orthoepic norms. Strong because they are invisible: How the British aristocracy maintains its influence A persuasive argument English aristocracy the big bourgeoisie

latin root terr(a)- "land" - is contained in a number of historically related words.

Territory- the space of the earth with certain boundaries; terrace- 1) embankment, platform; 2) summer open space in the house; terrarium- a place in the zoo where small reptiles and amphibians are kept; terracotta(literally "baked earth") - a kind of clay of yellow or red color or a product from this clay, not covered with glaze; terracotta color - red-brown. The word is borrowed from French (lit., "on the ground"); parterre- the lower floor of the auditorium.

91. Explain the meaning of the following phraseological units.
Make eight sentences with them.

I. Pyrrhic victory, or...; go Rubicon, or ...;
laurels, or...; the sword of Damocles, or...; reach
herculean pillars, or... .

II. pass red thread, or ...; burn your to
or...; be the first swallow, or...; at
take battle, or...; become in dead end, or...; stand grue
or...; vouch head, or...; agree holding together
heart, or...; strive for what no matter what, or...;
put under cloth, or...; lie under a cloth, or... .

92. Write a miniature essay on one of the following topics:

1) Dictionaries are our friends and helpers.

2) "A dictionary is a book of books." (A. France)



As mentioned above (see § 3), in the literary language, pronunciation, as well as the choice of words and the use of grammatical forms, is subject to certain norms. Let's consider some of them.

1. In the Russian literary language, the sound [o] is not pronounced in an unstressed position. After hard consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable, as well as at the beginning of a word in place of a letter about pronounced [a], for example: / s [a] for (cf .: kzy), [a] writing(cf.: pis). Therefore, for example, the words are pronounced the same oxen and shafts, catfish and herself, although they are spelled differently.

2. After soft consonants in place of vowels, denoted by letters e, e, i(i.e., in place of sounds [e], [a]), in an unstressed position, a sound close to [and] is usually pronounced, for example: forest, spring, dance(cf.: forest, spring, dance). Therefore, for example, in the same way, with a sound close to [and], the words are pronounced shine- dedicate(from light and holy) although their spelling is different.

3. Paired voiced consonants, denoted by the letters b, c, d, e, g, h, at the end of a word and before paired voiceless consonants denoted by letters p, f, k, t, w, s and x, c, h, u, become deaf (stunned), for example: oak([P]), depth([P"]), deftly([f]), blood([f"]), nails([to]), an approach([t]), baggage([w]), putty([with]), yesterday([f]), cling to([f]), snap([t]).

Paired deaf consonants before paired voiced consonants become voiced (voiced), for example: request([z"]), threshing([d"]).

4. In some combinations of consonants (stn, zdn and some
tory others) the sound drops out, although the writing
me letter and is written, for example: mouth- oral; ride-
rider; sun- sun; stairs, neighborhood,
late, feelings.

5. Combination ch, usually pronounced according to
wii with writing, for example: antique, eternal, country,
swing, milky way, nocturnal, fine, vicious,
durable, precise
and many others. etc. However, in some words with
reading ch pronounced like [shn], for example: certainly,
boring, on purpose, scrambled eggs, fiddling, birdhouse, right
Chechen, Savvichna, Nikitichna, Fominichna
and etc.

In some words, a double pronunciation is allowed, i.e. both [ch] and [shn], for example: bakery, creamy, egg, buckwheat.

6. Combination thu, usually pronounced according to the spelling, for example: mast, dream, something, insignificant, honor, read, consider etc. But in union what and in the pronoun what, and also in words derived from them it is written thu, and pronounced [pcs], for example: what, something, something.

7. Double consonants are often found in foreign words, for example: cash register, allocate. In some words, they are pronounced as double, for example: bath, cash desk, mass, gamma, chapel; in others - as single ones, for example: neatly, accompaniment, chord, allocate, gram.

8. In many foreign words, after consonants, it is written e, and solid consonants are pronounced, for example: studio([te]), atheist([te]), dandy([de]), scarf([ne]), cafe([fe]), parterre([te]), summary([me]), stand([te]), masterpiece([De]).

However, in a number of borrowed words, consonants before e pronounced softly, for example: academy, decade, demagogue, demon, museum, plywood, farmer, overcoat.

9. In reflexive verbs at the end is written - be or
-tsya (to wash, wash), but pronounced the same
in - [tsa].

10. At the beginning of some words is written mid, but pronounces
Xia [u*], for example: happiness, account.

11. Stressed syllables should be correctly distinguished in words:
Agent, argument, arrest, aristocracy; pamper, bib
lioteka, bourgeoisie; willow; democracy, activity, dia
log, dispensary, contract, call, document; enviably,
loan, rust, call, call, anger; long time ago, invented

shadowing, industry; catalog, rubber, quarter, kilometer, whooping cough, colossus, combine operator, combine operator, nettle, more beautiful, flint; shop, medicines, youth; intention, arrears, obituary, hatred; provision, facilitate, sharpen, inquire, in part; paralysis, parterre, ashes, briefcase, reward, force, acquisition, sheet, percentage; revolver, belt, rust; centimeter, orphan, pl. h. orphans, case, condolences, funds, statue, carpenter; customs; aggravate; porcelain, forum; hypocrisy, characteristic (dance, act), characteristic (person), solicit, hosts; Gypsy; scoop; chauffeur; sorrel.

You should pay attention to the stress in some verbs of the past tense, in short adjectives and participles:

a) take - took - took - took - took, sleep - slept - slept - slept - slept; b) rude - rude - rude - rude, right - right - right - right; c) accepted - accepted - accepted - accepted, sold - sold - sold - sold and sold.

Information about the norms of correct pronunciation can be found in the book by R. I. Avanesov “Russian Literary Pronunciation” or in the “School Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language” by P. A. Lekant and V. V. Ledeneva.

93. Read. Indicate which sounds are highlighted
mi letters. Make a phonetic analysis of the highlighted words,
indicating in each: 1) the number of syllables, the place of stress; 2) voice
nye sounds (percussion and unstressed) and letters denoting them;
3) consonant sounds (describe each: deaf or ringing
cue, hard or soft) and the letters denoting them; 4) quantity
number of sounds and letters in a word.

1) Departure (of birds) - (young) athlete; flutter (in the wind) - (rapidly) develop; carry (hay) - lead (conversation). 2) Night patrol; domineering gesture; our dreams, stand at the checkout, the pace of growth.

94. Read aloud paying attention to the correct pronunciation
sing words with highlighted letters. Write out the words in this
row: 1) with unpronounceable consonants; 2) with combination thu,
pronounced like [pcs]; 3) with combination ch, pronounced like
[shn]; 4) with a combination of ch, allowing the pronunciation of [shn] and [ch].

Late evening, former owners, something new, something famous, eternal call, done on purpose, heart attack, new laundry, Natalya Savvichna, Olga Nikitichna, trifling incident, go to the bakery, end result, of course, perform, rather boring, dairy products, our peers, participate in the parade, feel responsible.

95. Read aloud paying attention to the pronunciation of foreign
lingual words with double consonants and consonants before e. You
write words with double consonants that are pronounced
as single, and words with hard consonants before the sound [e].
Indicate (orally) the lexical meanings of the written words.

Thick mass, plant area, appeal, group of students, gas tanks, correct person, double pace, folk art museum, plywood sheet, youth cafe, cup of coffee, fashion atelier, participate in a cross-country race, press reviews, ballot, huge booth , silk scarf.

96. Read. Indicate the stress in the underlined words. sleep
sew, designating it. If you have difficulty, check it against the list.
words in paragraph 11 of this paragraph.

Convincing argument, English aristocracy, large bourgeoisie, public activity, conclude contract, rust from the damp calling phone, useful invention, plantations rubber new residential quarter, work combine operator solid intent to ease pain, place in parterre, express condolences, means of communication, a cup of porcelain, new hosts, solicit about course enrollment.

97. Put these verbs in the past tense and indicate
they are accentuated.

Take- took, took, took, took; drive, give, live, occupy, call, pour, hire, start, swim, raise, understand, accept.

98. Form short forms of adjectives and indicate in them

Fast- quick, quick, fast, fast; dense, deaf, stupid, wild, kind, right; close- close, close, close, close; smooth, soft, rare,

timid, sweet; bitter- bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter; sad, honest, clear.

99. Form short passives from these verbs
parts of the past tense and indicate their stress.

Take- taken, taken, taken, taken; start, give, accept, sell, live, distribute, convene.

100. Read. Indicate the stress in the underlined words. sleep
sew. What are the rules for writing missing

1) Ducks over the lakes raised a cry. (A.K.T.) 2) We broke into the stop and occupied it. (Versh.) 3) The fires were already lit..ny. (Ch.) 4) His long hair was completely white. (P.) 5) Half of these bands were already cattle..on. (L. T.) 6) Buildings and fences were plastered ... with posters. (First) 7) A grain of dry Egyptian wheat was found in the tomb. (Pinch.) 8) The middle portrait depicted a young woman. (T.) 9) Crowded and NUMEROUS .. WE are scattered cities in our country. Many languages ​​are spoken by people who inhabited this majestic .. this country. (CM.)

101. Write off. Read these words correctly. Explain sign
the meaning of the highlighted words.

Color sp..ktra, funny..pussy, dietary canteen, personal gigi..na, lie under t..nt, latest mod..l, long tunnel..l, fine shos, mashed potatoes.., hot coffee. ., dangerous incident, slow.. evolution, swimming pool.in, local history music..y, replace piece..psel, break penen.., dark force..t, sew coat in at..lea, st..nd with books, new pro..kt, warm cashew.., m..r of the city.

The concept of "bourgeoisie" historically has many meanings. City resident (from German - burg - city, fortress) of the German principalities of the late Middle Ages, the owner of the production or just a wealthy person of the modern period. In colloquial language, this can be simply a person who is oriented, first of all, to the expanded consumption of material goods.

But the term is best known for its "class theory". Within the framework of class theory, the concept of the bourgeoisie has several aspects.

The economic aspect of the bourgeois class. The bourgeois is the private owner of the means of production.

It can act as a means of production as a large conglomerate (including manufacturing companies, financial institutions, retail chains) - and then we are talking about the big bourgeoisie; so is a primitive sewing machine or a PC - then we are talking about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe petty bourgeoisie. There are a lot of forms of the economic class of the bourgeoisie. As an example, we can cite equity capital, which became widespread at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, or modern investment funds (Buffett and Soros funds are known to everyone).

Ownership means control over property (including the implementation of purchase and sale transactions), as well as control over the process of distributing income that this property brings. Ownership can be both private and collective (the above-mentioned joint-stock companies, mutual funds and investment funds).

The main goal of economic activity for the bourgeois is to maximize income and minimize costs. This goal may not be declared by the bourgeois himself, but in practice it is always the main one. It is profit that is the main criterion for evaluating any capitalist enterprise.

The implementation of economic activity by the bourgeoisie must be carried out in conditions of market competition. In practice, market competition is carried out in different forms. Depending on specific historical conditions, any market can exist both in the form of relatively broad competition and in the form of a monopoly. The market of any product in the course of time tends to reduce competition and the formation of one or more major players on the market.

The political aspect of the bourgeois class. In the political sense, the main ideology of the bourgeoisie is the ideology of liberalism in its various forms. The philosophical core of this ideology is the idea of ​​a person (private person) as the main subject of reasonable and rational activity. The core of the political ideology of liberalism is the idea that every human individual has inalienable individual rights, which are guaranteed by society and the state. In practice, individual rights exist only for emancipated citizens, the number of which depends on specific historical conditions.

The declared political ideal of the bourgeois class is parliamentary democracy, which transfers competition from the field of economics to the field of politics. In practice, the form of political organization of bourgeois society can be any kind of political regime: from the broadest parliamentary democracies to authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, depending on specific historical conditions.

The social aspect of the bourgeois class. In the social sense, the bourgeois class is expressed in the most materially and spiritually (education, culture) part of bourgeois society.

The psychological aspect of the bourgeois class. The psychology of the bourgeoisie as a class is most clearly expressed in individualism, egocentrism, and a strict orientation towards individual consumption of material and non-material goods.

Shilina Irina Petrovna "Gonoshikhinskaya secondary school", branch of MKOU "Novozyryanovskaya secondary school" Teacher of Russian language and literature Russian language lesson in grade 11 Topic: "Culture of speech. Norms of the Russian literary language, their description and consolidation in dictionaries, teaching aids, reference books." Lesson objectives: 1) To reveal the meaning of the culture of speech. 2) Learn the concept of “the norm of the modern Russian language”. 3) To consolidate the ability to distinguish between normalized and non-normalized speech. 4) To form a skill in the use of normalized speech. 5) To consolidate the ability to distinguish between grammatical errors, the skills of mastering orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of the language. 6) Analyze the USE tasks related to speech norms and culture of speech. Equipment: computer, projector; slide presentation; test handout. Epigraph to the lesson: “For an intelligent person, it is as indecent to speak badly as not to be able to read and write” A.P. Chekhov Course of the lesson 1. Organizational moment. Introductory psychological attitude: Guys, I want to start today's lesson with a parable: "There was a sage who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked:" Tell me, sage, what kind of butterfly do I have in hands:

I propose to recall the theoretical material: 1. What kind of speech is considered correct? Speech in which the norms of the literary language are observed. 2. What is a literary language? The common language of the writing of the people, official business documents, schooling, written everyday communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture, expressed in verbal form. 3. What are the norms of the literary language? The rules of pronunciation, formation, use of words, phrases, sentences generally accepted in the speech practice of the language. 4. What norms of the Russian language reflect the rules of pronunciation, stress, use of intonation? Orthoepic 5. What norms of the Russian language reflect the rules for the use of words in strict accordance with their meaning? Lexical 6. What norms of the Russian language reflect the rules for the formation of words? Word-building 7. What norms of the Russian language reflect the rules for the formation of word forms of different parts of speech? Morphological 8. What norms of the Russian language reflect the rules for constructing phrases and sentences? Syntactic 4. Work with the textbook. Exercise 273: I propose to work with the textbook, with exercise 273. What new did you learn about the language norm from the read text of Academician Shcherba? (Students' answers) Complete the practical tasks: 1) syntactic analysis of the sentence. (One student performs at the blackboard). [Therefore, linguists are deeply right in that] (that, looking for the norm of a given language, they turn to the works of good writers, who obviously have to the maximum degree that evaluative feeling), (which was mentioned above). [ ==== in that], (what, |....|, ==== , | that|), (of which ====).

(Narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, NGN with clauses explanatory, attributive; consistent subordination). 2) Scientists - linguists who, looking for the norm of the literary language, turn to works, turn to writers who are good for those who have a “sense of language”, an evaluative feeling. 3) Literary speech activity is free from incorrect statements, since writers deliberately avoid the lapses inherent in oral speech activity. Work with the dictionary: "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova LYAPSUS, a, m. (book). Error, slip of the tongue, omission in book style 5. Fulfillment of practical tasks. SLIDE 4 Orthoepic norms. Read the phrases. Persuasive argument, English aristocracy, upper bourgeoisie, social activity, conclude a contract, get rusty from dampness, the telephone rings, useful invention, rubber plantations, new residential area, work as a combine operator, firm intention, relieve pain, place in the stalls, express condolences, means of communication , porcelain cup, new owners, apply for enrollment in courses. SLIDE 5 6 Test task. Independent work. (Appendix 1) SLIDE 7 Lexical norms. What associations arise when reading these words and phrases? (Moon, evening, shining stars, magical mood, dream). Try to "create a picture of what is happening." The essay is a miniature. SLIDE 8 9 Restore the text by inserting verbs. (Appendix 2) SLIDE 10 12 Morphological norms. Test. (Appendix 3) SLIDE 1315 Syntactic norms. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. (Appendix 4) 6. Summing up the lesson. Grading in the journal and diaries. 7. SLIDE 16 Homework: 1) complete exercise 276; 2) compose tests on the topic "Norms of the modern Russian literary language."

Test. Independent work. Appendix 1 1. In what word does the stress fall on the last syllable? a) astrakhan; b) cakes; c) put d) accepted 2. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable? a) was not b) was not; c) was waiting d) cement 3. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted? a) obituary; b) fought; c) make it easier; d) plum 4. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted? A) created; b) catalog; c) starting; d) CAKE Key: 1 c); 2 a); 3 g); 4 a)

Before you is an excerpt from the text of Yu. Nagibin "Winter Oak". Try Appendix 2 to restore the text by inserting verbs. The path ____________________ is a hawthorn bush, and the forest immediately _____________________ to the sides: in the middle of a clearing in white, sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, __________ oak. It seemed that the trees respectfully parted to give the older brother _____________________ in all its strength. Its lower branches are a tent ________________________ above the clearing. Snow ________________ in deep wrinkles of the bark, and a thick, three-girth trunk seemed to be stitched with almost no silver threads. _________________, oak to the very top was covered with leaves in snow dried up in autumn, Foliage, cases. Compare your text with the original: The path rounded a hawthorn bush, and the forest immediately resounded to the sides: in the middle of the clearing in white, sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. It seemed that the trees parted respectfully to let the older brother turn around in full force. Its lower branches spread like a tent over the clearing. The snow beat into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed to be stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried up in autumn, almost did not fly around, the oak tree was covered with leaves in snow covers to the very top. Annex 3

Morphological norms. Complete the test task. 1. Indicate the error in the formation of the word form: 1) more beautiful; 2) name day; 3) less than seventy-five rubles; 4) go tomorrow. 2. Find an error in the formation of the word form: 1) younger; 2) lie down; 3) without gold shoulder straps; 4) two hundred paces. 3. Indicate the error in the formation of the word form: 1) more than fifty rubles; 2) their children; 3) five saucers; 4) lie down on the sofa. 4. Indicate the error in the formation of the form of the word: 1) reading the story; 2) less significant; 3) in two thousand and five; 4) go home. 5. Indicate the error in the formation of the form of the word: 1) in seventy ways; 2) one hundred tons; 3) run a hundred meters; 4) the most interesting of all. 6. Give an example with a mistake in the formation of the word form: 1) delicious cakes; 2) at the airport; 3) younger brother; 4) three hundred meters. 7. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form: 1) coastal boats; 2) will recover soon; 3) three brothers; 4) new shoes. Key: 1 - 3; 2 - 1; 3 - 1; 4 - 1; 5 - 3; 6 - 1; 7 - 4.

Appendix 4 Syntactic norms. Complete the test task. 1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence: Traveling by bicycle, 1) the muscles of the legs and back develop. 2) Requires a lot of stamina. 3) you get great pleasure. 4) my headlight broke. 2. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm): 1) The schedule for carrying out repair work in the workshops of the plant was violated contrary to the instructions of the director. 2) Those who sat on the banks of the river more than once experienced incomparable bliss. 3) A visitor, apparently a tourist, asked a passer-by if there was a post office nearby. 4) My sister likes to play the piano and sing in the choir. 3. In which sentence, the clause of NGN cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover? 1) Princess Marya looked at Rostov with her radiant gaze, which made her forget the ugliness of her face. 2) The era of reaction that came in Russia after the Decembrist uprising gave birth to people like Pechorin. 3) The troops of the First Russian Army, with which the sovereign was located, were located in a fortified camp near Drissa. 4) Among those present, Margarita immediately recognized Azazello, who was standing at the head of the bed. 4. In which sentence can the clause of NGN be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover? 1) The biggest and noisiest company was formed around Nina Semyonovna, an elementary school teacher who met all these guys on the threshold of the school ten years ago. 2) The stones that now form the peaks of the Alps or the Himalayas were once formed under water. 3) The main source of energy for all living beings that inhabit our planet is the energy of sunlight. 4) Both in summer and in winter, the panorama that opens from the steep bank of the Tsna is unique in its beauty. Key: 1 - 3; 2 - 1; 3 - 3; 4 - 2.

"Russian language in Belarus" - The ratio of synonyms. Features of functioning. specific regionalisms. shifts in meaning. Verb. Creation of an experimental base. Linguistic methods. Cultural-specific features. Peculiarities. Basic approach. Material for research. Own names. Regional options in the NKRY.

"Philology" - Anthropological turn in the humanities. Scientific disciplines. False paths. Russian language teaching. Philology as a science and educational field. Division of Sciences. specific features. Breaking the vicious associative chain. Reaction types. Humanitarian sciences. Features of philological thinking.

"Dialogue of cultures" - Conceptual method. Your bread. Group forms of activity. Comparative method. Dialogue of cultures. The inclusion of this word in the phrase. Differentiated approach. The goals of the dialogue of cultures. Russian as a non-native language. Schoolchildren education. Talk about the meaning of words. Concepts. Principles of the RKN methodology.

"The state of the Russian language" - Assignment. What are the criteria for selecting words. Artist. How to kill with a word. About violators of the rules of the Russian language. Russian language in the world. Days of Slavic writing. Aircraft models. Cyril and Methodius. Russian speech. Hyphen. Point out the misspelled word. The largest language in the world. State language policy.

"Business Russian language" - Self-confidence. Business Etiquette. What genres of business communication did you get acquainted with in the Business Russian language classes? Oral skills. 4. Motivation to make purchases, stimulating the work of a commodity-producing network. Business. Achievement sheet. observation. Work well with colleagues. Be able to write effective speeches and acquire presentation skills.

"Problems of the Russian Language" - Problem No. 1: The Russian language and the media: do today's authors, journalists give an example of a culture of speech and communication. Topic of conversation: Problem #2: Problem #3: Russian Federation. Finalists of our Campaign: Russian language and school: what needs to be done so that school graduates speak Russian correctly? Russian language abroad: how to increase the number of foreigners interested in learning Russian?

As mentioned above (see § 3), in the literary language, pronunciation, as well as the choice of words and the use of grammatical forms, is subject to certain norms. Let's consider some of them.

1. In the Russian literary language, the sound [o] is not pronounced in an unstressed position. After hard consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable, as well as at the beginning of a word in place of a letter about pronounced [a], for example: k[a]za (cf.: k[oʹ]zy), [a] scripture (cf.: [oʹ]pis). Therefore, for example, the words oxen and shafts, soma and sama are pronounced the same, although they are written differently.

2. After soft consonants in place of vowels, denoted by letters e, e, i(i.e., in place of sounds [e], [o], [a]), in an unstressed position, a sound close to [I] is usually pronounced, for example: forest, spring, dance (cf .: forest, spring, dance ). Therefore, for example, the same words, with a sound close to [I], are pronounced to shine - to dedicate (from light and holy), although their spelling is different.

3. Pair voiced consonant sounds denoted by letters b, c, d, e, g, h, at the end of a word and before paired voiceless consonants denoted by letters p, f, k, t, w, s and x, c, h, u, become deaf (stunned), for example: oak ([n]), depth ([n ']), deftly ([f]), blood ([f ']), nails ([k]), approach ([t] ), luggage ([w]), putty ([s]), yesterday ([f]), grab ([f]), snap ([t]).

Paired deaf consonants before paired voiced consonants become voiced (voiced), for example: request ([з ']), threshing ([d ']).

4. In some combinations of consonants ( stn, zdn and some others) there is a loss of sound, although the letter is written in writing, for example: mouth - oral; ride - rider; the sun is the sun; stairs, surroundings, late, feelings.

5. Combination ch, as a rule, is pronounced according to the spelling, for example: antique, eternal, country, swing. Milky Way, night, excellent, vicious, durable, accurate and many more. etc. However, in some words, the combination of ch is pronounced as [shn], for example: of course, boring, on purpose, scrambled eggs, trifling, birdhouse, laundry, Savvichna, Nikitichna, Fominichna, etc.

In some words, a double pronunciation is allowed, that is, both [ch] and [shn], for example: bakery, creamy, egg, buckwheat.

6. Combination thu, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, for example: mast, dream, something, insignificant, honor, read, consider, etc. But in union what and in the pronoun what, as well as in words derived from them, it is written thu, but pronounced [pcs], for example: what, to, something, something.

7. In foreign words, double consonants are often found, for example: cash desk, allocate. In some words, they are pronounced as double, for example: bath, cash desk, mass, gamma, chapel; in others - as single ones, for example: neatly, accompaniment, chord, allocate, gram.

8. In many foreign words, after consonants, it is written e, but solid consonants are pronounced, for example: atelier ([te]), atheist ([te]), dandy ([te]), scarf ([ne]), cafe ([fe]), parterre ([te]), resume ([me]), stand ([te]), masterpiece ([de]). However, in a number of borrowed words, consonants before e are pronounced softly, for example: academy, decade, demagogue, demon, museum, plywood, farmer, overcoat.

9. In reflexive verbs at the end is written - be or -tsya(to wash, wash), but it is pronounced the same way - [tsa].

10. At the beginning of some words is written mid, but it is pronounced [u ’], for example: happiness, score.

11. Stressed syllables should be correctly distinguished in words:

Agent, argument, arrest, aristocracy; pamper, library, bourgeoisie; willow; democracy, activity, dialogue, dispensary, contract, call, document; enviable, loan, rust, calling, calling, malice; long time ago, invention, industry; catalog, rubber, quarter, kilometer, whooping cough, colossus, combine operator, combine operator, nettle, more beautiful, flint; shop, medicines, youth; intention, arrears, obituary, hatred; provision, facilitate, sharpen, inquire, in part; paralysis, parterre, ashes, briefcase, reward, coerce, acquisition, sheet, percentage; revolver, belt, rust; centimeter, orphan, pl. h. orphans, case, condolences, funds, statue, carpenter; customs; aggravate; porcelain, forum; hypocrisy, characteristic (dance, act), characteristic (person), intercede, hosts; Gypsy; scoop; chauffeur; sorrel.

You should pay attention to the stress in some verbs of the past tense, in short adjectives and participles:

a) take - took - took - took - took, sleep - slept - slept - slept - slept; b) rude - rude - rude - rude, right - right - right - right; c) accepted - accepted - accepted - accepted, sold - sold - sold - sold and sold.

Information about the norms of correct pronunciation can be found in the book by R. I. Avanesov “Russian Literary Pronunciation” or in the “School Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language” by P. A. Lekant and V. V. Ledeneva.

93. Read. Indicate which sounds are indicated by the highlighted letters. Make a phonetic analysis of the highlighted words, indicating in each: 1) the number of syllables, the place of stress; 2) vowel sounds (stressed and unstressed) and letters denoting them; 3) consonant sounds (describe each: deaf or voiced, hard or soft) and the letters denoting them; 4) the number of sounds and letters in a word.

1) Departure (of birds) - (young) athlete; flutter (in the wind) - (rapidly) develop; carry (hay) - lead (conversation).

2) Night patrol; overbearing gesture; our dreams, stand at cash desks, pace growth.

94. Read aloud, paying attention to the correct pronunciation of words with bold letters. Write out the words in this order: 1) with unpronounceable consonants; 2) with a combination of th, pronounced as [pcs]; 3) with combination ch pronounced as [shn]; 4) with combination ch, allowing pronunciation [shn] and [ch].

By zd ny evening, pre well nie hosts, not thu about the new thu something known, ch th call, make people ch oh heart ch th attack, new laundry ch ah, Natalia Savvi ch a, Olga Nikiti ch ah, empty ch th case, go to bulo ch wow, horse ch th result, horse ch oh, perform, pretty boring ch oh young ch products, our stn iki, teaching stv ovate in the parade, choo sun take responsibility.

95. Read aloud, paying attention to the pronunciation of foreign words with double consonants and consonants before e. Write out words with double consonants that are pronounced as singles, and words with solid consonants before the sound [e]. Indicate (orally) the lexical meanings of the written words.

Thick mass, plant area, appeal, group of students, gas tanks, correct person, double pace, folk art museum, plywood sheet, youth cafe, cup of coffee, fashion atelier, participate in a cross-country race, press reviews, ballot, huge booth , silk scarf.

96. Read. Indicate the stress in the underlined words. Write it down by naming it. In case of difficulty, check this against the list of words in paragraph 11 of this paragraph.

killer argument, English aristocracy, large bourgeoisie, public activity, to conclude treaty, rust from the damp calling phone, useful invention, plantation..and rubber, new residential quarter, work combine operator, solid intention, alleviate pain, place in stalls, express condolences, facilities connection, a cup of porcelain, new hosts, intercede about course enrollment.

97. Put these verbs in the past tense and indicate their stress.

Take - took, took, took, took; drive, give, live, occupy, call, pour, hire, start, swim, raise, understand, accept.

98. Form short forms of adjectives and indicate the stress in them.

Fast - fast, fast, fast, fast; dense, deaf, stupid, wild, kind, right; close - close, close, close, close; smooth, soft, rare, timid, sweet; bitter - bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter; sad, honest, clear.

99. From these verbs form short passive participles of the past tense and indicate the stress in them.

Take - taken, taken, taken, taken; start, give, accept, sell, live, distribute, convene.

100. Read. Indicate the stress in the underlined words. Write off. What are the rules for spelling missing letters?

1) Ducks over lakes raised cry. (A.K.T.) 2) We broke into the stop and occupied his. (Versh.) 3) There were already lights ignite .. us. (Ch.) 4) His long hair was completely white. (P.) 5) Half of these bands were already bevel..on. (L.T.) 6) Buildings and fences were okle..us posters. (First) 7) In the tomb found..but grain of dry Egyptian wheat. (Pinch.) 8) On the middle portrait image..on was a young woman. (T.) 9) Crowded and numerous..us cities scattered .. in our country. On many languages say the people who inhabited this majestic .. this country. (CM.)

101. Write off. Read these words correctly. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words.

Sp..color color, funny..pussy, di..tic dining room, personal gig..na, lie under t..nt, latest fashion..l, long tunnel..l, beautiful shos.., mashed potatoes. ., hot coffee.., dangerous incident..nt, slow ..evolution, swimming bass..yn, local history music..y, replace piece..psel, break pince-pince.., dark force..t, sew a coat in at..lea, st..nd with books, new pro..kt , warm cough.., m..r of the city.