Expedition Voskhod – a new stage «Sunrise over the Atlantic. Interview with Ilya Mikhalchenkov, Voskhod expedition ideologist

At the last exhibition, my attention was drawn to the stand of the guys from Voskhod Expedition. Their story about the journey from Moscow to Bali, their charisma and positive attitude could not fail to impress them. I managed to talk with the ideologist of this frenzied musical and tourism project, Ilya Mikhalchenkov (ex-Double Fault), to tell in more detail about their inspiring trip on two immortal Volgas to the heavenly Asian corners of the planet.

Let's start with dating. What are the names of your faithful companions? What do each of you do outside of hiking and music activities?

Evening at home! In general, we have a huge team. In addition to the travelers themselves, we have associates around the world who become travelers themselves and join us in parts or in bulk by email and abroad. But from the closest ideological ones: Vovan - heaps on the guitar, Styopa - distributes on drums, Sanyok makes the Volga go and give us a daily chance, Kolyan - directs and shoots all this theater of the absurd. Egor and Anya will also be with us at the Atlantic stage, but maybe they won't stay there at all. Lots of fools. Well, the main strategist is Ilya. The ideologist of all this red-proletarian hell. He still plays bass and sings. Outside of the Expedition, we are constantly preparing for the Expedition. She takes a lot of time.

How did you come up with the idea to make such a long and extremely difficult journey? Did the expedition itself serve as an impetus for the formation of the Voskhod Expedition brand, or did the brand become fundamental for the expedition itself?

The idea came from thinking about the classic drama mix. The fact is that it was in Bali that the death of my lyrical hero occurred. And, accordingly, it was there that the Phoenix was supposed to rise from the ashes. As for the brand, the Expedition needed oxygen. Blood in the veins. In addition to dementia and courage. Mark became her. This is a logical development, in modern digital you need to somehow monetize your ideas so that they continue.

How did you raise funds for your trip?

We made a kilometer mechanism - something like crowdsourcing on our website. The cost of clothes and nishtyakov was expressed in kilometers of the Expedition's route. You fill the column with kilometers (you buy), change them for a sweatshirt, for example, and we drive forward - we add divisions of the distance traveled on our bar.

Tell us about your choice of cars, what was it connected with, where did you find them and what was done with them so that they went such a long way?

We love and respect Vysotsky, Kurt Cobain and Vicious. Also Dave Grohl and Chris Criswell. All these people dreamed of driving the 24th Volga, but for various reasons they could not (Vysotsky had a Mercedes). Therefore, we decided to fill the gap. Besides, the Volga is a Red-proletarian cart. It provokes, shocks. A conflict was needed - after all, they are not able to go further than the Moscow Ring Road, what kind of Tibet is there with the Equator.

Top 3 events that left a mark on your memory? (3 good and 3 not so good).

We were rocked by concerts. 1) A barbershop in Karaganda with a cool support from the Kazakh punk and hockey parties. 2) Shooting a video clip on Lake Manasarovar in Tibet near Mount Kailash. 3) The most powerful reception on the island of Kalimantan, where we did not plan to play any shows, in the end we just went to a bar, met with a local punk, and in the end everything turned into an extravaganza and a spree with some of the coolest gigs in Malaysia and Indonesia.

From situations point: Lingzhi road - Ranwu Lake in Eastern Tibet, where we almost crashed, "Standing in Kuala Lumpur" for 10 days and the arrest of wheelbarrows for 2 weeks at the Chong Mek border in Thailand. In fact, the most difficult thing for the Expedition is to get stuck in place. The expedition must go. She cannot stand.

Chinese Tibet - Namba Wang. Move without thinking. All countries are unique, it is not worth comparing. But Tibet is ah.

Which of the countries has become the most difficult on your way and why?

Oddly enough - Taichik. Due to the abundance of trances (stupidly not accepted in Soviet society), and the arrest of cars, which threatened 7 concerts and the entire Expedition as a whole. Although there were surprises in Malaysia and Indonesia. There was also enough crap.

At such a distance and in such conditions, almost any car will require repair, where did you get spare parts for your faithful "horses"?

They took most of it with them, a box of 4 mortars (covered in the mountains, but reached Bangkok) they received in the luggage of a fragile and vulnerable girl. Thank you, oh Russian woman!

How did the locals greet you, and who was the friendliest on your way? Were there those who tried to deceive you in any way, or did you only find those who helped for free?

Kazakh and Kyrgyz cops kanesh raged, but received from us only a great mood and wishes of happiness and love. The rest of the people smiled, supported (or whatever it was in the Krasnoproletarian way?), pulled us out of difficulties. And we smiled at them. Their help is invaluable. The principles of ethics are the same everywhere, the intentions are pure and everything works out - this batch lit the way for us for 114 days and attracted the right characters.

Expedition Voskhod

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Silver Rain presents the project "Expedition Voskhod". This is a story about a crazy dream that came true!

This is the story of a team of musicians, artists and photographers who did an incredible experiment last year, .

This year, Expedition Sunrise has set off west on a new journey called Sunrise Over the Atlantic. On the Day of the City on September 9, two Volgas again started from Moscow. Directly from Serpukhovskaya Square, the cars set off towards the Portuguese Nazare, a small town on the Atlantic coast, where the highest waves come.

Thus, the participants of the Voskhod Expedition connected Europe and Asia with a cultural bridge. On the way there were dozens of concerts, many unusual places, colorful characters and discoveries - all this can be seen in our photo and video report.


Travel photo report

On September 9, on Saturday, the Voskhod expedition started from Serpukhovskaya Square and the next day was in Minsk!

On Tuesday, September 12, the guys left Minsk towards Brest!

On Thursday, September 14, Voskhod expedition arrived in Krakow, and the next day - in Budapest!

On Sunday, September 17, the guys left Brno in the Czech Republic and are heading to Prague!

On Wednesday, September 20, members of the Voskhod expedition reached Berlin! Renting a house in Berlin is an expensive pleasure, so the guys settled with friends. Despite some inconvenience, they are full of optimism and have already discussed plans for the next day!

Sunday, September 24, Voskhod expedition arrived in Nürburg! The path was not easy: the guys spent a good 12 hours on the road from Berlin, but in the morning they nevertheless reached the campsite.

The glamorous sports cars of the Nürburgring race track made a powerful impression on the guys. Now they are on their way to Amsterdam!

On Tuesday, September 26, members of the Voskhod expedition reached Amsterdam and painted graffiti on the wall of the Street Art Museum Amsterdam!

In Amsterdam, the guys played right on the street!

September 29, Friday, the Voskhod expedition went to the concert of the Leningrad group, which took place in Frankfurt am Main!

On Sunday, October 1, the guys arrived in Paris and settled with friends. Despite the fact that they were unlucky with the weather, they are not upset, because Fashion Week is in full swing!

The Voskhod expedition never got to Fashion Week: firstly, it was not format, and secondly, the weather let us down. But during the break between heavy rains, the guys still got out on the streets of Paris to play live!

October 3, Tuesday, members of the Voskhod expedition reached another French city - Dax!

The guys have plans to play on the North coast of France :)

On Thursday, October 5, the Voskhod expedition reached Spanish Laredo!

On Saturday, October 7, the members of the Voskhod expedition were in Peniche (Portugal), from where they decided to move to Nazar!

On the night of October 8, a month after the start from Moscow, the guys from the Voskhod expedition (on the same two Volga) reached Nazare (Portugal)!

HURRAH! The guys from the Voskhod expedition reached their final destination - the Portuguese Nazare, starting from Moscow on two Soviet Volga cars exactly a month ago, on September 9! Minsk, Brest, Krakow, Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, Nürburg, Frankfurt, Paris were left behind... In almost every city, the guys played sets on the street, arranged concerts in clubs and bars, shot cool videos and drew awesome graffiti.

Silver Rain provided the expedition with informational support, and now we congratulate the travelers on the successful completion of this adventure (and, of course, the start of something new...)

The world is changing. In front of your eyes and fast. The Chinese Book of Changes says: “The South overcomes the West. The East overcomes the North. We will move to the ends of the earth on 2 restored 24th Volga, we will drive 24,000 kilometers, 10 countries. We will cross Tibet, the equator and cross the ocean 3 times. To see a new SUNRISE and bring to the East a little of Our old, kind, bright...

Our goal is to play as many concerts as possible along the way and make documentaries about people like us: independent musicians, artists, poets, tattooists and heroes of the local Southeast Asian scene. Our path will be filled with live performances, joint creativity, interesting meetings and interviews.

The Voskhod Expedition will show all this in real time, thanks to modern social media, and the audience will even have the opportunity to join us: get on board our Volgas, or meet us at the finish line.

Based on the results of the expedition, a full-length documentary film will be released.

The General Secretary of our Red Proletarian project and the one who conceived everything. In every exciting event there should be a person whom everyone hates, but for some reason nothing works without him. It is he.

Max Tech.

He does not understand cars, but he is familiar with the old-school tattoo technique. Chief artist of the Expedition VOSCHOD. He knows how to show with his hand “where to go” like Lenin, which is why he got on board. In general, he likes to draw - the first thing he painted his body.

Vova Chik.

Responsible for how Expedition Voskhod sounds. Are any more comments needed? Without sound, the expedition would have turned into an ordinary tour. In general, a clear and collected guy. Which is not typical for creative characters.

Stepik Steve.

A stadium rocker, a drummer with a capital letter... It's amazing how, with such a scope, he manages to retain an almost childish spontaneity and the ability to admire simple things. In short, an air guy. You will fly without Stepik, but not far - it will be useful for SUNRISE in Tibet at 5500.

Kolya Geologist.

The only character really prepared for the expedition. Maybe break off the antlers of an elk, and explain for Van Gogh or Soviet romantic realism of the 30s. Kolya is a master of dramaturgy and lens, and even when someone behaves in a non-Komsomol way on the expedition, Kolya will make it “beautiful”.

For 24 thousand kilometers, anything can happen to any car. What can we say about the Volga 74th year of release. If not for Sanyok, we would not have thought to go on an expedition. Sometimes we affectionately call him the Pliers Man. In general, when he rides in the next seat, you can be calm about the car.


We got two rare station wagons GAZ-2402. 74th and 83rd years of release. There are practically no such cars left on the move, we had to sweat a lot to find them. Then the suspension and engine were completely replaced with new original spare parts, and the body was restored. We did fine-tuning, preparation of nodes for the highlands. Well, they repainted it in the original colors of the Voskhod Expedition. You can follow the progress of the transformation from a "garbage dump" into an "expeditionary car" on our resources in more detail. And here is one of the series about working with machines.

It is quite obvious that our undertaking is extremely costly. The budget includes the purchase, restoration and preparation for the expedition of two GAZ - 2402 Soviet-era vehicles, all route costs, spare parts, consumables, container transportation, paperwork, filming equipment, the shooting itself and part of the pre-production of our film tape ... And although we have already raised part of this amount from our own funds, the final goal is still very, very far away. Chinese documents, for example, for driving through Tibet by car will cost us about $24,000 (yes, don't be surprised - this is the cost of "permits" to the closed Tibetan territories and the escort of a Chinese security officer, which is also necessary). And of course, the amount of 500,000 indicated in the company is only a small part. But it is precisely this that we need to implement the last tranche for the package of Chinese "permits".

Naturally, we thought for a long time how to get this money. And they came up with a special model of crowdfunding.

In fact, we have created our own clothing brand "VOSHOD Expedition", which will convey our emotions from the expedition route and the events that await us along the way. Fortunately, we already have a lot of experience in this direction, one of the expedition members Max Technik - famous artist and designer of streetwear brands.

We also integrated the brand into a crowdfunding mechanism: the cost of our things is expressed in kilometers. Therefore, by acquiring each of them, you move the Expedition forward. By participating in kilometer investments, you automatically participate in the drawings of cool opportunities. It will be possible to get on board the expedition at one of the points of the route and ride with us a section of the way, or meet us at the finish line and take part in the final show.

We hope that our hoodies and sweatshirts will keep you warm on cold evenings, and this will help us get closer to the goal...))

We believe we can pull off this crazy venture called Expedition SUNRISE, make a film about contemporary art that has no limits, and prove that our civilian design tradition is capable of more than it looks.

And we also hope to become a real team with you, to see new people on board our cars and even more people who follow the progress of the expedition on our resources. After all, #expeditionsunrise is #everything...

Stay tuned. Or how is it? In the Red Proletarian way?

#expeditionsunrise #it's all #get on board #expvoskhod #expedition #sunrise #moscow #moscow #bali #bali #Volga #gaz24 #journey of the year

November 8 at the club "Agglomerat" will be a presentation of the video album of the group "Expedition "Sunrise" "Third Ocean". The group's vocalist Ilya Mikhalchenkov told us about each song from this recording.

Prepared by: Kilometer Cops

Ilya Mikhalchenkov, Voskhod Expedition:

"A game"

“It all started as a game? I think, yes. I like to fool around. Otherwise, it is impossible to look at all this around without tears, so the game is the only way to exist in reality. As soon as existence passes into the plane of a game of chess, I miss it. It's complicated. But the comical acting sketches are great. The song isn't funny at all though. It is about a game of a different nature ... "

"Pick up and go"

“Album “Third Ocean” is a way from within. The stories connected with each other flow from the picture to the music, then to the prose and back again. This is symbolic, because the artist is always on the lookout, even if he has found it. Change is the hallmark of art. And it seems that you know the way by heart, and you control everything, but no - she decides for herself when to present certain difficulties. We're passengers, mate. Just passengers. And the song “Take it and go” is a regret about this.”


“Here the slave is both local and Arab. Contrary to popular belief about romantic moods, Paris is not the most sensitive city. To other people's grief, social stratification and a huge amount of pain and poverty. Paris Syndrome… What is it? Frustrated tourists? No, it's the Parisians themselves. Prim and pretending that nothing is happening, although urine from a homeless person lying next to him is pouring right under the legs of an expensive restaurant chair. The smell of croissants mingles with the stink of slop in the heart of the city. And at the Opera station, to the pitiful howl of the violin, healthy African Americans walk around the cars, begging. Be careful on the way out - as if the plaster from the ceiling did not fuck off.

"1000 Bridges"

“A story about Zhenya, our friend from Indonesia. It is about how Zhenya dreams of building a bridge. I like to think that Expedition Voskhod is also building its own bridges. Invisible only. Between different places and people. Our concrete and floors are music. I would like to make sure that as many travelers as possible get through these bridges to their own points.”