From the course of chemistry you know. Characteristic properties of substances

Newton's first law

Option 1

2. There is a bar on the table. What forces are acting on it? Why is the block at rest? Draw forces graphically.

3. There is a ball on the floor of the car. The train moves off, the ball rolls along the floor of the car. Specify the reference body with respect to which the law of inertia is true, and the reference body with respect to which this law is not fulfilled.

Test 7

Newton's first law

Option 2

2. The skydiver descends, moving evenly and in a straight line. What forces are offset? Make a drawing.

3. Using two identical balloons lift bodies from rest. On what basis can one conclude which of these bodies has a large mass?

Test 7

Newton's first law

Option 3

2. Why, when floating timber, a large number of logs are thrown ashore at the turns of the river?

3. A fox, running away from a dog chasing her, often saves herself by making sharp sudden movements to the side just at the moment when the dog is ready to grab her with her teeth. Why does the dog miss?

Test 7

Newton's first law

Option 4

2. The ball hangs on a thread. What forces act on the ball? Why is he resting? Draw forces graphically.

3. Why does a running person, trying to quickly and steeply go around a pole or tree, wrap his arm around it?

Test 7

Newton's first law

Option 5

1. Name the bodies whose action is compensated in the following cases: 1) iceberg swims in the ocean; 2) the stone lies at the bottom of the stream; 3) the submarine drifts uniformly and rectilinearly in the water column.

2. What will happen to the bar and why if the trolley on which it stands is sharply pulled forward? Stop abruptly?

3. Under what condition will a steamboat sailing against the current have a constant speed?

Test 7

Newton's first law

Option 6

1. Why does the mercury drop when shaking a medical thermometer?

2. The train approaches the station and slows down. In what direction at this time is it easier to drag a heavy box along the floor of the car: along the train or in the opposite direction?

3. In what ways is the ax mounted on the handle? How to explain the phenomena occurring in this case?

Test 7

Newton's first law

Option 7

1. Name the bodies, the action of which is compensated in the following cases: 1) the parachutist descends to the ground evenly and in a straight line; 2) the balloon rises evenly and in a straight line; 3) the balloon is held near the ground by ropes.

2. A load is suspended from the ceiling of the cabin of a ship moving evenly and rectilinearly. How will the cargo move relative to the cabin if the ship will: increase its speed? slow her down? turn left?

3. Why is it easier to split a log with an ax on a grand scale?

Test 7

Newton's first law

Option 8

1. Why doesn't cargo dropped from a transport aircraft fall vertically down?

2. How can you throw a drop of ink off a pen using momentum while moving?

3. An iron was placed on the book lying on the table. The book remains at rest despite the fact that the weight of the iron acts on it. Is there a contradiction here with Newton's first law?

Test 7

Newton's first law

Can not. Due to the force of friction, its movement slows down.

Faithful about the Earth and things related to it.

Not performed with respect to the wagon and related items.

1. The legs of a person stop along with the boat, and the upper part, due to the law of inertia, continues to move.

2. Compensate for gravity and air resistance.

3. A body of greater mass rises more slowly.

The driver cannot immediately stop the car due to the law of inertia.

At the turns of the river, the logs continue their rectilinear motion and are thrown ashore.

The fox abruptly changes the direction of movement, and its tail continues to move in the same direction. The dog misses, rushing towards the tail.

Can not. Due to the forces of friction, its movement slows down.

The ball is at rest, since the action of these forces is compensated.

To change the direction of movement, the action of some force directed away from the direction of movement is necessary. Such a force is the force with which the tree acts on a person.

In all cases, the actions of the Earth and water are compensated.

If you pull forward sharply, the bar will fall back from the cart. If you stop the cart abruptly, the block will fall forward.

If the own speed of the ship will be greater than the speed of the current and will be directed opposite to the direction of the current.

The thermometer is sharply slowed down, and the mercury in the capillary continues to move due to inertia.

It's easier on the train.

Hit with a hammer on the opposite end of the handle. The ax remains at rest, and the handle moves in the butt of the ax.

1. In all cases, these bodies are the Earth and air.

2. When the speed increases, the load will deviate in the opposite direction; when slowing down - deviate in the direction of movement; when turning left, the load will deflect to the right.

3. When braking against a tree, the ax continues to move inside the wood due to inertia.

1. The load continues to move by inertia in the direction of the aircraft.

2. Move the pen quickly and stop abruptly.

3. There is no contradiction, since all the forces acting on the book are compensated.

Test 8

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 1

1. Can a puck thrown by a hockey player move evenly across the ice? Explain answer.

2. Several forces act on the body. What is the direction of the acceleration of the body caused by the action of these forces?

A. In the direction of the resultant.

B. In the direction of the greater of the forces.

B. Opposite to the direction of the resultant.

3. Why does the boat not budge when the person in it pushes on the side, and starts moving if the person gets out of the boat and pushes it with the same force?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 2

1. There is a bar on the table. What forces are acting on it? Why is the block at rest? Draw forces graphically.

2. What is body weight?

A. Body weight.

B. The amount of matter contained in the body.

B. A measure of the inertia of a body.

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 3

1. There is a ball on the floor of the car. The train moves off, the ball rolls along the floor of the car. Specify the reference body with respect to which the law of inertia is true, and the reference body with respect to which this law is not satisfied.

3 . A mosquito hit the windshield of a moving car. Compare the forces acting on the mosquito and the car during the impact.

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 4

1. Why is it difficult for a person standing in a moving boat to maintain their previous position if the boat suddenly stops?

2. One force acts on the body. What is the direction of the acceleration caused by this force?

A. Co-directed with the acting force.

B. Opposite direction of force.

B. Along the line of action of the force, in the direction of its action.

3. A motor ship in a collision with a boat can sink it without any damage to itself. How does this agree with the equality of the moduli of the interaction forces?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 5

1. The skydiver descends, moving evenly and in a straight line. What forces are offset? Make a drawing.

2. How does the acceleration of a body depend on the force applied to it? Which statement is incorrect?

A. The modulus of acceleration is directly proportional to the modulus of the force acting on the body.

B. The direction of acceleration of the body coincides with the direction of the force acting on this body.

B. The acceleration of a body does not depend on the force applied to it.

3. Is it possible to sail on a sailboat, directing a stream of air from a powerful sail to the sails? fan on a boat? What happens if you blow past the sail?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 6

1. With the help of two identical balloons, different bodies are lifted from rest. On what basis can one conclude which of these bodies has a large mass?

2. Are the formulas equivalent?

A. Only formulas 1) and 2) are equivalent.

B. All formulas are not equivalent.

B. All formulas are equivalent.

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 7

1. Why can't you cross the street in front of a nearby vehicle? What is the reason that the driver cannot immediately stop the car?

2. Does a constant force cause a constant acceleration?

A. Under the action of a constant force, the acceleration gradually increases.

B. . Under the action of a constant force, the acceleration gradually decreases.

B. Under the action of a constant force, the body moves with constant acceleration.

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 8

1. Why, when floating timber, a large number of logs are thrown ashore at the turns of the river?

2. How to measure body weight by weighing?

A. Make a measurement using any dynamometer.

B. Make a measurement using electronic scales.

B. Graduate the scale of the spring balance using a weight of known mass as a standard.

3 . The book lying on the table presses on him with some force. The table acts on the book with the same upward force. Can you find the resultant of these forces?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 9

1. A fox, running away from a dog chasing her, often saves herself by making sharp sudden movements to the side just at the moment when the dog is ready to grab her with her teeth. Why does the dog miss?

2. What is the formula for Newton's second law?

A. font-size:12.0pt;letter-spacing:-.05pt"> B. font-size:12.0pt;letter-spacing:-.05pt">C.font-size:12.0pt;letter-spacing:- .05pt">3.A mosquito hit the windshield of a moving car. Compare the forces acting on the mosquito and the car during the impact.

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 10

1. Can the car move evenly on a horizontal highway with the engine off? Explain the answer.

2. Does the direction of motion of the body always coincide with the direction of the force acting on the body?

A. Yes.

B. It depends on body weight.

B. No.

3 . A motor ship in a collision with a boat can sink it without any damage to itself. How does this agree with the equality of the moduli of the interaction forces?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 11

1. The ball hangs on a thread. What forces act on the ball? Why is he resting? Draw forces graphically.

2. In what frames of reference is Newton's second law valid?

A. Only in non-inertial frames of reference.

B. In any reference systems.

B. Only in inertial frames of reference.

3 . Is it possible to sail on a sailboat by directing a stream of air from a powerful fan located on the boat onto the sails? What happens if you blow past the sail?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 12

1. Why does a running person, trying to quickly and steeply go around a pole or tree, wrap his arm around it?

2. How is Newton's second law formulated?

A. The resultant of all forces applied to the body is equal to the product of the body's mass and its acceleration.

B. The force applied to the body is equal to the product of the body's mass and its acceleration.

B. The resultant of all forces applied to the body is equal to the ratio of the mass of the body to its acceleration.

3. What can be said about the acceleration that the Earth receives when interacting with a person walking on it? Justify the answer.

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 13

1. Name the bodies whose action is compensated in the following cases: 1) an iceberg floats in the ocean; 2) the stone lies at the bottom of the stream; 3) the submarine drifts uniformly and rectilinearly in the water column.

2. How does the force of gravity acting on a body depend on its mass?

A. The force of gravity acting on a body does not depend on its mass.

B. The force of gravity acting on a body is inversely proportional to its mass.

B. The force of gravity acting on a body is directly proportional to its mass.

3 . Why does the boat not budge when the person in it pushes on the side, and starts moving if the person gets out of the boat and pushes it with the same force?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 14

1. What will happen to the bar and why if the trolley on which it stands is sharply pulled forward? Stop abruptly?

2. How does the acceleration modulus depend on the force modulus?

A. The modulus of acceleration is directly proportional to the modulus of force.

B. The modulus of acceleration does not depend on the modulus of force.

B. The modulus of acceleration is inversely proportional to the modulus of force.

3. The book lying on the table presses on him with some force. The table acts on the book with the same upward force. Can you find the resultant of these forces?

Test 8

Newton's laws

Option 15

1. Under what condition will a steamboat sailing against the current have a constant speed?

2. How to find the resultant?

A. Find the algebraic sum of all forces acting on the body.

1. The ball moves under the action of a force constant in magnitude and direction. Choose the correct statement:
A. The speed of the ball does not change.
B. The ball moves uniformly.
V. Sharik moves with constant acceleration.
2. HOW does a ball of mass 500 g move. under the action of a force of 4 N?
A. With an acceleration of 2 m/s (squared)

B. With constant speed 0.125m/s.
V. With constant acceleration 8m/s(squared)
3. In what cases below are we talking about the movement of bodies by inertia?
A. The body lies on the surface of the table.
B. After turning off the engine, the boat continues to move on the surface of the water
B. The satellite moves in orbit around the Sun.

4.a) why is Newton's first law called the law of inertia?
b. How does a body move if the vector sum of the forces acting on it is zero?
c. A mosquito hit the vector glass of a moving car. Compare the forces acting on the mosquito and the car during the impact.
5.a. Under what condition can a body move uniformly and rectilinearly?
b. With the help of two identical balloons, different bodies are crushed from a state of rest. By what sign can one conclude which of these bodies has a greater mass?
c. The ball hits the window glass. Which of the bodies (ball or glass) is affected by a large force upon impact?
7.a. There is a bar on the table. What forces act on it? Why is the bar at rest?
b. With what acceleration does a jet aircraft with a mass of 60 tons move during takeoff, if the thrust force of the engines is 90 kN?
c. A motor ship, in a collision with a boat, can sink it without any damage to itself. How does this agree with the equality of the modules of the interaction forces?
8.a. In what ways is the ax planted on the handle? How to explain the phenomena occurring in this case?
b. What force informs a body with a mass of 400 g. acceleration 2 m/s (square)?
c. Two boys pull the cord in opposite directions, each with a force of 100N. Will the cord break if it can withstand a load of 150N?

The spherical shell of a balloon is made of a material whose square meter has a mass of 1 kg. The balloon is filled with helium at atmospheric pressure 10^5

Pa. Determine the mass of helium at which the balloon lifts itself. The temperature of helium and the surrounding air is the same and equal to 0 С.

1) From the equations given below, select the numbers of those that describe the state of rest of the body:

1) x \u003d -2 + t2; 2) x = 5; 3) x = 2/t; 4) x = 2-t; 5) Vx = 5+2t; 6) Vx = 5; 7) Vx = -5- 2t; 8) Vx = -2+t2;
3. What should be the length of the runway if the aircraft to take off must acquire a speed of 240 km / h, and the acceleration time is approximately 30 s?

4. The equation of motion has the form: x = 3 + 2t - 0.1 t2. Determine the movement parameters, plot Vx (t) and determine the path traveled by the body in the second second of movement.

5. The cyclist and motorcyclist start moving simultaneously from rest. The acceleration of a motorcyclist is 2p greater than that of a cyclist. How many times faster will a motorcyclist develop in the same time?

6. The range of a body thrown horizontally at a speed of 20 m/s is equal to the height of the throw. From what height was the body dropped?

7. With uniform motion in a circle, the body travels 5 m in 2 s. What is the centripetal acceleration of the body if the period of revolution is 5 s?