How to find the average value of a quantity knowing the error. Absolute error

At the first manifestations of a bitter taste in wine, measures should be taken immediately, otherwise the entire batch of wine will be spoiled. Bitterness in wine appears for a reason, but due to non-compliance with the technological process, most often such mistakes are made by novice winemakers. Unfortunately, if the time is completely lost, and the bitterness has become strong, then it will not be possible to save the wine. There are effective ways, but they are recommended only at the initial stages, when such bitterness is just manifesting. To avoid such troubles in the future, you should know the main causes of bitterness, what preventive measures exist and how to remove bitterness in wine.

Improper Juice Extraction

This situation in 50-65% of cases is typical for wine made from cherries, grapes, apples, but it is not excluded when using other fruits and berries. The bones of the berries contain a sufficient amount of tannins and tannins, as a result of crushing (when the juice is squeezed through a press), they penetrate into pure juice, and subsequently, after fermentation is completed, they provoke the appearance of bitterness.

To prevent, simple preventive actions should be observed: remove the bones in advance, where possible (cherry). In other cases, apply a gentle spin, which will not damage the seeds.

Bitterness can be eliminated by “binding” tannins with egg white. To do this, separate the protein, beat it, and then add it to the finished wine in a ratio of 100 mg per liter of wine product. The resulting composition is gently mixed and left alone for a couple of weeks until a dense precipitate appears. After this process is completed, the wine is carefully poured into the prepared clean container using a siphon or a thin tube.

Rotten raw materials and overexposure of the must on the pulp

If during the selection of berries for winemaking even a couple of rotten berries were missed, or the young wine was not removed from the pulp in time, then the problem with bitterness will manifest itself.

Preventive measures consist in careful selection of raw materials, as well as strict observance of all technological processes, including the timing when it is necessary to remove the pulp.

Manifested bitterness is removed with bentonite. For one liter of wine you need about 3 g of white clay. Bentonite is poured with water, which is 10 times its amount, everything is mixed, left for 12 hours until lime is formed. After that, a small amount of water is added so that the composition becomes liquid and poured into a vessel with wine in a thin stream. The process of clarification and elimination of bitterness lasts about a week, after which the wine is removed from the sediment.

Long infusion on the lees

The reason for bitterness can be explained by improper filtration, since yeast at the time of decomposition can worsen the taste of the product.

From what has been said, it is clear that the wine is separated from the sediment in a timely manner.

You can save the wine by adding egg white or bentonite according to the instructions above (in some cases, each method is used in turn).

Wine contamination

Microorganisms that can cause acetic souring or mold, also negatively affect the wine, which manifests itself in the form of bitterness.

Strictly following the instructions and observing the technological processes will protect against such a problem.

Wine is “treated” by pasteurization, during which microbes die due to high temperatures. A container with wine is placed in a saucepan, filled with water to the level of the neck, heated to 60 ° C. This temperature is maintained for 5 minutes, after which the fire is turned off. The container is removed from the water only after it has cooled down and left alone for 5-6 days, after which it is removed from the sediment.

Overaging in barrels

With long-term storage of wine in oak barrels, it becomes oversaturated with tannins, as a result - a manifestation of bitterness, which is difficult to remove.

When using barrels, check the taste of the product once a week so as not to miss the period when bitterness begins to form.

At the initial stage of bitterness formation, clarification with bentonite is effective. In cases where the deadlines are missed and the bitterness has become clearly visible, the taste is neutralized with sugar and alcohol. They are added to the total mass up to 10 - 15% of the total volume.

If none of the ways to remove bitterness in wine helped to eliminate it, then such wine is distilled into moonshine. The result is an interesting fruity brandy.

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At a recent tasting, we were asked a question about bitterness in wine. Asked the man who makes his own wine. In our slang, amateur winemakers who make their wine on a non-industrial scale are called "garazhists". And we decided that the answer could be useful not only to the person who asked, but also to other novice winemakers. So, advice to the garage driver - where does the bitterness in wine come from, how to avoid it and how to get rid of it.

Madeline Puckette (“Wine Folly”) tastes tainted wine

Let's start with the fact that this, unfortunately, is not such a rare problem. Sometimes a novice winemaker, tasting wine after fermentation, finds bitterness in it. In the worst case, this means a lost year, since the wine will either have to be poured down the drain or sent for distillation. And of course sorry for your work and the money spent.

Bitterness in most cases is hypertrophied astringency. Astringent taste adorns the wine, but everything is good in moderation. The most common cause of bitterness in wine is an excess of tannins. Tannins are called tannins, which give the wine astringency, astringency and bitterness. The sources of tannins are the skins and seeds of grapes. An excess of tannins leads not only to the appearance of bitterness in the taste, but also often to a change in the color of the wine, the appearance of brown and orange tones in it.

Let's start listing the points related to the prevention of this problem from the beginning of the process, from working with raw materials. It is important to understand that after harvesting the grapes should not be washed and should not be left in the heat. Ideally, processing begins immediately after removal from the bush. Unfortunately, most garage owners fail to organize this, and then they provide delivery of berries in a refrigerator truck. And if after delivery from the vineyard there is no possibility for immediate processing, the grapes are placed in storage in a refrigerated room. And even in the refrigerator they store it for no more than a day, a maximum of two.

The second possible reason for the appearance of bitterness is spoiled raw materials. Carefully check the grapes before launching into the crusher, select leaves, twigs, rotten and fermented berries. Naturally, it is necessary to throw out insects and garbage. From personal experience, I can tell you how seriously professional winemakers take this sorting. More than once we have witnessed painstaking and accurate work with primary material in wineries.

At the initial stage of processing, it is important to ensure that the juice is squeezed gently, without destroying the seeds. It is in the bones that the coarsest and most bitter tannins are contained. With the mechanical destruction of the seeds, this bitterness enters the wine.

By the way, the same thing happens when maceration is too long (insisting on the pulp - bones and peels). Therefore, it is so important to avoid crushing the bones and not overdo it with maceration. Maceration is necessary for the extraction of aromatic compounds, polysaccharides, minerals, other extractive components, including tannins and color. But overexposure can easily lead to excess tannins and bitterness.

While the wine is fermenting, winemakers are much more concerned with pizhage (pigeage - French, a technological operation in the production of red wines, deposition of a cap from the pulp from the surface of the fermentation tank) than with bitterness. But at the end of this process, it is important to quickly drain the wine from the sediment. Yeasts are living organisms, and after death, their remains begin to decompose and rot. Because of these processes, bitterness and the smell of sulfur can also appear in the wine.

And the last reason is the excessive oxidation of wine, its oxidation. This technological defect is associated with violations of the wine aging regime, when its uncontrolled contact with air oxygen occurs. As a result, the wine ages prematurely, fades, its color turns into an orange-brown range, aromas and tastes lose their freshness and fruitiness, and tangible bitterness appears in the taste and aftertaste.

Wine oxidation according to Wine Folly

So, the possible causes of bitterness in wine:

  • violations of the rules for the delivery and storage of grapes from the vineyard
  • delay in starting processing
  • combs, leaves, debris, spoiled berries getting into the must
  • violations of hygiene standards (non-compliance with the purity of raw materials or equipment)
  • bone crushing
  • overexposure of wine on the lees (uncontrolled "sur-lee")
  • overexposure of the must on the pulp (too long maceration)
  • wine oxidation
bad wine from

Now we will discuss possible ways to overcome the problem, if it has already arisen. Firstly, if the end of fermentation is missed and the yeast is still rotten, the wine will have to be drained. Alas, this defect is incorrigible, nothing can remove such bitterness and smell. Sometimes it is advised to fix the wine by adding 18-20% alcohol to it and keeping it for at least six months. But, frankly, we are not supporters of this approach. Then the race is better.

In other cases, they try to get rid of bitterness by binding excess tannins. For this, egg whites are traditionally used in winemaking. One egg white is calculated for every 50 liters of wine. The protein is whipped into foam, a little wine is added, mixed and poured into the main container with wine in a thin stream. At the same time, the wine is thoroughly, but carefully, so as not to aerate unnecessarily, mixed. The resulting suspension should settle for several days or even weeks before precipitation occurs. After that, the wine is carefully poured into another clean container, where it ripens.

Of course, there are industrial preparations based on proteins of various origins, such as casein (milk protein), gelatin and others, as well as synthetic reagents based on polyvinyl chloride. Working with these drugs requires some skill and experience, and we recommend that you seek help and advice from specialists: food chemists or professional winemakers.

Naturally, with any method, several samples are first made on a small amount of wine. According to their results, choose the method and the correct concentration of the reagent. And then they are already applied to a significant part of the party.

Making wine is a complex, delicate and even capricious process. And on the way to his comprehension, not only good luck awaits. But glory to the bold. And their reward is success, a successful product and the appreciation of those who drink this wine. Do not be afraid of falls, for each of them there is a new rise. Good luck, friends! Lechaim!

Homemade wine bitterness is one of the most common problems that most home winemakers face. A bitter wine that has been aging for so long can simply be confusing, however, there is no need to panic. Experienced winemakers are well aware that bitter homemade wine is a common defect of moderate severity, which can sometimes be solved quickly and easily, and sometimes simply impossible.

Little blood

First of all, you need to decide how bitter the wine is. If the bitterness is barely noticeable or almost not noticeable at all, then it can simply be hidden by adding sugar or flavorings. However, it is worth remembering that after adding sugar, it is advisable to pasteurize the wine in order to completely eliminate the possibility of re-fermentation.

If the wine is not only bitter for you, and the intensity of the bitter taste is relatively high, then in this case it is worth starting more active actions aimed at removing the very substance that makes the wine bitter.

Crushing bones

The most common cause of bitter wine is the improper production of grape juice. Often, meat grinders or blenders are used to obtain grape juice: such devices can grind not only berries in general, but also grains and seeds, which contain a large amount of tannins and tannins. Crushed bones and the substances contained in them affect how bitter the finished juice will be, and, consequently, the wine.

The solution to this problem is simple: just bind all the tannins and tannins with egg white. You can do this either with powdered egg white, or simply by adding egg white to the wine itself. To do this, you need to break the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites with a whisk and pour the mass into the wine. It is advisable to wait about 2-3 weeks until the sediment has completely fallen out, after which the wine must be drained from the sediment. It is better to drain through a thin tube into a clean container. This method requires about 100-150 mg per liter of wine. Please note: you need exactly milligrams, not grams, otherwise the wine will be spoiled.

Overexposure of the must on the pulp

Another reason why you need to remove bitterness from homemade wine is the long overexposure of the must on the pulp. Often, the pulp (that is, the pulp of the fruit) is not removed from the wort for a very long time, not filtered, as a result of which the raw materials and the wort begin to simply rot. From now on, it is necessary to drain the pulp as quickly as possible, very carefully follow the recipe for making homemade wine. In addition, fruits and berries that have signs of rotting or mold cannot be used as raw materials.

In this case, the best solution would be to clarify homemade wine with bentonite or gelatin. As a rule, only 2-3 grams of bentonite per 1 liter of wine is sufficient. Bentonite does not have any negative effect on the taste and aroma characteristics of the wine. It is desirable to dilute bentonite in water in a ratio of 1 to 10. That is, for one liter of wine you need 3 grams of bentonite and 30 grams of water. Bentonite dissolves in water, after which it is left alone for 10-12 hours. Then, when the clay turns into lime, it is poured into wine. After a week, it is enough to remove the wine from the sediment that has appeared and, if necessary, brighten up the remaining bitterness with sugar (cane sugar can be used).

Long infusion on the lees

Often the reason for the bitterness of wine is a long infusion of wine on the lees. Homemade wine must be removed from the sediment in time, as soon as fermentation stops. The fact is that the waste products of the yeast begin to decompose, which has a negative effect on the taste of wine and makes it bitter. As in previous cases, it is enough to use bentonite, egg yolk or gelatin.


Often the reason for the bitterness of homemade wine is its banal infection. In this case, bitterness is created by bacteria and microorganisms, which should be attributed to wine diseases. From now on, it is necessary to carefully observe the technology of making homemade wine and monitor the cleanliness in the kitchen. To solve this problem, you need to pasteurize the wine. We have already written about the methods of pasteurization of wine. In short, it is enough to simply boil hermetically sealed bottles of wine in a saucepan at a temperature of about 60 degrees for 5-10 minutes. After that, the wine must be taken out and left to cool. After 5-6 days, a sediment and tartar will appear - the wine must be drained from it, filtered again and sent for storage in a dark place.

Excessively long exposure

By the way, about the storage of wine. Sometimes too much exposure is also the cause of bitterness. The wine was either aged for a long time in an oak barrel, or the wood itself was simply unprepared. If the reason is aging, then the best way is to treat the wine with bentonite. From now on, try to better prepare the wood for aging alcoholic beverages, and also constantly monitor the aging time.

What to do if none of the methods helped?

Do not rush to pour out the alcoholic drink. In the most extreme case, when the wine is very bitter, and all methods for removing bitterness from homemade wine have been tried, the drink can simply be distilled. Even the bitterest wine will gain a second life after double distillation, becoming chacha or good grape cognac. Moreover, it is possible to overtake both wine from grapes and fruit wine from any other raw material.

1. Causes determine consequences 2. Prevention is better than elimination of consequences 3. If prevention did not work out 4. If nothing helped

Home winemaking is very popular and quite common, so the question of why homemade wine is bitter is a frequent one. Basically, bitterness occurs in beginners with no experience in winemaking and is caused by the unsuccessful preparation of this drink.


To avoid this turn of events, you should first find out the cause of the unwanted taste. Wine is bitter - what to do? Methods of struggle vary depending on the cause of an unpleasant taste and require a different approach to eliminating bitterness.

What is the reason for the bitterness of homemade wine?

The appearance of an unpleasant taste is caused by one, and sometimes several erroneous actions of a novice winemaker in the process of preparing a drink. The most common mistakes are the following:

  1. Insufficient accuracy or attentiveness when working at the first stage - obtaining juice from fruits. The seeds of many fruits, fruits, grapes contain tannins and tannins, which, if the seeds are damaged, enter the juice. It is they who, in the process of fermentation, will give a sufficiently strong and persistent bitterness to the drink. The stones can be damaged by the blades of electric rotary juicers or by a powerful press that squeezes the juice from the fruit mass.
  2. An even more common and widespread reason is carelessness in the selection of raw materials for making wine. If you do not carefully sort out the fruits used, then poor raw materials in the form of fruits that have begun to deteriorate a little or foreign impurities (leaves, grass) can spoil the taste, including making it very bitter.
  3. The untimely separation of wine from the sediment formed during the fermentation process always leads to the fact that the wine has a bitter taste and requires further action to remove the bitterness in the wine. The reason is that fermentation proceeds due to wine yeast, which, remaining at the end of the process in a container with an already fermented product, quickly decomposes and rots, filling the wine drink with a bitter taste.
  4. A bitter taste can also appear in wine as a result of pathogens such as bacteria or fungal spores entering it - in the course of their life they release substances that spoil the taste of the drink.
  5. Another reason why wine can become bitter in taste is the wrong choice of containers for long-term storage. When fermenting and storing wine products in wooden barrels for a long time, tannins get into the wine from wood, which will spoil its taste and make it almost unfit for consumption.

2 Prevention is better than remediation

For convenience and clarity, measures to prevent the occurrence of a bitter taste in wine are given in the same order as in the first section. In order to prevent their occurrence, you need to do the following:

  1. To avoid getting tannin or tannins from the seeds of fruits, fruits or grapes in the process of obtaining juice from raw materials, you should try to keep the seeds as intact and intact as possible. To do this, use the most gentle methods of juice separation, which are only possible. Alternatively, you can pre-seed the fruits (only relevant in some cases, not for all fruits and for small quantities of raw materials). Also, for some types of fruits, pre-freezing them can help, which will lead to a decrease in the effect on the resulting juice.
  2. Obtaining good quality raw materials can sometimes be laborious, but simple in nature - you only need to carefully sort out the prepared fruits, fruits, grapes, removing all unnecessary impurities in the form of grass, foliage, wood chips, and you also need to remove all spoiled or overripe fruits in order to they could not, in the process of fermentation, let the wine go rancid.
  3. With the untimely separation of the sediment from the wine, there should not be any problems at all, since you only need to carefully monitor the process of wine fermentation. Upon completion, as soon as possible, carry out the procedure for separating the finished wine from the sediment containing wine yeast, which, when decomposed, can introduce an undesirable taste into the drink.
  4. Measures to prevent the ingress of pathogens are fully consistent with the elementary sanitary standards for working with perishable products - cleanliness and accuracy at every stage of the preparation of the wine composition. It is desirable to pasteurize the finished wine, preventing harmful microorganisms from developing in the wine in the future. Sterilization of the container into which the wine will be poured for storage is also of great importance.
  5. When storing finished wine in wooden tubs or barrels, the only effective way to avoid the appearance of a bitter aftertaste in the drink is to regularly take samples. It is recommended to do this at least once a week. When the first signs of bitterness appear, homemade wine must be immediately poured into an inert container (glass bottles or ceramic container).


The methodology for eliminating the resulting bitter taste in wine depends on the cause of its appearance. Below are ways to remove bitterness.

  1. You can remove the taste from tannin and tannins that got into the drink at the stage of obtaining juice from fruits using a simple tool - egg white. To do this, take 100 ml of egg whites for each liter of finished wine with bitterness and beat them (not very hard, you should not beat the whites to a stable foam). Then add them to rancid homemade wine, mix thoroughly but gently and leave the drink in this state for 2-3 weeks. Complete precipitation will serve as a sign of the end of the cleaning process. Now all that remains is to carefully (preferably using a thin tube) strain into a clean prepared container, avoiding sediment getting into the drained wine.
  2. With the bitterness that appeared due to impurities and low-quality raw materials, you can cope with the help of white clay. It is also known in the food industry as food additive E558 or bentonite. To use it, it is necessary to prepare it by pouring ten times the amount of water (cold) in excess of its volume, mix and put to infuse for 10-14 hours - during this time the composition will turn into lime. The amount of bentonite from which lime is prepared is taken at the rate of 3 g per liter of spoiled drink. The resulting bentonite lime should be carefully diluted with cold water to a liquid state and poured into the processed wine in a small stream. After a week of settling in this state, a precipitate will form in a rancid drink, this is a sign of purification. Now it is necessary, as in the first paragraph, to carefully separate the purified product from the sediment and pour it into prepared containers.
  3. If it happened that the late filtration of the finished wine drink turned out to be the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant taste, then the first two methods from this list must be used in combination. They must be applied in order. The process itself is described in paragraphs 1 and 2.
  4. If the cause turned out to be multiplied microorganisms, then they should be destroyed by pasteurizing the wine by heat treatment. To do this, place the sealed containers (hermetically) with the liquid to be treated in a large container with water, bring it to 60ºС, and hold for 5-10 minutes, then let it cool to 15-20ºС, remove the cooled containers with a wine drink and leave to settle for about a week . During this time, the wine will clear, and the impurities will precipitate. Now the wine must be carefully decanted and poured into prepared storage containers.
  5. If bitterness appeared due to storage in wooden tubs or barrels, you should first of all try to remove it using the method from point 2 (with white clay), but this can only help at the very beginning of the "rancidity" of the wine. If such an attempt is unsuccessful, then the wine should be turned into fortified by adding alcohol and sugar to it (within 8-15% of the volume).

You can try to turn the wine into fortified by adding alcohol and sugar to it.

4 If all else fails

It may happen that none of the given purification methods worked, and the bitter taste in the wine was preserved. The method of long-term storage in oak containers can help here: pour a rancid drink into a carefully processed and washed oak container, introduce a not very large amount of alcohol and leave for a long time (up to six months).

If there was no oak container on the farm, then it is quite possible to simply add chopped oak bark at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 5 liters of drink. Seal hermetically, put in a dark, cool room for 6 months, then separate the wine from the sediment and add 1 tbsp. l. grape sugar for every 5 liters of wine.

If, despite all the efforts, nothing happened, and the wine remained bitter and unpleasant in taste, then this does not mean that it is only suitable for throwing away. There is always the opportunity to get homemade fruit or grape brandy from it, simply by distilling the spoiled wine drink with the help of a moonshine still.

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Home winemaking is a great opportunity to please loved ones with natural delicious nectar. But it happens when all the work is wasted - the wine is bitter! It is not always worth resorting to extreme measures and distilling the drink into a mash. The finished wine can still be reanimated. But if the wine is moldy as in the photo - not normal, it is better to pour it out and not continue reading the article.


5 Causes of Bitterness in Wine

To cope with the problem, you need to know the causes of its occurrence and save the situation:

First of all, fruits undermined by mold, the ingress of rotten leaves will cause bitterness in the wine;

Secondly, the bitterness of the drink can give an increased content of tannin (tannins). They are contained in the seeds and peel of berries and fruits, from which wine juice is prepared. Yes, tannin is necessary in the recipe, it is added to the wine to give it piquancy, astringency and clarification. But in moderation!

A mistake typical for novice winemakers is the wrong preparation of juice. With inaccurate preparation of the material (rough grinding), the bones are crushed and their fragments fall into the drink;

Thirdly, bitter homemade wine due to overexposure on the lees, if it is not filtered in time at the stage of aging the drink. Yeast and fungal cultures contained in the pulp ( Mezga - a mass consisting of crushed berries and juice, as well as seeds and skin tsy), decompose and poison the entire wine bouquet;

B - fourth, the drink is a living substance and can get sick. The reason for the contamination of the drink are microorganisms (for example, the Candida bacterium), which, under favorable conditions for their reproduction, contribute to the formation of wine mold. Exceeding the norm of sugar causes the so-called "lactic" fermentation. Souring from vinegar, for example, appears in wines of 14 ° fortress when it is kept at 25-30t and if the tightness is not observed;

B - fifth If the wine is in oak barrels for a long time, it absorbs tannins, the excess of which we have already written about.

The wine turned out bitter, how to fix it?

When you understand why the wine is bitter, the next step is to correct mistakes in cooking. This can be done in the following ways:

  • To correct the bitterness in wine caused by low-quality products, betonite contributes, at the same time, it will also lighten the drink. Purchase only betonite intended for winemaking!
  • The bitterness of wine arises from sediment or overexposure in the pulp. Whipped protein and betonit "ambulance" in saving wine. And timely filtering will eliminate the problem. First of all, remove the mold film from the surface of the container. Then, using a thin tube, pour the liquid into a sterile container.
  • The excess tannin will help eliminate the egg white from two chicken eggs. The foamed protein mass is added to the wine. The use of egg white eliminates some of the tannins. 2 chicken eggs are broken, from which the protein will separate, and beaten with a whisk until foam appears. In this state, it is added to grape wine in a ratio of 1 to 10 or 100 ml of protein per 1000 ml of drink. Alcohol is thoroughly mixed and transferred to a dark place for 14–20 days until precipitation occurs. After that, the wine is filtered with a small rubber tube and bottled. The wine settles for two to three weeks;
  • In case of disease of the drink, its heat treatment (pasteurization) is recommended, from which pathogenic bacteria die. A hermetically sealed container is heated on the stove to 60 ° Celsius for 5-10 minutes. Line the pot with a cloth to prevent the wine from burning. It is necessary to wait for the container to cool down to 15 - 20 °T. After manipulations, the wine is drained from the sediment through a three-layer gauze into a sterilized container.
  • Paradoxically, a young wine can suffer from "obesity", gradually thickening. Eliminate excess water in the drink (without diluting the wort with water). Drain the drink into another container in the open air, most of the bacteria will die;
  • If the wine is bitter due to overaging in oak barrels, then the main thing is to identify the problem in a timely manner. This is the most difficult case of correcting the taste of the drink. During operational control, the wine is corrected with bentonite. In extreme cases, the drink is fixed with alcohol and sugar (in proportions of 7 - 15% of the liquid volume).

Important! In order for the wine not to be bitter, it is possible to correct its taste only in the early stages, so carefully follow the precautions when making a homemade drink. Strictly follow the technology and recipe!

How to put homemade wine

In order not to end up with unusable swill instead of the "drink of the Gods", let's take a step-by-step look at the correct technology for making homemade wine. And let's start with the preparation of the wine material:

  • Fruits for wine must ( Wort- juice made from grapes by pressing, pressing) are carefully selected by hand. Fruits and berries should be fresh and healthy. Foreign cultures (leaves, twigs) are excluded. Do not process rotten berries and fruits in order to save money according to the principle “everything will ferment in wine.” The process is painstaking, but the result is worth it;
  • The extraction of berries and fruits should be extremely gentle so that fragments of seeds, especially grape ones (they contain high concentrations of tannin) do not get into the juice. Grape seeds begin to give off their bitterness in case of mechanical damage;
  • Exactly following the recipe, remove the juice from the pulp and sediment in time;
  • The development of pathogenic microflora in the drink is facilitated, first of all, by non-compliance with the temperature regime, unsuitable premises and containers. And disregard for sanitation!
  • Large volumes of "jolly drink" aging in oak barrels require a weekly tasting!

I advise you recipes for homemade wine from the site:

Important to remember!

  • Compliance with sanitary standards is the key to a quality product!
  • Do not use meat grinders and home processors. Use a juicer or juic by hand, removing the pits.
  • In wort, highly diluted with water, it is easier for pathogenic bacteria to multiply in a slightly acidic environment.
  • At all stages of wine preparation, the dishes must be clean and dry. Using only filtered water and quality sugar. To protect the contact of wine with oxygen, constant monitoring of the tightness of the water seal will help. Constantly monitor the tightness of the water seal to isolate the wine from contact with oxygen.
  • Do not miss the moment when homemade wine starts to taste bitter! And take timely action.

Following the advice, even novice winemakers can make a wonderful drink with a rich flavor bouquet! much tastier and healthier than the drink from the store.