Which star moves across the sky. This night, residents of Ukraine and the European part of Russia saw strange objects in the sky

Strange phenomena are observed in the sky, one might say, inexplicable.

Many see them. Experts are silent...

Let me give you some quotes.

The day before yesterday, May 11, 2012, I was on the Kotelnikovskaya highway outside Volgograd. The time was 9:30 p.m., it was just getting dark. I got out of the car for a "smoke break", looked at the sky, Jupiter shone brightly. The sky is clear. He looked a little to the left, 30 degrees above Jupiter. I saw a reddish star. Thought it was Mars. He asked the satellite to get out of the car and also see Mars. When we looked together again, I saw that this star was moving chaotically. It will go to the left with acceleration, then back, then up, then down, describes circles. I was in a hurry. I asked my companion if she sees the same thing. She, too, was shocked. I called my friend in Volgograd and asked him to watch too, he saw the same thing and was also shocked. This friend, back in the late 70s, attended an astronomical circle and then also saw something through a telescope. Only even tougher. There, a certain point also walked in a similar way, only among the distant stars (or "distant"). The teacher of the astronomical circle, glancing in the body, weakly spread his hands, they say, I don’t know what it is. Looking at the sky in another place, I saw a couple more "walking" stars .. or "stars". As far as I know, the stars twinkle, but in order to move randomly ?! - Never heard of it anywhere. The next day, I repeated the observation with another person of the Volga hydroelectric power station in the direction of Saratov, he saw the same thing - the "star" was moving. By the way, I asked my friend what reasonableness is in such a chaotic movement, he said that it might be some kind of automation that is working, swinging the pendulum ... the military calls it "anti-bullet zigzag" .... so that they don’t take aim.
I immediately remembered Charles Fort's book "The Prophet from the Moon and the Angel from Venus", where he smashes the off-science of astronomy to smithereens.
So I ask the question, what is it?

On the night of August 15-16, I saw a cluster of flickering objects in the sky.
They moved like molecules - randomly. At the same time, they flickered: red, white, no glow, red, etc...
This bunch of lights blurred across the night sky. I don’t understand astronomy, but it happened somewhere in space, because an airplane flew under this clot and it was possible to estimate that this chaotic movement was taking place outside the atmosphere.
I looked through all the news on the Internet, but I did not find a mention of this. There were 3 people with me and they also saw everything. Those. these are not hallucinations.

Yesterday (from August 22 to 23, 2014) at night, in the Novgorod region, on the western side of the sky, I observed the same object for 40-60 minutes. It moved randomly over an area of ​​about 1 square centimeter (or less), with variable acceleration. Moreover, as far as my eyesight allowed, I saw on this object a constant white glow (as if at the top) and a flicker of red or orange (at the base). But it was so small that I can’t say for sure about its geometric proportions. But the fact is that it flickered and moved erratically, then disappeared. Of the relatives, no one believed, began to look for similar cases on the Internet - it turns out I'm not the only one!

Observed this repeatedly in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Always wondered what it was. Then the girl said that she also saw this, they turned to the throat - they got here.

Today I also saw such a dancing star at about 2 am. Not great in astronomy, but it seems to be considered the eastern part of the sky.
I watched for about 30 minutes, she either abruptly moved to the side, then simply moved back and forth, as if like a pendulum is tied to one point and around her she sausages.

And about six months ago, at the same place, I already saw a dancing star, but I thought it was an optical illusion or I need to drink less. And yesterday I was convinced that not only I see her. And now I am convinced that this is a frequent occurrence.

Is there any more or less official opinion on this?

I'm watching this right now. 3 are small in the back and 1 is bright in front and they seem to be moving behind it. If you watch the bright as if closer and closer and then to the right, then to the left, then down and then up and brighter and brighter and then back to its place and the same brightness as originally. Am I crazy or is it a UFO...

From August 6 to 7, on the Volga River in the Samara region, they rested in nature, gathered for night fishing. We saw a cluster of twinkling stars in the night sky, about 20-30 pieces. Stars - because from the ground they are visually the same in size. An incomprehensible "star veil" moved across the sky from northeast to southwest for 7-10 minutes. The size of the object was approximately 1/4 the size of the bucket of the constellation Ursa Major. Neither I nor my three friends have ever seen anything like this. Incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing sight. So they watched with their mouths open until the "star veil" disappeared into the darkness.

I'll tell you right now
I saw cooler than all of you
Was a child
Sat on the steps at night with grandma
Looked into the sky
I saw a "star" that evenly and quickly made an angle of 90 degrees
Grandma said that the satellite
Further, as the years passed and becoming more mature, I looked with optics into the sky
I noticed objects moving smoothly along the lines as if
Left and right
Again I think the satellites are changing orbits
But last year I'm sorry fucker
Two objects took off and began to move in a chaotic trajectory and chase each other in a spiral, as if they were playing catch-up
Witness mom, who said it was just some kind of "bullshit".

Answer from Choir[guru]
Maybe a flock of fireflies.

Answer from Vladimir Shchookin[guru]
If you look to the east, then above the rising constellation Taurus you can see the star cluster PLEIADS.
Zhelayu uspekhov!!!

Answer from CHIP[active]
I saw the same thing in the suburbs at about 23:00 on July 30, 2016 flew to the northeast but to the north! photo didn't work

Answer from purebred[guru]
crowd of helium balloons in sunlight. Km by 6, I think, they will completely rise.

Answer from 8 [active]
My friends and I also saw a group of luminous objects at 22.45 in the area of ​​Staraya Kupavna, what is it?

Answer from Gennady Naumov[newbie]
I also saw this movement, filmed on the phone, it did not work. we saw only part of this cluster, .officially silent ....

Answer from Olga@[active]
I saw today 07/31/16 the same thing in the suburbs.

Answer from LENKA[newbie]
Greetings to all, yes, it was visible from the window directly from the center of Moscow, they were moving in the East, from south to north. So slow

Answer from OperProtos[newbie]
There is such an old but true way to explore what is happening in the uppermost layers of the atmosphere, at an altitude of about 50-80 km. It's called an artificial comet. They launch a rocket, in the troposphere it ejects particles of matter that glow intensely under the influence of sunlight - after all, the Sun at such a height is perfectly visible, especially in our latitudes in June.
By the way the matter dissipates, they judge where the wind is blowing - and the wind is rarefied there, there is practically no air, so the "star cluster" hung for at least 15 minutes.
Radars, especially near airports, constantly fire "zigzag" (as they look on the monitor of a professional radio receiver) signals into the sky in order to judge by their reflection where in the troposphere the reflective layer of charged particles is currently located.

Answer from Maxim Kubarev[newbie]
We rested on Abrau-Dyurso on the night of 07/30/2016 to 07/31/2016, somewhere around 23:30, we observed the phenomenon of twinkling stars, a huge cluster in the form of incomprehensible figures, hung for 10-15 minutes, flickering and apparently changing, then smoothly disappeared what planes or gel balls it doesn't look like. More like a cluster of UFOs

Answer from Alexander is gone[newbie]
My friend and I were in Izhevsk on the night of 08/06/16 to 08/07/16 also saw a cloud of stars. The stars in this very cloud moved randomly, and this cloud of stars moved, we pursued it, but it moved away not only to the side, but also in height, and then finally disappeared in the sky.
I would also think that these are some kind of Chinese lanterns launched in a crowd, but there were no people nearby who could launch them + lanterns cannot randomly move in different directions without moving away from the general crowd, they tried to shoot on video, it’s not visible. And the glow of the flashlights is immediately clear, and these glowed like light bulbs (stars).
They also guessed the rest of the evening, they did not find an explanation.

Answer from Yopartak ant[newbie]
I saw yesterday and before that a week ago, Mr. Yelets, the stars are the neurons of the universal mind, now everything is divided and in chaos, everyone is preparing for the premiere on earth and in the sky for us this is the end of the world, each star is a real person, not two legs and the ear, the stars will be without constellations, in the form of a chess grid, the earth is waiting for three coups, the west will fall to the east, the poles will reunite to the maximum, the earth will become an ellipse ball, a second sun will still appear in the sky, this is our moon, throw off stone shackles.

Answer from Victoria Fokas[newbie]
Today, at about the same time as everyone else, they saw such a phenomenon in Rostov-on-Don, there were two of us, there were no people, it didn’t work out to take a picture .... here we are, wondering what it is?

Answer from Vladislav Kushch[active]
10/08/2016 23:30 Sochi, we saw a cluster of twinkling bodies (stars?) that moved across the sky. The cluster had a bright glow, because it was very cloudy (the stars were not visible), the silhouette of the glow was clearly tracked!!! There was no chaotic movement, the silhouette moved in a fixed form, as if it were something alive, huge!!! Looks like it's from this series

Answer from Evgeny Makarenko[newbie]
june or july 16 years observed the same twice the difference between the phenomena a week

Answer from Ilya Koktysh[newbie]
I don’t remember the exact date, it was the end of August 2016, the village was resting. Golovinka district of Sochi, also at 22-23 hours the sky is crystal clear, starry, awesome, and from south to north a whole stellar procession moved with no constellations you can confuse, since ordinary stars stand still. The same or slightly brighter chaotically moved. Not quickly, like satellites, but in small groups, sometimes separating, sometimes connecting, at first there were several groups in one large mass, then they just randomly lined up in a fuzzy queue and continued to follow towards the north ... all this happened, I didn’t notice , 15 to 30 minutes. I feel .... Very beautiful and even somehow scary, goosebumps .... I woke up my wife to show and confirm that I'm normal .... we watched together. iPhones couldn’t capture this ... So that the roof doesn’t move out, they calmed down with the version of helium balloons with LEDs ... to live in peace))) but of course the version is not very exhaustive.

Heliocentric system of the world on Wikipedia
Check out the wikipedia article on Heliocentric system of the world

Helpful Hints

Lack of scientific knowledge about the sky not only gives rise to the most unusual fantasies and speculations, such as the belief in UFOs, but can also lead to panic fears, like those experienced by some of us in December 2012.

Due to the unclear understanding of the Mayan calendar, the end date given in the records of this tribe was interpreted as the date of the end of the world, which caused great panic and fear among the people.

Often we have to see strange lights in the sky. What is their origin? This question is asked quite often, since, other than the Sun and Moon, identifying objects at night seems to be a very difficult task for most of us.

To help all those with an interest in the sky, NASA has published a special diagram that should help us understand the mysterious lights.

Thanks to observations and some basic knowledge, shedding light on the mysterious lights in the sky becomes easier.

Pay attention to whether the light is moving and whether it blinks. If so, you live near the city, usually the light in the sky is an airplane. Very few stars and satellites are so bright that they can be seen through a haze of artificial lights.

If you live far from the city, the bright light in the sky is most likely a planet. Perhaps in front of you are the outlines of Venus or Mars.

Venus, as a rule, appears near the horizon just before dawn or immediately after sunset.

Flying lights in the sky

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine whether the light is the trajectory of an aircraft at a low altitude near the horizon or whether it is a bright planet. Sometimes even looking closely for a few minutes, you are not sure what kind of lights in the night sky.

The diagram above gives a humorous but very accurate definition in places.

A slowly moving object with colored lights is an airplane. Those that move more slowly and calmly are satellites. An object that moves very little during the night is a planet, and if an object does not move anywhere at all, you have a star in front of you.

Insufficient information about the sky, as mentioned earlier, can lead to paranoid thoughts and conclusions.

Many well remember the panic associated with the planet Nibiru, when thousands of people believed that our Earth was threatened by a collision with this mythical planet and that humanity would have to endure huge sacrifices and destruction.

Astronomers who tried to calm the frightened people were called liars.


Nibiru is a mythical planet located at the edge of the solar system. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of this planet.

The ancient Sumerians allegedly predicted that in December 2012, Nibiru would invade the Earth's orbit, thereby causing chaos and widespread destruction.

NASA scientist David Morrison is confident that Nibiru does not exist. If it existed, it could cause the displacement of other planets.

Another source of danger is allegedly the Great Rift, where the Milky Way divides in the constellation Cygnus. According to some other beliefs, this is where the danger lies. The earth will be swallowed up and "the dark gods will devour the degenerate peoples".

Such not entirely rosy predictions are attributed to the ancient Maya. However, evidence of their involvement in this idea has never been found.

The Great Rift is like a black river that stretches from the bright star Deneb in the constellation Cygnus in the southwest to the constellation Sagittarius in the center of our galaxy. The river itself consists of an incomprehensible dust that looks mysteriously black.

The night of September 11 will provide an excellent opportunity to see the world of the "ice giant" Uranus. At 2 am it will be close to the moon, visibility will gradually weaken.

Uranus and Neptune are called ice giants. They are much farther from the Sun than the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, so these two planets are much colder, and their gaseous atmosphere contains more "ice" similar to frozen water, as well as methane and ammonia.

Space records

Jupiter is the fastest planet. It rotates faster than other planets around its own axis. The rotation period is 0.41 Earth days. Thus, a day on Jupiter lasts less than 10 Earth hours.

Venus is the "slowest" planet in terms of rotation speed around its axis. It completes a complete revolution in -243 days. The minus sign in this case means that Venus rotates clockwise, while our planet rotates counterclockwise.

With the naked eye, thousands of stars can be seen in the night sky. If you look closely, you can see that some are brighter than others. Groups of bright stars forming a certain composition are well recognizable. We call them constellations.

Do we see the same stars?

The earth appears to be hanging in the center of a huge dark ball called the celestial sphere. At the same time, the position of the Earth's axis of rotation in space remains unchanged, so we can see stars that shine only over the hemisphere where we live. Residents of the Northern Hemisphere see the constellation Ursa Minor, but never see the Southern Cross, which is located delaco in the south. Those living in the Southern Hemisphere never see Ursa Minor. But people living on the equator can see almost all the stars of the celestial sphere during the year.

What are zodiac signs?

During the year, the Sun moves among the stars in the celestial sphere. It seems that it passes through the 12 constellations that form the zodiacal belt. These constellations are given names and corresponding signs that are important in astrology. Astrologers believe that the stars influence the life and destiny of a person.

Why do stars move across the sky?

If we, who live in the Northern Hemisphere, observe the celestial sphere in the evening, we will see that in the southern half of the sky the constellations gradually move from east to west, just as the Sun does during the day. The celestial sphere seems to rotate relative to a fixed point (Polar Star). Ancient astronomers believed. that the stars are attached from the inside to the celestial sphere, which revolves around the motionless earth. Now we know that everything happens the other way around: the stars are stationary, and the Earth moves. The earth rotates from west to east, so the stars seem to move in the opposite direction.

Some major constellations:

Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere:

  1. Pegasus
  2. Perseus
  3. polar Star
  4. Ursa Minor
  5. Big Dipper

Constellations of the Southern Hemisphere:

  1. Aquarius
  2. Orion
  3. Scorpion
  4. South Cross
  5. Hydra