What powers does a person have? human strength

State budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

Siberian State Medical University

Ministry of Health of Russia

GBOU VPO Siberian State Medical University

Department of Physical Culture and Health

Abstract on the topic:

Methods of development and correction of physical qualities. Force.

Completed by: 2nd year student of FPMiM

Group 5302

Potemkina Ekaterina

Strength as a physical quality

Strength is the ability of a person to overcome external resistance or resist it due to muscle efforts (tensions).

The manifestation of power abilities is influenced by various factors:

Actually muscle factors: contractile properties of muscles, depending on the ratio of white (fast) and red (slow) muscle fibers; activity of muscle contraction enzymes; power of mechanisms of anaerobic energy supply of muscular work; physiological diameter and muscle mass; quality of intermuscular coordination.

Central nervous factors - the intensity (frequency) of effector impulses sent to the muscles, in the coordination of their contractions and relaxation, the trophic influence of the central nervous system on their functions.

Personal-psychic (motivational and volitional components, emotional processes).

Biomechanical (the location of the body and its parts in space, the strength of the links of the musculoskeletal system, the magnitude of the masses being moved, etc.).

Biochemical (hormonal).

Physiological (functioning of peripheral and central circulation, respiration, etc.)

There are actually power abilities and their combination with other physical abilities (speed-strength, power agility, power endurance).

Actually strength abilities are manifested: 1. with relatively slow muscle contractions, in exercises performed with near-limit, maximum weights (for example, when squatting with a barbell of a sufficiently large weight); 2. with muscle tension of the isometric (static) type (without changing the length of the muscle). They are characterized by high muscle tension and manifest themselves in overcoming, yielding and static modes of muscle work. They are determined by the physiological diameter of the muscle and the functionality of the neuromuscular apparatus. Accordingly, a distinction is made between slow force and static force.

Static strength is characterized by its two features of manifestation: 1. muscle tension due to active volitional efforts of a person - active static strength; 2. an attempt by external forces or under the influence of a person's own weight to forcibly stretch a tense muscle - a passive static force.

Speed-strength abilities - non-limiting muscle tensions, manifested with the necessary, with maximum power in exercises performed at a significant speed, but not reaching the limit value. They are manifested in motor actions, in which, along with significant muscle strength, speed of movements is also required (for example, repulsion in long and high jumps from a place and from a run, the final effort when throwing sports equipment, etc.).

Speed-strength abilities include: 1 - fast strength; 2 - explosive power. Fast strength - non-limiting muscle tension, manifested in exercises performed at a significant speed that does not reach the limit value. Explosive strength - the ability of a person in the course of performing a motor action to achieve maximum strength indicators in the shortest possible time (for example, at a low start in sprinting, in athletics jumping and throwing, etc.).

Explosive force is characterized by two components: starting force and accelerating force. Starting strength is the ability of muscles to rapidly develop working effort at the initial moment of their tension. Accelerating force - the ability of muscles to quickly build up the working force in the conditions of their contraction that has begun.

Strength endurance is the ability to withstand fatigue caused by relatively prolonged muscle tension of a significant magnitude. Depending on the mode of muscle work, there are: dynamic strength endurance - characteristic of cyclic and acyclic activities (multiple push-ups in the lying position) and static strength endurance - typical of activities related to maintaining the working voltage in a certain position (emphasis of the arms to the sides on the rings) .

Power agility is the ability to accurately differentiate muscle efforts of various sizes in unforeseen situations and mixed modes of muscle work.

Absolute strength is the maximum force exerted by a person in any movement, regardless of the mass of his body. Relative strength is the strength shown by a person in terms of 1 kg of its own weight (the ratio of maximum strength to body weight that the level of absolute strength of a person is largely due to environmental factors (training, self-study, etc.). At the same time, relative strength indicators are more influenced by the genotype.

The most favorable periods for the development of strength in boys and boys are considered to be from 13-14 to 17-18 years old, and for girls and girls - from 11-12 to 15-16 years old. The most significant rates of increase in the relative strength of various muscle groups are observed in primary school age, especially in children from 9 to 11 years old.

As soon as I first started studying psychology, I realized how strong we humans are internally, but as a rule we don’t realize it. I realized that a truly enormous power is hidden in a person, this is the power of his spirit. However, since childhood, they have been trying to suppress this strength of ours. It is understandable, because a depressed, morally weak person is very easy to manage. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that he initially feels his superiority over others. The behavior of children is a direct confirmation of this. The children's psyche is sharpened to suppression, it is the same as in animals who are trying to get around their brothers and sisters in the struggle for mother's milk.

We do not know who we are and why we are here, we can only guess about it. But we see that for our survival in this world, we have the most necessary qualities for this. But in the social environment, humility, humility, fear are laid in us for generations, so that it is deposited at the genetic level. Thus, our inner strength is suppressed for many generations. The word “no” is just for such people with a depressed psyche. Ancient rituals, shamanic rites, all of them were aimed at training the psyche. The North American Indians were finally exterminated only when all the shamans were destroyed. It was the shamans who made the warriors invincible, they pumped up their psyche so much that they were not afraid of anything, and if a person is not afraid of anything, it is impossible to defeat him.

In sports, in business, in any kind of activity, a strong character and fortitude are needed everywhere. This is all, the mental state of a person, which can be trained or suppressed. Manipulation is the skillful application of the knowledge of psychology for personal gain. And although I have repeatedly convinced myself that it is possible to manipulate all people, regardless of their mental state, people with a weak psyche are still subject to this to a much greater extent. You can pick up the key to any person, but a weak person is just an open door. But a person with a pumped psyche is an insurmountable wall. Character must be tempered, the psyche must be trained.

Of course, there are people who are all right with this, they are not depressed people, adapted to life. They are like uncut stone, nothing is impossible for them. Everything in this life is trainable, and the psyche is no exception. If you were humiliated, suppressed, oppressed in childhood, it does not matter, believe me. You can become a strong person, you can change and move away from your past, if you just stop putting up with your weakness and start working on yourself. You can do it yourself or with the help of a good specialist.

human strength

human strength based on following and fulfilling Divine laws. Actions from a position of human power are coordinated with indisputable Knowledge.

A person gains knowledge only when clearly defines the strategy of his life (the task of life) in the general scheme of planetary existence. In this case, he has no choice problems, but there is one continuous line of action, in the process of which he realizes his knowledge on the physical plane according to the program determined for him by God - Divine purpose.

A strong person with Knowledge sees his life as a clear line-path, where all actions for the recruitment of human power are fully defined.

Only the ignorant can think that he has many ways, so he acts on the basis of his selfish aspirations and instincts. Guided by the strings of his egoism, he does not even turn on the processes of thinking, trying to avoid "difficulties" in his life and not allowing anything into consciousness. Naturally, in this case he has no real understanding of human power and the Divine, although he is inclined to demonstrate his competence.

There is a test to distinguish between a man of Knowledge (strength) and a man of ignorance (weakness): the weak always strives to demonstrate his strength with proof that he has it.

Phases of recruitment of human strength

There are two phases of recruitment.

1. Active phase of gaining strength accompanied by willpower. In this phase, the attraction, capture and formation of energies is carried out, taking into account the psychoenergetic characteristics of the manifested forces and the skill of controlling them.

2. The passive phase of contemplation, where the physical body is in a relaxed state and energies flow freely. This phase is aimed at enabling the physical body to attract the energies it needs from space. There is an expansion of all human structures, a kind of vacuum is formed and adjustment to the necessary energies takes place. In this phase, the physical body is given the opportunity to neutralize other people's attitudes, which are not visible in the active phase, and to manifest its aspirations and desires. In the passive phase of contemplation, the energies necessary for development are drawn into the body.

It is also important to know consciously control and manage their forces.

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We are all familiar with the concept of power. Strength can be physical, it determines the level of physical fitness of each of us. But besides physical strength, there are other concepts such as strength of character, strength of mind, willpower and others.

Strength - this small word is associated with many virtues and vices, mistakes and truths, joys and troubles.

On the one hand, strength generates honor, power, self-esteem. But, on the other hand, people hate power, which relies on brute force, the honor of those around them easily turns into flattery or envy, self-esteem turns into selfishness and arrogance.

Remember how the heroes of fairy tales Ilya Muromets, the Man-Mountain, the heroes captured us. In addition to extraordinary strength, they also possessed extraordinary kindness. Without hesitation, the strong men stood up for the defense of their native city, defended the peace and happiness of people, fought in the name of Good.

The forces of the elements are devoid of human meaning, they are inhuman. But a person has a mind for that, in order to humanize his strength, to spiritualize it with the idea of ​​Goodness, Justice, Generosity.

Generosity is often confused with condescension. But the meaning of these words is not the same. I am condescending. This means that I sank to the level of another person, who I singled out as “lower” in comparison with me, dependent on me, flawed. I am strong, big, and I show my grace.

I am generous. So, I carefully raise a person to my level, I try to look at the world through his eyes, because I respect him. I share with him what I have, and I do it secretly from everyone, unobtrusively and imperceptibly.

Condescension is a single, one-time action: arrogantly help, receive gratitude for the provided intercession and immediately erase this person from memory.

Generosity is a property of a person, it either exists or it does not exist.

You probably felt both condescension and generosity. The indulgence shown to a person often humiliates him. Generosity glorifies.

Will we be able to respond with a soul? We will respond - and we ourselves will become cleaner, as it were. This means that our life force is in ourselves, and everything that is around is just pictures from the street.

After all, each instrument sounds in its own way, and a person has strings in his soul that must always be allowed to sound. We are humans, which means we can empathize and respond. Let's be generous! Generosity spiritualizes strength, makes it kind, humane, attractive.

Strength without generosity is ugly. Remember, Conan Doyle does not evoke sympathy for Professor Moriarty, since his strength is permeated with hatred, aimed at evil, which as a result turns against Moriarty himself.

Strength and generosity are closely related. In a difficult moment, in an extreme situation, people reach out to the strong for support, hoping to find protection in it. But the strong from this does not lose anything, because generosity makes a person even stronger.

What is the inner strength of a person? “Willpower” immediately comes to mind, but willpower is not the only inner strength that each person develops in himself. Inner strength is a kind of human resource given to him by nature. There are many variations of these resources: willpower - spirit - thought - mind - emotions. Also, human resources include self-control, self-development, the ability to influence other people.

Each inner strength implies certain qualities of a person, over which he worked and developed for a long time. However, if the qualities are different, then they feed on the same source - energy, the very positive energy that is in every person, and which energy vampires love to “select” so much. The more internal forces a person has, the more expressive he is. looks like a person against the background of his fellows.

Everyone can become an expressive person with a good list of developed internal forces, because there are those forces that are inherent in everyone, but not everyone wants to develop them. Finding the courage in yourself and making you do what is difficult is also one of the internal resources that is referred to as willpower. From childhood, they try to instill in the child the desire to develop themselves, to control, to monitor their actions, to refuse desires at the moment when they need to complete a more important task than satisfying their personal needs for pleasure.

How to become successful

Having grown up, the children themselves want to express themselves in the crowd as brightly as possible, and here the first desire arises to develop any inner strength in themselves to the maximum. Those who manage to raise themselves in their own eyes, grow up in the eyes of others. Over time, these individuals occupy an authoritative position in society, they are equal, they are envied. Having become successful, these people are able to overcome any obstacles. that arise along their life path.

What do you need to work on to be successful? and what to pay attention to your children so that they also grow up successful? Strength of mind refers to the ability of a person to take responsibility for their actions. Willpower - this resource affects the ability to achieve a goal. Self-control is the control of your emotions. Self-development is the ability to force oneself to develop throughout their conscious life, these people are always not enough of the knowledge that they already have. A person who has set foot on the path of self-development seeks to receive new information from the most reliable sources and does not stop at the achieved result.

The internal forces of a person can be spent uselessly, when this happens, the personality begins to disappear, instead of it, an “internal emptiness”, facelessness, lethargy will appear. Useless waste of internal forces occurs then When a person chats a lot with different people about the same situation, he violently shows emotions that are inappropriate at the time of their manifestation. Internal clamps (mental attitudes that block the subconscious), dialogues with oneself are also options for the useless waste of internal resources. Be that as it may, nature gives internal forces to a person not for useless waste, but for the opportunity to survive, break through among his fellow tribesmen, grow “spiritually” and benefit the whole society with this growth.

If you want to become stronger psychologically, read:

  1. Amy Cuddy Presence of mind. How to direct the forces of your personality to achieve success”
  2. Eric Bertrand Larssen “Without self-pity. Push your limits”
  3. Yvonne Rubin self-confidence. Simple practices for gaining inner strength and firmness”
  4. Joe Rubino Code of Success. 29 principles for achieving success, wealth, gaining charisma and inner strength”
  5. Thomas Chamorro-Premusik “Self-confidence. How to increase self-esteem, overcome fears and doubts”
  6. Mikhail Kopytov, Sergey Gudkov “Self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis. How to inspire yourself with health, confidence and success”
  7. Craig English, James Rapson “Praise me. How to stop depending on the opinions of others and gain self-confidence”

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