The two main rivers of China on a contour map. Detailed map of India with sights and description

Task 79. Answer the questions.

The traveler didn't lie. Because white wool is cotton. And distrust and surprise because the listeners themselves did not know what is in India.

Task 80. Fill in the contour map "India and China in antiquity."

Task 81. Fill in the missing words.

India is located on south of mainland Asia. India's northern border is the highest mountains in the world. Their name is the Himalayas. The coast of India from the west, east and south is washed by the Indian Ocean. The most abundant rivers in India are Indus and Ganges. In the 3rd century BC. almost all Indian kingdoms united under the rule of King Ashoka. The Indian sage Buddha taught that the main thing is the personal virtues of a person, and not his origin.

Task 82. Answer the questions. In the ancient Indian poem "Mahabharata" it is said: "A cow, a goat, a man, a sheep, a horse, a donkey and a mule (a cross between a donkey and a horse) - these seven are considered domestic animals." Why is man called a pet? What kind of people are we talking about? Which goods were sold as "four-legged", and which - "bipedal"?

We are talking about slaves, who were the same property of the owners, like cattle.

Task 83. Solve the crossword "In Ancient India." If you correctly solve the crossword puzzle, then in the horizontal cells highlighted by the frame, you will read the name of the famous Indian sage, the founder of the religion.

Task 84. Solve the crossword "In Ancient China." If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, you will read the name of the famous Chinese sage in the horizontal cells highlighted by the frame.

Task 86. Fill in the missing words.

China is located on east of mainland Eurasia. In China, the two main rivers are the Yellow River and the Yanuz River. China became a unified state in the 3rd century BC, with Qin Shi Huang as its first ruler. The famous Chinese sage was Confucius. The most famous building in ancient China the great Wall of China.

Task 87. Complete the task and answer the questions. Consider whether Qin Shihuang, the ruler of China, ruled the way the sage Confucius taught.

1) Confucius advised rulers not to torture people with harsh punishments. Did Qin Shi Huang follow this advice? Did he punish minor offenses? Explain your answer

Confucius wanted people to be more confident and the punishment was under Qin Shi Huang.

2) Confucius considered it inhuman to execute someone. Did Qin Shihuang use the death penalty? How did he deal with those whose crime seemed to him serious?

When there was Qin Shi Huang, there was also the death penalty. Killed for crimes.

3) How did Qin Shi Huang deal with the followers of Confucius? Guess why he did it.

Maybe Qin Shi Huang would say “Thank you” - because Confucius is a sage and made a lot of laws.

4) Confucius believed that subjects should respect the ruler as a father. Could the people of China respect such a ruler as Qin Shi Huang? Explain your thought.

Under Qin Shi Huang, there were cruel times. May be

Task 88. Solve the crossword puzzle, remembering the sayings of the Chinese sage Confucius. If you have forgotten these sayings, look them up in your textbook (§ 22). Find out which words are missing in each of the following Confucian sayings. Write these words in the cells of the crossword in the same case and in which they should be in the text.

Task number 81. Answer the questions

Imagine that one ancient traveler who visited India returned to his homeland

If you only knew, - he told a friend, - what an amazing country India is! There, white wool grows on the bushes. The friend took these words for a joke. - Well, what an inventor and a liar you are! - If you don't want it, don't believe it! I saw with my own eyes: farmers cut white wool from bushes, just like from sheep, and make beautiful and durable fabrics from it ... But the most unusual thing is not even this wool, but the fact that Indians extract honey without any bees. They squeeze the juice from the cane and boil it over a fire. The juice becomes hard and crunches on the teeth like salt. And it tastes sweeter than honey! - Lies! ... In the world there is nothing sweeter than bee honey!

Was the traveler lying? Why was his story met with disbelief and surprise?

The traveler didn't lie. He talked about cotton and sugar. His story aroused distrust and surprise because in ancient times in European countries they did not know what cotton and sugar were.

Task number 82. Fill in the contour map "India and China in antiquity"

1. Inscribe the names of the two main rivers of India

2. Label and Label the Himalayan Mountains

3. Mark with an icon the places of the oldest cities in India

4. Fill in the circle representing the location of the Buddha's first sermon and write its name:

5. Circle the borders of the largest state in India (3rd century BC):

maurya empire

6. Inscribe the names of the two main rivers of China:

Yangtze and Huang He

7. Circle the borders of the oldest state in China (2nd millennium BC):

8. Circle the borders of the Chinese state under Qin Shi Huang (3rd century BC)

9. Mark on the map a wall in East Asia that stretches for thousands of kilometers, and inscribe its name:

The great Wall of China

Task number 83. Fill in the missing words

India is located in the south of the mainland Asia

India's northern border is the highest mountains in the world. Their name Himalayas

The coast of India from the west, from the east and from the south is washed by Indian ocean. The most abundant rivers in India are Indus and Ganges

In the 3rd century BC. Almost all Indian kingdoms united under the rule of the king Ashoka

Indian sage Buddha taught that the main thing is the personal dignity of a person, and not his origin

Task number 84. Answer the questions

The ancient Indian poem "Mahabharata" says: "A cow, a goat, a man, a sheep, a horse, a donkey and a mule (a cross between a donkey and a horse) - these seven are considered domestic animals."
Why is man called a pet? What kind of people are we talking about? Which goods were sold as "four-legged" and which were "bipedal"?

We are talking about slaves, who were the same property of the owners, like livestock, only unlike cattle (four-legged), slaves were “two-legged” goods

Task number 85. Solve the crossword "In Ancient India"

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, you will read the name of the famous Indian sage, the founder of the religion, in the horizontal cells highlighted by the frame.

Vertically: 1. God, according to the beliefs of the Indians, who created people from different parts of his body (Brahma). 2. A young prince from an Indian legend who lived happily until he found out that grief, pain and death exist in the world (Gautama). 3. A large river, in the valley of which the oldest cities in India arose (Indus). 4. Dense, impenetrable forests along the banks of the Ganges (jungle). 5. The king who united almost all Indian kingdoms under his rule (3rd century BC) (Ashoka)

Task number 86. Solve the crossword "In Ancient China"

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, you will read the name of the famous Chinese sage in the horizontal cells highlighted by the frame.

Vertically: 1. Thin and airy fabric, the secret of production of which in ancient times was known only to the Chinese (silk). 2. A device invented in China that helps not to get lost on long journeys (compass). 3. The river, along the banks of which the oldest state in China (Huang He) arose. 4. What a courteous Chinese took off his feet at the entrance to the house (shoes). 5. Writing material invented in China (paper). 6. One of the two main rivers of China (Yangtze). 7. One of the Chinese states, the ruler of which united all of China under his rule (221 BC) (Qin). Source 8Chinese Invented Anti-Fatigue Drink (Tea)

Task number 87. Answer the questions

Imagine that a certain Chinese doctor visits a patient. He frowns, not wanting to drink an unusual medicine.
- Fu, what disgusting! It is bitter, knits and has a strange smell...
“The medicine rarely tastes good,” says the doctor, “but it will restore your strength and help you get back on your feet.” Its healing properties are great: mark my words, this drink has a great future!
The ancient doctor turned out to be right: today, the infusion, which was once considered a medicine in China, likes to be drunk daily by millions of healthy people around the world.

This infusion is called tea, which is widely used today. Depending on the varieties of tea, it has different healing properties, for example, linden - for colds, violet - for coughs. Ordinary varieties of tea have a tonic, invigorating effect.

Task number 88. Fill in the missing words

China is located in the east of the mainland Eurasia

There are two main rivers in China - Huang He and Yangtze

China became a single state in the 3rd century BC, its first ruler was Qin Shi Huang

The famous Chinese sage was Confucius

The most famous building in ancient China The great Wall of China

Task number 89. Complete the task and answer the questions

Think about whether the ruler of China, Qin Shi Huang, ruled as taught by the sage Confucius

1. Confucius advised rulers not to torture people with harsh punishments. Did Qin Shi Huang follow this advice? Did he punish minor offenses? Explain your answer

In order to keep the people in fear and submission, even for the slightest misconduct, people were punished under Qin Shi Huang

2. Confucius considered it inhuman to execute someone. Did Qin Shihuang use the death penalty? How did he deal with those whose crime seemed to him serious?

Under Qin Shi Huang, the death penalty was widely used. For a serious offense they could cook in a boiler

3. How did Qin Shi Huang deal with the followers of Confucius? Guess why he did it

The followers of Confucius were buried alive in the ground. The rules and methods of Qin Shi Huang's rule differed sharply from what Confucius preached, which means that they did not correspond to the interests of Qin Shi Huang.

4. Confucius believed that subjects should respect the ruler as a father. Could the people of China respect such a ruler as Qin Shi Huang? Explain your idea

And the ruler treats his subjects as if they were his own children. Under Qin Shi Huang, there were cruel orders in the country that could keep the population in fear of the ruler, but did not add respect to him. (note - in general, they respect merit, and therefore there can be no unequivocal answer to this question)

Task number 90. Solve the crossword puzzle, remembering the sayings of the Chinese sage Confucius. If you have forgotten these sayings, look them up in your textbook. Find out which words are missing in each of the following Confucian sayings. Write these words in the cells of the crossword in the same number and case in which they should be in the text.

Horizontally: 3. An insignificant person seeks profit, and a noble person seeks justice. 6. “To execute someone, instead of instructing him on the true path, is inhumane. 8. A polite Chinese man takes off his shoes before entering the house and goes barefoot. 9. Confucius said that "it is necessary to observe those orders that have been established since ancient times." 10. Wealth is what people crave. But if I got it undeservedly, I will not use it. 11. Poverty is what scares people. But if she befell me undeservedly, I will not be ashamed of her.

Vertically: 1. Confucius believed that “an educated person is easy to recognize by his behavior. 2. Eat simple food and drink water, sleep with your elbow under your head, this is also the joy of life. 3. A noble person blames himself, and an insignificant person blames others. 4. A noble person is devoid of anxiety and fear - after all, if you do not find a flaw inside yourself, what to worry about, what to be afraid of. 5. Confucius advised rulers to "treat their subjects as their children." 7. Confucius taught that “subjects should respect the ruler as a father.”

Option 1.

Task 1. (Basic level)

    China and India are the birthplace of: A) silk C) paper B) chess D) tea E) paper

    Establish a correspondence between countries and their characteristic phenomena.

Country Phenomenon

A) Assyria 1) royal road

B) Egypt 2) the use of cavalry

B) Persia 3) mummy
D) China 4) compass

3. Osiris, Shamash, Ishtar, Yahweh - what unites them?

A) these are the gods that were worshiped in the Ancient East

B) these are the gods that were worshiped in Egypt

C) these are the gods that were worshiped in Mesopotamia.

4. Great rivers of China. Choose the wrong answer: A) Huang He B) Euphrates c) Yangtze.

5. The most famous rulers of Ancient India and Ancient China:

A) Buddha and Ashoka B) Confucius and Qin Shi Huang C) Ashoka and Qin Shi Huang

6. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct words. Prince Gautama deserved the honorary title - ____________, which means Sage, ___________________. The Chinese called Confucius __________________. They revered Confucius and tried to follow his teachings. But Emperor Qin Shi Huang ordered ________________ of his books. He did not want people to believe that ________________ was lived earlier than during his reign.

7. Dressed so that anyone could recognize them from afar, they could not live in the village with others. Nobody spoke to them. Everyone tried to get out of their way so as not to see them. This is

A) untouchables b) lepers c) untouchables.

8. The biblical expression "Jericho Trumpet" means:

1) beautiful, solemn sounds 2) very loud noise, rude cry

3) an ancient musical instrument.

9. Establish a correspondence between the names of historical figures and their activities.

Names Activities

A) Saul 1) Hebrew legislator who led the Jews out of Egyptian captivity

B) Samson 2) a mighty hero, whose strength, according to legend, was in his hair.

C) Moses 3) the first ruler of the kingdom of Israel

10. The ancient Jews: 1) Like the Egyptians and Babylonians, they worshiped many gods.

2) unlike the Egyptians and Babylonians, they worshiped the same god

3) Like the Egyptians and Babylonians, they worshiped many gods, but gradually came to monotheism.

Task 2 (a task of increased complexity):

    1. The emergence of inequality among Indians was reinforced by religion. Explain the origin of castes in India.

    1. What inventions of the ancient Chinese are used today? What value do they have?


Task 3 (tasks of high complexity): fill in the contour map "India and China in antiquity."

    Write the name of the two major rivers of India.

    Label the Himalayan mountains and write their name on the map.

    Designate with the icon the places of the most ancient cities of India.

    Circle the borders of the largest state in India inIIIcentury BC e.

    Write the names of the two main rivers in China.

    Circle the borders of the oldest state in China inIImillennium BC. e.

    On the map, find the designation of the wall in East Asia, which stretches for thousands of kilometers. Write its name.

79) Answer the questions.

    Answer: The traveler did not lie. Because white wool is cotton. And distrust and surprise because the listeners themselves did not know what is in India.

80) Fill in the contour map "India and China in antiquity."

81) Fill in the missing words.

    Answer: India is located in the south of Asia. India's northern border is the highest mountains in the world. Their name is the Himalayas. The coast of India from the west, east and south is washed by the Indian Ocean. The most abundant rivers in India are the Indus and the Ganges. In the 3rd century BC. almost all Indian kingdoms united under the rule of King Ashoka. The Indian sage Buddha taught that the main thing is the personal virtues of a person, and not his origin.

82) Answer the questions. In the ancient Indian poem "Mahabharata" it is said: "A cow, a goat, a man, a sheep, a horse, a donkey and a mule (a cross between a donkey and a horse) - these seven are considered domestic animals." Why is man called a pet? What kind of people are we talking about? Which goods were sold as "four-legged", and which - "bipedal"?

    Answer: We are talking about slaves, who were the same property of the owners, like cattle.

83) Solve the crossword "In Ancient India". If you correctly solve the crossword puzzle, then in the horizontal cells highlighted by the frame, you will read the name of the famous Indian sage, the founder of the religion.

84) Solve the crossword "In Ancient China". If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, you will read the name of the famous Chinese sage in the horizontal cells highlighted by the frame.

85) Answer the questions.

    Answer: This infusion is tea. Its healing properties are good, because they help cure colds, coughs.

86) Fill in the missing words.

Answer: China is located in the east of the Eurasian continent. There are two main rivers in China - the Yellow River and the Yanuz River. China became a unified state in the 3rd century BC, its first ruler was Qin Shi Huang. The famous Chinese sage was Confucius. The most famous building in ancient China is the Great Wall of China.

87) Complete the task and answer the questions. Consider whether Qin Shihuang, the ruler of China, ruled the way the sage Confucius taught.

+ 1) Confucius advised rulers not to torture people with harsh punishments. Did Qin Shi Huang follow this advice? Did he punish minor offenses? Explain your answer

    Answer: Confucius wanted people to be more confident and the punishment was under Qin Shi Huang.

+ 2) Confucius considered it inhuman to execute someone. Did Qin Shihuang use the death penalty? How did he deal with those whose crime seemed to him serious?

    Answer: When there was Qin Shi Huang, there was also the death penalty. Killed for crimes

+ 3) How did Qin Shi Huang deal with the followers of Confucius? Guess why he did it.

    Answer: Maybe Qin Shi Huang would say “Thank you” - because Confucius is a sage and made a lot of laws.

+ 4) Confucius believed that subjects should respect the ruler as a father. Could the people of China respect such a ruler as Qin Shi Huang? Explain your thought.

    Answer: Under Qin Shi Huang, there were cruel times. May be

88) Solve the crossword puzzle, remembering the sayings of the Chinese sage Confucius. If you have forgotten these sayings, look them up in your textbook (§ 22). Find out which words are missing in each of the following Confucian sayings. Write these words in the cells of the crossword in the same case and in which they should be in the text.

+ Test yourself

1) Answer the questions.

+ 1) In what ancient countries did these lines flow?

    Answer: Euphrates and Tigris - Mesopotamia, Nile - Egypt, Jordan - Palestine, Indus and Ganges - India, Huang He - China.

+ 2) In which ancient countries did these lords rule?

    Answer: Cheops - Egypt, Hammurabi - Mesopotamia, Thutmose - Egypt, David and Solomon - Israel, Ashurbanipal - Assyria, Cyrus - Persia, Ashoka - India, Qin Shi Huang - China.

2) In what ancient countries was each of the following inventions made?

    Answer: Letter - Egypt, Alphabet - Phenicia, Arabic numerals - India, Coin - Lydia, Paper - China, Chess - India, Compass - China.

3) Answer the questions. In many languages, the words for paper sound similar. For example, in English, paper is “paper”, in French it is “papier”, in German it is “papier”. Apparently, this similarity is not accidental: all these words have the same root and come from the same word. What is this word? What country is the birthplace of the first writing material? How was it made?

    Answer: The word papyrus. Papyrus was made in Egypt. Several sheets were folded and dried.

4) Fill in the timeline. Mark on the "time line" in chronological order: 1) the approximate time of the construction of the pyramid of Cheops; 2) the approximate time of the start of the construction of the Great Wall of China (the answer to this task is the year of the unification of China under the rule of the "First ruler of Qin"). Calculate:

+ Approximately how many years passed between these events?

    Answer: Approximately: 1247 years

+ Approximately how many years ago did the construction of the Great Wall of China begin?

    Answer: 2014 - 221 = 1793

5) Answer the questions.

    Answer: I think the scientists were right, because the invention of glass is one of the greatest inventions. After all, if there were no glass, there would be no windows. We would freeze from the cold and die.

6) Answer the question.

    Answer: Yes, there was. This is the library of Assyria, which was in 612 BC.

7) What great inventions of the Chinese influenced the life of mankind? Justify your answer.

    Answer: paper. Because without paper, we would still be writing on bark.

8) Use the Internet to find out if there are castes in modern India. Think, the division of people into castes hindered or helped the development of progress in India. Write down your thoughts in the form of a plan.

    a) What are castes?

    b) Does it interfere?

    c) share people

9) Start gathering material for the World Religions project. Keep an appropriate folder on your computer (or notebook) about the history of Buddhism.