Otto Yulievich Schmidt. A real person is drawn to where it is difficult. Otto Yulievich Schmidt A real person is always drawn to where it is difficult

A perfect person seeks everything in himself, an insignificant person in others. (Confucius)

A real person is always drawn to where it is difficult. (O.Yu.Shmidt)

A weak person believes in luck and circumstances, a strong person believes in causes and results. (R. Emerson)

So that life does not seem unbearable, one must accustom oneself to two things: to the wounds that time inflicts, and to the injustices that people inflict. (Chamfort)

When visiting nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do on a visit. (D.Armond)

The secret of plant life is the same as the secret of our life. (G.Toro)

The fact is that to this day most people do not realize to what extent we are ruining the world in which we live. We behave like juvenile idiots, left unattended in an incomparable amazing garden and slowly but surely turning it into a barren desert with the help of poisons, saws, sickles and firearms ... (J.Darell)

The sympathy that a person feels for all living beings makes him a real person. (A. Schweitzer)

Nature is easiest to subdue by obeying her. (F. Bacon)

Live according to nature and you will never experience poverty; living according to the world, you will never be rich enough. (Seneca)

Happiness is like health, when you do not notice it, then it is there. (A.Chekhov)

Pleasure, luxury - that's what you call happiness, but I think that not wanting anything -
this is the blessedness of the gods, and therefore needing only a little is an approach to this highest happiness. (Socrates)

Love can forgive everything except stinginess. (J.Sand)

Violent love must be feared just like hatred. When love is strong, it is always calm and clear. (G.Toro)

Jealousy is a vice of a limited mind, trust is a virtue of a developed person. (I. Bentham)

The suffering of love is too sweet to seek a cure for it: usually, when it is sought, it is already too late. (K. Wieland)

Love has the power to give in one moment what labor cannot always achieve in a whole age. (J.W. Goethe)

To act in a moment of passion is to take to the sea during a storm. (A. Beauchamp)

To be able to express how much you love means little love. (F. Petrarch)

A successful marriage is a building that needs to be rebuilt daily. (A. Morua)

It is much more important to inculcate morals and customs in people than to give them laws and courts. (O. Mirabo)

The most important capital of a nation is the moral qualities of the people. (N.G. Chernyshevsky)

Honor is an outward conscience, and conscience is an inward honor. (A. Schopenhauer)

Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. (A.Chekhov)

Thrift does not want to waste anything, avarice does not want to spend anything at all. (L.Say)

A clear conscience is the best pillow. (G.Ibsen)

Think more of conscience than of reputation. (Publius Sir)

Conscience sometimes punishes even where the law does not. (Publius Sir)

It is not difficult to despise the court of people, it is impossible to despise one's own court (A. Pushkin)

Conscience, a clawed beast that scrapes the heart. (A. Pushkin)

A person must be the master of his will and the slave of his conscience. (M. Ebner-Eschenbach)

Always be ready to say what's on your mind, and the villain will avoid you. (W. Blake)

An honest person does not envy anyone. (M. Gorky)

The closest thing to greatness is honesty. (V. Hugo)

The more honest a person is, the less he suspects others of dishonesty. A low soul always presupposes the lowest motives for noble deeds. (Cicero)

Honesty dies when sold. (J.Sand)

Live by the truth - that's the best sermon. (M. Cervantes)

Only the full truth is good. Half-truths are worthless. (Stefan Zweig)

There is nothing more beautiful than the truth that seems implausible. (Stefan Zweig)

Politeness is the fig leaf of selfishness. (A. Schopenhauer)

Because gold is rare, gilding was invented; in the same way, to replace the kindness that we lack, we invented politeness. (A. Schopenhauer)

When people love each other, they don't need justice. On the contrary, however just they may be, they need friendship; The most just thing in the world is undoubtedly justice inspired by benevolence and love. (Aristotle)

Justice is the virtue of great souls. (Plato)

If strength is united with justice, then what can be stronger than this union? (Aeschylus)

The greatest fruit of justice is serenity. (Epicurus)

Justice without wisdom means a lot, wisdom without justice means nothing. (Cicero)

Only that which is enduring is great, only that which is just is enduring. (D. Ferrari)

Being fair in thought does not mean being fair in deeds. (K.D.Ushinsky)

Whatever they think of you, do what you think is fair. Be equally indifferent to censure and praise. (Pythagoras)

Sincerity is the mother of truth and the sign of an honest person. (D. Diderot)

Sincerity without compassion is like compassion without sincerity. (Francis de Sales)

Sincerity is a strength, and sly ones neglect it in vain. (A. Graf)

It is easier to die courageously than to live courageously. (P. Bovi)

A prudent person warns evil, a courageous person endures it without regret. (Pittac)

A courageous person usually suffers without complaining, while a weak person complains without suffering. (P. Buast)

Courage makes the blows of fate insignificant. (Democritus)

Courage in adversity is half the battle. (Plavt)

The brave is not the one who is not afraid, but the brave one who knows how to suppress his cowardice. There can be no other courage. (A.S. Makarenko)

Courage is a fully realized responsibility. (P.A. Pavlenko)

Courage is cultivated from day to day in stubborn resistance to difficulties. (N.A. Ostrovsky)

Gold is tested on fire, but courage is in trouble. (Seneca the Younger)

Courage is the life energy of the soul. (K.D.Ushinsky)

He who does not imagine himself excessively is better than he thinks of himself. (J.W. Goethe)

False modesty is as vile as it is conceited. (K. Goldoni)

Modesty that comes from weakness is not virtue. (Abai Kunanbaev)

Excessive modesty is nothing but hidden pride. (A. Chenier)

People! Be human! This is your first duty. (J.J. Rousseau)

A big heart, like the ocean, never freezes. (Burns)

Simplicity is the consciousness of one's human dignity. (P. Buast)

Consciousness of one's imperfection brings one closer to perfection. (J.W. Goethe)

It is better to be simple and honest than smart and deceitful. (Sophocles)

Shame in front of people is a good feeling, but the best thing is shame in front of yourself. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Shame becomes less, the more vice there is. (F. Schiller)

Whoever has no sense of shame, only fear will affect him. (Publius Sir)

A shameful profit is worse than a loss. (Publius Sir)

When there is reason to complain about a friend, then one should gradually move away from him and rather untie than break the bond of friendship. (Cato)

In three ways we learn wisdom: by reflection is the noblest way, by imitation is the easiest and the third experienced is the hardest. ("Reading Circle")

Inspiration is not harmed by suffering, but petty worries kill it. (V. Krachkovsky)

Talent matures in silence, character is tempered in the storms of life. (J.W. Goethe)

Yes, the silver thread of fantasy always winds around the rules. (Shuman)

When a thing becomes useful, it usually ceases to be beautiful. (Gaultier)

Originality is the loneliness of the mind. (Graph)

Noble people despise smart people who have nothing but mind; smart people despise nobles who have nothing but nobility; virtuous people regret both. (J.Labruyère)

How often do people use their minds to do stupid things. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

A smart person gets bored where most people find pleasure. (F. Schiller)

Small minds are too offended by trifles, great minds also notice these trifles, but they are never offended by them. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

The hallmark of a great mind is to say a lot in a few words; the limited mind, on the other hand, has the gift of talking much and saying nothing. (F. La Rochefoucauld)

The natural mind can replace any education, but no education can replace the natural mind. (A. Schopenhauer)

The mind is a gem that plays more beautifully in the setting of modesty. (Maria Eschenbach)

There are many religions - one mind; prisons are closed day and night, but they are always full, temples are always open, but there is no one in them. (Buddha)

Every crown of glory is also a crown of thorns. (T. Carlyle)

If you want to be well spoken of, do not speak well of yourself. (B.Pascal)

Even the sages get rid of the passion for fame after everything else. (Tacitus)

It usually even happens that the later fame comes, the longer it is destined to last, just as in general everything excellent matures slowly. (A. Schopenhauer)

Talking with fools is like lighting candles for the blind. (P. Buast)

Reason must prevail over feeling. We should not indulge in regrets about the past, nor complain about changes that are a burden to us, for change is the very condition of life. (A. France)

People who have a lot of shortcomings, first of all notice them in others. (F. Bacon)

He who looks at his own shortcomings does not have time to see the shortcomings of others. (Eastern saying)

He who sees only the shortcomings, not seeing their causes, he sees only half; if he sees their causes, then his anger can sometimes turn into the most tender compassion. (I. Herder)

There is much more merit in being able to overcome vices than in not having them. (P. Buast)

He who has many vices has many masters. (F. Petrarch)

Pleasures can be rightly enjoyed only after labors, and not before them. (Antisthenes)

It is better to work without a specific goal than to do nothing. (Socrates)

Laziness makes everything difficult, labor makes everything easy; whoever gets up late, to no avail rushes about all day and gets down to business when night is already on the nose. (B. Franklin)

Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people. (folk wisdom)

Article from the website of the Mekhmat of Moscow State University
Otto Yulievich Schmidt (September 18 (30), 1891, Mogilev - September 7, 1956, Moscow) - Soviet scientist, mathematician, geographer, geophysicist, astronomer. Explorer of the Pamirs (1928), explorer of the North.

You can read about the expedition on the Chelyuskin here:
I will insert only a small fragment from there, which made an indelible impression on me.

"Chelyuskin" drifted along with the crew for almost five months - from September 23 to February 13, 1934, when it was crushed by ice. The ship sank in two hours. Fortunately, the crew, ready for such a development of events, prepared everything in advance for unloading on the ice. The last to leave the Chelyuskin were Schmidt, Voronin and the supply manager of the expedition, Boris Grigoryevich Mogilevich.
As a result of the disaster, 104 people were on the ice. From the bricks and boards rescued from the ship, the expedition members built barracks. The camp was evacuated with the help of aviation: on March 5, pilot Anatoly Lyapidevsky on an ANT-4 aircraft made his way to the camp and removed ten women and two children from the ice floe.
The next flight was made only on April 7th. For a week, pilots Vasily Molokov, Nikolai Kamanin, Mauritius Slepnev, Mikhail Vodopyanov and Ivan Doronin took the rest of the Chelyuskinites to the mainland. The last flight was made on April 13, 1934. In total, the pilots made 24 flights, transporting people to the Vankarem camp in Chukchi, one and a half hundred kilometers from the ice camp.
Under the leadership of Otto Yulievich Schmidt, all 104 people who spent two months on an ice floe in the polar winter were saved. Those arriving from the ice floe, primarily women, children and the sick, were sent by plane further to the village of Uelen, and then to the bays of Lawrence and Providence.
The remaining 53 most physically strong members of the expedition made a 500-kilometer walk from Vankarem to Uelen, and some further - to the bays of Lawrence and Providence, where steamboats were waiting for them.
Moving for 14-16 hours on uneven ice, falling into cracks, climbing on all fours on steep coastal cliffs, spending the night in the snow without tents, suffering from frostbite and injuries, not being able to hide from a blizzard, people walked up to 70 kilometers a day. 16 people were hospitalized upon arrival at Providence Bay.

From Wikipedia, I just want to insert a portrait of Otto Yulievich Schmidt by Mikhail Nesterov (1937):

Links, interesting and different
1. Historical truth There is little text here, but a very good photo!
2. Otto Yulievich Schmidt // One Hundred Great Navigators. - M. : Veche, 2002. - S. 478-483. PDF file. Very interesting.
3. Sigurd Schmidt: Otto Yulievich Schmidt was a Renaissance figure Interview with O.Yu. Schmidt. I highly and highly recommend. A whole site dedicated to "Chelyuskin" and everything connected with it.
5. About Kolmogorov, Sobolev, Komarov, Vinogradov, Otto Yulievich Schmidt and Comrade Stalin A rather strange reference, but I hope all readers have quite critical thinking

Quote from an interview with Sigurd Schmidt
Bernard Shaw, having met the Soviet ambassador to Great Britain Ivan Maisky, exclaimed: “What kind of country are you! The polar tragedy was turned into a national celebration! For the role of the protagonist of the ice drama, they found a real Santa Claus with a big beard. I assure you that Schmidt's beard has won you thousands of new friends!"

And the last remark.
The Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process and the Hilbert-Schmidt operator have nothing to do with Otto Yulievich
The authorship here belongs to the German mathematician Erhard Schmidt.

A real person is always drawn to where it is difficult? And why is it so difficult for everyone in this life? and got the best answer

Answer from Angelica A[guru]
A person does not pull where it is difficult. It's just through difficulties that you become a real person, unless of course you break down from these difficulties. The more pain, the more wisdom comes. Difficulties are given to each person according to his strength.

Answer from Natalia Barba[guru]
it is so difficult for all real people in this life, because they are not drawn there

Answer from I do not remember![guru]
I work as a sleeper - it's easy for me.

Answer from ANKA - FULYUGANKA I[guru]

Answer from ROGER[guru]

Answer from Artem[guru]
where is the real thing? here the women have solid silicone, the sausage is one soy! cat shawarma! not life...

Answer from Elena mintz[guru]
mudrie ne polezut tuda gde kogda to obogglisi a toliko umnie bez giznennogo opita tak i budut lesti v boloto...

Answer from Nata[newbie]

Answer from Natalya Merkulova[guru]
Who is easy?

Answer from Ivlampiy Gluck[guru]
p.h. this is life!

Answer from Alex Gor[guru]
Well, not always. Pulls in a sense.
Fools are looking for difficulties. And idiots also create them themselves.

Answer from [email protected] [expert]
Where there is grub

Answer from OVERON[guru]

Answer from Affectionate and strange[guru]

Answer from Alyona[guru]

Answer from snowflake[guru]

Answer from Alya[guru]

Answer from Alexey Khrenkov[guru]

Answer from GRIG-NEHALENOK[guru]

Answer from CANYON[guru]

Answer from ROGER[guru]
But, unfortunately, there are rarely places where the sofa is at arm's length from the bar...

Answer from Alexey Khrenkov[guru]

Answer from GRIG-NEHALENOK[guru]
Sometimes there, where they already gave in the ass!

Answer from CANYON[guru]
It’s not easy for everyone, but it’s easier for those who adapt.

Answer from snowflake[guru]
The flesh that burns in the fire spends all its strength on inflating it!

Answer from Alya[guru]
We create difficulties for ourselves, and then successfully overcome them. We don't want easy wins. 🙂

Answer from Alyona[guru]
I want to be self-employed all the time, get bored when there is nothing to do, and probably in order to prove to myself that I am Real.

Answer from [email protected] [expert]
Where there is grub

Answer from OVERON[guru]
Where it's difficult .... there it's just interesting ...

Answer from Affectionate and strange[guru]
We ourselves create difficulties in our hard life.

Answer from Nata[newbie]
because everyone else is stupid.