Moral problems in Karamzin's story “Natalya, the boyar daughter. Karamzin Nikolai - "Poor Liza", "Natalya, the boyar's daughter

/ / / The image of Natalia in Karamzin's story "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter"

Natalya Matveevna Andreevna is the main character of the story by Karamzin N.M. "". In my opinion, in the image of a girl, the author tried to show us his ideal of a Russian woman.

Natalia appears before us as a seventeen-year-old girl. Karamzin endows her with wondrous beauty. He compares her to a delicate flower. The girl had scarlet cheeks, a slender waist, dark blond hair. Everyone around admired the beauty of Natalia. And, of course, the father loved his daughter very much.

In addition to external, visible beauty, Natalia had a very kind and generous soul. She sincerely loved her father, nanny, hometown. In addition, the girl was very hardworking. All day long she was busy doing something around the house, going to church, doing needlework. Natalia had many girlfriends with whom she often spent evenings.

As she grows up, Natalia realizes that she wants to love and be loved. She is ready to give herself to her beloved person completely and completely. When she appeared in her life, the girl, without hesitation, went for her beloved. The young man invited her to secretly marry and Natalya agreed. She knew that perhaps her father would not approve of such actions, but still decides on such an act, showing the strength of her character.

Natalya fully trusts Alexei, because having settled in the forest thicket, she was not afraid and entrusted her life to her beloved. Even in the forest, Natalya is constantly busy with business, she remembers and worries about her father. The messenger constantly brings her news from her father's house.

When the war began, Natalya follows her husband. They fight shoulder to shoulder. And in the end they win. The Tsar forgives Alexei, and Natalia's father blesses their marriage.

In the image of Natalia, Karamzin wanted to show us what a real woman should be like. Indeed, for a woman, true happiness lies in the happiness of family and friends.

"Natalya the Boyar's Daughter", a work by Karamzin, is a vivid example of a new trend that was used by writers of the late nineteenth century, including Karamzin. Sentimentalism is a new trend, and if before that classicism was used, where a worthy citizen of his Motherland, his duty, honor was depicted, now the inner world of a person, his feelings, experiences are depicted, and an example of this is Karamzin’s work “Natalya, boyar daughter.

Karamzin's work natalia boyar daughter

What is this piece about? Of course, about love, the most real. About the feeling that everyone wants to experience, that everyone dreams of, and Natalya, the main character, learned what love is, what love is. This work will tell us the love story of the daughter of Matvey Andreev Natalia and the son of the boyar Lyuboslavsky Alexei.

Natalya fell in love with Alexei so much that she even decided to run away from home. She leaves her father to be with her husband. But she never forgot about her father, so their man always brought news about Natalya's father. We see the power of great love not only when Natalya leaves home for her husband, but also when the heroine goes on a military campaign with Alexei, because without him her life was unthinkable.

The work ends with a good ending, because the sovereign forgives Alexei, just as Natalya's father forgives. The couple go to Moscow and live happily there.

There are several main characters in Karamzin's work "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter". One can also single out Matvey, Natalya's father, who was honest and noble. One can also single out the nanny who replaced Natalya's mother, and Alexei, Natalya's lover, but still, the main character is Natalya, it was not for nothing that the author named his work after her. Natalia is an example of a real Russian woman who knows how to love and take care of her neighbors. Her world, both internal and external, is beautiful. She is humble, yet strong in spirit. Natalia is a model of devotion and fidelity, the ideal image of a wife, lover and daughter.

Alexei is the main character of the story. The author introduces him to us at the moment when Natalya saw him in the church. "A fine young man... like a king among all other people." Further, Karamzin calls him handsome, says that Natalya fell in love with him at first sight.

This helps us imagine the character's appearance.

Further, the author characterizes Alexei through his actions. First, he resolutely achieves his goal: he arranges a date with Natalya, persuades her to get married. He firmly knows that marriage through matchmaking is not yet possible, so he resorts to this method.

We understand that his actions are illegal, but we do not condemn the hero, because he acts according to the dictates of his heart and his intentions are good.

Of great importance in the story is the story about Alexei's father, about the hero's past. He wants to regain his good name, he is ready for exploits, for serving the fatherland.

N.M. Karamzin characterizes Alexei as a pious person. He often goes to church, "prays diligently." He is guided in his actions by the commandments of God.

The author skillfully characterizes the hero through his speech. This can also be seen in that monologue when Aleksey tells Nataya his story. His speech is emotional, full of figurative expressions (“the peace of the kingdom was disturbed”, “sorrow dried up the heart”, “golden days of infancy”), Alexei describes and analyzes the events that happened to him. Only a passionate, imaginative, sincere and kind person can speak like that.

Says a lot about the hero of his attitude to love. He is capable of real feelings, this feeling is very strong (“to die or live with you”). Love in the life of the hero is the only one and for life. This speaks of an extraordinary integrity of character.

When Alexei got ready for the war, "his heart fluttered, his blood boiled." He is a true patriot, ready to defend the Motherland at any hour. The Lithuanians were defeated largely due to the actions of Alexei and Natalia.

Only having accomplished a military feat, Alexei turned to the king with a request for pardon, which ensures a happy ending to the story.

Conclusion: the image of Alexei shows the ideal servant of the king. Incorruptible and honest; a real person, kind, intelligent, emotional, capable of high feelings. In the image of this hero, the features of sentimentalism (much attention is paid to the life of his soul) and romanticism (an exceptional hero in exceptional circumstances) are combined.

Who among us does not love those times when Russians were Russians, when they dressed up in their own clothes, walked with their own gait, lived according to their own custom, spoke their own language and according to their heart, that is, they spoke as they thought? At least I love these times; I love to fly on fast wings of imagination into their distant gloom, under the canopy of long-decayed elms, to look for my bearded ancestors, to talk with them about the adventures of antiquity, about the character of the glorious Russian people, and tenderly kiss the hands of my great-grandmothers, who cannot see enough of their respectful great-grandson , but they can talk a lot with me, marvel at my mind, because when I talk with them about old and new fashions, I always give preference to their undercoats and fur coats over the current bonnets a la ... and all the Gallo-Albion outfits that shine on Moscow beauties at the end eighth to tenth century. Thus (of course, understandable to all readers), old Russia is known to me more than many of my fellow citizens, and if the gloomy Parka does not cut the thread of my life for a few more years, then finally I will not find a place in my head for all the anecdotes and stories told to me by the inhabitants of past centuries. In order to lighten the burden of my memory a little, I intend to tell my kind readers a story or a story that I heard in the realm of shadows, in the realm of imagination, from my grandfather's grandmother, who at one time was considered very eloquent and almost every evening told fairy tales to Queen NN. I am only afraid to disfigure her story; I'm afraid that the old woman will not rush on a cloud from the other world and punish me with her stick for bad rhetoric ... Oh no! Forgive my recklessness, generous shadow - you are inconvenient for such a thing! In your earthly life itself, you were meek and gentle, like a young lamb; your hand did not kill here either a mosquito or a fly, and a butterfly always rested peacefully on your nose: so, is it possible that now, when you swim in a sea of ​​indescribable bliss and breathe the purest ether of the sky, is it possible that your hand rises to your obedient great-great-grandson? Not! You will allow him to freely practice the laudable craft of scribbling paper, cocking fables on the living and the dead, testing the patience of his readers, and finally, like the eternally yawning god Morpheus, throw them down on soft sofas and plunge them into a deep sleep ... Ah! At that very moment I see an extraordinary light in my dark corridor, I see fiery circles that spin with brilliance and crackle, and, finally, lo and behold! - show me your image, the image of indescribable beauty, indescribable majesty! Your eyes shine like the sun; your lips turn red, like the morning dawn, like the tops of snowy mountains at the dawn of the daylight, - you smile, like a young creation on the first day of its existence smiled, and I hear in delight sweet-rattling your words: “Go on, my dear great-great-grandson!” So, I will continue, I will; and, armed with a pen, I courageously write a story Natalia, boyar daughter.“But first I must rest; The rapture into which the appearance of my great-great-grandmother led me exhausted my spiritual strength. I lay down my pen for a few minutes - and let these written lines be an introduction, or a preface!

In the capital city of the glorious Russian kingdom, in Moscow of white stone, lived the boyar Matvey Andreev, a rich, intelligent man, a faithful servant of the tsar and, according to Russian custom, a great hospitable man. He owned many estates and was not an offender, but a patron and intercessor of his poor neighbors, which in our enlightened times, perhaps, not everyone will believe, but which in the old days was not considered a rarity at all. The king called him his right eye, and the right eye never deceived the king. When it was necessary for him to sort out an important lawsuit, he called on boyar Matvey to help him, and boyar Matvey, putting a clean hand on a clean heart, said: “This is right (not according to such and such a decree, held in such and such a year, but) according to my conscience; this one is guilty according to my conscience,” and his conscience was always in agreement with the truth and with the royal conscience. The matter was decided without delay: the right one raised a tearful eye of gratitude to heaven, pointing with his hand at the good sovereign and the good boyar, and the guilty one fled into the dense forests to hide his shame from people.

We still cannot remain silent about one commendable custom of the boyar Matvey, a custom that is worthy of imitation in every century and in every kingdom, namely, on every twelfth holiday, long tables were set up in his upper rooms, covered with clean tablecloths, and the boyar, sitting on a bench near his high gates, he called to him to dine all the passing poor people, how many of them could fit in the boyar dwelling; then, having collected the full number, he returned to the house and, having indicated the place to each guest, sat down himself between them. Here, in one minute, bowls and dishes appeared on the tables, and the aromatic vapor of hot food, like a thin white cloud, hovered over the heads of the diners. Meanwhile, the host spoke kindly to the guests, found out their needs, gave them good advice, offered his services, and finally enjoyed with them as with friends. So in ancient patriarchal times, when the human age was not so short, an old man adorned with venerable gray hair was saturated with earthly blessings with his numerous family - he looked around him and, seeing on every face, in every look a living image of love and joy, admired in his soul. - After dinner, all the poor brothers, having filled their cups with wine, exclaimed in one voice: “Good, good boyar and our father! We drink to your health! How many drops are in our cups, live happily for so many years!” They drank, and their grateful tears dripped onto the white tablecloth.

N.M. Karamzin in the story "Natalya, the Boyar's Daughter" refers to the historical past of Russia.

Natalya, the main character of the story, lives in the era of pre-Petrine Russia. Her father, the boyar Matvey, is a rich man, a faithful adviser to the tsar. Natalia's mother died and she was raised by a nanny. Then in the personal life of people the main rules were "Domostroy", and Natalia's life is completely subordinate to this way. Early in the morning, together with the nanny, they go to church to pray, then distribute alms to the poor. At home, Natalia works at the hoop, sews, and weaves lace. Her father lets her go for a walk with the nanny in the garden, and then she again sits down for needlework. In the evening, she is allowed to chat with her friends under the supervision of nannies. Natalya's life is closed and eventful, but even with such a life she can dream and think a lot. The author shows how kind she is, how she loves her father and a strict nanny, how she admires the nature and beauty of Moscow. She is hardworking and obedient, as a girl of that time should be. But the time comes, and she begins to dream of love.

The long-awaited meeting took place in the church, and Natalya fell in love at first sight, not even knowing the name of the young man. Not seeing him the next day, she yearns and suffers, does not eat, does not drink, while trying to hide her longing from her father and nanny. Having met him again, she is so happy that "the hour of mass was for her one blessed second." The nanny arranged a date for the lovers, and the young people agreed to run away and get married in secret. And the author describes in detail the experiences of the heroine: the happiness of love, unshakable trust in Alexei, guilt before a loving father, shame for the pain that she causes him. But according to Domostroy, a wife must forget everything for her husband and obey him in everything. Natalia is ready for it. Even when the nanny, frightened by the armed servants of Alexei, shouted that they were in the hands of the robbers, Natalya calmed down at the mere word of Alexei. She believed and knew that he could not be an evil person. She is happy with her beloved husband, but she embroiders patterned towels for both him and her father. Natalya dreams that her father will forgive his daughter, she prays about it.

When Alexei got ready for the war, the heroine does not even think about letting him go alone. Putting on a man's outfit and hiding her hair under a helmet, she goes with Alexei to the battlefield and fights bravely, earning the forgiveness of the king and her beloved parent.

So, we see that the heroine is dreamy and feminine, her soul is full of subtle and contradictory experiences. At the same time, in difficult times, she can be strong and courageous, capable of decisive actions and believing in goodness and God's mercy.