Musical sound engineering university. Sound engineer is one of the most difficult creative professions in modern TV and audio production.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Literature - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Creative exam - at the choice of the university

A sound engineer is one of the most demanded specialties in the field of cinema, television, and show business. The profession of a sound engineer is associated with the creation of musical accompaniment for radio, cinema, television, on the stage of a concert hall and theater, in animated films and computer games. In the arsenal of a professional specialist, birdsong, animal cries, human speech, sea surf, the sound of rain and thunder, natural, musical sounds. Choosing sounds, creating musical accompaniment, the sound engineer gives a new meaning to a work of art, deepening what was put into it by the author, making the work more expressive and voluminous, enhancing its emotional sound, supplementing visual information with sound information.

Admission conditions

The future specialist needs to have not only a special ear for music, a sense of beauty, but also technical knowledge. Upon admission to study, the applicant must prepare for the following entrance exams:

  • Russian language;
  • literature (profile);
  • mathematics;
  • a creative exam, which can be listening, analysis of phonograms, an exam in harmony and music theory, a colloquium.

Future profession

Despite the fact that the professional activity of a sound engineer remains, as a rule, behind the scenes, it is impossible to overestimate the social significance of the profession. Any program, talk show, film or production that we see is created with the direct participation of specialists in this area. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the sound design of an interview, but what if it is recorded in street noise, at an airport, at a stadium? In such a situation, without the professional activity of a sound engineer, there is a high risk that instead of the voice of the presenter, only the noise of the crowd or working mechanisms will be heard. The work of a sound engineer is also indispensable in the process of processing the voice of the presenter, participants in the program, and the singer. Thanks to modern technical means of voice processing, the future specialist opens up boundless horizons for giving the sound that will be remembered by listeners or spectators, and will be able to evoke a response from the audience.

The profession requires from the future specialist special talents, imagination, knowledge of computer programs, technology, techniques in sound engineering. The specialty is at the intersection of engineering, creativity and technology, which has great prospects for development in the future and allows the most talented graduates to create new masterpieces of world civilization and culture.

Where to apply

Future sound engineers are responsible for creating sound images, a sound concept, and forming the sound dramaturgy of a work. Its tasks include recording, processing, arranging and reproducing sound components using special technical means. Institutions of higher education that train specialists in this area should have, in addition to highly qualified teaching staff, an appropriate material and technical base, including the most modern means of processing the sound range. To date, the following domestic educational institutions are engaged in the training of sound engineers:

  • Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. M. A. Litovchina;
  • Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino";
  • Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins;
  • State Specialized Institute of Arts;
  • All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S. A. Gerasimova.

Terms of study

The standard period of study is 5 years.

Subjects studied

The profession of a musical sound engineer arose almost simultaneously with the advent of cinema and technical means that allow recording and reproducing sounds, respectively, the special theoretical disciplines of the course are associated with the study of technical parameters and characteristics. In the process of learning, students study the following theoretical aspects of professional activity:

Acquired Skills

A sound engineer is one of the professions that require not only a high level of skill from a specialist, but also depends directly on the development of technology: the more advanced equipment a professional uses, the more opportunities he has to create conceptually new sound designs, to give a completely new sound to a work.

Working on the transformation of the visual range into musical images requires the formation of professional skills, including the following:

  1. Professional use of sound equipment: mixing consoles, loudspeakers, microphones, various stereophonic systems, sound processing devices.
  2. Setting up the hardware for the implementation of studio recording, sound amplification, broadcasting.
  3. Implementation of the planning of the sound recording of a performance, video, clip, placement of the mise-en-scene, creation and implementation of the conceptual musical design of the latter.
  4. Performing music mixing.
  5. Restoration of archival records and phonograms.
  6. Providing musical accompaniment for theatrical productions, entertainment programs, concerts, shows, sporting events, parades, discos.
  7. Managing the work of technical staff.
  8. Creation of pop phonograms, ensemble recordings.

Employment prospects by profession

To date, graduates of the direction are in demand in all areas that somehow resort to musical design (television, music studios, radio, show programs, concert activities, etc.). After completing the training, specialists in the direction can work as:

The salary of a young specialist starts from 18,000 rubles, more experienced sound engineers earn up to 36,000 rubles. per month. Those few who have managed to achieve a high level of skill and become in demand in the field of recording, establish cooperation with prominent representatives of show business or get a job in one of the leading recording studios, can count on higher pay for their work.

Prospects for professional development of graduates

The level of professionalism of a sound engineer directly depends on the development of science and technology, the emergence of new technical means of voice processing, the creation of new musical images and the ability to work with them. Since modern science does not stand still and the skills of operating technical equipment obtained during training are not enough, to improve one's own professionalism, it seems appropriate to continue studying in the magistracy.

When entering a master's, postgraduate or doctoral program, you can be sure that, under the guidance of a supervisor, you will continue further self-improvement in theoretical terms, as well as in the process of working on new equipment, using all the new opportunities provided by modern technology. Writing a master's thesis is the best way to form scientific competence, which, combined with creativity and deep technical knowledge, will allow you to implement completely new approaches to the musical arrangement of works. Continuing education automatically entails continued communication with the creative elite of our country, which increases your chances that you will be noticed and in demand. The master's degree is internationally recognized, which is also an important advantage for the future specialist.





entrance exam in the specialty

"Musical sound engineering"

St. Petersburg

Department of sound engineering

Compiled by:

Art. Lecturer at the Department of Sound Engineering, St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise

Yussa E.B.

under the general editorship of the Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor

Oskolkova S.A.

The entrance exam in the specialty "musical sound engineering" is held in the form of a creative test, in order to check the level of musical training of applicants, the ability to analyze phonograms, to identify the general cultural level of the examinee and his artistic and creative potential.

The entrance exam in the specialty consists of 3 sections, the test in all sections the applicant passes orally:

    Music testing


    creative test

    According to the results of the test, the applicant receives an assessment in points.

    The maximum number of points is 100, of which:

Musical testing - 30 points

Interview - 35 points

Creative test - 35 points

    An applicant who receives less than 40 points for all tests is given an unsatisfactory grade.

1. Music testing

In the process of musical testing, the level of professional training of an applicant in musical disciplines (piano, solfeggio, music theory) is revealed, which must correspond to the level of training of a graduate of a secondary specialized (musical) educational institution.


The applicant must perform on the piano two pieces of different style, contrasting in genre, tempo, demonstrating a variety of technical skills.


Identify chords by ear (all types of triads with inversions, seventh chords, non-chords), modulation into the key of the first degree of kinship in the form of a four-part chord sequence.

dimensions, including deviations and modulations

(from collections of solfeggio or original vocal literature).

    music theory

To harmonize a melody in the form of a period, using harmonic means in the volume of the program of the harmony course for music schools

Make a harmonic analysis of the proposed work with the definition of its structure, tonal plan, characteristics of cadences, harmonic functions of chords, non-chord sounds, style features.

2. Interview

The interview is conducted to identify the level of general cultural training of applicants, awareness in the profession of "sound engineering", knowledge in the field of sound recording, broadcasting, television (current state, development prospects), free orientation in the field of musical art.

Key interview questions:

    Section of sound engineering

1. What areas of work of a sound engineer do you know?

2. What is the work of a sound engineer in the theater?

3. What is the job of a sound engineer in recording studios?

4. What is the job of a concert sound engineer?

5. How do you imagine your work as a sound engineer?

6. Name Russian and foreign sound engineers known to you and

sound producers.

7. What musical computer programs do you know?

Specify the main functions of the programs and the possibilities of working in them.

8. How can music programs be classified?

9. What is the importance of music in movies?

10. What electric musical instruments do you know? What is the difference between acoustic and electric musical instruments?

11. What criteria for assessing the quality of a sound recording do you know?

12. Expand the following concepts: amplitude, frequency, phase.

13. How do you understand the concept of "timbre"?

15. What functions does a professional sound card perform?

16. What is the difference between digital and analog recording?

17. What are acoustic and electrical signals?

18. Who and when invented the phonograph?

19. What significant events can you single out in the process of becoming a sound engineer?

20. How do you understand the term "hall acoustics"?

    In the section of musical art

    Name composers - representatives of modern academic music.

    Name the composers - representatives of musical romanticism.

    Name the composers - representatives of musical impressionism.

    Name the composers - representatives of the Vienna classical school.

    Name the composers - representatives of the musical culture of the baroque and early classicism.

    What prominent representatives of the composer's creativity of the XX century do you know?

    What prominent representatives of the Russian composer school of the 19th century do you know?

    What groups of the symphony orchestra do you know?

    What instruments are included in the various groups of a symphony orchestra?

    Specify the main aesthetic principles of the "new Russian school ("mighty handful")".

    What styles and genres of musical art do you know?

    What representatives of jazz music do you know?

    What musical directions do you like?

    What concert halls have you visited lately?

    What contemporary jazz musicians do you know?

    What modern musical styles do you know?

    What instruments that do not belong to orchestra groups can be included in a symphony orchestra?

3.Creative test

The purpose of the creative test is to identify the applicant's predisposition to professional activity.

The applicant is offered to listen and evaluate a number of musical phonograms of various styles and genres, selected by the commission. The proposed phonograms may contain distortions (clicks, wheezing, falseness, disturbances in musical balance, timbre, etc.)

Sample questions for evaluation of phonograms:

    Name the instrumental composition of the piece of music you listened to.

    Determine the stylistic and genre affiliation of the musical work.

    How natural are the timbres of the instruments conveyed in the recording?

    Are there musical instruments in the soundtrack?

    Which instrument plays the solo part?

    Are there distortions, clicks in the soundtrack?

    How do you think the instruments are balanced among themselves?

    Where do you think this recording was made - at a concert or in the studio?

    What groups of the orchestra are poorly heard in this phonogram?

    To what extent are stylistic features observed when recording a phonogram?

It is desirable to provide the examination committee with creative work. Its presence gives the applicant an advantage with an equal number of points.

The examinee presents a creative work from the proposed list in the form of a self-made soundtrack. It is necessary to verbally describe the algorithm for performing the work and the complex of equipment used.

Types of jobs:


    Sound recording (concert or studio)

    Film sound, film video

    Sounding a still image

    noise study


    Nisbett A. Sound studio. Book. 1/Trans. from English. M., 1996.

    Meerzon B.Ya. Acoustic foundations of sound engineering. Studio equipment. M., 1996.

    Nikulsky E.V., Dvorko N.I., Ershov K.G. Recording technology and sound engineering: Proc. settlement L., 1987.

    The birth of a sound image. Artistic problems of sound recording in screen arts and radio. Comp. EAT. Averbakh, M., 1985.

    Frank G.Ya. Six talks about sound. M., 1971.

    Franc. G.Ya. Sound as a visual association. L., 1993.

    Mansfelders E. Music, speech and computer / Per. with him. K., 1995.

    Vasilevsky Yu.A. A practical encyclopedia on the technique of audio and video recording. M. Lerouch 1996

    Zhivaikin P.L. 600 sound and music programs. SPb 1999

    Compact discs and CD devices. SPb Lan 1997

    Petelin Yu.V. Arrangement of music on PC St. Petersburg 1998.

    Petelin R.Yu., Petelin Yu.V. Sound studio on PC. St. Petersburg 1998

    Petelin R.Yu. Petelin Yu.V. Personal Orchestra on PC. St. Petersburg 1999

    Specialty magazines: "Show-Master", "AES", "Sound engineer", "IN/OUT", "Technology of cinema and television", "Musical equipment", "625", "Studio Sound", "Life Sound".

INTERNET addresses: - magazine "Show-master"; - magazine "Musical equipment"; - magazine "625"; - "Studio equipment".

A modern person is almost around the clock surrounded by a sound background: television, radio stations, movies, festivals, concerts, show programs attract our attention with sound, which, fortunately, today pleases us with its quality. And this is not so much the merit of actors, television and radio hosts or singers, but of specialists who modestly "control" the sound while remaining "behind the scenes". We are talking about the profession of a sound engineer - the "master" of sounds and the "tamer" of sound noise.

A modern person is almost around the clock surrounded by a sound background: television, radio stations, movies, festivals, concerts, show programs attract our attention with sound, which, fortunately, today pleases us with its quality. And this is not so much the merit of actors, television and radio hosts or singers, but of specialists who modestly "control" the sound while remaining "behind the scenes". We are talking about sound engineering profession- "lord" of sounds and "tamer" of sound noises.

Yes, the sound engineer does not perform on the stage, does not appear on the covers of glossy magazines, he does not have a fan club, and his name, appearing in the credits for the film, is unlikely to attract the attention of the viewer. But here's the paradox, sometimes the success of a show program, talk show, movie or concert of a popular artist depends on the professionalism of this specialist, invisible to the general public. Why? You will find the answer to this question in our article devoted to the peculiarities of the profession of a sound engineer.

What is a sound engineer?

- an employee of the sound department responsible for creating the concept of sound and sound images, the formation of sound dramaturgy and processing / restoration of the sound range. In other words, this is a specialist who records, reproduces, arranges and processes audio components using special technical means.

The profession appeared simultaneously with the emergence of cinema and various technical means that allow you to reproduce and record sounds, which allows you to talk about it as a relatively young specialty. However, the prerequisites for the emergence of the profession of a director appeared in ancient times, when shamans tried to "control" unpredictable weather by imitating natural sounds. By the way, in the opinion of many experts, the pioneer of sound engineering was Sergei Eisenstein, who used revolutionary at that time methods of conscious sound deformation and sound editing to sound his films.

This is one of those professions, the development and possibilities of which depend not only on the level of skill of a specialist, but also on the achievements of science and technology: the more modern and "fancy" the equipment of a sound engineer, the more opportunities he has to create conceptually new sounds, unexpected sound solutions and fundamentally new ways of processing the sound range.

Regardless of the place of work (and a sound engineer is in great demand in almost all areas where sound accompaniment is used in one way or another (television, radio, music studios, show programs, etc.) in sound engineer duties includes: recording of synchronous noises, synchronization of sound and image (or what is happening on the stage), management of the process of speech dubbing and sound editing, mixing of the sound sequence and control of the sound supply (volume and frequency control, switching one sound source to another, etc.).

It should be noted that to create new and synchronous sounds, sound engineers sometimes use not only professional equipment, but also the most common materials and objects that can be found everywhere: a bowl with pebbles to reproduce the sound of steps, cardboard cups to imitate the clatter of hooves, khomus to imitate a cuckoo and etc. In general, an experienced sound engineer always has a huge amount of already recorded sounds in his arsenal (from bird trills to the noise of a running engine of a racing car), which allow you to create unique sound images.

What personal qualities should a sound engineer have?

The work of a sound engineer is, first of all, a creative process, where much depends on inspiration and the ability to express yourself. At the same time, a specialist is unlikely to be able to achieve noticeable success in the professional field if he does not have such personal qualities as:

  • subtle musical ear;
  • creativity;
  • resourcefulness;
  • developed imagination;
  • good sound memory;
  • musical erudition;
  • sociability;
  • knowing of limits;
  • stress tolerance.

You should also not forget that the profession of a sound engineer is not only creative, but also technical. Therefore, a true professional in his field must have extensive knowledge in the areas of acoustics, sound physics, the characteristics of the sound of musical instruments, and sound recording and processing technology. In addition, a sound engineer cannot do without the skills to use special equipment (and this is high-tech equipment (including digital and analog), which is constantly being improved and updated) and knowledge of professional software.

Benefits of being a sound engineer

Since the profession of a sound engineer is most in demand on television and in the field of show business, the main advantage of this profession, many will name the possibility of personal acquaintance with famous and popular people. However, the advantages of the profession of a sound engineer are not limited to this. It is also worth noting:

  • demand - the field of activity of a sound engineer is constantly expanding, and therefore the need for such specialists will constantly increase;
  • universality - since the profession of a sound engineer implies the possession of all the skills of creating, recording and reproducing sounds, such a specialist can work not only in his specialty, but also in related ones: sound engineer, microphone operator, sound engineer, etc .;
  • eccentricity - every working day of a sound engineer is never like the previous one, so this work can be safely called exciting, interesting and fun.

Disadvantages of being a sound engineer

If speak about Disadvantages of being a sound engineer, then first of all it is necessary to note the "underestimation" of the work of such a specialist. Recognition and admiration for a quality "product" (soundtrack, film, program or concert) goes to movie and show industry stars who "rest on their laurels" and shine on the "red carpet". And sound engineers, without whom high-quality sound accompaniment would be impossible, remain "in the shadows" and "shine" only within the walls of the sound shop.

Another important disadvantage of this profession can be called very nervous working conditions. After all, sound engineers often work directly with movie and pop stars, some of whom are not easy and suffer from "star" disease.

Well, the main drawback is the relatively small salary. Of course, "venerable" sound engineers can count on decent wages. But young specialists will have to be content with a salary in the range of 15-30 thousand rubles (depending on the region of Russia).

Where can you get a job as a sound engineer?

Get a job as a sound engineer can be in any higher educational institution in Russia, where there is a specialty "Sound production of cinema and television." You can also learn the basic skills of this profession in special courses organized by leading film studios, radio stations, sound recording and television companies. However, it is necessary to understand that the profession of a sound engineer will require from you not only fluency in special skills and understanding of the creative process, but also musical education, extensive technical knowledge, as well as knowledge in the field of physics and acoustics.

Therefore, experts recommend giving preference to the classic sound engineering education, which can only be obtained at a university, and use the courses to improve your skills. At the same time, it is best to choose a specialized university, where you will receive not only the technical and practical skills of your future profession, but also learn all the secrets of the creative process. These universities include

It is, as it were, at the intersection of art and electronics, so the range of knowledge necessary for a sound engineer is unusually wide.
He must have a perfect ear, good musical and technical training, an excellent memory, a quick reaction, and, most importantly, an aesthetic taste. A sound engineer has to communicate not only with technology, but also with people, which means he needs to be a competent critic, have organizational skills, know the psychology of the audience.
Sound engineering is working with sound, and a sound engineer is a person with a very subtle ear. As you know, each sound is saturated with many overtones that determine the color and timbre of the sound. Each instrument has a specific set of frequencies that are perceived by the human ear. A certain spectrum of these frequencies makes the sound of an instrument hard or soft, thin or muffled. For example, you can achieve a metallic or some other sound character from an instrument. All this makes the melody pleasing to the human ear, which is the determining factor for a hit. At the same time, the sound engineer must have a good idea of ​​the entire technological process of musical production: from the initial recordings to the final sound of the composition.
Purpose of this course- to prepare comprehensively educated, creatively thinking specialists in the field of sound recording, to give listeners deep theoretical knowledge, to lay the skills of practical work on television programs of various genres, to prepare specialists for television companies who are able to competently record the sound sequence for any television program and other auditory, songs, music, dubbing and etc.

Graduates of the Department of Sound Engineering professionally work in the following areas:

    recording of music of different styles and creative directions performed by instrumentalists, vocalists and ensembles of performers of any complexity;

    sound amplification of concerts of various genres;

    restoration of sound recordings;

    work with ready-made phonograms;

    installation of phonograms;

    examination of the quality of phonograms and sound-reproducing equipment.

The AIS conducts training of musical sound engineers in full-time, part-time, part-time and evening forms of education!

AII has a recording studio equipped with modern equipment to create the optimal sound of music of various styles and genres.The acoustic qualities of the studio and control room fully comply with international quality standards.

AIS students have the opportunity to gain additional knowledge, practical skills and experience as a journalist, critic, editor and lecturer in various fields of music, musical theater and pop art.

Training is carried out according to the Curricula, drawn up in full accordance with the State requirements that apply to these specialties.

The Department of Sound Engineering is headed by Istomin Deonid Dmitrievich .

Group and individual classes with students are conducted by teachers - the leading sound engineers of Moscow, who have rich experience in practical and pedagogical work.

The purpose of the courses: to teach the profession of a sound engineer, to teach how to use advanced sound recording programs, to be able to use modern equipment, and also to learn the secrets of mastery. One of the highlights at various stages of training is the practical exercises necessary to solve certain problems. Without practical training under the guidance of a professional, it is impossible to fully master the profession of a sound engineer, otherwise all your efforts will be reduced to home, amateur, that is, superficial knowledge of this issue. .

A sound engineer is a specialist responsible for the sound design of a film, television, radio program or show.

sound engineer(from fr. regisseur, from lat. rego- I manage) is a specialist responsible for the sound design of a film, television, radio program or show. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in singing, music (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A sound engineer is one of the key professions in cinema, television, and show business. In this profession, the creative side is combined with the technical side.

A sound engineer is sometimes confused with a sound engineer. However, the main task of the sound engineer is the sound quality and its balance. And the task of the sound engineer is much broader. He is not only responsible for the quality of the sound sequence, but also works on its dramaturgy, on the creation of sound images. The sound sequence (phonogram) must correspond to the script and the director's intention.

Working in cinema, a sound engineer participates in the development of the director's script, develops the concept of sound, manages the process of speech dubbing (actors at the microphone voice their characters, pronounce voice-over text, etc.), selects and records noises that correspond to what is happening on the screen , processes them.

In the arsenal of an experienced sound engineer there are many already recorded noises - from the murmur of a stream to the blows of a crowbar on an icy road. But usually, directly during the dubbing, he records the so-called synchronous noise, imitates the sound of what is happening on the screen. For example, on the screen, the hero runs away from the chase on a pile of gravel. How to reproduce the sound of footsteps on gravel right in the studio? The sound engineer has his own tricks in this regard. For example, you can bring some gravel into the studio and step on it in sync with the person on the screen.

To imitate sounds, materials of different textures are specially stored in the studios: parquet, asphalt, stones, reeds, etc. Objects that emit different sounds are also stored there. For example, doors made of various materials - each of them creaks in its own way. And of course, in a good studio there are definitely devices for creating sound effects: the effect of an empty room, an echo, etc.

In the process of dubbing, the sound engineer controls the synchronism of sound and image, directs the sound editing. When all the elements of the scale are ready, he is engaged in their mixing, i.e. overwrites the original elements of the scale into a single phonogram.

The sound engineer is subordinate to the sound workshop, which, in particular, employs a sound engineer, a microphone operator (controls the microphones during the shooting process), and a sound editor.

The sound engineers themselves admit that having chosen this profession, you inevitably get used to listening to the sounds of the world around you, remembering them. This develops a special flair for the authenticity of the sound, without which it is difficult to achieve high-quality sound.

In the art of cinema, the sound solution of a film is regarded as a work of art. And the work of a sound engineer is marked by special awards at film festivals.
For example, the famous film "The Matrix" in 2000 received the British Academy Film Award for Best Sound, and two Oscars at once: in the nominations "Best Sound Engineer" and "Best Sound". On radio and television, the sound engineer develops the sound design of programs, announcements, screensavers. He also works on broadcasting various events, talk shows, news, etc. live. On television, this means constant teamwork. The sound engineer follows the instructions of the program director and is in contact with the line editor, sound technicians, cameraman, editor, producer. On television, a sound engineer can also participate in the creation of films, television plays.

The sound engineer in the theater, at concert venues is engaged in the sound design of the action, also using various musical works, noises, etc. He develops the concept of this design together with the director and brings it to life. And during the performance, he monitors the quality of the sound and the timeliness of the presentation.


A sound engineer can work in films, television, radio, theaters, cultural centers, concert halls, recording studios.


Salary as of 04/04/2019

Russia 30000—120000 ₽

Moscow 45000—75000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a sound engineer implies musicality, artistic perception and imagination, good hearing, a good memory for sounds, the ability to master technical devices for recording and processing sound. It is also necessary to have musical and professional erudition and the desire to constantly replenish knowledge in technology and track the creative finds of their colleagues.

Knowledge and skills

The sound engineer must be proficient in the technology of sound recording and processing, be able to use technical means (digital and analog). In particular, you need to know the technology of filming and subsequent dubbing, the rules for arranging microphones. The sound engineer must understand the physics of sound, as well as the acoustic characteristics of various rooms, objects, instruments - depending on the place of work. For example, to work with a musical orchestra, you need to know well the characteristics of the sound of different instruments (height, directivity, sound intensity) in order to correctly place the microphones on the stage.

Read Alexander Kuzmin (sound engineer of "The Battle of Psychics", "6 Kadrov")