When the rover landed on Mars. The first Soviet rover

The "Top Secret" vulture is the most mysterious and little-studied bird in the world. The most mysterious experiments of people, full of rumors, conjectures and contradictions. But, as you know, there is no smoke without fire... At the dawn of the existence of the Soviet Union, unprecedented experiments in the field of genetics and experiments on people began. Attempts were made to cross people and monkeys. Blood transfusion was done in order to rejuvenate the body. Soviet scientists tried to create a superman, which the future of the communist system needed. Ideologists believed that such people should live in the Soviet Union.

The end of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s was a time of significant progress in the field of scientific experiments throughout the world and in the USSR. In those years, bold experiments of Soviet scientists on animals began.

A number of pioneering studies were carried out at Moscow University and the Academy of Sciences. And already in 1950, the Russian scientist Vladimir Demikhov surprised the whole world when he transplanted a dog's head onto another dog. The two-headed dog lived for a whole month.

In the first period of the Cold War, all the forces of Soviet science were involved in the creation of perfect weapons. In 1958, a secret Soviet project was launched to create a cyborg robot.

The scientific consultant was the Nobel Prize winner V. Manuilov. In the design of the robot, with the exception of designers, physicians and engineers participated. Mice, rats and dogs have been proposed for human safety experiments.

The option of experiments on monkeys was considered, but the choice fell on dogs, as they are better trained and calmer than monkeys.

Subsequently, this project was named "COLLY" and lasted almost 10 years. But by the decree of the Central Committee of January 4, 1969, the activities of the Collie project were terminated, the information became secret ... "

In 1991, all data on the "KOLLIE" project were declassified ... In 1991, all information about the "Kollie" project became unclassified.

Here is what she wrote at the time"Daily Mail": “British scientists are concerned about the experiments that their colleagues are conducting on animals. During the experiments, researchers transplant our smaller brothers, in particular monkeys, human tissues and genes. This, in turn, can lead to dangerous humanization of animals: they will acquire a mind similar to ours and even be able to speak."
Read completely:"target="_blank">http://top.rbc.ru/wildworld/22/07/2011/606904.shtml

The British Academy of Medical Scientists, also concerned about this issue, reported that the number of experiments in which human tissues or genes are transplanted into animals is constantly growing. Yes, in 2010. More than 1 million experiments were conducted, during which mice and fish were transplanted with human DNA. Scientists need these laboratory mutants to create new drugs for cancer, hepatitis, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and other ailments, as well as to understand the role of individual genes in the development of the body.
Moreover, individual experiments with animals should be banned altogether, M. Bobrow believes. For example, the transplantation of human stem cells into the brain of a primate should be banned, as this can lead to the humanization of a monkey: its brain can become human-like, the animal can acquire the rudiments of reason or even speak. And although it may seem to people that scientists were simply inspired by the new science fiction film Rise of the Planet of the Apes, in fact, the possibility of the appearance of too intelligent primates should be taken seriously, says Professor Thomas Baldwin.

Read completely: http://top.rbc.ru/wildworld/22/07/2011/606904.shtml " target="_blank">http://top.rbc.ru/wildworld/22/07/2011/606904.shtml
EXPERIMENT "MILLER - Uri" - the first, except for the work of alchemists who tried to bring an artificial living being in a test tube, a truly scientific experiment in this area, conducted in the 1950s by an American chemistry student Stanley Miller. He suggested that life originated in the atmosphere of the ancient Earth due to the synthesis of complex molecules during lightning discharges. Stanley filled a large glass ball with water, methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and began to pass electrical discharges through this medium. Soon, the "primordial ocean" splashing at the bottom of the ball turned dark red from emerging biomolecules and amino acids, which are building blocks for proteins.
The Miller-Urey experiment is considered one of the most important experiments in the study of the origin of life on Earth. The conclusions about the possibility of chemical evolution, made on the basis of this experiment, are criticized. According to critics, although the synthesis of the most important organic substances has been clearly demonstrated, the far-reaching conclusion about the possibility of chemical evolution, drawn directly from this experience, is not fully justified.
- the alleged code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders and government officials, allegedly formed in 1947 by order of US President Harry S. Truman.

The committee's intended purpose is to investigate UFO activity in the aftermath of the Roswell Incident, an alleged crash of an alien craft near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. Majestic 12 is an important part of the UFO conspiracy theory of the current government to hide information about UFOs. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has said documents related to Majestic 12 are "completely fictitious...
EXPERIMENT "PHOENIX" - time travel research that allegedly took place in the United States. In 1992, American engineer Al Bilek told reporters that at one time he was a participant in a unique experiment that received the code name "Phoenix". Bilek was placed inside a magnetron (a device that creates a powerful electromagnetic field) and moved in time to the past...

What is most surprising about the story of the "time traveler" is that before this experiment, his name was not Al Bilek at all, but Edward Cameron. But returning from the past, Cameron discovered that his last name was unknown to anyone, disappeared from all lists and documents, replaced by another. Yes, and friends claimed that from childhood they knew him as Bilek. Other facts confirming the existence of the Phoenix project (except for the story of Bilek himself) have not been found.
EXPERIMENT "PHILADELPHIA" - one of the most interesting mysteries of the 20th century, which gave rise to many contradictory rumors. According to legend, in 1943 in Philadelphia, the US military allegedly tried to create a ship invisible to enemy radars. Using calculations made by Albert Einstein, special generators were installed on the destroyer Eldridge. But during the test, the unexpected happened - the ship, surrounded by a cocoon of a powerful electromagnetic field, disappeared not only from the radar screens, but literally evaporated in the truest sense of the word. After some time, the Eldridge materialized again, but in a completely different place and with a distraught crew on board. How reliable is this story?

The Philadelphia Experiment first became widely known thanks to astrophysicist Maurice Jessup, a scientist and writer from Iowa. In 1956, as a response to one of his books, which touched upon the problem of the unusual properties of space and time, he received a letter from a certain C. Allende, who reported that the military had already learned how to practically move objects "outside the usual space and time." The author of the letter served in 1943 on the ship "Andrew Fureset". From the board of this ship, which was part of the control group of the Philadelphia experiment, Allende (as he himself claims) perfectly saw how the Eldridge melted in the greenish glow, heard the buzz of the force field surrounding the destroyer ...
The most interesting thing in Allende's story is the description of the consequences of the experiment. Incredible things began to happen to people who returned "out of nowhere": they seemed to fall out of the real course of time (the term "freeze" was used). There were cases of spontaneous combustion (the term "ignited"). Once, two "frozen" people suddenly "ignited" and burned for eighteen days (?!), and the rescuers could not stop the burning of the bodies with any effort. There were other oddities as well. One of the sailors of the Eldridge, for example, disappeared forever, passing through the wall of his own apartment in front of his wife and child.
Jessup began investigating: rummaging through the archives, talking with the military and found a lot of evidence that gave him the opportunity to express his opinion about the reality of these events as follows: “The experiment is very interesting, but terribly dangerous. It affects the people participating in it too much. In the experiment, magnetic generators, the so-called "degaussers", were used, which worked at resonant frequencies and created a monstrous field around the ship. In practice, this gave a temporary withdrawal from our dimension and could mean a spatial breakthrough, if only it were possible to keep the process under control!" Perhaps Jessup learned too much, at least in 1959 he died under very mysterious circumstances - he was found in his own car, suffocated by exhaust gases.
The US Navy leadership denied the Philadelphia experiment, saying that nothing like this happened in 1943. "But many researchers did not believe the government. They continued to search for Jessup and got some results .. For example, there were documents confirming that from 1943 to 1944 Einstein was in the Navy in Washington D.C. Witnesses came forward, some of whom personally saw the Eldridge disappear, others were holding sheets of calculations made by Einstein's hand, which had a very characteristic handwriting. , telling about the sailors who descended from the ship and melted before the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Attempts to find out the truth about the Philadelphia experiment do not stop until now. And from time to time new interesting facts appear. Here are excerpts from the story of the American electronics engineer Edom Skilling (recorded on tape): "In 1990, my friend Margaret Sandys, who lives in Palm Beach, Florida, invited me and my friends to visit Dr. Carl Leisler, her neighbor, to discuss some details of the Philadelphia experiment Carl Leisler, physicist, one of the scientists who worked on this project in 1943.
They wanted to make a warship invisible to radar. On board was installed a powerful electronic device such as a huge magnetron (a magnetron is a generator of ultrashort waves, classified during World War II). This device received energy from electrical machines installed on the ship, the power of which was enough to supply electricity to a small city. The idea of ​​the experiment was that a very strong electromagnetic field around the ship would serve as a shield for the radar beams. Carl Leisler was on the shore to observe and supervise the experiment.
When the magnetron started working, the ship disappeared. After a while, he reappeared, but all the sailors on board were dead. Moreover, part of their corpses turned into steel - the material from which the ship was made. During our conversation, Karl Leisler was very upset, it was clear that this old sick man still feels remorse and guilt for the death of the sailors who were on board the Eldridge, Laisler and his colleagues in the experiment believe that they sent the ship at another time, while the ship disintegrated into molecules, and when the reverse process occurred, a partial replacement of the organic molecules of human bodies with metal atoms took place. "And here is another curious fact that the Russian researcher V. Adamenko came across: and Berlitz, who were investigating the Philadelphia events, it is said that for many years after the incident, the destroyer "Eldridge" was in the reserve of the US Navy, and then the ship was given the name "Lion" and sold to Greece. Meanwhile, Adamenko visited a Greek family in 1993, where he met a retired Greek admiral who proved to be well aware of the Philadelphia Experiment and the fate of the Eldridge, confirming that the destroyer is one of the ships of the Greek Navy, but is not called "Lion", as Moure and Berlitz write, but "Tiger".
The unequivocal truth about the Philadelphia experiment has not yet been established. The researchers of this mysterious story did not find the main thing - documents. The logbooks of the Eldridge could explain a lot, but they have strangely disappeared. At least, all inquiries to the government and the US military department received an official answer: "... It is not possible to find, and therefore put at your disposal." And the logbooks of the escort ship "Fyureset" were completely destroyed on orders from above, although this is contrary to all existing rules.
EXPERIMENT "COMPUTER MOWGLI "- a unique project allegedly carried out by American scientists. "Computer Mowgli", according to reports that appeared in the press, is a virtual personality created in a secret laboratory. The son of a man and a woman, this baby is still not a man.

...Pregnancy in 33-year-old Nadine M was difficult. When the baby was born (the parents had previously named him Sid), the doctors came to the conclusion that he was doomed. For several days in the intensive care unit, it was possible to maintain life in a tiny body. Meanwhile, with the help of special equipment, a mental scan of his brain was carried out. The father and mother were not informed about this unusual procedure, since the scientists themselves assessed the chances of success as vanishingly small. But to the surprise of everyone, the electrical potentials of Sid's brain neurons recorded by the equipment, transferred to the computer, began to live their unreal (superreal?) life there.
The fact that the baby died physically, but the potentials of his brain were brought into the machine and continue to develop there, was first reported only to Nadine. She took it quite calmly. The father, since he literally raved about the future first-born, for a whole month was shown Sid only on the computer screen, explaining this by the fact that the baby needs special survival conditions. When he found out about the essence of what was happening, he was horrified at first and even tried to destroy Sid's brain development program. But soon, like Nadine, he began to treat "Computer Mowgli" as his real-life child.
Now the father and mother are actively involved in the project, they take care of Sid's "health" - they install more and more new programs to protect against computer viruses, fearing that they may adversely affect the mental development of their baby. The researchers equipped the computer with multimedia and virtual reality systems that make it possible not only to see Sid "in three dimensions and life size", but to hear his voice and even "pick up"...
The Scientific Observer magazine, which almost completely devoted one of its issues to the history of Sid, reported that the Computer Mowgli project was originally secret, but then a special commission of the US Congress decided to acquaint American taxpayers with some research results. The specific name of the scientific center that conducted the mental scan of the baby's brain is not given. But from some hints, one can understand that we are talking about one of the institutions of the US Department of Defense.
There was a message about "Computer Mowgli" in the Russian press. The popular science almanac "It Can't Be", whose representative visited a computer conference in Las Vegas (USA), said that one of the participants in this project, a certain Steam Rowler, was present there. According to this specialist, scientists were able to scan only about 60 percent of the baby's neurons. But this turned out to be enough for the information entered into the computer to begin to develop itself. This story was not without a criminal motive. Some American computer-obsessed geek managed to "hack" the project's security program through a computer network and copy dozens of files from it. This is how Sid's "unauthorized and rather flawed" brother appeared. Fortunately, the child prodigy was "figured out" and the first attempt in the history of mankind "electronic kidnapping" was stopped.
Unfortunately, the main details of the project remain in the shadows: how was the scanning practically carried out, how quickly and successfully is the development of the copied intelligence, what is its real potential? Americans are in no hurry to share these secrets. And, very possibly, they have very good reasons for this. The same Steam Rowler was alarmed at a conference in Las Vegas and vaguely hinted that the appearance of a virtual demon, written off from a living person, could have very serious and unpredictable consequences for our civilization.
EXPERIMENT "NAUTILUS" - research on the passage of telepathic signals through a large layer of water. On July 25, 1959, a mysterious passenger boarded the American nuclear submarine Nautilus. The boat immediately left the port and plunged into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean for sixteen days. During all this time, no one saw the nameless passenger - he never left the cabin. But twice a day he sent the captain leaflets with strange signs. Now it was a star, then a cross, then two wavy lines... Captain Anderson placed the sheets in a light-tight envelope, put the date, hour and his signature. Above was a frightening vulture; "Top secret. In case of danger of capturing a submarine, destroy it!" When the boat landed in the port of Croyton, the passenger was met by an escort who took him to a military airfield, and from there to the state of Maryland. Soon he was talking to the director of the Biological Sciences Division of the US Air Force Research Office, Colonel William Bowers. He pulled out an envelope from the safe labeled "Research Center, H. Friendship, Maryland." The mysterious passenger, whom Bowers referred to as Lieutenant Jones, produced his Nautilus-marked package. They arranged the sheets of paper side by side, in accordance with the dates stamped. More than 70 percent of the characters in both envelopes matched ...

This information was voiced in the late 1950s by two French conspiracy theorists - Louis Povel and Jacques Bergier. Their article did not pass by the attention of the Soviet authorities protecting the country from a potential aggressor. On March 26, 1960, the Minister of Defense Marshal of the USSR Malinovsky received a report from Colonel Engineer, Candidate of Sciences Poletaev:
“The US Armed Forces have adopted telepathy (transmission of thoughts over a distance without the help of technical means) as a means of communication with submarines at sea. Scientific research on telepathy has been going on for a long time, but since the end of 1957, large US research organizations have joined the work: Rend Corporation, Westinghouse, Bell Telephone Company and others. At the end of the work, an experiment was carried out - the transfer of information using telepathic communication from the base to the Nautilus submarine, which was submerged under the polar ice at a distance of up to 2000 kilometers from the base. The experience went well."
Refutations poured in that the Nautilus had never been used for such experiments, that during the period described it did not go to sea at all. Nevertheless, after this publication, similar experiments were repeatedly carried out in different countries, including the USSR (Experiment "Arctic Circle").

The Minister, as expected, took a keen interest in such a striking success of a potential adversary. Several secret meetings were held with the participation of Soviet specialists in parapsychology. The possibility of opening works on the study of the phenomenon of telepathy in the military and military-medical aspects was discussed, but at that time they ended in nothing.
In the mid-1990s, correspondents for the Chicago magazine Zeus Wick conducted a series of interviews with the captain of the Nautilus, Anderson. His answer was categorical: “There were definitely no experiments on telepathy. The article by Povel and Bergier is wholly false. On July 25, 1960, the day the Nautilus was said to have gone to sea to conduct a telepathic session, the boat was in dry dock at Portsmouth.
These statements were verified by journalists through their channels and turned out to be true.
According to the author of the book "Parapsychological Warfare: Threat or Illusion" Martin Ebon was behind the articles about the "Nautilus". USSR State Security Committee! The purpose of the "duck", according to the author, is quite original: to convince the Central Committee of the CPSU to give the go-ahead to start such work in the Union. Allegedly, party leaders, brought up in the spirit of dogmatic materialism, experienced a prejudice against idealistic parapsychology. The only thing that could have prompted them to develop the relevant research was information about successful developments abroad.
EXPERIMENT "ARCAL CIRCLE" - a global experiment on "remote transmission of mental images", conducted in June 1994 on the initiative of the Novosibirsk Institute of General Pathology and Human Ecology. This large-scale scientific event involved several thousand volunteers, researchers and psychic operators from twenty countries. Telepathic signals were transmitted from different continents, from special hypomagnetic chambers that isolate the Earth's magnetic field, from anomalous zones of the planet, such as, for example, the "Perm Triangle" and the cave of the "Black Devil" in Khakassia ...

The results of the experiment, according to Novosibirsk scientists, confirmed the reality of the existence of mental connections between people. The Arctic Circle is a natural continuation of research begun in the last century. Here is a brief chronology of scientific research in this area:

  • ...1875. The famous chemist A. Butlerov, who was also engaged in the study of anomalous phenomena, put forward an electrical induction hypothesis to explain the phenomenon of thought transmission at a distance.
  • ...1886. English researchers E. Gurney, F. Myers and F. Podmore used the term "telepathy" to refer to this phenomenon (for the first time).
  • ...1887. Professor of Philosophy, Psychology and Physiology of Lviv University Y. Okhorovich spoke with a detailed justification of Butlerov's hypothesis.

Serious experiments in the field of telepathy were carried out in 19-9-1927 by Academician V. Bekhterev at the Leningrad Institute for the Study of the Brain. At that time, the famous engineer B. Kazhinsky conducted the same experiments. Remember A. Belyaev's science fiction novel "The Lord of the World" (1929). The plot of this work is as follows: in the hands of immoral people there is an invention that allows you to read and write people's thoughts, as well as transmit trouble-free mental orders with the help of special emitters. The book is completely built on the scientific ideas of Bernard Bernardovich Kazinsky. To emphasize this, Belyaev even named a positive hero - Kachinsky, changing only one letter in Kazhinsky's surname ...
The results obtained by Bekhterev and Kazhinsky, judging by the available data, confirmed the existence of the phenomenon of thought transmission over a distance. In 1932, the Leningrad Institute of the Brain received a government order from the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR to intensify experimental research in the field of telepathy. Scientific leadership was entrusted to Professor L.Vasiliev.
The Laboratory of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Moscow), headed by Academician P. Lazorev, also received a corresponding order. The executor of the theme, ordered by the military, and therefore received the "secrecy stamp", was Professor S. Turlygin. The memoirs of these people have been preserved: "We have to admit that there really is a certain physical agent that establishes the interaction of two organisms with each other,"; Professor S. Turlygin stated. "Neither shielding nor distance worsened the results," Professor L. Vasiliev admitted.

  • ... In September 1958 (according to some publications), by order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal R. Malinovsky, several closed meetings were held on the study of the phenomenon of telepathy. The head of the Main Military Medical Directorate, Professor L. Vasiliev, Professor P. Gulyaev and other specialists were present ...
  • ...1960. At the Physiological Institute (Leningrad), a special laboratory was organized to study telepathic phenomena.
  • ...1965- 1968. In Akademgorodok near Novosibirsk, at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, an extensive program of telepathic research on humans and animals was carried out;

Closed studies in parapsychology were carried out at the Moscow Institute of the Brain of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IPPI) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and at other institutes and laboratories. Secret experiments were carried out with the active participation of the military, using expensive equipment, up to the use of submarines.

  • ...1969. By order of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU P. Demichev, a special meeting of the commission to investigate the problem of parapsychological phenomena and the reasons for the increased public interest in them was held. The whole color of domestic psychology gathered - A. Luria, A. Lyuboevich, V. Zinchenko ... They were tasked with dispelling the myth about the existence of a parapsychological movement in the USSR. . Despite everything, it still says: "There is a phenomenon ..."

The existence of the phenomenon was also confirmed by the global experiment ("Arctic Circle") by Novosibirsk scientists. But telepathic phenomena are still perceived by the mass consciousness as a kind of fiction, a hoax. Probably because the true nature of this phenomenon has not yet found a clear explanation.

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Experiments labeled "Top Secret"

Over time, experiments exploring ethics and human behavior have gone beyond. Unlike independent experiments, when scientists do not want to harm the subjects and take on their role themselves, there are those in which people in white coats go headlong into their plans and play on the feelings of living people. So in some cases, the role of the test subjects is occupied by prisoners, slaves and even family members of scientists. Here are ten of the most evil scientific experiments ever carried out on humans.

One of the most famous psychological experiments in the circles of the inhabitants. It was conducted in 1971 by the American psychologist Philip Zimbardo and was a study of a person's reaction to the restriction of freedom, in prison life, as well as the influence of a social role on a person. As volunteers, the scientist took 24 bachelor's students, whom he considered the most healthy and psychologically stable, and then placed them in the basement of the Faculty of Psychology, where he thought through everything to the smallest detail - the clothes of the "prisoners", their powers, cameras and even the supervisory post. The "prisoners", by the way, for greater credibility, were forcibly taken from their homes and issued according to all the rules in a real police department, and then brought to the basement.

All the guys got used to their roles so quickly that, contrary to expectations, dangerous situations and enmity began to arise between them. So every third guard showed sadistic tendencies, and the prisoners, in turn, were severely traumatized morally, and some physically. Two participants were prematurely eliminated. Already on the second day, a riot took place here - the guards voluntarily went to work overtime without guidance, and a rebellion began among the prisoners, after which they were calmed down with fire extinguishers. After this incident, the guards (on the orders of Zambardo) began to pit the prisoners against each other, forcing them to think that there were so-called "informants" in their ranks. Although the experiment was originally conceived to help the participants get used to the identification numbers, in reality it turned into an hour-long test, during which the guards harassed the prisoners and subjected them to physical punishment.

Soon the psychologist was accused and criticized, to which he publicly stated that “blaming a few“ black sheep ”for abuse instead of recognizing it as a systemic problem of the officially established military system is much easier.”

Project 4.1

Project 4.1 is a secret United States government medical study of Marshall Islanders who were exposed to radiation after the Bikini Atoll nuclear test on March 1, 1954. Americans did not expect such an effect from radioactive contamination: miscarriages and stillbirths among women doubled in the first five years after the tests, and many of those who survived soon developed cancer.

The US Department of Energy commented on the experiments: "...Research on the effects of radiation on people could be carried out in parallel with the treatment of victims of radiation." And further: "... The population of the Marshall Islands was used in the experiment as guinea pigs."


Project MKULTRA is the code name for a secret program of the American division of the CIA, the purpose of which was to find and study means of manipulating consciousness, for example, to recruit agents or to extract information during interrogations, in particular, through the use of psychotropic chemicals (affecting the human mind) .

However, the participants in the experiments turned out to be people completely unaware of it - those who sought help from the Allan Memorial Institute with minor problems, such as anxiety neuroses or postpartum depression. Participants in the experiments were continuously injected into a coma for several months by chemical means or electrical discharges and at the same time they were forced to listen to sounds recorded on a tape recorder and repeatedly reproduced, or simple repetitive commands. The purpose of these experiments was to develop methods for erasing memory and completely reshaping the personality.

As is known, this program existed as early as the beginning of the 1950s and at least until the end of the 1960s, and according to a number of indirect signs, it continued later. The CIA deliberately destroyed the key files of the MKULTRA program in 1973, which greatly hampered the investigation of its activities by the US Congress in 1975.

Project "Aversion"

A secret program carried out by the South African army from 1970 to 1989. Its essence was to clear the army ranks from military personnel of non-traditional sexual orientation. Any means, both barbaric and medical, went in: from electroshock treatment to chemical castration. And those who did not succumb to this kind of treatment were sent to shock therapy, where they were forced to take hormonal drugs and even underwent sex reassignment surgery. The exact number of victims is not known, but according to army doctors, about 1,000 military personnel were subjected to a "purge", they were young white men aged 16 to 24 years.

Nazi experiments

A series of medical experiments by Nazi scientists on people is perhaps the most insensitive phenomenon in the history of mankind. The scale of these experiments is scary even to imagine, and the number of territories furnished for concentration camps during the Second World War is beyond perception.

The main figure in these experiments was Josef Mengele, a German doctor who conducted experiments on the prisoners of the Auschwitz camp. he had a passion for twins, he also showed an interest in physiological anomalies, in particular dwarfs. Much of Mengele's work consisted of experiments on prisoners, including the dissection of living babies; castration of boys and men without the use of anesthetics; among other things, he subjected women to high voltage shocks in order to test their endurance. Once he even sterilized a group of Polish nuns using X-rays. For 21 months of his work in Auschwitz, he earned a reputation as one of the most dangerous Nazis, he received the nickname Angel of Death. He personally met the trains of prisoners who came to the camp, and he himself decided which of them would work in the camp, who would go to his experiments, and who would immediately go to the gas chamber. Not counting the crippled lives of his subjects, during his work the doctor sent more than 400,000 people to gas chambers and death camps.

Johnson's Monstrous Experiment

This psychological experiment, in the field of speech development, took place in 1939, and 22 orphans from Davenport were involved in it. Wendell Johnson, a researcher at the University of Iowa, conducted it with his graduate student Mary Tudor. The essence of the experiment was to teach correct speech to two groups of children, but to cherish and praise children from one, and to scold and ridicule from the other. Thus, the scientists wanted to test and confirm the theory that psychological pressure causes speech delay in children and entails the symptoms of stuttering. As a result, children without any problems with speech, as a result, pronounced symptoms of stuttering developed and then developed. However, the details of this experiment surfaced only in 2001. It became known that the children from the experimental group were treated much worse than expected - they were oppressed, they were shouted at and succumbed to morally unstable situations, after which, many children had mental disorders. Following the scandal, the University of Iowa issued a public apology, and six older test subjects who sued the university received $900,000 in damages each.

North Korean experiments

Repeatedly, articles about experiments on prisoners in North Korea flashed in the press, but the government of this country stubbornly denies them, saying that they treat their prisoners humanely. However, one former prisoner did report some cases, such as an experiment with eating poisoned cabbage leaves, after which 50 healthy prisoners vomited blood and hemorrhaged, and then they died. The prisoners were motivated by the fact that if they did not agree to participate in secret research, there would be reprisals against their families. Also, from Kwon Hyuk, the former chief of security for the local prisons, detailed descriptions of gas chambers in prisons for experiments on blood became known, as a result of which several families were even killed.

USSR Toxicological Laboratory

A special secret research unit within the structure of the state security agencies of the USSR, engaged in research in the field of toxic substances and poisons. Special services of the NKVD and the NKGB worked here, which were engaged in covert operations dedicated to the development and testing of toxic substances, and also studied the effects of these substances on prisoners sentenced to capital punishment. In a number of publications devoted to the covert operations of the Soviet state security agencies, this laboratory is also called "Laboratory 1", "Laboratory 12" and "Chamber".

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

This medical experiment lasted from 1932 to 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama. The study was conducted under the auspices of the US Public Health Service and aimed to investigate all stages of syphilis in African Americans. But the local scientists hid from the subjects the fact of the existence of penicillin, and continued testing experimental substances, they say, in search of drugs. As a result, many people suffered, while others died of syphilis, infecting their wives and children. This experiment is called perhaps the most infamous biomedical research in American history.

Detachment 731

This is a special detachment of the Japanese armed forces, which was engaged in research in the field of biological weapons in order to prepare for the conduct of bacteriological warfare, but they performed experiments on living people (prisoners of war and abductees). Experiments were carried out here in order to determine the amount of time that a person can live under the influence of various factors, such as boiling water, drying, deprivation of food, deprivation of water, frostbite, electric current, vivisection people and much more. Thus, during the experiments, about ten thousand innocent people were maimed, including babies.