How to learn to think better. How to learn to think: recommendations and effective tips

Teachers become transmitters of information. They just mindlessly repeat what they once learned from their teachers, and do not process the information in any way, including that which has passed unnoticed by criticism. Children are not masters of their learning. Instead, their minds are used as storage containers.

The factory model of education, with an emphasis on academic and economic elitism, is churning out obedient workers for the system, encouraging alignment at every step along the way.

We are not seen as complex, creative, inquisitive individuals, but instead as parts of one big machine.

The education system filters out the exploratory part of our nature, the purpose being to prevent disagreement with the system. The system doesn't need thinkers. She doesn't need people asking questions. She needs a population that is easy to manipulate and control in such a way that all power is concentrated in the hands of the elite.

There are those who believe that critical thinking cannot be taught in school. Socrates, had he lived, would most likely have laughed contemptuously at such a statement. The same Socrates who said: "I can't teach anyone anything, I can only make them think."

If we are to solve the problem of education in the school system, we will have to learn to ask questions rather than offer ready-made answers.

True knowledge can only be obtained through research. Children should be encouraged to look for answers on their own. As for teachers, they must provide children with the tools and resources they need to study subjects and make their own discoveries. One well-formulated question can inspire more than countless prepared answers. In every aspect of our educational research, it is important to have an open dialogue with students, encourage healthy debate, and allow children to draw their own conclusions.

The importance of teaching philosophy in schools is underestimated. In a world where most people work like they're running on a wheel with blinders on, we need to reevaluate our perspectives from time to time and look at the big picture.

Philosophy makes us think, makes us ask, makes us contemplate. Without these skills, humanity will continue to operate on autopilot, thereby allowing those in power to overwhelm, oppress, and enslave us in every way.

We must learn to think again.

Greetings to all thinkers! We thought there would be something like "deduction", "induction" and other logical operations. No, the thinking techniques that will be given below are much more cunning and practice-oriented. After all, how will knowledge of the mental operations of Aristotelian logic help you in solving everyday problems? That's right, no way. But the use of the following methods will help you make decisions much more accurately.

First, a general outline of how to think correctly will be given (the basis for it is given in the article “What is the difference between unsuccessful people and successful people”). And then you will get acquainted with practical methods that allow you to analyze many issues from the inside.

What is the right way to think?

This scheme was taken from Konstantin Sheremetyev, and today I consider it the most sensible of all possible. Because it brings the most useful results.

You need to divide a sheet of paper into three columns:

  1. what is there?
  2. what should be done?
  3. what do you need to get?

First, you write in the third column what you want to receive. For example, you want a good warm emotional relationship with an understanding partner. Further, in the first column, you write down what is (for example, short-term fleeting connections). And already on the basis of this, fill in the second column with those points that are obvious to you. For example, here it is clear what is needed:

  • a person with whom you can build such a relationship
  • knowing how to properly meet such people and where to look for them
  • a set of activities aimed at getting to know such people
  • understanding what mistakes were made earlier, that it was not possible to get along with such a person

After the first sketches, you can begin to act, and then adjust them as you get results.

Look into cause and effect

Suppose a certain person asks you for a loan, promising to return the money in a year. And you lend him this money, in all seriousness expecting a return. And moreover, you are indignant when, by the specified date, he not only does not return the money, but also cuts off contact with you.

What is the right way to look at this problem? The reason for borrowing is the inability to handle money. That is, a person does not know how to earn or spend them. Can his financial situation improve in connection with which the money will be returned? Possibly, but unlikely. Because the consequence of the inability to handle money is their absence.

It follows that when lending a certain amount to a person, you should not wait for its return.

Another example: your computer is broken. You somehow repaired it, but after a while it broke down again, moreover, in a similar way. Since similar breakdowns occur more than once, there must be a reason. And if you do not determine the root of the problem, regular periodic breakdowns will be the result. If you specialize in the relevant field, you should look into this problem yourself. Otherwise, you need to find an intelligent specialist who will help to find out and eliminate the cause of the breakdowns.

Turn your gaze 180 degrees (to solve communication problems)

Very often you see only the behavior of an individual (a group of people). But you don't see the whole situation. By the way, that's why you are dissatisfied with other people's behavior.

To resolve misunderstandings, try to get used to the person's situation. That is, don't just put yourself in his shoes, but try to understand how he or she feels. This is not always immediately possible, but with regular practice it allows you to much better “feel into” the situation of another person.

For example, you are annoyed that someone does not answer your messages and calls. You can blame him directly, or you can try to remember how you felt when you ignored someone in the same way. I emphasize: it is important to remember exactly your state and your feelings, and not the situation itself. Because the situation is always neutral, and remembering it is impossible to understand the feelings of a person. But remembering your states, you will grasp the sensual understanding much more accurately.

Does someone shun you and avoid meeting you? Remember how you also tried to postpone or avoid meetings with people who did not really sink into your soul. This will bring down the psychological inertia (it is on it that you are indignant about someone else's behavior). And then it will be much easier for you to understand how best to build communication with a person who shuns you.

Use mind maps

In the last article, “How to Speak to be Understood,” I talked about a schematic (on paper in the form of a drawing) explanation. In the same way, you can explain the situation to yourself. If you feel that you don’t really understand what is happening yet, just write down everything that you know for sure. And then think of it as a diagram of cause and effect. Be sure to place unknowns on your map, and sign them with questions about what you need to know.

An example of a mind map about the selection of a gift. Source - (the same Nikolay Kozlov whom I recommended)

Look for the strongest moves

Let's say you want to increase your income. To do this, it seems to be enough to work more (i.e., increase the amount of working time). And this solution will work. But there is another solution - to increase sales volumes. labor results. And these results can be achieved by the work of many people (that is, you can assemble a team). And as you understand, by joint efforts under your organizational leadership they will give out much larger volumes than you alone.

Therefore, in any problematic situation, try to find the move that will bring you closer to the desired result in the shortest possible time and with minimal effort (as well as costs).

Let's take the same topic of relationships. Suppose a certain person does not respond to your signs of attention, and even if he does, he is in no hurry to build a relationship with you. Of course, you can try to win him/her over with nice gestures or a good attitude. But subconsciously, inner sexuality attracts the most. Therefore, the strongest solution in the long run is revealing your sexuality, which is described in the corresponding publication. And at first, the most powerful move will be to determine the reason why this person communicates with you, and on the basis of this, maintaining contact with him.

That's all for now. In general, a whole book can be devoted to logical thinking, therefore, in the future, a lot of publications will be devoted to this topic. Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss them. See you soon!

Yes, in children's educational games. Designed for the development of children, they are great for adults. The range of educational games is very wide. There are electronic construction kits like SnapCircuits, and board card games (Swish, Set), and games for smartphones and tablets, for example, Gravity Maze. By playing games, you will not only develop the skill of thinking outside the box, but also have a great time with friends or children.

2. Connect with people

Despite the abundance of various sources of information, other people are still able to give us new ideas. By meeting with the unique experience of another person, we significantly enrich our understanding of the world (or of a particular problem). And it is not at all necessary to communicate with the luminaries of science or financial gurus.

Career consultant Gia Ganesh cites a conversation she had with a granite builder as an example. It turned out that the guy was from Cuba. He told how he came to the USA and how he got this job. The conversation prompted Gia to interesting thoughts about migration and choosing a profession, suggested ideas for new research.

3. Get a new experience

To think differently, you need to live differently. Give up habitual patterns of behavior, destroy the established way of life, break stereotypes. Prepare new dishes, change the route from home to work and look around more. Try wearing clothes that are uncharacteristic for your image, change your hairstyle.

A great way to learn something new - . Other countries, other cultures, unusual surroundings - all this gives a good stimulus for the work of thinking. Especially if you don’t miss the opportunity to make new acquaintances while traveling.

4. Explore unusual ideas

There is no lack of information in our age. On the contrary, there is even too much of it around. But not all of it deserves attention. Really worthwhile ideas have to be found, but doing this is much easier than 100 or even 50 years ago. Read more! , articles on the Internet and magazines. Look everywhere for fresh ideas, new views and non-standard approaches.

Thinking differently is good, but not enough. You must be able to formulate and defend your original ideas.

It is not always easy to have your own opinion, different from the generally accepted one. The social pressure of the majority is great, and very often society is able to impose a collective point of view on individuals. The following are a few ways to help develop and defend your own opinion.

5. Be Factual

This seemingly elementary principle is violated too often. Emotions, speculation, expectations, assumptions, rumors… All this is not good. Start with simple questions: “How do I know this is true?” “What facts support my opinion?” If there are not enough facts, then you have to look for them.

6. State your opinion in writing

Imagine that you need to convince someone and write a letter for this. A written presentation will help to clearly formulate your thoughts, to trace a logical chain of conclusions and conclusions. Diagrams and drawings will make your ideas more clear and visual. Such a blank will be very helpful if you really need to or defend your point of view in the discussion.

7. Discuss

Group discussion is both a test of your ideas and a means to find new solutions to old problems. The most useful are specially organized discussions. Almost any topic can be chosen: from politics to football. Divide the group into two teams and have them defend opposite points of view. It is better to limit the time allotted to each participant - this helps to formulate your arguments clearly and concisely.

8. Be objective

Advice from the category of those that are easy to give, but difficult to carry out. Each of us is inclined to consider his opinion, if not the only true, then certainly not erroneous. But even the ancients said that it is human nature to err. We look at the world through the prism of our experience and very often see only what we want to see.

When developing your own opinion, it is important to get rid of bias in the selection and evaluation of available information. Have we really considered all the available facts? Have we exaggerated the significance of some facts to suit our expectations? Are there alternative points of view? These and other similar questions will help you be more objective and independent of anyone else's prejudices. Even from your own.

This is not an exhaustive list of ways to help think differently and shape. What methods do you use?

How to learn to think better

Anatomy of mind training

The power of the mind is manifested in exercise, not in rest.

Alexander Pop, poet


How do you rate your level of intelligence?

HIGH: I have exceptional mental abilities. Just call me Leonardo.

AVERAGE: From time to time I come up with new ideas, and sometimes even solve extremely difficult problems.

LOW: my head is some kind of pot of semolina. I really need a workout.

It doesn't matter which category you fall into. Remember that the level of intelligence - that is, the ability to concentrate, to reason logically, to create visual images, your imagination, the ability to make decisions, and finally, the ability to think clearly and creatively - largely depends on how often and intensively you train your mind. If you feel out of shape, don't be discouraged: you can make things right if you exercise your mind muscles. If you feel that your intellect is in excellent condition, do not forget to maintain this level with constant exercises. Even Olympic champions need training.

So, if you want to strengthen the muscles of your mind, first of all ask yourself the question: "How can I increase the performance of my brain?"

First, let's get acquainted with the different types of thinking muscles. To do this, let's do the following exercise.

"Jog" for the mind

Imagine that you are holding an orange in your hands.

Imagine how it feels, how it looks, how it smells.

For a few moments, try to create the most vivid and clear image.

Now imagine how you peel it, divide it into slices, bite off a piece.

After that, take a closer look at the slice.

Ask yourself what it would look like if you magnified it a thousand, a million times.

What would the cell look like then?

What would a molecule look like?

After a couple of minutes, try to become aware of everything you know and don't know about oranges.

Think about what makes an orange an orange, why it tastes the way it does, how many varieties of oranges there are, how oranges have evolved, how and what they can be used for, and how to make delicious orange marmalade.

When thinking about an orange, pay close attention to the "quality" of your thoughts.

So, put the book down and start doing the exercise right now.

Like most people, you will probably soon notice that the longer you think about an orange, the more ideas, associations, and connections will arise in your mind.

You can think about the physical properties of oranges. You can move on to a discussion of orange history and economics. It is possible that you will begin to talk about the origin of the name of this fruit and how it is called in other languages. Finally, you can try to find as many rhymes as possible for the word "orange" (kerosene, harpsichord). And as you move further along the path of associations, look into the piggy bank of your memory, build a chain of logical conclusions, you move from one way of thinking to another, thus training various muscles of the mind.

Each type of thinking has its own, well-defined, "muscles". Logical, analytical, metaphorical, critical, verbal, visual thinking - in each of these cases, we use only one type of mental muscle, which gives us the opportunity to stir up our inner world.

The need to cope with the variety of everyday problems requires us to be flexible in our thinking. Either you work hard in the "field" of critical thinking, using cold, hard logic, or you relax, throw everything out of your head and, playfully, explore new directions. You can work hard and move towards the goal slowly but surely, or you can, with a little juggling of the initial data, arrive at an elegant solution to the problem in the blink of an eye. Just as the various muscles of the body work together to ensure the coordinated work of the arms and legs, in the same way, the muscles of the mind need coordination in order for our thinking to be clear and focused.

We can say that there are four basic characteristics of the level of training, the preparedness of the mind for work:

Whenever a person undertakes a task that requires concentration, he applies the power of the mind. It is this quality that you use when you go through possible options in search of the optimal solution, when you solve a difficult mathematical problem, when you balance a checkbook, when you concentrate on one object or idea without being distracted by anything else. The power of the mind is the ability to focus on what is needed, and as much as necessary.

If you need to create something new, if you need creativity, then your thinking muscles must be flexible and plastic. The flexibility of the mind is the ability to switch from one train of thought to another. It's like a game: you lose various options, build unexpected combinations, look at the situation from all sides. You collide concepts, mix ideas, make the most unthinkable assumptions in order to explore more and more new possibilities. Flexibility of mind is an artistic, synthetic approach. It's creativity, brainstorming, and a little bit of zen all together.

If you want to bring your ideas to life, you will need mental stamina. Endurance is the ability to maintain a high level of activity for a long time without distraction and without losing courage. This is the ability to endure, to go the whole distance.

If you want to add subtlety and flair, then you need the coordination of the mind, that is, the synchronization of thought processes of all types, their balance and liveliness. Coordination of the mind is a virtuoso mastery of the technique of arranging thoughts, the ability to operate simultaneously with several concepts, maintaining balance under any circumstances, this is the desire to learn in order to gain new knowledge and the willingness to fight for high ideals.

It is these four qualities - strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination - that determine how our mind is ready for work. Only regularly alternating tension and relaxation of its various muscles, engaging in intellectual shaping and mental athleticism, only constantly “moving the brain convolutions”, can one stay in good shape for a long time.

As a diamond cuts a diamond, as one whetstone polishes another,

so different parts of the intellect sharpen each other.

Genius is the result of their mutual influence.

Cyrus Barthol, priest

How do people lose their intellectual form

Why is the mind of one person sharp, brilliant, full of creative ideas, while the other "breathes a little"?

There are two main reasons for this: differences in the demands that certain circumstances place on us, and differences in habitual ways of thinking.

A bricklayer does not need to go to the gym to train his hands. By mixing mortar and laying bricks as he works, he naturally strengthens the muscles in his arms. Similarly, an accountant does not need to go to school to practice arithmetic. He is already constantly working with numbers, his "math muscles" are constantly exercising.

If the circumstances of life do not require continuous mental effort from you, then you simply do not have an incentive to keep yourself in shape. However, if life often presents you with problems that require urgent solutions, then the muscles of your mind become strong and fast. The essence of this idea is best expressed by the old saying:

Apply or lose!


Ask yourself, "Which of my mental muscles don't get daily exercise?"

A habit is a way of doing something without thinking. Whether we like it or not, our entire life, from the way we brush our teeth to the way we achieve strategic goals, is largely dependent on our personal set of automatic skills. In principle, this is how it should be! Can you imagine what your life will turn into if you have to re-learn how to brush your teeth every day?!

Your entire intellectual life - your observations, what holds your attention, how well you learn, how you solve problems, what worries you, what you enjoy, what you think about during the day - is largely determined by your habits.

The key to achieving high brain performance is to develop a specific set of beneficial habits that help you achieve what you want. An intellectually developed person can quite freely control the work of his mind. He is interested in how the world works and why everything happens the way it does and not otherwise. He has a wide range of interests. He also knows how to change his habits through well-thought-out, conscious actions and develop very useful skills, such as making himself dream less and build less castles in the air, make smarter decisions or take more risks. Together, these good habits allow the mind to become more receptive, respond appropriately to changing conditions, and ultimately develop the most important of all habits, the habit of acquiring good habits.

Sow a thought, reap an action

Sow a deed, reap a habit

Sow a habit, reap a character

Sow character, reap destiny.

Charles Reid, writer


Ask yourself: "What habits prevent me from thinking productively?"

Good exercises for the intellect

Solve the crossword.

To prepare for an exam.

Take part in a TV interview.

Improvise on stage.

Understand difficult text.

Prepare a gourmet dinner.

Clearly imagine the face of a friend.

Try to remember with all the details when you last ate ice cream.

Name your first teachers.

Learn a new language.

Lie convincingly.

Write a program on a computer.

Understand how a toaster works.

Write a realistic landscape.

Change your bad mood into a good one.

Think about infinity.

Write a docudrama.

Recall in detail an important conversation that took place a month ago.

Talk to your boss about a pay raise.

Keep yourself in hand.

Design an improved mousetrap.

Refurbish the bedroom.

Ask an influencer a question.

Write an essay on philosophy.

Explain to a four year old why the sky is blue.

Discuss the terms of the contract.

Bluff at poker.

Have fun with a computer game.

To seek the truth...

How to achieve a good intellectual form? Mind training, like body training, involves movement. For the body, movement is warming up, running, swimming, playing basketball, weightlifting - everything that causes muscles to contract and stretch.

For the mind, movement is a flight of thought - from suggestion to conclusion, from problem to solution, from question to answer and from answer to question, from one state of mind to another.

Whenever you begin to think actively, that is, consciously and purposefully manipulate intellectual resources, you immediately set the muscles of your mind in motion.

In a broad sense, the term "training" means an activity aimed at developing skills, improving oneself, developing one's own abilities. In fact, any activity that requires active attention - whether it's solving a puzzle, solving a production problem, or just trying to collect your thoughts while sitting quietly in a chair - is a mental exercise.

Not only what you do is important, but also how you do it - that is, the correct technique for performing the exercise is important. The gymnast repeats the movement over and over again, making small adjustments, until he achieves desired result. Thanks to training, the muscles of the gymnast become more obedient.

You, in order to develop the muscles of the mind, train thinking. Practice a certain task in your mind until your "muscles" learn how to perform it as it should.

Good mental gymnastics is a meeting with yourself, it is an opportunity to concentrate on your own inner world and challenge your intellect. It is a way to transform mental energy into constructive thought.

It doesn't matter if you're determined to work hard to achieve peak mental performance, or if you just want to stretch a little to make your mind more flexible. In any case, the good old mind gymnastics will increase your creativity, give you the joy of achieving the intended goal and will contribute to the development of your intellect.

How to create a personal gym

In the next twelve chapters, you will learn many ways to train your brain. Each chapter is a kind of exercise machine designed to develop a certain quality of your mind. On some simulators, you will alternately make efforts, then relax, plunging into serene calmness; on others you will have to drill your mind "up to a sweat." Some exercises are designed to activate your left hemisphere - the analytical, logical part of the brain, others - for the right hemisphere, the intuitive part of the brain, also responsible for spatial perception. Together, the machines provide you with a comprehensive intellectual workout.

Exercise 1: Freeing the Mind. Warm up.

Trainer 2: Movement of the mind. Concentration of attention.

Trainer 3: Persistence of mind. Increase endurance.

Trainer 4: Mind Gymnastics (I). Creative thinking.

Exercise 5: Mind Gymnastics (II). verbal thinking.

Trainer 6: The power of the mind. Problem solving.

Exercise 7: Mind game. Let's fool around.

Exercise 8: Looking into the past. Memory.

Exercise 9: Flexibility of mind. Analysis and synthesis.

Exercise 10: Coordination of the mind. Making decisions.

Exercise 11: Improvisation. Creation.

Trainer 12: Top performance. Learn to learn.

Helpful Hints

Here are some tips to consider before doing the exercises.

TIP 1.

Dress up your thoughts in a "training suit". Let all the problems and worries remain in the wardrobe along with streetwear. Create a working atmosphere for training. Take pleasure in overcoming the difficulties that you have chosen for yourself.

TIP 2.

Practice, don't analyze. The whole point of intellectual training is to consciously manipulate mental resources - so do the exercises. The results will be in direct proportion to your willingness to strain the muscles of the mind. Remember, good training is the key to success.

TIP 3.

Do not hurry. Don't rush to do the exercises. It takes time to get to the deep layers of thinking. Be patient. Give yourself time to explore the possibilities of your intellect.

TIP 4.

Repeat exercises. Most of the exercises in this book can be done countless times at every opportunity. The development of your mental abilities is determined only by time and practice. Develop your own Mind Gymnastics routine. If you don't succeed in an exercise, take a break and come back to it later.

TIP 5.

Exercise as often as possible. The more stress you give yourself, the easier subsequent workouts become. The easier the workouts become, the more you like them. The more you like them, the more you exercise your mind. The more you exercise your mind, the more developed it becomes.

Now you are ready to start

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At any age, you can improve your mental abilities. Human appearance is difficult to correct, but one can improve one's inner essence all one's life. Let's talk about how to learn to think in general, how to learn to think logically and All this is very important for self-development.


To train your brain to think, you need to set aside at least a small part of your day for this. If you don't have much time to spare, meditate on your way to work or the store, while cooking or walking your dog. You should always use the unique ability of the brain to perform several tasks at the same time.

What do you need to think about? We will never grow as individuals unless we learn to analyze. Moreover, you can analyze almost everything, even that which does not concern us in any way. Remember and evaluate your own and other people's actions and words. Think about how they influenced you or those around you, what they eventually led to, what should have been done wrong. But be careful not to reminisce so much that you forget the present and the future.


In addition to analyzing everything that has already passed in your life, it is worth thinking about what is yet to come. Always plan to be better. After analyzing past actions and incidents in your life, think about how to prevent mistakes from happening again. Try to anticipate difficult situations that may arise in your life tomorrow or in a week, and imagine several options for your reaction to them, and then choose the best one in your opinion.

Be sure to keep your brain thinking about goals. How to learn to think about your goals constantly and not forget about them? You can write them down on a piece of paper, and then constantly review this list, reviving in memory. Build intermediate goals for each day, week and month. Imagine your future, draw its possible scenarios, think about it all the time, in practice.

be careful

Any information perceived by a person first enters the brain areas responsible for processing unconscious information, and only after that their interaction with the zones that become activated when a person realizes it begins. Information that has reached the level of consciousness, we can actively use and remember even after a year. And everything that remains in the area of ​​our subconscious can only work for us as intuition.

Why is it important to remember this feature of the brain for those who are wondering how to learn to think correctly? The thing is that if you want some information to remain in your memory and you can then use it for your thoughts, you need to show special interest in it. Only in this case, it will break through from your subconscious into consciousness and will be available to you in the future.

Therefore, everyone who constantly repeats to himself: “I want to learn to think,” first of all, you need to say to yourself: “I want to be attentive to what I hear and see.” The human brain does not independently determine what information is important and what is not. Everything that we do not pay special conscious attention to, he does not consider important and leaves it at the level of the subconscious inaccessible to us.

For example, we remember (because we realized) that we met a friend on the way to work, but we never remember hundreds of other faces we saw at that time. There is only one conclusion: be extremely focused on the information that you consider valuable for yourself, try to develop the most sincere interest in it. Then it will not escape your consciousness, and you will be able to use it for deep reflection.

Be inquisitive

Do not limit yourself to too narrow a circle of interests, because there are so many exciting things in the world that you should think about. For example, you go to work and notice a small snail on the road. Instead of just picking it up and taking it to the grass, stop and think: how does this tiny creature live, what does it eat and how does it raise its children? Assuming some answers, do not forget to search the Internet for reliable information about this when you return from work and compare with your assumptions.

Have you ever thought, looking at the sky, why it is blue or why the sun shines and warms us, how the leaves of plants purify the air, or in what colors cats and dogs see the world? And how is our eye arranged, that we see all this? If you accustom yourself to always look around and take a keen interest in everything that surrounds us, you can not only accustom your brain to active work, but also make your life much more interesting.

Make up your own exercises

To the question of how to learn to think for yourself, there are many other answers. Connect your imagination and come up with tasks for yourself that will help you perceive ordinary things and situations in a completely new way. For example, experts advise each time to get to work in new ways, go to other stores, replace your everyday phrases with new ones that are unusual for you. Improves mental abilities learning a foreign language and reading books. Try to periodically change the format of films and music familiar to you - introduce something new into your life.

Do not immediately believe everything that you are told. Explore the issue yourself, ask those who know more about it, and then, having a sufficient number of facts, draw your own conclusions. This may take some time and effort, but it will definitely add wisdom and experience. Always try to have your own opinion based on facts.

Think in game

There are a number of entertaining games that "pump" our brain. All kinds of crosswords and puzzles will be excellent "weights" for him. In addition, you can find an infinite number of different games on the Internet that make us analyze, compare, remember and plan. Many modern computer games are the answer to the question of how to learn to think quickly. In many of them, to win, you need a good reaction and the ability to make decisions instantly.

Board games such as chess, checkers and various card games, unfairly forgotten today, perfectly help to develop logic. Don't neglect them. Also on sale are all sorts of board games that require the attention of the participants, the development of tactics and their own strategy. Such a fun and exciting path to self-development is certainly worthy of special attention.

Develop positive thinking

If you want to truly develop as a person, avoid negative thoughts, as they extinguish even the most ardent aspirations and significantly reduce the potential available. In addition, anger, resentment, disappointment and envy have an extremely negative impact on human health, causing problems with the circulatory and digestive systems, headaches and insomnia, as well as various emotional and mental disorders.

But how do you learn to think positively? First of all, you need to make it a rule to carefully monitor the constantly changing thoughts in your head. As soon as a negative one comes across, immediately stop it and replace it with a positive one. Never let the thoughts in your head fly chaotically, on their own. Such conscious efforts will surely result in the fact that you will develop the habit of thinking positively about everything.

Until you develop a solid habit of positive thinking, surround yourself with those who are already doing it. Always, even when you are not in the mood at all, keep on your face, have a friendly and grateful attitude towards everyone. Notice all the beauty of the world and all the good things that happen to you.

How to overcome laziness

Many of those people who wonder how to learn to think are actually good at it, but simply do not use this magnificent ability. The reason for this is trivially simple - mother laziness. Thinking activity sometimes absorbs as much energy as hard physical labor. Therefore, protecting its energy reserves, the body hardly agrees to make such sacrifices. This is why it is sometimes so hard for us to force ourselves or our children to think, this is where laziness takes its roots.

If our goal is not degradation, but personal growth, it is necessary to make every effort every day to make our brain work. Do not be afraid to overwork him - the brain never gets tired, only we get tired. But remember that the more we get tired of intense thinking, the smarter and more developed we become. It also improves our memory and intelligence. We become more self-confident, interesting and useful to others, and our life is more exciting and happier.