To make cleaning fun. Useful tips for you to make cleaning a joy

Cleaning of the apartment is quite frequent - once every two days. The first reason for this is our little slider, and the second is our shaggy monster!

Wool / fluff from the last oh how much. A few hours after cleaning, you can collect clubs along the walls. Our Zelmer 829.5 SK vacuum cleaner helps me in this matter. It has been serving us for the fifth year, a couple of months ago there was the first breakdown - the automatic cord winder broke down. So now you have to wind the wire by hand. The vacuum cleaner can be used both with a water filter and with bags. Basically, of course, we use water, but during the repair work we used paper bags. I am completely satisfied with the vacuum cleaner, it performs its functions 100%. He has several nozzles in the kit, one for corners, one for furniture, but I recently learned the use of the third. It is for cleaning hard surfaces from dust. Now, while cleaning the floor, I immediately change the nozzle and vacuum the shelves, beds, TV ... But the most convenient thing is to vacuum the glazing beads on the doors (I used to do this with a damp cloth - and all the dust would creep into the corners).

I also clean upholstered furniture and mattresses with a vacuum cleaner and another nozzle. Usually when changing bed linen, once a week or two. By the way, she couldn’t stand putting the blanket into the duvet cover and always called her husband for help. Now I know this secret!

1. Put the duvet cover on the wrong side on the bed
2. Lay out the blanket on top
3. We twist together with a “roll” in the direction of the cut for threading the blanket
4. We turn everything on the front side
5. We spin
More clearly on the video:
After the vacuum cleaner - wet cleaning of the floor. The mop and bucket of water have taken a backseat since the introduction of the steam mop. I dreamed about it for a long time, but now I’m glad that I didn’t buy it, but received it as a gift. It perfectly launders, disinfects, but at the same time leaves behind not even a wet, but a wet floor. Therefore, the cleaning process has become like this - a vacuum cleaner - a steam mop - a mop with a dry cloth ... I think I will indulge a little more with a steam mop and soon the mop-bucket will return.

Somewhere once a month with a dust brush (for some reason it reminds me of childhood - probably, then they just appeared) I brush off the dust that has settled on them from the chandeliers. (Photo from the Internet)

As I already said, I remove dust from furniture with a vacuum cleaner, but if there is any dirt or stains, then a microfiber cloth in a solution of l.o.c. Separately, I want to say about our chest of drawers, it's terrible. It leaves literally all the fingerprints.

Only microfiber with polish saves from them.

I wash windows 3-4 times a year, such an arsenal - a mop for cleaning windows, microfiber cloths and for washing windows, water. My sister bought a Karcher window cleaner. I took it for a test, it turned out that it was a separate spray gun with a cloth and a vacuum cleaner for sucking up liquid. Decided it was nonsense. But she was satisfied with them. Much more convenient to collect water with them than with the rubber side of the mop. So, who has a lot of windows or often wash them, such a unit is quite useful. It does not leave streaks and smudges, it is enough to smuggle it over a wet window once. Of course, moisture remains in the corners, but
it can be easily removed with a dry glass cleaning cloth.

P.S. For the blog, cleaning was on Thursday, and yesterday we bought (hooray! hooray! hello,0 angel) Philips Aquatrio wet and dry cleaner. This is my dream)))) Now, as my husband says, "do not feed bread, just to vacuum." I was afraid to be disappointed in him, but no. What I wanted! Now I can do wet cleaning every day with less time and effort. (Photo from the Internet)

That's all! And let cleaning be your pleasure!

Perhaps one of the most terrible phrases that terrifies housewives is “general cleaning”. At the mere mention, many of us have a sharp drop in mood, and we take up a mop with the face of a martyr. How to make it so that it was more fun and easier to clean up the house?

First of all, think about a small reward for your work: buy something delicious in the store - please yourself with the thought that after cleaning you will have a holiday of the soul - a small “fee” in the form of a cake or some other yummy.

Now let's get down to the prelude: smile and wink at yourself in the mirror, turn on your favorite music - in general, create a positive mood with which any business will argue.

Let's think about the most important detail of cleaning - time. To get out and not get tired, you need to clearly define the time frame. It is best to dedicate 30 minutes a day to cleaning so that much less accumulates during the general process of work.

And now let's determine the places where the most rubbish accumulates: these are wardrobes, shelves, workplace and, of course, the kitchen. Start by fishing out unwanted old junk. When the space is cleared, we are cleared too, there is a place for something new and more necessary.

Here are a few more little tricks to make cleaning easier:

– moving from room to room, do not forget to grab one of the things. Thus, many items will return to their places, and cleaning will go much faster;

– be sure to open the window and ventilate the room during the “revision” – all dust, smells of detergents and the spirit of old things that are sent to the trash will disappear away, and fresh oxygen will saturate your body and invigorate;

- do not use the "old-fashioned" methods of cleaning the apartment: simply buy special cleaning products and mops for floors and windows and you will spend less time on this process.

That's all, general cleaning to your favorite music is over. Now you have every right to settle in a cleanly washed kitchen and drink hot fragrant tea with a well-deserved cake! Why not now a reason to arrange a real holiday in the house ?!

Cleaning the house ... Horror! Saturday? Laundry, ironing, dusting, vacuum cleaner, mop - this is the associative array for many women with a day off. Spring? Washing windows. And children are a perpetual mess.

Why is this hitting the nervous system? Is there any way out, and can this be a joy? Maybe!

First of all, you should understand that general cleaning takes a lot of time and effort (physical and moral). And therefore it is better to clean every day, but a little bit. So, it is recommended to walk with a vacuum cleaner, and then a mop in the middle of the week, morning is also suitable for this.

Also, washing and ironing can be “determined” on some day of the week. If a window has formed, then you can proceed to more serious events.

Old things

Items with breaks, holes and other defects, waiting months and years for their finest hour. It’s hard to decide to throw it away (what if it comes in handy ?!), but the cleaning process itself is simple - threw it into the trash can and that’s it!

So, throw it away or keep it? Let's think. How long has she been lying down? Year, two? And how much time and money should be spent on its restoration? What? Are the answers far from optimistic? Then - to scrap it! What is the use of a holey duvet cover, grandmother's wardrobe, broken household appliances and antediluvian telephones?

Unnecessary gifts

This category also includes all sorts of souvenirs, children's crafts. There is guilt here. How can you refuse it? After all, these are signs of attention of loved ones. Let's say you gave a neighbor a thing that did not delight him, but he had to take it and then suffers because he cannot get rid of it. Is that what you thought? Surely not. Therefore, thank for the gift, you can take a picture with it and remove it from the house, throw it away or hand it over to the commission. With this approach, space will be freed up and peace of mind will be restored.

waste paper

A good mountain can be built from magazines, papers and instructions available in the house. All this stock should be sorted by having folders for important documents. This will free up space on the shelves and make it easier to further search for the necessary contract, letter, etc.

Why instructions? When there is the Internet, which is always ready to help solve a problem with problems. Why keep a pile of magazines if it is more expedient to cut out the necessary articles, pictures, recipes from them and file it all in a folder?

It's sad to write this, but books. If you are 100% sure that neither you nor your family will touch a book, then take it to a library or thrift store. There it will be taken to read (bought at a bargain price) by those who need it. And you will lose the "dust collector" and free up space.


This is not a cat for you, they do not know how to yell and demand their own. Silently stand and endure all hardships. If you can’t take care of them, then there’s nothing to strain yourself and torment them. To improve the air space, leave a few unpretentious plants that are allowed by the teachings of Feng Shui and generally look cool. Let the quantity remain that you are able to take care of without straining as it should be. Then the flowers will be happy, and you will be with a beautiful interior and healthy air.

Crockery, bed linen and towels

Surely, for many, this goodness was inherited, and also donated by compassionate relatives. For a long time, all this has been used, even if somewhere the size or coloring has let us down a little. Gather your courage, allocate a certain amount from the family budget and update. And you can take something from the old to your parents, leave something for the guests, put it on rags. Take the same towels to work (we also wipe our hands there). There is also a cottage. With dishes the same picture. But how great it is when in chests of drawers and on the shelves what you need, of that size, shape, color and quality! Then washing and washing is more fun!


This is the second most important place after the trash can. Shelves of chests of drawers, cabinets and cabinets can accommodate a lot of items. If demi-season clothes are sent to boxes, then the hanger will be released halfway. It is wise to use transparent containers for storing toys - there is a chance that the child will get only the toy he needs and will not shake out all the boxes.

In large drawers, it is recommended to insert dividers so that small accessories are in their place and always at hand. It is possible that you will not be lucky with the design of the furniture, but as far as possible, such models should be eliminated, replacing them with a more ergonomic option. Such unsuccessful ones include bottomless mezzanines under the ceiling - the house of Christmas tree decorations, shoes and other good things, and no one in the house remembered what was thrown in the corners and at the back wall.


Of course, the child must have his own vision of the values ​​of things. But sometimes his vision clearly looks like a dump. Here, the problem should be approached comprehensively: throw something away while the child is sleeping or not at home, purchase furniture with convenient shelving and transparent boxes for toys.

Over time, you should get rid of whole toys, but which, due to age, have become uninteresting to the child. This is a good reason to teach a child kindness by collecting toys and taking them to an orphanage or on the street, distributing them to children from low-income families.

Also, cleaning the children's room should be given attention every day, first taking part in this, over time, the child will develop a habit.

In general, cleaning helps to lose weight! Everything has its advantages! It looks like a boring and unpleasant job. But by following the tips above, this event can become quite enjoyable. Cleaning is great! It frees the house from trash, dust, and your body from a few calories.

Those who really enjoy dusting, washing floors and household appliances are few, however, almost everyone wants to live clean. It turns out that there is no way out, and you still have to restore order in the house. But is there any way to make it less tedious and boring? Surely something can be done about this.

Infinitely right are those who promote the principle “Clean where they don’t litter”, and, nevertheless, sometimes you really want to throw clothes on a chair, and not hang them neatly, and in the evenings it’s much more pleasant to lie in the bath for 15 minutes longer, instead of to wash the dishes again. It is because of our momentary whims and weaknesses that all the dirt and mess accumulate in our houses and apartments, but this does not mean that we do not need to indulge ourselves.

So, how can you reduce cleaning time and make it more enjoyable at the same time?

First, you need to minimize the scale of unrest. To do this, you need to find a suitable place in the house for absolutely every thing you have. At the same time, this very place should be quite accessible, because every time it is unlikely that anyone will want to run after a ladder to put a pair of shoes or a bag on the mezzanine. You will probably have to get a more functional wardrobe, chest of drawers or other furniture for this, but believe me, it's worth it. By the way, on the sly, it would be nice to get rid of everything unnecessary - hundreds of souvenirs, out-of-fashion dresses, boots without heels, they create the feeling of a cluttered space. Stop collecting all this! It's time to make room for new, much more beautiful and useful items!

Another good tip for storing small things: you can distribute them into boxes, each of which should be signed. Then it will be much faster and easier to find what you need.

Now a few words about the right attitude. For many, even the mere thought of such things as washing floors or cleaning upholstered furniture at home causes a lot of negative emotions. Needless to say, in such a mood, things will not progress well and will definitely not bring a single gram of pleasure. Good advice is given by neuro-linguistic programming experts: you should perceive cleaning in the apartment as putting things in order in your own soul. With this approach, the process itself will bring joy, and the result will not leave you indifferent. One can imagine how, along with the dirt from the house, all bad thoughts, fears and worries leave the head.

For greater effect, many advise turning on your favorite music, which will not only cheer you up, but also help you keep the rhythm taken at the very beginning until the very end.

It is better to plan everything and tune in to the upcoming exploits in the name of purity in advance. This will help to discipline ourselves, because we love to come up with all sorts of excuses, just not to do what we don’t like. But writing something like “Spring cleaning” in your diary is not worth it, it is much more correct, according to cleaning experts, to divide your home into several zones. For example, such: entrance hall and pantry, bedroom, nursery, kitchen, bathroom and others. So, on Monday you can thoroughly clean up in one zone, on Tuesday - in another. In total, this will take much less time and effort than cleaning the entire house at once. In addition, there will be a feeling that all this is “in between times”, and this is usually given much easier.

It is also better to choose the time to deal with dirt in advance, for example, evening hours will be optimal for owls (only after 23.00 it’s not worth rattling with buckets and mops), and for larks, on the contrary, morning hours. When the appointed hour has come, the main thing is not to hesitate, otherwise the whole mood will instantly disappear.

You can create a reward for yourself. Why are most managers so concerned about the system of motivation of their subordinates? Because for a really valuable encouragement for a person, he will work much better. The main thing to remember is that the reward should be commensurate with the efforts that were made. For example, dusting the entire apartment takes 15 minutes, for which you can treat yourself to a delicious dessert or an hour of watching your favorite TV series. But for general cleaning, you can afford something more substantial - a new dress or dinner at your favorite restaurant.

It will not be superfluous to buy household appliances for cleaning. These are not useless expenses, this is a real saving of your time and effort. So, washing vacuum cleaners can not only remove dust, but also clean stains, as well as disinfect the air in the room. Instead of wiping greasy stains from cups and spoons, you can simply load them into the dishwasher, which will do the job just as well as an experienced housewife.

Cleaners and detergents will also be of help in household chores. The main thing is to regularly be interested in new products, consult with your friends and acquaintances, and then try all this in your household. So empirically, funds will be found that will allow spending on such things as cleaning the hob, washing the bathtub and other plumbing, removing dried fat not for 15-20 minutes, but much less.

Connect children and husband to cleaning. This task is not an easy one, but if you succeed, then two birds with one stone will be killed at once: households will learn to clean up after themselves immediately, and the load on mother's shoulders will be significantly reduced. Besides, isn't it nice to do something together? They say that working together brings people closer together.

We protect the skin, manicure and hair. For many, cleaning is a ruined manicure or traces of an allergy to detergent on the skin. But after all, all this can be avoided if, even before the start of household chores, put on strong rubber gloves, cover open areas of the body and tie a scarf on your head. It would seem nothing complicated, but it will help get rid of unnecessary negativity.

Keeping the kitchen clean and tidy is a real art. Many housewives know how to get rid of soot in the oven or how to wash the microwave from grease without spending all day on it. However, even the most experienced women in the household are always happy to learn new useful tricks. This time we have collected 10 great tips for the kitchen, which you should not pass by.

Kitchen cleaning

Glassware can be washed very simply and without household chemicals from the store. To do this, add a little vinegar and salt to warm water. The dishes will become cleaner and more transparent.

Aluminum pots will become shiny inside again if you boil water with potato peels, apple peels, rhubarb peels, or a vinegar solution in them.

Enamel pots that have darkened over time or burned, boil with any dishwashing detergent with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. soda. Then rinse well with hot water. To prevent darkening, boil them with a solution of vinegar once a month.

The refrigerator inside is very well cleaned with a soda solution. Take 4 tbsp. l. soda per 1 liter of water. Apply and wipe. Freshness and purity guaranteed!

Cook laundry soap for a short time in a burnt saucepan. Then it can be easily washed with a sponge.

If the runaway milk spilled on a hot stove, fill the spilled area with salt and cover it with wet parchment paper. The smell will not spread throughout the room.

To prevent insects from starting in the flour, put a couple of cloves of garlic in the place where it is stored, without peeling.

To make knives easier to sharpen, place them in a mild salt solution for a while and sharpen without wiping.

To make it easier to clean the meat grinder, pass raw potatoes through it at the end.

New glass tumblers will not shatter if they are placed in a vessel of cold water, heated slowly to a boil, and left to cool in the same water.

We hope that these useful tricks will come in handy when you are in charge of the kitchen.