Prospects for the development of modern civilization - scientific conference, symposium, congress on the sworld project - approbation, collection of scientific papers and monograph - russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, cis. Theorists of liberalism on the position and prospects of the nobility and the

The composition of the Provisional Government was determined by the evening of March 2. It included: Minister-Chairman Prince G. E. Lvov, Cadets P. N. Milyukov, A. A. Manuilov, N. V. Nekrasov, Octobrists A. I. Guchkov and I. V. Godnev, and other bourgeois politicians. A.F. Kerensky was the only socialist there.

In domestic feature films, he built a film factory in Moscow, a number of cinemas. Among the first feature films were ʼʼThe Queen of Spadesʼʼ and ʼʼFather Sergiusʼʼ directed by Ya. A. Protazanov.

Russian architecture at the beginning of the 20th century. is experiencing the last - short, but bright - period of its heyday, associated with the advent of the Art Nouveau style. Its creators sought to take into account the possibilities provided by new building structures and materials (concrete, steel, glass), and at the same time to comprehend them aesthetically, to give them artistic expressiveness. In the case of the successful implementation of these ideas, the buildings turned into real works of art. These include the buildings of the Azov-Don Bank in St. Petersburg (architect F. I. Lidval), the Kazansky railway station in Moscow (A. V. Shchusev) and a series of buildings in Moscow by the recognized master of modernism F. O. Shekhtel: the Yaroslavsky railway station, Ryabushinsky mansion, etc.
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In addition to architecture, Art Nouveau has spread in arts and crafts (interior design, furniture, lamps, small plastic, dishes, etc.). Here, such features inherent in Art Nouveau as decorative flexible flowing lines and a stylized floral pattern looked especially stylish.

In general, Russian culture of the late XIX - early XX centuries. impresses with its brightness, wealth, abundance of talents in various fields. And at the same time, it was the culture of a society doomed to death, a premonition of which was traced in many of her works.

□ 1. In which educational institutions in Russia would you like to receive secondary and higher education? Why? 2. How did political changes in Russia contribute to the development of mass media and book printing? 3. Attracting knowledge of general history, determine what was the contribution of Russian scientists to world science. 4. Having independently identified the criteria, compare the two trends in literature and art at the beginning of the 20th century. (realism and modernism). Use the knowledge gained while studying the MHC course. 5. Consider reproductions of paintings by M. Dobuzhinsky, V. Serov, A. Lentulov, K. Petrov-Vodkin on a color insert. What art direction would you attribute these works to? What events or processes of the beginning of the XX century. help to understand the intention of each artist more clearly? 6. Describe your favorite piece of architecture or painting from the early 20th century.

Questions for section 1

1. Summarize the results of the development of industry and agriculture in Russia by 1913 ᴦ. Suggest your own ways of solving problems (resolving contradictions). Systematize your reasoning in the form of a table ʼʼModernization in Russia at the beginning of the 20th centuryʼʼ:

2. What were the prospects for the existence and development of the nobility, the bourgeoisie, the peasantry, the proletariat in the conditions of modernizing Russia?

3. Confirm with facts or refute the characterization of the domestic policy of Nicholas II as a maneuvering policy. 4. Depict graphically the development of the revolutionary movement in Russia in 1900-1917. 5. Analyze the role of political parties in the history of Russia in the first decades of the 20th century. 6. What politicians, in your opinion, had the greatest influence on the historical process in the first decades of the 20th century. in Russia? 7. Do you agree with the following statements: ʼʼRevolution is just as little satisfactory way to resolve human disputes as warʼʼ (JI. Andreev); ʼʼThe weakness of the supreme power is the most terrible of national disastersʼʼ (Napoleon); ʼʼ Is it really possible in Russia without coercion, and even strict, to do and approve anything? ʼʼ (K. Leontiev); ʼʼAutocracy is an obsolete form of government that can meet the requirements of the people somewhere in Central Africa, separated from the whole world, but not the requirements of the Russian people, who are more and more enlightened by the general education of the whole world ʼʼ (L. Tolstoy )? Write an essay on one of the topics using the material covered in section 1.

Great Russian Revolution. Soviet era

Subject ______________________________________________

Russia in the revolutionary whirlwind 1917 ᴦ.

A common problem. Why the revolution of 1917 ᴦ. brought victory to the Bolsheviks?

On the path of democracy

Problem. What is the strength and weakness of Russian democracy after February 1917 ᴦ.?

Remember the meaning of the concepts: amnesty, the Provisional Government, the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, dual power, coalition government. Answer the questions. 1. What are the reasons for the revolutionary explosion in Russia at the beginning of 1917 ᴦ.? 2. What problems had to be solved in revolutionary Russia?

The beginning of the revolution. General dissatisfaction with the tsarist government led to a revolutionary explosion in the capital of Russia - Petrograd. February 23, 1917 ᴦ. A city-wide strike was announced at the factories, which soon involved more than 80% of the Petrograd workers. Nevsky Prospekt was filled with unprecedented mass demonstrations. Οʜᴎ were held under red flags and the slogan ʼʼDown with the king!ʼʼ. All attempts by the authorities to restore order failed. On February 27, the soldiers of the reserve regiments stationed in the capital began to go over to the side of the revolution. The few defenders of the old system were forced to lay down their arms.

The February events were spontaneous.
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At the same time, in the course of them, new authorities arose, which were to reorganize Russia. On the morning of February 27

Queue in Petrograd. Autumn 1916 ᴦ.

To create a Provisional Committee of the State Duma. The Committee saw its primary task in establishing contacts with government agencies and normalizing the situation in the capital. At the same time, the members of the Committee by no means claimed to take full power into their own hands. On the contrary, such a possibility rather frightened them. They hoped that they would finally be able to force the tsar to make concessions, persuading him to cooperate and form a Cabinet of Ministers responsible to the Duma.

At the same time, the Committee, which relied mainly on the liberal strata of society, did not have real power to carry out its plans. This became obvious against the background of the vigorous activity of another body created by the revolution and immediately received mass support - the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' Deputies elected from factories and factories. Its first meeting took place on the evening of February 27, and on March 1 it was replenished with representatives from the capital's garrison. During the elections to the Petrograd Soviet (and then in other Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies that arose throughout Russia), the moderate socialists, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks, had a strong majority.


Moderate socialists immediately put forward the idea of ​​"civil

of the worldʼʼ, the consolidation of ʼʼall classes and elements of the peopleʼʼ, ʼʼthe final consolidation of political freedom and public administration in Russiaʼʼ. And the working masses gave their sympathy to them, and not to the Bolsheviks with their frightening peaceful inhabitants, with their call to continue the struggle until the formation of the "Provisional Revolutionary Government" in the country and the transfer of this struggle to the international arena - in alliance with the "proletariat of the warring countries" against the "oppressors and enslavers" her, against the tsarist governments and capitalist cliques ʼʼ (Manifesto of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) of February 27, 1917 ᴦ.).

The SR-Menievist leaders of the Soviets believed that the revolution that had begun was bourgeois and should be led by the bourgeoisie. Based on this, they launched their activities in two directions:

Attempts by liberal politicians to preserve the monarchy by giving it constitutional forms were blocked. Nicholas II, under strong pressure from revolutionary Petrograd and the army command, abdicated on March 2 in favor of his brother Mikhail. But Michael, having assessed the mood of the masses, on March 3 refused to accept the royal crown;

At the same time, the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet, headed by its chairman, the Menshevik N. S. Chkheidze, entered into negotiations with the Duma committee, proposing that it form a Provisional Government.

At the same time, the leaders of the Petrograd Soviet did not at all want to completely eliminate the real influence on events that they had gained in the days of the revolution. In their opinion, the task of the socialist Soviets should be to control the activities of the Provisional Government and to put pressure on it in case of deviation from the democratic course. As early as March 1, a step was taken to decisively ensure the conditions for such control: the Petrograd Soviet issued Order No. 1 on the capital's garrison, which immediately became widespread in the army. He limited the one-man command of officers, ordered the creation of elected soldiers' committees in military units subordinate to the Soviets, and forbade the execution of orders that contradicted their orders. The army actually passed under the control of the Soviets.

In the current situation, the official Provisional Government had to coordinate its every action with the Petrograd Soviet. After the fall of the autocracy, dual power was established in Russia.

Political parties about the present and future of Russia. The famous poet V. Ya. Bryusov conveyed the feelings that gripped him in the first days of the revolution in the following way:

Age-old dreams have been embodied Of all the best, all living hearts: Transfigured Russia has become free at last!

And these emotional words of the poet were in tune with the moods of tens of millions of Russians. Tsarism collapsed. Russia became the freest of all the warring powers. The people rejoiced. Many believed that the victims, the shed blood, the suffering were left behind. The whole country protested violently, as if in a hurry to make up for what had been lost during the long centuries of forced silence. Rallies were held throughout Russia in cities and villages, in factories and factories, in barracks and concert halls. Newspapers were full of reports about the convening of meetings, people inexperienced in politics and social activities rallied along the parties.

The February events led to a noticeable regrouping of political forces. The extreme right - the Black Hundreds-monarchist associations (the Union of the Russian People, the Union of Michael the Archangel, etc.) - were swept away by the revolution, their activists went into the shadows for a while, hid. An acute crisis was experienced by the right-wing liberal parties of the Octobrists and Progressives, closely associated with the former regime.

The largest bourgeois-centrist party of the Cadets (up to 70 thousand people) turned from opposition into the ruling party: its leaders occupied key positions in the Provisional Government and began to determine its policy. Passed in March 1917 ᴦ. The party congress abandoned the demands of a constitutional monarchy and proclaimed that "Russia should be a democratic and parliamentary republic." The most important tasks of the party were declared: ensuring the autocracy of the Provisional Government and creating conditions for the continuation of the war ʼʼuntil the complete and final victory over the enemyʼʼ.

After February 1917 ᴦ. the number and influence of the moderate socialist parties, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks, increased sharply. Οʜᴎ prevailed in the Soviets, trade unions and other mass public organizations. The Socialist-Revolutionary Party then numbered 800 thousand people, the Menshevik Party - 200 thousand people.

The moderate socialists, as we know, hastened to declare their support for the Provisional Government. Readiness for cooperation with the bourgeois parties was also expressed. In an effort to avoid conflicts with them, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks postponed the fulfillment of their program requirements for cardinal reforms in the field of national-state building in Russia, agrarian relations (including the elimination of landowners' land ownership), and labor legislation until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly. In foreign policy, the socialists defended the principle of "revolutionary defencism", that is, the continuation of the war with the German bloc in order to protect the revolution and democratic freedoms.

The left flank of the political spectrum included various groups of Russian anarchism (they called for the immediate overthrow of the Provisional Government by force of arms and the establishment of a "powerless society") and the Bolshevik Party, which was wary of extreme anarcho-radicalism. She came out of the underground weakened and small (about 24 thousand people). Declaring herself in opposition, she advocated the completion of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and the creation of a revolutionary government that expresses the interests of the workers and the entire peasantry, and at the same time showed a willingness to "conditional support" of the Provisional Government.

The political fever that engulfed the central regions of Russia could not bypass the national outskirts (the Baltic states, Belarus, Ukraine, Central Asia), where many liberal-bourgeois and socialist parties of the regional level arose. So far, their main slogan has been the demand for autonomy within Russia.

The first actions of the Provisional Government. The government proclaimed a course towards broad democratization of the country and preparations for general elections to the Constituent Assembly. The death penalty was abolished, penal servitude and exile were abolished, an amnesty was declared to ʼʼall the sufferers for the good of the Motherlandʼʼ. A law on freedom of speech, assembly and association is adopted.

ʼʼIn its current activities, the Cabinet will be guided by the following grounds: 1. Full and immediate amnesty for all political and religious matters, including: terrorist attacks, military uprisings and agrarian crimes, etc. 2. Freedom of speech, press , unions, meetings and strikes, with the extension of political freedoms to military personnel within the limits allowed by military technical conditions. 3. Cancellation of all class, religious and national restrictions. 4. Immediate preparations for the convening of a Constituent Assembly on the basis of a general, equal, secret and direct vote, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ will establish the form of government and the constitution of the country.

Leaflet from the archive. Declaration of the Provisional Government of March 3, 1917 - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Leaf from the archive. Declaration of the Provisional Government of March 3, 1917." 2017, 2018.

teristics of the domestic policy of Nicholas II as a policy of maneuvering. 4. Depict graphically the development of the revolutionary movement in Russia in 1900-1917. 5. Analyze the role of political parties in the history of Russia in the first decades of the 20th century. 6. Which politicians, in your opinion, had the greatest influence on the historical process in the first decades of the 20th century. in Russia? 7. Do you agree with the following statements: “Revolution is just as little satisfactory a way to resolve human disputes as

and war” (L. Andreev); “The weakness of the supreme power is the most terrible of national disasters” (Napoleon); “Yes, is it possible in Russia without coercion,

and even strict, to do and approve anything?” (K. Leontiev); “Autocracy is an obsolete form of government capable of meeting the demands of the people somewhere in Central Africa, separated from the whole world, but not by the requirements of the Russian people, who are more and more enlightened by enlightenment common to the whole world” (L. Tolstoy)? Write an essay on one of the topics using the material covered in section 1.

conditions for the continuation of the war "until the complete and final victory over the enemy."

After February 1917, the number and influence of moderate socialist parties - the Socialist-Revolutionaries increased sharply

and Mensheviks. They dominated the Soviets, trade unions

and other mass public organizations. The Socialist-Revolutionary Party then numbered 800,000 people, the Menshevik Party - 200,000 people.

The moderate socialists, as we know, hastened to declare their support for the Provisional Government. Readiness for cooperation with the bourgeoisie was also expressed.

parties. In an effort to avoid conflicts with them, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks postponed the fulfillment of their programmatic demands for cardinal reforms in the field of national-state building in Russia, agrarian relations (including the elimination of landowners' land ownership), and labor legislation until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly. In foreign policy, the socialists defended the principle of "revolutionary defencism," that is, the continuation of the war with the German bloc in order to defend the revolution and democratic freedoms.

The left flank of the political spectrum included various groups of Russian anarchism (they called for the immediate overthrow of the Provisional Government by force of arms and the establishment of a “powerless society”) and the Bolshevik Party, wary of extreme anarcho-radicalism. It emerged from the underground weakened and small in number (about 24,000 people). Declaring itself opposition, she advocated the completion of the bourgeois-democratic revolution and the creation of a revolutionary government, expressing the interests of the workers and the entire peasantry, and at the same time showed readiness for "conditional support" of the Provisional Government.

The political fever that engulfed the central regions of Russia could not bypass the national outskirts (the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Central Asia), where many liberal-bourgeois and socialist parties of the regional level arose. So far, their main slogan has been the demand for autonomy within Russia.

The first actions of the Provisional Government. The government proclaimed a course towards broad democratization of the country and preparations for general elections to the Constituent Assembly. The death penalty was abolished, penal servitude and exile were abolished, an amnesty was declared "to all the sufferers for the good of the Motherland." A law on freedom of speech, assembly and association is adopted.

In this paper, the issue of the crisis in science and technology, as an integral part of the level of the limiting development of civilization, is considered. To reveal this topic, an analysis of the futuristic ideas existing in the last century and the achievements realized at the moment is carried out, as well as modern concepts of the future are considered. An analysis of the latter reveals the shortcomings of individual projects, on the basis of which a variant of introducing ideas into the life of society through a new concept - iissiidiology is proposed.

Innovative difficulties of science and technology

The beginning of the 21st century turned out to be completely different from the forecasts of fifty years ago - there are no intelligent robots, flying cars, cities on other planets. Humanity has not come close to such a future, which was predicted by many futurists of the middle of the last century. The iPhone, Twitter, and Google appeared, but they still use the operating system that appeared in 1969. One gets the impression that technological progress is strongly stalled. Gadgets are changing every month like clockwork, and more significant problems, the solution of which seemed close, have not yet been resolved.

Writer Neil Stevenson tried to articulate these doubts in the article "Innovation Dwindling": "One of my earliest memories is sitting in front of a bulky black-and-white TV watching one of America's first astronauts go into space. I saw the last launch of the last shuttle on a widescreen LCD panel when I was 51 years old. I have watched the space program decline with sadness, even bitterness. Where are the promised toroidal space stations? Where is my ticket to Mars? We are unable to repeat even the space achievements of the sixties. I'm afraid this indicates that society has forgotten how to cope with really difficult tasks.

His opinion is shared by Peter Thiel, the founder of the Paypal payment system. An article he published in the National Review is titled "Future's End": "Technological progress is clearly lagging behind the lofty hopes of the fifties and sixties, and this is happening on multiple fronts. Here is the most literal example of progress slowing down: our movement speed has stopped increasing. The centuries-old history of ever-faster modes of transport that began with sailing ships in the 16th and 18th centuries, continued with the development of railways in the 19th century and the advent of automobiles and aviation in the 20th century, was reversed when the Concorde, the last supersonic aircraft, was scrapped in 2003. passenger plane. Against the background of such regression and stagnation, those who continue to dream of spaceships, vacations on the moon and sending astronauts to other planets of the solar system seem to be aliens themselves.

There are many arguments in favor of the theory that technological progress is slowing down. Its supporters offer to look at least at computer technology. All fundamental ideas in this area are at least forty years old: Unix will be 45 years old in a year, SQL was invented in the early seventies, the Internet, object-oriented programming and the graphical interface appeared at the same time.

Economists estimate the impact of technological progress by the rate of growth in labor productivity and GDP. Changes in these figures during the 20th century confirm that growth rates have been falling for several decades - in the United States, the impact of technological change reached its peak in the mid-thirties of the 20th century. If US labor productivity continued to grow at the rate set in 1950-1972, then by 2011 it would have reached a value that is one third higher than in reality.

In 1999, economist Robert Gordon published a paper in which he suggested that the rapid growth of the economy, which is usually associated with technological progress, was in fact a burst of time. R. Gordon believes that the surge was caused by a new industrial revolution that took place during this period. The end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century saw electrification, the spread of internal combustion engines, breakthroughs in the chemical industry, and the emergence of new types of communication and new media, in particular cinema and television. Growth continued until their potential was used up to the end.

From the point of view of R. Gordon, electronics and the Internet have affected the economy to a much lesser extent than electricity, internal combustion engines, communications and the chemical industry, and therefore are much less important: “The Big Four was a much more powerful source of labor productivity growth than all that has appeared recently. Most of the inventions that we see now are "derivatives" from old ideas. VCRs, for example, brought television and cinema together, but the fundamental impact of their introduction cannot be compared to the effect of the invention of one of their predecessors. The Internet, too, basically leads to the replacement of one form of entertainment by another - and nothing more.

Peter Thiel agreed with this: the Internet and gadgets are not bad, but by and large they are still small things. We dreamed of flying cars, but got 140 tweets. We can send photos of cats to the other side of the world using our phones and watch old movies about the future while we are in a subway built a hundred years ago. We can write programs that realistically simulate futuristic landscapes, but the real landscapes around us have hardly changed in half a century. We have not learned how to protect ourselves from earthquakes and hurricanes, travel faster or live longer.

The latest worldview of iissiidiology

Many see that the development of science, technology and social order in the form that it is now has already come to a certain point (this can be judged even from the pictures above - they are all 50-60 years and since then no radically new ideas, that would have been put into practice were not expressed). All investors want to invest only in what can bring profit in the short term, and, moreover, most of the new products that appear are purely for entertainment. To move to the next stage of development, something radically new is needed - new thoughts, new understanding, new ideas and principles that would more deeply reveal, describe and explain both the fundamental principles of the universe and social life. One of the brightest sources of new ideas and ideas is the knowledge of iissiidiology.

From the point of view of iissiidiology, the whole reality around us is very much dependent on and interconnected with our internal psycho-mental activity and activity. As soon as we can stably stay in states free from manifestations of various negativisms, irritability, aggression, anger, and positive thoughts, calm intellectual prudence and manifestations of altruism will come to replace this, then the quality of the world around us will immediately increase. In more positive states per unit of time, we will be able to process more information, and the speed of implementation of the decisions we make will increase, people will be able to achieve their goals much faster than it is happening now.

It can be hoped that the change of generations during the evolution of mankind ensures the development of fundamental qualities inherent in man, such as intelligence, altruism, empathy, compassion, responsibility, and many others, as opposed to a decrease in the activity of qualities inherent in many other living beings - aggression, anger, revenge, passivity, ardent concern for survival. Perhaps, thanks to this development, all our life hematopoietic, genitourinary, digestive, endocrine and respiratory systems. When self-consciousness is in a state of high mentality and high sensuality, this automatically leads to the manifestation of the ability to predict possible future options, to the development of intuition and clairvoyance.

creativity will also become qualitatively different - conscious and based on highly spiritual, noble and large-scale goals. If all peoples, regardless of their traditional religions, sincerely strive only for positive interchange and active creative cooperation, a global and large-scale reunion of all spiritually aspiring people will begin, which will inevitably lead the human community to the need to form a single world form of statehood, not divided by either religious or national, economic, territorial or any other selfish interests.

To do this, you need to stop thinking about sex as the most desirable pleasure and the highest pleasure, you need to stop hating someone or being jealous, envying, using hypocrisy and lies in relationships with each other. As long as these states are of interest to us, one can only dream of favorable development prospects. However, it will become possible to avoid depressive states by cultivating such qualities as spiritual initiative, openness, honesty and responsibility. Thanks to these qualities, we will find a deep explanation and reason for the events, including those that cause apathy, indifference and lack of initiative. And only when this happens, we will naturally reach such creativity that the greatest minds of today's humanity are not able to imagine even in the most daring and optimistic forecasts.

The principles and methods of psycho-mental activity, which depends on hormonal activity, will depend less and less on biological conditions in future people, as a result of which the pattern of DNA genetic activity will also change significantly. Due to a significant increase in the number of synthetic amino acids in human DNA, an additional pair of chromosomes will appear. In biological organisms, the nervous, vegetative, The information in Iissiidiology says that being altruistic is very beneficial. Before iissiidiology, no one could convincingly and logically answer the question of why it is necessary to help even those whom you do not know or, perhaps, will never see. Iissiidiological concepts clearly answer it: thanks to a consistently manifested altruism, the quality of existence is continuously increasing due to the fact that there are purposeful shifts to more and more favorable conditions for the implementation of further life creativity. In this case, the self-consciousness of humanity will increasingly manifest people who consciously strive for unity with everything, and such concepts as responsibility, tolerance, mercy, sympathy, and others will actively enter the lives of all people on the planet.

Prospects for science and technology in the near future

Among the most famous modern concepts of the future are: transhumanism, posthuman and posthumanism, the Raelite movement, the technocratic project of the future "Venus", Russia-2045.

Transhumanism uses the advances of science and technology to improve the mental and physical capabilities of a person in order to eliminate those aspects of human existence that transhumanists consider undesirable. In the concept of a posthuman, a hypothetical image of a future person is developed, who abandoned the usual human appearance as a result of the introduction of advanced technologies: computer science, biotechnology, medicine. Posthumanism is based on the notion that human evolution is not complete and can be continued in the future.

The Raelites believe in a super-civilization of extraterrestrials that can be contacted through special spiritual practices. The Raelites see the achievement of human immortality by means of science as one of their main tasks, the main hopes are associated with cloning. This is similar to the Strategic Public Movement "Russia 2045", which has a transhumanist orientation and stands for human development, including through the acceleration of technological progress and the integration of modern technologies, for resistance to the further growth of the "consumer society" and the exploitation of the natural environment.

The Venus Project is aimed at achieving a peaceful, sustainable, constantly and steadily developing global civilization, through the transition to a global resource-based economy, universal automation, the introduction of all the latest scientific achievements in all areas of human life and the application of scientific decision-making methodology.

After a brief analysis of the various concepts by the predominance of one or another feature (although it is impossible to categorically distinguish), two categories can be distinguished:

The predominance of ideology in the concept (that is, documentary projects that describe the spiritual sphere of the life of the population, the change in society and its structure);

The predominance of materiality (that is, projects of the cities of the future, their organizational structure).

Along with ideological concepts, there are also real experimental projects of the cities of the future, such as Auroville in India, Masdar in the UAE, Great City in China, eco-villages in different countries and many others. In addition, forecasting the development of existing large cities based on the principles of ecological construction is practiced. There are also futurological projects of floating cities (Lilypad, by Vincent Callebaut), underwater cities (Sub Biosphere), recycling waste (Lady Landfill), stations for ocean and underwater research (Underwater Skyscraper), flying cities, space stations (Kalpana One, by Brian Verstieg, Bernal Sphere, underground cities (Sietch) Such ideas, having a real embodiment or a detailed project, are more related to the material sphere.

Many projects of the cities of the future contain the idea of ​​changing some principles of thinking, a certain way of life. For example, Auroville is called upon to realize the unity of people by creating an international society that lives outside politics and religious preferences. However, in my opinion, in this project, with proper sensual content, it lacks an intellectual component that allows it to benefit not only the people who have accepted this idea, but also those who live outside the city.

Jacques Fresco's project "Venus" is somewhat technocratic, that is, with the predominance of intellect (which made it possible to create a new model of cities and society), there is a lack of a sensual component that would be embodied in new human values ​​and interpersonal relationships. As well as in the social movement "Russia-2045" and the movement of the Raelites. In these projects, the intellectual component also predominates, and the scenario for the development of mankind in the material sphere is strictly described without taking into account the development of spirituality, that is, the need to develop the self-awareness of each person, which opens up new abilities and transforms the world around, is not taken into account.

Having analyzed the concepts described above on the basis of the presence of two components in them - intellect and altruism - one can observe their inferiority for implementation in such a future option, which is based on both of these features. The obligatory joint presence of these qualities is explained by the fact that the absence of one of them (that is, a bias in the mental or sensual side) entails devastating consequences, both for the individual and for all of humanity as a whole.

However, not everything is so bad. Progressive ideas that can help in the harmonious, balanced and creative development of human civilization can still be found among those that already exist. From my point of view, this is the iissiidological concept, which harmoniously combines these two features.

What prospects await us in the near future in accordance with the information of iissiidiology?

By making psycho-mental efforts in order to constantly make only the highest quality choices, you thereby automatically shift to more and more favorable conditions for the manifestation of vital creativity. And in the near future, where interpersonal relations are approaching lluuvvumic features (highly intellectual Altruism and highly sensitive Intelligence, supplemented by immune Responsibility and humanitarian Freedom), science and technology will become so highly developed that the need for both material accumulation and monetary relations will no longer exist in society.

One of the tasks, the solution of which will serve as a powerful stimulus for the development of the scientific and technical base, will be a deep study and development of the interior of the moon. This will entail establishing close contacts with other intelligent races and space civilizations. At the moment, humanity is militantly tuned in to the manifestations of everything extraterrestrial and is not ready for such bilateral contacts. But when people are freed from the animal fear of the unknown, then contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations will become possible.

This will stimulate the development of terrestrial technologies in all areas, from space exploration to meeting daily industrial and social needs, the development of various biochemical, biological, genetic and microfield quantum processes.

In parallel with this, contacts are possible with other terrestrial races that live in the depths of the oceans and seas, having formed unique intelligent communities there. There will be technologies for obtaining a large amount of various cheap raw materials, chemical, industrial and food resources from the marine environment.

It will become possible to merge land and ocean civilizations by carrying out simple surgical operations to implant synthetic gill-like structures or by activating those genes in certain parts of human chromosomes that are responsible for the functions of supplying oxygen to the body in whales and dolphins. The differences that exist between us and representatives of aquatic civilizations are the result of gene mutations that have occurred in biological organisms due to long-term existence in different habitats. Perhaps one of the conditions for such a community will be the procedure for deactivating aggression genes in DNA.

Stationary research centers will be built at great depths of the oceans, in which thousands of specialists in various fields of science and production will be able to live and work for a long time. Together with them there will be enterprises for the extraction and processing of minerals and bottom vegetation.

On the surface of the seas and oceans, thousands of floating cities will slowly ply, in which those who want to study and develop the water resources of the Earth will be able to live comfortably and work fruitfully.

Many civilizations have not come into contact with us and do not yet come into contact with us due to the lack of an intellectual-sensory platform for mutual communication and associative understanding with us. But in the future, devices will be created that will make it easy to communicate at the level of converting thoughts into associative form-images adapted to the specifics of various self-consciousnesses. First, there will be devices that can directly translate your words into thoughts and vice versa. Then special sensors located in the temporal part of the head will be used to read thoughts. At the same time, the sounds and words uttered by someone may remain incomprehensible to you, but it will be absolutely clear to you what it is about.

In the future, a huge number of shaping manipulations with photons, the creation of unique varieties of "intelligent matter" in genetic engineering, cybergenetics, cyberbionics and astrobiology are possible. Almost everything needed will be made from artificial materials and polymers. The metal will be used only in some industrial and scientific technological equipment, for example, in the creation of ultra-precise devices and space technology.

Many new technologies will appear in architecture thanks to materials that combine the strength of metals and the softness of silk. One of the construction mechanisms in the future is similar to how a spider spins its web. First, the builders make the base of the required configuration, install guides on it, after which robots are launched along these fibers, the design of which includes the program and weaving mechanism, and in a few hours the vast areas of the premises turn into high domes with the required number of interfloor ceilings with ready-made partitions. This results in powerful reinforced structures that are able to withstand incredible loads.

Huge commercial and public buildings will be built on areas of several tens of square kilometers, which will be located under transparent domes with beautiful superstructures, with many levels of transparent and bright floors towering one above the other. It will be easy and fast to move in them not only on countless escalators, but also with the help of silent air-cushioned panel devices that are freely attached to the soles of shoes.

There will also be lifting and levitation structures that can create stable anti-gravity effects around themselves, which will make it possible to manipulate huge masses, moving them effortlessly to any distance. If they form the body of a spacecraft, then it will be possible to set a speed approaching 300 km / s, and at the same time be able to carry out maneuvers of any complexity. This discovery alone, in combination with the means of radical rejuvenation of the biological organism already invented by that time, will become a powerful stimulus for the beginning of the era of mass space travel.

And over time, it will become possible to fly without any ingenious devices and devices. In our DNA, separate genes are responsible for unlocking the ability to levitate. When this gene is identified by scientists, then just a slight adjustment in the genotype will allow anyone, even a child, to acquire these abilities. This will massively begin to occur in parallel with another trend that has spontaneously arisen among millions of people - to make genetic corrections for the development of the water expanses of our Planet. There will be those who, along with levitation abilities, will also want to have increased capabilities for a long stay in the water. For this, too, there will be no restrictions, since everyone is free to choose for their creative realizations whatever he or she wants.

In the near future, holography will be widely developed. It will affect everything, and, first of all, cinema, painting, media, Internet resources. With its help, it will be possible to arrange any room, for example, to form a "piece" of a forest, lawn, field, ocean at home. To accommodate high-speed holographic objects, areas and volumes corresponding to their real sizes will be needed, since they can only temporarily be encrusted into the general dynamics of all objects of the surrounding reality.

But all these future achievements of mankind described in iissiidiology will not happen without a radical change in the paradigm of thinking of our entire civilization. Only by changing ourselves, our consciousness, we will be able to change the world around us, those technologies and objects of materiality that surround us.

Examples of recent achievements

Which of all these unimaginable future achievements that Iissiidiology speaks of has already begun to appear in our lives thanks to the latest achievements of science?

For example, a NASA team led by Harold White began developing a space warp engine capable of moving objects faster than the speed of light. With it, scientists intend to cover the 4.3 light-years separating us from Alpha Centauri in two weeks. The project was named "Speed". The warp drive compresses the space in front of the ship and expands behind, which keeps the ship moving.

A big breakthrough has occurred in medicine, which is trying to keep people alive as long as possible, thereby bringing us closer to one of the analogues of immortality - regardless of whether it is biological, digital or cybernetic immortality. Already developed technologies contribute to this: the production of artificial blood (red blood cells of the universal O-type, which can be transferred to anyone without complications), the cultivation of body parts in laboratories from patient cells, the treatment of paralysis (electrical impulses in the nervous tissue of the spine allowed scientists to restore the ability to move people who would remain paralyzed for life), reversing the aging process (one chemical has been identified that was responsible for this age-reversing effect), printing a new heart (using fat cells and collagen in 3D printing).


The crisis of science, technology and social order in its current form is obvious to everyone. To move to the next stage of development, radically new thoughts, ideas, principles and concepts are needed that would more deeply reveal, describe and explain both the fundamental principles of the universe and social life.

Having made a short digression into history and having studied the current state of the concepts of the future, we can conclude that iissiidiology is a concept that can provide a new stage in the development of human civilization, bring new ideas for further progress based on the harmonious development of both mental and sensual components.

Thanks to the information presented in iissiidiology and actively applied in the practice of everyday life, each person in the very near future will be able to experience new technologies that will fundamentally rebuild not only the world around us, but with it the entire habitual physiology of the human body, reprogramming its thousands of years of active and creatively productive existence. With the help of iissiidiology, we are able to integrate and unite the now fundamentally separated concepts about our emotions and the material world, about life and death, about academic science and spiritual views. And the activation of intuitive levels of consciousness opens up grandiose prospects for cosmic creativity!