What to do in difficult times. Believe that the bad will pass

As Robert Plant said, "Good Times, Bad Times, you know I had my share." They come from everyone, they come at the most unexpected and most unnecessary moment, and worst of all, if these failures are related to finances. What can I say, if the Prophet Sun Boy himself periodically asks his subscribers to send him "money at least for beer and cigarettes." If such people experience problems, then what can we say about us mere mortals. Therefore, you have to take measures so as not to feel on your face the invigorating breams of hunger and poverty, firmly believing that everything will work out in the future.

Cash only

Of course, a plastic bank card is an incredibly convenient thing. No need to stretch your pockets with a heavy wallet, carry a pile of banknotes and a bunch of coins that crumbles all the time. You do not have to fish out the required amount from your wallet or pocket for several minutes, annoying sellers and people standing in line. Inserted, entered the pin code, and walk happy. And you can make it even easier: pay using a mobile application, then you don’t need a card. But if financial clouds have gathered over your head, then it is better to pay with “live” money. When you pay in cash, you feel your expenses much better. If instead of one five-thousandth bill, a lot of fifty-ruble notes appeared in the wallet, or there were simply fewer bills, the brain begins to understand that it is necessary to slow down. We think more primitive than it might seem, because quantity and quality convince us more than a number in a mobile bank.

The piggy bank is still relevant

In difficult times, you need to remember your first financial consultant - a piggy bank that sacredly cherished the pennies set aside for the purchase of a bicycle. But sooner or later, any piggy bank becomes a victim of your greed, and you throw it on the floor, like a victim of defenestration, in order to fish out the precious insides. If there is neither a piggy bank nor a jar, then there is almost always a mattress. He will not steal or betray. There is not always enough money to put it in a bank account, it is dangerous to put it on a card, otherwise you will have a small, but still stash.

Take what they give

Life is full of difficulties and disappointments, so you need to boldly grab everything that comes into your hands. If your friend offers you to donate his jacket, which he has worn at most twice, then there is no reason to refuse. These are not socks or panties, but a jacket, which, moreover, was hardly worn. There is nothing humiliating in accepting from acquaintances some items that were not useful to them, if they are of good quality and you really need them. You didn't find them in the trash. Feel free to take everything that comes into your hands, even if it's extra tea bags and toothpicks from a cafe. Of course, it will be embarrassing if someone detects you doing this, but saving is saving.

cook yourself

Let's reveal a terrible secret: it is much more profitable to cook food yourself than to order delivery or buy chicken pieces in batter from one well-known chain tavern. Even with electricity, gas and water spent on washing and cooking. For the money that you spent on the delivery of mediocre rolls, you could stick 3-4 times more on your own. Moreover, turning the rolls is not so difficult.

Switch to a different type of catering

Hard times sooner or later affect gastronomic preferences. If in the years of stability you could go to restaurants or cafes, now your best friends are street food, salads from supermarkets and fast food restaurants (like canteens). Such food is much cheaper, but it copes with its task: it clogs the stomach and drives away the feeling of hunger. What's more, it's often tastier than the trendy burgers. And anyway, how can you compare the Big Mac with or hodgepodge?
The problem is that even such food costs money, and if the pockets are completely empty, then even such savings will not help. Therefore, all that will help you is cooking. Buy food and prepare your own provisions for work, only a hunger strike is more economical than this.

Use apps

Free apps, Uber, Yandex. Taxi, Gett and other joys of life help to save even a few rubles, but, as you know, a penny saves a ruble. The main thing is to be able to use them, only then they will become profitable. And it is better to use several applications at once, such as with a taxi. Only by alternating and picking up, you find a benefit.

Everyone has changes in their lives. At first it seems to us that one day this will come to an end, but in fact life is an eternal change, an endless process of renewal. There is even a Chinese proverb: "Nothing ends, but everything changes." This is how people move forward.

These tips are for those who are going through a series of never-ending changes and do not know how to cope with it. We all have a lot more to learn.

1. Spend only 20% of your time doing the wrong things and spend 80% doing the right things.

Complaining is easy. If you spend 80% of your time doing what is right and 20% of your time wasted, then what? It’s easier to balance life in this way than to answer the question: “So what to do now?” When you were consciously mistaken in 50% of cases, hoping for chance, luck, God’s mercy and the curve that you are already tired of taking out.

2. At least one thing in this bedlam you do right

You can curse your life all you want and complain until you get bored, but even if your everyday life plunged into complete chaos, you still do at least one thing right. At least you're reading our advice now, see? Steps are taken one after the other.

3. If everything you've tried doesn't work, find a new way

Let's say you're stuck, stalled and don't know where to go now and what to do. Are you repeating the same thing over and over? So force yourself to do something different! A new action will definitely give a new result, and small changes will result in one big one.

4.Today is a new day

All of us have already had the opportunity to see this from our own experience: the past has nothing to do with the future. The future may be better! Unless you ruin it with your own hands. You need to realize that the past cannot be changed. Focus on the present or you'll miss your chance. Leave the past behind and plan for the future.

5. Understand what you want

Indeed, what? The future is a blank slate. If you can see it, hear it, feel it, then everything will work out for you!

6. There will always be problems

And no one can avoid them. There will be tiny problems, and there will be the size of an elephant. If it seems to you that you are always upset, disappointed and inconsolable, this only means that you do not notice bright moments. It is physically impossible to be immersed in depression every second.

7. It is not necessary to understand the cause of the problem in order to solve it

The vast majority of people believe that in order to solve a problem, it is necessary to get to its roots and only then eliminate it. “If I knew what led to this… If I could change it…” Unfortunately (or fortunately), there is not a grain of truth in this belief. Double problems await the one who seeks to comprehend everything. Understanding is not always the impetus for change. There will always be new moments, new nuances. Life is not a book.

You have enough strength to manage at least yourself. It turns out that everything is fine.

40 lessons on how to find strength in yourself in difficult times

No one can go a lifetime without losing a loved one, someone they need, or something they thought was meant to last forever. But it is these losses that ultimately make us stronger, it is they that open up opportunities for future personal growth, success and happiness.
Over the past five years, my wife and I have been destined to endure many heartbreaks, including the unexpected death of a relative, the death of a best friend in a hospital room, the betrayal of a business partner, and even an unexpected layoff. Yes, all this was, to put it mildly, unpleasant. Each of these incidents practically knocked us off our feet for a while. But when we stopped grieving, we continued to move forward - even stronger than before, and with a much greater understanding of life.

And here's what we managed to learn by experiencing all this:

  1. You are not your past.- No matter how chaotic your past may be, you have a clear, fresh and open path before you. You are not your past habits. You are not your past mistakes. You are not how someone once treated you. You are just you, here and now. You are your current actions.
  2. Focus on what you have, not what you don't have.- You are who you are and what you have right now. And, to be honest, your situation is not so bad - otherwise you would not be reading this article. What you really need is to find one positive thought that will inspire you and help you move forward. Hold on to it as tightly as possible, and try to focus on it. Yes, it may seem to you that you have nothing, and if you have, then little, but your mind may well inspire you. And this inspiration is the only thing you really need in order to start moving forward again.
  3. Problems are an integral part of personal growth.- Yes, yes, our problems and their solution are part of life and personal growth. People lose their jobs, get sick, and sometimes even die in accidents. When you are young and doing very well, it is difficult for you to fully understand this. But the smartest, and sometimes the most difficult, thing we can do when we find ourselves in a similar situation is to use our reaction to it in order to temper our will and determination. You can want to scream, throw objects at the wall and swear as much as you like - but you are above this, right? Remember, the uncontrollability of emotions, as a rule, only makes things worse. And while tragedies are really bad, they give us the opportunity to become stronger.
  4. Sometimes you can afford to be unglued.- You do not have to constantly pretend to be strong and pretend that you are doing well. And what other people think about you in a similar situation should not bother you at all. If you want to cry - cry, it's even useful. Smiling doesn't always mean you're happy. Sometimes it just means that you are strong enough to face your problems head on.
  5. Life is fragile, sudden, and sometimes shorter than it seems.- Remember, tomorrow may not be. For some, it definitely won't. Right now, someone is making plans for tomorrow, not yet knowing that he will die today. It's sad, but such is life. So spend your time today wisely and stop from time to time to realize how wonderful life is. Every moment that you live is a priceless gift. Don't waste time thinking bad things. Better spend it on something that will help you move in the right direction.
  6. We all make mistakes sometimes.“And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can improve and end up making fewer mistakes.” No, you will never be absolutely infallible, but if instead of at least trying to achieve this, you sit back, you will definitely not succeed. It's better to do something and make a mistake than to do nothing at all. Well, go ahead, get to work! You will either succeed or learn an important lesson. But either way, you win!
  7. You are quite capable of making yourself happy. - Feelings change, people too, and time runs forward. And you have a choice. You can either endlessly procrastinate the past and its mistakes, or try to make yourself happy. Smiling is a conscious choice, not some miracle. Don't make the mistake of waiting for someone or something to make you happy. True happiness can only come from the depths of your soul.
  8. Try to emotionally distance yourself from your problems.- You are not your problem. You are much more. You are a living human being, far more complex than all your problems put together. And this means that you are stronger than them - you can change them and the way you feel about them.
  9. Don't make a problem bigger than it deserves. - Don't let one dark cloud cover your entire sky. No matter how dark your life is, the sun will still shine somewhere. Sometimes you just need to forget how you feel, remember what you deserve, and keep moving forward.
  10. Life lessons can be learned from everything that happens.. - Of everything. Who you meet, what happens to you, and so on. All this is part of one big lesson called "life". And therefore - never refuse to learn from her, especially when not everything goes the way you want. If you didn't get the job you wanted, or you didn't form a new relationship, then something even better is ahead of you. And the lesson you have learned is the first step towards that.
  11. Treat every challenge as a chance to learn something. - Ask yourself: “What can I learn from this situation”? Whatever situation we find ourselves in, each of them can teach us something new. How to become stronger. How to communicate with people. How to trust your instincts. How to express your love. How to forgive. How to know when to let go. How to strive for something new.
  12. Everything changes, but the sun still rises every morning. I have bad news for you: nothing lasts forever. And I have good news for you: nothing lasts forever.
  13. Giving up and moving on are two different things. - In the life of each of us, there inevitably comes a moment when we get tired of trying to catch up with everyone and fix everything, but this does not mean that we have decided to give up and give up. This is not the end, this is a new beginning. You just start to understand that you don't need some people and the heat of unnecessary passions that they bring into your life.
  14. Run away from negative people.- Every time you rid your life of something negative, you make room in it for the positive. Life is too short to spend it with people who feed on your happiness like vampires feed on blood. Get rid of negative people, for they are masters at destroying your sense of confidence and self-worth. Better surround yourself with people who will help you bring out your best features.
  15. There is no perfect personal relationship.. - Ideal, perfect romantic relationships exist only in chivalric novels. Do you want your relationship to be perfect? So learn to deal with the roughness in them - that's what makes them perfect.
  16. Don't forget to love yourself. - One of the most serious troubles that can happen to you in life is the chance of losing yourself, loving someone else too much, forgetting that you are also a person, and also worthy of love. Tell me, when was the last time someone told you that he loved you just like that, completely, without exception? That what you say and think is very important to this person? When was the last time someone told you that you are doing a great job or just taking you somewhere just because you feel good there? When was that “someone” you?
  17. Don't let others make decisions for you. - Yes, you will have to learn to live without caring what these people think of you, shake off their emotions and prove to yourself that you are better than they think you are.
  18. By holding a grudge, you first of all harm yourself, and not others.- Try to always forgive people and move on in life, even if they never ask you for forgiveness. They don't need it, you do. By holding a grudge against someone, you deprive yourself of happiness. Rid yourself of this unnecessary stress - right now.
  19. You are not alone. And everyone has problems.. - Do not sleep at night, worrying about a friend. Trying to pick up the pieces of your soul from the floor after the betrayal. Feeling the worst thing in the world because someone doesn't love you enough to stay with you. Be afraid to try something new because you might not succeed. None of this means that something is wrong with you, or that you are going crazy. It just means that you are human and that you need a little time to get in order. You are not alone. No matter how pathetic or embarrassed you feel about the situation you're in, a lot of people have been in it before you, and many will be after. And when you say to yourself "I'm the only one", you are blatantly lying.
  20. You have something to be thankful for. - Yes, this world is full of sorrows, but it is also full of people who overcome them. Sometimes you need to forget what has left your life in order to appreciate more what is left and look forward to what will happen next. Henry David Thoreau once said, "Wealth is the ability to fully perceive life." And even when things seem to be rubbish, it is useful to look at your life from a different perspective. You didn't go to bed hungry. You didn't have to sleep outside. You have a choice of what to wear. Yes, and at work you do not work for 20 hours for a miserable salary. You have access to clean drinking water. If you get sick, you can go to the doctor. You don't have to shake in fear. You have Internet access. After all, you can read. Many people would consider you an exorbitant rich man - so appreciate what you have.
  21. Constantlyfeedmyinternalhope. - Loss, anxiety, illness, a crushed dream - no matter how bad it is for you, no matter how exorbitant your ambitions seem to you, once a day try to put your hands on your heart and say out loud: "Hope dwells here."
  22. An unpleasant truth is much better than a sweet lie. You must see things as they are, not as you wish them to be. Better a bitter medicine than a sweetened poison.
  23. Sometimes it's hard to know how close you've come to success.- We always move forward point by point, and only looking back, we see how a line is formed from them. Success is often closer than it seems, and lies in wait for us when we least expect it.
  24. Sometimes we are most lucky when we don't get what we want.. - Exactly so, because it makes us reassess our priorities, opens the way to new opportunities and generally makes us look at everything with a fresh, unfettered look.
  25. Laughter is the best stress reliever.- Laugh at yourself, more often. Try to find the funny in every situation. Optimism attracts happiness. If you are positive, you won't have to look for good things and good people. They will find you.
  26. Mistakes are good for us. - We all make mistakes. We let people take advantage of us and treat us in ways we don't deserve. But if you think about it carefully, our bad elections have taught us a lot, and although we can’t get back some things, and you won’t get an apology from some people, you won’t repeat the same mistake next time. And now we have more power over our future. Remember, it is not the one who falls down who makes the mistake, but the one who does not get up, even when he has such an opportunity. So get up! Often the good things disappear from our lives only to be replaced by something better.
  27. Worrying is just wasting energy. Worrying won't save you from tomorrow's troubles. It will relieve you of energy today.
  28. If it's hard for you to move forward, take small steps.. - You should always force yourself to go forward, especially in difficult times. You can't lose momentum! As long as you're moving forward - even at a snail's pace - you're bound to make it to the finish line. So celebrate every step you take, no matter how big. After all, every step takes us away from the past to where we want to be tomorrow. And no matter where you aspire - for a better life or a cherished dream - you will achieve it by taking many steps in the same distance, one at a time.
  29. There will always be someone who doesn't like you. You just can't please everyone around you. No matter what you do, there will always be someone who doesn't like you. So ignore him and do what your heart tells you to do. What others say and think about you is not so important. What is more important is what you think about yourself.
  30. You'll be much better off without some of the people you thought you needed.- The bitter truth is that some people will only be with you as long as you have what they need. Well, when the need for you disappears - only they were seen. And the good news is that sooner or later all these temporary workers will disappear from your life, leaving in it only those reliable friends you can rely on.

The wisest, most beloved, and most successful people you know weren't always like this. Most likely, they knew both poverty and defeat, they know the feeling of losing a loved one, but they still managed to emerge from the depths of their own despair into the light of hope. There were ups and downs in their lives, and having survived them, they learned to appreciate, feel and understand life, which fills them with sympathy, understanding and deep wisdom. People are not born like that - they can only become like that. Or not become.

My wife and I have worked with thousands of amazing people over the past decade, both online and in real life. On many occasions they felt stuck and lost, unaware of their own greatness, unable to see that their hardships had hardened them and given them great advantages in this crazy world.

The truth is that when times are hard for us and we have to face tough challenges, you can either let the situation do whatever it wants to you and maybe even destroy you, or let it make you stronger. And the choice is yours.

In today's article, I want to remind you of a few powerful yet forgettable truths that can help you make wiser choices and become stronger even in the darkest of days...

1. Pain is an integral part of life and love, and it helps you grow above yourself.

So many of us are afraid of ourselves, our own truth, and most of all, our feelings. We can talk for a long time about how wonderful both life and love are, and then fearfully turn away from them. Yes, we often hide our brightest feelings from ourselves - because both life and love sometimes hurt us a lot, and the feelings that bring us pain begin to bother us.

Usually we are convinced from childhood that any pain is bad and harms us. But is it possible to experience real life and true love if we are afraid to feel what we really feel? Sometimes we need to feel pain, just as we need to feel alive and loved. Pain is needed to wake us up. But still we try to hide it. Understand it. Pain should be experienced without hiding or hiding - just like all the good things that happen to us in this life. After all, sometimes the only way to find out how strong you are is to get into a situation where you have no other choice.

It all depends on how you handle situations that don't go your way. In the end, that's all that matters. Pain is a feeling, and all your feelings are part of you, part of your personal reality. And if you are ashamed of them and hide them, you allow lies to destroy this reality. You must stand up for your right to feel and endure pain, the right to the scars that it leaves ... The right to face the realities of life and love, and become a stronger, wiser, more true version of yourself.

2. The right attitude is already half the battle.

We all have dark days and difficult times. Expecting life to always be great is like dreaming of swimming in a sea where the waves only rise and never fall. However, when you understand that both the rising and falling waves are part of the same ocean, you can come to terms with the reality of life's ups and downs. It will become clear to you that sometimes in order to fly to the heights, sometimes you need to go down.

In other words, life isn't perfect, but it's definitely good nonetheless. And our goal should not be unattainable perfection, but a well-lived imperfect life. Every morning, when you wake up, take a fresh look at your life, and do not take anything for granted. Everything around is wonderful. Every day is an invaluable gift. Never treat life as if it will always be with you. After all, she deserves respect and admiration.

And never let the dark days rob you of hope. Don't let negativity seep into your soul. Don't let bitterness steal your sweetness. And while others may disagree with you, be proud that you know the world is beautiful. Change your thoughts and you will change your reality.

And the right attitude is especially important when it comes to recognizing that…

3. Your biggest fears just don't exist.

When times get tough, it's not always easy to follow your heart and move on, but if you let the lies of fear stop you, that's the real tragedy. Yes, fear can be overwhelming, it can seem larger than the whole world, and for good reason - in the history of mankind it has defeated more people than all the armies of the world combined, but ... it is not at all as strong as you think. He only has as much power as you give him. Yes, yes, in the end it turns out that you have power over him - so use this power!

The key to it is the recognition of fear and its concretization. Illuminate it with the radiance of your words - fight for it with all your might. For if you do not, if your fear remains a formless and all-consuming darkness surrounding you, you may be able to forget about it for a while, but your heart will remain open to further blows - which will not be slow to follow in the moment you least expect it. Because if you refuse to fight with the enemy, he has already defeated you.

But you can conquer fear if you meet it face to face. Be bold! And remember that being brave does not mean not knowing fear at all. It means that you don't let fear stop you from moving forward in life. Never and never.

4. Experience keeps you moving forward

Over time, you will realize that life is not necessarily harder or easier than what you imagined - it is both easy and difficult at the same time, but not at all in the way you thought, and not always when you expect it. But this is not bad at all - it only makes life more interesting. If you manage to maintain a positive attitude towards life, almost any surprise in it will be pleasant for you.

When you stop expecting life to be the way you like it, you begin to appreciate it more for the way it is. And over time, you will realize that the greatest gifts of life often do not come to us in the package that we expected.

Well, if your plans do not go at all the way you wanted, at least you will get valuable experience. Well, experience is the most valuable thing we can get in this life, because it is it that makes us stronger.

You have the power to turn your wounds and worries into wisdom - you just have to make up your mind to do it. You must accept what happened to you and use the knowledge gained during this time in order to continue your life path. Remember - the experience you gain gives you a huge advantage in the future. Understand this and be free.

5. You can't change just a situation you're not responsible for.

Sigmund Freud once said: "Most people don't really want freedom, because freedom includes responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility." Don't become one of these people. And when you blame other people for your misfortunes, you are denying that you are responsible for your own life - you are handing over control of that part of it to someone else.

Remember - in the end, you will always have to pay for your happiness with responsibility. And the sooner you stop trying to make someone else responsible for your happiness, the happier you will be. And if you are unhappy now, it is not someone else who is to blame, but you.

Your happiness primarily depends on how much you trust yourself - in your unshakable determination to be in charge of your life from now until its very end. Regardless of who was responsible for it before. You have to start thinking for yourself, decide for yourself, and choose your own path in life. Be the hero of your own life, not its victim.

6. The present is the only time you need to worry about.

You don't live your life in an imaginary country, Tamiya Somewhere, where everything is perfect. No, you live it here and now and deal with reality as it is. Yes, of course, you can work towards this ideal tomorrow. But for this you still have to deal with the world of the present.

Sometimes we turn our backs on the present because we believe, no matter why, that the place you are right now is not the place you should be, or the place you want to be. But the truth is that where you are now is exactly where you need to be to get to where you want to be tomorrow.

Your friends and family are too wonderful to ignore. Take a moment to remember how wonderful it is to live, dream, love. Look around with eyes wide open and you will see a sea of ​​possibilities ahead of you. Most of what you fear simply doesn't exist. Much of what you love is closer than you think. You are only one fleeting step away from realizing how wonderful your life really is.

And happiness can only be created for oneself in the present. It cannot exist somewhere in the future, or remain in the past - however, unfortunately, many people think so. Too many young people sincerely believe that they can only achieve happiness in the distant future, and too many old people - that their best days are long gone. Don't be first and don't be second. Don't let the past and future steal your present.

7. You always, always, always, always have something to be thankful for.

Life always gets better when you smile. Being positive in a negative situation is not at all naive - it is a symbol of composure and strength. And if you have reasons to cry and complain about everything and everything, but instead you continue to smile and appreciate your life, you are doing everything right.

What if tomorrow you wake up with only what you were grateful for yesterday?

Think about the beauty that surrounds you, look at it and smile. Be grateful for all the little things in your life, because if you put them together, you will see that these are not so small things. And at the end of the day we have lived, it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratitude makes us happy.

8. Everything big takes time.

What is easiest to achieve is rarely worth achieving at all. Just a little patience - and the results available to you will increase many times over. In addition, think - if all your desires were instantly fulfilled, would it be worth dreaming about at all? You would then lose the pleasure of waiting for the result and moving towards it.

Remember, patience is not the ability to wait. It is the ability to maintain a good mood while working hard to achieve a desired goal. It is the desire to stay focused, taking one small step at a time, knowing that by moving one small pebble, you can move mountains in the end - because every pebble, no matter how small, moves you forward.

Note: Instant wish fulfillment? You deserve more. What is easy to get, often disappears with the same ease. But something that takes a lot of time and effort to create often outlives its creators.

9. Other people have no right to judge and evaluate you.

When we are trying to achieve something important, we often turn to others to evaluate our progress towards the goal. There is only one problem - often they are simply not capable of it ...

Remember, you did not come into this world to justify other people's expectations, just like others - not to meet yours. Rather, carve your own, unique path through life. After all, even the concept of success for each of us is our own. Ultimately, success is life lived the way you want it to be.

You don't have to be a flamboyant personality to impress people. You don't have to be a famous person to mean anything. You don't have to be a millionaire to be successful. And you don't need other people's approval. The only approval you need is your own. Just believe in yourself and what you want to achieve.

You can be a quiet and modest person - and still be a master of your craft. Just because people don't prostrate themselves and ask you for autographs doesn't mean you're a failure. Quiet success is no worse than bright and colorful, and often much more real. You determine what is success for you. You, not someone else out there.

10. You are not alone

When you feel bad and scared, it is so easy to look around and see a bunch of people who, it would seem, are in perfect order compared to you. But actually it is not. It is difficult and difficult for all of us - just to each person in his own way. And if we all just had the courage to talk about it, we would realize that our feelings of loneliness and loss are not unique to us at all.

Many of those around you at this very moment are fighting the same battle as you. We all participate in it together. So no matter how shameful or pathetic the current situation seems to you, know that many more people are experiencing the same emotions with you. And when you say to yourself, "I'm all alone," it's just your flustered brain telling you a convenient lie. You are not alone, because not one or two people had to face such a thing. They may not be around you and you can't interact with them right now, but they do exist.

And if life has plunged you into despair, know that I often experience, feel and think almost the same as you. I'm worried about a lot of things that are bothering you, and although some people don't understand us, we understand each other. You are not alone!


That life is complex is one of its greatest gifts. After all, it is by facing the difficulties of life that we become stronger. And this power gives you the opportunity to successfully achieve your innermost and most cherished desires. It is precisely because life is difficult that we can make it truly wonderful. It is the complexity of life that gives us a chance to overcome all these difficulties - and enjoy it. It gives us a chance to change our lives - change for real.

So remember...

When hard times come, you must be strong enough to handle them. So do not dream of an easy life - rather, dream of strength enough to overcome the obstacles that have arisen in front of you.

And now it's your turn...

What helps you deal with difficult times better? What truths help you keep going no matter what? Leave a comment, share your thoughts.

How to get through hard times? After all, difficulties in life overtake us suddenly, without warning, and almost knock us down. They take many forms, and sometimes even the support of loved ones or wise books do not help to overcome adversity.

To survive difficult times, you must first mobilize all your internal resources. Set yourself up in the right way, practice calmness, acceptance and even gratitude for the fact that this is happening. Believe me - everything is for the best!

Life will sooner or later take you where you want to go, but when you feel that you are ready to faint from the difficulties that have piled up, repeat these phrases to yourself.


Emotional discharge is very important in order to survive difficult times, come to terms with failure, mistakes, difficulties. Never hold back or feel guilty about being down and out of strength.

But it is important to remember that this state, the need to "look into the eyes of our demons", should not last too long. It doesn't have to be permanent.

Crying and reflecting on our problems serves a very clear purpose: to help us accept what happened in order to move forward, to change the situation and ourselves. You deserve to start smiling again.


You may be surrounded by good friends, an understanding partner, and a loving family who cares about you. However, you should be able to handle these moments of difficulty on your own.

Without will, without energy, without hope, it will be very difficult for you to leave this dark room that you have entered. Listen to those around you, accept their help, but then you yourself must start this internal process of overcoming difficulties.


There are things that cannot be avoided: loss, illness, separation, relationships that break despite our best efforts...

None of us can 100% control these difficulties and circumstances that sometimes life throws at us. However, only we are responsible for our thoughts.
“I can’t” completely immobilizes us and brings us only negative emotions. While “I can do it” completely changes our mood and we find new strength.
Don't forget about it!


In our articles, we have talked about the comfort zone many times. This is the invisible space that surrounds us and gives us a sense of security and control over the situation.

However, when we go through difficult times and adversity, we feel that these invisible walls are crumbling, leaving us completely defenseless.

We must overcome this fear and move beyond this once cozy cocoon that surrounded us.

If you are afraid to even think about what will happen to you now, after you step over this line, then first accept what happened, and then remind yourself that life goes on, and you are with it. Forward!
If you feel fear, afraid to be alone, then rationalize these fears and remember our second phrase: the only person who can help you is yourself. Find the strength within you to overcome it.


You care about your diet, weight, go to the doctor to check your health. You constantly think and care about your loved ones and, perhaps, in the evening you fall into bed with little or no strength.

Now ask yourself, when was the last time you thought about your feelings, needs, and your inner world?

It is good to ask yourself this question every day. If we prioritize the needs of others, we begin to neglect ourselves.

If we focus our efforts on material things, striving to accumulate or get them, we forget about the really important things: our happiness, our integrity as a person.

When difficult times come, we must be ready for them, and the best strategy is to grow our inner peace every day, strengthen our self-esteem, self-esteem.
Not forgetting, first of all, that life flows and everything is constantly changing. Whether we like it or not, we must be part of this movement.

And in conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that none of us can predict when these difficult moments will come and life will test us for strength, so you need to know how to “start” these resilience mechanisms, and these phrases will help you with this.

Because if we survive the storm, we will definitely see a rainbow.