What is the name of the white powder that is sniffed. Signs and effects of cannabinoid use

Drug addiction - Treatment of drug addiction - Eurodoctor.ru - 2008

As a rule, drugs that cause pleasant or unusual states of consciousness become the subject of abuse. All chemical compounds of plant or synthetic origin that directly affect the mental state of a person are commonly called psychoactive. If the abuse of any psychoactive substance becomes especially dangerous for human health and society, causing significant economic losses, then a special legislative act recognizes it as a narcotic, so the drug is not only a medical concept, but also a social, legal one.


Drugs that have a sedative, "inhibitory" effect. This group includes natural and synthetic morphine-like compounds. All natural drugs of the opium group are obtained from the poppy. Cause a state of euphoria, calmness, peace. Involved in metabolic processes, they lead to a rapid (sometimes after one or two doses) emergence of a strong mental and physical dependence. Extremely destructive effect on the body. Drug addictions caused by opiates are very difficult to treat.

  • ("gerych", "white", "horse", "relish") is the most common opiate drug. Along with a very strong and pronounced narcotic effect, it has an extremely high toxicity and the ability to quickly (after 2-3 doses) form physical dependence. Heroin is smoked, snorted, and injected.
  • poppy straw(“straw”, “hay”) - crushed and dried parts of poppy stems and bolls (poppy seeds do not contain narcotic active substances). The straw is used to prepare a solution of acetylated opium.
  • Acetylated opium- a ready-to-use solution obtained as a result of a series of chemical reactions. It has a dark brown color and a characteristic smell of vinegar.
  • raw opium("Khanka", "cake", "opiuha") - specially processed juice of poppy plants, used as a raw material for the preparation of a solution of acetylated opium. Plasticine-like substance. Color - from white to brown. Sold in small pieces.
  • - a strong synthetic drug of the opium group. Sold in the form of a white powder or ready-made solution. In some countries, it is allowed as a means of substitution therapy in the treatment of opium addiction.

Signs of intoxication

A short state of euphoria, unusual drowsiness at various times; slow, "stretched" speech; often "lags behind" the topic and direction of the conversation; good-natured, complaisant, precautionary behavior up to complete submission; the desire for solitude in silence, in the dark, despite the time of day; pallor of the skin; a very narrow pupil that does not respond to changes in lighting; slowing of the heartbeat, respiration, decrease in pain sensitivity; decreased appetite, thirst, reflexes and sexual desire

Consequences of using opiates

Huge risk of contracting HIV and hepatitis due to the use of shared syringes; liver damage due to the low quality of drugs: they contain acetic anhydride, which is used in cooking; a strong decrease in immunity and, as a result, susceptibility to infectious diseases; vein diseases, tooth decay due to impaired calcium metabolism; impotence; decrease in the level of intelligence. There is a very high risk of overdose with serious consequences, up to death


Hemp grows in regions with a warm temperate climate. The further south a plant is grown, the greater the narcotic effect is caused by the drug made from it. The active ingredients are cannabinoids. The impact is a change in consciousness. The characteristic smell of burnt grass remains in the room for a long time. Keeps this smell and clothes.

  • ("grass", "shmal", "anasha", "potion") - dried or raw green grassy part of hemp. Light, greenish-brown crushed leaves and cannabis flowering tops. Can be tightly pressed into clumps. This drug is smoked in the form of hand-rolled cigarettes (“jambs”), and also stuffed into pipes, added to food.
  • ("plan", "nonsense", "dirty")- a mixture of resin, pollen and crushed tops of hemp - a resinous substance of dark brown color, similar to plasticine, in the form of briquettes or capsules. Contains over 20% cannabinoids. Hashish is smoked with the help of special devices. The effect of the drug occurs 10-30 minutes after smoking and can last for several hours. All hemp derivatives belong to the group of illegal drugs and are completely prohibited.

Signs of cannabis use

Euphoria, feeling of carelessness; incontinence, increased talkativeness; a state of severe hunger and thirst, redness of the eyes; at a small dose - relaxation, heightened perception of color, sounds, increased sensitivity to light due to greatly dilated pupils; at a high dose - lethargy, lethargy, confused speech in some, aggressiveness, with unmotivated actions in others; unbridled gaiety, impaired coordination of movements, perception of the size of objects and their spatial relationships, hallucinations, groundless fears and panic

Consequences of use

"Burnout" - confusion in thoughts, disappointment, depression and a feeling of isolation; impaired coordination of movement, memory and mental abilities; delayed sexual development and maturation, including disorders of sperm formation and the menstrual cycle; when taking a large dose of the drug, hallucinations and paranoia may occur; the formation of mental dependence, when smoking does not bring satisfaction, but becomes necessary; provocation of the simultaneous use of alcohol and the transition to harder drugs; bronchitis, systems (one joint of marijuana equals 25 cigarettes), lung cancer


Drugs that have a psychostimulating, "exciting" effect. This group includes synthetic substances containing amphetamine compounds. In most cases, they are administered intravenously. These drugs are derived from drugs containing ephedrine (solutan, ephedrine hydrochloride). In nature, ephedrine is found in the plant "ephedra". The effect of the drug lasts 2-12 hours (depending on the type of substance). Formed mental and physical dependence. Prolonged use requires a constant increase in the dose of the drug. Exacerbated irascibility, malice, aggressiveness. Over time, unreasonable anxiety and suspicion appear. Possible suicide attempts.

Amphetamine addiction has the character of "drunken" or "session" - periods of drug use are replaced by "cold" periods, the duration of which decreases over time.

  • ephedron("gunpowder", "talker", "jeff") - a ready-to-use solution obtained as a result of a chemical reaction. It has a pinkish or transparent color and a characteristic smell of violets.
  • Pervitin("screw", "bolt", "brew") - a ready-to-use solution obtained as a result of a complex chemical reaction. An oily liquid that has a yellow or transparent color and a characteristic smell of apples. Used by users as a substitute for heroin addiction, which is completely ineffective and even more harmful.
  • - white crystals obtained from the ephedra plant. It is used for medicinal purposes, and is also used to prepare ephedron and perventine, most often through drug manipulation. Ready-to-use yellowish crystals. They are inhaled or smoked.

Signs of use

Feeling of serenity and euphoria; increased heart rate and increased blood pressure; dilation of the pupils of the eyes; excessive motor activity, strong sexual emancipation; talkativeness, activity is unproductive and monotonous; there is no feeling of hunger; disruption of sleep and wakefulness

Consequences of amphetamine use

Dizziness, headaches, blurred vision and heavy sweating; heart attacks, strokes; nervous exhaustion; severe mental changes and irreversible changes in the brain; damage to the cardiovascular system and all internal organs; liver damage due to the low quality of drugs - they contain iodine, potassium permanganate and red phosphorus, which are used in the preparation of the drug; the risk of contracting HIV and hepatitis due to the use of shared syringes; a strong decrease in immunity, the danger of an overdose with serious consequences, up to death


A herbal stimulant derived from the leaves of the coca plant. Habituation develops imperceptibly, but steadily. Cocaine freezes the area from the eyes to the chest - the body becomes insensitive.

  • ("puffy", "coke", "snow", "coca", "inhale", "nose candy", "whistle", "snowflake") - a white crystalline powder, usually inhaled through a tube or straw from a smooth surface, such as glass or mirror. Cocaine hydrochloride is highly soluble in water, so it is not only sniffed but sometimes injected or swallowed.
  • crack("stone") - fragile plates formed by mixing cocaine with baking soda and water and evaporation, used for smoking. Crack develops both physical and psychological dependence extremely quickly.


A group of psychedelic drugs that change consciousness - sensations, thoughts, emotions and perceptions - is heterogeneous in origin and chemical composition.

  • LSD(“acid”, “brands”, “blotter”, “red dragon”) is a synthetic drug, a derivative of lysergic acid contained in ergot. Colorless, odorless powder or clear liquid, odorless, colorless and tasteless. The liquid is impregnated with paper or fabric painted with bright patterns. A piece of it is placed under the tongue, it has an effect in 30-60 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. It has a huge hallucinogenic effect in small concentrations - 30g. LSD is enough for 300,000 people.
  • and psilocybin("mushrooms", "toadstools") - narcotic substances with a hallucinogenic effect. Found in toadstool mushrooms. For the onset of a narcotic effect, it is enough to take 2 grams of dried mushrooms. The main danger of this drug is its availability.

Signs of intoxication

Increased heart rate, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, hand tremors, dry skin. Drug intoxication is accompanied by a change in the perception of the external world - those who take hallucinogens say that they "see sounds" and "hear colors"; hallucinations, a strong feeling of happiness, overexcitation; disturbances in the sensation of one's body, coordination of movements; loss of self-control

Consequences of use

Irreversible changes in the structure of the brain, mental disorders of varying severity, up to the complete collapse of the personality. Even a single dose of LSD can lead to a change in the genetic code and irreversible damage to the brain. Mental disorders are indistinguishable from schizophrenia. The drug accumulates in the brain cells. Staying there for a long time, even after a few months it can cause the same sensations as immediately after taking it. The action of the drug lasts 2-12 hours (depending on the type of substance). Formed mental and physical dependence. Prolonged use requires a constant increase in the dose of the drug. Exacerbated irascibility, malice, aggressiveness. Over time, unreasonable anxiety and suspicion appear. Possible suicide attempts


"Ecstasy" is a generic name for a group of synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant drugs, often with hallucinogenic effects. White, brown, pink and yellow tablets or multi-colored, often with drawings, capsules contain about 150 mg of the drug. "Ecstasy" is an expensive drug, and usually its users switch to the systematic use of heroin or amphetamines.


Forming this rubric, we did not set ourselves the goal of observing the chronological or alphabetical order of drugs and psychotropics. Our goal is to reflect in the most digestible and intuitive way all the danger of the effects of drugs on the human body.


Amphetamines include drugs such as Dexedrine, Biphetamine, Ritalin, Preludin, and Mephedrine ("speed" ("speed"), "appers", "benny", "black handsomes", "peer pills"). When used for a long time or in large doses, sleeping pills are harmful and dangerous to health. Sleeping pills are especially dangerous, even in small quantities, when used together with alcohol.

In addition, there are other dangers:

    inadequate assessment of one's own actions and driving abilities;

    loss of control over motor functions and coordination of movements;

    narcotic poisoning, a sign of which are loss of consciousness, cold sweat and weak pulse. Without medical intervention and treatment, an overdose of sleeping pills can be fatal;

    suicide: sleeping pills often play a major role in cases where mentally unstable people intend to commit suicide;

    addiction - sleeping pills are highly addictive on both physical and psychological levels. Many people are drug addicts without even realizing it. sleeping pills may be prescribed for medical purposes. Most addicts do not take this type of drug to get a "high". They take "their pills" to somehow survive or just get through the day or night;

    tolerance - with prolonged use of sleeping pills, tolerance develops, and an increasing dose is required to obtain the desired effect;

    withdrawal syndrome - if you stop taking sleeping pills after their regular use, then the most severe symptoms of withdrawal syndrome immediately appear: appetite disappears, nausea, fatigue appear, pulse quickens, tremors, abdominal cramps, convulsions appear.


Amphetamines are synthetic chemicals that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.


Amphetamines are in the form of capsules, tablets, or pills.


Amphetamines are swallowed, injected intravenously, or inhaled through the nose.

Other forms

Methamphetamine ("ice" ("ice"), "winding", "crystal", "meth", "chalk") is a stimulant and a derivative of amphetamines. It has the same effect on the central nervous system as amphetamines, but it enters the brain much faster, and dependence on it is developed much faster. "Meph" exists in various forms (white powder, pills, and crystal-like "pebbles") and can be swallowed, injected, snorted, or smoked ("ice"). As with other drugs, names are given to it depending on its form, geographical location and local drug culture.

Importance of the problem

Stimulants are produced legally, but are often distributed illegally through criminal channels. The availability of amphetamines is responsible for the high levels of abuse. This problem is exacerbated by the misuse of drugs prescribed for medical purposes. Some employees mistakenly believe that stimulants increase efficiency and creativity, so they ignore their danger to the body and psyche.



Methamphetamine (methamphetamine) - (+) - (S) -N, a-dimethylphenethylamine, (+) -2-methylamino-1-phenylpropane, a synonym is pervitin. Common name: met (meth). In terms of mental and physical effects, methamphetamine is similar to amphetamine. Dosage: 50 mg - intravenously.

methamphetamine metabolites


    para-hydroxy-methamphetamine (including conjugates)


    para-hydroxy-norephedrine (including conjugates)



    benzoic acid

    hippuric acid

After the introduction of methamphetamine, 90% of the dose is excreted in the urine within 4 days. Under conditions of metabolism producing acidic urine, about 76% of the dose is excreted in 24 hours as unchanged methamphetamine and 7% of the dose as amphetamine metabolite. With metabolic alkalinization of urine, the effects of amphetamine and methamphetamine on the body are longer, which is associated with reabsorption and prolonged retention of compounds in the body. In metabolically alkaline urine, methamphetamine accounts for only 2% of the dose and amphetamine less than 0.1% of the dose.

After oral administration under controlled conditions of a dose of methamphetamine 30 mg / 70 kg of weight by ten drug addicts with a long history of using methamphetamine, the content in urine samples collected up to 12 hours was: methamphetamine - 20% and amphetamine - 2% of the dose. The maximum concentration of methamphetamine 2000-3500 ng / ml occurs at a time of 4-6 hours. The duration of methamphetamine detection in urine is up to 7 days.

Methamphetamine and amphetamine are present in the so-called "non-traditional" objects of research: hair, nails, saliva, sweat of people who used amphetamines. Methamphetamine can be detected a few days after the cessation of regular drug use: in hair - after 18 days, in nails - 45 days, saliva - 2 days (data for 25 users).

Heroin (and other opiates)

Opiates are mainly represented by three drugs: heroin ("relish", "junk", "brown sugar", "dope", "horse", "skunk"); morphine ("mud", "M", "doping", "morpho"); codeine ("schoolboy", "cotis"). Type Opiates are obtained from the juice of the opium poppy. They have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Morphine and codeine are often prescribed by doctors as pain relievers.


Heroin is a powder that ranges in color from white to brown. Morphine is available as a white crystalline powder, tablets or in ampoules. Codeine is available as a dark liquid of various viscosities, as well as capsules or tablets.


Heroin is administered intravenously ("expanded", "smeared"), sniffed or smoked. Codeine and morphine are usually taken intravenously or swallowed.

Other forms

Opioids are a synthetic substitute for opium drugs, they are not derived from opium, but they have a similar effect. Opioids include darvon, demerol, mepiridine, and methadone. Methadone is officially prescribed to treat heroin addiction, but it also induces tolerance and addiction.


The physical effects of opiates depend on the drug administered, its dose, and route of administration. The results of the impact can be the following:

    a short state of euphoria, followed by drowsiness;

    slowing of the heartbeat, breathing, decreased activity of the brain;

    decreased appetite, thirst, reflexes and sexual desire;

    increase in pain threshold.


    AIDS, blood poisoning, hepatitis, etc., as a result of drug injection and the use of non-sterile or “shared” needles;

    death resulting from the use of unrefined heroin;

    death as a result of taking a high concentration of a drug;

    convulsions, coma or death due to overdose;

    addiction - opiates, especially heroin, quickly become addictive. Heroin addiction often leads to malnutrition, infections, and indifference to one's own health. Addiction forces a person to continue taking a drug despite physical and mental impairments;

    tolerance - tolerance is developed in a relatively short period of time - the need to increase the dose to obtain the same effect;

    withdrawal syndrome - after a long period of drug use or taking them in large doses, withdrawal symptoms appear 4-8 hours after the last dose. They manifest as sweating, runny nose, irritability, insomnia and convulsions. These symptoms usually become acute within 24 to 72 hours of the last drug use and may last from 7 to 10 days.

Importance of the problem

According to the latest National Sociological Survey on Substance Abuse, 1.8 million Americans have used heroin at least once in their lives. Now the amount of heroin consumed is growing, although until recently there has been a decline. The Abuse Alert Community reports that the number of patients admitted to intensive care for heroin overdose from 1992 to 1993 increased by 44%. Heroin makes up over 90% of the opiates used in the US. As the problem of AIDS becomes more acute, the number of intravenous heroin use has recently decreased, but the number of inhalation and smoking has increased.


German scientists synthesized methadone during World War II due to a lack of morphine. Although chemically similar to neither morphine nor heroin, methadone produces most of the same effects. Introduced in the United States in 1947 as a pain reliever (dolophine), today it is primarily used to treat drug addiction (methadone).

The effects of methadone last much longer than those of drugs based on morphine. The effects of methadone can last up to 24 hours, thus allowing the drug to be taken once a day. Methadone is very effective both by mouth and by injection. Tolerance and dependence, as well as withdrawal symptoms, may develop, although they develop much more slowly and are less severe than from morphine and heroin, but are longer lasting. Ironically, methadone, which is used to control drug abuse, appears on the illegal market quite often, and deaths from methadone overdoses have been reported.

Very similar to methadone is the synthetic compound levo-alphaacetylmethadol or LAAM (ORLAAM), which has a much longer duration of action (48 to 72 hours), allowing a reduction in the frequency of use. In 1994, it was approved as a treatment for drug addiction. Buprenorphine (buprenex) is a Schedule 2 semi-synthetic pain reliever derived from thebaine and is also currently being considered for the treatment of addiction.

Another substance similar to methadone is dextopropoxyphene, first produced in 1957 under the brand name Darvon. The effectiveness of this pain reliever when taken orally is 1/2 and goes up to 1/3, compared with the effect of codeine, and 65 milligrams is equivalent to 600 milligrams of aspirin. Dextropropoxyphene is prescribed to relieve mild pain. The majority of dextropropoxyphene is on Schedule II, while drugs containing it are on Schedule IV. Over 100 tons of dextropropoxyphene is produced in the United States annually and over 25 million drugs are registered as products. This drug is associated with a number of toxic effects and is one of the top ten drugs that, according to medical research, can lead to death.


Cocaine hydrochloride ("coca", "breath", "snow", "nose candy", "whistle", "snowflake").


A potent organic stimulant derived from the leaves of the coca plant. Appearance Cocaine is a white, crystalline powder that is sometimes mixed ("bodyjat") with other substances, such as sugar.


Cocaine is usually sniffed through the nose using a straw or straw with a smooth surface such as glass or a mirror. It is often divided with a razor blade into small "lines".

Other forms

Crack (stone) is an inexpensive drug containing purified cocaine, which is produced in the form of small crumbs, or chips. Crack is smoked by inhaling the fumes that are released when the drug is heated. It begins to act in 10 seconds, a state of euphoria sets in, which lasts about 10-15 minutes. Crack develops both physical and psychological dependence extremely quickly. Some people have experienced withdrawal symptoms after a single dose of crack.

"Freebase" (free base) - obtained by heating pure cocaine, while separating cocaine from its salts. Mixing and smoking cocaine powder with sodium bicarbonate and ether is called "freebasing". "Freebasing" acts very intensively and quickly binds physically and psychologically to its further use. The "high" does not last long (5 - 10 minutes) and very often it is followed by a sharp decline in strength, there is a strong desire to smoke or sniff cocaine again, this feeling is constantly intensifying.


    causes a short but intense feeling of euphoria and increased efficiency;

    stimulates the central nervous system;

    speeds up the pulse, breathing, increases blood pressure, body temperature;

    Expands the pupils of the eyes;

    causes increased agitation and anxiety;

    causes insomnia and chronic fatigue. dangers

    bleeding and other damage to the nasal cavity;

    paranoid psychoses, hallucinations and other mental disorders;

    decrease in motor reflexes;

    death as a result of a violation of cardiac activity or respiratory arrest;

    injury or death from fires or explosions that occur during "freebase" (freebase quickly evaporates when heated);

    Addiction - Cocaine users often become physically and psychologically dependent after a short period of cocaine use. In many cases, the use of crack actually leads to immediate addiction;

    withdrawal syndrome - its symptoms are not as obvious as when stopping the use of other drugs. The strongest symptom is an irresistible desire to take the drug as soon as possible after the drug wears off. If this desire is not satisfied, then irritability, depression and loss of strength can immediately arise.

Importance of the problem

According to the latest sociological study on substance abuse, 1.3 million Americans are currently using cocaine. More than 66% of these addicts are employed in American business. Due to the fact that cocaine costs about $100 per 1 gram and is very addictive, its use is often associated with crime and significant financial hardship.


THC or delta-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol (marijuana, weed, potion, Mary Jane, sinsemilla).


Marijuana is obtained from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Appearance The marijuana plant basically has an odd number of leaves per stem. Ready-to-drink marijuana - dried, crushed, brown-green in color - resembles "creeping oregano" (a type of oregano). Marijuana is usually smoked in the form of rolled cigarettes (“joints”), and is also stuffed into pipes and added to food.

Other forms

Hashish is a dark brown resinous substance that is obtained from the top of the hemp plant. It contains much more tetra-hydrocannabinol (THC) than regular marijuana. It is given various forms in the form of briquettes or capsules. Hash oil is a liquid dark brown extract derived from marijuana and can contain over 20% THC. Oil is often added to regular cigarettes, which are then smoked.


    euphoria, feeling of carelessness;

    lack of motivation for action;

    incontinence, increased talkativeness;

    dry mouth and throat;

    increased appetite, gluttony ("svinak");

    impaired coordination, decreased concentration, memory impairment;

    heart palpitations;


    decrease in results at school, at work;

    the so-called "burnout" - confusion in thoughts, disappointment, depression and a feeling of isolation;

    delayed sexual development and maturation, including disorders of sperm formation and the menstrual cycle;

    damage to the lungs and respiratory system (one "jamb" of marijuana is equivalent to 25 cigarettes);

    when taking a large dose of the drug, hallucinations and paranoia may occur;

    increased risk to health and safety due to delayed response and reduced functioning of the nervous system;

    addiction - long-term use of marijuana often develops psychological dependence in smokers. In addition, marijuana is a "starter" drug. A fickle marijuana smoker often becomes a chronic user of this potion, or becomes a fan of "hard" drugs such as cocaine, LSD, other hallucinogens;

    tolerance - with prolonged use, the smoker needs an increasing amount of marijuana in order to get pleasant sensations (“coming”);

    withdrawal syndrome - regular marijuana smokers often experience insomnia, anxiety, irritability, depression and a constant desire to take the drug again when they stop taking the drug.

Importance of the problem

Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug, with more than 9 million Americans taking it, according to the latest US Government Survey on Substance Abuse. In addition, only 44.9% of respondents were sure that the intermittent use of marijuana is also a huge health risk. Nearly 10% of US employees reported using marijuana. Hemp, cannabis, hashish, marijuana, marijuana, marijuana, plan, pipe, schmal, dope, plasticine, shala, pot, reefer, hemp, sinsemilla, ganga, bhang, herb, weed, boom, Mary Jane, gangster, chronic, etc d.


(Cannabis sativa, i.e. hemp seed, also called "Indian") is a cultivated plant that has many uses. Fibers for hemp ropes are obtained from it and a fabric similar to linen is made. Its stems are used in the production of glossy paper and construction fiber cement boards. Its seeds can be used to feed poultry. Hemp seed oil was offered as a fuel instead of diesel. They even make medicine out of it. However, hemp is most famous as a raw material for the manufacture of drugs.

Hemp is an unpretentious dioecious annual herbaceous plant. Despite the name "sowing", hemp grows well and settles without human help. In height, it can reach 5-6 meters, but usually does not grow above 2 m. Its leaves are divided into narrow lobes, have jagged edges. The hemp stem is covered with hairs that secrete a sticky, resinous secretion. The flowers are small and collected in inflorescences. Male plants are smaller, female ones are larger and "rougher". The scientific name ("Cannabis sativa") was given to hemp by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. In Russian scientific and near-scientific literature, the Latin name "cannabis" and the Russian "hemp" are used equally.

In total, about 400 organic compounds have been found in hemp. Of these, about 60 were first discovered in it, which is why they are called "cannabinoids" (some of the cannabinoids are not found anywhere else in nature). The active (narcotic active) principle of cannabis is a subgroup of cannabinoids under the general name "cannabinols". Among them, hemp contains the largest amount of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, and the English abbreviation is THC). Usually, when talking about the narcotic substances of hemp, they mean it. We will follow the same order. Another substance that predominates among cannabinoids is "cannabidiol", about which very little is known so far. In addition to vegetable (found in hemp, cannabinoids), there are also synthetic ones - obtained in the laboratory. They are supposed to be used as medicines, which will be discussed in the corresponding section. Most surprisingly, there are cannabinoid-like substances that are produced naturally in the body of mammals (including the human body), and the first of these was the discovery of a compound called "anandamide".

Cannabis narcotic preparations are the most common illicit psychoactive substances in the world (however, in large cities of Russia, heroin has recently taken the first place), and among all intoxicants in terms of mass use, they are second only to alcohol.

Among the preparations of cannabis, the main ones are two:

The dried herbaceous (without roots) part of hemp, also called "marijuana". These are tobacco-like, usually light greenish-brown or grayish-green finely ground dried leaves and stems. The upper parts of the plant, which contain more THC, are usually used.

A pressed mixture of resin, pollen and finely crushed tops and inflorescences of hemp ("anasha", "hashish", "plan") - a dark brown dense substance, in consistency reminiscent of chilled plasticine (but less plastic) or cork tree bark, leaves on paper greasy spots.

There are others that are not so popular. Almost all cannabis preparations have a rather sharp specific smell and bitter taste. Usually they are smoked, mixed with tobacco or in pure form, but there are also more exotic ways of using them.

Psychic Effects

The state-determining effects of cannabis, which determine the state of acute subjectively-felt intoxication, consist essentially of changes in perception, mood, behavior and cognition. However, acute (arising after a single use of cannabis) mental effects include not only pleasant and subjectively desirable.


Under the influence of cannabis, mood and emotions vary markedly. As a rule, it causes a distinct euphoria, which determines its "narcogenicity" - the ability to form a need for repeated use. However, sometimes, on the contrary, dysphoria (a state of “anxious melancholy”) or anxiety may occur. There are also more serious side effects: specific acute panic reactions and acute psychosis (about them a little lower, in the "Complications" section).

Impact on behavior

Tart (1971) and Grinspoon (1977) note that behavioral effects include a tendency to be hyperactive (i.e., restless), laughing, and talkative in public, although conversation may not always make sense; and immoderation in eating and drinking. On the other hand, intoxication is often accompanied by a relatively peaceful, calm, or even drowsy state of being stoned. Do not be surprised: the development of hyperactivity or drowsiness depends on the dose taken, as well as on how familiar the addict has become with cannabis, that is, on his tolerance (which is discussed below) and experience. On the contrary, fearfulness and fussiness due to anxiety and restlessness may occur. Intoxication usually ends with a period of drowsiness.

Attention, memory and learning ability

Symptoms of impaired cognitive processes include decreased attention, memory impairment, and the ability to reason logically. Hooker and Jones (1987) found that single cannabis intoxication impairs attention and memory. This double-blind study on "experienced users" (in Russian, heavy cannabis smokers) used standardized cigarettes containing THC at 1.2% by weight. The placebo control cigarettes contained no THC but were otherwise identical, so these effects can only be attributed to cannabinol. It is also possible to conclude from this work that cannabis intoxication in experienced users has the strongest effect on information processing in changing conditions, and has no significant effect on habitual, stereotyped activity. Cohen and Rickles (1974) report an increase in tolerance to acute cognitive (i.e., those related to attention, memory, and cognition) impairment in regular cannabis users.

Perceptual disorders

Disorders include a feeling of lightness, variability in perceived images, painful sharpening of visual and auditory perception, visual illusions, and a sense of slowing down the passage of time. Cannabis lovers say that it makes colors appear brighter, music more pleasant, and the passage of time "slows down", that is, "subjective" time lags behind real time. These effects are stronger the higher the dose taken. They are entirely attributed to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Still higher doses can cause severe suspicion, anxiety, dysphoria, panic and paranoid reactions, and very high doses can cause a delirious (i.e., hallucinatory-delusional) state (Hollister, 1986). A few mildly unpleasant "experiences" are unlikely to stop a hashishist from continuing to use cannabis, but a more severe and frightening experience may be a reason to stop using cannabis.

Motor dysfunction

Experimental studies have demonstrated the negative impact of cannabis on psychomotor functions, for example, on the ability to drive a car, operate an airplane or industrial equipment (of course, all experiments were carried out on simulators, and not in real conditions, as one of our correspondents suggested). Even "experienced users" experience deterioration in reaction time and the ability to perform complex operator tasks such as tracking an object or dividing attention between multiple processes (Barnett, Licko & Thompson, 1985). In this work, significant impairments were noted in all samples, and functions returned to normal only 10-12 hours after smoking one standardized marijuana cigarette.

Autonomic disorders

Cannabis intoxication is also accompanied by disturbances in the work of the autonomic nervous system (providing control over the work of internal organs). The most noticeable cardiovascular disorders in the form of specific tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), postural hypotension (lowering blood pressure when standing up abruptly), increased pressure in the supine position, and hyperemia (redness) of the whites of the eyes.

Currently, there is evidence that the endothelium-produced hyperpolarizing factor (a substance that changes the tone of small blood vessels and is produced in the walls of these same vessels) may be a cannabinoid like anadamide. This means that one of the physiological roles of endogenous (produced by the body) cannabinoids may be the control of blood flow in small vessels (“resistance vessels”), i.e., the humoral regulation of blood pressure. It is possible that the reddening of the whites of the eyes due to the expansion of the blood vessels of the conjunctiva is due to this particular function of cannabinoids. It should be noted that the state of the small vessels of the whites of the eyes when intoxicated with cannabis can serve as a “reflection” of the state of the vessels of the internal organs and the brain. Cannabinoids also cause dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and. Other autonomic effects that may be associated with cannabis or psychotropic cannabinoids include reduced visual clarity, thermoregulatory disturbances, and intestinal motility. Complications The immediate subjective pleasurable effects of cannabis use are the reason for its popularity. However, with prolonged and intense use of cannabis, other effects begin to accumulate, none of which are desirable or enjoyable. Therefore, chronic changes that occur in the body and even in the lifestyle of a regular cannabis user are called “complications”.

List of complications resulting from the use of cannabis:


Constant apathy and drowsiness; Deterioration of working memory; Violations of abstract thinking; Depression and anxiety; Irritability; Emotional instability; Panic attacks; Deterioration of character; Decreased intelligence; Suicide.

Nervous system

Headaches; Impaired coordination of movements; Slow reaction time; Violation of eye reflexes; Violation of the visual assessment of space and color perception;

Respiratory system

Dry unproductive cough; Chronic pharyngitis; Discoloration of the oral mucosa, swelling of the tongue of the palate; Persistent nasal congestion; Aggravation of asthma; Frequent respiratory tract infections; Chronic bronchitis; Chronic obstructive bronchitis; Lung cancer.

reproductive system

Decreased libido and feelings of sexual satisfaction; Decreased potency; Violation of the regularity or absence of menstruation; Violations of the development of pregnancy and fetus; Infertility.

Social Consequences

Self-isolation; Reduction of claims and loss of plans to achieve a high social position; Cessation of sports and other social activities; Loss of other hobbies.



Hallucinogens (psychodysleptic or psychotomimetic substances) are drugs that distort human sensations, thoughts, emotions and perceptions.

PSP (PCP) Phencyclidine (PCP, from the English phencyclidine (PCP)) is a synthetic drug, also known as “angel dust”, “rocket fuel”, “wild tranquilizer”, “zombie”, “crystal joint " and love". PSP may be in the form of a white crystalline powder or a clear liquid. Both in powder and liquid form, PSP is a strong drug, and is used in conjunction with marijuana or parsley, which are then smoked or eaten. Cigarettes are also dipped in liquid PSP before use.

PSP effects:

    disturbance of consciousness;

    disorientation, confusion, memory loss;

    extremely unpredictable, sometimes eccentric or violent behavior;

    the strongest excitement;

    impaired ability to drive a vehicle;

    increase in pain threshold.

Even for a short period of PSP use, mental disorders can occur that resemble bouts of schizophrenia, severe depression, loss of ability to perceive information, violence and other behavioral disorders caused by intoxication. All this can lead to injury or death. Physical dependence on PSP has been confirmed and may be accompanied by memory loss, aggressive behavior, weight loss and paranoia. Withdrawal symptoms include headache, a strong craving for drugs, increased sleepiness, and long-term effects of use, or "flashbacks" (flashbacks) for many years after use.

Action of hallucinogens

    distortion of perception of reality - those who take hallucinogens say that they "see sounds" and "hear colors";

    Unexpected and unpredictable outbreaks of violence;

    genetic disorders;

    Depression, in some cases accompanied by a desire for suicide.

Importance of the problem


Ecstasy, or methylmethamphetamic acid, usually comes in the form of tablets or capsules. When taken, it causes the same sensations as LSD, only without hallucinations. Ecstasy also enhances visual and auditory perception, perfectly stimulates the feeling of satisfaction and good mood. Ecstasy has various names, for example: "X" (X), "ExTiC" (XTC), "disco cakes" (disco biscuits) and "snacks" (scoobie snacks). Drug use is often associated with "rave parties" (from the English "rave" party - underground dance parties, for example, in warehouses where there is no alcohol, but there is always ecstasy). There have been many cases of ecstasy overdose followed by heart failure, convulsions and death.


Psilocybin is the active ingredient in the psilocybe mushroom, which is chemically similar to LSD. "Magic mushrooms" ("shrums", "toadstools", "hallucinogens") can be eaten whole or made into powder, liquid. Psilocybin is now produced synthetically.


Mescaline is the most active ingredient in the peyote cactus. Mescaline is available in powder, capsule, liquid form; it can be inhaled, swallowed, and administered intravenously, as well as taken in the form of brown “mesal buttons,” which are the dried tops of a cactus. Mescaline is also produced synthetically, and a dose of 350-500 mg can cause hallucinations lasting 5-12 hours.

Volatile solvents

Common inhalants: glue, nail polish remover, lighter fluids, nitric oxide, ether, hairspray, insect repellent, and cleaning agents ("irritants", "fresheners", "moon gas", "locker room" , “jellyfish”, “parish”, etc.).


Volatile solvents are consumed by inhalation and cause psychoactive effects (affect the psyche). They include substances such as aerosols, solvents, some anesthetics, and amyl and butyl nitrites. Use Volatile solvents are inhaled through the nose or mouth.


    Short-term - "arrival" is accompanied by dizziness and delirium. Further inhalation of volatile inhalants may result in sneezing, coughing, runny nose, nosebleeds, nausea, abnormal heart rhythm and chest pain, loss of coordination, balance and decision making;

    Long-term - the liver, nervous system and brain are damaged. Heart failure, respiratory arrest, suffocation, unconsciousness, and death may occur.


    at high concentration, volatile solvents displace oxygen from the lungs and depress the nervous system so much that respiratory arrest can occur;

    brain damage as a result of long-term use;

    dependence - with prolonged use of volatile solvents, an increase in the dose of the substance is required to obtain the same effect;

    withdrawal syndrome - withdrawal symptoms are manifested in the form of irritability, fatigue, anxiety.

Vlad Shevtsov, velvetshark.ru

And the paths in the winter garden of the victim were sprinkled with white powder.
A. Marinina. "The Last Arrival of the Executioner".

White powder accompanies us all our lives, and for someone - even death. It is different in taste, and even in color, and in effect, and in price. White powder is a multifunctional thing, and you will see for yourself.

The main substance of one of the white powders is benzoylecgonine methyl ester. Chemists don't need to read any further - they already understood everything. The white powder was prescribed by doctors. In pharmacies, patent medicines containing it were sold without any prescription (for example, Mariani wine, the record holder for sales in Europe). And, of course, Coca-Cola. Old advertisements say that this drink "contains tonic and stimulants from kola plants." White powder took its place in music and literature: it gave Sherlock Holmes vivacity and improved deductive abilities; Stevenson apparently wrote the story about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde during his white powder treatment for tuberculosis. Good recommendations for cocaine came from Thomas Edison, Jules Verne, Emile Zola, Heinrich Ibsen, and President Grant.

The largest domestic manufacturer, N-skaya Kosmetika (NK), bought the Angarsk White Powder Plant (AZBP). For 7.5 million dollars, the N-tsam got a plant with a design capacity of 60 thousand tons of white powder per year. Now the enterprise is less than half loaded, and produces little-known white powders called "Grain", "Track", "Fly away", as well as "Ordinary white powder". The Angarsk plant occupies approximately 6% of the Russian powder market. However, this does not frighten N-cosmetics. Having bought AZBP, the new owners expect to become the leading Russian manufacturer of white powder in two or three years and to push the monsters of powder chemistry on the market - this and that

It has long been known that animals love white powder. Rats and monkeys will prefer white powder to any other powder and, under certain circumstances, even food. Apparently, the strong invigorating effect of the white powder comes from the fact that they interact with the dopamine-containing neurons of the nerve channels that make up the central node of the forebrain. This part of the brain is responsible for the feeling of pleasure, and white powder can be called a catalyst for processes in the pleasure system. Since long-term use of white powder depletes dopamine (and other mediators important in depression), a person's ability to experience normal pleasure decreases.

Other types of white powder in various stages of processing. Here "white powder" is only the name of the substance, but not the designation of its color, and, moreover, of the consistency.

Brown lumpy white raw powder

Obtained by moisturizing, shaping and drying a brown white powder. Definitely served with coffee in expensive restaurants.

Brown white powder mixed with syrup

It has a very rich taste and aroma. Good for curry and chili dishes, as well as punch and Irish coffee.

Cane brown lumpy white powder

A tribute to modern fashion for everything environmentally friendly and minimally processed. Rustic, unrefined, irregularly shaped powder is a must-have on the aesthete gourmet dude's table.

Brown unrefined white powder

This crushed golden crystalline product is best suited for making fine coffees. Considered very useful.

Refined lumpy white powder

This white powder, along with white sand powder, is most widely used by housewives. It is made from white-powdered beets.

Acute poisoning with white powder is possible with careless or improper use of it for anesthesia. The sensitivity to white powder of individuals varies greatly, so the same amount can cause poisoning of varying severity. Acute poisoning with white powder develops quickly and begins with signs of a disorder of higher nervous activity: anxiety appears, consciousness is darkened, speech becomes incoherent. Severe headache and dizziness are often observed. The skin becomes pale, moist, cold to the touch. The pupils are greatly dilated, there is a sharp shortness of breath, tachycardia. Body temperature rises. There may be nausea and vomiting. Motor excitation and spasms are characteristic. Further, the excitation of the central nervous system is replaced by its oppression. The victim falls into an unconscious state, breathing becomes shallow and irregular, blood pressure drops. Death comes from respiratory arrest.

In Russia, white powder from the very beginning remained a luxury, and it was served only at the royal table. It was only in 1718 that Peter I ordered the construction of the first white powder plant in Russia on the Vyborg side in St. Petersburg.

There have been no special upheavals and explosions in the domestic market of white powder for a long time. Last year, for example, Russians consumed about 439,000 tons of white powder, spending about $450 million on it. This year, according to the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, the production of white powder has grown by a maximum of 2%. Spending by the population also increased by only 3%.

Periodically, in different states, envelopes with white powder are found in the mail. With the advent of the new year, bioterrorists congratulate you. This means that someone, sooner or later, will feel a slight malaise. Symptoms of malaise (fever up to 40 ° C, general weakness, fatigue, headache, weakness, tachycardia) appear by the end of the first day or on the 2nd day of illness. The fever lasts for 5-7 days, the body temperature drops critically. Local changes in the area of ​​the ulcer gradually heal, and by the end of the 2-3rd week the scab is torn off. Usually there is a single ulcer, although sometimes there may be multiple (2-5 and even 36). An increase in the number of ulcers does not have a noticeable effect on the severity of the course of the disease. The age of the patient has a greater influence on the severity of the course of the disease. Before the introduction of antibiotics, mortality among patients older than 50 years was 5 times higher (54%) than among younger patients (8–11%). Bioterrorists - they are.

Periodically, giant layers of caked white powder are found in the bowels of the earth, which is mined by the mine method, with the involvement of self-guided combines. In the cavities remaining after the workings, underground oil storage facilities are arranged - in case of a nuclear war.

Corporate structure in the white powder trade in the 1980s

In the center is the senior vice president, the king of white powder;

1. Head of supplies - buyers of raw materials - buyers of chemicals and equipment;

2. Head of delivery - transport companies - drivers, pilots;

3. Head of distribution - managers in the US - accountants, processors, supervisors - managers in Europe, Asia;

4. Head of production - laboratory managers - chemists - chemical engineers, industrial engineers - workers - security - telecom operators;

5. Head of finance - responsible for money laundering - insurance coordinators - responsible for financial planning - managers of legal enterprises - accountants, payroll tellers;

6. Head of Government Relations - lawyers - couriers - communications officers;

7. Head of military operations - assassins - intelligence, analysts, informants - paramilitary leaders.

Hint: cocaine, washing powder, cocaine, sugar, cocaine, sugar, washing powder, anthrax, salt, cocaine.

Can you smoke drugs? This question is no longer rhetorical, because there is a whole series of smoking drugs.

If earlier people were sure that smoking drugs are harmless, and they can be attributed to a series of drugs very symbolically, now the issue of smoking drugs is no longer rare.

Modern drug addicts do not just use drugs in the form of injections, but also smoke them, and very actively. At the same time, modern medicine is replete with stories about the destructive use of smoking drugs.

Moreover, the drugs themselves and the consequences of their use, including suicide, and all kinds of accidents after using drugs, kill.

In the 20th century, smoking drugs of plant origin were common: marijuana, marijuana, hashish, which were produced on the basis of hemp. At the same time, hashish was more associated with a syringe, and only a few knew that it can be smoked.

Today, for the most part, synthetic drugs are smoked - spices, mixes. The action of synthetic smoking mixtures has serious consequences, which have not been fully identified due to the synthetics of these drugs.

Smoking drugs - spices - appeared recently and immediately found their ardent adherents. They actually filled the whole world.

The reason for this prevalence is that spice is a new drug, and it was not immediately recognized as a psychotropic element. Before the official recognition of spice as a drug, a lot of people had already managed to join it.

The harm from spice is so great that scientists and doctors around the world are sounding the alarm against smoking mixtures. Smoking mixtures cause persistent addiction, spoil health, destroy the human psyche. Very often the consequences of spices are irreversible. But despite this, many underestimate spices, and yet their consequences are irreversible.

Spice smoking is common among young people because it is quite affordable. In addition, most young people are very actively deluded into thinking smoking mixtures are safe. Therefore, in order to fall into drug addiction, it takes a little time. In addition, people of different classes and material sufficiency succumb to the influence of smoking mixtures.

Misconceptions about smoking blends are so common that spices seep into even the most enlightened (elite) youth circles.

Recently, the world has begun to think about how to fight spice-smoking drugs, successfully veiled under the guise of incense.

The fact that spice is a drug is already undeniable. Spice is a mixture of various herbal formulations, which is flavored with synthetic psychotropic substances. The trouble is that spices are very often projected with incense, and the added synthetic additives are often simply not on the ingredient list.

Young people use spices in large groups, consider them part of the party. The effects of smoking spices are discussed among young people. It is very important when discussing to "shine" your own assessment of spice, based on fresh sensations.

Discussions of youth forums and social networks are devoted to the topic of spice. This makes the smoking mixture very common and popular among young people.

Spice harm

The depth of spice harm is determined by the content of entheogens in its composition - plants that have a special intoxicating effect on human consciousness. Among these plants are especially common: blue lotus, salvia, Hawaiian rose. But the addition of these plants is quite expensive, and often simply not available. The cheapness of spices indicates the absence of these plants in the mixture, despite the presence of the names of these plants in the mix. The intoxicating effect is perfectly replaced by chemical additives that are cheaper and more accessible to manufacturers.

Even short-term use of spices leads to persistent psychological and physical dependence. In the absence of the next dose, an occurrence occurs - breaking, as a result of which psychosis, body aches, fever, headache, vomiting and nausea, headache and muscle pain appear.

Prolonged use of spices leads to damage to the nervous system. Drug addicts who use spice for a long time are characterized by impaired memory and attention, inhibition of mental processes, the appearance of convulsions and fainting, and a violation of the cardiovascular system. There are also violations of the genitourinary, digestive, respiratory systems.

Spice use is detrimental to humans. But more dangerous is that no one can be sure of the exact composition of a bag of smoking mixture. Therefore, no one can give guarantees about the safety of these substances. This is also due to the fact that the substances that make up the mixtures have not been tested and additional research, so it is impossible to accurately predict the consequences of their use.

In addition, the body of each person is so individual that it is impossible to predict the body's reaction to the effects of spices. Statistics knows many cases of mass use of smoking drugs in the company of young people, in which some young people reacted with a slight hangover, while others pay with their own lives. In addition, none of the manufacturers will warn about the danger of interaction with alcohol and drugs. It is completely unclear which dose will be harmless, and which will be the last.

Spice smoking blends are officially produced in Northern Ireland based on Chinese raw materials. This drug is advertised in many countries as an incense to create comfort, peace and joy in the home. Thus, the drug is distributed throughout the world, bypassing all barriers.

Smoking spice causes instant effects: (visual and auditory), great energy, elevated mood along with euphoria, loss of connection with the reality of the world. Sometimes there are attacks of fear, panic, suicidal actions.

The effects of taking spices last from two to twelve hours, after which there is a complete loss of strength, deterioration of health, manifestations of psychosis, irritability, panic, fears.

Treatment for spice addiction is a lengthy process and not always effective. Treatment should take place only in a hospital under the supervision of experienced narcologists. Medical supervision should be constant also because the composition of spices is unpredictable and its consequences have not been fully identified. Even an empirically identified antidote can cause unpredictable reactions in humans.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the experience of the doctor, the correct selection of drugs, the desire to cope with addiction and the support of family and friends.

Very often, spice is an intermediate stage between a healthy lifestyle and the use of deeper and stronger drugs. This is why spice addiction treatment is essential for so many young people.

Getting rid of addiction is not easy. As a rule, people think about it after several doses of the smoking mixture. To deny yourself the next dose is a difficult matter.

Firstly, addiction to spice goes collectively, while refusing the drug individually. Very often, drug addicts simply cannot resist using drugs.

Secondly, smoking blends are readily available and the painful effect of quitting is great, making it more accessible to delay interrupting a dose indefinitely.

Thirdly, a person is most often left alone with his misfortune. Close people condemn attachment, and “comrades-in-arms” in use are not ready to start fighting drug addiction at the same time.

The fight against spice addiction should take place in a specialized clinic with the support of loved ones.

What you need to know about smoking blends

At the present stage, the most common smoking drugs are: mix, plan, book, magazine, cherry, chocolate, smoke, chemistry and other smoking mixtures with very original names. All these are synthetic smoking mixtures, distinguished by bases and synthetic additives. There are a lot of smoking drugs. They differ in effects, strength of impact and price. In other words, if desired, every young person can pick up a smoking drug for the price, quality, effect.

In recent years, an unceasing flow of new drugs has been coming from China to Russia, dispersed throughout the country by mail, and direct trade is carried out via the Internet. The names of these drugs in slang: spices and salts. It is difficult to fight them, because they are included in the list of banned drugs belatedly, and also because the distribution takes place via the Internet, and the organizers do not touch the drugs themselves. The main consumers are young people born in 1989-1999.

These drugs are extremely dangerous, as they are available, easy to use, and act primarily on the psyche.

The state is not able to protect our children, so we must protect them ourselves. No one will do it except us.

Do not be careless, do not think that this can affect anyone, but not you. Remember - drugs are not chosen, the son of a teacher or the daughter of a general. And the main reason for drug addiction is the availability of drugs.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no tests for these types of drugs in Russia, therefore, the testing carried out today in educational institutions does not at all reflect the real state of affairs.

The most common drugs among young people are JWH smoking blends (plan, jivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, placer, rega, smoke, green flag, lyapka, plop, etc.) are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger.

The effect of the drug can last from 20 minutes to several hours.

Accompanied by cough(burns mucous)

Dry mouth(Requires constant fluid intake)

Cloudy or reddened whites of the eyes(an important sign! drug addicts know, so they carry Vizin and other eye drops with them)

Impaired coordination

Speech defect(sluggishness, tape stretch effect)

Inhibition of thinking(stupid)

Immobility, freezing in one position with complete silence(if heavily stoned, for 20-30 minutes)


Rapid pulse

Fits of laughter

After consumption, for several days or longer:

Decline in general physical condition

Disconcentration of attention

Apathy(especially for work and study)

Sleep disturbance

mood swings(from extreme to extreme)

From experience:

The main sign is that a teenager starts skipping classes, academic performance drops, and generally stops going to school. Lies all the time. Friends appear that he does not talk about. When talking with them on the phone, he goes to another room, or says that he will dial later. Irritability to the point of rage appears, avoids any serious conversations, avoids contact with parents, turns off the phones. With constant use, degradation becomes apparent. He thinks for a long time, is untidy, constantly asks for money, gets into debt and starts dragging him out of the house. Loses sense of reality, develops paranoia.

Stoned teenagers often hang out in porches and computer clubs in winter.

The use of smoking mixtures is a common cause of teenage suicides. As a rule, they leave the windows. This does not mean that the teenager wanted to commit suicide, perhaps he just wanted to fly.

And further. In 99% of cases, smoking mixtures are started by those who already smoke cigarettes.

They buy these drugs either through the Internet or from peers. As a rule, teenagers go to well-known sites that sell drugs by typing a few keywords in a search engine, get a contact, write off via Skype or ICQ, place an order, they immediately tell the account number, they pay through terminals, and they tell them where to pick up hidden drugs .

In slang - pick up a bookmark, find a treasure. The same actions can be carried out on VKontakte, classmates, etc. Often, information is read from the walls of houses when they see the inscriptions: Legal, Mix, Kureha, Plan, etc. and ICQ number, less often - phone.

For teenagers, this all seems like an interesting game. In order to understand that your child is buying drugs, it is enough to check his correspondence, they usually do not erase it.

Peers, classmates who start selling drugs at school immediately become noticeable, they have other phones, iPads, laptops, they dress better. They are approached by the elders. They become negative leaders, and as a rule, positive-minded children lack the arguments to reverse this situation.

From experience:

A teenager who has started dealing drugs and uses this activity as a way of communication with elders and self-affirmation among peers will never give up this activity voluntarily.

What does this drug look like?

JWH comes here as a reagent (concentrate). This reagent is a powder, similar to ordinary soda. It is bred in different ways, and applied (sprayed) to the "base". Most often, the “base” is the usual pharmacy chamomile. Maybe coltsfoot, and in general any pharmacy herb. Sometimes, for viscosity, they are mixed in a mixer with prunes or tobacco for hookahs. But, young users tend to take ready-made drugs.

The most common way to consume smoking mixtures is in a small plastic bottle with a hole (if such bottles with a burnt hole are found in school toilets, this is the surest sign that drugs are being used at school). Also, mixtures are sometimes smoked through different pipes. They are usually kept to themselves, and they stink terribly. Sometimes, before going home, a teenager leaves such a tube in the entrance (in the shield).


Alcohol, and even beer, potentiates the action of the drug. A person becomes silly, the vestibular apparatus turns off, loses spatial and temporal orientation, and completely knocks off memory. It is common in teenagers.

From experience:

None of those who use smoking mixtures consider themselves a drug addict. He completely lacks self-criticism, they have a difficult thought process, they communicate only with their own kind, therefore they are convinced that everyone smokes.

First, one or two puffs are enough. Then the frequency of use increases. Then the dose. They accelerate quickly. Later, they begin to smoke the undiluted reagent. From this point on, the addict can no longer do without the mixture and experiences incredible discomfort and anxiety if the drug is not with him.

They come to their senses for a very long time. As a rule, several months pass before they begin to adequately assess what is happening. We happened to observe the irreversible consequences of the use of smoking mixtures.

You can show this video to your children (VIDEO)

Also, even more terrible drugs, MDPV (salt, legal, speed, whistle, etc.) are popular among the youth.

The danger of these drugs lies in their availability and ease of use (they sniff, smoke less often, dilute in any liquid and drink, and the worst thing is they inject into a vein).

It is very difficult to calculate the dose and with overdoses of salts, the percentage of death is much higher than with overdoses of opiates. And perhaps the worst thing is that these drugs affect the psyche and destroy the personality. When using salts, a person rapidly degrades, and this degradation has irreversible consequences.

What parents need to know

If smoking mixtures can be used imperceptibly for some time, then one who has begun to use salts can be seen immediately.

Under the influence immediately and within a few hours after consumption:

wild look


alarm condition(the feeling that you are being watched, that they have come for you)

Speech defects(convulsive movements of the lower jaw, grimaces)

Lack of appetite

hallucinations(usually auditory)

Gesticulation(involuntary movements of arms, legs, head)

Complete lack of sleep

Incredible burst of energy(the desire to move, to do something, all actions are usually unproductive)

Willingness to do some hard work(as a rule, they begin to disassemble complex mechanisms into components).

crazy ideas(for example, to rule the world)

And all this is accompanied by sincere ambition, arrogance and a complete lack of self-criticism.

Later - a sharp weight loss (up to 10 kg in a week).

Outside of taking drugs - excessive drowsiness (sleep for several days).

Severe depression, depression, suicidal ideation.

Untidy appearance.

A “side effect” comes out - the face is covered with acne and pimples.

The limbs and face often swell.

A sharp decline in intellectual capabilities, and constant lies.


Through the eyes of toxicologists.

During 2010 - 2012 we are witnessing a rapid increase in the number of acute poisonings with synthetic psychoactive drugs. The severity of poisoning lies in the development of acute psychosis and violations of vital functions, including cardiac disorders (a sharp increase, then a drop in blood pressure, heart palpitations, circulatory failure), acute respiratory failure; in some cases (4-5% of patients), acute renal or hepatic-renal failure develops. However, the most severe manifestation of this poisoning is uncontrolled hyperthermia (up to 8% of patients) and the development of cerebral edema. With an increase in body temperature of more than 40-41ºС, the patient quickly develops cerebral edema, acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, the patient dies in a few hours.

For your information: the number of people admitted with overdoses increases by one and a half to two times every month. Lethality is very high. Sometimes intensive care is required in intensive care, patients need hemodialysis. An acute psychotic state can be removed within 24-48

hours, but some patients do not get out of it, and need long-term treatment in a psychiatric department.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance in case of poisoning with psychoactive drugs? One of the following is sufficient:

1. Consciousness: responds only to painful stimuli or consciousness is absent

2. Chest pain of the type of angina pectoris (pressing, squeezing)

3. Seizures similar to epileptic, even single

4. Temperature more than 38, not falling after 15 minutes of rest or more than 40 with a single measurement

5. Heart rate more than 140 in 1 min for more than 15 minutes

6. Blood pressure: systolic less than 90 or more than 180, diastolic more than 110 in two measurements with an interval of 5 minutes

7. Confusion, severe agitation or aggression without improvement within 15 minutes

Buy these drugs in the same way as JWH (see above)

What does this drug look like?

Like a crystalline powder. Looks like powdered sugar. Color from bright white to dark.

They are usually stored in the house in the toilet, in the ventilation, on the balcony, under the floor covering, in bed linen, or in the entrance on their floor. Everyone has a special box or bag where syringes, drops, and everything you need to use are stored.

From experience:

Adolescents begin to use, behavior changes. They ask for time off to nightclubs, they are constantly not at home. They may disappear for several days. Returning, they sleep for a very long time, and the zhor attacks.

Later there is suspicion, sound and visual hallucinations. When there are several people in the hangout, paranoia becomes collective. As a rule, they close curtains, windows and doors, they are afraid of everything.

Listen to loud, fast music without words, or rap.

They don't sleep at night.

By using longer, disappear from the house for a long time. They don't answer calls. Aggression increases. They are not aware of what is happening. Communicate condescendingly, with ambition.

Hallucinations become stronger, and can push for bullying and murder. In this state, weapons are kept at hand. They can even throw themselves at their mother.

Nobody from the salts ever knows today's date.

Often they keep eye drops "Tropikamid", "Metriocil", "Cyclomed" with them. Added to the solution, used as prolangators.

Under the influence, all character traits are hypertrophied.

For rehabilitation:

Salts are the hardest position. Conscientious narcologists honestly say that they do not know what to do. As long as they are just digging.

From experience:

There are a lot of salts in rehabilitation. At some point, at the end (at the end of the action), they are quite suggestible, and agree with their parents to go to rehabilitation.

They come to their senses for a very long time. It clears up in the eyes of the month on the third, fourth, climbs out all the diseases. Most continue to think only about drugs. Some dream in a dream that he is under the influence.

Leaving the center, they try to use it on the first day. When they bring it back in a day or two, everyone sees how rapidly the person has degraded. Having observed a lot, I am convinced that in most cases, the systematic use of MDPV leads to irreversible consequences.

Half of the salt comes to us from mental hospitals, many are already diagnosed with schizophrenia.

There are no methods for working with saline. So far, I see the only thing - a closed room, and the lack of access to drugs. This is a chance. And every day spent without drugs adds something to the chance.

What else is important to understand

It is believed that smoking JWH has its own symptoms and is not as quickly addictive as the use of MDPV. But! Recently, in JWH, at the preparation stage, MDPV components are added. This dramatically changes the impact when used, and there is an instant addiction. We understood this from experience, and this point was confirmed by toxicologists. Overdose survivors claimed to have used JWH, and tests showed MDPV!

This is what the behavior of salt addicts looks like (VIDEO)

You ask: what to do?

The first and indispensable condition is to deprive them of access to drugs by any means.

Your feedback