Synopsis of the frontal lesson in the preparatory group. Sound and letter I


  1. Learn to distinguish the sound U from a series of vowels, highlight the initial stressed sound against the background of a word, hear words with the sound U.
  2. Develop auditory attention, phonemic and visual perception, general and fine motor skills, thinking.
  3. Exercise in the ability to change the pitch and strength of the voice, in the use of antonyms soft-loud, big-small; complete the sentence.
  4. To form the ability to form the plural of nouns and nouns with a diminutive suffix.
  5. Increase interest in pre-literacy classes.

Equipment: individual mirrors, simple pencils, an image of the girl Uli, a large and small aircraft, subject pictures: an iron, a fishing rod, a snail, a duck, ducklings, ears; airplane paths.

Plan - abstract. Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist invites the children to sit down in a given sequence: Veronica, Katya, Sophia, Lisa, Camilla, Maxim.

II. articulation exercises.

The speech therapist shows a picture of a girl: "This is Ulya, Uliana." (The name is repeated first by all in unison, then by individual children.)
What is the first sound in this name? (U). What exercise do our lips look like when we pronounce Y? ("Tube"). Performing exercises in front of a mirror: “Tube”, “Smile”, “House opens”, “Curious tongue”.

III. Sound articulation W.

Say the sound Wu again and look at each other, in what position are the lips? Teeth?
Lips with a tube, teeth do not close, closed with lips. Is the voice sleeping or singing? (sings, so the sound is sonorous). What can be done with the U sound? (stretch, sing). Children pronounce the sound "U" in chorus and one at a time.

IV. Identification of the sound U by the articulation "Guess what sound"

The speech therapist silently pronounces vowel sounds: a-o-o-o-o-o ... Having determined the sound, the children pronounce it aloud, and with U they also clap their hands (catch the sound).

V. Physical education "Loud-quiet"

There are two pictures on the board with the image of a large and a small aircraft. Are the planes the same or different? What is the name of an affectionately small plane? (airplane). The plane is flying, the engine is buzzing in it: U-U-U. How does a big plane buzz? (loudly). Small? (quiet). Alternately we “fly” and buzz like small and large planes. Show with your voice how the plane takes off (intensification of the voice with the sound U), how does the plane land? (weakening of the voice).

VI. Extracting the sound U from a word.

A speech therapist pronounces words with initial stressed vowels, children determine the first sound in a word, call; having heard U at the beginning of the word, spread their arms to the sides - the wings of the aircraft.

Lexical material: duck, autumn, fishing rod, aster, ears, needles, stork, street, cloud, dinner, windows, August, morning, Ira.

VII. Didactic game "One-many".

The teacher explains the conditions of the game: "I will talk about one subject, and you - about a lot."
Vocabulary material: snail - snails, iron - irons, duck - ducks, fishing rod - fishing rods, smile - smiles, street - streets, beetle - beetles,

VIII. Didactic game "Finish the sentence" (based on subject pictures).

Give each child a subject picture: iron, fishing rod, snail, duck, duckling, ears. The speech therapist starts the sentence, the child whose picture fits the meaning ends. The child raises his picture and repeats the sentence in full.
- Mom irons things ... (with an iron).
- For fishing you need ... (rod).
- He wears a house on himself ... (snail).
- The boy got sick ... (ear).
- Floats on the pond ... (duck)
- Mom - the duck calls her ... (ducklings)

IX. Exercise for fine motor skills "Traces of the plane."

Take pencils and draw paths from the plane through the dots and sing a song: U-U-U.
What sound did you study in class? Let's say goodbye to him: stretch our hands forward and say Woo.

Lesson objectives:

Introduce children to the letter I;

Develop general, fine motor skills of children;

To educate children in the handling of handouts.

Equipment: mirrors, letter I, plasticine

Lesson progress

Speech therapist: Hello guys. Now the one who will tell me the word that begins with the sound A will sit down (each child thinks and says the word that begins with the sound A, then sits down).

Now guys, we will play with you:

1) The game "Listen, repeat!". The speech therapist asks the children to repeat rows of words. Guys, I will tell you the words, and you have to remember them and repeat them, okay? (Children: yes)

Mac - tank - so.

Current - here - so.

Bull - tank - side.

Ladies - house - smoke.

2)The development of general motor skills "Autumn". Okay guys, you all did a great job. And now we all get up and repeat the movements after me.

Empty birdhouse,
The birds have flown

Waving their arms, cook their wings.

The leaves on the trees also do not sit.

They squat.

All day today, everyone is flying, flying ...

They get up, walk in a circle and wave their hands.

Apparently, also in Africa

They want to fly.

They run in circles.

3) The development of fine motor skills "Cranes". Well done! And now we will play with our fingers.

Cranes fly lazily.
They fly and say goodbye:

Waves with crossed hands.

With green fir trees, With birches and maples, With valleys, with lakes, With native expanses.

Bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb.

5) Class Topic Announcement.

Acquaintance with the letter I. The speech therapist shows the letter I. And now guys, look at how the letter I looks like.

Guys, remember that we see and write the letter, and we hear and pronounce the sound, remember? (Children: yes) Repeat!

6) Development of phonemic hearing.

Repetition of sounds after the speech therapist: I, O, A, I, etc.

Guys, let's now everyone stand up one by one and repeat the sounds that I will say to you, okay? (Children: yes)

7) Fizkultminutka.

Well done! We are all tired and it's time for us to rest, we all get up and repeat the movements after me.

Performing movements according to the text of the poem.

We'll go on socks

We'll go on our heels.

We go like all the guys.

One-two, one-two!

And like a clumsy bear.

8) Fixing the letter And in the text.

Well done! Everyone sat down in their seats, and now listen to the riddle and try to guess it.

Speech therapist: Listen, do not yawn,

Guess the riddle!

The pig is running

Iron back. (Needle and thread.)

9) Facial massage . Well done, right! And now we will play with our pens, fingers. Everyone got ready.

Stroking, pinching, tapping, wave-like movements, stroking (according to general rules).

Development of mimic muscles. Well done! And now we will play with our faces, we will depict sadness, sadness, joy, smiles, etc.

Express a state of sadness and sadness (“You say goodbye to flying birds”); portray joy (“Birds returned to their native lands”).

10) Play "Plasticine". Guys, and now you and I will be on this letter And glue birds from plasticine. (The speech therapist gives the children the letter I and plasticine. Children take plasticine, make small birds out of it and glue it on the letter I).

11) Summary of the lesson .

Speech therapist: What letter and sound did we meet today?

Children: With the letter and sound I.

Speech therapist: Did you like our lesson?

Evaluation of children's work.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys, you all worked out very well today. For this I give you all the letter I as a gift.

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson in preparation for teaching literacy on the topic: "Sound [a], letter A"

Target: familiarity with the sound [a], with the letter A.


Introduce children to the sound [a], its characteristics:

Give the concept of the location of the sound in the word (the beginning of the word);

Introduce the letter A, fix its visual image;

To acquaint with the difference between a sound and a letter;

Learn to distinguish a sound from a number of vowel sounds;

Consolidate children's knowledge of fruits;


Develop auditory attention, phonemic perception;

Develop articulation, fine motor skills;

Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.



Synopsis of a frontal lesson on sound pronunciation and preparation for literacy

Topic: Sound [a], letter A.

Target: familiarity with the sound [a], with the letter A.


Correctional and educational:

Introduce children to the sound [a], its characteristics:

Give the concept of the location of the sound in the word (the beginning of the word);

Introduce the letter A, fix its visual image;

To acquaint with the difference between a sound and a letter;

Learn to distinguish a sound from a number of vowel sounds;

Consolidate children's knowledge of fruits;


Develop auditory attention, phonemic perception;

Develop articulation, fine motor skills;

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate the ability to listen to each other.

Demo material:doll, a picture of a crying girl, Princess Glasa's castle, a sound symbol [a] - a red big circle, a short and long strip, a card with the letter A.

Handout:individual mirrors, handouts with assignments (from Konovalenko's notebook "We write and read"), red pencils.

Lesson progress

I. Introductory part (Organizational moment)

Hello guys. The one who names the fruit will sit down.

Articulation gymnastics.

And now let's prepare our tongue and lips for the lesson and do the exercises. Take the mirrors, put them in front of you and start doing the exercises.

- "Smile" - "tube"

- "Shovel"

- "Needle"

- "Shovel" - "Needle"

Well done. Set the mirrors aside.

II. Main part.

1. The message of the topic of the lesson.

Guys, Anna doll is visiting us today. She has a task for you:

Listen and name the first sound in the words:

bus, antenna, watermelon, acrobat.

That's right, the sound [a] is heard. The sound [a] is a vowel, it can be sung, because the air passes freely and does not encounter obstacles. The sound [a] lives in the red castle of Princess Glasa. The sound [a] is indicated in red because it is a vowel.

Look at the picture: the girl is crying. What sound does she make when she cries? (sound [a])

Correctly. And today in the lesson we will talk with you about the sound [a].

2. Refinement of sound articulation.

Let's pronounce the sound [a] together. When pronouncing the sound [a], the lips draw a large circle. Let's say the sound [a] again and look in the mirror. Well done.

Now look, I have a red circle in my hands - this is a sound symbol [a] (showing a sound symbol - a large red circle) This is how we will designate it.

3. Game "Catch the sound"

So, guys, you will need to catch the sound [a]. When you hear it, clap your hands.a, y, o, a, s, and, a, uh, y, a.

4. The game "Long - short"

L .: I have two strips: one is long, the other is short. If I show a long strip, then you need to sing the sound [a] for a long time, and if I show a short one, briefly.

5. Finger gymnastics.

It's time to relax a bit and play with your fingers.

We shared an orange.Break open an imaginary orange.

A lot of us Show 10 fingers.

And he is alone. Show one finger.

This slice is for the hedgehog.Bend one finger at a time

This slice is for a swift.starting with the big one on the left hand.

This slice is for ducklings.

This slice is for kittens.

This slice is for the beaver.

And for a wolf - a peel.Throwing movement with the right hand.

He is angry with us - trouble!!!They clench their fists and press to the chest.

Run away - who goes where!"Run" fingers on the table.

6. Work on handouts.

Guys, Anya brought leaflets with assignments for you. Look at the pictures carefully and name them.Circle the pictures whose names begin with the sound [a].

Well done, the names of these pictures begin with the sound [a].

7. Acquaintance with the letter A.

Guys, look what I have drawn. This is the letter A. Guys, remember, the sound [a] in the letter is denoted by the letter A.

The letter A is tall and slender.

It is very similar to the arch.

Find the letter A on your piece of paper in the upper right corner.Run your finger over it (circle) and color it with a red pencil. Why red, who can tell me?

Because the sound [a] is a vowel and we designate it in red.

Listen to the rule for distinguishing a sound from a letter: we hear, pronounce and sing sounds, and we write, see and read letters.

Let's try to make the letter A from our fingers.

The letter A from the fingers: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down, the rest are clenched into a fist, and the index finger of the left hand forms a “belt”.

So, now let's write the letter A with your finger in the air, on the table.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, who came to our lesson today? ( Anna doll)

What is the first sound in the name of the doll A - a - ani ( sound [a])

Today we met with the sound [a].

What letter are we talking about?

What color is the sound [a]?

What did you like the most?

Well done, you did well today, listened carefully, answered questions.

Let's say goodbye to Anya doll.

Our lesson is over.

Summary of the frontal lesson in the preparatory group for children with OHP on the topic "Sound and the letter I"

Description: abstract for speech therapists of the preparatory speech therapy group of children with ONR

Topic: "The sound and the letter "I"

Target: actualization of ideas about sound and the letter "I".
to consolidate the idea of ​​the articulatory image of the sound [I];
improve the ability to characterize the sound according to the scheme;
learn to distinguish the sound [I] from a number of vowels, syllables, words;
develop phonemic perception;
improve the skill of determining the position of the sound [I] in a word;
consolidate ideas about the visual image of the letter "I";
improve sound analysis skills;
develop attention, memory, visual-figurative thinking;
develop fine motor skills.
improve the skill of forming the plural of nouns.

Equipment: mnemonic table of the “Donkey” riddle, subject pictures (donkey, willow, orange, turkey, skates, gate, sitting person), screen, plan diagram for describing a vowel sound, mnemonic table “Sound and letter”, magnetic letters, colored magnetic circles, individual mirrors on the footrest, sound rulers, cash registers for letters, printing plates, clothespins.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment:
Speech therapist teacher: - The one who remembers the words starting with the sound [A] or [U] will sit down.

II. Main part:
Speech therapist: - Guys, look at the mnemonic table and guess the riddle:
Ser, but not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse.

Speech therapist: - Donkey Eeyore came to our lesson. What is the first sound you hear in his name? The donkey wants to check what you know about the sound [And].

Sound articulation [I]:
Speech therapist: - Guys, donkey Eeyore invites you to take mirrors and look at your organs of articulation when you pronounce the sound [I] (mirrors are heard). It is proposed to pronounce the sound [I] and consider the articulation.
Speech therapist: Look in the mirror. Say it long: and-and-and. Feel what the lips, teeth, tongue, vocal folds are doing.

Sound characteristic [I]
Speech therapist teacher: - Tell the donkey about the sound [I]:
1. Sound [I] - vowel, "lives" in a red house.
2. It is pronounced with the participation of the voice (you can feel the vibration of the vocal folds).
3. The sound [And] can be sung, pulled.
4. Indicated by a red circle.
5. Lips are stretched in a smile.

6. Air freely comes out of the mouth - the gate in the fence is open.

Speech therapist: - Well done. One, two, three - remove all the mirrors.

Game "Catch the Sound"
Speech therapist: - Guys, Eeyore wants to check how attentive you are. The donkey will make a series of sounds, syllables and words. And you clap your hands if you hear the sound [I]. Get ready. Started:
U, A, I, A, U, O, I, O, U, I.

One-many game:
Speech therapist: - Donkey Eeyore brought the ball. I will name an object and throw a ball. Whoever catches him names the objects when there are a lot of them:
sock - socks, stocking - stockings, lock - locks, chalk - crayons, sand - sands, lump - lumps, petal - petals, collar - collars.

Speech therapist: - What sound do you hear at the end of each word?

The game "Determine the place of the sound in the word"
Speech therapist: - Guys, Eeyore brought pictures for you (puts up subject pictures). Name what it is. What do these words have in common? (All words have the sound [I]).
Speech therapist: - Guys, let's show Eeyore how you can work with sound lines. Let's determine the place of the sound [I] in the word turkey / skates / orange.

Dynamic pause:
(Finger gymnastics "Orange" to the song of E. Zheleznova "We shared an orange").
Speech therapist: - Orange is Eeyore's favorite fruit. Let's sing a song about an orange to a donkey and help ourselves with our fingers:

We shared an orange; For each word, fingers are clenched into a fist.
There are many of us, and he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog, Bending fingers, starting with the big one.
This slice is for a swift,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for a wolf - a peel. Throwing movement with the right hand.
He is angry with us trouble!!! They clench their fists and press them to the chest.
Run away whoever!!! Fingers on the table.
Zubkova L.

The visual image of the letter "I"
Speech therapist teacher: - Guys, let's repeat according to the scheme: "We speak and hear the sound, we see the letter and write."

Speech therapist: - What letter denotes the sound [I]? (letter "I"). Look - this is the letter "I". What does she look like? (It is proposed to consider the pictures “What does the letter I look like”).

Let's repeat the poem about the letter "I":
Look at the gate:
Why is it not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay down.
V. Stepanov

Teacher speech therapist:- How many elements does the letter "I" consist of? Remember that "I" is the "right" letter (it is proposed to consider the mnemonic table "Left and right letters").
Teacher speech therapist:- Find the letter "I" at your checkout.
Teacher speech therapist:- Draw the letter "I" in the air (sitting and in full growth).
Teacher speech therapist: - Let's build the letter "I" from the fingers:
index fingers,
As if the columns were frozen.
Middle left slightly bent,
Reached out the right finger.

Speech therapist: - Construct the letter "I" from clothespins.
Speech therapist: - Well done. One, two, three - put everything in the houses.

Sound analysis and typing of the word from the letters of the cash register:
Speech therapist: - Guys, the donkey has prepared a riddle for you:
Curls dropped into the river
And sad about something
And what are you sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

Speech therapist: - Print the word "IVA" from the letters of the cash register. Who wants to go to the blackboard and do a sound analysis of the word "WILLOW"? The rest do it on their own. Now let's check, is everyone the same?

III. Summary of the lesson:
Speech therapist: Well done guys. Donkey Eeyore really enjoyed visiting you!
Speech therapist: - Guys, what sound did we talk about today? What letter is it? What does the "I" look like?
Speech therapist: - Eeyore has prepared for you homework on page 6 in the workbook "We write and read" (Konovalenko). Also learn the riddle about the donkey using the mnemonic table.

Encouragement of children. Parting.

1. Introduce children to the articulation of sound [C]. .
2. Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [C] in syllables, words, text.
2. Learn to describe the articulation of sound and characterize it; .
3. Continue the children to find the given sound in the word, determine the position of the C sound in words.
4. Continue to teach children to perform sound analysis of words.
5. Teach children to make sentences.
6. Develop memory, thinking, imagination;
Lesson progress:
1. Org. moment.
Children stand near the magnetic board
L o g o p e d: Guys, listen and finish the word:
If the days become shorter

And the night is longer
The ground is covered in snow
So, we have come...
Children: Winter.
L o g o p e d: What season is it now?
Children: Winter.
Speech therapist: Yes, guys, if we look out the window, we will see that we have winter now. Now look at the board and select only those pictures that are suitable for winter.
(children choose pictures: snowman, snowflakes, icicles, snow, sled)
Then the speech therapist asks the children to sit in their seats.
2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.
Speech therapist: Listen and say what is the first sound we hear in the words: SNOWMAN, SNOW, SNOWFLAKES, ICICLES?
Children: In these words we hear the first sound S.
Speech therapist: Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the sound C, we will learn how to pronounce this sound correctly.
3. Characterization and articulation of sound C
Let's try to pronounce the sound C. Take the mirrors and see what helps us pronounce the sound C?
Children: Lips, teeth, tongue.
Speech therapist: When we pronounce the sound C, where is our tongue?
Children: Downstairs.
Speech therapist: When we pronounce the sound C, our teeth form a small gap, the tongue rests on the lower teeth.
L o g o p e d: Guys, describe the sound C.
Children: Sound C - consonant, hard.
Speech therapist: What color do we designate consonant solid sounds?
Children: In blue.
Speech therapist: Guys, let's say the sound C again. But for this we need to imagine that there are snowflakes in our palms and we need to blow them off with cold air. And for this we need to pronounce the sound S.
Children blow on their palms, and at this time the speech therapist turns on the tape recording "Blizzard". We play music.
L o g o p e d: Guys, you all blew snowflakes so diligently that a blizzard formed. And it began to snow. What is the name of the natural phenomenon when it snows?
Children: Snowfall.
L o g o p e d: Here are the snowflakes. (The speech therapist opens a board on which snowflakes are glued on magnets). And these snowflakes are not simple, but magical. Each snowflake brought you a task. If you do them all correctly, then the snow will stop falling. Shall we try?
D e t i: Yes.
4. Pronunciation of the sound C in syllables.
The speech therapist takes the first snowflake and reads the task.
Catch a snowball, and then you repeat
And come back to me again!
The speech therapist reads chains of syllables and throws a "snowball" to the children. The child repeats the chain of syllables and returns the “snowball” to the speech therapist.

5. Finding the sound C in words. Determination of the place of sound C in a word.

The speech therapist reads the task on the second snowflake.

Help the snowman

Name all his pictures.

Remove the extra picture.

In front of each child is a card that depicts a snowman, and in each corner of the picture (sledge, pineapple, fox, house).

Speech therapist: Name the picture that is in the upper left corner.

Children: Fox.

Speech therapist: Name the picture that is in the lower left corner.

Children: Sanki.

Speech therapist: Name the picture that is in the upper right corner.

Children: Pineapple.

Speech therapist: Name the picture that is in the lower right corner.

Children: House.

Speech therapist: Guys, find a picture in which there is no sound C. Let's close this picture with a snowball.

Children close the picture "house" with a white circle.

The speech therapist reads the task on the third snowflake.

Name the rest of the pictures.

And where the sound C is heard - determine!

Speech therapist: Guys, take the sound rulers and the sound symbol C. Listen and tell me where the sound C is heard in the word fox?

Children: In the word fox, the sound C is heard in the middle of the word.

L o h o p e d: Where is the sound C heard in the word sledge?

Children: The sound C is heard at the beginning of a word.

Logoped: Where is the C sound in the word pineapple?

Children: The sound C is heard at the end of the word.

6. Physical education.

The speech therapist reads the task on the fourth snowflake.

Have fun with us

Dance and spin.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

(Hands on the belt, bending forward and backward)

We are not averse to spinning -

(Turn in place)

We are snowflakes - ballerinas,

(Hands on the belt, tilts to the right and left)

We dance day and night.

(Place the right foot then the left foot on the heel)

We whitewashed the trees

(shake hands above head)

Roofs covered with fluff.

(Put your hands down)

The earth was covered with velvet,

And saved from the cold.

(Pointing to the ground, throwing up your hands)

7. Sound analysis of the word SANI.

The speech therapist reads the task on the fifth snowflake.

Get blue cards

And disassemble the word sled.

Children, together with a speech therapist, make a sound analysis of the word sleigh.

8. Drawing up deformed sentences.

The speech therapist reads the task on the sixth snowflake.

You guys help

All sentences are correct.

The speech therapist puts a plot picture of winter on the board and reads deformed sentences.

Children make a snowman. (Children make a snowman)

Sledge Vanya. (Vanya is sledding)

Ski Sonya to ride. (Sonya is skiing)

9. The result of the lesson.

Well done guys, you have completed all the tasks of the snowflakes. And the snowfall is over.