Finance in English. English "money" vocabulary with translation

According to Oxfam, 82% of the world's wealth is in the hands of the 1% of the world's population. Even if you are not one of these lucky people, you definitely deal with money every day. Therefore, we hope that our English cheat sheet for economists will be useful to you.

If you work in the financial sector, we recommend that you study our concise economic dictionary on banking, finance and accounting, taxation and auditing. For representatives of other professions, the section on investments, cryptocurrency and professional jargon of economists may be of interest.

We encourage even those of you who are not in the financial sector to explore our carefully selected resources. They will help you keep track of personal finances, explore the world of movie brokers and always keep your finger on the pulse, without waiting for the translation of news about the current economic situation into Russian.

Concise Dictionary of Economic Terms

Let's look at the basic terminology of English for economists. At the beginning of our financial and economic dictionary are general terms from economic theory, which many of us began to study in school. Further - highly specialized industry concepts for employees of banks, accounting departments and audit companies. For a snack - a short crypto-dictionary on the topic of the day and professional slang.

Basic terminology

Let's start with the ABC of economic theory: we will study the most necessary terms.

a sellersalesman
a buyerbuyer
profit and lossprofit and loss
a marginmargin
  • fixed costs
  • variable costs
costs, expenses
  • fixed costs
  • variable costs
a marketmarket
an exchangeexchange
an advantageadvantage, benefit
a disadvantagedisadvantage, damage
purchasing powerpurchasing power
a demand curvedemand curve
a supply curvesupply curve
an incentivemotivating motive
a production possibilities curve (PPC)production possibilities curve
duty freeduty-free
a subsidysubsidy
an absolute priceabsolute price
a relative pricerelative price
a price floorminimum price
the equilibrium priceequilibrium price
a price levelprice level
a consumer price indexconsumer price index
a minimum wageminimum wage
sur plussurplus, excess
scarcitylack, deficiency
a government budgetthe state budget
gross domestic product (GDP)gross domestic product (GDP)
gross national product (GNP)gross national product (GNP)
foreign national debtpublic external debt
The World Trade Organization (WTO)World Trade Organization (WTO)
gold and currency reservesgold reserves
a commodity bundle / a market basketconsumer basket
the poverty linepoverty line
financial crisisfinancial crisis

Professions in the field of economics and finance

Now let's look at the most common professions in the economic sector.

an economisteconomist
an accountantaccountant
a business analystbusiness analyst
a financial advisorFinancial Consultant
an investment counselor (adviser)investment consultant
a comptrollerFinancial Controller
a tax officer / a tax inspectortax inspector
a brokerbroker
a public certified accountant (Am.E.), a chartered accountant (Br.E.)auditor
an actuaryactuary (specialist in insurance calculations)
a treasurertreasurer
a bank clerkBank clerk
a chief financial officer (CFO)financial director


Consider the key terms for working in a bank.

a stock marketsecurities market, stock market
an interestpercent
an interest rateinterest rate
the capitalization rateinterest rate used in income capitalization
a refinancing raterefinancing rate
an encashmentcollection
the International Monetary FundInternational Monetary Fund
a credit ratingcredit rating
a credit historycredit history
a loanmortgage credit lending
a payment guarantorpayment guarantor
a fine (a penalty)penalty, fine
a general lienthe right to seize the debtor's property
forgerycounterfeit (banknotes, bills)
a defaultdefault

Finance and accounting (finance and accounting)

A selection of words for accountants will help you take into account income and expenses, reduce debit and credit in English.

financial planningfinancial planning
accounting analysis, financial analysisthe financial analysis
financial statements (a financial report)financial statements (financial report)
an accounting periodreporting period
an annual reportannual report
a balance sheetbalance sheet
a cash flow statementcash flow statement
a fiscal yearfinancial year
account reconciliationreconciliation of accounts
financial risk managementfinancial risk management
types of accounting ratios:
  • liquidity ratios
  • profitability ratios
  • market value ratios
  • activity analysis ratios
types of accounting ratios:
  • liquidity ratios
  • profitability ratios
  • market value ratios
  • company activity analysis coefficients
record keeping:
  • accounts receivable
  • accounts payable
  • inventory records
  • payroll records
  • petty cash records
accounting documentation:
  • accounts receivable
  • accounts payable
  • accounting of inventories/stocks
  • payroll
  • representation expenses, accountable amounts

Taxation and auditing (taxation and auditing)

Let's move on to vocabulary for tax specialists.

a tax declarationtax return
a tax payertaxpayer
a fiscal periodtaxable period
a tax baseobject of taxation
a tax holidaytax credit
a tax ratetax rate
direct taxesdirect taxes
indirect taxesindirect taxes
an income tax
  1. corporate income tax
  2. income tax
value added tax (VAT)value added tax (VAT)
a tax counseltax advisor
an audit teamrevision group
audit accountsaudited reporting
a tax haven"tax haven", offshore zone,
territory with a preferential taxation regime
to levyto tax

Business and investment (business and investment)

We present a business dictionary from the field of trade and investment.

stocks and sharesstocks and bonds
a shareholdershareholder
a stock exchangestock Exchange
a venture fundventure fund
an investment portfolioinvestment portfolio
a nominal valuenominal value
a share price slumpcollapse of stock prices
a bull marketbull market, bull market
bear marketbear market, bear market
an advisory companyconsulting company
a boom and a bustrise and fall (in company development)
illegal businessillegal business
shadow economyshadow economy
to accumulate capitalincrease capital
to tie up a block of sharesinvest in a shareholding
to turn bankruptgo bankrupt

Cryptoindustry (crypto industry)

So we got to the most relevant topic - the crypto industry. Since many concepts are borrowed from English, we decided to give not only a translation, but also a brief interpretation.

a cryptocurrencycryptocurrency (digital currency that is created and controlled by cryptographic methods)
fiat currency, fiat moneyfiat money (currency that the government establishes as legal tender)
a blockchainblockchain (digital registry that stores information about all transactions, transactions and concluded contracts)
a smart contractsmart contract, smart contract (computer algorithm for concluding and maintaining commercial contracts in the blockchain system)
a tokentoken (digital share of the company)
a token holdertoken holder
miningmining (the process of extracting tokens)
cloud miningcloud mining (mining tokens in a cloud service)
an initial coin offering (ICO)initial placement of tokens on the exchange
crypto-bountycrypto-bounty (provision of services in exchange for free tokens)

Professional jargon

Some concepts from the professional slang of English-speaking economists are alien to us. Therefore, we decided to explain them in more detail - it will be easier to remember.

a kickbackbribe, kickback
skintpenniless man
turnoverstaff turnover
a bankster (banker + gangster)corrupt banker
nom-nomics"nom-nomika" is an abbreviated and more appetizing version of the name of the economy :-)
a hard sellhard sell - aggressive product marketing strategy
leveragefinancial leverage (financial leverage, financial leverage)
a chainsaw consultantan outside expert brought in to reduce headcount while "leaving the hands of management clean"

Useful Resources

Let's move on to useful resources that will make your work even more productive.


  • Economics by R. Arnold - A guide from California State University. The main convenience is that the terms are highlighted in blue and placed in the column on the left. This makes memorizing words much easier. In the Economics 24/7 section, you will find articles on entertaining economics, supported by real-life and historical examples. At the end of each chapter there are sections Chapter summary and Key terms and concepts with a summary of information and basic definitions.
  • The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK - the book tells about the development of economic thought, starting from Aristotle. The key feature is that the material is presented in the form of colorful infographics, which makes it easier to understand complex economic terms. Among the authors and consultants of the manual are a World Bank employee, an Obama campaign participant, and an adviser to the UK Treasury.
  • Macmillan Guide to Economics by L. Raitskaya and S. Cochrane is a textbook from the Macmillan publishing house, compiled in English in collaboration with the Russian-speaking teacher of MGIMO Lilia Raitskaya. The textbook provides special sections for the development of various language skills, including listening.
  • Professional English in Use Finance by I. MacKenzie is a textbook in the popular Professional English series from Cambridge University Press.
  • English for the Financial Sector by I. MacKenzie - not only basic terms from the financial sector are collected here, there are also exercises to develop language skills.
  • Oxford English for Careers: Finance by R.Clark and D. Baker


  • Financial Dictionary by Farlex - 8,000 economic terms compiled for you by financial expert Harvey Campbell and Duke University professor Paul Stitch.
  • A Dictionary of Finance and Banking is a textbook and part-time dictionary from Oxford Press.
  • The Forbes Financial Glossary is a glossary from the world famous economic magazine.

Tools for the job:

  • Financial Management - many templates for various financial documents in Excel and Word.
  • Top Excel Templates for Accounting - templates of various types of documents for accountants in Excel files.
  • AuditNet - templates for auditors.

Online magazines:

  • Forbes is the famous financial magazine, without which this material would not have developed. Forbes has articles with the most popular being Forbes Lists, e-books, podcasts and video- interviews with entrepreneurs and materials about the richest people on the planet.
  • The Economist is a British economics magazine with tons of sections to suit your every need: video, podcasts , iOS app and , mailing list , World in Figures infographics , The World If about alternative history in general and economic thought in particular , and The Economist Films 's stunning visuals .
  • McKinsey Quarterly is one of the most respected business publications in the English speaking world. And this is not surprising: articles have been published since 1964, and McKinsey Quarterly still holds its own. Subscribe to the newsletter, download the application for iOS or Android and receive useful materials.
  • Bloomberg Businessweek is a business magazine published by Bloomberg. The magazine has an impressive variety of , and .

Public finance: International finance State budget Local budget Private finance: Corporate finance Household finance Financial markets: Money market Foreign exchange market Stock market Derivatives market Finance ... Wikipedia

FINANCE- (fr., from cf. century. lat. financia). State funds, money and income; known state of capital. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. FINANCE income and income, debts and financial obligations ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Finance- (finance) 1. The practice of handling and managing money. 2. Capital involved in any project; first of all, the capital that must be obtained in order to start a new business. 3. A money loan for a specific purpose, especially made ... ... Financial vocabulary

finance- ov, pl. finance f., German Finantz (en). 1. State treasury, state revenues. Exchange. 140. Worker, so that all our finances or incomes are brought into a good and proper condition. 1717. Patent G. Fiku. // Exchange. 140. They also work ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

finance- Cm … Synonym dictionary

FINANCE Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Finance- (inosk.) monetary affairs (own state treasury, income and its accounts). Financier specialist in finance. Wed Financiers! .. Some financiers of the people, like sticky, peel off and weave bast shoes. *** Aphorisms. Wed Our finances are liquid ... ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Finance- (French finances cash) a set of economic relations in the process of creating and using cash funds. They arose with regular commodity-money circulation with the development of the state and its needs for cash ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

FINANCE- sing romances from someone. Razg. Shuttle. About impoverishment, lack of money from someone l. (Entry 1999). Finance got cancer at someone. Jarg. they say The same as finances sing romances. Maximov, 72 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Finance- (finance) 1. The practice of handling and managing money. 2. The capital involved in any project, primarily the capital that must be obtained in order to start a new business. 3. A money loan for a specific purpose, especially made ... ... Glossary of business terms

FINANCE- FINANCE, finance, units. no (from Novolat. financia income). 1. Cash as an element of the national economic turnover (econ.). Public finances. People's Commissariat of Finance. Financial recovery. 2. Money, money matters (colloquial). How… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


  • Finance, S. V. Barulin. The textbook includes three sections: fundamentals of the theory of finance and their management, public finance, private finance. Unlike other educational literature in the structure of the discipline under study ... Buy for 770 rubles electronic book

Public finance: International finance State budget Local budget Private finance: Corporate finance Household finance Financial markets: Money market Foreign exchange market Stock market Derivatives market Finance ... Wikipedia

FINANCE- (fr., from cf. century. lat. financia). State funds, money and income; known state of capital. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. FINANCE income and income, debts and financial obligations ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Finance- (finance) 1. The practice of handling and managing money. 2. Capital involved in any project; first of all, the capital that must be obtained in order to start a new business. 3. A money loan for a specific purpose, especially made ... ... Financial vocabulary

finance- ov, pl. finance f., German Finantz (en). 1. State treasury, state revenues. Exchange. 140. Worker, so that all our finances or incomes are brought into a good and proper condition. 1717. Patent G. Fiku. // Exchange. 140. They also work ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

finance- Cm … Synonym dictionary

FINANCE Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Finance- (inosk.) monetary affairs (own state treasury, income and its accounts). Financier specialist in finance. Wed Financiers! .. Some financiers of the people, like sticky, peel off and weave bast shoes. *** Aphorisms. Wed Our finances are liquid ... ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Finance- (French finances cash) a set of economic relations in the process of creating and using cash funds. They arose with regular commodity-money circulation with the development of the state and its needs for cash ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

FINANCE- sing romances from someone. Razg. Shuttle. About impoverishment, lack of money from someone l. (Entry 1999). Finance got cancer at someone. Jarg. they say The same as finances sing romances. Maximov, 72 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Finance- (finance) 1. The practice of handling and managing money. 2. The capital involved in any project, primarily the capital that must be obtained in order to start a new business. 3. A money loan for a specific purpose, especially made ... ... Glossary of business terms

FINANCE- FINANCE, finance, units. no (from Novolat. financia income). 1. Cash as an element of the national economic turnover (econ.). Public finances. People's Commissariat of Finance. Financial recovery. 2. Money, money matters (colloquial). How… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


  • Finance, S. V. Barulin. The textbook includes three sections: fundamentals of the theory of finance and their management, public finance, private finance. Unlike other educational literature in the structure of the discipline under study ... Buy for 770 rubles electronic book

Money... Happiness is not in them, but you can't do without them. Finance helps to become independent and independent. As you may have guessed, our topic is about money and everything related to it in English. Finance is a delicate topic, because there are always few of them, there is not enough of them. But we hope that the phrases presented below and considered in the context of examples and translation will be useful to you.

Money in English and finance theme with translation

Sometimes the translation of words related to money is unexpected. Because, as you know, words in English have multiple meanings.

Beginners and even those who do not study English know this word. “Money” is money, finance, in their general meaning. And the English language reminds us that this is an uncountable noun.

For example:

  • What about money today? I have some money for lunch and coffee. What about money today? I have some money for lunch and coffee.
  • Did you get your money? - Did you get your money? There is little money left. - There is little money left.
  • It is impossible to do little work and to get much money.- It is impossible to work a little and get a lot of money.

As you have noticed, "Money" is a common word for money in English.

Regarding finance in English

In this section, we will consider terms related to finance and money in English and their translation into Russian. Here are the main monetary terms and their translation into Russian:

  • ATM(= automated teller machine) / cash dispenser (BrE) - ATM

I want to take my money from the ATM. Our ATM is broken; I can't take my money. I want to withdraw my money from an ATM. Our ATM is broken; I can't take my money.

  • bank note / bill(AmE) - banknote

Do you have any money?-Yes, I have some banknotes of 100 dollars. - Do you have money? Yes, I have several $100 bills.

  • borrow- occupy

Can you borrow me some money till Monday? Could you borrow me some money until Monday?

  • be broke- be bankrupt

Can you give me some money? -No, I am broke this week. — Can you give me some money? No, I'm bankrupt this week.

  • budget- budget

Unfortunately, my budget is poor this month. Unfortunately, my budget is poor this month.

  • cash- cash (money)

Can you pay by cash? - Yes, sure. — Can you pay in cash? Oh sure

  • cashier— cashier

The cashier in this bank is very precise. The teller at this bank is very accurate.

  • check(BrE) / check(AmE) - check

At the moment I don't have any cash, but I have a check of 1000 dollars. I don't have cash at the moment, but I do have a check for $1,000.

  • coins- coin

Tom has some golden coins of the XIXth century. Tom has some gold coins from the 19th century.

  • currency- currency

We need some currency to go to the USA. We will need currency to travel to the USA.

  • debt- duty

How is Tom? Oh, he has a lot of debts. How is Tom doing? Oh, he's in a lot of debt.

  • deposit— deposit

You can have some deposits in our bank. — You can open several deposits in our bank.

Examples of popular words about money in English speech with translation

Useful English words about money

Each of us sometimes had to lend, lend, give, invest or donate money. Of course, when communicating with English speakers, you will also have to touch on this topic, and you cannot do without useful English words about money:

  • donate donate, donate, give to charity

Alex donated a lot of money to the children's house; it's wonderful. Alex donated a lot of money to the orphanage; this is good.

  • exchange rate- exchange rate

The exchange rate of the currency today is very high. — The exchange rate is very high today.

  • fee- fee, remuneration

This is you fee for the concert. — This is your fee for the concert.

  • interest- interest, interest rate

What's your interest in this bank? What is your interest rate at this bank?

  • investment- invest, invest

Mr Green wants to invest a lot of money in our bank. Mr. Green wants to invest a lot of money in our bank.

  • legal tender- legal tender

I have a legal tender in my business. — I have legal tender in my business.

  • lend- lend, borrow

I can lend you some money, if you want. “I can lend you some money if you want.

  • loan- loan

You want a very big loan, I can't agree with it. - You want a very big loan, I can't agree with that.

  • owe- to be due

Why Tom is angry with you? -I owe him some money. Why is Tom angry with you? I owe him money.

  • receipt- check, receipt

Here is your receipt. - Here is your receipt.

  • refund- return (money, damage, etc.)

I damaged your car; I want to refund the money.- I damaged your car; I want a refund for the damage.

  • tips, tips- tips

Oh, why do you give so many tips to the waiter? — Oh, why are you tipping the waiter so much?

  • withdraw- withdraw funds from the account

Can you help me with some money? -Sure, I have to withdraw some from the bank. Can you help me with money? Of course, I have to withdraw some from the bank.

As you understand, friends, finance is an integral part of business. And the English language is a very extraordinary thing, we have seen this more than once. These were the main meanings of terms related to money and their translation into Russian.

The topic “Work and finance in English” is usually covered in detail in business English courses. Since it deals only with the most basic vocabulary, we will not go into details. This collection contains the main words on this topic, common to many professions.

work Job
job [ʤɒb] Job
office [ˈɒfɪs] office
workplace [ˈwɜːkˌpleɪs] workplace
working hours [ˈwɜːkɪŋ ˈaʊəz] working hours
schedule [ˈʃɛdjuːl] timetable, schedule
colleague [ˈkɒliːg] colleague
CV \ resume [ˈrɛzju(ː)meɪ] summary
payday [ˈpeɪdeɪ] payday
paycheck [ˈpeɪˌʧɛk] paycheck
salary [ˈsæləri] the salary
duties [ˈdjuːtiz] responsibilities
employer [ɪmˈplɔɪə] employer
employee [ˌɛmplɔɪˈiː] employee
social security [ˈsəʊʃəl sɪˈkjʊərɪti] social insurance
job interview [ʤɒbˈɪntəvjuː] job interview
health health


In the examples, not all possible meanings of words are given, but only one or two basic ones related to a given part of speech and topic. If you want to know more meanings and examples, use online dictionaries and translators.

  • work- Job

We have a lot of work to do. – We have a lot of work.

  • job- Job

I am looking for a job. - I'm looking for a job.

  • office– office

Jeff is at the office now, he'll be in the conference room in five minutes. Jeff is in the office now, he will be in the conference room in five minutes.

  • workplace- workplace

You should keep your workplace in order. You should keep order in the workplace.

  • working hours- working hours

What will be my working hours? What will my working hours be?

  • schedule– timetable, schedule

Have you seen the schedule for March? Have you seen the work schedule for March?

  • colleage- colleague

My colleagues helped me a lot, when I joined the company. – My colleagues helped me a lot when I started working for the company.

  • CV \ resume- summary

I kept sending my CV but couldn't find a job. I kept sending out resumes, but I couldn't find a job.

  • payday- payday

When is the next payday? When is the next pay day?

  • paycheck- paycheck

You get your paycheck twice a month. You receive a salary (check) twice a month.

  • salary- the salary

We have discussed my salary and I got a raise. We discussed my salary and I got a raise.

  • duties- responsibilities

What were your duties at the previous position? What were your responsibilities in your previous position?

  • employer- employer

Google is said to be a good employer. Google is said to be a good employer.

  • employee- employee

This party is for the company's employees only. This party is for company employees only.

  • social security- social insurance

Every American citizen should have a social security number. Every citizen of America should have a social security number.

  • job interview- job interview

Job interviews can be tricky, you should prepare for them. There are tricks in job interviews, you better prepare for them.

  • health- health

Health first. - Health first.

money [ˈmʌni] money
cash cash
bill bill
coins coin
change [ʧeɪnʤ] surrender, rubbish
payment [ˈpeɪmənt] payment
check \ check [ʧɛk] check
bank bank
[ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd ˈtɛlə məˈʃiːn] ATM
bank card bank card
tips tips
receipt check
money transfer [ˈmʌni ˈtrænsfə(ː)] remittance
fine fine
budget [ˈbʌʤɪt] budget


  • money- money

Don't spend too much money. - Don't spend too much money.

This is an easy way to make money. - It's an easy way to make money.

  • cash– cash

We don't take bank cards, cash only. We do not accept credit cards, only cash.

  • bill- bill

Can you break a hundred dollars bill? Can you exchange a hundred dollars?

  • coins- coin

The archeologist has found an ancient coin. The archaeologist found an ancient coin.

  • change- surrender, change

You forgot your change. - You forgot your change.

  • payment– payment

What payment method do you prefer? – What is your preferred payment method?

  • check \ check- check

check book. - Checkbook.

  • bank– bank

I have a savings account in this bank. I have a savings account at this bank.

  • ATM (automated teller machine)– ATM

You can use an ATM to withdraw some money, but it takes a commission. – You can use an ATM to withdraw money, but it takes a fee.

  • bank card– bank card

There are two kinds of bank cards – debit cards and credit cards. There are two types of bank cards - debit and credit.

  • tips- tips

Don't forget to leave the tip. - Don't forget to leave a tip.

  • receipt- check

You should keep the receipt for your laptop. You should keep the receipt for the laptop.

  • money transfer- remittance

The money transfer has failed. – The money order was not delivered.

  • fine- fine

What is the finest for speeding? - What is the fine for speeding?

  • budget– budget

Our family is on a tight budget now. Our family is now on a limited budget.


What is the difference between Job and Work?

Both words can be translated as work, but in different meanings. Job is work in the meanings of “position”, “duty”.

It is my job to help people. Helping people is my job.

I am going to find a new job.- I'm going to find a new job.

Work is work as a process of labor, as well as a place of work.

I don't want to go to work today. I don't want to go to work today.

Sorry but I can't help you. I have got a lot of work to do. “I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I have a lot of work.

What is the difference between CV and Resume?

The words CV (сurriculum vitæ - from Latin “biography”) and resume (summary) are usually used as synonyms. It is generally accepted that a CV is a more detailed biography than a resume, but in fact, a recruiter only needs a brief basic information about a candidate. If you are asked to send a “sevey”, then it is almost certainly a regular resume.

Paycheck - paycheck

concept paycheck common, in particular, in the United States, where salaries in many places are paid not in cash or by transfer to a bank account, but by check. Having received a check, the employee goes with it to the bank, where he either cashes it or deposits this money into an account.

What is Social Security?

Social security number is an American term that translates as “social security number”. This number is written on a card document called a social security card. Often both terms are shortened simply to “social security”.

Social Security Card

Social security number (SSN) - a number that is assigned to every working person in the United States - a citizen or resident. The number is used mainly for tax and pension accounting, that is, by analogy with Russian documents, it is something like a TIN and SNILS.

Without social security, they will not be hired for a single job (not counting informal jobs where they are paid simply from hand to hand), it is usually required when opening a bank account, providing medical services.

Debit or Credit?

Bank cards (bank card) are debit (debet card) and credit (credit card). Debit cards are tied to a bank account (checking account) and are used for payroll, shopping in stores. A credit card is, as the name suggests, a card that you use to spend on credit. That is, this money is not withdrawn from any account to which you previously deposited it, but is taken on credit from the bank. The phrase “debit or credit?” can often be heard from the cashier in the store when paying by card. The cashier needs to know if you have a debit card or a credit card.

Check / check / receipt

Check and check It's the same word, but with different spellings. Check is the American variant, while check is found outside of the United States. There are two main values:

  1. A check as a financial document, e.g. bank check: They don't accept checks - They don't accept checks.
  2. Account, eg. in a restaurant (synonym: bill): Excuse me, can I have a check (bill) please? - Excuse me, can I have the bill?

Receipt- This is a check that the seller or cashier issues after payment. Piece of paper from the cash register: Keep your receipt after you buy a phone. – Keep the receipt after buying the phone.

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