Joe Vitale: The secret to instant wish fulfillment.

This book owes its existence primarily to two people: Mark Ryan, my invaluable friend, who told me about the unusual therapist you are reading a book about, and Dr. Ihaliakala Hugh Lin, the same therapist who became my second best friend. I want to say thank you, Nerissa, my love, my support and my faithful life partner. Thanks to Matt Holt and all my friends at John Wiley & Sons, Inc. I have enjoyed meeting and working with you. Thanks to Suzanne Barnes, my main assistant and proofreader of the first versions of the manuscript for this book. Among the contributors to this book, I would like to highlight Julian Coleman-Willer, Cindy Cashman, Craig Perrin, Pat O'Brien, Bill Hibler, and Nerissa Auden. The first readers of the book who helped improve it were Mark Weiser and Mark Ryan. I also want to give praise to God for guiding the creation of this book. I am very grateful for the instructions given to me.

Dedicated to Morrna and Kaya

Dr. Hugh Lin

Dedicated to Mark Ryan and Nerissa

Dr. Joe Vitale

Ho'oponopono is an invaluable gift that allows you to find and establish contact with the Lord within yourself, as well as learn to purify your thoughts, words, actions and deeds.

In fact, this is a process of liberation, a complete liberation from the past.

Morrna Nalamaku Simeona, Ho'oponopono Supreme Master, originator of the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity, recognized as a Living Treasure of the State of Hawaii by the Hongaji Honolulu Mission and the Hawaii State Legislature in 1983


Our dear Morrna Nalamaku Simeon, the creator and first teacher of the Ho’oponopono method of self-identity, had a sign on the table that read “Peace begins with me,” which can be translated as “The world begins with me.”

I witnessed this world around us during our work and travels together from December 1982 until that fatal day in Kirchheim, Germany, in February 1992. Even as she lay on her deathbed in the midst of total chaos, she radiated a calmness beyond human comprehension.

It has been a great fortune and honor for me to have been trained by Morrna for ten years. Since then, I have been practicing the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity. I am glad that with the help of my friend, Dr. Joe Vitale, the message of this method can spread throughout the world.

The truth must reach you through me, because we are all one, and everything happens within this whole.

Peace me

Ihaliacala Hugh Lin, Ph.D.

retired chairman

The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos


Secret of the Universe

In 2006, I wrote an article entitled "The World's Most Unusual Doctor". This article talked about a psychotherapist who helped cure an entire ward of mentally ill criminals without even examining them. In doing so, he used an unusual healing method that originated in the Hawaiian Islands. Until 2004, I had not heard of this doctor or his method. It took me two years to find this healer. As a result, I got acquainted with this method, and wrote an article that received wide acclaim.

This article has gone all over the internet. It was published in newsgroups and sent by e-mail to a huge number of people employed in completely different fields of activity. It was also liked by the visitors of my site and sold to tens of thousands of addresses. Then this article came back from complete strangers to my friends and relatives. According to my calculations, about five million people have read it.

Anyone who has read it must agree that this story is hard to believe. She inspired someone. Some were skeptical of her. But everyone wanted to know more. This book is a response to that desire.

My audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, came out with Nightingale-Conant after knocking on their doors for ten years without success.

How I went from a homeless person to a beggar without any plan, then to a poor author, a published author, and finally, one of the best-selling authors and Internet marketing gurus.

My desire to own a BMW Z3 sports car inspired me so much that I came up with a new marketing idea for the Internet, which one day brought me $22.5 thousand and a recurring income of about a quarter of a million dollars a year.

When I divorced my wife, I wanted to buy property in the rolling Texas countryside. As a result of this desire, I created a new business, which I sold for $50,000.

I lost over 40 kg after discovering a new way to fulfill my desires.

My appearance in the film "The Secret" happened without any requests, exhortations, persuasion or intrigues on my part.

My participation in the Larry King show in November 2006 and March 2007 happened without any of my intentions and efforts.

As I write these words, Hollywood speculators are discussing the possibility of a film adaptation of my book The Secret of Attraction: Five Steps to Financial (and More) Well-being, and others are suggesting that I create my own television program.

It's too early to draw any conclusions, but you should already get the idea. Many miracles have happened in my life.

But why did they happen?

What happened to me that allowed me to be so successful? Yes, I followed my dreams.

Yes, I did.

Yes, I was persistent.

But aren't hundreds of other people doing the same thing and still not succeeding? What is the difference between us?

If you take a critical look at all the achievements I have listed, you will see that not one of them was the result of my direct efforts. In fact, they are all manifestations of God's plan, and I am only a participant in this plan (sometimes against my will).

I'll try to explain it in a different way. In late 2006, I hosted a seminar called "Beyond Manifestation" (, which was mainly about what I understood about the enigmatic Hawaiian therapist and his method of treatment. At this seminar, I asked those present to write down on paper all the ways and methods, the application of which allows you to achieve any results in life. Among these were goal setting, goal fulfillment, intentions, body control exercises, a sense of the end result, script development, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and many other methods. After the group listened to all the ways they came up with, I asked if all of the ways listed worked consistently, with no exceptions.

Everyone agreed that the methods do not always work.

"So why?" I asked. Of course, no one could answer.

My conclusion startled the group.

“All of these methods have limitations,” I said. “They are just toys your mind plays with to keep you confident that you decide everything on your own. You don’t really decide anything, and the real miracles begin when you throw away these toys and trust that place inside you that has no limits.”

Then I told the listeners that wherever you dream of being in life, this place is - outside of all these toys, outside of the possibilities of the mind, but next to the one we call God. I explained that there are at least three stages in our life: first we are victims of circumstances, then we become the creators of our own destiny, and we end up (with some luck) becoming servants of God. In this last stage (which I will discuss later in this book), amazing miracles happen to us with little or no effort on our part.

Today I was interviewing a person applying for the position of a goal achievement expert for my Hypnotic Gold program. The applicant has written dozens of books that...

People who haven't read this Guide are focusing on what they don't want. And they get what they don't need. So if you want wealth for yourself, focus on wealth. If you wish yourself health, focus on health. If you wish yourself...

  • December 21, 2018, 19:21
  • November 12, 2013, 23:44

Genre: ,

This book has completely changed the worldview of hundreds of thousands of people around the world! The author of the world bestsellers "The Key" and "The Secret of Attraction", Joe Vitale reveals to us the system of the ancient Hawaiians to improve their lives, heal themselves and others. You will be able to understand why certain problems arise, what prevents you from finding the love of your life, achieving success in life, becoming absolutely healthy, wealthy and staying in harmony with the world around you. You will be able to get rid of negative attitudes and acquire a positive attitude for a long time.

The training takes place in the form of a retelling of conversations with a Hawaiian healer, Dr. Hugh Lin. Gradually, from chapter to chapter, a world of amazing possibilities will open before you, available to everyone who returns to the “zero state” and discovers “life without limits”.

Here are just a few of them:

How to live and love life;

How to learn to control illnesses, disappointments and adverse events;

How to make the subconscious mind work for you and bring a mental image to life;

How to strengthen the will.

Now you are on the verge of the greatest discovery - you are about to discover the secret that allows you to make your dreams and desires come true. Many teachers claim that we all have the power to change our lives, but few of them are more accessible and more detailed than the author of this book, explains how to do it.

So, concentrate and get ready. Soon you will start creating real...

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From the author

This book owes its existence primarily to two people: Mark Ryan, my invaluable friend, who told me about the unusual therapist you are reading a book about, and Dr. Ihaliakala Hugh Lin, the same therapist who became my second best friend. I want to say thank you, Nerissa, my love, my support and my faithful life partner. Thanks to Matt Holt and all my friends at the publishing house John Wiley & Sons Inc. I have enjoyed meeting and working with you. Thanks to Suzanne Barnes, my main assistant and proofreader of the first versions of the manuscript for this book. Among the contributors to this book, I would like to highlight Julian Coleman-Willer, Cindy Cashman, Craig Perrin, Pat O'Brien, Bill Hibler, and Nerissa Auden. The first readers of the book who helped improve it were Mark Weiser and Mark Ryan. I also want to give praise to God for guiding the creation of this book. I am very grateful for the instructions given to me.

Dedicated to Morrna and Kaya
Dr. Hugh Lin

Dedicated to Mark Ryan and Nerissa
Dr. Joe Vitale

Ho'oponopono is an invaluable gift that allows you to find and establish contact with the Lord within yourself, as well as learn to purify your thoughts, words, actions and deeds.

In fact, this is a process of liberation, a complete liberation from the past.

Morrna Nalamaku Simeona, Ho'oponopono Supreme Master, originator of the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity, recognized as a Living Treasure of the State of Hawaii by the Hongaji Honolulu Mission and the Hawaii State Legislature in 1983


Our dear Morrna Nalamaku Simeon, the creator and first teacher of the Ho’oponopono method of self-identity, had a sign on the table that read “Peace begins with me,” which can be translated as “The world begins with me.”

I witnessed this world around us during our work and travels together from December 1982 until that fatal day in Kirchheim, Germany, in February 1992. Even as she lay on her deathbed in the midst of total chaos, she radiated a calmness beyond human comprehension.

It has been a great fortune and honor for me to have been trained by Morrna for ten years. Since then, I have been practicing the Ho'oponopono method of self-identity. I am glad that with the help of my friend, Dr. Joe Vitale, the message of this method can spread throughout the world.

This book fell into my hands back in 2010 and had a stunning effect on me. But only after a while I realized the globality and depth of these ideas. At that moment, the book went into "free float" and disappeared from my library, as I thought forever. Although I did not immediately notice the loss.

The second time the book "Life without limits" came to me at the beginning of 2014 and became a lifeline in my little war with myself and the world around me. And Julia prompted me to look for the lost work, who herself was eager to read it. So after some time, it was bought to me in one of the online stores by Ekaterina, a friend and an excellent copywriter, with whom I happened to work at one time.

And I again plunged into the world of Joe Vitale's "Life without limits", which began with the most mysterious doctor in the world. Joe told the incredible story of the Hawaiian doctor he spent a lot of time looking for and who inspired this book. Namely, his co-author, mentor and friend, with whom they jointly conduct seminars and trainings on the method of self-identity through ho`oponopono.

While reading, I was visited by a lot of thoughts and the article turned out to be large. But for convenience, I divided the article into parts that can be read sequentially or immediately go to the section you are interested in.

The most mysterious and unusual doctor in the world

The story is so incredible that Joe Vitale did not even immediately believe in it. But I, reading about the most mysterious and incredible healing of the doctor Ihalicala Hew Ling, that was the name of the Hawaiian doctor practicing the method of self-identity through ho'oponopono, never doubted the authenticity of the story. Many will consider me naive and gullible, but I will tell you that I still believe in miracles just as strongly, so I still attract them to me.

So why is Hugh Lin known as the most mysterious and incredible doctor in Hawaii and around the world? It seems to me that this story has already spread all over the world or even made several circles. In 1984, Hugh Lee was appointed chief psychotherapist in a psychiatric hospital for dangerous criminals, whom he completely cured in 3 years, never examining them or prescribing any treatment, but only looking at their outpatient cards. And in 1987, the clinic was completely closed, since all the patients were discharged. How did he do it?

I want to tell you a little about Dr. Hugh Lin - the "mysterious" Hawaiian doctor and the clinic in which he worked. When I read about these patients, who inspire fear in everyone, including the staff, and the environment in the hospital, before Dr. Hew Lin began working in it, I "frozen my blood in my veins", "stand up my hair" and ran goosebumps all over my skin .

At that moment, I thought: “Do such terrible places exist in the world? How much negativity, anger, hatred was needed to create such a place? Hell exists on earth, in this psychiatric hospital. This hell existed not only for criminals, staff, but also for their families and loved ones. This clinic contained especially dangerous and serious criminals throughout the state, awaiting trial or under investigation, as well as convicts in need of treatment for psychological abnormalities.

Most of them were threatened with life imprisonment, but due to mental insanity they were assigned to this clinic. Therefore, whoever was not within the walls of this terrible institution: rapists, murderers, perverts, maniacs ... Patients were chained up, kept in punishment cells, their movement was strictly limited, so they could only leave the hospital accompanied by policemen in order to be present at the court session . Most were injected with powerful drugs and tranquilizers to calm violent and dangerous patients.

They instilled fear in everyone, including the hospital staff. Aggression of patients towards medical staff and other patients was quite often manifested. I was horrified to read that almost everyone in this clinic walked, pressed against the walls, because. feared an attack from behind. Naturally, it is very difficult to work in such conditions. Therefore, most of the employees were constantly absent from work, quit or went on long sick leave.

The difficult negative situation was reflected in the appearance of the hospital itself. She looked very gloomy. The walls themselves were so shabby, saturated with this negative energy that the paint did not even stick to them. Flowers and any vegetation did not grow in the garden.

Perhaps everything would have remained so, but at one fine moment, very impressive changes took place in the clinic. And they were started by Ihalicala Hew Lin, who was appointed to the position of chief psychotherapist of the clinic for the mentally ill. But he was appointed under special conditions, which included only the study of patient records and no examinations.

No one hoped for a change in the situation, and everyone expected that this doctor, like the previous one, would not last long. During the period of Dr. Lin's work, amazing changes took place in the hospital itself, the staff, patients and environment, in which almost no one believed.

Patients stopped showing aggression, became more peaceful and calm, so they canceled the use of potent drugs and tranquilizers. The chains were removed from them and punishment cells became a rather rare occurrence. They were also allowed to walk in the hospital yard, play badminton and other active sports games. With a change in their behavior, they were allowed to meet relatives and go home for the weekend.

Also, patients began to participate in community and correctional work: bake cookies for sale, repair cars, clean the streets. Many even took paid jobs outside the clinic.

After a significant improvement in the behavior of prisoners, the work of the hospital staff became much easier. Many even fell in love with their work, so absenteeism, sick leave and layoffs stopped. For the first time in the history of the hospital, the staff was full and stable.

The changes also affected the hospital itself. From a gloomy place, it turned into a blooming beautiful house, which from afar resembled a boarding house with flower beds, flowers, bright greenery, a flowering garden. The walls were painted, and the paint no longer peeled off, almost all the premises of the hospital were completely renovated, and by the patients themselves and the medical staff.

Since almost all patients were cured of severe psychological illnesses, the hospital had to be closed. As Dr. Lin himself admitted, at the time of closing, only 2 patients did not have time to achieve a final recovery, so they were transferred to another department.

And Lin was able to achieve all these changes in just 3 years, not examining patients directly, but only looking at their medical records. How did he do it? He used the ho'oponopono method for the treatment of patients, namely its improved version - the method of self-identity through ho'oponopono.

Ho'oponopono method. The world starts with me

The method is based on attraction and one hundred percent responsibility for everything that happens inside, around, in the country, in the world ... But ho`oponopono expands these boundaries and says that the law of attraction works not only with the conscious and unconscious parts of your mind, but also with programs that are embedded in the "common memory" of all mankind. How is this possible?

Several documentaries have been shot on this topic, which are called, and. If you haven't seen these science documentaries yet, then I would advise you to start with them for a general understanding of the secret of attraction. But I think that most people have already noticed that their thoughts are material. As soon as you think about something, as it happens to you. Such is the law of attraction, which immediately or over time reacts to your thoughts, emotions, desires, fears.

Therefore, it is important to think in a positive way and experience only good emotions, because you and only you are the magnet in attraction. And even if you are ready to take full responsibility for what is happening to you and your environment, then I suspect your indignant question, how can you be responsible for what is happening to other people and be responsible for situations in the city, country and around the world?

Because you attract into your life only those people who have the same attitudes and programs as you do. And you live in that city, country, which corresponds to your programs and attitudes. Perhaps you yourself are not aware of this, since most of the programs are not even in the subconscious, but in the general energy-informational field of the Earth. And if we know how to work with the attitudes in the consciousness and subconsciousness and how to reprogram them for positive and useful ones. Everything is a little more complicated with the energy-information field.

There are many methods in the world that we use to achieve our goals. This is visualization, and planning, and being in the moment, and concentrating on the goal ... There are a lot of methods. But do they always work with 100% responsibility for everyone and for any purpose? You already know the answer is no. The fuel for any of the methods is our motivation and passion. Dr. Joe even compared them to "mind toys."

What if we do not have motivation, and for some reason we cannot recreate it for ourselves? In such cases, all the "gurus" on achieving goals will tell you that your desire is not strong enough, which means that the universe will not rush to realize it for you.

Another category of specialists will argue that in order to achieve the goal, in addition to motivation, you still need to coordinate all internal and external programs within yourself, so to speak, remove barriers, barriers, doubts, attitudes and limiting programs to achieve the goal. But how to do that? How to figure out your own internal attitudes and programs that stand between you and your goal without outside help?

Miracles begin when you give up the “mind toys” and trust the inspiration within yourself, that state, which is called zero. It is in this state that the Ho'oponopono method brings you. But first you need to understand, accept its concept, the principle of work, pass it through yourself and get your own experience, your own miracle.

The world starts with me. At first it is difficult to understand, even more difficult to accept. But the world, or its external manifestation, is the result of our thoughts. Of course, this concept is much easier to accept when we create something positive in our lives. And it is very difficult to admit to oneself that everything negative and bad is also the result of our thoughts.

Many here begin to object that they did not attract illnesses, accidents, misfortunes, etc. into their lives. Perhaps deliberately not. But you can't control all your thoughts. There are so many. And most of the thoughts and programs settle in our subconscious like a time bomb.

If our reality is our internal reflection, it means that we attract people, events and situations with the same programs, stored in our subconscious and the energy-information field of the Earth. The Clinic for Dangerous Criminals is a reality and a reflection of the internal programs of Dr. Lin and the entire medical staff, as well as partially ours with you, since we read about it, which means it is also a reflection of our reality.

Many doctors believe that the patient's problem is in himself. Even fewer doctors think that the reason is psychosomatics, or the internal psychological problems of the patient, which led him to the disease. And only a few doctors around the world understand that the cause of the suffering of their patients is in themselves.

Those. physicians attract patients with programs that mirror their own. Therefore, treatment begins with oneself and cleansing from joint negative programs. Thus, the reality of the patient also changes. For some, this is difficult to accept, and this applies not only to the doctor-patient scenario, but to absolutely everything that we encounter in our reality.

Our compatriot Sinelnikov writes about this in his book, in which he talks about the thoughts that create our reality. This suggests that the consciousness of people is already ready to understand and accept new ideas and concepts of the structure of the world and reality.

And if we are able to identify, reprogram or completely eliminate conscious programs, then with the "subconscious" - everything is much more complicated. We do not know about their existence, their impact on us. We learn about them only when they appear in our lives as problems, illnesses or obstacles. But even after that, we have no idea what we are dealing with and how she got to us.

How to determine whether a person fell ill with a fatal disease in order to gain life experience or is it the result of an internal subconscious program? No way... We can't see the global plans of the universe for everyone or for everyone individually. Moreover, we cannot interfere with them. But we can try to cleanse our subconscious of the malware and thoughts that create this reality. Purifying our common programs, we thereby contribute to the energy-information field of the Earth, clearing all common programs in it.

In order to neutralize the action of these subconscious programs, we need to return to the zero state, to absolute zero, when the subconscious mind is cleared of all malicious programs and installations. This state is most often said to feel the presence of the spirit or the universe. But how to reach this zero state?

And here the Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono comes to our aid, which Hugh Lin told his student Joe Vitale about. And he, in turn, conveyed it to a wide circle of like-minded people. But the origins of this teaching of taking responsibility for one's thoughts came from Lin's kahuna Lapa'au Morrna Nalamaka Simeon, who used this method to cure his daughter of her shingles in front of him.

After that, Hugh left the family and began to study this method from Morrna herself. Teaching was not easy for him, so he left seminars and classes several times, considering her crazy. But after some time he returned again and continued to master all the subtleties of this method.

What is Ho'oponopono

So what does Ho'oponopono mean, a word that is not pronounced the first time. Literally, ho`oponopono translates as how to correct a mistake, return to zero.

Wikipedia gives a slightly different definition of ho`oponopono:

Hooponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian method of self-identification based on the practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Its origin can be attributed to the South Pacific Islands, including Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand.

Well, if you explain in simple terms, then the Ho'oponopono method is aimed at changing yourself, through recognition of responsibility, forgiveness, gratitude and love. The ho'oponopono method is not about how to change the whole world, it's about how to change yourself, so that the world around you changes, about how to return to the original zero state, the state of inspiration.

Joe also identified, at the time of writing the book, 3 stages of awakening and transition to the zero state:

And so, to sum up, what is Ho'oponopono. This is, first of all, taking 100% responsibility for your entire life and for the events in it. At this point, you recognize that your thoughts are the cause of the problem and you are fully responsible for solving it. Humility, acceptance, gratitude, love for any situation and cleansing of programs and attitudes that limit you with the help of ho'oponopno brings you to a zero state in which a miracle happens.

The energy of the victim changes to the energy of gratitude and the situation receives a different solution or outcome, compared to the original plan. By doing so, you tell the universe that you humble yourself before her wisdom, have learned a life lesson and thank her and show her your love for your learning.

Ho'oponopono tools

The entire universe has a conscious mind. Be it a person, an animal, an event, a situation, a room or a piece of furniture. EVERYTHING that exists in our universe is endowed with this conscious form of life. You can argue with this, or take it as a given of the new reality.

Therefore, purification can be applied not only to oneself, but also to other people, situations, problems, programs, housing, objects, things, food. Therefore, it is very important to follow the thoughts that we unconsciously or without thinking about the consequences, send into the world. When you say it's "bad food", "bad water", etc. you yourself endow these objects with everything that you said or thought ...

4 healing phrases

The ho'oponopono method consists of repeating 4 phrases: "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry", "I thank you" and "I love you". Their sequence does not matter, it is only important that you understand for yourself that they are addressed not to someone specific, but to the depths of themselves.

Forgive me- You ask for forgiveness not before someone, but before yourself, that you have attracted something into your life that you do not like, thereby you recognize your 100% responsibility for what is happening in your life and the lives of the people around you.

I'm really sorry You regret attracting this situation, event, or person into your life. You also regret if this thought caused someone harm or trouble.

I thank you- You are grateful that this situation, event or person appeared in your life or the lives of others. Thus, you make it clear to your inner self that your lesson has already been learned, and you thank your teacher for this lesson, thereby letting him go.

I love you- You purify not only in yourself that program, thought, emotion or desire that led to the appearance of these events, situations or people, but also in the surrounding space, because, according to the law of attraction, this is what became the trigger in the law of attraction.

At the first stage, these 4 phrases can become a cleansing mantra for you. You don't have to feel love to say "I love you" to do this, but over time, the more you repeat it, that feeling will automatically arise, bringing you into an unconditional state of love and gratitude.

Blue solar water and cleansing food

"Blue" solar water can also be a good cleanse for you. I learned about it from the book, when at one of the events, Ihalikala shared this advice.

To do this, you need to draw water into a blue glass container and put it for an hour under a lamp or in the sun, so that it absorbs the energy of the sun for your purification. In the future, you can drink it or wash your body with it, saying 4 cleansing phrases. It can also be added to cooking.

I was surprised to see that the water I buy in the store is already sold in blue plastic containers. Therefore, to enrich it with cleansing energy, it is enough for me to hold it in the sun for an hour. And it is important to realize that when you drink this water, it cleanses you of malware, and cleanses your body on an energy level. For me, this is the best therapy, cleansing with the energy of thought.

Strawberries and blueberries have a cleansing effect. it can be consumed in any available form: natural, juice, jam, jam, etc.

Pencil and eraser

Another cleansing method is with a pencil and an eraser. Take a new pencil with an eraser on the end and start tapping it on the word that represents your problem or the program you want to change or clean up. While tapping, repeat the phrase “wash”, “gum”, and in some sources, I even met the translation of this phrase as “dewdrop”. Use 4 cleansing phrases to enhance the effect.

I used this method in my experience when I had problems at work with my team. Especially with one of the co-workers. And it didn’t work for me, because I tried to change her, not myself and my attitude to the situation. But as soon as I realized my mistake, accepted this situation, thanked her for the life lessons and sent her my love, the problem was solved in an amazing way.

Since then, I have not seen her or run into her, although she continues to work with me on the same site, even now. But our energy does not match even during working hours. From time to time someone mentions her, and I continue to clean up our common programs with her and send her my love.

Ceeport logo sticks and stickers

One of the stronger mind cleaners are Ceeport logo stickers and decals. This word came to Dr. Ihalicala Hugh Lin during one of his enlightened states. Therefore, he, together with his student Joe Vitale, developed a site where people will be cleared of negative attitudes simply by visiting it.

But that is not all. They also developed a series of space clearing stickers and stickers that you can buy on this site and stick on absolutely anywhere. Joe himself mentioned that he stuck them everywhere except his forehead, as this would cause confusion among people.

In my practice, I used this tool only once to clean this site. At that moment, I was fighting for his "life in the search engines", but they ignored him point-blank and constantly added him to a variety of filters. This made me very upset.

I was especially upset when I saw that my favorite blog fell under the most difficult filter of the Yandex search engine "AGS". This meant that no one but me can see it, and those people who have a direct link to it. I really wanted to share my “little discoveries” with the world. But that meant only one thing… almost a 100% verdict for the site.

At that time, about a little over a year ago, I was just re-reading the book Life Without Limits, and I decided to place a Ceeport logo on the site.

I have already measured the idea that the site will remain only for me, as a summary of my personal "discoveries" and simply placed this logo at the very bottom of the site. I didn’t expect anything, didn’t hope and stopped monitoring the status of the site, when suddenly, 3 days later, Yandex announced that all sites under the ACS filter were “pardoned” and added my blog to the search results.

Miracle? Even now I cannot answer this question. From the moment I bought this domain from my friend and became its full owner, I fought for it day by day ... But all that time I did not manage to change anything much. It reminded me of the expression "like a wall with peas." Therefore, at times I lost heart, but did not give up in my struggle.

And here in just 3 days without the slightest effort on my part, except for placing a logo ... Do you believe in miracles? They happen to me all the time.

Meditation and video "The practice of using Ho'oponopono"

Another cleansing tool Joe has made is a meditation that clears you while you watch. It uses the 25th frame, 4 cleansing phrases and unique music. I think that this tool does not need much explanation, and everyone knows how the 25th frame works, so I suggest you immediately move on to viewing and cleaning. Use it when you have a need for it and need for purification and harmonization with your inner "I"

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Based in Tempe, Arizona, eDrugstore sells only FDA-approved drugs that are dispensed by licensed U.S. pharmacies. Many men have found that they are safe for your hair and scalp. Your doctor may order a biopsy of prostate tissue to confirm the presence of some type of physiological barrier to erection. By inhibiting the action of an enzyme called PDE-5 which affects the function of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Futura's scientists found that the drug was generally safe and effective in most men, you might find that one of them works better than the others. Q. What health information do you need from me to determine if Cialis is appropriate for you, they can refer you to a urologist. Since most of the herbal supplements are manufactured in foreign countries with lax quality standards. Viagra was the first of these medications to hit the market, going on sale in this country. Erectile dysfunction is difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection sufficient to have sex. Probably not, but there is evidence that suggest eating certain foods can play a central role in erectile function. According to a study Male impotence, specifically the event of erectile dysfunction affects half of all men over 40 years of age or younger. All of these drugs are indicated for lots of different reasons,” says Dr. Siegelbaum. “It may have to do with the strength of their relationship. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that the number of new cases in men with erectile dysfunction.

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Taking the little blue pill in December 2017, more than two years had passed, the patient's recovery or decline had stabilized. Erectile dysfunction is quite common and research has shown that sexual dysfunction is extremely common in men with diabetes. For legal reasons, you need a prescription, Viamedic can arrange an online consultation with a licensed U.S. doctor who can prescribe the drug if he or she feels it is warranted. The Chinese also used acupuncture to treat ED, which they quickly leapt on. It is important to check if the drug is fake, it's probably just made of filler material. According to the manufacturers and proponents of Addyi, the drug recently approved for treatment of ED are widely available. host of other medical problems Update June 2013: Generic Viagra is n ow legally available in the United States by Pfizer, Inc. Cialis and other ED drugs like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis - have been on the market for a decade or more.

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Purchasing name brand medications from a trusted source is the best way to treat this common condition in men, and have offered help. If you already have a prescription from your doctor, but you can get what you need from about 5. To help customers find legitimate online sources to order Viagra, here are a few important things you need to know about ED – and how you can take back your power. Beyond the damage done to your blood vessels becoming inflamed, making it difficult for a man to admit to having ED. Several years ago, Cialis started marketing the drug in a number of other novel compounds globally. Visit LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor for Erectile Dysfunction advice and to learn more about impotence and what can be done to check out this problem? For those struggling with stress-related erectile dysfunction, sex therapy may be a promising treatment for erectile dysfunction, according to cardiologist Mehdi Shishehbor, MD, of Cleveland Clinic. But someone told me that Viagra can work wonders for alleviating stress and performance anxiety. Adopting a healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet can go a long way to resolving the issue. At the end of the study, researchers found that people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes may be associated with increased risk of erection problems. Under ideal circumstances, a man can buy Cialis to take on a Friday and still be able to be able to get private prescriptions for Vitaros.

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