When did human history begin? The secret history of mankind

A very brief history of mankind from ancient times to the present day and even a little longer Bestuzhev-Lada Igor Vasilyevich

Chapter 1 Prehistory of mankind - at the origins of the universe

The prehistory of mankind - at the origins of the universe

There is only a moment between the past and the future.

It is he who is called Life.

Modern hit wisdom

It is not given to a person to understand how the Universe in which he lives is arranged. For the reason that the concept of the infinite is inaccessible to his mind. This, of course, is about an ordinary person. Philosophers, mathematicians, physicists and other abstract thinkers don't count. As soon as it comes to the infinite - it doesn't matter what: queues, troubles, the Universe - an ordinary person immediately asks the question, who is the extreme, what is next, what is there, beyond infinity? Therefore, it is better not to burden it with such abstractions. How will we try not to upset him with the absurdity of immortality (physical) that is equally incomprehensible to him.

By the way, it's even good that Man does not know his Universe. It is common for a child to break a toy as soon as he figures out how to do it. It is enough that Man has already spoiled his "small universe" - the earth's surface. And here he would have prepared a grave for himself, no longer on earthly, but on cosmic scales.

Therefore, in relation to the Universe, Man has to be content with what he sees (or believes that he sees) with his own eyes. He sees not just the Universe, but three whole worlds, dissimilar to each other, like red, fast and round.

The first world underlying the other two is the world of the atom, the microworld. We encounter in life only its surface - molecules, atoms. A molecule is an ordered collection of atoms, and the atom itself is infinite, like the Universe. Its countless structures populate the rungs of the endless ladder of their structures. As soon as you stop at some step, the question immediately arises: what's next? And then - a new step, and so on without end.

For clarity, atoms are sometimes compared to the solar system. In the center is the Sun, the nucleus, in which almost the entire mass of the atom is concentrated. Elementary particles revolve around the nucleus in their orbits (of course, the similarity is purely external; we recall that this is - another world). But after all, both the nucleus and elementary particles can have their own structures, substructures, and so on, like nesting dolls - one inside the other. So physicists came up with the idea that under certain conditions, our Universe could shrink to a “point” without time and space. In what follows, we will see what this hypothesis led to.

So far, physicists have only reached elementary, subatomic particles (electrons, positrons, protons, and so on). But even these particles behave either as particles or as waves (in fact, neither one nor the other, their world is different!). They make millions of revolutions per second (which is impossible to imagine), and then they go from one state to another. In a calm state, they are alone; if you touch them, they are completely different, like an eccentric wife.

One of the physicists wittily remarked that even the nucleus of an atom (not to mention elementary particles) resembles an impregnable island surrounded by a wall. You can't break through the wall or climb it. You can only throw stones of different weights through it, with different strengths, and then wait for the response of the "islanders". By their reciprocal stones - always strictly proportionate to the strength and weight of those thrown over the wall - one can judge the habits of the inhabitants.

Physicists' research suggests that the Universe consists of elementary particles, just as the ocean consists of drops. Particles are omnipresent and continuously interact with each other. They penetrate us and under certain conditions form atoms of cosmic gases and molecules of cosmic dust. And planets, stars, galaxies are created from gas and dust nebulae.

A great achievement of scientific thought was the understanding that the Universe is heterogeneous, consists of an infinite number of regions (domains) of different quality.

So far, scientists have thought of the existence of three types of domains: the already mentioned point, dimensionless in time and space (this is exactly what is most difficult to imagine); vacuum, where elementary particles are so far from each other that they interact very weakly with each other; finally, our own domain, our mega-world, which is the process of the Big Bang of the aforementioned “point” and galaxies flying in all directions (which is recorded by telescopes). Whether our domain will expand indefinitely or to certain limits, after which it will begin to shrink again, scientists are not yet clear.

Astronomical studies have made it possible to formulate a hypothesis according to which the Big Bang began about 13 billion years ago and continues to this day. In the course of this process, as already mentioned, gas and dust nebulae are formed from the elementary particles of space, and from them - celestial bodies and their combinations - galaxies. Some "products" of the explosion - the most distant from us - are not yet understood (they are called "quasars", "pulsars", "black holes" and the like). Others have been better studied and can be judged more confidently.

So, astronomers, having studied different stars at different stages of their development, formulated the theory of the birth, life and death of a star.

Stars are formed from celestial particles of matter, "sticking" to each other according to the law of universal gravitation. If the star turns out to be "too big" - it explodes, scatters part of its matter into space and gradually, over tens of billions of years, cools down as a luminous "white dwarf". If a star turns out to be "too small" - thermonuclear processes in its depths do not have time to heat it up to glow, and it cools down as a non-luminous "black dwarf" for tens of billions of years. If the star turned out to be “medium (like our Sun), it is able to shine steadily for about ten billion years - our Sun has traveled about half of this path - and then the same slow cooling process begins.

Some stars remain “singles”, others form “pair systems”, and some, like the Sun, surround themselves with planet-stars. Due to their small size, the planets of the solar system can neither warm up nor collapse on the Sun, but begin to revolve around it in certain orbits. And in the same space around the Sun, many smaller celestial bodies rotate in the most intricate orbits. Some of them become satellites of the planets and from time to time fall to their surface along with cosmic dust.

The folding of the planets is similar to the folding of the stars - only on a smaller scale. And then it all depends on how large the planet is and at what distance it is from the Sun. There are "small planets" - those that are closer to the Sun or, conversely, very far from it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars (we know very little about the distant ones). There are "large" ones beyond the orbit of Mars: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

It is important for us to know one thing about the planets: all the dreams of old and recent years about “is there life on Mars” (as well as on all other planets and their satellites) are, alas, unscientific fiction. While we do not know whether there is life on the planets near the stars closest to the Sun, it is so far away that we are unlikely to ever know, and if we do find out, we are unlikely to “reach out”. But the fact that we are alone in the solar system, and we will never reach other solar systems - at least in our current state (we will have to talk about other possible states) - is for sure.

Instead of dreaming about a “distant life”, it is better to deal with two fairy tales that have long clouded your head and prevent you from soberly assessing the state of things.

Fairy tale number 1 - "contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations." There is only one reason for her justification: I really want to. All other arguments cry out against such contacts. To begin with, the cosmic distances, even between nearby stars, are so great that sending rockets or signals to such distances is the same as sending them “to nowhere”. But this - for us, in our current state. For a qualitatively different state, this may take a fraction of a second. In other words, it means meeting qualitatively different civilization. For example, a meeting of a man with an ant. What should these two interlocutors talk about: what is the best way to build an anthill or Moscow (although the difference, it would seem, is small)? Is it worth it to drive kefir instead of formic alcohol? That is why, even if a civilization higher in its level of development has the technical capabilities of contact with ours, it will not do this, just as a reasonable person will not stir up an anthill in vain.

Fairy tale number 2 - "life on Earth was brought from space." The primitiveness of this popular tale is revealed by a simple question: who brought life to space? (We agreed not to touch on religion in this book).

Instead of fairy tales, let's ask other questions. How could life originate on Earth? Why did life originate (even if only within the solar system) only on Earth?

Geologists did a good job and gave us a clear picture of how the planet Earth was formed.

Like all other planets of the solar system, the Earth was formed from a gas-dust cloud that revolved around the Sun. This happened approximately 4.5–4.6 billion years ago. Initially, the planets were supposed to look more or less the same. And then the unique characteristics of the Earth (mass, distance from the Sun, and so on) caused the rapid evolution of the earth's crust and atmosphere, an evolution that has not occurred on any other planet. It took 200-300 million years for the lithosphere, atmosphere and the emerging hydrosphere (also a unique property of the Earth!) to reach a state where compounds of ever more complex molecules could form. And twice as many years for molecules to appear that can reproduce themselves, that is, a qualitatively new form of the existence of matter appears - a life(3.8 billion years ago).

The duration of the process of formation of the organic world from the inorganic allows us to consider this process as a complex chain of changes that eventually led to the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. In order for a complex set of molecules to turn into a self-reproducing organism, apparently, it took a coordinated, synergistic action of several mechanisms giving such an effect.

Among this kind of mechanisms, the following mechanisms are distinguished by their value: protective (helping to resist destruction); processing and metabolism (helping to maintain the achieved state); reproduction of their own kind (at first - by a simple expansion of the cells of the body, then - in more and more complex ways); mutations (adaptation to a changing environment); struggle for existence (survival in deteriorating conditions), natural selection (the most viable survive); care for offspring (otherwise the process of reproduction of generations collapses); aging and death (to provide living space for the next generations and thereby increase the viability of the entire population).

For all that, the question remains about the specific impulse that transformed a complex set of molecules into an organism. Whether it was an electric discharge (lightning), a sharp change in the parameters of the environment during an underwater volcanic eruption, or some other natural disaster (most likely a combination of several such factors), we do not know. We only know that this does not require any "bringing from outer space", nor the obligatory intervention of any supernatural forces.

Instead of fortune-telling replacing the lack of scientific knowledge, I would like to once again draw attention to the uniqueness of the situation: a favorable combination of many different conditions, often even independent of each other, develops.

Earth is not too close to the Sun (like Venus) and not too far from it (like Mars). Of all the planets in the solar system, only on Earth could a stable hydrosphere, the cradle of life, be created. The volcanic activity of the Earth is great enough to raise the temperature of the bottom layers of the ocean in some places (a necessary condition for the emergence of life). But not large enough to bring the ocean to a boil, or even to temperatures at which complex molecules break down. The Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere are a good "screen" from excess solar radiation, but they still let through some of the rays - just the kind that is favorable for the emergence of life.

All this is said to emphasize once again: a unique “life-giving optimum” has been created on Earth, which is absent on other planets. Perhaps this is the rarest (though not necessarily the only) phenomenon in our entire Galaxy. And we must do everything to maintain this optimum. This is much more important than any contact with any hypothetical alien civilizations.

It is all the more necessary to do this, since this "life-giving optimum" is by no means guaranteed to us, not only for millions and billions of years, but even for the near future. The earth's crust is by no means as stable as it seems. It consists of huge tectonic plates, which for millions of years either “collide” or “spread”. Large-scale human intervention can dramatically accelerate these processes, provoke an increase in volcanic activity, create a greenhouse effect on the earth's surface and raise the level of the World Ocean due to the melting of ice in the Antarctic and the Arctic. Thus change the center of gravity of the Earth's rotation around its axis and cause catastrophic climate change.

And this is not to mention the fact that the fall of a large celestial body on the Earth's surface or a sharp change in the cosmic irradiation of the planet can cause a global catastrophe (the last such catastrophe happened 70–67 million years ago). Yes, and smaller catastrophes in modern conditions can mean millions and billions of human victims.

In a word, we must not only thank God for the unique conditions for life on Earth, but we ourselves must do everything possible to maintain the “life-giving optimum”, not to let our planet degrade in this respect to the level of other planets of the solar system.

First, organisms of "original life" (Proterozoic, 2.6–0.57 billion years ago);

Then the organisms of "ancient life" (Phanerozoic, 570-230 million years ago);

Then the organisms of "middle life" (Paleozoic, 230-70/67 million years ago);

Finally, the organisms of the "new life" (Cenozoic, the last 70-67 million years).

If we try to present this scheme in the form of a film, where each frame is equal to a million years, then we get something like this.

... The shallow waters of the seas, where it is warmer, but not too hot, were covered with microscopic organisms (bacteria, they are also called blue-green algae), around which viruses swarmed - the smallest non-cellular particles consisting of nucleic acid and a protein shell. At first, organisms fed on these substances, and then they created a mechanism for photosynthesis - the processing of inorganic substances into organic ones using the energy of the Sun. Development went faster.

A by-product of photosynthesis - oxygen began to enter the atmosphere, from which part of the hydrogen and inert gases managed to escape into space. As a result, a new - modern atmosphere rich in oxygen was formed. Oxygen began to be actively absorbed by the upper layer of the earth's crust. Soil appeared.

For a billion years, primary viruses and bacteria have settled down, established themselves, transformed the sea, air and land of the Earth, opened the way for more complex organisms - multicellular plants and animals: sponges, jellyfish, corals, worms ... The "age of algae" has come (another billion years), " the age of jellyfish” (another billion years), “the age of fish”… A massive invasion of organisms began on marshy land, well prepared for them by the vital activity of bacteria. In the plant world, the moss offensive was launched (it continues to this day). For plants - amphibians, then reptiles. The "age of reptiles" began, lasting more than one and a half million years. These then "kings of nature" became more and more gigantic. Thirty-meter dinosaurs dominated on land, fifteen-meter ichthyosaurs dominated the sea, and eight-meter pterodactyls soared into the sky.

But 200-300 million years ago, some kind of global catastrophe occurred (one can only guess which one: an asteroid, a burst of cosmic radiation or something else ...) - and luxurious coniferous-fern forests went underground, becoming deposits of coal, oil , gas.

Another catastrophe followed 70–67 million years ago - and miserable dwarfs remained from the kingdom of giant reptiles: 20 species of crocodiles, 212 species of turtles and about 5 thousand species of lizards and snakes. And in place of fern forests, deciduous ones appeared.

The keratinized scaly skin-armor and the laying of eggs in a calcareous shell at one time gave a huge advantage to reptiles compared to amphibians. Warm-blooded animals - birds and mammals - received the same advantage. The feathers of some and the wool of others helped to keep the body warm. And mammals generally gave birth to cubs alive and fed them with mother's milk - the best remedy for pathogenic microbes. Mammals, like reptiles before them, invaded the seas (whales, dolphins, walruses, seals), flew into the air (bats).

Every day of the life of every organism is a continuous struggle for survival. Under such conditions, repeated reactions laid the foundation for a chain of instincts - innate forms of behavior typical of a given animal. Gradually, the laws of instinctive group behavior developed. From several thousand primary species of mammals, several species of so-called insectivores (more precisely, almost omnivores) emerged over time: hedgehogs, moles, desmans ... Who would have thought that our family tree would go so far!

Imagine: predators have a problem with meat and they are forced to say goodbye to life, the grass dries up - herbivores have the same tragedy. And omnivores, if they have to go badly, will not disdain anything. Huge advantage!

They especially skillfully learned to use the laws of instinctive group behavior when obtaining a variety of food and saving from enemies several dozen species of omnivorous mammals - primates (for which they received this honorary title of "first"). Among the primates stood out "primatossimus" - monkeys. They appeared no earlier than 35-30 million years ago, but according to various sources, they became especially widespread from 3.5 million to 600 thousand years ago.

The first primates were small, squirrel-like animals. One of these families - tupai - has survived to this day, and scientists argue whether to attribute them to primates or to insectivores. But another family - lemurs - clearly has many features of primates. And the third - tarsiers - surpassed even lemurs: they have the most developed hind limbs (hence the name), fingers of the forelimbs and a rounded skull - an important condition for the formation of a more perfect brain.

The lower species of lemurs are like large mice, and the lower species of monkeys are like highly developed lemurs. See what the chain is? But between the "lower lemur" and the "higher ape" there is a huge distance. In the "higher monkeys" puberty comes later - better preparation for the reproduction of offspring, pregnancy and breastfeeding are longer - offspring are longer and better saved from pathogenic microbes, vocal cords work better - which means that you can use your voice, modulating in dozens of frets, to keep in touch on the hunt , report danger. And their facial expressions are more complicated - which means that you can tell your partner valuable information without giving yourself away with a sound. And even life expectancy is optimal (from 20 to 60 years), allowing to withstand the pace of generational change - there are always strong and experienced adults in the herd, protecting the growing cubs.

We have already said that the food of monkeys, like all primates, was very diverse. Edible fruits, leaves, stems, young shoots, flowers, tubers - a rich "groceries". Edible insects, lizards, snakes, chicks, eggs, worms, snails - no less rich "gastronomy".

It is a shame, of course, to realize that we are descended from an animal, to which it is difficult to apply the epithet "beautiful". And not, say, from a magnificent-tailed peacock or a majestic swan, like a princess from a fairy tale. But what can you do? There are many kinds of monkeys. They are divided into "lower" (less human-like) and "higher" (more similar). Moreover, the difference between the "lower" and "higher" monkeys is no more than between the "higher" monkeys and humans. Even in the smallest details! So in vain, many of us disown the pedigree that is downright striking in the eyes.

So, what is the difference between just an ape and an ape-man, and that, in turn, from an ape-man and, finally, just a man?

In short, a monkey (“higher”) can use some kind of tool only by chance and immediately forget about this gratifying episode in his life. Because her natural position is on all fours, and “to rear up” and free at least one forelimb to grab a tool (say, a stick) is a rare, extraordinary feat.

Unlike “just a monkey”, a human ape (this is no longer 30 million years ago, but an order of magnitude closer to us) is an animal, if not yet upright, then easily standing on its hind legs and using a stick, bone, stone for attack and defense. We note that the tool has not yet been processed, but a suitable object that turned out to be at hand, but not by chance, but deliberately, with skill.

Finally, the ape-man (Pithecanthropus) - 1.2-0.5 million years ago - is characterized by stable upright posture, which means the systematic use of tools, not only suitable objects, but also roughly processed ones.

For all that, it's still an animal. The rudiments of reason appear - the animal becomes a man.

Note that this line is by no means a direct genealogy. There may be "branches" that have not received further development. For example, bones of creatures that occupy an intermediate position between pithecanthropes and humans have been found (dating: 200-35 thousand years ago). They were named Neanderthals after their discovery. Some scientists consider them as a special, cut off branch in human development.

Only very few species of monkeys live in families and not in trees, but where it is more convenient in terms of environment. As a rule, the monkey's place of residence is tree branches in the forest (it's safer that way). And the optimal size of the flock is not too large (not enough food) and not too small (so that the flock survives a not too deadly catastrophe). Already here we find some features of similarity with the primitive community of people - although here, of course, there is a huge difference.

Over time, the higher types of monkeys reached one and a half to two meters in height and one or two centners in weight. A sort of colossus could measure strength with a bear. In any case, she surpassed him in speed of reaction, cunning, dexterity, speed of movement.

But not meters and centners, but instincts - "automatic" reactions to this or that influence from the outside - the monkey turned out to be strong. More precisely, as already mentioned, the effectiveness of instinctive group behavior.

Instincts (reflexes), as you know, are divided into unconditional and conditional. The simplest unconditional instincts: blinking, coughing, sneezing, allowing you to automatically clear the eyes, throat, and nose of dust and pathogenic microbes. There are more complex instincts: the instinct of self-preservation, the instinct of nutrition (also a kind of self-preservation), the instinct of reproduction, which is divided into sexual and parental, the instinct of orientation - adaptation to the environment (remember at least intercontinental flights of birds). In this regard, the monkeys did not have any special advantages compared to other animals.

But in terms of conditional instincts (not innate, but acquired, obtained by “life experience”), the higher types of monkeys are far ahead of the rest of the animal brethren. Even the smartest animals - dogs, cats, horses. This is not a minnow who will swallow the hook again and again, even when he is convinced that his "breadwinner" is a villain. Deceive the monkey once - well, twice - and that's it: she has developed a conditioned reflex to you as an enemy. And she immediately notifies the whole flock about this. It would be bad for you if you were not separated by the bars of the zoo cage!

And then the monkey accidentally knocked down a banana with a stick. The sensation was reported to the neighbors. The group conditioned reflex worked - and bananas were gone everywhere the stick reached. The tool can be not only a stick, but also a stone. A stone with a pointed shape that acts like an axe. It remains to rise on its hind legs, release its front legs and begin to work, repeating the disgusting: "Labor made a man out of a monkey."

And there it went and went: ape-man, ape-man, Neanderthal man ...

Sovey recently believed that instead of the ellipsis, it is necessary to complete the evolutionary series like this: “and 40 thousand years ago, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens, appeared.”

However, recent studies have shown that the path from the ape to Homo sapiens turned out to be more difficult and took hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years.

We will not go into the details of this process. Let's take a closer look at the pack of monkeys, let's see how far the pack of apes and apes have gone from it, how many common features are there in the pack of monkeys and in the primitive community of people.

It turns out that there are many common features.

For example, both in the flock and in the community, “authority” is necessarily distinguished - the most powerful and successful getter of food. Him - the best piece. And not as a reward, but by sober calculation. He will eat more satisfyingly - he will get more for others. It is no coincidence that the instructions in case of a plane crash say: first put on an oxygen mask yourself, then put it on your child - otherwise both will die.

Both in the pack and in the community, the most attractive female (in terms of health, in terms of sexual maturity) again goes to the strongest and most successful, sometimes after the selection of applicants - the fight of males. There is no calculation here, but pure instinct: in this way the most healthy offspring is obtained. But if all the females go to one, incest, degeneration, and death are inevitable. And all the same instinct drives the "first lover" to the next. And his place is taken by another - and please: the desired variety. It's funny, but the remnants of this purely monkey behavior have remained in humans (mainly men) to this day. They are clearly formulated in the aphorism of the showman Fomenko: "The dream of an idiot is the wife of a neighbor."

Both in the flock and in the community, the mother will definitely share food with the cub. Maternal instinct tells her that escheatment threatens otherwise. Both in the pack and in the community, the female will never let a physically stronger male near a girl who has not reached puberty. For this, too, threatens escheat.

General conclusion from what has been said. There is no impenetrable wall between the inorganic and organic worlds (although they are different worlds). There is no impenetrable wall between flora and fauna (although they are different worlds). There is no impenetrable wall between the monkey and species of the animal world close to it. There is no impenetrable wall between ape and man (although the difference is huge). There is no impenetrable wall between the monkey pack and the primitive community (we will not understand anything about the characteristics of the primitive community if we do not look closely at their "sprouts" in the monkey pack).

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Chapter II. Sunset of humanity

How often educated and cultured people like to talk about the history of mankind or certain historical events. Many of these conversations make you think, and some allow you to consider the events of the past years from a completely new perspective. Indeed, a people that does not remember its past has no future. But will the future have a whole look, and what should be remembered by everyone and everyone?

Man is the only creature on the planet capable of consciously thinking, whatever that means, operating with complex structures and even inventing new worlds and planning their activities for years to come. This is all true and this fact amazes and elevates the human child over the cubs of various mammals, insects, birds and fish. Of course, the cultural or evolutionary value of a species may be different, but in any case it is impossible not to take into account the biological importance of this species.

If we excluded rats from history, there would be no diseases they carry, if we exclude cats, a large number of people would be simply more restless and angrier, not finding solace in the form of a beloved pet. In such an alternate universe, human history would have looked completely different. Perhaps, by turning off one or more species from the food chain, all life on Earth will perish. That is why today we will move away from the usual anthropocentrism and try to consider reality more objectively, taking into account the maximum number of factors.

As mentioned above, discussions about history may not be very popular in popular culture, but they occupy their own niche. If we think about how the word "history" is used in modern times, we will understand that in the vast majority of cases we mean "the history of mankind." So with this word we associate revolutions, charismatic politicians, dictators, wars, reforms and inventions. Of course, to have something against the use of the word "history" in this sense is unreasonable, because one person is unlikely to be able to influence fundamental changes in the language. But it is worth noting that such an understanding has developed due to the perception of one's own species as the most important and, in a sense, central. And although anthropocentrism has already outlived its usefulness - it is known that in the Universe there are hundreds of billions of stars around which new planets are being discovered right now, it would be reasonable to assume that the chance of the existence of another civilization or just life outside the Earth is quite large. Geocentrism once dominated, but it turned out that our planet is far from the center and most likely that the Universe has no center at all, and looking at the projection of our galaxy and the location of the planet in it, thoughts about the centrality of the Earth leave our consciousness immediately.

"Figure of celestial bodies" - geocentric model, painting by Bartolomeu Velho, 1568

Approximate location of Earth in the Milky Way galaxy

Therefore, people abandoned geocentrism and anthropocentrism. But, having abandoned these points of view, humanity continues to mentally believe in them. It happens on some subconscious level. And at the same time, it closes a huge layer from each individual person, both historical events and the current state of things in the universe. Living in everyday affairs, a person does not believe in the amazingness and transcendence of the world.

When we read or hear discussions about the work of an internationally recognized author, these discussions often begin with his biography. After all, one should know what factors influenced the formation of the personality of the writer, what profession his parents were and why he touched on this particular topic or problem, etc. Also, when characterizing any transnational company, it is necessary to refer to its founders and their history.

Why, when it comes to the history of mankind, we immediately turn either to historical events determined in advance, or we begin to talk about creationism, evolution, panspermia, and most of all attention is paid to the dispute between representatives of these points of view. Of course, the argument is often interesting, but the truth is more precious. Therefore, it is necessary to start looking for the origins of human essence not in the eighteenth, fifth or zero century of our era, but from the very beginning.

It is necessary to start with the history of the Earth, because this is our first and dear home. It was here that man appeared, so the Earth is the most suitable object of study for us. As mentioned above, it is a mistake to look for the origins of modern human essence only in the history of man as a species. Therefore, it will be much more extensive and objective to pay attention to the origin of our planet as a source of life in the Universe.

Image of a protoplanetary disk around the star HL Taurus

The formation of a planet begins with the formation of a gas and dust cloud around an emerging star. Later, the star forms a protoplanetary disk in which the processes of planet formation finally end. With our planet, this process occurred 4.54 billion years ago.

According to various ideas, the Earth looked something like this

So, as a result of the phased development of the lithosphere and the organic world, certain stages of the development of the Earth can be distinguished, which are reflected in the geochronological table:

Geological table

It is worth noting that each era in the presented table takes hundreds of millions of years of time, which tells us that there is an incredibly huge period of unknown processes of forming the basis for our life, as well as the formation of ourselves.

The way of singling out a certain number of epistemological positions of various sciences in the modern world looks rather strange. Often in the world scientific community it is customary to call the history of mankind “history”, although the definition of science rarely does without the word “objectivity”. And using objectivity, the understanding of the word "history" should lead us to a much more extensive period - from the beginning of the formation of the Universe to the present moment. Of course, the level of complexity of each individual science is growing and it is becoming more and more difficult to be universal in this regard, but if we want to understand the true essence of the past and future, this is still necessary. That is why it is important not to dwell on the study of the history of man, but also to understand how he appeared, analyzing the time when people did not exist at all, that is, the time that is not customary to analyze at all, going to learn completely different sciences.

It can be said that the formation of our civilization began precisely with the formation of the planet Earth, and, no matter how strange it may sound, it was then that our path in history began. So it can be determined that we already existed then, albeit in a different form and unconsciously, but quite actively transforming into various forms, having come to this form now, we will be reborn into something new later.

Arthur Schopenhauer, in his work "The World as Will and Representation", discussing death for a long time, creates a whole concept, which he calls "palingenesis". This is exactly what she tells us. As a biological being, a person acquires certain characteristics: individual voice, eye color, hair color, height, weight and brain. The brain is followed by memory, which a person gradually fills with events from his life and the distinctive features of his personality. It is hardly you yourself - it is only your memories and life path. I think everyone feels something much more behind the word "I". Nevertheless, according to Schopenhauer, even when dying, the will of a person continues to exist in a different form. Although, it is worth noting that the concept of "will" can be interpreted by many people as a simpler and flatter concept. Thus, when studying a certain series of events, one should always look at things much more broadly and keep in mind the deep and long history of prehistoric times, drawing from it the probable future of mankind.

In subsequent materials, we will take a closer look at the forms of life that existed on our planet long before the appearance of man, which will lead us to an understanding of our essence and the ability to predict our future.

(excerpt from manuscript)

At the very beginning there is only one Endless Single, Source Total Existing, Absolute, THE GOD ( Absolute Holy Nothing and Absolute Holy All - receptacle Total Existing, Manifested and Unmanifested), Spirit, Brama, Energy, Almighty ( Supreme, Vyshen, Vishnu), Dazhbog, Brahma.

Depicted as a circle.

The movement of the Absolute from within to the outside - "wakes up" - gives birth to the Manifested World, and vice versa - "falls asleep" - forces it to disappear. The previous creation gradually and progressively dissolves. The visible world decays, its materials dissipate.

This process goes on forever.

Our universe is just one of an endless series.

Spirit comes in two states: Active and Passive.

155 trillion years ago .

In the Active State, when Brahma “wakes up”, a powerful Energy of Consciousness (Thought), (Fire) arises, which turns into Thoughtturbia (flows) active particles of neutrinos, which previously freely flew in Space. These flows are also called Prana - psychic energy. This is the unmanifested matter of the space of the highest dimension, Rule, Subtle or Fiery Worlds.

Neutrinos are stable neutral leptons. Leptons are the smallest physical particles.

Subatomic particles with rest mass approaching zero. Neutrinos are literally everywhere, but due to their very weak interaction with matter, it is incredibly difficult to detect them. They are called ghost particles: every second, trillions of these particles pass through our bodies without leaving any trace. Their speed exceeds the speed of light by 60 nanoseconds.

Thoughtturbias are the Consciousness Body of the Spirit, which is called Tanumahat or Tanu ("tanu" - consciousness, "mahat" - perfection), Raur ("Golden Egg", "Castle of Ra").

Fire and the Light generated by it (“Let there be Light”) fill the Thoughtturbias, intertwine with each other, life flows in them Spirit .

The interweaving of Fire and Light forms the Primary Fiery Matter - Paraplasma ("para" means primary), God Ra, God of the Sun).

Fire is bright and bright, but invisible without the presence of Matter. Brahma “sees and feels” Itself only in Matter.

The energy of Consciousness (Thought) spreads and permeates everything in space, volumetric “fields” continuously pulsating in its vortex motion and prana flows form unmanifested Matter in it (vacuum, “emptiness” with a sufficiently high concentration of energy in it). The ancients, calling "vacuum" "ether", quite rightly asserted that it "flows".

The passive state of the Spirit, although initially similar to the first, is qualitatively different from it. This state is Knowledge and manifests Itself by Radiance and Radiance, is called the Body of the Position of the Spirit in Itself and manifests itself in Nature as a lepton field. It is called Naguatma or Nag ("nag" - knowledge, "atma" - Spirit).

In the Inactive State of the Spirit, neutrinos fly freely in Space.

Light creates tension in the Body of Consciousness, and tension creates vibration (Heat). When Heat is combined with tension, Tincture is obtained (color saturation, spectrally dissected Light). Differentiation of Fire and Light always goes according to seven types of vibrations. This is Spectrum. Hence the sacredness of the number seven.

Heat and Tincture, intertwining in the Body of Consciousness, condense it with themselves. Raur acquires a new quality - also to generate Fire (energy).

Heat and Tincture absorb Light, are saturated with Light, and, in turn, are absorbed by Fire, simultaneously generating Fire and releasing it from Raur.

The fire, released from Raur, - the "Golden Egg" - passes into the Space of Naguatma. The fire carries information about what happened. This Information is hostile to Naguatma, because it carries the Will of active action. The nature of the Naguatma is passive. Therefore, Naguatma, in order not to be destroyed, encloses Fire in Himself, that is, granulates It in its Space - separate quantum focuses of information-energy corpuscle-holograms of Fire are formed, which are Paraprotoplasm.

Under the action of internal, uniform for all granules praelectric forces, the granules evenly layer the Space in their chaotic motion, form incredibly huge “dust-like” unformed nebulae. This is how the Primary Chaos (Space) is born.

Thus, myriads of holograms appear in Space (transformations of wave fields based on the interference of waves) - Information of the Spirit about Itself, which become the First Material Body of the Consciousness of the Spirit. This is the "Word of the Lord" - the energy-informational Field of the Spirit, Higher Mind of the Spirit (Logos), Rod, Ra, Atum . "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was God."". Information-holographic field expressed in holographic equivalent.

This is the First Division in Nature. It is symbolized by the number "1" - Essence.

In Matter, the body of the Logos manifests itself as neutrons and protons.Common name for protons and neutrons- nucleons. They are the two main components of atomic nuclei.

The Energy of Consciousness enters the Higher Mind, dresses it like flesh, animates Him, and He realizes Himself, but is not independent. Thus the Logos receives its Consciousness, though similar to the Consciousness of the Absolute, but not identical to It. The Consciousness of the Logos only fulfills the Will of the Absolute. By this Will, the Logos attaches the Body (Rays) of His Consciousness (the entire layer of the information-energetic Field) to the Rays of Brahma's Consciousness.

The Logos becomes the first fiery flesh of the Energy of Consciousness, A-Protoplasm. Now the A-Protoplasm is no longer a Paraplasm, but it is also not the Protoplasm of the Subtle World.

Paraplasm, Protoplasm, Ectoplasm are more subtle than the plasma of reality.

He does as the Spirit tells him to. Each time after the Passive state, Brahma creates a New Logos and a New World. Only Brahma is Eternal. Everything that is created by Him is mortal, and His faces are changeable.

AT cutting moment in The space of holograms of information and energy fields is passive Naguatma also releases energy, but of a different quality, a "substance", the name of which Amoy-Nga (Stribog, Shiva) . This "substance" becomes the energy substance (basis) of the Soul of GOD.

The Soul of Brahma is not His Consciousness. It simply supplements the Consciousness, enters with it in close relationship, but does not merge with it. The Soul is not a Thought either, although it resembles it, it colors the Thought. It is through the Soul that the Spirit perceives His Thoughts and understands them.

Naguatma already contains two layers of Rays, and a New Field of holograms appears in Space - Protoplasm - the first substance of the Secondary Matter. These are other facets. This is how the information-energy Field of the Cosmos is born - Cosmic Mind -

our God, Creator Father manifested universe,Cosmic Mind, Sogol, Demiurge,Brahman, Svarog (“To bung” still means to create in a miraculous, masterful way. Cooking and “harp” can only be done with the help of fire and water (“var” - Skt. water)), Svyatovit, Zeus.It has two levels of Consciousness - the Consciousness of the Spirit and the Granular Consciousness of the Logos. In Sogol, both Levels of Consciousness mergeinOne, qualitatively different from both, and form a new one - Sogol's Consciousness.Energy Consciousness of God - Urar.

The spirit already has its two Minds - the HighestinLogos and Cosmicin Sogol.

God in the traditional understanding of people is actually the position of the current state of the universe.

The Spirit and His Three Faces: the Higher Mind (Logos), the Cosmic Mind (God) and the Soul of the Spirit are the Fiery World - the Divine World, which has no Forms.

The described process is the First Creation of the World - the Creation of Fiery Matter.

The Higher Mind and the Cosmic Mind is an information-holographic code and a program for the development of the Universe and matter in general.

Classification of spaces according to the level of matter

The space of the 8th level is the Absolute.

Space of the 7th level - Monad;

The space of the 6th level is nirvana (the space of the spirit);

The space of the 5th level is buddhi (the space of intuition);

The space of the 4th level is manas (the space of thoughts);

The space of the 3rd level is prana (the space of feelings, emotions);

The space of the 2nd level is the ether (energy space);

The space of the 1st level is the visible world (physical space).

Classification of spaces according to the number of dimensions

The Absolute is ten dimensions.

Monad - nine dimensions;

Nirvana - eight dimensions;

Buddhi - seven dimensions;

Manas - six dimensions;

Prana - five dimensions;

Ether is four-dimensional;

The visible world is three-dimensional.

Atoms of unmanifested Matter, receiving the energy of Thought, begin to move and become solid, the very first atoms of hydrogen (the Universe acquires the features of the manifested world, Reality), differentiate into molecules, condense gaseous matter when moving in space.

The monad envelops the atom and animates it.

At the same time, heat is generated and the condensed matter becomes gaseous radiant suns.

The idea of ​​the Monads of living beings in the final analysis of their development is the Idea of ​​a Man of the Subtle World, or a Heavenly Angel (a Cosmic Man).

Everything in Nature, including the atom, is restrained and held in the desired state by a force field, which is nothing but Nag - a lepton field. The strength of leptons is so great that it restrains the self-destruction of atoms and significantly softens the effect of their destruction, if this occurs.

The movement of the Absolute from within to the outside gives birth to the Manifested World, but on the contrary, it forces it to disappear. This process goes on forever. Our universe is just one of an endless series.

All the planets at their birth were comets and suns, then they gave off their heat.

The matter (electrons) of the ether is incommensurably (a hundred million times) thinner than the dense atomic matter of the physical world.

The worlds that give birth to their people and their animals are countless. None of them bear any resemblance to the other. Everyone has a dual nature - physical and spiritual.

The Infinite Mind with the help of the Logos (separation of Fire and Light into small components in the lepton field, the information-energy field expressed in the holographic equivalent) creates in Its Space a new Body - a field that is denser and has other qualities - Protoplasm, created in the image and the likeness of Rule.

From Protoplasm, smaller bodies arise, which become Monads and enliven the World. The substance of the Monad is Protoplasm. Hence the world of living beings, planetary, cosmic, individual, is so diverse.

Each Star, each Planet is an Essence, Thought-forms of the Spirit (active or passive), which have received a different shell, in contrast to a person.

2.88 trillion years ago . The emergence of black holes.

The previous Universe is the one that existed in the last Age of Brahma, i.e. before the Big Bang. The Law of Eternal Return operates in the Universe. Its essence is that the situation will be repeated forever, until it is realized and worked out.

20 billion years ago. Then we all failed the Creator's exam, and during the Quantum Transition between the Fifth and Sixth Races of the Fourth Circle of Eternity, the Earth exploded. It was in that universe. Then everything died.

6th c.

The Slavs continued to spread to the west, through the passages in the Carpathians to Tisza. Hpart of the Cossacks went to Scandinavia, where they became Vikings ( The word "Viking" comes from " vikingr ”, which, according to the most common version, is associated with the Scandinavian designation of bays and fjords, and also coincides with the name of the Norwegian region Vic) -Normans. The Cossacks who settled in Scandinavia by means of the Russian language designated their new social status, calling themselves NORMANS: NOR (north) MANS (leaders), i.e. northern leaders (later added letter n - from Nord and mann , that is, "northern people", it. Normannen, French Normands ), because the North Germanic tribes reached out to them svei, having moved to the southeast of the Scandinavian Peninsula and laying the foundation for modern Sweden and, of course, the Pomeranian Rus, who resisted Christianization. It is logical and natural that the Normans called the conquered territory Rus. The Cossacks destroyed the "bases" of the local sea robbers and won a foothold to fight the pirates and the Vatican Christianizers.

The steppe watershed spaces were captured by the Avars, who dominated the steppes east of the Carpathians, the Magyars and the Pechenegs.

The Avars came to Europe and settled in it as an conquering alien tribe with a fortified military camp. They surrounded their places of location for a long distance with ditches, trenches and fences, and the area strengthened in this way was called “hring”. The center of the hring, where the kagan's dwelling and where the government offices were located, was surrounded by a special wall of oak and beech trees. The system of the Avar and Bulgarian fortified camp can now be observed in Bulgaria, near Preslav, where ancient Bulgarian military settlements were discovered by excavations of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople. The Avar hrings were located at a short distance from each other, so that in case of danger it was easy to send a message from one to another. In the main hring between the Danube and the Tisza, spoils of war and the treasury were kept. Although the Avars had no culture and did not leave the primary stages of tribal life, they cannot be denied a significant development of the military class and military affairs; thanks to these advantages, they easily gained predominance over the Slavs, who became their tributaries and military allies.

The island of Ruyan (Rügen) occupies an area of ​​almost 1000 square kilometers, its chalk cliffs look out to the sea, its entire coast is indented with deep and secluded bays and coves, in which it was so convenient to hide the boats of the Slavic Varangians.

Slavic tribe wounds (Ruyan, ruins)(Vendi) formed a priestly caste in its midst (like the Indian Brahmins or the Babylonian Chaldeans) and not a single serious military-political issue was resolved by other Slavic tribes without advice from wounds. The wounds (ruans) owned the runic script of the Vendian tradition, the graphics of which differed markedly from the known older and younger runes (probably the term itself wounds derived from the Slavic hurt, that is, carve runes on wooden planks). An extremely rich people, strong and terrible on the waters for all the surrounding inhabitants.

Historical Varangians-Obodrites territorially intertwined with the most militant and valiant Russian tribe - the ruins. Moreover, Rugiya or Ruyania and its center Arkona were considered the mystical center of Russia, the source of the Slavic world. It is no coincidence that pagan storytellers place the world tree on the island of Ruyan (Buyan), over the crown of which stretches Iriy, the military Paradise of the Rus.

Slavs spread and up the Danube and between the Vistula and Oder. mixed in 6-7 centuries with Geto-Dacian tribes settled in Greece. From the east, from the borders of present-day Mongolia, a powerful stream of proto-Turkic tribes rushed to the west. At the same time, they formed a strong confederation called the Turkic Khaganate and which extended over a vast area from Mongolia to the Volga. There was a clear hierarchical structure in the kaganate, headed by the khakan, who had unlimited power and was equated by nomads with the Chinese emperor. Later, the Turkic Khaganate split into two parts, of which the so-called Western Turkic Khaganate ruled over the territory from Altai to the Volga, and then extended its power to part of the Ciscaucasia. The flourishing of urban planning in Russia (there are almost no cities in Europe).

AT 6th - 10th c. in Pomerania (Baltic coast of Germany) among the Slavs there were numerous small tribes: Pyzhichians, Volynians (on the island of Wolin and the land adjacent to it), vyzhychane (prissane) , ... The population of almost the entire steppe part of Eastern Europe was subjected to Turkization, while the dominant Slavs were established in the forest-steppe. Only in the Central Caucasus, a powerful array of the Alanian ethnos survived, which recovered after the Hun pogrom and recreated its political union - the Alanian Union.

Guzy (Oghuz in ancient Turkic ) created an empire that stretched from China to the Black Sea.

The direct descendants of the Oghuz are modern Turks , Azerbaijanis and Gagauz , in the past also Seljuks.

500 g. Serzhen is elected Grand Duke of Kyiv ( Serezhen ) (son of Verenza). From this name came the names Sergei, Seryozha. Ruled for 10 years. Defeat from the Khazars (Volga Rus), who created a powerful military-trade union in the south of the empire with control of trade routes to India and China.

The city of Itil, built at the mouth of the Volga, not far from the lost and sunken Asgard, becomes the capital of a strange and only autonomous state formation on the territory of the Russian Empire. The Lower Volga began to be called the "Itil River" or the "Khazar River". Taxation of tribute. Gradually, the Itil Union of Rusalim captures the southwestern trade routes of the empire.

Slavic ancestors Slovaks live in the area of ​​the current Slovakia.

At the beginning of the 6th century, the Russian army and navy more than twenty times, almost annually, make military campaigns in the Balkans and the Mediterranean Sea and wipe out Byzantium, the remnants of the hostile Roman Empire, from the face of the earth. Since that time, only the Russian Empire remains in the world. In the victories over Byzantium, the Grand Duke of Kyiv Serzhen became famous for centuries.

504 Anastasius built the Long Walls from Silivria to Derkon to protect Constantinople and its environs. G a noble structure between the Black and Marmara Seas at a distance of about 40 versts from Constantinople (Derkon-Silivria line)). But this structure, amazing in terms of the use of enormous forces and means, did not achieve its goal and did not always stop the bold and courageous enemy, who broke through the walls and often devastated the suburbs of the capital.

505 The Lombards capture the plain between the Tisza and the Danube and destroy the powerful state of the East German tribe of the Heruli existing there.

508 Clovis makes Paris his capital.

510 United Borussia (near Belarus, on the coast of the Baltic (Latin name for Prussia)) and Ruskolan elect Prince Svetoyar, the last of the Kievichi dynasty, at a veche.

520 The throne of the Vandal kingdom was occupied by Hilderic. He maintained partnership relations with Justinian, the de facto emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
However, Hilderic was very dissatisfied with the vandal nobility. There were many reasons: this was friendship with Byzantium, as well as the fact that the Berber tribes very much annoyed the kingdom, despite the fact that the vandals could not give them a proper rebuff. On top of that, Hilderic completely severed relations with Italy. All this led to the fact that his own cousin
nephew Gelimer with the governors took him into custody, de facto depriving him of power and declaring himself a leader.
Justinian took advantage of this devastation. They sent a large army to the Vandal kingdom. We are talking about a sea expedition, which included about 600 ships (about 100 military, the rest were transport). About 30,000 troops
(including cavalry troops) moved towards Carthage. For Gelimer, who ruled the Vandals at that time, a catastrophic situation developed. At the same time, he tried to eliminate internal conflicts by force. And he was not able to repulse the threat from the outside. Thus, it turned out that Gelimer had to beat off two blows at once.
There were several battles. The vandals fought desperately for more than a year. But the defeat at Decimus and Tricamare seriously weakened Gelimer. He was forced to flee. On Mount Papua, he resisted the Byzantines all winter. The Moors helped him in this. They resisted to the last, showing remarkable talent in military ingenuity. And they had a lot of courage.

The Indian monk Bodhidharma joined the Shaolin monastery, who taught the rest of the monks the art of kung fu to make them more resilient and capable of ascetic feats. At first, it was just a special set of physical exercises - a self-defense system based on this complex was developed a little later.

525 Founding of the kingdom East England.

530 The military campaign of the Russian and mercenary squads of the Itil Khagan to India and the defeat in the battle of Kahor (Kangxi Province in South India) with Indians and Persians (before Cahor was a country with 1500 cities, but then all of them in As a result of the wars with the Hephthalites, they were destroyed, plundered and fell into disrepair).

532 conquest francs Burgundian kingdom.

534 On the Danube, the Slavs defeated the strategist Khalabudiya, a ruthless Roman warrior.

The Turks of Altai expelled the Avars, and partly exterminated them.

In the spring, Gelimer, with his small army, nevertheless surrendered and became a prisoner. Byzantium destroyed an ally who became an enemy - the Russian commander Belisarius (Velizar-Velisar - meaning "great king" or Veliyar - meaning "great-ardent", "great warrior"), put an end to the Kingdom of the Vandals. The most ancient family of the Rus, which originated from the Venets, the Vends, ceased to exist. A significant part of the vandals were captured and sold into slavery. The rest disappeared into the local population, giving rise in North Africa to tribes of warlike, tall Caucasian "Africans", whom many travelers, despite their swarthy skin, compared in appearance and character with Russian Cossacks.

The powerful eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia, which covered the entire planet with sulfur.

Kingdom Burgundians annexed to the state francs.

536 Belisarius took Rome.

Cooling on the planet due to the fall of a 600 m meteorite off the coast of Australia in the Gulf of Carpentaria, which released a colossal dust cloud into the atmosphere. Dust clouds covered the sky for a long time, and our whole world plunged into twilight for decades.

Because of the climate catastrophe, terrible disasters hit the Earth: from drought, famine and epidemic diseases, the population of the Earth has sharply decreased. The most severe cooling on our planet in the last two thousand years has come. “The sun shone as faintly as the moon for a whole year,” wrote the historian Procopius of Caesarea, a Byzantine writer and historian. VI century. People suffered from hunger, they were mowed down by diseases. The inhabitants of Rome described the "bluish sun", in which even at noon objects did not cast a shadow. An endless year stretched painfully long without the sun, without heat and light. Large cities fell into decay, Byzantium in 536 was subjected to constant looting and destruction.

537 Rome completely surrounded gothswho pitched six military camps under the walls of the city. The city protects Belisarius.

542 Plague in Constantinople. Started in Egypt, then in Palestine.

543 Goto-Slav war. The Goths attacked Voronezh, where there was a small detachment of the boyar (bo-yar - “big Aryan”) Pride, who accepted an unequal battle and defeated the Goths. However, ashes remained of the city. A handful of Russian warriors, both undefeated, left him. Before leaving, the soldiers swore an oath not to forget their homeland and to liberate the “blessed Russian land”.

The Goths, led by King Triedoreus, attacked Golun and Kyiv. Many Russians died. Among them is Attila. executed Prince of Kievan Rus- Svyatoyar. T his sons - Pirogoshch, Radogoshch (Radogosta) and Mosk, who then reigned on the Danube and in the Carpathians, returned and took revenge. Then a small part of the people left Kyiv, who gathered in the Ilmer forests in the settlements of Novgorod-Slavs (hunters and fishermen).

And then Great Russia began to be created from the north. Then they were joined by the Slovenes, who fled from the Avars, the Rus, who fled from the Khazars, and the Wends, who fled from the Germans. In Novgorod in the same years, the family of Vladimir the Ancient began to rule (he reigned nine tribes before Burivoi).

Part of the Ruskolan fled to the Don and Kuban, under the protection of the Don Russ and aces. The ancient Vedic Ruskolan on the Don and the North Caucasus fell. Many genera of Russ and Alans left these lands. But those who remained rose again, built cities and temples, and were still a formidable force.

547 The Ostrogoths left Rome and the Byzantines occupied it.

548 Completion of the most brutal suppression of the uprising in Africa of soldiers and slaves against the chiefs and slavery of Byzantium. Accession of North Africa to Byzantium.

550 On Taman and at the mouth of the Don, an uprising broke out of part of the Rus, Ases and neighboring tribes against the power of the Goths and Emperor Justinian. First of all, the Abkhazians revolted, as well as hascoons. The uprising was suppressed by Justinian himself, who devastated the country of Ases and Russ. The Romans took captive the wives of the chiefs with all their offspring, they destroyed the walls of the fortification to the ground. Byzantine-friendly power was established. Then the king of the Alans and Russ became the king of Saros (carries the Semitic root "sar", i.e. "ruler". The prince's name may simply be the title "king of the Ases", " sar-i-os" ).

The Volyn principality was ruled by Prince Antes Mezamir (Mezenmir), the son of Idar (Alano-Ironian). Mezamir's mother was from the Slavic family. At first he fought with the Goths, he won. Then they had to repel the invasion of the Huns (obviously, the Bulgars of Zabergan). And then the Antes fought with the combined forces of the Huns and Goths. And again, the opponents were defeated, thanks to the Berendeys, who arrived in time to help the Rus.

550-551 gg. The death of a significant part of the population of the Byzantine Empire due to epidemics.

Slavs spread south - crossed the Danube and 9 in. occupied "the whole of Hellas", and some of them moved to Asia Minor.

551 g. The Kutigurs, coming from Taman and the Black Sea steppes, passed the Antian lands without obstacles and broke into Thrace, but were repelled.

The Byzantines stepped up their pressure on the peoples of the North Caucasus. Fichtel and Tridentine Alps. The first duke whose name is mentioned in the sources was Gariballd I. The territory of present-day Bavaria was inhabited by three tribal groups: Bavarians, Franks and Swabians. Northern Bavaria was under Frankish rule, the south was dominated by the Alemanni and Bavarians, separated by the Lech River.



Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines

Discipline: Domestic history


on the topic "Ancient history of mankind and our Fatherland"

Prepared by:

Student Pronkin N.N.

Prepared by:

department teacher

militia captain

Khryakov R.N.

Belgorod - 2008

The age of the human community is estimated at 35-40 thousand years (it must be borne in mind that man appeared on planet Earth much earlier). At the dawn of history, human communities, regardless of the region of residence, began from the same starting position, which is usually called the primitive community system.

This system was characterized by an extraordinary similarity throughout the entire territory of human habitation; uniformity of social structures, methods of labor activity, beliefs, everyday culture, etc. But over the course of history, mankind has come to strikingly different results. In the modern world, we have a colossal variety of social structures, political systems, levels and types of economic development, spiritual and artistic culture, and so on.

History as a science of the development of human society in all its diversity is a combination of various actions, actions of individuals, human groups, which are in a certain relationship, making up human society. Therefore, the subject of study of history is the actions of individuals, humanity, the totality of relations in society.

According to the breadth of the study of the object, history is divided: the history of the world as a whole (world or general history), the history of continents (for example, the history of Asia and Africa, the history of Australia), the history of individual countries and peoples or groups of peoples (for example, the history of Russia, the history of southern and western Slavs).

Historical science has gone through several stages of development as society has developed, summarizing the experience of many human generations, enriching itself with new historical facts. Its basis is the collection, systematization and generalization of facts. Branches of historical knowledge are distinguished: civil history, political history, history of state and law, history of public administration, history of economy, military history, history of religion, social history, history of culture, music, language, literature.

The historical sciences also include ethnography, which studies the life and culture of peoples, and archeology, which studies history from the material sources of antiquity - tools, household utensils, jewelry, etc., and entire complexes - settlements, burial grounds, treasures, etc.

Auxiliary historical disciplines have a narrower subject of study, study it in detail and contribute to a deeper understanding of the historical process as a whole.

1. Periodization of the most ancient history of mankind

Modern science has come to the conclusion that the entire variety of current space objects was formed about 20 billion years ago. The sun - one of the many stars in our galaxy - arose 10 billion years ago. Our Earth - an ordinary planet in the solar system - has an age of 4.6 billion years. Now it is generally accepted that man began to stand out from the animal world about 3 million years ago.

The periodization of the history of mankind at the stage of the primitive communal system is rather complicated. Several variants are known. Most often used archaeological scheme. In accordance with it, the history of mankind is divided into three large stages, depending on the material from which the tools used by man were made. Stone Age: 3 million years ago - the end of the III millennium BC. e.; Bronze Age: end of III millennium BC. e. - I millennium BC. e.; Iron Age - from the 1st millennium BC. e.

Among different peoples in different regions of the Earth, the appearance of certain tools and forms of social life did not occur simultaneously. There was a process of formation of a person (anthropogenesis, from the Greek "anthropos" - a person, "genesis" - origin) and human society (sociogenesis, from the Latin "societas" - society and the Greek "genesis" - origin).

The earliest ancestors of modern man looked like apes, which, unlike animals, were able to produce tools. In the scientific literature, this type of ape-man was called homohabilis - a skilled man. Further evolution of the habilis led to the appearance of the so-called pithecanthropes 1.5-1.6 million years ago (from the Greek "pithekos" - monkey, "anthropos" - man), or archanthropes (from the Greek "ahayos" - ancient). The archanthropes were already human. 300-200 thousand years ago, archanthropes were replaced by a more developed type of man - paleoanthropes, or Neanderthals (at the place of their first discovery in the Neandertal area in Germany).

During the period of the early Stone Age - the Paleolithic (about 700 thousand years ago), a person entered the territory of Eastern Europe. Settlement came from the south. Archaeologists find traces of the stay of the most ancient people in the Crimea (Kiik-Koba caves), in Abkhazia (not far from Sukhumi-Yashtukh), in Armenia (Satani-Dar hill near Yerevan), and also in Central Asia (south of Kazakhstan, Tashkent region). In the Zhytomyr region and on the Dniester, traces of people living here 500-300 thousand years ago were found.

Approximately 100 thousand years ago, a significant part of the territory of Europe was occupied by a huge glacier up to two kilometers thick (since then, the snowy peaks of the Alps and Scandinavian mountains have formed).

Obviously, the birth of articulate speech and the generic organization of society dates back to this time. The first, still extremely vague religious ideas began to emerge, as evidenced by the appearance of artificial burials.

The difficulties of the struggle for existence, the fear of the forces of nature and the inability to explain them were the reasons for the emergence of pagan religion. Paganism was a deification of the forces of nature, animals, plants, good and evil spirits. This huge complex of primitive beliefs, customs, rituals preceded the spread of world religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.).

During the late Paleolithic period (35-10 thousand years ago), the glacier melted, and a climate similar to the modern one was established. The use of fire for cooking, the further development of tools, as well as the first attempts to streamline relations between the sexes significantly changed the physical type of a person. It is to this time that the transformation of a skilled man (homohabilis) into a reasonable man (homosapiens) belongs. According to the place of the first find, it is called Cro-Magnon (Cro-Magnon area in France). At the same time, obviously, as a result of adaptation to the environment in the conditions of the existence of sharp differences in climate between different regions of the globe, the current races (Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid) were formed.

Further development was the processing of stone, and especially bone and horn. Scholars sometimes refer to the Late Paleolithic as the "Bone Age". The finds of this time include daggers, spearheads, harpoons, needles with an eye, awls, etc. Traces of the first long-term settlements were found. Not only caves, but also huts and dugouts built by man served as dwellings. Remains of jewelry have been found that allow you to reproduce the clothes of that time.

During the late Paleolithic period, the primitive herd was replaced by a higher form of social organization - the tribal community. A tribal community is an association of people of the same kind who have collective property and conduct a household based on the age and gender division of labor in the absence of exploitation.

Before the advent of pair marriage, kinship was established through the maternal line. At that time, a woman played a leading role in the economy, which determined the first stage of the tribal system - matriarchy, which lasted until the time of the spread of metal.

Many works of art created in the late Paleolithic era have come down to us. Picturesque colorful rock carvings of animals (mammoths, bison, bears, deer, horses, etc.) hunted by people of that time, as well as figurines depicting a female deity, were found in caves and at sites in France, Italy, and the Southern Urals ( the famous Kapova Cave).

In the Mesolithic, or Middle Stone Age (10-8 thousand years ago), new advances were made in stone processing. The tips and blades of knives, spears, harpoons were then made as a kind of inserts from thin flint plates. A stone ax was used to process wood. One of the most important achievements was the invention of the bow - a long-range weapon that made it possible to more successfully hunt animals and birds. People have learned to make snares and hunting traps.

Fishing has been added to hunting and gathering. Attempts of people to float on logs are noted. The domestication of animals began: the dog was tamed, followed by the pig. Eurasia was finally settled: man reached the shores of the Baltic and the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, as many researchers believe, people from Siberia through the Chukotka Peninsula came to the territory of America.

Neolithic - the last period of the Stone Age (7-5 ​​thousand years ago) is characterized by the appearance of grinding and drilling of stone tools (axes, adzes, hoes). Handles were attached to objects. Since that time, pottery has been known. People began to build boats, learned to weave nets for catching fish, weave.

Significant changes in technology and forms of production during this time are sometimes referred to as the "Neolithic Revolution". Its most important result was the transition from gathering, from an appropriating economy to a producing economy. Man was no longer afraid to break away from the habitable places, he could settle more freely in search of better living conditions, developing new lands.

Depending on the natural and climatic conditions on the territory of Eastern Europe and Siberia, various types of economic activity have developed. Cattle-breeding tribes lived in the steppe zone from the middle Dnieper to Altai. Farmers settled in the territories of modern Ukraine, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, and southern Siberia.

The hunting and fishing economy was typical for the northern forest regions of the European part and Siberia. The historical development of individual regions was uneven. Cattle-breeding and agricultural tribes developed more rapidly. Agriculture gradually penetrated the steppe regions.

Among the sites of farmers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Neolithic settlements can be distinguished in Turkmenistan (near Ashgabat), in Armenia (near Yerevan), etc. In Central Asia in the 4th millennium BC. e. the first artificial irrigation systems were created.

On the East European Plain, the most ancient agricultural culture was Trypilska, named after the village of Tripoli near Kyiv. Trypillian settlements were discovered by archaeologists on the territory from the Dnieper to the Carpathians. They were large settlements of farmers and pastoralists, whose dwellings were located in a circle.

During the excavations of these settlements, grains of wheat, barley, and millet were found. Wooden sickles with flint inserts, stone grain grinders and other items were found. The Trypillia culture belongs to the Copper Stone Age - the Eneolithic (III-I millennium BC).

Humanity received a new impetus in the historical development by mastering the production of metal. On the territory of our country, the development of those tribes that lived near deposits of copper and tin accelerated. On the territory of Eurasia, such tribes lived in the regions of the North Caucasus, Central Asia, the Urals and Siberia.

The transition to metal tools led to the separation of pastoral and agricultural tribes. The role of the male shepherd and farmer increased in production. Matriarchy has been replaced by patriarchy. Cattle breeding led to an even more intensive movement of clans in search of pastures. Separate clans were united and enlarged into large tribes.

Large cultural communities began to take shape. Scientists believe that these communities corresponded to the language families from which the peoples who currently inhabit our country came out. The largest language family Indo-European. It developed on the territory of modern Iran and Asia Minor, spread to Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia Minor and Central Asia, to the region of the Hindustan Peninsula. Subsequently, the Indo-European language family split into several branches: in the south and southeast - Iranians, Indians, Tajiks, Armenians, etc.; in the west - the current Germans, French, British, etc.; in the east - the Balts and the distant ancestors of the Slavs.

Another large language family - Finno-Ugric(current Finns, Estonians, Karelians, Khanty, Mordovians, etc.) has long occupied the territory from the Kama region to the Trans-Urals, from where its tribes settled in the European North, the Volga region and Western Siberia. Ancestors Turkic peoples lived in Central Asia, from where they began their advance to Eastern Europe and further west. Peoples live in the mountain gorges of the North Caucasus from the Bronze Age to the present day. Iberian-Caucasian language family. The Koryaks, Aleuts, Eskimos and other peoples settled on the territory of Eastern Siberia and North-East Asia, who have survived here until our days. The origin of peoples (ethnogenesis) is one of the complex issues of science; This is a long process that takes several millennia.

2. The most ancient states on the territory of Russia

By the middle of the II millennium BC. e. archaeologists attribute the separation from the Indo-European tribes to the Proto-Slavs. It was a group of kindred tribes; the monuments belonging to them can be traced from the Oder in the west to the Carpathians in the east of Europe.

The process of decomposition of the primitive communal system in different regions of Eurasia did not take place simultaneously. In the southern regions, the decomposition of the primitive communal system occurred earlier, which led to the emergence of slave-owning states in Central Asia and Transcaucasia, in the Volga region.

The oldest states on the territory of our country. The first slave-owning civilizations on the globe arose as early as the Bronze Age in a zone with a favorable climate stretching from the Mediterranean to China: the despotisms of the Ancient East, Greece, Rome, India and China. Slavery existed as the dominant form of organization of life on a world-historical scale until the 3rd-5th centuries. n. e.

Transcaucasia, Central Asia, the Black Sea region were the outlying lands of the slave-owning world. The history of these regions should be considered in connection with the largest state formations of antiquity. On the territory of Transcaucasia, Central Asia and the Black Sea region, large states were formed that influenced the course of world history.

To the north of the flourishing slave-owning civilizations of antiquity, on the territory of the Northern Black Sea region, there lived numerous nomadic tribes that were going through the stage of decomposition of the primitive communal system. This process proceeded most rapidly among the Iranian-speaking Scythians, where a class society was taking shape. The father of history Herodotus (5th century BC) called the Scythians the entire population living north of the Black and Azov Seas. It is possible that some of the Slavs who lived in the Middle Transnistria (Scythians-ploughmen, or Borisfenians, from the ancient name of the Dnieper - Borisfen) were also included in the number of Scythians. Since that time, words borrowed from Iranian have been preserved in our language - god, ax, dog, etc.

The Scythians were characterized by the development of patriarchal (domestic) slavery associated with primitive communal relations. The property stratification of the Scythians reached a significant size, as evidenced by the treasures found in the burial mounds - the burial places of the Scythian kings.

In the VI-IV centuries. BC e. the Scythians united in a powerful tribal union. In the III century. BC e. on its basis, a strong Scythian state was formed with its capital in Scythian Naples (a district of Simferopol). During the excavations of Scythian Naples, archaeologists discovered significant grain reserves. Scythian farmers grew "the best wheat in the world" (Herodotus). Grain from Scythia was exported to Greece.

The intermediaries in the grain trade were Greek cities - slave-owning states on the Black Sea coast. The most famous of them were Olbia (near Nikolaev), Chersonesus (on the territory of present-day Sevastopol), Panticapaeum (Kerch), Pitius (Pitsunda), Gorgippia (Anapa), Dio-Skurada (Sukhumi), Fasis (Poti), Tanais (near Rostov-on-Don), Kerkinitida (Evpatoria), etc.

The cities of the Northern Black Sea region largely copied the structure and way of life of the Greek world. Antique slavery, in contrast to slavery in Eastern despotisms and the patriarchal slavery of peoples who were at the stage of decomposition of the primitive communal system, was based on a high level of development of commodity production.

Active maritime trade stimulated the specialization of production. There were large land latifundia that produced grain, wine, oil. Crafts have developed significantly. As a result of wars, the number of slaves multiplied, which all free citizens had the right to own.

Almost all the city-states of the Black Sea region were slave-owning republics. Free citizens played a big role in the government of the country in ancient states. Majestic temples, residential and public buildings rose behind the fortress wall.

Through convenient harbors, Greek ships carried grain, wine, oil produced by the labor of slaves or bought from neighboring tribes in amphorae from the Black Sea region. Slaves were also exported. Half of the bread that the Athenians ate was brought from Panticapaeum (Kerch). In the 5th century BC e. Panticapaeum became the center of a large slave-owning power - the Bosporan kingdom (V century BC - IV century AD).

The Bosporan kingdom waged continuous wars with neighboring nomadic peoples. In 107 BC. e. in the Bosporus, an uprising of artisans, peasants, and also slaves took place under the leadership of Savmak. Savmak was proclaimed king of the Bosporus. With the help of the troops of Mithridates, king of Pontus (a state in Asia Minor), the uprising was crushed, and Savmak was executed. Savmak's uprising is the first known major uprising of the masses on the territory of our country.

In the first centuries of our era, the slave-owning city-states of the Black Sea became dependent on Rome. By the 3rd century n. e. the crisis of the slave system was clearly manifested, and in the 4th-5th centuries. n. e. slave-owning powers fell under the onslaught of the tribes of the Goths and the Huns.

Slave labor in the transition to iron tools became unprofitable. The invasion of barbarian tribes completed the fall of the slave-owning civilization.

While the slave-owning civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Mediterranean, Western and Central Asia, India, and China developed in the most favorable climatic zone of the Earth as early as the Bronze Age, peoples who were still at the stage of the primitive communal system lived to the north and south of them.

The transition of these peoples to a class society was facilitated by the beginning of the manufacture of tools from iron (the turn of the 1st millennium AD). The wide distribution of iron deposits in the form of swamp ores, its cheapness compared to bronze, and the higher productivity of iron tools led to the displacement of bronze and stone products.

The use of iron gave a huge impetus to the development of productive forces. More intensive clearing of forests for agriculture became possible, land cultivation improved. The use of more advanced iron tools by artisans led to the separation of craft from agriculture. Artisans began to manufacture products not only to order, but also for exchange, which meant the emergence of simple commodity production.

The use of iron caused a transformation of social relations both among the peoples who lived in conditions of slavery, and among those tribes that were at the stage of the primitive communal system. The development of productive forces among primitive tribes contributed to the growth of production and the emergence of certain surpluses, which led to the emergence of private property and the disintegration of primitive communal relations. As in the Bronze Age, wars and robberies greatly accelerated the process of property differentiation.

The widespread distribution of iron on the territory of our country dates back to the 1st millennium BC. e. The advance of agriculture to the north from the warm climate zone led to the fact that on the lands where our distant ancestors lived - the Slavs, the prerequisites for the emergence of private property also began to appear; a class society was born, requiring the organization of social relations, and, as a natural result, a state was formed.

3. Eastern Slavs in the era of transition to statehood

The ancestors of the Slavs (Proto-Slavs) can presumably be found among the Bronze Age tribes that inhabited the basins of the Odra, Vistula, and Dnieper rivers (Central and Eastern Europe). The neighbors of the Proto-Slavs were the ancestors of the Germanic tribes in the northwest, the ancestors of the Baltic tribes in the north, the proto-Iranian (Scythian) tribes in the south and southeast. From time to time, the Proto-Slavs came into contact with the northeastern Finno-Ugric tribes and in the southwest with the Thracians.

According to their language, the Proto-Slavs belonged to a large family of the so-called Indo-European peoples who inhabited Europe and part of Asia up to and including India. During the I millennium BC. the Proto-Slavs settled in different directions from their historical “ancestral homeland”, which later predetermined not only their separation from the vast Indo-European massif, but also the later division into East Slavic, West Slavic and South Slavic branches.

In the first centuries of our era, the vast forest and forest-steppe lands of Eastern Europe were probably inhabited by several hundred Slavic agricultural tribes. Ancient authors of the 1st - 6th centuries. AD, later Byzantine and Arabic sources call these tribes Veneds, Antes and actually Slavs. From written references, a rich archaeological heritage, quite a lot is known today about the lifestyle of the Eastern Slavs, their social system, way of life and beliefs.

VI-IX centuries in the history of the East Slavic tribes, following B.A. Rybakov can certainly be defined as the period of the third rise. In its bowels ripened the prerequisites for the emergence of the most powerful early feudal state - Kievan Rus, which united half of the East Slavic tribes.

Just like all Slavic tribes, the Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. were at the stage of transformation of communal relations into early feudal ones. This process was intensified by the powerful migration processes of the previous period of the Great Migration, as a result of which the contacts of the Eastern Slavs with the tribes, peoples and states surrounding them were strengthened; there was an interpenetration and mutual enrichment of various cultures.

The main written source informing us about the final period of the ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs is the Tale of Bygone Years. This is how Nestor presents him, emphasizing in every possible way the ethnic community of the Slavic world.

After a long time, writes Nestor, the Slavs settled along the Danube, where now the land is Hungarian and Bulgarian. From those Slavs, the Slavs dispersed throughout the earth and were called by their names from the places where they sat down. So some, having come, sat down on the river by the name of Morava and were called Morava, while others were called Czechs. And here are the same Slavs: white Croats and Serbs and Horutans. When the Volokhi attacked the Danubian Slavs and settled among them, and oppressed them, these Slavs came and sat on the Vistula and were called Poles, and from those Poles came Poles, other Poles - Lutich, others - Mazovshan, others - Pomeranians.

Also, these Slavs came and sat down along the Dnieper and were called glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, and still others sat between Pripyat and Dvina and were called Dregovichi. Others sat down along the Dvina and were called Polochans, along the river flowing into the Dvina, named Polota, from which they received the name Polochans.

The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called by their own name - the Slavs, and built a city and called it Novgorod. And others sat down along the Desna, and along the Seim, and along the Sula, and were called northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed, and after his name the charter was called "Slavic".

As you can see, the chronicler very accurately determines the area of ​​​​settlement of the Eastern Slavs, indicating the territories inhabited by individual tribes, or rather, already tribal unions (Drevlyans, Polyans, Dregovichi, Polochans). Nestor's information was generally confirmed by subsequent archaeological and linguistic research. Each of the tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs had elements of statehood in the form of princely power.

But these were not yet principalities, but proto-state formations under the rule of tribal leaders. Some of the names of tribal unions, as we see, reflect the geographical, natural features of their habitats. The glades lived in the fields, the Drevlyans lived in the forests, the northerners lived in the northeast of the glades, etc.

It can be assumed that the toponymic roots of the names of the listed tribal unions testify to the predominance of their territorial unity over tribal ties. Hence, it seems logical that this group of Slavic tribes (first of all, the Polyans and Ross, so named after the Ros River, a tributary of the Middle Dnieper), in the creation of Kievan Rus, as, apparently, the most developed in terms of elements of statehood. The name of the second large group of tribal unions came from the name of the family of tribal leaders, which testified to the predominance of tribal rather than territorial ties (Radimichi, Krivichi, Vyatichi, Tivertsy, etc.).

The view of L.N. is somewhat different. Gumilyov on the problem of the genesis of statehood and the origin of the name of Russia. He believed, not without some reason, that the Slavs and the Rus (or, according to various sources, Rutens, Dews, Rugs) are different peoples. The scientist was inclined to see in the Rus a tribe of ancient Germans, from whom Rurik was related.

However, this subject is beyond the scope of this chapter. It is important for us to note that by the time of the formation of statehood among the Slavs, warlike tribes lived on the borders of their territories, with a high degree of probability of German origin. Reconstructing the relationship between the Slavs and the warlike Rus, Gumilyov wrote:

For the Slavs, it was a disaster to be close to the ancient Rus, who made it their business to raid their neighbors. At one time, the Rus, defeated by the Goths, fled partly to the east, partly to the south - to the lower reaches of the Danube, where they became dependent on the Heruli of Odoacer (the further fate of this branch is unknown to us). Part of the Rus, who went east, occupied three cities, which became strongholds for their further campaigns. These were Kuyaba (Kyiv), Arzania (Beloozero?) and Staraya Rusa. The Rus robbed their neighbors, killed their men, and sold the captured children and women to slave merchants.

One way or another, but the Gumilev reconstruction allows us to conclude that the Slavs were in a state of constant hostilities, and this circumstance, as we have repeatedly noted, accelerated the process of forming elements of statehood.

Apparently, in the VI-VII centuries. in the region of the Middle Dnieper, a large union of forest-steppe Slavic tribes developed, which gave the name to Russia. Initially, in accordance with Nestor's data, it included the Polans, Drevlyans, Dregovichi, Polochans and Slovenes. Over time, this union moved north to the Baltic and south to the Black Sea coast, to the west and east, including part of the non-Slavic tribes that Nestor lists “chud, measuring, whole, muroma, cheremis, Mordva, Perm, Pechera, Yam , lithuania..». By the X century. the name Rus is approved in relation to the vast territory of the Kievan state.

Much later, the Ukrainian and Belarusian East Slavic peoples related to Russian were identified, which was a reflection of the ethnic characteristics of the tribal cultures of the Slavs that made up Kievan Rus, as well as their border position, and the well-known difference in historical destinies.

Of considerable interest is the history of the emergence of the future capital of Russia - Kyiv. Here is how the chronicler tells about it:

And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other - Shchek and the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister was Lybid. Side Kiy on the mountain, where the rise of Borichev is now, and Shchek sat on the mountain, which is now called Shchekovitsa, and Khoriv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Horivitsa after him. And they built a town in the name of their elder brother and called it Kyiv. There was a forest all around and a great forest, and they caught animals there, and those men were wise and sensible, and they were called glades, from them the glade is still in Kyiv.

Archaeological and linguistic data testify to the great diversity of the East Slavic world, which included, according to various estimates, in the VI-IX centuries. up to 200 ethnically close tribes, gradually consolidating into tribal unions and the state. All the more valuable is the story of Nestor about the ancestral home of Kievan Rus - the principality of Kiya, which arose, apparently, in the second half of the 6th - early 7th centuries.

An important source of information about the life, occupation, culture of the Eastern Slavs during the transition to statehood is the writings of Byzantine, Arabic, Central Asian, Persian authors.

Based on the totality of data, it can be said that by the time Kievan Rus appeared, the Eastern Slavs had undergone significant changes in the development of the basic sectors of the economy: agriculture, crafts (blacksmithing, pottery, leatherworking, jewelry, etc.), urban planning, traditional crafts (hunting, fishing, beekeeping, etc.); foreign trade contacts have become more frequent, and so on. Along with this, there were processes of property stratification, the widespread separation of the tribal nobility, which seized the levers of control of the tribes and their associations (the principality of Kiya), along with the preserved veche institutions of collective management.

Period VI-IX centuries. completes the process of separating the Eastern Slavs into an independent ethnic group of peoples. By the time of the emergence of Kievan Rus, numerous Slavic tribes were not only united in large tribal unions, but also had experience in state life.

Some, although not indisputable, idea of ​​the scale of the East Slavic world is given by the authors of the encyclopedia "Peoples of Russia". According to expert estimates, - they note - in the Old Russian state at the time of its occurrence, there were 3.0-3.5 million people. Thus, the ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs took a long period, the beginning of which can be attributed to the 1st millennium BC. The extreme complexity of the process of the formation of an ethnos, the lack of necessary data make it possible to judge its course only in general terms.

It is obvious that during the long 2000-1500-year epoch, a pan-Slavic ethnic group of peoples stood out, an inseparable part of which are the modern Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples.


Among different peoples in different regions of the Earth, the appearance of certain tools and forms of social life did not occur simultaneously. There was a process of formation of a person (anthropogenesis, from the Greek "anthropos" - a person, "genesis" - origin) and human society (sociogenesis, from the Latin "societas" - society and the Greek "genesis" - origin). Approximately 100 thousand years ago, a significant part of the territory of Europe was occupied by a huge glacier up to two kilometers thick (since then, the snowy peaks of the Alps and Scandinavian mountains have formed).

The emergence of the glacier affected the development of mankind. The harsh climate forced a person to use natural fire, and then to get it. This helped a person to survive in conditions of a sharp cold snap. People have learned to make piercing and cutting objects out of stone and bone (stone knives, spearheads, scrapers, needles, etc.).

Humanity received a new impetus in the historical development by mastering the production of metal. On the territory of our country, the development of those tribes that lived near deposits of copper and tin accelerated. By the middle of the II millennium BC. e. archaeologists attribute the separation from the Indo-European tribes to the Proto-Slavs. It was a group of kindred tribes; the monuments belonging to them can be traced from the Oder in the west to the Carpathians in the east of Europe. In terms of their language, the Proto-Slavs belonged to a large family of the so-called Indo-European peoples who inhabited Europe and part of Asia up to and including India. During the I millennium BC. the Proto-Slavs settled in different directions from their historical “ancestral homeland”, which later predetermined not only their separation from the vast Indo-European massif, but also the later division into East Slavic, West Slavic and South Slavic branches.

During the VI-VIII centuries. AD there were profound changes in the social structure of the East Slavic tribes. The collectivist basis of the life of traditional primitive communities began to gradually collapse. The economic independence of individual families made the existence of firmly Slavic clans superfluous. Housekeeping became within the power of individual families, no longer united on the basis of kinship, but on the basis of a common economic life. Such families formed a neighborhood or territorial community. Within the boundaries of such a community, the institution of private property appeared and developed. The concentration of private property was associated most often with representatives of the tribal elite. It was this social stratum that received more opportunities for enrichment as a result of the distribution of surpluses within the community and in the course of waging successful wars against neighboring tribes and states.

The development of agriculture, the separation of craft from agriculture, the disintegration of tribal ties within communities, the growth of property inequality, the development of private property - all this prepared the conditions for the emergence of the exploitation of man by man, the formation of classes and - as a natural consequence of this process - the creation of a state-organized society.

1. Averyanov K.A. From Ancient Russia to New Russia // Questions of History. - 2006. - No. 3.

2. Alekseev S.V. The history of the Slavs in the V - VIII centuries / Mosk. humanit. un-t; East-educate. about. M.:, 2004.

3. Danilevsky N.Ya. Russia and Europe: a look at the cultural and political relations of the Slavic world to the German-Roman world / N. Ya. Danilevsky. - 6th ed. - St. Petersburg: "Glagol", 1995.

4. History of Russia. Russia in world civilization. - M., 1998.

5. History of Russia: textbook / A.S. Orlov, V.A. Georgiev, N.G. Georgieva, T.A. Sivokhin. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Prospekt, 2004.

6. Mikhailova N.V. Domestic History: Textbook / N. V. Mikhailova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: IMTs GUK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2002.

Polyakov A.N. The formation of ancient Russian civilization // Questions of history. - 2005. - No. 3.

7. Russia in world history / ed. V.S. Fuck it. – M.: Logos, 2003. Semennikova L.I. Russia in the world community of civilizations. Textbook for universities. - Bryansk, 1999.

8. Fedorov O.A. Russian history. XX century: textbook for universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia / O. A. Fedorov. - Orel: OUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1999.

9. Averyanov K.A. From Ancient Russia to New Russia // Questions of History. - 2006. - No. 3.

10. Alekseev S.V. The history of the Slavs in the V - VIII centuries / Mosk. humanit. un-t; East-educate. about. M.:, 2004.

11. Danilevsky N.Ya. Russia and Europe: a look at the cultural and political relations of the Slavic world to the German-Roman world / N. Ya. Danilevsky. - 6th ed. - St. Petersburg: "Glagol", 1995.

12. Polyakov A.N. The formation of ancient Russian civilization // Questions of history. - 2005. - No. 3.

13. Russia in world history / ed. V.S. Fuck it. – M.: Logos, 2003.

Paleolithic - ancient stone age (from the Greek "palaios" - ancient, "lithos" stone). Accordingly, "mesos" - medium, "neos" - new; hence the Mesolithic, Neolithic.

At the moment, there are two main directions in alternative history. Researchers Aleksey Kungurov and Andrey Sklyarov became their apologists.

These two bright outstanding personalities even managed to create their own schools with associates, followers and students. Thanks to their efforts, an incredible breakthrough took place in historical science, a real revolution, unfortunately unnoticed by the overwhelming majority of our citizens. And, oddly enough, this breakthrough did not occur through the efforts of the scientific historical community, but thanks to the efforts of single enthusiasts who do not have scientific titles and are often far from historical science, but who have an inquisitive mind and a heightened sense of justice.

At first glance, they did nothing special, they simply drew our attention to a number of facts that do not fit into the harmonious picture of human history. But in fact, these facts are fundamental in understanding the structure of the universe and the place of mankind in it. And in the light of these facts, the official story looks at least ridiculous. I am grateful to them for the fact that they changed my mind and I came to understand what will be discussed further.

All my life, like many others, I have asked questions: who are we, where and why. For the first time, the monumental building of Darwin's theory of evolution in my mind shook when I learned about the existence of UFOs, but it finally collapsed after I came across articles by the aforementioned apologists of alternative history six months ago. From that moment on, the world around me appeared to me in a completely different light.

The layman will say: to become a historian you need to study for a long time, read a lot of books on history, be in the service, have a degree, go on expeditions and attend symposiums. Yes, this is true, but, as we all see, official historical science has turned into an elite closed club, essentially a mafia, which is interested in maintaining the status quo and in every possible way prevents the creation of a real picture of the origin and development of mankind, hushing up the facts of which do not fit into the paradigm. many in recent years. There was such a paradoxical situation that individual citizens who did not want to put up with this lie and hypocrisy further tried on the toga of a historian.

The historian's tool is education, a broad outlook, a critical mindset, strong logic and life experience. And believe me, many people have such a tool, but only a few are able to use it at the right time in the right place. They are the ones who lead the rest.

Doubts about the infallibility of official history arose among people a long time ago, but only with the advent of the Internet and satellite maps, these doubts acquired the status of facts and became available to everyone who is interested in this topic. Like mushrooms after the rain, the researchers of the past began to grow and multiply, and this is good. Today, the history of our civilization is an incredible mixture, an exotic cocktail of versions, hypotheses, conjectures and real facts. Atlantis, Hyperborea, megaliths, pyramids, underground cities, hollow Earth, giants, dwarfs, inexplicable artifacts, floods, dinosaurs, mammoths, a global predictor, Vedas, vimanas, copyright holders and much more are mixed here. I think it's time to put a little bit of order in all this incredible amount of conflicting information. I will try to contribute to this difficult task.

I want to present to the viewer my hypothesis of the emergence of mankind, which is somewhat different from all existing at the moment and, as I think, has the right to exist. I hope someone finds it interesting. In my conclusions, I was guided by ordinary human logic, common sense and life experience.

So what is the essence of my hypothesis?

Andrey Sklyarov and Alexey Kungurov, in their numerous and interesting works, brilliantly showed that modern civilization has nothing to do with artifacts. I fully agree with them and disagree with the mentioned authors only in the conclusions:

1. Andrey Sklyarov considers artifacts to be the work of higher civilizations that visited the planet in the past.

2. Alexey Kungurov speaks about the advanced knowledge and technologies of our ancestors, lost as a result of the global cataclysm.

I think that artifacts either have nothing to do with us, or with higher civilizations, or with our distant ancestors, or are part of our FAKE HISTORY.

I am sure that the whole history of mankind (and not its individual episodes, as many authors believe) from beginning to end is a FALSE, which is supported by official historical science. And humanity has existed on this planet for only about TWO HUNDRED YEARS! We simply do not have a history - we did not have time to acquire it. I think that about two hundred years ago we just woke up in our cities with already formed memory, professional skills, ready-made industry, agriculture, technology, social infrastructure, language and culture. And most importantly, with a ready-made story that has only one task: to hide the TRUTH. And the TRUTH is that we have a CREATOR. The fact of its existence and what is its purpose in relation to people is intended to hide the FAKE HISTORY. Now many who read these lines will twist their finger at their temples and will be right: it is impossible to believe in such a thing. But let's not rush, we will have a long and difficult conversation.

I believe that the reality in which we exist is so unbelievable that the human consciousness, which is from the school bench in the chains of Darwin's theory of evolution, simply rejects it.

Reality is a capsule of space and time with a set of strict physical laws that we cannot change. What are the basic laws of our reality? These are: 1. The law of universal gravitation. 2. The law of conservation of energy. It is they who govern our life and development. Logically, our reality can have two options:

1. It is unchanged from the moment of our appearance on this planet, and then we are able to at least approximately determine our age.

2. It changes, and with it our memory, and then our past is conditional and we are able to study only a part of it that is currently available.

I will consider first option.

The appearance of people on this planet can also have two options:

1. Reality was created simultaneously with us.

2. Reality was created before us and we are placed in it later.

We can study reality in two ways:

1. Analyzing human memory.

2. Exploring the world around us.

If we start from human memory, then it consists of the memory of generations, i.e. the total memory of our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, etc. deep into the centuries. As a research tool, human memory is rather weak, but we can squeeze something out of it. The main method of research remains the study of the material world around us, and here there are more than enough facts. What do we see around us? A huge number of things that are simply impossible in our reality, let's focus on the most obvious:

1. Megaliths, Underground cities, Pyramids and Polygonal masonry. Their incredible weight, construction methods and stone processing methods make us assume that builders have tools and technologies that are impossible in our reality for the manufacture and methods of moving such weights. Taken together, these facts contradict the physical laws of our reality.

2. Our Cities. Yes, I consider our cities to be artifacts, because I think that people have nothing to do with their creation. The most striking example of this in our country is the city of St. Petersburg.

3. Artifacts made of stone and metals. Our museums are filled to the brim with exhibits whose origin no one is able to explain within the framework of existing technologies. A. Kungurov showed this perfectly in his wonderful works.

4. UFOs stand apart on this list. Their existence suggests that someone or something penetrates our reality from the outside and is able to change its properties.

I believe that all artifacts were created by the CREATOR as an option:

1. Before the appearance of people on the planet and with a purpose unknown to us.

2. Simultaneously with people as part of a FAKE HISTORY.

As for cities, either they were created at the same time with us and for us, or they were created before us, again with an unknown purpose, and then people were already created for cities.

So, let's move on to the main question: where did I get the term of 200 years, speaking about the age of mankind? I started from several temporary markers:

1. First temporary marker is an ordinary brick from which our cities are composed, I believe that it is in it that the answer to the main question is hidden: how old is humanity?

And what is special about this brick, you ask: an ordinary building material? And you will be wrong. Yes, the material is ordinary, but only for our time. How many years do you think a brick can stand in our climate? There are no studies on this topic - historical science was not interested, it dated the structures by other methods. I think, based on life experience, that 300-500 years, the tolerance is large, but we do not need great accuracy.

So, few people think about the fact that the entire territory of Russia (as well as the rest of the planet) is built up with a huge number of brick buildings 200 years old and older. The bulk of the buildings are concentrated in cities, but the countryside is also quite densely built up with bricks. These are temples, churches and estates, located both on the territory of settlements and simply in an open field. Many buildings are in a dilapidated state and are the best suited for determining the age and quality of bricks.

We see that the quality of the brick is excellent and cannot be compared with the modern one. Recently, the business of selling antique bricks from dismantled old buildings has even flourished. I do not think that modern brick is waiting for the same bright future. We take these structures for granted, as our historical heritage, without thinking that these structures are impossible in our reality. Why? Here's why. To a person who has never encountered the production of bricks, it seems that this is a simple matter, since we see brick and its fragments throughout our lives everywhere. But no! Here we come to the cornerstone, or rather the brick of our history.


Yes, it is possible to burn ceramic dishes on firewood, a certain amount of bricks, for example, for stoves, but not the huge volume that we observe. And cities, estates and temples stand. And they are great! The reality is this: about 200-500 years ago in Russia (as well as all over the planet) an unthinkable number of baked brick buildings appeared from nowhere and people have nothing to do with it. This can also be attributed granite buildings . Example: St. Petersburg.

2. Second time marker - This cataclysm as a result of which the first floors of buildings were covered with earth.For some reason, human memory does not store this event. although it appears to have happened relatively recently. If the age of the brick from which the buildings are built is about 200 years (as an example, St. Petersburg), then this event is younger and we don’t remember it and not just don’t remember it, but we can’t even offer intelligible versions .

We remember the biblical events of 2000 years ago, but the unprecedented cataclysm of 200 years ago that occurred on our earth is not reflected in any oral sources. Strange, isn't it?

Hypotheses about heavy rains, mudflows, tsunamis are hardly relevant. There is no mention of this in supposedly historical chronicles. Nowhere is it said that the premises of the first floors were cleaned of dirt, but this is a gigantic amount of work, given that the only transport was horse-drawn and the only tool was a shovel. I have the following explanation for this: at the time of the appearance of people, the cities already stood in their modern form with the first floors sunk into the ground but clean inside.

3. Third time marker - This our churchyards . On the graves of 200 years ago, there are monuments made of granite, marble and the likeness of concrete processed by unknown tools using unknown technologies. All human-made tombstones are immediately visible by their poor quality. I believe that approximately at this turn and passes the border between real and FICTIONAL HISTORY.