Features of legal education in England. legal education

Hi all. This is Ann. And today's video is about studying in England. Namely, how to choose a program, a university and what steps you need to take in order to enroll. My video is mostly about the LLM program in law, but I hope it will also be useful for those who are interested in higher education in England in general.

So how do you choose a program? It all depends on what goals you set for yourself. If you want to continue your career in your country, then choose the program that is popular and known in your jurisdiction. In the case of law, this is the LLM program, which is world famous in the CIS countries, in Russia, in Ukraine. It is, undoubtedly, a bonus of your result. But if you want to practice law in England, if you want to work here, then you need to choose a program that would allow you to do this. And therefore it is important to know the peculiarities of the process of qualification of lawyers in England. I won't go into details about the differences between solicitors, peristers, who wears wigs in court, and so on. But I want to say in general terms that in order to become a lawyer, it is necessary, first of all, to obtain a qualifying degree in law. One such degree program is the LLB bachelor's program and there is also a course called the Graduate Diploma in Low, abbreviated as GDL. It allows those students who studied some other subject or received education, maybe even legal education abroad, in one year to learn the same material that is taught in the Bachelor of Laws. And get that qualifying degree.

And further, after obtaining a qualifying degree, it is necessary to take a course in the application of law, that is, the so-called practical course. It lasts one year, there is one course for solicitors and another for peristers. After receiving these diplomas, that is, a qualifying degree and a practical course, you can proceed directly to the training. For solicitors this is called "Training Contrast" and for peristers it is called "Pupilage". This is also a very difficult process, because you need to keep in mind that the Training Contract is fixed for 2 years in advance, that is, if you plan to be a solicitor, then you need to apply now to start your Training Contract in 2016-2017.

Just a few words about another way of qualifying as a lawyer in England, which is to a greater extent a retraining of experienced foreign lawyers who are already confident in their abilities and are experts in any field. And for whom the way of going through all the studies again does not quite fit in terms of time frame or some other preferences. And this method consists in one comprehensive exam, it consists of several parts: theory and practice. Such an exam, of course, is a great challenge to your abilities and this must be taken into account. But if you are confident in your knowledge, your strengths, then why not. In the description below this video, I will post a link to a diagram that describes the program I mentioned in more detail.

In choosing a university, I would advise the leadership of several factors. One of them is university rankings, various publications and websites, newspapers make up international rankings. And there you can see the ranking of universities throughout the UK or for some individual subjects or world rankings. They are useful because there is such an indicator as student satisfaction and employment. All these criteria are, of course, very weighty. Also, in my opinion, the location of the university is important, because you are leaving far from home and it is important to feel comfortable and that you like the place where you are. If you have already been to some cities and know what you like there, maybe you should give preference to universities in that city. It is also very important to visit the various discussion threads where students leave their feedback, especially international students. Because, as an international student, it is very important for you that the university takes care of you, your documents, visa issues. It is this kind of help that is very important, especially in the early stages, when you are just arriving and there are many unfamiliar moments. And the help of the university plays a very important role.

In my searches, I also used social networks, where I looked for graduates of certain universities, tried to contact them, asked them about their impressions of the program. What they liked and what they didn't. And I want to say that it helped me a lot, because I received a lot of feedback about some specific teachers, subjects. And this gave me certain knowledge before I started studying.

And another important factor is scholarship programs. It especially plays a big role for foreign students from outside the European Union, since it is known that tuition fees for such students are much higher than for local ones. And you can look for such programs as at home, that is, in your country, there are various organizations and funds. But also individual universities and their faculties offer various scholarships, grants. It is necessary to check which programs you meet the criteria for, and accordingly, also adjust your choice of university depending on this. It is worth being optimistic, I know many cases when they actually received these scholarships, so the financial issue should not stop you if you dream of studying in England.

And finally, how to proceed. Requirements and a detailed description of the admission process are located on the pages of universities. The whole process takes place online, that is, you can start it while still in your country. And the requirements consist of the main groups. The first group of requirements is for your education, that is, it can be a criterion for complete secondary or higher education, certain diplomas. And, of course, good grades in these diplomas. Good knowledge of English is also required. For various programs, especially such as law, the requirements are quite high. This is an IELTS exam. The TOEFL exam is also acceptable, and some universities accept Cambridge CAE, CPE exams. But the most common is, of course, IELTS.

It is also very important to know that when filling out an online application, you must provide 2 characteristics and at least one of them must be from the place of study. That is, you need to ask your teacher, lecturer to give you such a description. You must also attach a motivation letter to your application. In it, you must describe yourself as a person, as a specialist, what are your plans, why did you choose this particular university and this program, what do you want to achieve. That is, this is an opportunity to convince the university that you really want to study there and that you are a good candidate. Even if you had bad grades, gaps in your resume, this motivation letter is such an opportunity to explain these points, turn them from shortcomings or some ambiguities into your virtues. And indeed, you need to take this letter seriously, because, in my opinion, it is one of the most important criteria, provided that you meet all the requirements. Your motivation letter is the culmination of your application.

Hi all!

This blog may be of interest to those who:

1. Works in the civil service or is related to politics - I am absolutely sure that if at least 10% of what I write here will be used in Ukraine (in the field of administrative, constitutional, criminal, financial law, judiciary, etc. ), then our country will rush forward and we will be able to build a legal state very quickly.

2. He wants to organize his legal business in Ukraine - firms have existed in London for centuries and there is the largest legal business on the planet (the three largest law firms on the planet are English firms) - therefore, the things that I will write about here can be safely taken on weapons to all those who want to build the right legal business focused on the long term.

3. Wants to work as a lawyer in England - I will write a lot about how one becomes a lawyer here, what qualities one needs to have for this, how a legal education is built here, etc.

4. Often works with English law firms - I will periodically write about the most important concepts of English law and especially cover those aspects that are unknown to Ukrainian law or fundamentally different from it.

A few words about myself: I just started a training contract as a trainee solicitor at the English law firm Linklaters LLP. Linklaters became the largest law firm by revenues (revenues) on the planet in 2008 (http://amlawdaily.typepad.com/amlawdaily/2009/07/linklaters-results-.html). The phenomenal success of this company is particularly interesting and I want to dedicate a separate post to this firm (but not now). I have been living in London for 4 years and all this time I have combined study and work. Before coming to London, I worked in the civil service and in a law firm in Ukraine.

The blog entries will be structured in such a way that I will periodically write about those aspects that are especially important for a lawyer and legal business (commercial, ethical, career aspects, etc.) and how it all happens in England. My first entries will deal with the general system of legal "infrastructure" in England, and only then I will "string" other facts and events that are relevant to English lawyers and to English law in general.

All entries that I will make are for informational purposes and provide only basic information. I deliberately omit many details to make it easier and more interesting to read. If someone is interested in some aspect, then Google will always come to the rescue.

So... Entry 1

Who is a lawyer in England?

There are two types of lawyers in England - solicitor and barrister. A barrister is a lawyer who handles court cases, speaks before a judge, prepares documents for court, etc. Solicitors after 1990 also received the right to appear before a judge if they have a special certificate. Although a solicitor (with a certificate) has the right to appear before a judge, there are very few such solicitors and the practice has developed in such a way that barristers are still attracted to appear before a judge (a solicitor cannot appear in court above the High Court level - that is, solicitors are not appear in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of England.

In England (that is, not in Britain, namely in England) in 2008 there were 112.2 thousand solicitors and about 16.5 thousand barristers. From 1997 to 2008 the number of lawyers in England increased by more than 50%. In England it is very easy to check whether a person is a solicitor or not - you just need to drive in the person's data at this link - http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/choosingandusing/findasolicitor/view=solsearch.law

In the blog, I will cover mainly the activities of the solicitor, since it is the solicitors who are involved in 90% of cases as legal advisers.

In order to become a solicitor, you need to have a law degree. This is either (1) Bachelor of Laws in England (3 years) (LLB) or (2) Bachelor of Anything (maybe not in England) plus a one-year very intensive course (called GDL - Graduate Diploma in Law). Since I have a Ukrainian education, I took the path of "Ukrainian bachelor" plus GDL.
Also, in addition (regardless of whether a person received a bachelor of law in England or a bachelor plus GDL), you still need to take a one-year LPC (Legal Practice Course). That is, in my case it was education in Ukraine plus GDL (year) and LPC (year). GDL and LPC cost around £8,000 and £12,000 respectively.

In addition to legal education, you also need to complete an internship in a law firm (training contract) for two years in 4 different departments for 6 months in each department or 4 months in 6 departments - in each company in different ways. Getting an education is relatively easy. What is really difficult is to get a training contract - competition today in good firms is about 20-40 people per place. In England, more than half of people with a law degree will never work as lawyers (they won’t even start) because firms have a limited number of places per year for those who will undergo a training contract (the number of training contracts is several times less than graduating lawyers).

If you become a solicitor, then you are required to undergo training throughout your life and receive a certificate every year, which costs a little more than $ 1,600 per year (although if you work for a law firm, then the firm covers these costs). This fee goes to an organization that regulates the activities of lawyers. If you do not have a certificate, but continue to provide services as a soloist, then this is a criminal offense.

The next entry will be about how lawyers are regulated in England - what they can do, what they cannot do, what rules apply in the market.

And now the same thing, but in Ukrainian - my good friend Svetlana made a translation of the first entry in order to promote the Ukrainian language (thanks Sveta!!!):

Hi usim! If you read the rows, then you will be quick for everything, you are a lawyer, or you want to become one, or you just say goodbye to your profession. The main idea of ​​this blog is to share your thoughts about the profession of a lawyer in England and about the life of a lawyer here. I have come across this blog to the constant flow of new knowledge, and I am not depriving me of the need to convey this knowledge to the sharp. Impilki, I have quilted lawyer in Ukrainian (Tobto at Men є є є є є і є є singing dosvіd), two of the rocks, I may have a quilfishi lawyer in Angli, a bloom, I will be periodely, I am a periode system of systems. and other countries, including the countries of the CIS, the USA, Asia and the EU.

Whose blog can be quiet, who:
1. Pratsyuє on derzhavstvі chi can vіdnosnennia to politics - I'm absolutely convinced that even if I want 10% of what I'm writing here, I'll be victorious in Ukraine (in the sphere of administrative, constitutional, criminal, financial law, judiciary and t .in.), then our country is moving forward, and we can already quickly establish a legal power.
2. If you want to organize your own legal business in Ukraine - in London, firms will be founded by hundreds of thousands and then the largest legal business on the planet (three of the largest legal firms on the planet - all English firms) - to that speech, about which I am writing here, you can boldly osbroєnnya all tim who want to encourage the correct legal business, orienting to the dovgostrokovu perspective.
3. If you want to practice as a lawyer in England - I will write a lot about those who become a lawyer here, as a mother for whom a mother needs, as there is legal education and so on.
4. Often working with English law firms - I will periodically write about the most important concepts of English law, and especially those aspects that are unknown to Ukrainian law, or the root order of new ones.

Dekіlka words about myself: I have successfully opened a training contract (training contract) as a trainee solicitor in the English law firm “Linklaters LLP”. Linklaters became the largest legal firm by revenues (revenues) on the planet in 2008 (http://amlawdaily.typepad.com/amlawdaily/2009/07/linklaters-results-.html). The phenomenal success of this company is especially great, and I want to dedicate a big post to this company (but not at once). I already live 4 years in London and have spent the whole hour working and learning. Before coming to London, I worked in public service and in a law firm in Ukraine.

Entries in the blog will be in such a way that I periodically write about those aspects that are especially important for a lawyer and the legal business (commercial, ethical, carnal aspects, etc.), and that's how everything happens in England. My first notes are about the global system of legal “infrastructure” in England, and later on I will “string on” other facts and subdivisions, as if I could refer to English lawyers and to English law in a flash. These records, as I will work, may have a cognizant character and give only basic information. I am missing a lot of detail, so it was easier and easier to read. If someone wants to zasіkavit this aspect, for help, come Guugl.

Otzhe... Entry 1

Who is a lawyer in England?

In England there are two types of lawyers - solicitor and barrister. A barista is a lawyer, who is the judge of the judge, speaks before the judge, prepares documents for the court then. Solicitors since 1990 also took away the right to appear before the judge, as they have a special certificate. If you want a solicitor (with a certificate) and can have the right to speak before a judge, there are already few such solicitors, and practice has developed in such a rank that in order to speak before a judge, they still get baristers (a solicitor cannot speak at a High Court judge - so solicitors do not speak in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of England (Supreme Court). The number of lawyers in England grew by more than 50%.

In England, it's easy to misunderstand that a person is a solicitor or a solicitor - you just need to enter the data of a person for this help - http://www.lawsociety.org.uk/choosingandusing/findasolicitor/view=solsearch.law

At the Bloz, I will be the head rank of the solicitor's work, and the shards of the solicitor themselves will win from 90% of the representatives as legal radniks.

In order to become a solicitor, a mother needs legal education. Either (1) Bachelor of Laws in England (3 years) - LLB), or (2) Bachelor of Anything (may not be in England) plus a one-time intensive course (called GDL - Graduate Diploma in Law). Skills in me are Ukrainian legal education, I have acquired the path “Ukrainian bachelor” plus GDL. It is also necessary (regardless of what a person took a bachelor of law in England to a bachelor plus GDL) it is necessary to take a single course LPC (Legal Practice Course). That’s why my opinion is that education in Ukraine plus GDL (рік) і LPC (рік). GDL and LPC cost close to 8 and 12 thousand pounds per day.

For legal education, it is also necessary to do an internship in a law firm (training contract) for two years in 4 different departments for 6 months at the skin department, or for 4 months in 6 departments - with a leather company in a different way. Otrimati osvіtu - tse vіdnosno easily. From what it’s smartly foldable - it’s important to take into account the training contract - competition in good firms today for 20-40 people per place. In England, more than half of the people with legal knowledge can never be trained as lawyers (navit i don’t think)

If you become a solicitor, then you need to go through trainings and get a certificate in skin care, which costs more than 1600 dollars. on the river (it’s true, if you work at a law firm, then the firm covers your bills). This contribution is taken from the organization that regulates the activity of lawyers. Even if you don’t have a certificate, you continue to serve as a solicitor, criminally punishing mischief.

My next entry will be about how lawyers are regulated in England - what stinks can work, and what they can’t, how they rule on the market.

Legal education in the UK is a kind of gold standard, the standard for training specialists in this industry. And the British justice system itself is an ageless classic, partially copied in many countries. That is why graduates of law schools in the United Kingdom never remain unclaimed - they are happy to be hired in any country in the world.

The system of training lawyers in Foggy Albion is a mechanism honed over more than one century. Future servants of Themis have always received an elite education here, it is not surprising that law schools place extremely high demands on applicants.

How to become a lawyer in the UK

Future British lawyers start studying law at school. In many Sixth Form (two final years of schooling) you can choose this discipline to prepare for the A-Level exam.

The most common practice for admission to law faculties of universities for foreign applicants is the one-year Foundation program. Studying on it gives knowledge not only of the language, but also of special terminology, as well as other necessary skills.

Legal education in the UK usually continues with a bachelor's degree program at one of the universities. The duration of study is three years, but there are also options for accelerated study with a shorter duration.

If after training a specialist plans to work in Russia or in another country outside the British justice system, this education can be supplemented by a master's program with an LLM degree. Such an educational route will allow you to find a job in any state without any problems. The best addition to an academic education is an internship at a law firm, which can be found either for the summer or for a longer period.

In order to work as a lawyer in the UK, it is worth mastering one of the two British legal specialties, becoming a solicitor (solisiter) or barrister (barrister). A solicitor in a law firm acts as a consultant. It is he who first contacts the client, determines his needs, and then represents his interests in court. Solicitors may be generalists or may choose to specialize in a particular branch of law. To master this specialty, there are Legal Practice Courses (duration of study is one year), and you also need to become a member of a local law society. A graduate of the courses can count on a trainee position in one of the law firms.

Another legal specialty - barrister - is more difficult to master. You must complete The Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) and be a member of one of four professional associations. These professionals can represent the client in the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

UK law schools and universities

As in many other professional areas, a legal education in the UK is considered the most prestigious if it is obtained at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. However, there are many other universities in the country that produce world-class specialists. For example, Kingston University has a large number of law programs - future lawyers can choose from 50 courses here. BPP University will be especially good for those who are planning business or finance as a legal specialization. The City, University of London has been training future lawyers for a century and a half. At The University of Ulster, you can give preference to combined programs, combining law with accounting, politics or criminology.

Legal education in England is also available at the following institutions:

    University of Gloucestershire

    University of Central Lancashire

    University of Essex

    University of Southampton

    University of Birmingham

    University of Sheffield

The average cost of studying at an English university in the direction of "Jurisprudence" will be from £12,000 to £17,000 per year.

How to get a law degree in the UK

Considering the high prestige of the legal profession, most of the above-mentioned universities conduct a rather rigorous selection of applicants. For foreign applicants, this applies primarily to the knowledge of the English language. You can confirm them by providing an IELTS certificate with a result of 7.0. In the case of the TOEFL, a score of 230 or higher is required.

Abroad. Here in dozens of universities there are many programs for the study of law. You can get a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, as well as choose from advanced training or internship programs. There are many pluses.

First, the foundations of British law are widely used throughout the world. Second, in many universities, students work on real cases, which is, of course, an ideal practice. It remains only to decide on the university. His choice will depend on your tasks and financial capabilities. However, in England at most universities the cost of education is about the same.

Location: Southern England

17 legal programs ( , ) lasting from 8 months to 4 years.

Cost: £13,200 per year on average. Accommodation around £10.000

10 legal programs ( , ). Moreover, if Oxford has more opportunities for those who need a bachelor's degree, then Cambridge is more focused on doctoral degrees. It is no coincidence that this university is considered the supplier of Nobel laureates. The duration of training is from 1 to 3 years.

Cost: Slightly higher than Oxford, averaging £14,500 a year. But accommodation will cost less than about £7.000-8.000.

How to apply to Oxbridge?

The most important thing is that you need to know English as well as an Englishman (according to IELTS certificates - 7.0, TOEFL - 230). Ideally, it would be good to graduate from an English school with an “A” grade in at least three subjects and apply.

The second option is to take advantage of an international student scholarship. For example, participants of the Chevening Scholarship can get a master's degree at any university in the UK, including Oxbridge.

The third option is to study at one of the Russian schools that issues international bachelor's degrees, and then set off to storm Oxbridge.

Rivals of Oxbridge

Red Brick Universities is an informal term for a group of six prestigious universities in England located in large industrial cities. All of these institutions were previously viewed as "upstarts" compared to Oxbridge. Currently, 6 "red brick universities" are part of the prestigious Russell Group, which accounts for 2/3 of all UK research grants.

Location: Central England

21 legal programs ( , ) lasting from 1 to 4 years.

Cost: Average £14,000 per year. Accommodation - £6.000

Pros: The university distributes to foreign students. But perhaps the most important plus is the university library. It is one of the largest libraries in the UK. In you can find unique editions including Shakespeare and Dickens.

Location: Northern England

21 legal programs ( , ) lasting from 6 months to 4 years.

Cost: £12,000 per year on average. Accommodation - £4.000.

Pros: the university has representative offices in different countries, including in the territory of the former USSR. In addition, the university gives out every year.

Students can be trusted

Among students who came to study in England from different countries, completely different universities are popular. Those in which there are many international programs.

Location: North West England

15 legal programs ( , ) lasting from 1 to 3 years.

Cost: Average: £10,000. But the university offers various scholarship opportunities. In addition, living here is much cheaper than in Oxbridge - a year will cost about £4,500 per year.

Obvious pluses: Liverpool is the third largest city in England (fifth in the UK) and a major commercial and economic center, therefore, there will be many opportunities for practice. Excellent transport links with other cities - airport, port, railway. In addition, it is considered one of the centers of youth culture, so you definitely won’t be bored in it. Besides, Liverpool is the birthplace of The Beatles!!!

Location: Southern England

10 legal programs ( ,

And getting a legal education in these countries is a correct and well-considered decision. Firstly, the British education system as a whole has established itself as one of the highest quality and most thorough on the planet. Secondly, the foundations of British law are very common in the world, in one way or another, the judicial systems in many countries work on them.

In the UK, for Russian students, it is possible to obtain a bachelor's, master's, doctoral degree, you can take an internship or advanced training program, and training is almost always carried out on real cases, real life examples, practices and lectures with well-known specialists are provided. In the process of studying, not only profile knowledge is studied directly in the chosen legal specialty, but also a large number of related disciplines: this makes graduates more qualified and, consequently, in demand on the international labor market.

Below we provide you with a list of the most popular, rated and in-demand universities offering programs of study in the direction of "Jurisprudence":

  • (excellent undergraduate programs)
  • (focus on doctoral programs and degrees)
  • University of Sheffield
  • Liverpool John Moore's University
  • Kingston University.

The term of study in a bachelor's program is usually less than in Russian universities - from 1 to 3 years. This is due to the fact that students begin to study the basics already in the final grades of secondary school (Sixth Form), having decided on their future specialization, and enter the university already with some knowledge.

The cost of education is quite high, especially at the top universities in Oxbridge: about 13-14 thousand pounds per year, excluding accommodation. However, the investment will pay for itself almost immediately after graduation: a British-style legal education is highly valued in the world, and the vast majority of students find a prestigious and highly paid position almost immediately after graduation.

How to proceed?

The first, and perhaps the most important requirement for foreigners is an impeccable knowledge of English at the native level. Most likely, you will be asked to present a certificate of the international exam TOEFL (from 230) or IELTS (from 7.0). It will also be very useful for foreign students to take preparatory courses: this way you can not only update and update knowledge, but also replenish the vocabulary of specialized vocabulary, learn specific idioms and grammatical forms typical of the legal field.

Having a certificate of secondary education from an English school will be a big plus: in at least three subjects, the final grade must be at least A. comprehensively prepare foreign students for studying in Britain and other foreign countries.

For gifted and persistent students, there is an opportunity to receive a grant or scholarship for education. If you do not have the opportunity to get a basic higher education (bachelor's degree) abroad, it is worth graduating from a Russian university that issues international diplomas, and only after that apply to British universities.