet to earn additional income. , website development, etc. Choose your favorite activity. You should not lose sight of this option if you do not have the appropriate skills - if necessary, you can find training materials.
  • Games. Sites with flash games will save you from boredom, and if you are not impressed by their graphics, then download an interesting and exciting client game. There are many paid and free games.
  • Video calling with loved ones. Call and chat via webcam and skype with friends and family. You will experience a lot of positive impressions, especially if they live far away from you.
  • Search for a soul mate. There are many dating sites that help you find a life partner. Fill out the form, and feel free to go in search of him. We advise you to read:
  • entertainment resources. You can find things to do by taking a fascinating journey through the Internet and visiting various sites.
resource address What do we have to do?
multator RUCreate a cartoon
mailfuture RUWrite a letter to yourself or another person in the future
hatewall RUThrow out the negative on the "Wall of Hate"
drawi rudraw
mariemarie0000.free.fr/fichiers/images/pop. swfPop the bubbles
wishpush. comMake a wish
mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/ball-poolChase the balls
29a.ch/sandbox/2011/neonflamesDraw a neon swirl
www.donothingfor2minutes. comSpend 2 minutes doing nothing
www.biglongnow. comslam the doors
button.dekel ENClick on the magic button to make it all right
natribu. orgSend a bad person to this site
guess. netCreate music
editor.0lik. RUProcess the photo
bestmaps.com/placeCheck out the best satellite photos
alchemygame.ru/mods/1/play/Feel like an alchemist

frivolous activities for two bored people

  1. Celebrate a non-circular anniversary of your relationship. Have you been together for 3 months and 11 days? The perfect occasion to celebrate. Although 101 days sounds more interesting :)
  2. Let the guy paint himself.
  3. Take a bath with rubber duckies.
  4. Create a fictitious pedigree for your pet.
  5. Visit the store and completely update your image, and then go to the cafe like that.
  6. Cook each other's favorite dishes from childhood.
  7. Go to the movies and pull up your T-shirt when no one is watching.
  8. Chat with quotes from books, movies, and songs.
  9. Take a catalog of clothes or underwear and add tails and horns to the models.
  10. Build a tent from improvised means and spend the night in it.
  11. Have a pillow fight.
  12. Take a photo of yourself making faces and order a mug with the best image.

Boredom is a condition in which there is a lack of interest and motivation. It must be fought in any convenient way. You can allow yourself to do nothing for a while to put your thoughts in order. But then again return to a fun and eventful life.

1. Do some stretching exercises right at your desk so that your muscles rest from the monotonous posture.

2. Go outside and walk around the building twice. If it's too cold, go down and up the stairs a few times.

3. Offer to go get coffee for everyone. You will receive the necessary dose of caffeine and at the same time the gratitude of colleagues.

4. If you need to make a phone call, go outside or into a meeting room and talk on the go. Movement along with conversation will energize you.

5. Take a nap for 15 minutes. For example, in a car or somewhere else where no one will see you. After that, you will feel much more energized.

To recharge your brain

7. Try the Lumosity Brain Trainer. Neuroscientists have developed exercises that train the basic cognitive abilities: memory, attention, problem solving.

8. Read useful articles that you have bookmarked. You will be distracted and maybe learn something new.

9. Watch the beginning of yesterday's edition of some evening show. So you quickly learn the news and laugh.

10. Eat something healthy. Blueberries, blackcurrants, leafy greens, or nuts will help your brain work better.

11. Bring an interesting non-work-related book to the office and take it in between breaks. A good book will inspire you.

12. Write something! For example, a blog post or a short story about what's going on in the office. Or start working on the book you've always wanted to write.

13. Learn a foreign language with the Duolingo app. To replenish your vocabulary, just a couple of minutes a day is enough.

To chat

14. Invite a colleague out for coffee or a meeting on the go. At the same time, you can discuss the accumulated ideas or ask for advice.

15. Cheer up your colleagues with a funny picture.

16. Leave the office and call someone close to you. Just ask how their day goes.

18. Thank someone who recently helped you. It is not necessary to write a long letter, a couple of lines will suffice.

19. Compliment one of your colleagues. Think about why you enjoy working with them or what they do better than others.

20. You have time for a break, but do your colleagues have it? If another department urgently needs help, help. Colleagues will appreciate and help you out next time.

To spend time productively

21. Get off the phone. Delete unused apps, sort photos, organize apps into folders. Move the apps you use daily to your home screen. Also change the wallpaper.

22. Pick one of the projects you're currently working on and have a ten minute . Grab a piece of paper and a marker and write down everything that comes to mind.

23. Update your passwords. Ideally, the phrase should include lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and at least one special character. Do not use the same password for mail and social networks. To remember new passwords, use a password manager like 1Password or PassPack.

24. Clean out your desk drawers or nightstand. Throw away old chewing gum, pens that don't write, bent paper clips, and other trash.

25. Improve your mailbox. Write response templates and set up an autoresponder.

26. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails. Anything you haven't read in a month just clutters up your inbox.

27. Rename documents and put them in their places. Then you won't have to search for the file that your boss needs for five minutes.

28. Delegate some task. Try to make time for what you love.

To get ahead in your career

29. Go to Pinterest. But instead of recipe boards or DIY, look at something career-related. For example, collections of impressive, work suits or cool companies that you would like to work for.

31. Scroll through the feed, see what your friends are writing about. Congratulate those who got a promotion or got a new job. You don't know when you might need these connections.

32. Sit back and dream. Not about a vacation on the beach, but about what you want to achieve in your career in five or ten years. Want a more creative position? A job that allows you to travel a lot? Own business? For now, don't think about what you need to do. Just let yourself dream.

33. Subscribe to talented people who have achieved something. Stay tuned for their updates and tips.

34. Tidy up your professional profile.

35. Find courses you'd like to enroll in or a conference you'd like to attend. Think about how to save money for this, or persuade your boss to pay for the costs.

To relax

36. Do nothing for two minutes. Seriously, there's even a site called donothingfor2minutes.com. You just need to relax, listen to the sound of the waves and don't move your mouse.

37. If you are worried about something, write down these thoughts on a piece of paper, and then throw it away.

38. Find a new desktop wallpaper: a beautiful landscape, an inspirational quote, or a vacation photo. Better yet, choose a few and change them every month.

39. Go to your favorite coffee shop and buy yourself some warm and tasty drink. Sit down and enjoy every sip.

40. View photos from around the world on the National Geographic website.

41. Grab a notepad and pen and write down your thoughts. It's okay if nothing brilliant comes to mind. Write down how you feel and what you are for. This is enough to relax.

For complete relaxation

42. Use your imagination and add interesting items to your list of things you want to do in life. Keep such a list in Evernote, Google Docs, or Bucketlistly.

43. Check out Buzzfeed or another entertainment site.

44. Turn on your favorite work playlist. It should contain songs that inspire you, but do not distract from work. If you have to write, instrumental music is better.

45. Change office supplies to make your workplace look more professional.

47. Paint a picture in the spirit of Picasso at Picasso Head.

48. Go to the back room for new stationery. Or look for something beautiful online.

49. Make a beautiful sculpture out of office supplies.

50. Invite a colleague to compete in an office chair race.

It happens that you are sitting at work, but you are not working. Well, or all the work planned for the day has been redone (it happens much less often), and no urgent tasks are expected for today. There is a lot of time until the end of the working day, and you don’t know what to do at work when there is nothing to do.

After all, you can’t just leave - no one canceled normalized working days. It’s not interesting to waste time, and conscience doesn’t allow it - people work out ... What to do at work when there is nothing to do (see), but something needs to be done?

What to do at work when there is nothing to do?

Top 17 non-boring activities

  1. Treat yourself to something delicious - a chocolate bar, a bun, a pie with jam. If you only have sandwiches and homemade cutlets with you, and you want something sweet, high-calorie and harmful, sneak away to the nearest store for cake or ice cream. Just make sure you're not being followed - bosses have spies everywhere.
  2. Play Hearts, Klondike, Spider or Minesweeper on the computer. Perhaps these are the most common office games that are played by everyone who is not too lazy and who has not yet been caught doing this.
  3. Don't know what to do at work when there is nothing to do (see)? Chat with fellow co-workers. Surely, they, like you, have nothing to do or need to take a break from the “works of the righteous” for a while. In any case, you will definitely find an interlocutor.
  4. An excellent "killer" of free time is, of course, the notorious Internet. Where are we without him? Browse thematic sites, study horoscopes, check out the latest fashion trends…
  5. If your organization has not yet closed access to various instant messengers, take the opportunity to chat with old friends and, possibly, make new and useful acquaintances.
  6. Have you ever been into beading? Perhaps this activity is a little outdated, but with its help you can not only kill a few hours, but also create something like that - a bracelet, a bauble, a necklace or a pretty beaded figurine. Why not weave something interesting for the Christmas tree? Original and very beautiful.
  7. Arrange yourself a coffee break or a tea break - as you like. Coffee and tea incredibly invigorate, cheer up, and also increase efficiency at times. If you are on a diet, do not add sugar to your drink. It can be replaced with fructose or another sweetener.
  8. Watch passers-by through the window. You might even be surprised how much you didn't notice.
  9. What to do at work when there is nothing to do (see)? Listen to music - on a working computer, on the radio or on an mp-3 player. Just don't sing along loudly. Especially if your ears have already been damaged by the bear's actions.
  10. Watch a movie or cartoon on your phone or computer. Just do it with headphones. Don't annoy people who have jobs unlike you.
  11. Read a book or magazine. Which option to prefer - paper or electronic - depends on your personal preferences.
  12. Entertain yourself with crosswords, charades, sudoku and other puzzles. Someone finds a special charm, solving children's riddles and puzzles.
  13. Water the plants in the office. Surely, employees do not often favor them with their attention and care. Here is a useful and necessary lesson for you. They might even say "thank you".
  14. Get yourself in order. Remember how the day began in the imperishable film "Office Romance"? With guidance "marafet". Refresh your makeup, comb your hair. The only advice: do not paint your nails right in the office. For these purposes, it is better to use the restroom. Otherwise, not only the whole office, but, possibly, your superiors will find out about your tricks.
  15. Play mobile games. If you have a fairly "advanced" device, really exciting games can be downloaded from the Internet.
  16. Don't know what to do at work when there is nothing to do (see)? Pass a couple of psychological tests - you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself. It remains only to choose the test that interests you.
  17. Read jokes and humorous stories. Luckily, the internet is littered with them.

What to do at work when there is nothing to do? change jobs

If you systematically get bored at work, you need to change it. Why do something that is boring and you don't want to do it? Of course, you can get paid for "just because", but sooner or later it will get boring.

Work should be fun. It should bring pleasure, and not be perceived as a place of exile. In such an environment, you can’t stand it for long. So something needs to be decided. In the end, we come into this world to be happy, and not to suffer, doing an unloved thing.

Now you know what to do at work when there is nothing to do (see). Don't be bored.

Read more:

« Bored at work, what to do?" - Recently, this question is being asked by readers more and more often. The economic crisis has made adjustments in the lives of many employees, who are often forced to hold on to boring but stable jobs.

Situations are different. Perhaps, at one time you thought that you were working in the company of your dreams, flew to work literally on wings, felt a spiritual uplift. And now you're bored at work. It also happens that the work seemed boring to you almost from the very beginning. In order to understand what to do when, you must first figure out what actually led to this. A boring job can become a dull companion to your career if you don't figure out the reasons.

Reason 1. You chose a boring job from the very beginning.

For example, in the profession of a secretary, there are positions that involve greater freedom of action (for example, assistant manager), and there are positions where everything is clearly defined and you need to act according to strictly established rules (for example, a clerk). And if you are a creative person, you will be bored at such a job.

Reason 2: You don't have much work to do.

This can happen immediately (you got a job in a very small company, in a position with incomprehensible functionality) or over time (reduction of projects, etc.). Paradoxically, this happens even in times of crisis. Your day drags on like chewing gum and you are unbearably bored.

Reason 3. You have outgrown your position.

This is one of the most common reasons. For some reason, career growth in this company did not work out, and over time, you became. Your qualifications have grown, and the tasks that you used to enjoy are now performed almost mechanically, using little or no use of your intellectual potential.

Reason 4. The job does not match your skill level.

For a number of reasons, you accepted a job offer that was originally below your skill level. This could have come from desperation, for example, you were laid off during the crisis, and you had a mortgage loan. So you agreed to this job, but after 2-3 months you got bored with this job.

Reason 5. Loss of motivation.

Loss of motivation can occur for all of the above reasons, but it can be a completely separate problem. Most often this happens in companies with a poorly functioning HR department, whose tasks are reduced to the search for personnel and personnel records management. This may also happen because the company allocates a very small budget for all personnel matters.

Gross mistakes of management can lead to a loss of motivation, as a result of which the system of your material and non-material remuneration turned out to be incomprehensible to you. Great work is not rewarded in any way, but all your mistakes are raised to a power. There is a principle in the company: "now there is a crisis, so only the whip remained inedible."

It may be that incentives exist, but the criteria for receiving them are not clear to you. To aggravate the situation, you once accidentally found out that out of two secretaries doing the same job, the salary of one of them is significantly less, and this person is you. The apotheosis is the situation when new employees are hired for the same duties, but at a higher salary.

Many managers blindly believe that if such information is officially classified, then you can work on the principle of "what I want, then I turn back." But, as you know, you can’t hide an awl in a bag, and very often employees share their income in a smoking room.

Another problem is that you no longer feel your work is necessary and important. You could have taken it personally and stopped feeling like a significant employee in the company.

As a result, at first you feel resentment, then you lose motivation, because you don’t understand why you should suddenly overstrain if no one sees and appreciates it anyway. And in the end, you become. Unfortunately, this reason, unlike all the others, can have more far-reaching consequences for you. You will not only be bored at work, but you will be constantly annoyed by a sense of injustice and resentment. You can become irritable and after a year of such work, you will turn from a cute girl into a grim who is impossible to communicate with. The natural result will be your dismissal with a bang, although your employer was initially to blame for the situation.

Be extremely honest with yourself. If you get bored at work, do not at least try to convince yourself that the problem is not worth your attention. Now that you know what's causing your boredom at work, there are steps you can take to change the situation.

It is impossible to change anything only in the first situation, when you and your work initially do not fit together. In this case, you need to look for another job and as soon as possible.

In situations where your lack of workload is the cause of boredom, you can ask your supervisor to give you extra work. Perhaps the company has redistributed responsibilities incorrectly and one of your colleagues will be very grateful for your help if he himself is “sewn up”. The important point is that your current work must be done, and done well.

If the reason for boredom at work is the lack of career progression, you can talk to your manager (provided that you have been working for at least a year and are doing an excellent job), and referring to your achievements and results, say that you are ready for more responsibility and fulfillment. your potential and ask what you can do to get a higher position in the company. If your company does not have opportunities for professional growth, but you are not yet ready to change jobs, you can ask for additional responsibilities of a more complex order. By doing this work, you will temporarily solve the problem of boredom at work.

It's always best to talk about additional responsibilities directly with your manager. This will help to avoid situations when other employees simply push on you the work that they themselves are bored with, which they consider below their qualifications; as well as situations when the results of your work are appropriated by someone. Helping colleagues is good, but you don't have to do it by sacrificing yourself. Be realistic. Even if you have ideal colleagues, it is unlikely that someone will go to ask for you.

If motivation has disappeared due to the wrong actions of the management, and also if, despite all the above measures, you are still bored at work, this means that it is still time to change jobs. Do not listen to those “specialists” in personnel who say that now is a crisis, and you need to “sit out” at an unloved, but real job (and if the crisis lasts 10 years, will you still sit?). Nobody is forcing you to burn all your bridges. You may well be looking for a new job without quitting your old one. Just don't tell your boss or co-workers about it. A good vaccine against the fear of losing a job is the creation of a “financial cushion”, that is, a cash reserve sufficient to live for at least 6 months without significant loss in the quality of life.

But if you “sit” for years at a job that irritates you, shaking with fear of never finding a new one, you can sit out until the neurosis clinic. And the aforementioned personnel specialists who gave you these tips will not wear gifts to you.

The most common mistake if you are bored at work is to start killing time, that is, chatting on classmates and other social networks, chatting, visiting the smoking room often, being late for work in the morning and after the lunch break. Instead of advanced training, this will lead to professional degradation, and even the boss, noticing you (you may not know about it) doing such a piquant activity as discussing a photo of Verka from a neighboring department, may be offended and think that you are stealing working time, and Time, as you know, is money. God forbid, fired.

And finally, if you still really can’t change jobs due to objective reasons (a big loan, illness of a child or relative, other circumstances that simply won’t allow you to take risks), then for this period, while you are forced to stay on a boring work, you can change the attitude towards this work. As wise people say, if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Be philosophical about your work. After all, it's just a job.

Imagine that you are not doing boring work, but providing much-needed services to your clients. Treat this work from the position of the owner. Imagine that you are not just connecting the boss by phone, but being his right hand, helping to quickly contact the right people, thanks to which he will solve important issues for the office. You do not just bring coffee to visitors, but help them feel good and comfortable in your office. And for the fact that you provide good, friendly and high-quality services to "internal" customers, you get your fee.

It is also very important to learn how to leave work at work, that is, when you come home, fully devote your time to yourself and communicate with loved ones. Do not think about work problems, do not scroll through the past day and who said what. Don't plan things for tomorrow. Live in the present. Watch a movie, take a bath, go to a restaurant or a movie, take a walk with your child. After all, life is not only work!

Bring a chainsaw to work and put it on the table next to you. If someone asks, whisper cryptically, "Just in case."

Laugh hysterically for 3 minutes, then suddenly stop and stare suspiciously at those who are looking at you.%cut%

Bring plasticine to work and start sculpting people out of it. Do this very painstakingly and try to make everyone outwardly resemble your colleagues. When employees become interested in what you do, answer them that in this way - through creativity, on the recommendation of a doctor, you relieve stress and smile. Employees must understand that you are sculpting them, for which you should hint to them about it. At the end of the working day, when you finish modeling, start mocking the figurines with a malicious expression on your face (poking needles, setting legs on fire, tearing off heads, etc.), saying something like: now you don’t have so much fun, Petrov ( use the names of colleagues).

Bring plasticine (light shades) to work and start kneading it. Then silently get dressed, take the mashed plasticine and start sticking it to the door (as in the films they attach plastids). When your colleagues pay attention, with a serious expression on your face, invite them not to be distracted from work, and, sticking the wires into plasticine, hide behind the door with the words “they decided to joke with me”...

Pretend to be talking to a colleague while you just silently open your mouth like a deaf mute. Get madly angry that he doesn't answer.

When your colleague enters the office, pretend that you are ending the phone conversation with wild screams, swearing and the phrase “Never dare to call here again, you bastard, he will dial you himself!”. After 30 seconds, explain that his mom called and you said he would call her back.

Try to write something with the back of the pen and start to resent those stupid gel pens that don't work. When a colleague corrects you, slap your forehead, thank them, apologize for being stupid, turn the page, and start over.

Introduce yourself at work as your twin brother and say that you are replacing your brother while he is sick.

Drop the pen near a colleague. When he wants to pick it up and hand it over to you, rush to it with cries of "This is mine!!!". Tell everyone how your colleague tried to steal your pen.

In a conversation with a colleague, wherever you are, suddenly say: “I think my phone is ringing” and go to the window, purring “Murka”.

When speaking at a meeting, periodically mimic a nervous tic, twitching like a ghoul.

For any questions from colleagues, even if they ask: “Why are there no graphs in your customer satisfaction report, but scanned crosswords instead?”, answer with squinted eyes: “I would have looked at you in forty-five.”

Come to the office in the morning, walk slowly, and only someone will open their mouth to say hello, shout: “Don't you dare yell at me!”, Then smile and wish you a good day.

Approach a completely bald employee and start asking about highlights and perms. After he hints that he does not know, because he is bald, make a frightened face and say: “God, I'm sorry, I thought you cut your hair like that on purpose. I really didn't know. I'm really sorry. Sincere condolences" and run away in tears.

Go up to a shy employee and ask, “Did you eat beans?” Whatever he says, say, “I think you ate beans, you know what I mean?” and giggle like a child.

Follow your office colleague and spray everything he touches with air freshener.

When someone returns from the toilet, wince and shout "Fu, Fu - what a horror!" run out of the office.

Talk to all colleagues as if you are a cunning detective investigating a murder, and they are all suspects. Say the phrase "The circle narrows" periodically.

When you are addressed in the office, answer normally, and immediately after the answer, mutter "48th" quietly under your breath and giggle. And so with everyone who contacts you, changing the number accordingly.

When someone in the office calls you, defiantly take out the oversized music headphones and put them on.

When someone in the office addresses you, indignantly ask: “Is this deja vu or is this some kind of idiotic joke?”

By the end of the working day, when everyone goes home, get dressed faster than anyone and, without saying goodbye to anyone, run out of the office, while grabbing someone's hat and throwing it in the opposite direction from the door. Running out the door, cackle with all your might.

For no reason at all, plug your ears with your fingers and start singing loudly “hoo lu lu lu, oo lu lu lu.”

Sitting at the table, periodically raise your head and shout angrily: “Who?! Who was that!?". In response to the bewildered glances of the employees, mutter “Savages” offendedly, sob and cover your head with your hands.

Walk around the office with a robotic walk and talk like a robot.

Walk around the office on your knees and mutter something about mines on the floor.

In negotiations, listen carefully to the speaker and, as soon as he pauses in his speech, shout to him: “Why are you silent!? It's important, damn it!"

Passing colleagues sitting at the table, look under the table and, chuckling stupidly, leave with the phrase: “Hee hee hee, I thought so.”

Start snoring in a meeting and pretend it's someone sitting next to you and not you.

At the negotiations, answer all questions: “Just don’t yell at anyone here.”

Go up to your colleague in the morning, smile, kindly ask him to tell you what he dreamed about, and as soon as he starts talking, shout loudly: “Pervert!” and run out of the office.

Take off your shoes and socks and place them on the edge of the table.

Mention the boss in conversation, calling him our Fuhrer.

Go to a colleague's workplace when he is working on a computer and silently turn off his monitor. When he gets angry, answer him in Spanish (in German) and unplug the keyboard wire from the computer, then return to your desk.

Pretend to be on the phone and start talking all sorts of gibberish, as if in Caucasian - periodically laugh out loud and squint slyly. The main thing is to insert the names of colleagues sitting next to this gibberish. After the conversation, if they ask where you called, say: “I don’t understand what you are talking about” and pretend that you are very busy. If nothing is asked, repeat more emotionally.

Walk around the office bumping into everyone. At thoughtless glances, say: “This is from mushrooms. It will pass now."

Bring a rattle or ratchet and start rattling every time co-workers chat or talk on the phone. If asked to stop, you must say "She doesn't like you either."

Approach a sitting colleague who is busy with something, reach out a centimeter from his head, body and start giggling like a child. When he asks what it is, say: “What, what, I don’t touch it.”

Walk up to the person with a ruler and start measuring their face. If asked, say that you are a hypocrite.

Go in turn to two or three colleagues sitting next to you and ask for help in finding a rolled cufflink. At the same time, physically help them to stand up and lean towards the floor, indicating where to look. When everyone is busy looking for your cufflink together, return to your seat and start minding your own business. When called, tell them you're busy and that damn cufflink isn't worth the effort.

In a conversation with a colleague, periodically make an offended face after an absolutely harmless phrase, then ask: “WHAT DID YOU SAID?”, as if he insulted your mother. Then, in response to the astonished look, say: “I heard it” and continue the conversation with a sweet look. Repeat in a minute.

Walking around the office looking for something and asking if anyone saw a dwarf with a big nose run by.

Sitting at your table, start sniffing loudly, looking around. When they pay attention to you, jump up from your seat, untie your tie
and, with annoyance in your voice, declaring that you can no longer endure this stink, head to the exit, sniffing at your colleagues along the way. After a while, come back with an air freshener and, spraying it into the air, start laughing insanely. Then abruptly become serious and return to your place, and when someone turns to you, answer with the phrase "do not interfere with my work, I am very busy" and start making phone calls.

Entering the office, circle your colleagues' desks mysteriously, purring something under your breath, and as soon as one of them makes eye contact, stop and stare into his eyes with the most serious face.

Answer all questions and greetings of colleagues in German, Portuguese, Danish, in general, in some language least known in the office.

When talking to colleagues, suddenly burst into laughter, and then with a serious face, say “I didn’t know that you either”, turn around and leave.

Address colleagues by patronymic. Only for someone else.

Attach a paper clip or paper holder to your ear and walk around the office. When someone points it out to you or asks you, smile kindly, say embarrassedly: “I heard, heard” and leave.

Having tousled your hair and unbuttoned your shirt, walk around the office, squinting your eyes and smiling slyly. To anyone who makes a remark to you, say that "he will be next" and laugh like a senile.

Every hour at exactly 23 minutes, get up and represent the cuckoo - the main thing is that the number of cuckoos does not correspond to the hour.

When talking with a colleague, take his pen (preferably a parker) and start picking his nose / ear with it.

Approach a colleague and start a completely normal business conversation with him, only whispering questions in his ear and asking him to speak in a whisper.

Call yourself from your mobile to your worker and, while he calls, start to resent loudly that someone does not pick up the phone, and that you cannot work in such a nervous environment.