Departments. Regulations on the scientific library Department of electronic support in the library

The State University of Management has a Scientific Library with a unique book fund of about one million items with specific acquisitions in the disciplines of management training.

The Scientific Library provides the educational process and research activities with documentary and information resources, offers various library and information services to users, and takes an active part in the social life of the University.

The activities of the Scientific Library are regulated by regulatory documents: Regulations on the Scientific Library and Terms of Use of the Scientific Library.

The SUM Scientific Library maintains its website From the site, SUM users have access to remote network and local electronic and information resources , presented on the Internet.

Digital catalogue (EC) of the SUM Scientific Library in the library automation system IRBIS64 has been conducted since 2014 and is available at: The EC is the same for all types of documents that make up the Scientific Library fund: books in Russian and foreign languages, electronic publications, educational and methodological literature of the State University of Management, articles, dissertations, abstracts, research reports. The priority areas for filling the electronic catalog are identified: the introduction of new receipts of all types of documents, the creation of the SUM labor base for the subsequent export of records to the consolidated electronic catalog of universities. The EC contains links to full-text electronic textbooks from electronic library systems, information about the main and additional educational literature, indicated by teachers in the programs of academic disciplines as mandatory, is entered. Students can simultaneously find information about printed and electronic textbooks using the EC.

Science Library Supports access to electronic library systems (EBS), to world information databases of full-text scientific journals and books, to modern professional databases in Russian, to Consultant Plus and Garant reference systems. Information on the procedure for accessing information and library resources, obtaining logins and passwords is presented in the section

The library fund is the richest collection of educational and scientific literature, industry encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, bibliographic and information publications, periodicals. In the Scientific Library for many years, separate funds of dissertations and author's abstracts, publications of the State University of Management, foreign publications, and fiction have been formed.

The total area of ​​the Scientific Library is 2811.1 square meters. m.

Library service with educational, scientific and fiction literature for all categories of users is carried out on the Subscription and in the reading rooms, including, Electronic reading room.

Electronic reading room equipped with personal computers with Internet access. Free services are provided for students, graduate students, teachers, staff in the hall: using the Internet, providing access to modern information databases, saving found information on electronic media, individual and group consultations on electronic resources of the Scientific Library.

Each student at SUM during the entire period of study is provided with individual unlimited access to several electronic library systems and electronic libraries, which provide students with access from anywhere with access to the Internet. ELS includes books, magazines and other materials, contains various publications for information support of the educational process and research work of students at SUM.

The scientific library hosts events for students and teachers, which are aimed at improving professional knowledge and broadening their horizons.

For independent work of users in 2017 was opened coworking where you can work, read or chat with friends in a relaxed atmosphere, as well as implement a variety of student initiatives. To do this, the Coworking has everything you need: a large number of comfortable workplaces, areas for joint and individual work, an area for lectures and seminars with presentation equipment, Wi-fi.

The Scientific Library is equipped with comfortable seats equipped with electrical outlets and Internet access via WI-fi.

A modern computer infrastructure has been created in the Scientific Library, where the workplaces for the employees of the Scientific Library are united in a local automated network. The functional departments of the Scientific Library carry out important areas of work on acquisition, scientific and technical processing of new acquisitions, systematization and cataloging of publications, organization of electronic catalogs and traditional card catalogs of the Scientific Library.

Scientific bibliographic sector
conducts information and reference-bibliographic services for users. The scientific library widely exhibits the works of the teaching staff at book exhibitions, reflects the publications of the authors of the SUM in bibliographic indexes. The Scientific Library has released , which reflects the scientific works created by the teaching staff of the university from 1920 to the present, and which reflects the latest scientific publications in the field of artificial intelligence, published in international and Russian information and analytical databases.

The staff of the Scientific Library creates comfortable conditions for users for self-study, provides qualified assistance in finding information.

The SUM Scientific Library today is a major center of information and culture, a center for the dissemination of knowledge, a center for spiritual and intellectual communication.

The library fund is located in 5 buildings of the University, at the addresses of the institutes.

  1. Talalikhina st., 31
    Institute of Food Technology and Technology Management
  2. Narodnogo Opolcheniya st., 38
    Institute of Economics, Management and Law
  3. Bolshoy Drovyanoy lane, 17
    Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies
  4. Shabolovka st., 14, building 9
    Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries
  5. Kostomarovskaya embankment, 29
    University College of Information Technology (UKIT);
    Institute of System Automation, Information Technology and Entrepreneurship;
    Reading room for all students, university teachers and staff;
    Computer class with Internet access

At present, the multidisciplinary fund of the Scientific Library of Moscow State University of Technology. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) has more than 700 thousand copies. An important part of the fund is a collection of abstracts and dissertations defended at our university, scientific works of university staff. The library has a wide range of universal and specialized periodicals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books.

Electronic library information resources (ELS) is one of the components of a modern library. A complete list of ELS is presented in the section "Electronic Library Systems" on the MSUTU website.

The library has access to the following electronic libraries, with the ability to access from any remote computer via the Internet:

Electronic library system "RUKONT";

The ZNANIUM.COM electronic library system includes literature published by the publishing houses of the INFRA-M Group of Companies;

Electronic library system "University Library Online".

Regulations on the scientific library

Availability of the library fund and ELS for students, including for use by disabled people and persons with disabilities

Service Department (Subscription)

Subscriptions are the departments of the library in each institute of the University that issue documents for temporary use outside the library premises for the following categories: students, graduate students, graduate students, teaching staff, employees. Registration of first-year students is carried out in accordance with the order for admission to MSUTU, upon presentation of a passport and student ID.

Reading room

Reading room - a department of the library that provides services to users (students, graduate students, graduate students, teaching staff, employees) with documents from the library's funds for use in specially equipped rooms. The user receives the document upon presentation of a student card or employee pass. The number of documents issued during the day is not limited. The following types of documents are subject to issue in the reading room: educational literature; encyclopedias; reference publications; rare and valuable books; abstracts; dissertations; publications and documents received by the MBA.

It is prohibited to take documents out of the reading room outside the library premises. In case of violation of this rule, the reader may be deprived of the right to use the library.

computer class

To work in the computer class of the library, you must present a valid student or postgraduate ID card, for teachers and university staff - a permanent pass. Computers are equipped with Internet access and should only be used for scientific and educational purposes.