Speech therapy massage: effectiveness in combination of techniques. Rules for performing speech therapy massage of the tongue for a child

Children are a great joy for parents who are waiting for their appearance. With their arrival in this world, moms and dads try to provide the kids with everything they can: food, clothes, shoes, full development. Of course, there are many problems on the way of personality formation, one of which is speech development.

Speech is formed in the first three years of a child's life. For each, this process occurs individually - some do not experience difficulties, and some children cannot learn to speak correctly. Speech problems are becoming more and more common in children. It depends on how the pregnancy proceeds, childbirth and whether the parents are engaged with the baby.

What is speech therapy massage for?

Not everyone associates the development of speech and massage. Some are skeptical about this method of forming sounds and words. But do not underestimate its importance for the child. Recently, babies are often born with increased muscle tone. This affects their development in general and the mobility of tissues. The lips also suffer from this, the tongue becomes inactive, it does not have the necessary flexibility. Speech therapy massage helps to relax the cheeks, lips, tongue, face, so that it is possible to correctly form the pronunciation of sounds. In addition, it contributes to the softening of tissues, their flexibility and proper articulation.

The objectives of such a massage

If performed correctly, this manipulation can achieve great success. Of course, exercises with a speech therapist should also be carried out with problems of speech formation. The advantage of this manipulation is also that it can be carried out at home. Massage is done to solve the following problems:

  • correcting the pronunciation of sounds when they do not correspond to the correct sound, for example, if a child cannot learn to speak hissing or the sound "p";
  • when it is necessary to improve the condition of the voice - this requires medical indications;
  • normalization of speech breathing - sometimes a child cannot pronounce a word correctly due to confused breathing;
  • reduction of emotional stress;
  • correction of problems with stuttering, dysarthria, rhinolalia, voice disorders;
  • an increase in muscle tone and the oral cavity, when there is no necessary tension for the pronunciation of sounds;
  • reduction of hypersalivation (increased salivation);
  • strengthening the pharyngeal reflex when speaking;
  • improved articulation.

Speech therapy massage at home can also carry out these tasks. With proper training in basic movements, thanks to hard work, mothers and children achieve maximum results.

Indications for manipulation

Speech therapy massage is not carried out just like that. Feedback from parents testifies to its effectiveness in overcoming certain difficulties in the development of the child. For its use, there are specific indications that are due to certain conditions.

  1. A voice disorder is a disorder of its function, which can have different causes: physiological and psychological. It manifests itself in insufficient voice power, constant perspiration, fatigue when speaking, pain, the appearance of a "coma" in the throat.
  2. Dysarthria is a speech therapy and neurological problem in which the child's pronunciation and articulation apparatus are impaired.
  3. Stuttering is a speech disorder that manifests itself in the frequent repetition or prolonged pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words. It can also be indecision in speech, stops.
  4. The need to speed up the results This usually happens before school, when parents turned to a specialist late with serious problems.
  5. Constant salivation.
  6. Weak or increased muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus.

In these cases, massage of the face and oral cavity is necessary. In other speech therapy problems, it can be done if there are no contraindications.

Are there any contraindications to it?

The main contraindications include:

  1. Infectious diseases in acute form. Speech therapy massage is not done in this case, as the child feels unwell and may be in pain.
  2. Skin diseases. Manipulation can also cause pain and worsen the condition of the child.
  3. Conjunctivitis.
  4. Gingivitis.
  5. Herpes, stomatitis. Speech therapy facial massage may be allowed provided that its lightweight form is used and there is no penetration into the oral cavity with instruments.
  6. Enlarged lymph nodes, as well as a strong pulsation of the carotid artery.

Conditions for speech therapy massage

Any manipulation with a child, educational or therapeutic, must be carried out in conditions acceptable to him. For massage, you first need to consult a doctor and determine by a speech therapist. Then specific methods of relaxing or toning the muscles of the neck, torso, facial expressions and articulatory apparatus are prescribed.

It is more expedient to carry out speech therapy massage at home, since children perceive a familiar environment better. The room must be ventilated, the duration of the entire massage in the first few days is no more than 10 minutes. Then the time increases gradually up to 25 minutes. Massage is carried out 2-3 times a week, and at least 10-15 procedures should be applied. Parents note positive dynamics already after the 4-5th procedure. It all depends on the severity of the damage to the nervous system and the development of facial muscles.

To carry out speech therapy massage for children at home, you need to prepare some means:

  • massage oil;
  • sterile gloves (if it is done to babies);
  • a protective mask (if a massage therapist is suspected of having a viral infection).

Gloves and a mask are also necessary when massaging the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Logopedic massage for hands

The nerve endings on the fingers are very closely related to the state of the internal organs. Therefore, some speech therapists advise starting speech therapy massage for children from the hands, especially since it has no contraindications. Parents' reviews indicate that children are happy to accept massaging their fingers. But this must be done according to certain rules:

  • massage should begin with the little finger, it is necessary to massage, starting from the nail to the base of the finger, do this with each joint several times;
  • several times you need to press on each fingertip, first weakly, then stronger;
  • massaging the palms according to the type of "magpie-white-sided";
  • make a spiral several times from the edge of the palm, ending it in the center;
  • if you have at home, you need to take a rubber ball with spikes, then gently move it from your wrists to your fingers;

How to massage the tongue?

Speech therapy massage of the tongue already requires some training of the massage therapist. First you need to relax the muscles of the cervical, mandibular, shoulder girdle. This is necessary so that the muscles of the root of the tongue also become relaxed. All of them are closely related. All movements should be directed from the tip of the tongue to its root.

Sometimes you can encounter when massaging. In this case, speech therapy massage of the tongue for children begins with massaging only the tip so that it is inside the oral cavity. Then you can gradually bring the tongue out of the lips, increasing the massaging area.

Basic movements:

  • take the tip of the tongue and shake it in different directions, forward, backward;
  • stroke the tongue with the thumb, while supporting it from below with the index finger of the other hand, all movements go from the center to the periphery and from the tip to the root;
  • from above, grab the tongue with your thumb, strengthen it from below with your index and middle fingers, in this position rub the surface on both sides of the center;
  • then they move on to vibration: the tip is captured, shaken up and down a little, the surface of the tongue is slightly patted.

Speech therapy massage of the tongue is done subject to the elimination of the problem with salivation. There are also several ways to do this.

  1. Chewing with head thrown back.
  2. The child must learn to swallow saliva the first time without accumulating it in the mouth.
  3. Rotate the tongue around the lips with an open and closed mouth, then swallow the saliva the first time.

Lip massage

How to do speech therapy lip massage? There is nothing complicated in it. The same movements are repeated here many times - up to 50. They need to be changed in direction. Basic actions:

  • at the right wing of the nose and lips, you need to put the index and middle fingers, make several circular movements, repeat the same on the left side;
  • set two index fingers in the middle under the lower lip, then above the upper one, in this position of the fingers make circular movements in different directions;
  • the same setting of fingers, making pinching in this area;
  • then pinch with three fingers around the child's lips.

The complex of such actions must be repeated 2-3 times in one massage session.

Speech therapy massage with spoons

This method is also effective in the process of forming a child's speech. The child is interested in conducting such a massage. Basic exercises include:

  • lip warm-up - stroking with slides of spoons of the lower and upper lips;
  • circular movements with the back of the kitchen utensils on the sponges;
  • shallow pressing with the tips of a spoon throughout all nasolabial folds;
  • scraping movements with the tips of this object along the lower and upper lip;
  • frequent pressing with the ends of a spoon on the lips;
  • warm-up of a spoon of chewing and chin muscles.

Massage for dysarthria

With this speech disorder, massage is necessary, since there is a need to influence not only the muscles, but also the nerve endings. That is why it covers a large area for manipulation. When it is necessary to carry out speech therapy massage for dysarthria, the child undresses to half, lies down on the table, and the massage therapist does a warm-up of the entire back, abdomen and above. In case of such a serious deviation, the procedure should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. He knows what movements are made, their sequence, what they are aimed at, and can cope with unpredictable situations (for example, cramps or spasms).

The ritual of the end of speech therapy massage

Specialists pay special attention to how speech therapy massage ends. Parents' feedback confirms that in order to set the child to continue such manipulation, it is important to be able to finish it.

After doing massaging movements, you need to caress and praise the baby for patience and obedience. You can play with it a little. After such an interaction, the baby will no longer be afraid of the next procedure, and he himself will substitute the tongue.

Speech therapy massage for children can be done at home if the child has no contraindications. This type of massage allows you to achieve better results in correcting the activity of the speech apparatus and is an important part of a set of measures to eliminate the manifestation of speech dysfunctions.

Speech therapy massage for children at home has the following goals:

  • normalize general and articulatory muscle tone;
  • reduce the manifestations of defects in the articulatory apparatus;
  • to form coordinated and arbitrary movements of the articulatory organs.

Indications for speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage for children at home is indicated for:

  • speech development disorders;
  • ineffectiveness of traditional speech therapy procedures;
  • a number of diagnoses, which included dysarthria, delays in mental and speech development, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech.

Parents can conduct speech therapy massage for children themselves, after receiving a preliminary consultation from a specialist

Restrictions in carrying out speech therapy massage are:

  • capillary diseases;
  • thrombotic vascular disease;
  • acute respiratory infection;
  • excessive tissue sensitivity;
  • infected wounds;
  • tonsillitis.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria

Speech therapy massage for children at home helps with dysarthria, if traditional speech therapy methods do not bring the desired effect. In this case, massage is carried out in addition to the main speech therapy and neurological procedures.

With dysarthria, the muscles of the organs of the articulation apparatus are inactive, and the pronunciation of words or sounds is difficult, therefore, a set of measures includes movements and exercises aimed at increasing the muscle tone of the tongue and adjacent organs involved in articulation.

The choice of exercises depends strictly on the state of muscle tone of the articulation zone.

In early childhood, dysarthria is successfully treated, which consists of a set of procedures: general strengthening physical education, reflexology, speech therapy massage. Massage of the tongue in case of illness can stimulate muscle tone and make the child's tongue more mobile and flexible, which simplifies the pronunciation of sounds and words; the technique of sound pronunciation changes.

In addition, speech therapy massage for children with dysarthria expands the range of articulatory functions, and the most difficult sounds become more accessible. The general positive effects of massage can also include improved blood circulation.

Before starting systematic procedures, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and a neurologist in order to exclude contraindications and assess the overall performance of the organs involved in the articulation process. The duration of the sessions depends on the age of the child and the serial number of the massage procedure in the cycle.

So, for a child under 5 years old, the first massage procedure should not exceed 6 minutes, for children 5-7 years old - no more than 10 minutes.

Speech therapy massage for dysarthria is contraindicated in:

  • infectious diseases of the oral cavity;
  • labial herpes;
  • gag reflex.

Massage is carried out in two main positions: lying and sitting. To begin with, you should do a little warm-up for the neck and facial muscles. Further, the event includes the rotation of the child's tongue in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise.

Then, with the help of the index finger, twisting movements should be made, slightly stretching the tongue forward. In order to achieve the best result and make the muscles of the tongue the most mobile, it is recommended to use special devices - speech therapy probes.

Massage for stuttering

Stuttering in children is usually associated with neurotic or physiological problems. In addition to articulatory gymnastics, general strengthening exercises, speech therapy massage is successfully used. The massaged area includes the upper back and chest, neck, shoulders and head.

According to the types of impact, segmental massage is distinguished, which consists in massaging the articulatory muscles, and acupressure (acupressure), which affects biologically active zones.

Segmental massage includes the following manipulations:

  • stroking, starting and ending the session;
  • rubbing, which activates blood circulation and stimulates metabolic processes in the body;
  • kneading, activating muscle processes;
  • vibration affecting muscle tone;
  • pressing, stimulating metabolic processes.

Acupressure for stuttering affects the speech center, reducing its excitability. This is one of the most suitable types of massage at home, requiring only a short internship with a specialist. Acupressure works like acupuncture. Fingers are pressed with different strengths on points located in the forearm, cervical and face.

It is necessary to carry out 12 massage sessions within three weeks.

Speech therapy massage for children with stuttering at home is carried out in addition to a set of measures aimed at eliminating the disease (general strengthening procedures, professional help from a psychotherapist to identify the causes of stuttering).

Massage for ZRR

Speech therapy massage for children at home can help children with delayed speech development. It is usually indicated for older preschool children whose articulation skills are not appropriate for their age. But You can start doing speech therapy massage for a child from infancy.

In this case, speech therapy massage will have a general therapeutic effect, will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which can serve as a powerful incentive for the development of articulation skills. Massage consists of actions aimed at points of the face, mouth and neck.; exercises take place in a relaxed atmosphere in the form of a game.

Regular classes include a complex of massage movements that differ in intensity.

Massage technique:

Zone movements Multiplicity of execution
LipsIntensive kneading with fingers in the direction from the middle of the mouth to the cheeks

Vibration and tapping with fingertips

NeckTurning the head from left to right, forward and backward

gentle stroking

Languagelight stroking

Light vibration and tapping



Speech therapy massage for cerebral palsy

When working with children with cerebral palsy, the following types of speech therapy massage are most acceptable:

  1. Classical
  2. dotted

Tasks of speech therapy massage for children with cerebral palsy:

  • act on nerves and muscles to stimulate the development of the nervous system;
  • stimulate motor activity;
  • improve autonomic function;
  • improve blood circulation.

motor alalia

With the help of massage with motor alalia, you can achieve the following results:

  • improvement of the articulatory apparatus;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • coordination of the movement of the muscles of the face and tongue;
  • increased tissue sensitivity;
  • reduction in salivation.

Massage is carried out with fingers; its duration is 10-20 sessions. The technique includes tapping on the lips, pressure, circular movements along the cheeks.


Massage for paresis of the facial nerve is prescribed after the patient undergoes a thorough examination, including consultations with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, therapist. In this case, massage is prescribed in combination with therapeutic exercises. Facial massage with paresis improves blood circulation on the affected side of the face, restores muscle function, and prevents contractures.

A feature of massage in this disease is that it is necessary to increase the muscle tone of the articulatory muscles. The first week of sessions is carried out only on the healthy part of the face. At the second stage, the actions are redirected to the side of the lesion, while limiting movements for the healthy area of ​​the face.

Apply rubbing and kneading massage movements.

Acceptable methods in this case include:

  • stroking;
  • very light vibrations;
  • light friction;
  • gentle stretching.


Children suffering from phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment are also at risk of dyslexia and dysgraphia, so it is important to start a set of activities in a timely manner, including home massage. With FFNR, sounds are distorted, replaced, omitted; sounds are poorly distinguished in the speech stream.

Speech therapy massage for children, carried out at home, is able to make articulation clearer, set and automate pronunciation. This type of massage does not require special speech therapy tools. A tablespoon is used, less often a toothbrush.

Spoon massage technique for phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment:

  • stroking along the tongue with the convex side;
  • pressure on the central part of the tongue with the inside;
  • rolling from the base to the tip of the tongue;
  • pushes with a convex part from side to side;
  • tapping with the tip of a spoon.

Features of massage at home

When conducting corrective speech therapy work with a child with a speech disorder, speech therapy massage acts as an addition to classes with a speech therapist, defectologist, reflexology and drug therapy. To carry out the procedure of speech therapy massage at home, you should consult a speech therapist or undergo a short-term internship.

The peculiarity of the massage at home is that no speech therapy devices (probes) are used.

At home, massage can be done with toothbrushes or spoons of different sizes. It should be noted that such procedures cannot be carried out daily, as excessive irritation or even damage to the mucous membrane and tissues is possible. Speech therapists recommend massage with spoons and brushes every other day.

The procedure is carried out in a ventilated room in a comfortable environment for the child. After eating, at least two hours should pass.

Warm-up before speech therapy massage

The goals of the warm-up before speech therapy massage are:

  • creating an emotional mood;
  • warming up the muscles before massage;
  • preparation of the speech apparatus for massage;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • activation of metabolic processes.

The warm-up is carried out for several minutes daily. Speech therapy warm-up consists of breathing exercises, logarithmic tasks to activate facial muscles. An exercise that stimulates the child's facial expressions is an imitation game.

Video with an example of an exercise for the development of facial expressions:

The child portrays the characters set by the speech therapist or parent, using facial expressions. Gymnastics for the articulatory apparatus is also an element of speech therapy warm-up. The child is invited to do exercises that warm up the muscles of the face.

Gymnastics actions include: retraction of the cheeks, a wide smile, movements of the lips and tongue.

Types of speech therapy massage:

  • classical massage; consists in two types of influence: relaxing and exciting;
  • acupressure type of massage; affects those parts of the body where nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated;
  • hardware massage; requires the use of vibration and vacuum tools;
  • probe type; carried out with the help of speech therapy probes;
  • spoon massage; carried out using table, tea, children's silicone spoons.
  • brush massage; carried out using parts of a toothbrush.

Classic speech therapy massage

The classic methods include 4 main actions: rubbing, vibration, kneading and light stroking. The choice of techniques depends on the purpose of the massage. If the goal is to relax the muscles, then stroking is used. If it is required to activate the work of the articulatory muscles, then the massage is carried out with energetic and intense vibrations, rubbing, kneading.

Massage is carried out both with fingers and massage spatulas, nipples.

Hardware massage

The goals of this massage complex are:

  • elimination of the manifestation of speech dysfunctions, motor alalia, delays in speech development;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • improving the pronunciation skills of the articulatory apparatus.

Hardware speech therapy massage at home requires speech therapy massagers that act on tissues with high frequency vibrations. These instruments have removable parts and are able to have both a relaxing and activating effect on the muscles of the organs of the speech apparatus.

The results of hardware speech therapy massage are longer than with manual massage.


The purpose of acupressure speech therapy massage is to influence the acupuncture zones (BAP). Biologically active points contain clusters of nerve endings, the massage stimulation of which causes a response. To detect active zones and points, you should slide over the massage area with sliding movements.

Pulsation serves as evidence of BAP detection.

If muscle tone is increased, an inhibitory type of massage is used. with a relaxing effect. In this case, smoothing movements are made with the fingertips. If the tone is reduced, then a stimulating type of massage is indicated. Rhythmic and energetic movements produce pressure and rubbing of the active point.

Probe massage

The author of the technique is E.V. Novikova has developed 8 speech therapy probes, with the help of which the speech therapist acts on the main areas of the face: lips, tongue, cheekbones and cheeks. Probes come in different shapes, functions and effects. Using a set of probes, you can activate and relax muscles, relieve spasms, increase or decrease muscle tone.

Probe massage has a beneficial effect on the speech and nervous system of the child.

Toothbrush massage

This type of massage consists in the massage effects of a speech therapist on the child's tongue with the help of an individual toothbrush and napkin. The child's tongue is fixed with a napkin, and the toothbrush massages the tongue. The movements are accompanied by poetry reading and fairy tale therapy.

Such a massage is indicated for children with weak muscles and low tone of the tongue. At home, such a massage serves as an alternative to probe speech therapy massage. It is important to massage the longitudinal muscles and the transverse muscle of the tongue.

Spoon massage

Massage with spoons is an effective way to correct speech defects. This type of massage is carried out by a speech therapist or a parent with the participation of the child himself. The child is given 2 spoons in both hands, and he repeats the movements shown by adults. All exercises are performed under the reading of verses.

The poem contains instructions, describes the order and method of performing the exercise. Movements include rubbing, pressing, tapping with various parts of the spoon (handle, convex side, inner side)

home massage results

Speech therapy massage for children, produced at home, can cause a favorable change in the state of the muscular system.

There is also progress in the development of the child's nervous system. If speech therapy massage is performed for children with speech disorders, there is an activation of muscles that previously had insufficient contractile strength; with spasms and increased tone, a pronounced relaxing effect is observed.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

A useful video clip about speech therapy massage for children

The plot of effective acupressure for the development of speech in a child with cerebral palsy:

Parents notice the presence of problems in the speech function of their child only by the age of three or four.

Until this age, babies lisp cutely, distort words or skip letters, but these defects are absolutely harmless in most cases and pass with time. By the age of four, the mother already understands exactly whether the speech of her baby is developing correctly.

It is better to correct speech defects in childhood. And the sooner the better. Burr, ignoring some letters of the alphabet, delayed speech development, "porridge" in the mouth, stuttering - these are the reasons for contacting a speech therapist.

First of all, the doctor will determine the cause of the defect and prescribe a therapeutic speech therapy massage. The specialist will first examine the child's oral cavity, examine the condition of the shoulder girdle and facial muscles, and only after a complete analysis will determine the treatment tactics.

Speech therapy massage is a technique that contributes to the normalization of the pronunciation side of speech and the emotional state of the child.

Regular exercises successfully correct pronunciation, improve the sound of the voice, tone the muscles of the speech apparatus, stimulate normal speech, and reduce salivation.

Massage sessions are aimed at the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks and palate.

Massage for low muscle tone

Reduced tone called muscle hypotension. The reasons for it may be the following:

  • rickets;
  • sepsis;
  • Down syndrome;
  • botulism and other ailments.

Technique for hypotension

The procedure begins with the study of the main muscle groups, gradually moving to the secondary ones. Actions used during activating massage sessions: stroking, kneading, rubbing, pinching, vibration.

First, four light movements are made, the strength grows. The movements become pressing, but at the same time do not cause discomfort. Repeat up to ten times.

Stroke the forehead area from the middle to the sides, use the middle and index fingers of both hands. Do kneading with your index and thumb fingers joined into a fist.

Rubbing is carried out along a spiral path from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Finish with light tapping and pinching with the tips of your index fingers.


Start rubbing and kneading the cheeks in horizontal lines from the sinuses to the auricles. Knead your cheeks with two fingers in a clockwise direction. After kneading in a spiral path from the ears to the chin.

Pinch the entire cheek in a chaotic manner. Massage the lines on the cheekbones in an arc from the chin to the auricle and from the upper lip to the outer corner of the eye.


The labial muscles stretch from the middle to the corners of the mouth. Each lip is treated separately. Stroke your lips first, then pinch. Carefully knead the nasolabial fold.

Massage for increased muscle tone

Brain damage during childbirth or during fetal development lead to hypertonicity of the muscles of the speech apparatus. Also, the causes of the disease can be:

  • hypoxia;
  • rubella;
  • asphyxia;
  • Rh factor conflict;
  • birth trauma.

Technique for hypertension

Increased tone requires the use of relaxation techniques, including the following elements: classical stroking, vibration movements and acupressure. The procedure begins with the collar zone, shoulders, face, tongue and lips.

Relaxation of muscle fibers is achieved by slow sliding and slightly pressing movements. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.

With your palms, stroke the neck from the hairline to the collar area. Repeat the movement ten times.

With three fingers, move from the side of the temples to the middle of the forehead, then rush from the hairline to the superciliary arches.


Stroke your cheeks in a circle with your fingertips. Move your fingers in an arc from the temples to the nostrils. Rub your cheeks in an arc from your ears to your nose in a spiral motion. Stroke the cheekbones with light pressure from the ears to the chin.


Stroke both lips alternately with your fingers, and then knead from the corners of the mouth to the middle. With both hands, stroke from the sinuses to the chin and in the opposite direction. Tap your fingers all over your lips.


The specialist makes a special tool. At home, the procedure is carried out with the help of the index finger. Stroke it from the tip of the tongue to its root.

How to do speech therapy massage with spoons

For the procedure, you will need four teaspoons. It is advisable to prepare a few more clean spoons in case of a fall.

Spoons should not have ornate patterns, as well as other elements that can injure the baby during the session.

Each element is repeated 6-8 times.

Spoon massage technique:

  • Use the curved side of the spoons to stroke your child's whiskey clockwise.
  • Stroke the eye sockets with bulges. Move along the superciliary arch to the outer corner of the eye, draw back with a spoon under the eye.
  • In a circle, stroke the baby's cheeks with the convex sides of the spoons.
  • Rub the whiskey in a spiral with slides of spoons. The movement ends with a gentle push.
  • Rub the space between the eyebrows in spiral paths with slides of spoons.
  • Massage the cheeks from the chin to the eyes with the side of the spoon.
  • Rub the nasolabial area with the end of a spoon.
  • Work the entire upper lip with the tip of a spoon. Make light pressure.
  • Massage your bottom lip in the same way.
  • Chin and cheekbones knead with slides of spoons using circular motions.

Speech therapy massage technique for dysarthria

Dysarthria is a severe speech disorder associated with a malfunction of the central nervous system. The disease is characterized by the substitution of sounds, the appearance of slurred speech. One of the complications of dysarthria is complete vocal paralysis.

The procedure is performed with the index finger wrapped in a piece of gauze. In this case, the baby lies on the back, under the neck he has a small roller, his head is slightly tilted back.

  • Tap your fingers above the upper lip from left to right, tap the area under the lower lip in the opposite direction.
  • Upper lip. Slap the pads from nose to lip then gently stroke this area with the edge of the nail.
  • Two fingers of both hands lie on the corners of the lips. With pressing movements, reduce the corners of the lips, the mouth should take the form of a tube.
  • Place the pad of your index finger in the middle of your lower lip and push it up.
  • Use the thumbs and forefingers of both hands to work the two labial muscles. To do this, connect them together and “sculpt dumplings”, moving from left to right.
  • Put your finger wrapped in gauze behind the child's cheek. Make circular motions, rising along the cheek. The fingers inside the cheek and outside it should touch each other.
  • Press the tip of the tongue to the top row of teeth.

The first sessions last no longer than 8 minutes. Gradually, the time increases to 20 minutes. The full course is 20 sessions, it can be repeated after two months.

Speech therapy hand and face massage

Perform the procedure in a warm room, after washing and disinfecting your hands with an antiseptic.

The facial muscles are massaged with a mitten. Make sure that the child does not feel pain and excessive friction. The session begins with massaging the frontal lobe from the central region to the sides, then the eyes are stroked from the inner point of the superciliary arch to the outer and in the opposite direction.

The next step will be the eyebrows and hairline. Finish the procedure by stroking and kneading the cheeks and lips.

The massage procedure of the hands gives a positive attitude and develops fine motor skills, which are associated with the work of the brain, as well as with the normal functioning of various systems and organs.

Motor skills directly affect human speech. Daily sessions of speech therapy hand massage can significantly improve articulation.

Stretch your fingers. Start at the end of the little finger. Rise along the finger up, kneading every centimeter. Then press the fingertips, kneading and tapping on them with the tip of the nail plate.

Then, with spiral movements, go through the palm of your hand. Finish by kneading the inside of the palm from the edge to its center.

Video on how to do speech therapy massage and what are its benefits.


It is impossible for your child to make a decision on the conduct of speech therapy massage on his own. The doctor must examine the baby and prescribe a relaxing or tonic massage.

Report any changes to your doctor. Interaction with doctors, the regularity of procedures and the addition of massage with special exercises that develop articulation and sound pronunciation are the main components of success.

Why speech therapy massage is needed

Speech therapy massage refers to the methods of active mechanical action on the muscles of the organs of the speech apparatus - tongue, lips, palate, cheeks, face in whole or in part. There are four types of speech therapy massage:

  1. classical includes traditional techniques - stroking, vibration, tapping, rubbing, patting;
  2. The segmental reflex resembles the classic one, but it is done taking into account the segmental division into zones: for example, they massage the cervical region, collar zone, scalp, face;
  3. Acupressure. With its help, they affect biologically active points;
  4. Probe massage is done with the help of special tools - massage probes.

Regardless of the type, the goal of speech therapy massage is the same - to relax the muscles or, conversely, to increase its tone. In addition, massage helps to form arbitrary coordinated movements of the organs of articulation - lips, tongue, palate, etc. So speech therapy massage is used when muscle tone is disturbed and it needs to be normalized. Often massage is used as an aid along with articulation, breathing or voice gymnastics, but sometimes it becomes the main way to correct speech.

Contraindications: any infectious and dermatological diseases, herpes, stomatitis, conjunctivitis.

With great care: episyndrome, increased intracranial pressure.

Speech therapy massage is done:

  1. massage probes;
  2. hands;
  3. sometimes auxiliary objects - nipples, spoons, spatulas, toothbrushes with soft bristles.

Trust a specialist

There is now a lot of literature on speech therapy massage from the “do it yourself” category both on the Internet and on store shelves. But it is better to have a speech therapist do the massage. A non-specialist is not able to take into account the structural features of the child's articulatory apparatus, which is why speech therapy massage can be harmful instead of useful. After consulting a speech therapist, under his control, you can independently perform only individual simple elements.

Usually speech therapy massage is carried out in cycles of 10, 15 or 20 sessions, preferably daily or every other day. The duration of one procedure, depending on the age of the child, the severity of disorders, individual characteristics, is at first from 2 to 5-6 minutes and gradually increases to 15-20 minutes. Moreover, you can do speech therapy massage for children from almost any age. For example, with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, sessions of speech therapy massage begin in early infancy - from 2-3 months. There is no speech yet, but the structure of the violation suggests difficulties in the work of the articulatory apparatus. And the sooner the correction starts, the better. Children with less severe impairments usually experience speech therapy massage at 4-5 years of age, when speech correction begins. In any case, the need for massage and the age when it should be done should be determined by a specialist after examining the child.

In children under 3 years old, a massage session should not exceed 10 minutes, at the age of 3-5 years - 15 minutes, in children over 6 years old - 25 minutes, in adults - up to 40 minutes.

Preliminary preparation

It is desirable to prepare the child for a massage session.

  1. Create a favorable emotional background: “Now we will tickle the tongue, now we will play a little, fight with lips and tongue.” Often speech therapists use folk sentences like “rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers”, the Hen pecks grains, but does not give the guys”, they tell stories in which the main characters are the tongue, cheeks, lips, etc., and the massage is described as adventures: “And the tongue got tired and began to sleep, went to bed for teeth. We will stroke him, scratch him - sleep, rest!", "Naughty tongue - spank him."
  2. Before the massage, you need to clean your mouth from food, rinse it.
  3. It is best to massage 1.5 hours after eating.

Methods of speech therapy massage

Usually, speech therapists always inform parents which technique and why they use it. Often, specialists, as in any other field, create their own set of techniques, and even select something special depending on the characteristics of the child and the structure of the disorder.

  1. For example, there is a cheerful and convenient speech therapy massage with spoons. The spoon does not look like a medical instrument, it is a cutlery familiar from childhood. And if a child has an acute rejection of medical procedures, such a massage will be a salvation. They will perceive speech therapy massage with spoons rather as a fun game. Some of its elements can be done at home. The techniques of this type of massage, as well as self-massage and finger games are described in the book by O.I. Krupenchuk “Speech therapy massage with spoons”.
  2. Speech therapy massage Novikova developed by E.V. Novikova for the normalization of speech motor skills. During the session, special speech therapy probes for massage are used to normalize sound pronunciation in children.
  3. Speech therapy massage Arkhipova. E.F. Arkhipova proposed her own methodology for working with serious speech disorders. Such a massage is done, for example, for children with cerebral palsy. It consists in a differentiated effect on the muscles of the face and oral cavity. Sessions are held daily, between courses - small breaks.
  4. For children with cerebral palsy also developed a set of massage exercises EAT. Mastyukova.
  5. Speech therapy massage E.E. Shevtsova aimed at eliminating stuttering.
  6. I.I. Ermakova described speech therapy massage techniques for children who underwent surgery to eliminate defects of the hard palate.
  7. Speech therapy massage Dyakova actively used for stuttering and other serious illnesses. In addition, she collected and described most types of speech therapy massage.

But in principle, all massages are a bit similar: rubbing, stroking, pinching, vibration effects on muscles and reflex points. Usually a speech therapist chooses exactly what is most suitable for the child.

Speech therapy massage refers to one of the speech therapy techniques and is a method of mechanical action, due to which the state of the peripheral speech apparatus improves.

For severe speech disorders, speech therapy massage is used. It allows you to correct sound pronunciation, improves the condition of the voice, normalizes the tone of the muscles of the speech apparatus, and reduces the time for the formation of pronunciation. Even with severe neurological symptoms, the use of speech therapy massage gives good results.

Focus on the muscles of the cheeks, lips, tongue and soft palate. To select the treatment tactics, the massage therapist must palpate the muscles before the session and pay attention to the condition of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, tongue, cheeks and lips.

Speech therapy massage has the following goals:

  • Stimulation of colloquial speech with a delay in the development of the child
  • Decreased salivation
  • Reducing the hypertonicity of the muscles involved in articulation.
  • Activation of muscles with insufficient contractility.
  • Stimulation of kinesthetic sensations.
  • Decrease in the degree of muscle motor disorders in concomitant movements, hyperkinesis, impaired coordination of movements.
  • Creation of conditions for the development of voluntary movements of the articulatory apparatus.
  • Increased elasticity of muscle fibers, contractile function.

Speech therapy massage for children

The position of the child during the session

Before carrying out speech therapy massage, in order to normalize muscle tone, you should choose the correct position for the child. The most optimal:

  1. The child is laid on his back, a small roller or a flat pillow is placed under the neck. The head should be slightly tilted back.
  2. You can massage in a chair with a high headrest.
  3. Small children are massaged in a stroller in a half-sitting position.
  4. It is advisable for children who are afraid to sit on their mother's lap.

Massage for low muscle tone

Speech therapy massage begins with the area of ​​the upper shoulder girdle and neck. In this area, all movements are soft, light, embracing. At the same time, the purpose of the massage is to activate the muscles associated with the muscles of the tongue and the floor of the mouth. Movements must necessarily capture the floor of the mouth, since these muscles are directly connected with the root of the tongue.

Turning to the articulatory muscles, one should take into account the area that is less active in children. The accents in the study relate to those muscles that do not allow the child to make certain articulatory movements. For example, movement disorders can be localized in the region of the masticatory muscle, zygomatic muscles, and buccal muscles. In these areas, it is necessary to actively carry out movements.

The direction of massage movements from the center to the periphery. Classical massage techniques are applied. The force of pressure should increase gradually. The pressure should not cause pain in children.

Massage technique

  1. Forehead area: longitudinal and transverse stroking.
  2. Stroking the upper border of the eye sockets.
  3. Stroking from the wings of the nose to the ears.
  4. Stroking the lower jaw from the chin to the ears.
  5. Spiral kneading of the zygomatic muscle.
  6. Kneading the buccal muscle (pinching, spiraling movements).
  7. Treatment of the buccal muscle on both sides. The masseur kneads the muscle with one finger from the inside, with the other fingers from the outside.
  8. Treatment of the labial muscles. Directions of movement: from the middle of the lip to the corners. The upper and lower lip are processed separately. Apply stroking, tingling lips.
  9. Treatment of the nasolabial fold.
  10. Application of vibration techniques (manual or hardware method).

In children with convulsive syndrome, vibrations are contraindicated!

Massage for increased muscle tone

Relaxing speech therapy massage is prescribed for children with increased tone of the articulatory muscles. When performing, the child chooses a pose in which tonic reflexes would be manifested to a lesser extent.
Muscle relaxation is achieved with light massage movements from the periphery to the center with a small pressure force. All movements are sliding. Lightly pressing. Repeat each 8 times. Slow movements reduce tissue excitability.

Massage technique

Begin by relaxing the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Carry out massage and passive movements of the head. Holding the child's head, turn the head clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Slow head turns to one side and the other. Relaxation of the neck muscles helps to reduce the tone of the root of the tongue.

Relaxing facial massage:

  • Longitudinal and transverse stroking of the forehead
  • Stroking the eye area.
  • Stroking from the bridge of the nose along the upper edge of the eye sockets to the temples.
  • Stroking from forehead to cheeks, chin, neck to collarbones.
  • Stroking from the earlobes to the wings of the nose.
  • Pinch-shaped stroking of the lower jaw.
  • Pressure from the beginning of hair growth down over the entire surface of the face.

Relaxation of the muscles of the lips:

  • Stroking the upper and lower lips from the corner to the center.
  • Each lip is processed separately.
  • Stroking the upper lip from top to bottom.
  • Stroking from the bottom up of the lower lip.
  • Treatment of nasolabial folds in the direction from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  • Pressing on the lips with light rotational movements.
  • Tapping lips with fingertips.
  • Differential massage

In children, a mixed pattern of muscle tone disorders is often observed. In some muscle groups, the tone is increased, in others it is reduced. In this regard, a differential logopedic muscle massage is performed.

Conditions for speech therapy massage

The room should be comfortable and warm. Special requirements for the hands of a massage therapist. They should be warm, clean, without any inflammatory diseases, without decorations, with short-cut nails. Massage is carried out 2 hours after eating. The oral cavity of the child before the session should be cleaned of crumbs and food debris.

Massage is prescribed in a course of 20 sessions. It is advisable to do it every day. After a month break, it is desirable to repeat the course. With severe speech disorders in children, the duration of the chicken increases.

Depending on the severity of speech disorders and the age of the child, the session can be from 5 to 25 minutes. The first session lasts 5 minutes. In the future, the duration of the massage is increased.

During the massage, the child should be calm, not feel pain and discomfort. Every child needs an approach. It should not be laid in a horizontal position from the first procedures. It is better to do the first session in a sitting position. Over time, children become addicted to massage.

If the child is negative, in the first procedure, perform only light massage movements on the facial muscles. You can conduct massage sessions in the presence of mom. Massage is effective only if children develop a sense of trust.

Massage contraindications

Massage is not prescribed for the following diseases:

  • SARS, ARI.
  • Herpes on the lip, face
  • Inflammatory eye diseases
  • Inflammation of the mouth

Carefully massage children with convulsive syndrome. If the child cries, breaks out and screams, the massage should be stopped and the child should be calmed down.

Speech therapy tongue massage for children

With an increased tone of the tongue, a speech therapy massage is performed for children using a relaxing technique, with a decrease in tone, a strengthening massage is performed. With hypotension, the techniques are more intense and active. With increased tone, before the procedure, it is advisable to hold a warm infusion of herbs in your mouth for some time.

Tongue massage for children can be carried out with a finger through a gauze napkin or with special probes. The finger must be in the fingertip. You can massage with a wooden or metal spatula.

Before starting a tongue massage, you should determine the border of the gag and pharyngeal reflex. The first sessions should treat the muscles of the tongue without reaching this limit. With each subsequent session, an increasing surface of the tongue is processed.

You can not carry out the procedure immediately after feeding. The child's mouth should be open with the tongue hanging out. The massage therapist fixes the tongue with a gauze napkin.

Speech therapy massage technique

  1. Gentle strokes are carried out in various directions.
  2. Impact on the longitudinal muscles from the root to the tip of the tongue.
  3. Impact on the transverse muscles of the tongue from the center to the edges.
  4. The movements are circular and spiral over the entire surface of the tongue.
  5. Patting the entire surface of the tongue.
  6. Pressing on the longitudinal muscles.
  7. Tongue frenulum massage. The direction of movement is from top to bottom.
  8. Massage through gauze. Perform rubbing movements.

Speech therapy massage at home

Before giving your child a speech therapy massage at home, you should consult with a speech therapist. Professional speech therapy massage includes language processing, which is performed using special probes. These devices can easily injure the delicate mucous membranes of the mouth. It is best to use a spatula or a toothbrush at home.