Is it good for adults to read aloud? Reading aloud and "to yourself" - which is more useful? How to read aloud correctly

When American billionaire Warren Buffitt is asked what the formula for success is, the investor replies: “I just sit in my office and read books.” Despite the dominance of ingenious gadgets and streams of visual content, in which printed text is about to choke, at the head of the mental processes involved in information processing, as well as hundreds of years ago, are the skills of thoughtful reading.

What are the benefits of reading?

Systematic reading is extremely important for the formation of the mental apparatus and the harmonious development of the personality. Building relationships between words and mental images, the brain forms neural networks responsible for cognitive functions - imagination, memory, concentration, logical thinking, analysis and systematization of data. Skills acquired in the process of thoughtful reading are automatically transferred to other areas of activity - oral counting, solving mathematical problems, learning foreign languages ​​and artistic creativity. A person accustomed to reading from childhood thinks more effectively, quickly acquires new knowledge and even in difficult situations makes the right decisions, not yielding to the pressure of stereotypes, emotions and authorities.

Why is it necessary to read aloud?

It used to be thought that reading aloud was necessary only in the early stages of learning, although even adults in the form of mental gymnastics do not hurt to regularly read aloud for at least half an hour a day. Reading aloud with expression, we learn to recognize the semantic accents of the text and improve the skills of managing diction and intonation.

As the child reads aloud, invite them to voice the characters in the book. By trying on different roles, toddlers develop empathy and emotional intelligence. The effect will not keep you waiting: such children recognize the feelings of interlocutors much better and express their thoughts more coherently than peers who prefer to spend time playing computer games.

But what you should not expect from reading aloud is help in remembering educational material. Listening to himself, the child is often distracted from the subject and is unlikely to be able to delve deeply into the text and accurately retell what he read.

Reading aloud is accompanied by intense work of the facial muscles. The little reader needs to rest every 10-15 minutes.

What is the benefit of reading to yourself?

Having become addicted to books, children usually move on to reading "silently". When you don’t have to bother with pronunciation of sounds, it’s much easier to focus on the text. In addition, such reading develops visual and associative memory well. When reading “to oneself”, fantasy is actively working. Since consciousness is completely focused on imaginary images, the imprinting of visual information about the spelling of words goes unnoticed, on a subconscious level, and there is no feeling of fatigue, as with cramming.

The habit of reading "silently" creates the prerequisites for the formation of intuitive literacy. A well-read child may not know a single rule, but he will write without errors, and as a bonus he will receive a strong habit of concentration and a trained memory.

At the same time, the teaching potential of reading “to oneself” is limited - it contributes to a deep assimilation of the material, but almost does not affect oral speech. A child who reads mostly “to himself” may have an amazing vocabulary, but will make mistakes in placing stresses, mispronouncing words, so even in high school you should not stop reading aloud.

What is the most effective way to read?

Reading aloud will benefit even an adult with an already formed intellect and well-established speech practice. Such exercises at any age have a positive effect on cognitive functions. Moreover, they are important in the process of teaching children.

Reading “silently” plays an equally important role in the overall development of a person’s mental abilities. During the training period, it is better to practice both methods - these skills will organically complement each other. Specially developed methods are aimed at the maximum use of mental resources, in particular, Andrey Spodin's speed reading course. The exercises that children do activate both hemispheres of the brain and, importantly, help them master new skills without any tension. This ability is retained in a person who has been trained in speed reading, and in adulthood, spreading to other types of mental activity.

Children show noticeable results already after a month of classes at the AMAKids development centers. They learn well what they read, demonstrate excellent reading technique, deep understanding of the text, as well as a more harmonious perception of the world around them and a positive attitude. After all, reading not only helps to develop the brain. It broadens the horizon, forms moral foundations, simply gives pleasure, allowing a person to travel to other countries and times, experience a variety of emotions and learn new knowledge.

Surely many of you have wondered: “Why read aloud in English? This is done by beginners who are just learning to read. This opinion is not entirely correct. Today we invite you to talk about the benefits of a long-forgotten skill - reading aloud.

Why is it hard to read aloud?

Reading aloud is actually harder than reading to yourself. Why? First, because we get tired quickly: our facial muscles and vocal cords are not used to working so hard. Secondly, because it is difficult to delve into the text. When we read silently to ourselves, we silently “absorb” information. Reading aloud, we also use hearing and speech, that is, our brain is busy listening and speaking, and not perceiving information. It turns out that we distract ourselves from the main occupation? Not at all.

These difficulties are very easy to overcome, as they are caused by habit: you just got used to reading to yourself, and you read aloud, most likely, a very long time ago, even in elementary school. Therefore, this skill was not developed. And in vain, because it is very useful for improving the English language.

Why is it good to read aloud in English?

In fact, if you regularly read aloud, then all the difficulties will become advantages. Reading aloud is a whole range of activities that develops 3 speech skills at once: reading, speaking and listening. You see the text, you reproduce it, you hear it.

Benefits of reading aloud in English:

1. You practice pronunciation

When you read to yourself, you don't think about how beautiful the language sounds. At the same time, you don’t even think about how ugly the mispronounced word sounds, because you don’t pronounce it out loud and don’t hear the mistake. When you read aloud, whether you like it or not, you will "stumble" over words that are difficult to pronounce. This means that you are more likely to look in the dictionary to find out if you read the new word correctly.

2. You are working on the speed of speech

Surely you thought that the British and Americans speak too fast and it is impossible to understand them. But in reality, this is the usual speed of speech for them. Reading English text aloud will help you develop a pace close to that of native speakers. In a conversation, we have to simultaneously speak and think about what to say. This significantly slows down our speech. When you read aloud, your brain doesn't try to frantically generate ideas, words, and sentences like it does when you're talking. You pronounce a ready-made text and work out only the speed of speech.

3. You increase your vocabulary

When reading aloud, English words are remembered much better than when reading silently. And all for the same reasons: you see the word, you pronounce it, you hear it. If you meet this word again, it will definitely pop up in auditory, visual or speech memory.

4. You practice speaking

When you read aloud, you immediately pronounce the words, that is, you are already training to use them in a conversation. Saying words out loud helps you remember them better. It often happens that a person speaks in whole phrases from a book. Especially if you like to read the works of one author, then it is possible that after a while you will speak his language: you will use his style of speech, your favorite words and techniques.

5. You will achieve smooth speech

How to get the most out of reading aloud in English

Of course, the opportunity to simultaneously learn to read, listen and speak seems attractive to many. But training three skills at once is difficult. So don't worry if you don't succeed the first time. When reading aloud becomes a habit for you, then other skills will develop in parallel. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of reading aloud in English:

1. Read slowly

Pronounce every sound and every word clearly and expressively, pause. If you chase speed, you won't achieve much. Even if you gain speed, then pronunciation, intonation, beautiful sounds - all this will go nowhere. For expressive speech, first of all, you need good pronunciation and correct intonation. And the speed will appear with time itself, it is gained by practice.

2. Read the text and only then look for new words

Do not forget that when reading aloud, it can be difficult to understand the content of the text. First, read the text completely, ignoring unfamiliar words. Try to catch the main idea and understand what the text is about. After you read it for the first time, you can already work with unfamiliar words: look up the meanings in the dictionary, see how they are pronounced. To expand your vocabulary, learn new expressions, repeat difficult and difficult words. To make it easier for you to read, you need to choose a book that matches your level of knowledge. Our article "" will help you with this, in which you will find a detailed table with reading recommendations for each of the levels of knowledge.

3. Pay attention to grammar

While reading to yourself, you can skim through the text without going into the details of the content. When you read an English text aloud, you are not in a hurry, so you can see how tenses and articles are used. That is, you memorize the correct patterns of using grammar rules.

4. Read at least 10 minutes a day

5. Read different texts

Read fiction, poetry, scientific publications, articles in newspapers and magazines. A variety of texts will help develop reading skills from all sides. For each text there will be different rates of speech and pauses, intonation.

How to make reading texts in English aloud interesting

1. Listen to audiobooks

If you're just getting started with reading aloud, get some extra help. Find the book you are interested in in two forms: in print and in audiobook format. Listen to the audio file and at the same time follow the text in paper form. You will see the text and hear how to read it correctly. When you get used to reading and listening at the same time, start repeating after the speaker. Try to copy his pronunciation and imitate his intonation.

You may have noticed that many sounds in English are very similar. Listening to audiobooks, you get used to the peculiarities of the sound of English speech. You will be able to catch the difference between those sounds that previously seemed exactly the same. You will find 7 more reasons to listen to your favorite works in the article "".

2. Record yourself on a voice recorder

This is how you learn to listen to yourself. After listening to the recording, you can analyze the mistakes that you make in reading. To be more effective, compare your recording with an audiobook recording.

3. Read by role

This will help you get rid of monotony and inexpressiveness. It is these two qualities that make reading aloud so boring. Try not to read, but to tell from the perspective of each character.

4. Add gestures and facial expressions

Then your reading will not be "dry". Remember how speakers from the podium give a speech or how poets read poetry: lively and emotionally. And all due to the fact that they added hand movements, a different tone of voice, facial expressions, and their speech became expressive and rich. The thing is that your appearance reflects your inner state. If you are relaxed, then your speech will be easy and beautiful. If you are clamped, then reading will be inconsistent.

Now you know the benefits of reading aloud. As you can see, this, at first glance, boring activity can be turned into a very exciting pastime. Follow our advice and you will be able to discover all the delights of reading aloud in English.

1. School performance is 95% dependent on the child's ability to read aloud not in syllables, but as if he were just telling something. In schools, children are not taught to read well (fluently and expressively), but they are transferred to “silent” reading (with eyes similar to superficial reading - “speed reading”).

The school curriculum is designed to teach the rules of grammar and separate reading of words, and for effective learning of any skills or academic subjects, you must be able to read aloud with high quality. Humanity has not come up with anything more useful for the development and prevention of brain degradation.

The main “problem” that makes it difficult to understand the importance of “loud” reading is that when you start reading aloud, the information is not absorbed. In fact, the situation is exactly the opposite. With "silent" it flies into one eye, and flies out into the other. The brain just doesn't understand it right away.

2. Expansion of vocabulary. It's no secret that even an ordinary adult's vocabulary in his native language practically does not increase if he does not perform special exercises. What can I say about the rapid study of a foreign language or the development of a new specialty - it requires the assimilation of too much new information!

Meanwhile, it is reading aloud that has a powerful synergistic effect from the interaction of different parts of the brain at the time of reading aloud: the visual, auditory and motor parts work simultaneously. The more diverse sources of information, the faster and more accurately the details are remembered.

3. Reading with takes in a different manner is the perfect way to learn poetry or song lyrics.
Memory works on the principle that everything that is not repeated is forgotten. Therefore, it is important to do doubles or, more simply, to repeat. At the same time, it is simply necessary to introduce variety into the process. The more possible options for losing a situation, the better it is remembered.

4. Loud, expressive, emotional reading aloud is one of the most effective exercises for the development of children's speech. However, not only children, but also adults! Why exactly aloud, and not as usual - with the eyes, "silent"? It is reading aloud that provides speech training, language practice, while “silent” provides only a superficial assimilation of any information by the brain. To become a dancer you need to dance, not to watch how others do it.

When reading to oneself, the main part of the information is perceived by the brain as "garbage", unnecessary and is quickly erased or stored in places inaccessible for reproduction.

5. Psychologists are sure that reading is the main process that contributes to the formation of personality at all stages. From the cradle, when the child hears the voices of parents reading aloud to him, and in adulthood, when a person overcomes various crises and grows spiritually. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of reading for teenagers. Reading - at least sometimes - aloud, adolescents not only seriously improve memory, thinking and develop other cognitive processes, they learn to love, evaluate actions, empathize, trace cause-and-effect relationships between any events, analyze actions, forgive, etc. The most effective reading "adult" books, especially the works of Russian classics, for example, F.M. Dostoevsky. Without reading it is impossible to form a harmonious person.

6. From the point of view of evolution, the ability to read is a clear superstructure on the already existing structures of the brain. It turns out that most of the higher areas of the brain are involved in reading. So reading can be seen as The best exercise to keep your brain in shape

The brain of a person who can read works in a markedly more complex way than the brain of an illiterate person. Moreover, the brain of a person who practiced reading in childhood is better able to activate all its resources than the brain of a person who learned to read and write as an adult. We can boldly say: reading is one of the best exercises to keep fit the whole brain. This is all the more important, given that such competitors to reading as “educational” computer games have shown themselves to be very dubious “trainers for the mind”.

Another important corollary of the results of the study: difficulties in learning to read and write are natural. If a child (and even more so an adult) cannot easily master this seemingly ordinary type of activity, then now it should be remembered that what seems elementary outwardly is actually one of the most complex tasks that the human brain can only solve ...

General conclusion: a constant reading exercise not only improves this very reading and, for example, broadens one's horizons, but also increases the efficiency of the brain in almost all areas of human activity ...

7. Speed ​​Reading or Slow Reading? Speed ​​reading is a special form of reading that should not be abused. Speed ​​reading can be useful for finding the necessary information in a large stream. The brain consumes less energy with this type of reading and there is a great danger in this. You can get used to reading everything in this mode and then expect trouble. Artistic text will fly by unnoticed, and your speech will "jump" from topic to topic, bypassing logical connections.

8. Will “loud” reading help get rid of an accent or serious speech defects? Yes, definitely. The most powerful tool for correcting speech defects, such as, for example, burr, stuttering, booming voice, “collective farm” regional or foreign accent, is parallel (simultaneous) reading with “word masters”. Defects are eliminated quickly and effectively if you try to accurately imitate all the vocal characteristics of the "reference speaker". Not so long ago, Mikhail Shestov created special correspondence courses that provide both children and adults with a free entry into the “harmony of the language”. That is, they make it possible in a few hours to learn how to read the most complex texts with actors, even for intelligent adults.

9. Impact on writing literacy - quantity can turn into quality. Of course, for the development of literacy writing, it is necessary to rewrite literate texts, but even simple reading aloud can improve writing style. Beautiful phrases are constantly “rotating” in my head, which you can add to the text at any time. And the more such phrases, the more interesting your notes become. You clearly understand the correct word order and are able to build beautiful sentences, even if with small spelling or stylistic errors.

Advice from Mikhail Shestov: It is very good to memorize by pretending to be different characters and assigning them different voices and manners of speaking. Even if you are just reading a book alone - read it as if you want to interest a child. This manner of memorization becomes like a fun game, not boring cramming.

When and how to start teaching a child to read aloud?

With a child from birth, you need to speak the correct Russian language, expressively, dramatically and emotionally. And as he grows older, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to teach him to expressively read aloud using three types of training:

  • repetition after the announcer (after you, for example)
  • reading with the speaker
  • independent reading

Definitely - listen! With the help of these exercises, it is imperative to accelerate the speed of reading or repeating after the speaker to the speed of fluent speech of adult native speakers. Learning to read according to the model should begin at the age of three.

One of the most important exercises for the development of normal intelligence is the development of spelling - the art of freely decomposing words into letters, singing them out loud. And with ease to make separate words from sequences of letters.

Any lessons do not need to be crammed, you need to be able to read them expressively and aloud, in a different manner, with different volume, as if making duplicates (like actors and singers). All unfamiliar and incomprehensible words must be looked for in the explanatory dictionary, spelled out and read aloud their interpretation. It is necessary to learn to work with a dictionary and various encyclopedic literature from the moment when the child learns to read.

To expand horizons

To broaden horizons, you need to force the child to read aloud and rewrite smart texts in large enough volumes: from five standard pages in a row. This, very quickly, will develop in him the habit of doing this on a daily basis. You will need a selection of texts written by smart (highly educated, very literate) people, including various quotes and sayings, as well as just texts that reveal (present) the diversity of styles of the Russian language. The meaning of all unfamiliar words should be searched for in a regular or electronic explanatory dictionary, pronounced and spelled out. The maximum amount of such work with the dictionary is one standard dictionary column per day.

It is also required to quickly, using stencils, to ensure the formation of calligraphic handwriting or a computer keyboard, to teach the child the error-free tracing of individual words and sentences, and, in the future, to take dictation. Which, in turn, will lead to the formation of the ability to write independently.

Perhaps the best form of introducing a child to a book can be family reading aloud. Immediately, we note that organizing this turns out to be a rather laborious task. You need patience, even extraordinary endurance, to read aloud from evening to evening, and yet you need to read, read a lot, forming in the unhurried process of this reading both the mind and soul of the child, establishing a strong spiritual contact with him.

It often happens that books were read to a child before school, but they stop reading to a first-grader at the very time when he, at the very least, has mastered reading and writing. And what? The child's appetite for books is waning. This is understandable. Reading for a six-year-old or seven-year-old person is still a complex process, technical difficulties prevent the child from absorbing the fullness of the information. It is difficult for him to read, uninteresting, boring. Parents who understand this read books aloud with their children in turn.

Here is what Nikolai Nikolaevich Zavalishin, the protagonist of I. Grekova’s novel “Chair,” recalls about his father, whose prototype, by the way, was the writer’s father: “In our family, reading aloud was a ritual, a holiday. For years in a row, every evening, before going to bed, when we children ... lay in our beds, the most important thing began: Pulin came and read aloud to us. He read superbly, artistically, but not as a professional reader (I can't stand such people), but as an intermediary, an interpreter, acquainting his dearest ones with the most dear to himself. His beautiful, rather low voice changed, moving from role to role, from line to line. It was as if he was showing us a precious stone, turning it with different faces and admiring its caviar ... We didn’t hear anything in his reading! All of Gogol from "Evenings on a Farm" to "Dead Souls", including the second part (it was read in fragments), after which the tragic story of the burning of the manuscript was told to us (I still can't forget the pain I experienced then!). Tolstoy: "Childhood" and "Adolescence", "Sevastopol Stories", "War and Peace". Dostoevsky: "Notes from the Dead House", "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov" ... And Goncharov, Turgenev, Pomyalovsky, Leskov! You can't even count! Now I understand what a titanic work it was: to read all the Russian classics to your children! And not only Russian: there were also Mark Twain, and Dickens, and Hugo, and Conan Doyle…”.

What are the best books to read aloud? First of all, ask yourself: what attracted you in childhood, adolescence, youth? Read to your child everything that you consider appropriate, interesting, everything that you liked to read yourself at the same age. It is especially important to choose such classical works that, when reading independently, reading to themselves, children cannot immediately appreciate, they will call them boring. If, for example, you read aloud N.V. Gogol's story "The Old World Landowners", the listener will remember for a long time the magnificent description of the life of two old people, filled with care for each other. Reading aloud is always attentive reading, when every detail is given its due, details, when not only the meanings of words are assimilated, but also the shade of meanings. The slow pace of the presentation of information when reading aloud makes the vision of everything depicted in the work more accurate and complete. N.V. Gogol came up with the idea that only a clear reading can give a clear meaning. But it's not just the visibility of the details. Our intonation is very important, the most natural, our comment (without edification!), Our assessment. It is good if children ask us what this or that word means. By revealing to the child its meaning, we give him this word, as it were, and thus nourish his thinking.

Sometimes parents in the process of family reading, as it were, put on the toga of teachers and immediately ask questions: “Did you like it? Why? Retell! After reading the book, it is better to ask questions carefully, tactfully. Let the child ask you himself, be interested in your opinion, let him not rush to condemn the book if it seemed uninteresting to him, in short - let him think ... As for "boring" books, the rule should be quite strict: if the book is started, it should be read to end, especially since the assessment of the book by the end of reading may change to the opposite. “Unfinished books, like half-eaten pieces on a plate, spoil people's character,” we read in M. Shahinyan.

The older the children, the more difficulties arise with the choice of books. This also applies to the process of independent reading. The position of parents in this matter is different. Here is a curious excerpt from the memoirs of Vadim Shefner: “Mother demanded that I not read until night, but she did not impose other prohibitions in this sense and allowed me to read anything: she believed that there were incomparably more good writers in the world than bad ones, and that good books themselves will overcome bad books in my head; if you keep the boy in blinders and from the outside determine for him what can be read to him and what cannot be, then he may lose interest in the printed word ... "

And here is a different approach. Doctor A. Andreev recalls his father: “He guided our reading. And if we took an empty book, then he simply remained silent, did not want to talk about it - this silence was his review. Note: in both the first and second cases, the parents avoided sharp, categorical judgments, did not express them openly to their children, showed tact, and, perhaps, this tact not only preserved and protected interest in reading, but also stimulated the desire to figure it out, to understand , estimate.

The root of the problem is how to read? It is reading aloud that can develop the habit of reading attentively, richly. The ability to evaluate a book also develops through reading and group discussion. And what a brilliant opportunity this is for parents to talk to their child, no matter how old they are! Each book is worth reading as a textbook, which is sure to teach you something, most likely imperceptibly. You can even disagree with the author if the book is not accepted by the heart, argue, defend your own - all this is also useful and interesting.

Is it necessary to adhere to the unity of topics when choosing books, will the genre diversity of what is read to the child hurt? These questions, although they concern many parents, seem far-fetched to us. Reading aloud (and not only aloud) should be quite diverse both in terms of topics and genres of works of art.

It is useful to listen to the requests of children in choosing a book. Many children like to return to familiar books. Do not be lazy to read the book a second, third, fourth time. This means that it is important for the baby, since he asks to repeat the reading. The motives for such requests may not be very clear to adults. One girl, when she fell ill, asked her mother to read to her "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" by N. Nosov. In total, the book has been read seven times. Apparently, the meeting with Dunno, the anticipation of familiar events helped the young listener to cope with the illness.

A talented teacher knows well the value of repeated reading. V. A. Sukhomlinsky tells how the cult of the book was created in his school: “Yes, the new, the unknown must also be read, and we read new books. But a work enters the spiritual world only when the child wants to read to his comrades what excited his heart, he wants to convey his feelings and experiences in words. We read each book from the first section of our library aloud at least 10 times, and interest in it did not weaken from repeated reading. The book was read 2-3 weeks ago, but the children do not forget it, they strive to read it again and come to school especially for this. 3-4 months pass, the children again want to read their favorite book - again collective reading is dedicated to it.

If your son's or daughter's school has an expressive reading club, encourage your child to take that class. One of the most useful activities - expressive reading - will help your child penetrate the depths of his native word.

Reading aloud in the family... With a variety of technological advances, dad's, mom's or grandma's reading aloud can seem old-fashioned and ineffective. However, let's not rush to conclusions. The Personality is still created by the Personality, and to encourage a young person to love books, to communicate with his child, to help him understand life - is there a more important and necessary task for us? Probably not.

When was the last time you read aloud?

Why do people bad at reading aloud? Why is this happening? Why does it seem: “Now, oh, how can I read it!”, But dry reading comes out? Let's think about this.

When was the last time you read aloud?

That was a long time ago?

In this article will be (detailed) reviewed causes for which people are bad at reading aloud, recommendations how to develop reading aloud, practical exercises that will help learn to read aloud well, both for yourself and for public speaking.

Reading aloud

As writes Wikipedia: Reading- a complex cognitive process of character decoding aimed at understanding the text.

When we read aloud? Probably more.

And what comes out as a result?

monotonous reading. Inexpressive. Without the desired overflow of voice.

At least that's how it sounds from the outside.

Dear reader! A big request to click on the Google ad as a token of your gratitude to us for the free materials on this site:

What can be done to improve the quality of reading aloud?

It is useful to realize that the skill "reading aloud" we have not developed for a long time, but practiced reading “to ourselves”. And these are, although similar, but different skills of our brain.

After all, many texts are well written. They are carefully thought out by the writers. They contain words that are little used in everyday life, words that are useful for developing vocabulary.

How to sight-read in front of an audience

Have you ever seen a speaker reading from a piece of paper? Agree - a sad sight.

Remember, for example, the speeches of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

However, it happens that modern speakers who read speeches very well.

Why don't good speakers read from the sheet? - They are reading. And how they read.

Remember Altov, Zhvanetsky, and other pop comedians. Read, and read very well from the sheet.

Even Barack Obama often speaks while looking at a piece of paper.

But he reads in such a way that no one notices reading.

Here, for example, is one of the videos where Barack Obama speaks using written text. But it does look beautiful. Why? Because he can read.

What should have been done? There are two options:

  1. Read - and "in your own words" to tell this text to the public.
  2. Learn the technique of "public reading".

public reading

Proper Public Reading.

Why “correct” - because there is a rule: you need to look into the eyes of those people to whom the speech is addressed, no matter whether it is written or not.

Public reading (reading in front of an audience) is indeed more difficult than ordinary speech, and requires special skills.

Why is it more difficult? Because, as with any public speaking, eye contact with the audience is important here, and during sight reading it is difficult to create, and even more so, maintain this contact.

And not only see, but also feel how well the audience accepts and assimilates your material.

To see, to feel, whether my dear listeners understood the previous words.

Often, very often, the speaker does not notice how quickly he overloads the listeners' perception.

Let's remember our wonderful lectures at the institute...

What we pay attention to: pauses, eye contact and the speed of our speech. At what speed can you read aloud? I suppose it will be fast, but we need it in such a way that every word of yours is perceived by the audience.

An important technique: read while you pause, and when you speak, look into the audience. And so alternately.

You need to adjust the speed of speech, the duration of pauses and phrases. All this is achieved through exercise.


How to read aloud correctly

So, let's summarize everything written above.

1. Not a problem.

If you (or someone else) are bad at reading aloud, this is not a problem. This is - task. You need to start reading aloud, and this skill will quickly develop.

And, very quickly. You just need to start doing it.

How to increase vocabulary is written in great detail here:

How to increase vocabulary

2. What to read aloud

  • Recommend these
  • And this is a whole site of good parables

3. How to read aloud

Yes. Exactly. Doubt? And you are doing the right thing. After all, there are many recommendations on the Internet where it is recommended to read at a speed of “120 words per minute”. But I am a public speaking coach, I know what I recommend.
With a normal reading speed, there is no time to pay attention to pauses, intonations, gestures, facial expressions. At this speed, 120 or more, the brain only has time to read.
And when to memorize words?
At this speed (120 words per minute), you can only read by looking at the text. But after all, you need to look not at the text, but directly, at the listener or listeners, or at yourself in the mirror.

  • This is described in detail in my book "Mistakes of Speakers":.

4. By reading aloud slowly, you will be able to read beautifully.

Try to keep the phrases different: something louder, something quieter, something faster, something measured, stretching the sounds, something intonation higher or lower.
By reading slowly, you can have time to switch emotions, and admire them in the mirror.

5. Practice reading aloud to yourself first.