Where to take counseling courses. Distance course "School of counselors "I am the Leader!""

Many who want to become counselors are well aware of the need to train this profession, but there are still many people who do not attach importance to this fact and ask the question: why do you need to go through a training school for counselors? And here the main thing is not even the fact of the legislative requirement for training, the knowledge itself is more important. Let's take a closer look at both sides of this issue.

Counselor training is often called school of leader skills (SHVM). Such schools are often organized at universities, centers of additional education. When choosing a place of study, you should find out in advance about the organization that conducts this training: does it have a license, how long does it take, what is the schedule of classes, who conducts the training, do they have work experience, is there further employment or only training, etc. . It is important to understand that for the work of a counselor it is necessary standardized document, indicating the passage of the school of counselors, so be sure to ask the school leaders about this in advance. Also, there are situations when one organization teaches and another examines. There is nothing wrong with this either, the main thing is that the agreements are secured by a contract.

To date, the minimum number of hours that a student at a school of counselors must listen to is 144 hours. During this time, the beginner learns about the organization of the safe stay of children in the camp and the features of working with children of different ages in different shift periods: how it is possible and necessary to create a life in the detachment, which includes the daily routine, organization of events, self-government and discipline in the detachment, the basics first aid, behavior in emergency situations, get acquainted with legal acts and many other things that directly relate to the activities of a counselor.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, future leaders should definitely try to play games of different directions, conduct a collective creative work (KTD), learn the minimum list of songs used by the detachment (camp) and perform them in the Eaglet circle, participate in the creation and performance of leader numbers and concerts, which are necessarily prepared in advance and other practical exercises traditional for a particular team. At the end of the training at the counselor training school, each of the students must pass an exam and, depending on the result, receive a certificate of professional training for counselor training.

In addition to the need for a document on the passage of the training school for counselors, an understanding of the work of the counselor itself is necessary. Obtaining a certificate does not always indicate the quality of a person's practical knowledge. Of course, you can start working as a counselor without knowing all the practical and even theoretical material, but then what can this lead to?

So, those who want to become a counselor need training to obtain certain knowledge. First of all, as mentioned above, the child's rest must be safe and comfortable, and the counselor is one of the employees who must ensure this. That is why a lot of time is devoted to the rules and pedagogical requirements that children must comply with in the school of counselors. These are, for example, both the rules of conduct during events or being outside the territory of the DOL, and the implementation of hygiene standards. If you do not know what is included in all the duties of a counselor and how to fulfill them, then you can create many problems. And it’s also worth considering the number of children in the detachment, and then you can imagine the extent to which it can result.

Secondly, it is more difficult for the leader himself to fulfill his duties when there is no theoretical training. During the classes, as a rule, typical mistakes and predictable situations are analyzed and options for solving them are offered. Even such knowledge undoubtedly allows you to be more prepared for different situations. In addition, in the classroom, you can ask any question to the teacher, who will be able to give a competent answer.

In summary: Schools for counselors are organized in order to prepare not only theoretically and practically, but also emotionally. It is important to attend the school for yourself and not for the assessment in the document, because only having an assessment will not help in the work. Counselors with work experience are also recommended to visit the school, since the assimilation of information in the second or third year of work is already different, because they have their own experience, and repetition never hurts.

Certification: yes


Cost of education: 2000 r.

Study period: 3

Description: The course program includes both theoretical and practical training in the most important sections of child psychology, conflictology, organizational and gaming activities. Youth specialists, lawyers, psychologists and methodologists of children's camps are involved in organizing classes. Participants gain knowledge of the organization of work with children and adolescents on the territory of the DOL, acquire skills in the formation of leadership qualities, the development of initiative and creativity in children.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Training period: 2 months.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Training period: 9 months.

Description: Teaching counselors productive work with children, the development of acting skills, the ability of counselors to improvise. The theory includes the study of the duties of a counselor, first aid, teaching games and trainings, studying the age characteristics and problems of children at each stage of age, learning how to plan activities for the day, shift. Counselors practice on children of primary and school age, play games with them, hold flash mobs, teach them to draw, and so on.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Distance learning: There is

Training period: 3 months.

Description: Vozhatskaya.RF is an organization that develops programs for children's recreation, as well as training and employment of counselors. Our mission: to create conditions for the counselor to be perceived by society as a professional, not an amateur. We invite everyone to try their hand at working with a noisy and restless children's team. Experienced teachers and psychologists will teach you all the subtleties of working with children. You will leave us with a wealth of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Certification: yes

Study period: 3

Description: Admission to the School of Counselors XXI 💎12 groups is open at a convenient time; 💎Professional training document; 💎 Assistance in finding a job; 💎 FREE 2-day practical trip for the top 150 students. 244 hours - 2.5 months - once a week. Age of participation - from 16 years. The organizer of the "School of Leadership Excellence" is the Association of Program Camps (APL), whose members have been leaders in their field for more than 14 years, hosting more than five thousand children every year. Training using the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society, provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Training period: 9 months.

Description: Hello! If you are active, cheerful, kind, honest and want the same people to surround you, then you will find a place in our squad! WE are just that! And in the summer we will go to work as counselors in children's camps all over the country! Maybe you and I are on the way? Come and find out. Studying at SHV ​​is a well-spent evening with friends, a variety of games, songs, dances, contests... We do not hide anything. Everything we can do is for you. Give yourself a childhood! Our classes are Wednesday at 6:00 pm.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Training period: 3 months.

Description: The Young Leaders Training School (Air School) is a comprehensive project for non-formal education of young people in order to acquire the necessary and sufficient theoretical and practical skills for them to work in children's health camps (centers) in Russia and abroad. Training can take place young people aged 18 to 30 years. Education is free. Mastering the training program takes 12 weeks, classes are held on Sundays from 11:00 to 18:00. Read more at schoolair.rf

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Training period: 7 months.

Description: The goal is to train leaders for work in country children's health camps in the city of Kostroma, Kostroma region. Members of the "AKTIV" club are schoolchildren, students of secondary and higher professional educational institutions from 14 to 23 years old. Classes are held once a week (Tuesday) from 18.00 to 20.00. At the end of the educational course, an interview based on the results of the recruitment of counselors (18+), and interns (assistant counselors 14+) to the camps of Kostroma, Kostroma region. Course completion certificate.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Training period: 3 months.

Description: School for counselors "Team Orlyonok" offers a theoretical and practical course that will help you better understand what it means to be a counselor and get a job for the summer season at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", ICC "Artek" and other Len camps. region and the Black Sea coast! The entire program of the project is divided into two blocks: theory and practice, during which students learn the basics of the work of a counselor, as well as develop new skills.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Training period: 9 months.

Description: If you are 14 years old, you are responsible, active, positive and you love children - we are waiting for you! In our classes, you will learn a lot of new games, make friends, and you can try your hand at the stage and working with children. We will not have boring lectures, only interactive classes, game programs, conversations, lights, trips, trips to various sites, where we constantly test our knowledge in practice. If you are 14-16 years old, then you have the opportunity to visit the All-Russian Center "Eaglet! Classes are free

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Study period: 2

Description: School of language camp counselors StudyCamp invites you to become part of our friendly family! You are waiting for an exciting program of master classes, lectures and trainings, pumping leader skills, professional partners, the best children and the opportunity to work in Russia and abroad! Studying at the School of Leaders, you will: acquire new knowledge and systematize your experience; Learn to connect with children get acquainted with the developmental psychology of children and adolescents; learn a lot of games!

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training There is

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Distance learning: There is

Training period: 1 month.

Description: "School Online Counselor" involves the training of high school students working in school day camps. The age of pupils is 14-17 years old (students of 8-11 grades). The novelty of this program lies in an integrated approach to the training of counselors. Theoretical and practical classes are conducted by specialists in work with youth in the following areas: - functions of a counselor; - psychology of children; - children's team; - organization of children's leisure; - game activity.

Certification: yes

Employment: guaranteed with successful training

Study period: 8 months.

Description: We train both counselors and their assistants. Classes are held in Novosibirsk at the bases of the National State Pedagogical University and the Youth House of the NSO. They include theoretical and practical classes, meetings with teachers of the National State Pedagogical University, elders of the leader's work and other interesting people associated with children's camps. There are also off-site classes, including at the Olympian DSOSLKD.

Now it is possible to learn to be a counselor in our school in absentia, being in another city!

We present another unique project from the Center for Career and Personal Development "Successful Choice" - a remote school of counselors with subsequent employment and the issuance of a certificate of completion of the course!

We invite everyone 17-25 years old to our remote school of counselors with subsequent employment in our Center with the obligatory conclusion of a contract for training and work and the issuance of a certificate of completion of the School of Counselors course.

If you want to learn how to be the coolest counselor and start earning money with us or get a job in any other camp in Russia and abroad, find and hone your leadership skills, discover talents for working with teenagers, team building, attracting clients, concluding contracts, sales, staging and achieving goals, setting priorities and managing your own time and much more ...

and even do it on the basis of a business camp in the Leningrad region, Samara, Moscow, Anapa and the Republic of Crimea, then we are waiting for the lucky ones to our seven-week Academy of Skill and Talent Search based on the eco-business camp "I am a Leader!" - School of counselors.

We are ready to become a contribution to you, so that later you become our partner and a member of our friendly team, starting to earn money for yourself, doing what you love!

The program of the distance course "Schools of counselors"

  1. Workshop "The Personality of the Counselor".
  2. Training workshop "Fundamentals of team building".
  3. Master class "Motivation for achievements".
  4. Training workshop "Effective communication".
  5. Training workshop "Photograph of the counselor's day".
  6. Psychological workshop "Peculiarities of adolescence".
  7. Art workshop "Best animator".
  8. Training workshop "Time management".
  9. Training workshop "Development of leadership".
  10. Practical workshop of active sales.
  11. Internship at the campsites of the Center.

Distance course format:

  • Weekly distribution of theoretical and methodological educational material and handouts on the topic of the lesson.
  • Called trainers 3 times a week to receive practical assignments for the course.
  • Once a week, an individual coaching session online via Skype with a professional coach certified by the Erickson Coaching University in order to create a vision and goal setting, as well as get rid of "troubles" ...
  • 14 days of internship in our campsites!

The course is taught by professional teachers, educational managers, psychologists, coaches, animators.

We guarantee:

  1. Official employment of the best graduates in camps in the Republic of Crimea and Anapa, as well as at the recreation center "Golubaya Bukhta" in the village of Kuchugury, Krasnodar Territory, already in the summer of 2017 with a salary of 20,000 rubles per month with payment for transfer, accommodation and meals in the camp counselors or specialists of teenage programs of our Center for Career and Personal Development "Successful Choice" in St. Petersburg!!!
  2. Issuance of a certificate of completion of the "School of counselors" course in our center with a listing of the training program, which will allow you to find a job as a counselor in any camp in Russia!
  3. Training according to the course program is not only the skills, knowledge and abilities of a real counselor, but also sales techniques !!!
  4. Free internship on the basis of an outreach camp in the Leningrad region, Samara, Anapa, Crimea, Sochi, Moscow (at the sites of our campsites). Because in our camp you will immerse yourself in a rich learning environment during the shift.

At the same time, during the internship, we guarantee:

  • 5 meals a day and accommodation in a comfortable cottage, together with the participants of the teenage eco-business camp "I am the Leader!" at all sites where campsites are present (by distribution);
  • transfer from St. Petersburg to the camp and back;
  • round-the-clock security and medical support;
  • training program from professional teachers and trainers;
  • official employment of the best graduates of the course in our spring and summer camps in the Crimea and Anapa.

We are waiting for you with Love...

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

Every spring, a team of counselors from the Moscow Technological University announces the start of a new recruitment for their ranks and, at the same time, for the school of counselors.
We start by accepting applications for the school of counselors "Air", which will be held within the walls of the university from February to May.
The school of counselors is a social project aimed at developing theoretical and practical skills in students of the Moscow region necessary for successful work in children's health camps in Russia during the vacation period.

Every year more than 100 young people from all over the Moscow region become part of our large team of leaders.

School of counselors "Air" is a place where you can open up creatively and professionally, find new friends and learn a lot about the profession of counselor. Even if you have never thought about becoming a counselor - try it. Just try to look into another world, living by its own canons and rules.

Especially for those who doubt, reflect, think, distrustful, we will prepare the Opening of the school of counselors so that you can get to know us, take a closer look, evaluate and draw conclusions. Of course, for our part, we will also look and get to know you in order to live at least one spring and summer together.

If you consider yourself to be inquisitive, active and purposeful people, then we would like to meet you at the Opening of the school of counselors, which will take place at the end of February on Vernadsky Avenue, 86.

Submit your application for training right now!

How to become a member of the project School of counselors "Air"

  1. You leave an application for training on the site
  2. A few days later, our employee will contact you to verify the data and confirm your intentions.
  3. From the second half of February to May you go to training on Sundays.
  4. Based on the results of training within the walls of the university, we conduct exams.
  5. In case of a successful result, we offer you the option of employment as part of our team for the summer campaign of the current year.
  6. Having successfully worked at least one shift with us, you become part of our team of counselors, as evidenced by the certificate of counselor issued to you at the summing up of the summer season.

Take a look from inside

Approximate class schedule

  • Opening - the second half of February-beginning of March from 11:00 to 17:00
  • 1 - 8 classes - on Sundays from 11:00 to 17:00 (after the Opening)
  • Instructive and methodical departure - the last weekend of April or the beginning of May.

Classes at the School of Counselors are held at the address: Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 86. This is the building of MIREA - Russian Technological University.
Instructive departure is carried out at one of the recreation centers (boarding houses) in the Moscow region.

Education at the School of counselors "Air" is free

How to get there

The easiest way is by subway. You need to get to the Yugo-Zapadnaya station, where you get off the first carriage in the direction of Pokryshkina St., Ruzskaya St., to the Avenue shopping mall, if you were moving from the center. Walk around the Avenue shopping mall from any side and you will definitely notice a complex of buildings, one of which will say “Moscow Technological University” in golden letters. As soon as this sign is above your head, you will definitely understand that you are in the right place. We'll be waiting at the entrance, come on in!

1. You can take part in our school of counselors if you are 18 to 25 years old on May 1 of the current year.
2. You are a citizen of Russia (you have a passport with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation).
3. You do not have physical or mental disabilities that will not allow you to undergo a medical examination when you are employed in the camp, and will not contradict the generally accepted moral and ethical standards of workers in children's health camps in Russia.

School of counselors "Air" - Reviews

Anna Suvorova

In February 2016, I was looking for something to do in the spring, and using the World Wide Web, quite by accident I found information that the school of counselors "Air" of the pedagogical detachment "Apriori" was recruiting children to train counselor skills. As a child, I rested as a child in the camp, and the counselors for me were always good wizards who made these two or three weeks in the camp great! And of course, I filled out the application without hesitation! I was surprised that literally the next day they contacted me, answered all my questions, and told in detail how the training would take place. These couple of months at the school of counselors flew by very quickly, because every week I waited only for Sunday to plunge into this atmosphere of holiday and childhood again. Images, communication, new friends, new discoveries, and an endless stream of pleasant impressions and emotions - this is exactly what it is worth going to the school of counselors for! Unfortunately, due to some circumstances, I was not able to go and work a shift in the camp, which I regret ... After all, my girlfriends from the group went for one shift together, and after a few weeks they told me stories and shared their impressions. And they say without hesitation that this is only the beginning of their journey.

Stas Krainov

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Stas, and I would like to give you a couple of tips on how to decorate your spring (and if you want, then also summer, and maybe all your life!). Almost a year ago, I myself toiled around idle and did not know what to do with myself. I learned from friends about the school of counselors, as expected, we all went together. However, not everyone has reached the last lessons, because not everyone will be able to spend a whole DAY OFF time after time!
But school ended, your business began, work, session, and SUDDENLY, like snow on your head, you are reminded that you need to choose a shift, take office supplies, buy something, find it, rigmarole, running around. Change, some unknown children, nerves, fear, from laughter to tears, recognition, the equator, joy, discos, general chants and "inside" and much more)
I won't go into too much detail, but I'll just summarize:
8 Sundays, 2 shifts, 48 ​​loving children, 1 shift leader.
Will I go again? Still would!
Will you go? We will see)
Anyway, time to make a choice, good luck!

Site of the School of Counselors

More detailed information about the school of counselors this year is located on a separate website of the school. By the way, we call our school of counselors "School of Air" - somehow it happened like that, at the very beginning. So just go to the site and leave a request for training. See you at the opening!

Office 8(495)-229-04-25 or 8-926-244-95-65
Mail: [email protected]

School of Leaders. Why is this needed?

Do you want to go to the camp, plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of the leader's youth and give joy to children? Probably yes, since you are reading this page. Have you ever worked as a counselor? Or maybe you are a student of a pedagogical or other university with experience in children's camps, and dream of expanding the boundaries of your knowledge? In any case, the School of Counselors is what you need!
In 2017, the next cycle of classes at the school of leader skills begins. Already in February, students will have introductory meetings with the active members of the A-Ya Counselor team, master classes in dance animation and much more. And at the end of March, the first field instruction of the new season will take place, and classes will be held every week, almost until the end of May.

Studying at the School of Counselors, you:

  • acquire new knowledge and systematize your experience;
  • learn to find contact with any child;
  • get acquainted with the developmental psychology of children and adolescents;
  • learn a lot of games;
  • understand how to resolve any conflicts in the team;
  • learn to dance, speak confidently and beautifully, move and improvise on stage;
  • learn about the features of organizing and conducting camp events;
  • master the basics of first aid and tourism;
  • and, finally, you can get a job in the camp you like - with a unique atmosphere and an excellent team!

Why "A-Z counselor"?

Let's say right away: there are schools for counselors at many camps. Without them, it is impossible to train staff to work with the author's program, which each camp has its own. But neither a set of lectures on leader skills given by the best teachers, nor the best school will make you a leader. You can become a leader only after experiencing all the difficulties and joys of working on a shift; feeling the bitterness of parting with the children who became their own, who came to the camp as complete strangers. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to prepare well for the work of a counselor, arm yourself with knowledge, make friends with future colleagues. Then work will be a joy, and counseling will become a way of life. This is the goal of our School of Leaders - to prepare you for this work as much as possible.

The "A-Z Counselor" courses combine theory with a large number of practical exercises. Moreover, even theoretical lessons are held in a playful way. After all, it is the one who can insist on his own, resolve the conflict, convey to the children their rights and obligations in a relaxed and playful way, set the mood of the day and shift - he will become the best counselor for the children. At the same time, it is important for us not only to teach future counselors to play with children, but also to maintain our authority without "cheap" methods and loss of an adult position.
Of course, serious subjects - such as "Child Psychology", "Fundamentals of Conflictology", "Counselor as an adult" require a serious approach. But here, too, future counselors not only study theory, but also participate in practical trainings under the guidance of experienced teachers and psychologists.

In addition, we are engaged in staging dance and stage numbers. Choreography and acting skills are given many hours in the class schedule. Therefore, the guys on the shift perfectly understand each other without words, and even on the stage, our leaders dance no worse than show ballet and easily make both beautiful concert numbers and witty sketches!

Separately, it should be said about 2 instructive exits. These are "mini-camps" for students, where you can fully experience the camp atmosphere. The first trip, which usually takes place in March, at the beginning of training, allows you to get to know each other better. During the second trip, you get acquainted with the basics of tourism and try yourself in the role of event organizers. Following the results of the second departure, a real exam is taken before a strict commission. It is his results that give the best students the right to work on the "Island of Heroes".

The credo of the school "A-YA Leader": we are preparing the ELITE of the leaders. We invite students who have graduated from school to work in our camps both in Valdai and in the Moscow region. We do not trade our graduates, because the elite is distinguished not only by the level of training, but by freedom of choice!

Terms and cost

Our school is “conditionally” paid. Why "conditionally"? Here is what we offer during training:

  • An extensive program
  • Each discipline is led by a professional in their field;
  • Classes in rented premises with comfortable classrooms and a hall for choreography and acting training;
  • Bright events for rallying, flash mobs and quests;
  • Two intensive outreach programs in the camp near Moscow for two days each, with a transfer back and forth on large comfortable buses.

The cost of the entire program is 6900 rubles.
This price includes EVERYTHING, including accommodation at the recreation center, handouts and teaching materials and classes with teachers. In fact, students only pay for their own accommodation during the intensive. Everything else is provided by the "A-Ya Leader" School. The presence of albeit formal, but payment allows you to immediately weed out those whose decision to become a counselor is not serious and spontaneous. We do not force anyone to study, so the atmosphere in the classroom is always wonderful!

At the end of the School, students receive a Certificate, and the best graduates work in our camps and excursion programs.
Optionally, you can also take part in first aid courses of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. These courses are not included in the school fees. A group of those wishing to attend courses at the EMERCOM of Russia 2 times a year and receive an official Certificate. Counselors who hold a certificate for these courses receive an increased salary.

The leaders of our camp receive a salary according to the assigned category and the number of shifts worked, from the fourth category to the highest, the first. The first category is assigned to counselors with experience in the "Islands of Heroes" system for more than 1 season, with a certificate of completion of first aid courses.

If, in the process of learning, you realized that you did not want to be a leader, then the ability to move, communicate freely, hold the attention of the audience, dance and play with children will remain with you and will come in handy more than once in life!