Increased seismicity. Search results for \"high seismicity\"

One scientist figuratively said about seismic that “our entire civilization is built and develops on the lid of a cauldron, inside which terrible, unbridled tectonic elements are boiling, and no one is safe from the fact that at least once in their life they will not be on this jumping lid.”

These "funny" words quite loosely interpret the problem. There is a rigorous science called seismology (“seismos” in Greek means “earthquake”, and this term was introduced about 120 years ago by the Irish engineer Robert Male), according to which the causes of earthquakes can be divided into three groups:

· Karst phenomena. This is the dissolution of carbonates contained in the soil, the formation of cavities that can collapse. Earthquakes caused by this phenomenon are usually of small magnitude.

· Volcanic activity. An example is the earthquake caused by the eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in the strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia in 1883. Ashes rose 80 km into the air, more than 18 km 3 fell, this caused bright dawns for several years. The eruption and a sea wave over 20 m high led to the death of tens of thousands of people on neighboring islands. Nevertheless, earthquakes caused by volcanic activity are observed relatively rarely.

· Tectonic processes. It is because of them that most earthquakes occur on the globe.

"Tektonikos" in translation from Greek - "build, builder, structure." Tectonics is the science of the structure of the earth's crust, an independent branch of geology.

There is a geological hypothesis of fixism, based on the concept of the inviolability (fixation) of the positions of the continents on the surface of the Earth and the decisive role of vertically directed tectonic movements in the development of the earth's crust.

Fixism is opposed to mobilism, a geological hypothesis first put forward by the German geophysicist Alfred Wegener in 1912 and suggesting large (up to several thousand km) horizontal movements of large lithospheric plates. Observations from space allow us to speak about the unconditional correctness of this hypothesis.

The earth's crust is the outer shell of the earth. There are continental crust (from 35...45 km thick under the plains, up to 70 km in the mountains) and oceanic (5...10 km). In the structure of the first, there are three layers: the upper sedimentary, middle, conventionally called "granite", and the lower "basalt"; in the oceanic crust, the "granite" layer is absent, and the sedimentary layer has a reduced thickness. In the transition zone from the mainland to the ocean, an intermediate type of crust develops (subcontinental or suboceanic). Between the Earth's crust and the Earth's core (from the surface of Mohorovichich to a depth of 2900 km) is the Earth's mantle, which makes up 83% of the Earth's volume. It is assumed that it is mainly composed of olivine; due to the high pressure, the material of the mantle appears to be in a solid crystalline state, except in the asthenosphere, where it is possibly amorphous. The temperature of the mantle is 2000 ... 2500 o C. The lithosphere includes the earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle.

The boundary between the earth's crust and the Earth's mantle was identified by the Yugoslav seismologist A. Mohorovichich in 1909. The velocity of longitudinal seismic waves when passing through this surface increases abruptly from 6.7...7.6 to 7.9...8.2 km/s.

According to the theory of "plane tectonics" (or "plate tectonics") of the Canadian scientists Forte and Mitrovitz, the earth's crust throughout its entire thickness and even slightly below the surface of Mohorovic is divided by cracks into platform planes (tectonic lithospheric plates), which carry the load of oceans and continents . 11 large plates have been identified (African, Indian, North American, South American, Antarctic, Eurasian, Pacific, Caribbean, Cocos plate west of Mexico, Nazca plate west of South America, Arabian) and many smaller ones. Plates have a different location in height. The seams between them (the so-called seismic faults) are filled with much less durable material than the material of the plates. The plates seem to float in the earth's mantle and constantly collide with one another's edges. There is a schematic map showing the directions of movement of tectonic plates (relatively relative to the African plate).

According to N. Calder, there are three types of joints between plates:

A fissure formed when plates move away from each other (North American from Eurasian). This results in an annual increase in the distance between New York and London by 1 cm;

Trench - an oceanic depression along the boundary of the plates when they approach each other, when one of them bends and plunges under the edge of the other. This happened on December 26, 2004, west of the island of Sumatra, during the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates;

Transform fault - sliding of plates relative to each other (Pacific relative to North American). Americans sadly joke that San Francisco and Los Angeles will sooner or later be connected, as they are located on different banks of the Saint Andreas seismic fault (San Francisco is on the North American plate, and the narrow California section, together with Los Angeles, is on Pacific) about 900 km long and moving towards each other at a speed of 5 cm/year. When an earthquake occurred here in 1906, 350 km out of the indicated 900 km shifted and froze with a shift of up to 7 m at once. There is a photograph that shows how one part of the fence of a Californian farmer shifted along the fault line relative to the other. According to the predictions of some seismologists, as a result of a catastrophic earthquake, the California peninsula may break away from the mainland along the Gulf of California and turn into an island or even go to the bottom of the ocean.

Most seismologists associate the occurrence of earthquakes with the sudden release of elastic deformation energy (the theory of elastic release). According to this theory, long and very slow deformations occur in the fault area - tectonic movement. It leads to the accumulation of stresses in the plate material. Stresses grow and grow and at a certain point in time reach the ultimate value for the strength of rocks. There is a rupture of rocks. The gap causes a sudden rapid displacement of the plates - a push, an elastic return, as a result of which seismic waves arise. Thus, prolonged and very slow tectonic movements turn into seismic movements during an earthquake. They have a high speed due to the rapid (within 10 ... 15 s) "discharge" of the accumulated huge energy. The maximum energy of an earthquake recorded on Earth is 10 18 J.

Tectonic movements occur at a considerable length of the plate junction. The rupture of rocks and the seismic movements caused by it occur at some local section of the junction. This site can be located at different depths from the Earth's surface. The indicated area is called the source or hypocentral region of the earthquake, and the point of this region, where the rupture began, is called the hypocenter or focus.

Sometimes not all the accumulated energy is “discharged” at once. The unreleased part of the energy causes stresses in new bonds, which after some time reach the limiting value for rock strength in some areas, as a result of which an aftershock occurs - a new break and a new push, however, of lesser force than at the time of the main earthquake.

Earthquakes are preceded by weaker shocks - foreshocks. Their appearance is associated with the achievement in the massif of such stress levels at which local destruction occurs (in the weakest parts of the rock), but the main crack cannot yet form.

If the earthquake source is located at a depth of up to 70 km, then such an earthquake is called normal, at a depth of more than 300 km - deep focus. With an intermediate depth of focus and earthquakes are called intermediate. Deep-focus earthquakes are rare, they occur in the area of ​​oceanic depressions, they are distinguished by a large amount of released energy and, consequently, the greatest manifestation effect on the Earth's surface.

The effect of earthquake manifestation on the Earth's surface, and hence their destructive effect, depends not only on the amount of energy released during a sudden rupture of material in the source, but also on the hypocentral distance. It is defined as the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose legs are the epicentral distance (the distance from the point on the Earth's surface where the intensity of the earthquake is determined to the epicenter - the projection of the hypocenter onto the Earth's surface) and the depth of the hypocenter.

If we find points on the surface of the Earth around the epicenter where an earthquake manifests itself with the same intensity, and connect them with each other by lines, we will get closed curves - isoseits. Near the epicenter, the shape of the isoseites to a certain extent repeats the shape of the focus. With distance from the epicenter, the intensity of the effect weakens, and the regularity of this weakening depends on the energy of the earthquake, the features of the source, and the environment in which seismic waves pass.

During earthquakes, the Earth's surface experiences vertical and horizontal vibrations. Vertical fluctuations are very significant in the epicentral zone, however, already at a relatively small distance from the epicenter, their value rapidly decreases, and here one has mainly to reckon with horizontal influences. Since cases of the location of the epicenter within or near settlements are rare, until recently only horizontal oscillations were taken into account in the design. As the building density increases, the danger of the location of epicenters within the boundaries of settlements increases accordingly, and therefore vertical oscillations also have to be taken into account.

Depending on the effect of the manifestation of an earthquake on the surface of the Earth, they are classified according to the intensity in points, which is determined by various scales. In total, about 50 such scales were proposed. Among the first are the Rossi-Forel (1883) and Mercalli-Cancani-Zyberg (1917) scales. The latter scale is still used in some European countries. Since 1931, the United States has been using a modified 12-point Mercalli scale (MM for short). The Japanese have their own 7-point scale.

Everyone knows the Richter scale. But it has nothing to do with classification by intensity in points. It was proposed in 1935 by the American seismologist C. Richter and theoretically substantiated jointly with B. Gutenberg. This is a scale of magnitudes, a conditional characteristic of the strain energy released by an earthquake source. The magnitude is found by the formula

where is the maximum displacement amplitude in a seismic wave, measured during the considered earthquake at some distance (km) from the epicenter, µm (10 -6 m);

The maximum displacement amplitude in a seismic wave, measured during some very weak (“zero” earthquake) at some distance (km) from the epicenter, µm (10 -6 m).

When used to determine displacement amplitudes superficial waves recorded by observation stations are received

This formula makes it possible to find the value of , measured by only one station, knowing . If, for example, 0.1 m \u003d 10 5 microns and 200 km, 2.3, then

The Ch. Richter scale (classification of earthquakes by magnitude) can be presented in the form of a table:

Thus, the magnitude only well characterizes the phenomenon that occurred in the earthquake source, but does not provide information about its destructive effect on the Earth's surface. This is the “prerogative” of other, already named scales. Therefore, the statement of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N.I. Ryzhkov after the Spitak earthquake that "the magnitude of the earthquake was 10 points on the Richter scale' is meaningless. Yes, the intensity of the earthquake, indeed, was equal to 10 points, but on the MSK-64 scale.

International scale of the Institute of Physics of the Earth. O.Yu. Schmidt of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR MSK-64 was created within the framework of the UES by S.V. Medvedev (USSR), Sponhoer (GDR) and Karnik (Czechoslovakia). It is named after the first letters of the names of the authors - MSK. The year of creation, as the name implies, is 1964. In 1981 the scale was modified and it became known as MSK-64*.

The scale contains instrumental and descriptive parts.

The instrumental part is decisive for assessing the intensity of earthquakes. It is based on the readings of a seismometer - a device that fixes the maximum relative displacements in a seismic wave using a spherical elastic pendulum. The period of natural oscillations of the pendulum is chosen so that it is approximately equal to the period of natural oscillations of low-rise buildings - 0.25 s.

Classification of earthquakes according to the instrumental part of the scale:

The table shows that the ground acceleration at 9 points is 480 cm / s 2, which is almost half = 9.81 m / s 2. Each score corresponds to a twofold increase in ground acceleration; at 10 points it would be equal already.

The descriptive part of the scale consists of three sections. In the first one, the intensity is classified according to the degree of damage to buildings and structures carried out without anti-seismic measures. The second section describes residual phenomena in soils, changes in the regime of groundwater and groundwater. The third section is called “other signs”, which includes, for example, the reaction of people to an earthquake.

Damage assessment is given for three types of buildings erected without anti-seismic reinforcements:

Classification of the degree of damage:

Degree of damage Damage name Damage characteristic
Light damage Small cracks in the walls, chipping of small pieces of plaster.
Moderate Damage Small cracks in the walls, small cracks in the joints between the panels, chipping of rather large pieces of plaster; falling tiles from roofs, cracks in chimneys, falling parts of chimneys (meaning building chimneys).
Heavy Damage Large deep and through cracks in the walls, significant cracks in the joints between panels, falling chimneys.
destruction Collapse of internal walls and walls filling the frame, gaps in the walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections (communications) between individual parts of the building.
collapses Complete destruction of the building.

If there are anti-seismic reinforcements in the structures of buildings that correspond to the intensity of earthquakes, their damage should not exceed the 2nd degree.

Damage to buildings and structures erected without anti-seismic measures:

Scale, points Characteristics of damage to different types of buildings
1st degree in 50% of type A buildings; 1st degree in 5% of type B buildings; 2nd degree in 5% of type A buildings.
1st degree in 50% of type B buildings; 2nd degree in 5% of type B buildings; 2nd degree in 50% of type B buildings; 3rd degree in 5% of type B buildings; 3rd degree in 50% of type A buildings; 4th degree in 5% of type A buildings. Cracks in stone fences.
2nd degree in 50% of type B buildings; 3rd degree in 5% of type B buildings; 3rd degree in 50% of type B buildings; 4th degree in 5% of type B buildings; 4th degree in 50% of type A buildings; 5th degree in 5% of buildings of type A Monuments and statues are moved, tombstones are overturned. The stone walls are crumbling.
3rd degree in 50% of type B buildings; 4th degree in 5% of type B buildings; 4th degree in 50% of type B buildings; 5th degree in 5% of type B buildings; 5th degree in 75% of type A buildings. Monuments and columns topple over.

Residual phenomena in soils, changes in the regime of groundwater and groundwater:

Scale, points Characteristic features
1-4 There are no violations.
Small waves in flowing waters.
In some cases, landslides; visible cracks up to 1 cm wide are possible on damp soils; in mountainous areas - individual landslides, changes in the flow rate of sources and the level of water in wells are possible.
In some cases - landslides of roadways on steep slopes and cracks in the roads. Violation of the joints of pipelines. In some cases - changes in the flow rate of sources and water levels in wells. In few cases, existing water sources are created or lost. Individual cases of landslides on sandy and gravelly river banks.
Small landslides on the steep slopes of cuts and embankments of roads, cracks in the soil reach several centimeters. Potential for new reservoirs to emerge. In many cases, the flow rate of springs and the water level in wells change. Sometimes dry wells fill up with water or existing ones dry up.
Significant damage to the banks of artificial reservoirs, breaks in parts of underground pipelines. In some cases - the curvature of the rails and damage to the carriageways. On the flood plains, sand and silt deposits are often noticeable. Cracks in the soil up to 10 cm, and along the slopes and banks - more than 10 cm. In addition, there are many thin cracks in the soil. Frequent landslides and shedding of soil, rock falls.

Other signs:

Scale, points Characteristic features
People don't feel it.
It is noted by some very sensitive people who are at rest.
Noted by a few, very slight swinging of hanging objects.
Slight swinging of hanging objects and stationary vehicles. Weak clatter of dishes. Recognized by all people inside buildings.
Noticeable swinging of hanging objects, pendulum clocks stop. Unstable utensils tip over. Felt by all people, everyone wakes up. The animals are worried.
Books fall from shelves, paintings move, light furniture. Dishes fall. Many people run out of the premises, the movement of people is unstable.
All features 6 points. All people run out of the premises, sometimes jump out of the windows. It is difficult to move without support.
Some of the hanging lamps are damaged. Furniture shifts and often topples. Light objects bounce and fall. People have difficulty keeping their feet. Everyone runs out of the premises.
Furniture topples over and breaks. Great animal anxiety.

The correspondence between the Ch. Richter and MSK-64 * scales (the magnitude of an earthquake and its destructive consequences on the Earth's surface) can be displayed as a first approximation in the following form:

Every year, from 1 to 10 million plate collisions (earthquakes) occur, many of which a person does not even feel, the consequences of others are comparable to the horrors of war. World seismicity statistics for the 20th century show that the number of earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 and above ranged from 8 in 1902 and 1920 to 39 in 1950. The average number of earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 and above is 20 per year, with a magnitude of 8 and above - 2 per year.

The history of earthquakes indicates that geographically they are concentrated mainly along the so-called seismic belts, which practically coincide with faults and adjoin them.

75% of earthquakes occur in the Pacific seismic belt, covering almost the perimeter of the entire Pacific Ocean. Near our Far Eastern borders, it passes through the Japanese and Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Island, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Aleutian Islands to the Gulf of Alaska and then extends along the entire western coast of North and South America, including British Columbia in Canada, the states of Washington, Oregon and California in the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile. Chile is an already inconvenient country, stretching in a narrow strip for 4300 km, so besides, it stretches along the fault between the Nazca plate and the South American plate; and the type of joint here is the most dangerous - the second.

23% of earthquakes occur in the Alpine-Himalayan (another name is the Mediterranean-Trans-Asian) seismic belt, which in particular includes the Caucasus and the nearest Anatolian fault. The Arabian plate, moving in a northeasterly direction, "rams" the Eurasian plate. Seismologists register a gradual migration of potential earthquake epicenters from Turkey towards the Caucasus.

There is a theory that the harbinger of earthquakes is an increase in the stress state of the earth's crust, which, shrinking like a sponge, pushes water out of itself. Hydrogeologists at the same time register an increase in the level of groundwater. Before the Spitak earthquake, the groundwater level in the Kuban and Adygea rose by 5-6 m and has remained virtually unchanged since then; the reason for this was attributed to the Krasnodar reservoir, but seismologists believe otherwise.

Only about 2% of earthquakes occur in the rest of the Earth.

The strongest earthquakes since 1900: Chile, May 22, 1960 - magnitude 9.5; Alaska Peninsula March 28, 1964 - 9.2; at the island. Sumatra, December 26, 2004 - 9.2, tsunami; Aleutian Islands, March 9, 1957 - 9.1; Kamchatka Peninsula, November 4, 1952 - 9.0. The top ten earthquakes also include earthquakes on the Kamchatka Peninsula on February 3, 1923 - 8.5 and on the Kuril Islands on October 13, 1963 - 8.5.

The maximum intensity expected for each area is called seismicity. There is a scheme of seismic zoning and a list of seismicity of settlements in Russia.

We live in the Krasnodar Territory.

In the 70s, most of it, according to the map of seismic zoning of the territory of the USSR according to SNiP II-A.12-69, did not belong to zones with high seismicity, only a narrow strip of the Black Sea coast from Tuapse to Adler was considered seismically hazardous.

In 1982, according to SNiP II-7-81, the zone of increased seismicity lengthened due to the inclusion of the cities of Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk, Anapa, part of the Taman Peninsula; it also expanded inland - to the city of Abinsk.

On May 23, 1995, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation S.M. Poltavtsev, all the leaders of the republics, heads of administrations of territories and regions of the North Caucasus, research institutes, design and construction organizations were sent a List of settlements in the North Caucasus indicating the new seismicity adopted for them in points and the frequency of seismic impacts. This List was approved by the Russian Academy of Sciences on April 25, 1995 in accordance with the Temporary Scheme of Seismic Zoning of the North Caucasus (VSSR-93), compiled at the Institute of Physics of the Earth on behalf of the government after the catastrophic Spitak earthquake on December 7, 1988.

According to VSSR-93, now most of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, with the exception of its northern regions, fell into a seismically active zone. For Krasnodar, the intensity of earthquakes began to be 8 3 (indices 1, 2 and 3 corresponded to the average frequency of earthquakes once in 100, 1000 and 10,000 years or the probability of 0.5; 0.05; 0.005 in the next 50 years).

Until now, there are different points of view on the expediency or inexpediency of such a drastic change in the assessment of potential seismic hazard in the region.

An interesting analysis of the maps shows the locations of the last 100 earthquakes in the territory of the region since 1991 (average 8 earthquakes per year) and the last 50 earthquakes since 1998 (also an average of 8 earthquakes per year). Most earthquakes still occurred in the Black Sea, but their "deepening" on land was also observed. The three strongest earthquakes were observed in the area of ​​the village of Lazarevsky, on the Krasnodar-Novorossiysk highway and on the border of the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories.

In general, earthquakes in our region can be described as quite frequent, but not very strong. Their specific energy per unit area (in 10 10 J / km 2) is less than 0.1. For comparison: in Turkey -1 ... 2, in Transcaucasia - 0.1 ... 0.5, in Kamchatka and the Kuriles - 16, in Japan - 14 ... 15.9.

Since 1997, the intensity of seismic impacts in points for construction areas began to be taken on the basis of a set of maps of the general seismic zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation (OSR-97), approved by the Russian Academy of Sciences. The specified set of maps provides for the implementation of anti-seismic measures during the construction of facilities and reflects 10% - (map A), 5% - (map B) and 1% (map C) the probability of a possible excess (or, respectively, 90% -, 95% - and 99% probability of not exceeding) for 50 years the values ​​of seismic activity indicated on the maps. The same estimates reflect a 90% probability of not exceeding the intensity values ​​for 50 (map A), 100 (map B), and 500 (map C) years. The same estimates correspond to the frequency of such earthquakes on average once every 500 (map A), 1000 (map B), and 5000 (map C) years. According to OSR-97, for Krasnodar the intensity of seismic impacts is 7, 8, 9.

The set of maps OSR-97 (A, B, C) allows assessing the degree of seismic hazard at three levels and provides for the implementation of anti-seismic measures during the construction of objects of three categories, taking into account the responsibility of structures:

map A - mass construction;

maps B and C - objects of increased responsibility and especially responsible objects.

Here is a selection from the list of settlements in the Krasnodar Territory located in seismic regions, indicating the estimated seismic intensity in points of the MSK-64 scale * :

Names of settlements Maps OSR-97

According to OSR-97, for the city of Krasnodar, the intensity of seismic impacts is 7, 8, 9. That is, there was a decrease in seismicity by 1 point compared to VSSR-93. It is interesting that the border between the 7- and 8-point zones, as a matter of fact, "caved" beyond the city of Krasnodar, beyond the river. Kuban. The border curved in the same way near the city of Sochi (8 points).

The seismic intensity indicated on the maps and in the list of settlements refers to areas with some average mining and geological conditions (category II of soils in terms of seismic properties). Under conditions other than average, the seismicity of a particular construction site is specified on the basis of microzoning data. In the same city, but in its different districts, seismicity can be significantly different. In the absence of seismic microzoning materials, a simplified determination of the seismicity of the site is allowed according to the table SNiP II-7-81 * (permafrost soils are omitted):

Soil category by seismic properties soils Seismicity of the construction site in case of seismicity of the area, points
I Rocky soils of all types are not weathered and slightly weathered, coarse clastic soils are dense, low-moisture from igneous rocks, containing up to 30% of sandy-argillaceous filler.
II Rocky soils are weathered and heavily weathered; coarse-grained soils, with the exception of those referred to category I; gravelly sands, large and medium-sized dense and medium-density low-moisture and moist, fine and silty sands dense and medium-density low-moisture, clayey soils with a consistency index at a porosity coefficient - for clays and loams and - for sandy loams.
III Sands are loose, regardless of the degree of moisture and fineness; gravel sands, large and medium-sized, dense and medium-density water-saturated; fine and silty sands, dense and medium density, moist and water-saturated; clay soils with a consistency index at a porosity coefficient - for clays and loams and - for sandy loams. > 9

The zone where an earthquake causes significant damage to buildings and structures is called meisoseismic or pleistoseismic. It is limited to a 6-point isoseist. With an intensity of 6 points and less damage to ordinary buildings and structures is small, and therefore, for such conditions, design is carried out without taking into account seismic hazard. The exception is some special productions, for which the design may take into account 6-magnitude, and sometimes less intense earthquakes.

The design of buildings and structures, taking into account the requirements of anti-seismic construction, is carried out for conditions of 7-, 8- and 9-point intensity.

As for 10-point and more intense earthquakes, for such cases, any seismic protection measures are insufficient.

Here are the statistics of material losses from earthquakes in buildings and structures designed and built without taking into account and taking into account anti-seismic measures:

Here are the statistics of damage to buildings of various types:

Percentage of buildings damaged by earthquakes

Earthquake prediction is a thankless task.

As a truly bloody example, the following story can be cited.

Chinese scientists in 1975 predicted the time of the earthquake in Liao-Lini (former Port Arthur). Indeed, the earthquake occurred at the predicted time, only 10 people died. In 1976, at an international conference, the report of the Chinese on this subject caused a sensation. And in the same 1976, the Chinese failed to predict the Tanshan (not the Tien Shan, as the journalists misrepresented, namely the Tanshan - from the name of the large industrial center Tanshan with a population of 1.6 million people) earthquake. The Chinese agreed with the number of 250 thousand victims, however, according to the average estimates, the death toll during this earthquake was 650 thousand, and according to pessimistic estimates, about 1 million people.

Predictions of earthquake intensity also often make God laugh.

In Spitak, according to the SNiP II-7-81 map, an earthquake with an intensity of more than 7 points should not have occurred, but a “shake” with an intensity of 9 ... 10 points. In Gazli, they also "wrong" by 2 points. The same "mistake" occurred in Neftegorsk on Sakhalin Island, which was completely destroyed.

How to curb this natural element, how to make buildings and structures located practically on vibration platforms, any of which is ready to “start up” at any moment, seismically resistant? These problems are solved by the science of earthquake-resistant construction, perhaps the most difficult for modern technical civilization; its complexity lies in the fact that we must "upfront" take action against an event whose destructive power cannot be predicted. Many earthquakes occurred, many buildings with a variety of structural schemes collapsed, but many buildings and structures were able to resist. The richest, mostly sad, literally bloody experience has been accumulated. And much of this experience was included in SNiP II-7-81 * "Construction in seismic regions."

Here are samples from SNiP, territorial SNs of the Krasnodar Territory SNCK 22-301-99 "Construction in the seismic regions of the Krasnodar Territory", the currently discussed draft of new norms and other literary sources relating to buildings with load-bearing walls made of brick or masonry.

Masonry is an inhomogeneous body consisting of stone materials and joints filled with mortar. An introduction to the reinforcement masonry is obtained reinforced masonry structures. Reinforcement can be transverse (grids are located in horizontal joints), longitudinal (reinforcement is located outside under a layer of cement mortar or in grooves left in the masonry), reinforcement by including reinforced concrete in the masonry (complex structures) and reinforcement by enclosing the masonry in a reinforced concrete or metal cage from the corners.

As stone materials in conditions of high seismicity, artificial and natural materials are used in the form of bricks, stones, small and large blocks:

a) solid or hollow brick with 13, 19, 28 and 32 holes with a diameter of up to 14 mm of grade not lower than 75 (the grade characterizes the compressive strength); the size of a solid brick is 250x120x65 mm, hollow - 250x120x65 (88) mm;

b) with a design seismicity of 7 points, hollow ceramic stones with 7, 18, 21 and 28 holes of grade not lower than 75 are allowed; size of stones 250x120x138 mm;

c) concrete stones measuring 390x90(190)x188 mm, solid and hollow blocks made of concrete with a bulk density of at least 1200 kg/m 3 grade 50 and above;

d) stones or blocks from shell rocks, limestones of grade not less than 35, tuffs, sandstones and other natural materials of grade 50 and higher.

Stone masonry materials must meet the requirements of the relevant GOSTs.

It is not allowed to use stones and blocks with large voids and thin walls, masonry with backfill and others, the presence of large voids in which leads to stress concentration in the walls between the voids.

The construction of residential buildings made of mud brick, adobe and soil blocks in areas with high seismicity is prohibited. In rural areas, with seismicity up to 8 points, the construction of one-story buildings from these materials is allowed, provided that the walls are reinforced with a wooden antiseptic frame with diagonal ties, while parapets made of raw and soil materials are not allowed.

masonry mortar usually used simple (on a binder of the same type). The brand of the solution characterizes its compressive strength. The solution must meet the requirements of GOST 28013-98 “Construction mortars. General technical conditions".

The strength limits of stone and mortar "dictate" the strength limit of the masonry as a whole. There is a formula prof. L.I. Onishchik to determine the tensile strength of all types of masonry under short-term loading. The limit of long-term (unlimited time) masonry resistance is about (0.7 ... 0.8).

Stone and reinforced masonry structures work well, mainly in compression: central, eccentric, oblique eccentric, local (collapse). They perceive bending, central stretching and shearing much worse. In SNiP II-21-81 "Stone and reinforced masonry structures" the corresponding methods for calculating structures for the limit states of the first and second groups are given.

These methods are not considered here. After getting acquainted with reinforced concrete structures, the student is able to independently master them (if necessary). This section of the course outlines only constructive anti-seismic measures that must be carried out during the construction of stone buildings in areas with high design seismicity.

So, first about stone materials.

Their adhesion to the mortar in the masonry is affected by:

  • construction of stones (already mentioned);

the condition of their surface (before laying, the stones must be thoroughly cleaned of deposits obtained during transportation and storage, as well as deposits associated with shortcomings in the stone production technology, from dust, ice; after a break in masonry work, the top row of masonry should also be cleaned);

the ability to absorb water (brick, stones from light rocks (< 1800 кг/м3), а также крупные блоки с целью уменьшения поглощения воды из раствора должны перед укладкой смачиваться. Однако степень увлажнения не должна быть чрезмерной, чтобы не получалось разжижение раствора, поскольку как обезвоживание, так и разжижение раствора снижают сцепление.

The construction laboratory must determine the optimal ratio between the pre-moistening of the stone and the water content of the mortar mixture.

Studies show that porous natural stones, as well as dry baked bricks from loess-like loams, which have high water absorption (up to 12 ... eight %). When supplying bricks to the workplace in containers, soaking can be done by lowering the container into water for 1.5 minutes and putting it into the "case" as quickly as possible, minimizing the time spent outdoors. After a break in masonry work, the top row of masonry should also be soaked.)

Now - about the solution.

Piece hand laying should be carried out on mixed cement mortars of grade not lower than 25 in summer conditions and not lower than 50 in winter. When erecting walls from vibrated brick or stone panels or blocks, mortars of a grade of at least 50 should be used.

To ensure good adhesion of stones to the mortar in the masonry, the latter must have high adhesion (gluing ability) and ensure the completeness of the area of ​​​​contact with the stone.

The following factors influence the amount of normal adhesion:

those that depend on stones, we have already listed (their design, surface condition, ability to absorb water);

and here are those that depend on the solution. This is:

  • its composition;
  • tensile strength;
  • mobility and water-holding capacity;
  • hardening mode (humidity and temperature);
  • age.

In purely cement-sand mortars, a large shrinkage occurs, accompanied by a partial separation of the mortar from the surface of the stone, and thereby reducing the effect of the high adhesive power of such mortars. As the content of lime (or clay) in cement-lime mortars increases, its water-retaining capacity increases and shrinkage deformations in the joints decrease, but at the same time the adhesive ability of the mortar deteriorates. Therefore, to ensure good adhesion, the construction laboratory must determine the optimal content of sand, cement and plasticizer (clay or lime) in the solution. Various polymer compositions are recommended as special additives that increase adhesion: divinylstyrene latex SKS-65GP(B) according to TU 38-103-41-76; copolymer vinyl chloride latex VKhVD-65 PC according to TU 6-01-2-467-76; polyvinyl acetate emulsion PVA according to GOST 18992-73.

Polymers are introduced into the solution in an amount of 15% by weight of cement in terms of the dry residue of the polymer.

With an estimated seismicity of 7 points, special additives may not be used.

To prepare a solution for earthquake-resistant masonry, sand with a high content of clay and dust particles cannot be used. Portland slag cement and pozzolanic Portland cement must not be used. When choosing cements for mortars, it is necessary to take into account the effect of air temperature on its setting time.

The following data on stones and mortar should be recorded in the work log:

  • brand of used stones and solutions

The composition of the solution (according to passports and invoices) and the results of its testing by a construction laboratory;

  • place and time of preparation of the solution;
  • delivery time and the state of the solution after transportation when
  • centralized preparation and delivery of the solution;
  • mortar consistency when laying walls;

Measures that increase the strength of adhesion, carried out during the laying of walls (wetting the brick, cleaning it from dust, ice, laying "under the bay", etc.);

  • maintenance of masonry after erection (watering, covering with mats, etc.);
  • temperature and humidity conditions during the construction and maturation of masonry.

So, we examined the starting materials for masonry - stones and mortar.

Now let's formulate the requirements for their joint work in laying the walls of an earthquake-resistant building:

· Masonry should, as a rule, be single-row (chain). It is allowed (preferably with a design seismicity of not more than 7 points) multi-row masonry with repetition of bond rows at least every three spoon rows;

Bonded rows, including backfill rows, should be laid only from whole stone and brick;

Only whole bricks should be used to lay brick pillars and piers with a width of 2.5 bricks or less, with the exception of cases when an incomplete brick is needed to dress the masonry joints;

  • laying in a wasteland is not allowed;

· Horizontal, vertical, transverse and longitudinal joints must be completely filled with mortar. The thickness of horizontal joints should be at least 10 and not more than 15 mm, the average within the floor - 12 mm; vertical - not less than 8 and not more than 15 mm, average - 10 mm;

· Laying should be carried out for the entire thickness of the wall in each row. At the same time, verst rows should be laid using the "press" or "butt with trimming" methods (the "butt" method is not allowed). For thorough filling of vertical and horizontal masonry joints, it is recommended to perform "under the bay" with a mortar mobility of 14 ... 15 cm.

The spill of the solution in a row is carried out with a scoop.

To avoid loss of mortar, laying is carried out using inventory frames protruding above the row mark to a height of 1 cm.

The solution is leveled using a rail, for which a frame serves as a guide. The speed of movement of the rail when leveling the solution spilled along the row should ensure that it enters the vertical seams. The consistency of the solution is controlled by the bricklayer using an inclined plane located at an angle of approximately 22.50 to the horizon; the mixture should merge from this plane. When laying a brick, the bricklayer must press it and tap it, making sure that the distances for vertical seams do not exceed 1 cm.

During a temporary stop in the production of work, the top row of masonry should not be poured with mortar. Continuation of work, as already noted, must begin with watering the surface of the masonry;

· vertical surfaces of furrows and channels for monolithic reinforced concrete inclusions (they will be discussed below) should be performed with trimming the solution by 10...15 mm;

· masonry walls in places of their mutual adjoining should be erected only simultaneously;

Pairing of walls thin in 1/2 and 1 brick with walls of greater thickness when erecting them at different times by means of grooves is not allowed;

Temporary (assembly) gaps in the masonry being erected should only end with an inclined shtraba and be located outside the places of constructive reinforcement of the walls (reinforcement will be discussed below).

Performed in this way (taking into account the requirements for stones, mortar and their joint work), the masonry must acquire the normal cohesion necessary for the perception of seismic effects (temporary resistance to axial tension along untied seams). Depending on the value of this value, masonry is subdivided into category I masonry with 180 kPa and category II masonry with 180 kPa > 120 kPa.

If it is impossible to obtain at the construction site (including mortars with additives) an adhesion value equal to or greater than 120 kPa, the use of brick and stone masonry is not allowed. And only with an estimated seismicity of 7 points is it possible to use natural stone masonry at less than 120 kPa, but not less than 60 kPa. In this case, the height of the building is limited to three floors, the width of the walls is assumed to be at least 0.9 m, the width of the openings is not more than 2 m, and the distance between the axes of the walls is not more than 12 m.

The value is determined by the results of laboratory tests, and the projects indicate how to control the actual adhesion on the construction site.

Control of the strength of the normal adhesion of mortar to brick or stone should be carried out in accordance with GOST 24992-81 "Masonry structures. Method for determining the adhesion strength in masonry".

Wall sections for control are selected at the direction of the representative of technical supervision. Each building must have at least one lot per floor with a separation of 5 stones (bricks) on each lot.

Tests are carried out 7 or 14 days after the end of laying.

On the selected section of the wall, the upper row of masonry is removed, then around the tested stone (brick) with the help of scrapers, avoiding shocks and shocks, they clear the vertical seams into which the grips of the test installation are inserted.

During the test, the load shall increase continuously at a constant rate of 0.06 kg/cm2 per second.

The axial tensile strength is calculated with an error of 0.1 kg/cm2 as the arithmetic mean of the results of 5 tests. The average strength of normal adhesion is determined by the results of all tests in the building and should be at least 90% of the required by the project. In this case, the subsequent increase in the strength of normal adhesion from 7 or 14 days to 28 days is determined using a correction factor that takes into account the age of the masonry.

Simultaneously with the test of the masonry, the compressive strength of the solution is determined, taken from the masonry in the form of plates with a thickness equal to the thickness of the seam. The strength of the solution is determined by testing the compression of cubes with ribs 30 ... 40 mm, made of two plates glued together with a thin layer of gypsum dough 1..2 mm.

Strength is determined as the arithmetic mean of tests of 5 samples.

When performing work, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the normal adhesion and compressive strength of the mortar in all walls and especially along the height of the building are the same. Otherwise, various deformations of the walls are observed, accompanied by horizontal and oblique cracks in the walls.

According to the results of the control of the strength of the normal adhesion of the mortar with brick or stone, an act is drawn up in a special form (GOST 24992-81).

So, in earthquake-resistant construction, masonry of two categories can be used. In addition, according to seismic resistance, masonry is divided into 4 types:

1. Integrated masonry construction.

2. Masonry with vertical and horizontal reinforcement.

3. Masonry with horizontal reinforcement.

4. Masonry with reinforcement only of wall junctions.

The complex construction of the masonry is carried out by introducing vertical reinforced concrete cores into the body of the masonry (including at the intersections and junctions of walls), anchored in anti-seismic belts and foundations.

Brick (stone) laying in complex structures should be carried out on a mortar grade of at least 50.

Cores can be monolithic and prefabricated. Concrete of monolithic reinforced concrete cores must be at least class B10, prefabricated - B15.

Monolithic reinforced concrete cores should be arranged open on at least one side to control the quality of concreting.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete cores have a surface corrugated on three sides, and on the fourth - an unsmoothed concrete texture; moreover, the third surface should have a corrugated shape, shifted relative to the corrugation of the first two surfaces so that its cutouts fall on the protrusions of adjacent faces.

The cross-sectional dimensions of the cores are usually not less than 250x250 mm.

Recall that the vertical surfaces of the channels in the masonry for monolithic cores should be made with trimming the joint solution by 10 ... 15 mm or even with dowels.

First, the cores are placed - the frames of the openings (monolithic - directly at the edges of the openings, prefabricated - with a retreat of 1/2 brick from the edges), and then ordinary ones - symmetrically relative to the middle of the width of the wall or partition.

The pitch of the cores must be no more than eight wall thicknesses and not exceed the floor height.

Monolithic core-frames should be connected to the masonry walls by means of steel meshes of 3 ... 4 smooth (class A240) rods with a diameter of 6 mm, overlapping the cross section of the core and launched into the masonry at least 700 mm on both sides of the core into horizontal seams through 9 rows of bricks (700 mm) in height with a design seismicity of 7-8 points and through 6 rows of bricks (500 mm) with a design seismicity of 9 points. The longitudinal reinforcement of these meshes must be securely connected with clamps.

From monolithic ordinary cores, closed clamps from d 6 A-I are produced into the partition: if the ratio of the height of the partition to its width is more than 1 (even better - 0.7), i.e. when the partition is narrow, the clamps are issued for the entire width of the partition on both sides of the core, with the specified ratio less than 1 (better - 0.7) - at a distance of at least 500 mm on both sides of the core; the step of the clamps in height is 650 mm (through 8 rows of bricks) with a design seismicity of 7-8 points and 400 mm (through 5 rows of bricks) with a design seismicity of 9 points.

The longitudinal reinforcement of the core is symmetrical. The amount of longitudinal reinforcement is not less than 0.1% of the cross-sectional area of ​​the wall per one core, at the same time, the amount of reinforcement should not exceed 0.8% of the concrete cross-sectional area of ​​the core. Reinforcement diameter - not less than 8 mm.

For joint work of prefabricated cores with masonry, brackets d 6 A240 are clamped in the corrugated cutouts in each row of masonry, which go into the seams on both sides of the core by 60 ... 80 mm. Therefore, the horizontal seams must match the recesses on the two opposite faces of the core.

There are walls of a complex structure that form and do not form a "clear" frame.

A fuzzy frame of inclusions is obtained when only a part of the walls needs to be reinforced. In this case, the inclusions on different floors can be located differently in the plan.

6, 5, 4 when laying the 1st category and

5, 4, 3 when laying the II category.

In addition to the maximum number of storeys, the maximum height of the building is also regulated.

The maximum permitted height of a building is easy to remember as follows:

n x 3 m + 2 m (up to 8 floors) and

n x 3 m + 3 m (9 or more floors), i.e. 6 floor (20 m); 5 floor (17 m); 4th floor (14 m); 3rd floor (11 m).

I note that the difference between the marks of the lowest level of the blind area or the planned surface of the earth adjacent to the building and the top of the outer walls is taken as the height of the building.

It is important to know that the height of buildings of hospitals and schools with an estimated seismicity of 8 and 9 points is limited to three above-ground floors.

You can ask: if, for example, with a design seismicity of 8 points n max = 4, then with H floor max = 5 m, the maximum height of the building should be 4x5 = 20 m, and I give 14 m.

There is no contradiction here: it is required that the building has no more than 4 floors, and that at the same time the height of the building does not exceed 14 m (which is possible if the floor height in a 4-storey building is not more than 14/4 = 3.5 m). If the floor height exceeds 3.5 m (for example, it reaches H floor max = 5 m), then there can be only 14/5 = 2.8 such floors, i.e. 2. Thus, three parameters are simultaneously regulated - the number of floors, their height and the height of the building as a whole.

In brick and stone buildings, in addition to external longitudinal walls, there must be at least one internal longitudinal wall.

The distance between the axes of the transverse walls with a design seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points should not exceed, respectively, when laying the I-th category 18.15 and 12 m, when laying the II-th category - 15, 12 and 9 m. The distance between the walls of the complex structure (i.e. type 1) can be increased by 30 .

When designing complex structures with a clear frame, reinforced concrete cores and anti-seismic belts are calculated and designed as frame structures (columns and crossbars). Brickwork is considered as the filling of the frame, which is involved in the work on horizontal influences. In this case, the slots for concreting monolithic cores must be open at least on both sides.

We have already talked about the cross-sectional dimensions of the cores and the distances between them (pitch). With a core spacing of more than 3 m, and also in all cases with a filling masonry thickness of more than 18 cm, the upper part of the masonry must be connected to the anti-seismic belt with short pieces 10 mm in diameter coming out of it with a step of 1 m with a launch into the masonry to a depth of 40 cm.

The number of floors with such a complex wall design is taken no more than with a design seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points, respectively:

9, 7, 5 when laying the 1st category and

7, 6, 4 when laying the second category.

In addition to the maximum number of storeys, the maximum height of the building is also regulated:

9 floor (30 m); 8 floor (26 m); 7 floor (23 m);

6 floor (20 m); 5 floor (17 m); 4th floor (14 m).

The height of the floors with such a complex wall structure should be no more than 6, 5 and 4.5 m, respectively, with a design seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points, respectively.

Here, all our reasoning about the "discrepancy" between the limit values ​​of the number of floors and the height of the building, which we conducted about buildings with a complex wall structure with a "fuzzy" pronounced frame, remains valid: for example, with a design seismicity of 8 points n max = 6,

H floor max \u003d 5 m, the maximum height of the building should be 6x5 \u003d 30 m, and the Norms limit this height to 20 m, i.e. in a 6-storey building, the floor height should be no more than 20/6 = 3.3 m, and if the floor height is 5 m, then the building can only be 4-storey.

The distance between the axes of the transverse walls with a design seismicity of 7, 8 and 9 points should not exceed 18, 15 and 12 m, respectively.

Masonry with vertical and horizontal reinforcement.

Vertical reinforcement is taken according to the calculation for seismic effects and is installed in increments of not more than 1200 mm (through 4 ... 4.5 bricks).

Regardless of the results of the calculation in walls with a height of more than 12 m with a design seismicity of 7 points, 9 m with a design seismicity of 8 points and 6 m with a design seismicity of 9 points, vertical reinforcement should have an area of ​​at least 0.1% of the masonry area.

Vertical reinforcement must be anchored in anti-seismic belts and foundations.

The step of horizontal grids is not more than 600 mm (through 7 rows of bricks).

From the newspaper "Construction Expert", December 1998, No. 23

"... Particularly acute problems associated with the reliability of houses arise during construction in areas with increased seismic activity. For Russia, these are the Far East and the North Caucasus. For many CIS countries, seismic areas are their entire territory or a significant part of it.

Of course, it is impossible to take all individual construction under qualified control. Another way is the creation of very attractive construction technologies that make it possible to ensure a high safety margin of the buildings under construction with comfortable living in them in any conditions ... TISE can be attributed to such a technology ... "

We are interested in the nature of earthquakes, their physical parameters and the degree of influence on structures.

The main causes of earthquakes are the movement of blocks and plates of the earth's crust. In essence, the Earth's crust is plates floating on the surface of a liquid magma sphere. Tidal phenomena, due to the attraction of the Moon and the Sun, disturb these plates, which is why high stresses accumulate along the lines of their junction. Reaching a critical value, these stresses are released in the form of earthquakes. If the earthquake source is located on the mainland, then severe destruction occurs in the epicenter and around it, but if the epicenter is in the ocean, then crustal movements cause a tsunami. In the zone of great depths, this is a barely noticeable wave. Near the coast, its height can reach tens of meters!

Often the cause of ground vibrations can be local landslides, mudflows, man-made failures caused by the creation of cavities (mining, water intake from artesian wells ...).

In Russia, a 12-point scale for assessing the strength of an earthquake has been adopted. The main feature here is the degree of damage to buildings and structures. The zoning of the territory of Russia according to the point principle is given in building codes (SNiP 11-7-81).

Almost 20% of the territory of our country is located in seismically dangerous zones with earthquake intensity of 6-9 points and 50% are subject to 7-9-point earthquakes.

Taking into account the fact that TISE technology is of interest not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, we present a map of the zoning of Russia and neighboring countries located in seismically active zones (Figure 181).

Figure 181. Map of seismic zoning of Russia and neighboring countries

The following seismically dangerous zones are distinguished on the territory of our country: the Caucasus, the Sayan mountains, Altai, the Baikal region, Verkhoyansk, Sakhalin and Primorye, Chukotka and the Koryak highlands.

Construction in seismically hazardous areas requires the use of structures of increased strength, rigidity and stability, which causes an increase in the cost of construction in the 7-point zone by 5%, in the 8-point zone - by 8% and in the 9-point zone - by 10%.

Some features of seismic loading of building elements:

- during an earthquake, the building is exposed to several types of waves: longitudinal, transverse and surface;

- the greatest destruction is caused by horizontal vibrations of the earth, with which the destructive loads are of an inertial nature;

– the most characteristic periods of soil oscillations lie in the range of 0.1 – 1.5 sec;

- the maximum accelerations are 0.05 - 0.4 g, and the greatest accelerations occur in periods of 0.1 - 0.5 seconds, which correspond to the minimum oscillation amplitudes (about 1 cm) and the maximum destruction of buildings;

– a long period of oscillations corresponds to minimum accelerations and maximum amplitudes of soil oscillations;

- reducing the mass of the structure leads to a decrease in inertial loads;

- vertical reinforcement of the walls of the building is advisable in the presence of horizontal load-bearing layers in the form of, for example, reinforced concrete floors;

Seismic isolation of buildings is the most promising way to increase their seismic resistance.

It is interesting

The idea of ​​seismic isolation of buildings and structures arose in ancient times. During archaeological excavations in Central Asia, reed mats were found under the walls of Heck buildings. Similar designs were used in India. It is known that the 1897 earthquake in the Shillong region destroyed almost all stone buildings, except for those built on seismic shock absorbers, although of a primitive design.

The construction of buildings and structures in seismically active regions requires complex engineering calculations. Earthquake-resistant structures built by industrial methods undergo deep and comprehensive studies and complex calculations involving a large number of specialists. For an individual developer who decides to build his own house, such expensive methods are not available.

The TISE technology offers an increase in the seismic resistance of buildings erected under individual construction conditions in three directions at once: reducing inertial loads, increasing the rigidity and strength of walls, as well as introducing a seismic isolation mechanism.

The high degree of hollowness of the walls can significantly reduce inertial loads on the building, and the presence of through vertical voids makes it possible to introduce vertical reinforcement, organically integrated into the design of the walls themselves. For other technologies of individual construction, this is quite difficult to accomplish.

The seismic isolation mechanism is a columnar-strip foundation erected using TISE technology.

A 20 mm carbon steel rod is used as vertical reinforcement of the foundation column, which passes through the grillage. The rod has a smooth surface covered with tar. From below, it is equipped with a ending embedded in the body of the column, and from above - with an ending protruding from the grillage and equipped with an M20 thread for a nut (RF patent No. 2221112 of 2002). The support itself is included in the grillage array by 4 ... 6 cm (Figure 182, a).

After concreting around each of the supports with the same foundation drill, three or four cavities 0.6 ... 0.8 m deep are made and filled with either sand, or a mixture of sand with expanded clay, or slag. In sandy soil, such cavities can be omitted.

Figure 182. Seismic isolation foundation with a central bar:
A - the neutral position of the foundation support; B - deviated position of the foundation support;
1 - support; 2 - bar; 3 - bottom ending; 4 - nuts; 5 - grillage; 6 - cavity with sand; 7 - blind area; 8 - directions of ground vibrations

Upon completion of construction, the nuts of the bars are tightened with a calibrated wrench. So in the zone of the junction of the column with the grillage, an "elastic" hinge is created.

With horizontal vibrations of the soil, the pillars deviate relative to the elastic hinge, the bar is stretched, while the grillage with the building remains motionless by inertia (Figure 182, b). The elasticity of the soil and rods returns the pillars to their original vertical position. During the entire period of operation of the building, a free approach should be provided to the tension nodes of the reinforcement of the pillars both along the outer perimeter of the house and under the internal load-bearing walls. After completion of construction and after significant seismic vibrations, the tightening of all nuts is restored with a torque wrench (M = 40 - 70 kg / m). This version of the Seismic Isolation Foundation can be considered industrial to some extent, since it includes rods and nuts that are easier to manufacture in production.

The TISE technology provides for the implementation of seismic isolation supports in a more democratic way, accessible to developers with limited production capabilities. As a reinforcing elastic element, two brackets from a reinforcement bar with a diameter of 12 mm with bent ends are used (Figure 183). The middle part of the reinforcement branches over a length of about 1 m is lubricated with tar or bitumen (at an equal distance from the edges) to prevent adhesion of the reinforcement to concrete. With seismic vibrations of the soil, the reinforcement bars in their middle part are stretched. With horizontal soil displacements of 5 cm, the reinforcement is stretched by 3 ... 4 mm. With a tensile zone length of 1 m, stresses of 60...80 kg/mm² arise in the reinforcement, which lies in the zone of elastic deformations of the reinforcement material.

Figure 183. Seismic isolation foundation with reinforcing brackets:
1 - support; 2 - bracket; 3 - grillage; 4 - cavity with sand

When building a house in seismically active zones, waterproofing at the connection of the grillage with the walls is not done (to exclude their relative displacement). According to TISE technology, waterproofing is performed at the junction of the grillage with foundation pillars (two layers of roofing material on bituminous mastic).

During the construction of adjacent structures, a porch, blind area elements, etc., you should constantly pay attention to the fact that the foundation tape does not touch them with its side surface. The gap between them should be at least 4 - 6 cm. If necessary, such contact is allowed (with a porch, a frame of light panel outbuildings, a veranda) on the assumption that after destruction by an earthquake they will be restored.

It's not the foundation, but...

When building in seismically active areas, the use of a roof made of clay or sand concrete tiles should be justified.

Many Japanese houses of individual construction, having a light frame, are covered with solid clay tiles. In the conditions of dense Japanese buildings, such houses tolerate typhoons well. However, during an earthquake, under the weight of a tiled roof, the house collapses, burying the inhabitants under its exorbitant weight.

Currently, a lot of "light" roofing materials have appeared on the construction market that imitate tiles well. Light roofing is the minimum inertial load for connecting the roof to the walls and preventing the roof from collapsing due to its excessive weight.

As you already know, most of the city's residents live in three main types of houses: small-block, large-block, large-panel. Frame-panel buildings are, as a rule, public and administrative. Let's try to imagine an earthquake situation for each of these houses.

So, you are in a small block house. The lack of seismicity of such an unfortified house is 1.5-2 points. We only note that cracks in the internal and external walls can be from hairline to 3-4 centimeter. Cracks of such dimensions, through which the street was visible, were observed by a commission of specialists in similar houses in the city of Leninakan after the Spitak earthquake. You should not panic at the sight of such violations, because the house is designed for this. You should be especially careful if the destruction will be very different from those that we have described. For example, there will be a shift of floors from the walls by 3 or more centimeters. rice. 5 What elements of the house best resist the elements?

Let's turn to Figure 5, which shows the most typical layout of a residential 2-5-storey small-block house. Bearing (on which the floors are supported) main walls 1.2 are less damaged than transverse 3.4.5. The latter are easier to move (cut off) by horizontal seismic forces, since they are less loaded. Particularly dangerous is the end wall 4, which is connected to the other walls only on one side. Sometimes the ends of buildings even break away from the building and fall out, which has been repeatedly observed in the village of Gazli, the cities of Spitak and Neftegorsk. The most dangerous corner of the building 6, which is the least connected with the building and is most susceptible to "loosening" during an earthquake. Already with a 7-8 magnitude earthquake, the corners of buildings on the top floor, as a rule, are damaged, and with a magnitude 9 earthquake they can fall out. It is not recommended to be at the outer longitudinal walls (1) during an earthquake, since glass can “shoot out” here, windows fall out in and out (this remark is true not only for small-block houses), and even come off in especially weak houses (longitudinal walls from transverse ). The most secure during an earthquake are the intersections of the internal load-bearing longitudinal walls (2) with internal transverse ones. The figure shows the most typical "safety islands": at the exits from the apartments to the stairwell and at the intersection wall 5. In these places, due to the cross-shaped intersection of load-bearing and non-bearing walls, a core of increased strength is created, which can withstand even when the remaining walls collapse. This core is stronger, the fewer doorways it has. So, for example, the most reliable place will be at the right three-room apartment in the area of ​​​​the intersection of internal walls 2 and 5. Also, the island in the two-room apartment at the intersection of blind sections of walls of type 3 and 2 seems to be reliable. As for the one-room and left three-room apartments, they have cores they have one or two openings and are therefore considered less durable than cores with blank walls. Therefore, if necessary, here you can move along wall 2. In such houses built in the 70-80s. the doorways leading to the staircase are framed with reinforced concrete frames, which guarantees their strength. However, in houses of earlier construction, frames are not everywhere, so these exits cannot be considered completely safe. A few general tips for behavior. As soon as the earthquake starts, you should open the doors leading to the landing and go to the safety island. It is worth trying to run out of the building if you are on the first or second floors. From a higher floor, you may not have time to do this before serious destruction begins. You need to run out of the house especially quickly and carefully so that you are not “covered” by bricks flying from the roof from destroyed pipes, or crushed by a heavy visor. If you did not have time to get to the island of safety, then you should remember that partitions made of small-block masonry are very dangerous. They are among the first to be destroyed, up to the collapse. Wooden shield partitions are less dangerous, but rather large pieces of plaster can fall off from them, which are especially dangerous for young children. It is easy to distinguish a stone partition from a shield one by a deaf, very short, non-vibrating sound when you hit the wall with your fist. When arranging furniture in the apartment, pay attention to the fact that bulky furniture cannot fall into the territory of the island of safety or into the path of a possible evacuation from the apartment.

Many residents of large block houses know that their houses withstand an earthquake quite well. Their real seismic resistance is estimated by experts at 7.7 points.

On fig. 6 shows a typical layout of a large-block house. The position of the capital load-bearing and non-bearing walls is the same as in a small-block house. A large-block house loses its bearing capacity mainly due to the stratification of the walls into separate blocks, which, unfortunately, do not have a good connection with each other in old houses. The outer walls consist of two blocks according to the height of the floor: a wall block with a height of 2.2 m and a lintel with a height of 0.6 m. The internal walls consist of blocks with a floor height, i.e. 2.8 m. on the lintel blocks of the outer walls and directly on the blocks of the inner walls. With an earthquake of more than 7 points, the blocks begin to shift from the plane of the wall. The greatest cracks and destruction of joints (11) should be expected in non-bearing transverse walls less loaded with slabs, especially in the end wall (4) and the walls of the staircase (3). In the last walls there is a small connection of the blocks with each other with the help of not very strong metal plates, which already during an earthquake of 7.5-8 points will begin to loosen greatly, breaking off pieces of concrete and plaster around them. This debris can injure people running up the stairs, so it is necessary to move by clinging closer to the railing. rice. 6. As in small block buildings, the corners of the building (6) are very dangerous, especially on the upper floors. The displacement of blocks from the plane of the wall can lead to partial collapse of the end wall (4) and floor slabs. Partitions in these houses, as a rule, are wooden, panel, plastered, and one should not be afraid of their collapse. Injury, especially to a small child, can be caused by pieces of plaster falling off the partitions and pieces of cement mortar falling out of the joints between the floor slabs. Such damage occurs during an earthquake of 7.5 points. The figure shows the safest places in a large-block house. Unlike small-block buildings, here all the doors leading to the landing are reinforced with reinforced concrete frames (9), so the probability of door jamming due to skew is low and the exit from the apartment is quite reliable. To the general advice - do not hang heavy shelves in the safety island area and fix furniture, it should be added that this is especially important to do in the storage closet (7) and in the corridor (8), otherwise there will simply be no place for you on the safety island.

In old large-panel five-story residential buildings, the typical layout of which is shown in Fig. 7, the area of ​​safety islands is already much larger. Despite the fact that these houses were designed for 7-8 points, practice has shown that their real seismic resistance is close to 9 points. Not a single building of this kind was destroyed anywhere during earthquakes in the territory of the former Soviet Union. All external and internal walls in such houses are reinforced concrete large panels, well connected at the nodes using monolithic and welding (node ​​5). Internal walls and partitions are connected to each other on welded outlets. The floor panels are the size of a room, rest on the walls on four sides and are also welded to the walls. It turns out a reliable honeycomb structure. Calculations of the behavior of a large-panel house during a 9-point earthquake showed that the greatest damage is expected in the corners of the building (6), and in the junctions of the end panels (4), where large vertical cracks of 1-2 cm can open up. The first cracks may already appear with L-7.5 points. The same cracks can appear at expansion joints between buildings. But these cracks do not affect the overall stability of the building. Unpleasant factors include the possible appearance of oblique cracks up to 1 cm wide in reinforced concrete lintels above the entrance doors to apartments, which can lead to door jamming. Therefore, they must be closed immediately at the beginning of oscillations with a force of 6 points or more. Since large-panel buildings are quite reliable, you should not run out of them during an earthquake. But it is recommended to stay during an earthquake in the zone of safety islands, away from the outer walls, where window panes can “shoot out”, and from the end wall, in the nodes of which extended frightening cracks can open. You should not run out also because in the old houses of this series there are very heavy dangerous peaks over the entrances to the entrances. Embedded metal parts with which these visors were attached to the building. due to aging, they are heavily rusted and may not hold them in case of strong seismic shocks.

During an earthquake on In Shikotan, in 1994, several canopies fell near similar large-panel three-story houses, which crushed two residents who ran out of one house. However, not a single person who remained in the house was injured. The house itself was not seriously damaged. Later large-panel houses, the so-called "improved" series, with bay windows, as well as houses of a "new" layout with large glazed balconies, were originally designed for 9 points and it is practically safe to be in them during an earthquake of this magnitude. You need to beware of falling from above, especially from balconies, broken glass, which can scatter over long distances - up to 15 meters. Therefore, it is not recommended to run out of these houses, just as it is not recommended to be on the street next to them. Fig.7 Experience shows that even with strong 8-9 magnitude earthquakes, 1-2-storey wooden houses practically do not collapse before a collapse. One of the authors of the book, observed the behavior of panel and block houses during a 9-point earthquake on about. Shikotan. Of the almost fifty two-story houses surveyed, there was not a single house where at least one wall collapsed or the ceiling failed. There were cases when the foundation "pulled out" from under the house and was carried away by a landslide by 1-1.5 meters, and the house, bowed, stood! There were wall breaks in the corners up to 20 cm and subsidence of the soil under the building up to 0.5 m, but the houses survived. Therefore, one should not run out of such houses anywhere, especially since the danger is represented by bricks falling on running out from collapsing chimneys. In wooden houses, floors sway more strongly than others and walls “crack” which causes discomfort. Pieces of plaster can fall out of the walls and from the ceiling. Therefore, in such houses it makes sense to choose a place where the plaster fits snugly against the wall, ceiling, i.e., it “does not coil” in advance when tapped. Children are better off hiding under the table. And, of course, you need to stay away from the outer walls with windows, from heavy cabinets and shelves, especially if they are not specifically fixed. This is a general rule for any buildings.

Home training. Let's do a thought experiment. Close your eyes and imagine that you are lying on your own bed. Imagine that at this moment the first strong seismic shock has occurred. Now mentally try to get to the door as quickly as possible, open it and take a place in the doorway. At the same time, bend your fingers on your hand in each case when, during your mental progress, you stumble upon obstacles that really exist. Now count. Each obstacle is at least 3 lost seconds. Estimate net movement time and door lock opening time. Add seconds to grab a backpack with documents and products (no doubt, it hangs next to the door, as recommended). And if you get more than 20 seconds, then give yourself a fat FAILURE, and let's get down to reorganization. Make a list of obstacles found during the experiment. This is the minimum to be done. Let's start moving in reverse order. Evaluate the door lock in terms of the ability to quickly open the door. Is it easy for you to find the lock itself and its opening device even in the dark? How many actions are required to unlock the lock and the door? Try to arrange everything in such a way that the lock opens with a minimum of movements, and bring these movements to automatism .. Examine the space near the front door. Are there objects nearby that, at the first push, can fall and block your path? If there are any, either strengthen them, or determine a more suitable place for them in the apartment. The corridor should be as free as possible. Very often, the passage is cluttered with things that have only recently been brought into the apartment and have not yet found their permanent place. Everyone knows that there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Therefore, without postponing "for later", clear your way to salvation. Pay attention to the fact that there are no objects along the walls that you can catch on. Look under your feet to see if shoes that are not currently in use have been removed from the corridor and if they create obstacles for movement. Now let's pay attention to the door from the corridor to the room. It is desirable that it be constantly open. Think about how you can fix it in the open position, and equip the latch. If the floor is carpeted or there are paths, then check how tightly they fit to the floor, if there are any assemblies, folds, scuffs. Does the track slip on the main floor covering? Pay special attention to the joints of carpets and paths. Eliminate all flaws, let the path be "silk". In recent years, mobile interior elements have firmly entered our everyday life: tables on wheels, mobile cabinets for TV, video and audio equipment. Make it a rule not to leave them in the evening on a possible escape route. Leave them in such a position that their spontaneous movement in the event of seismic shocks cannot occur in the direction of this escape route and does not cause objects or furniture to fall along this route. If you use extension cords to connect electrical equipment, then make sure that the wires do not cross the path of your movement to the exit. The pride of almost every family is the home library. Check for books on open shelves, from which they can fall under your feet at the first seismic shock or fall on your head when you run to the door. Evaluate from the same positions objects standing on open shelves, especially if these shelves are above the doors. Make sure the shelves themselves are securely fastened. Bedside tables should also be securely fastened so as not to be the first insurmountable barrier to salvation. It is advisable to fix the table lamps standing on these cabinets. If the drawers in these bedside tables easily fall out or open with slight pressure on the door, then make sure that they are securely fixed. Clothing periodically accumulating next to the bed can be a serious obstacle to fast movement. Make it a rule to put things away that you won't be wearing that day. (It turns out that a possible strong earthquake is an important reason to keep the house in order!)

Think back to the thought experiment you did again, and pay attention to the first obstacle that came up in your path. If it is resolved, then check if there are any unresolved barriers in your post-experimental list and take appropriate measures. Check now the exit path for each family member. If there are small children in the family and you will first move towards them, then pay attention to those sections that you will have to cross twice in different directions. Find out if you will create obstacles for the way back with your first movement. Similarly, inspect and tidy up the escape route from the living room and kitchen. Please note that several people, including children, can move from these rooms at the same time. When you watch athletics competitions, then, watching a steeplechase race, you often have a desire to make the path easier for athletes and remove obstacles and a hole with water. How easily and beautifully they would have reached the finish line. But the rules of the game don't allow it. The rules of seismic safety, on the contrary, tell us - do not bring things to a home steeple chase, otherwise you will not be able to safely reach the finish line. Therefore, we advise you to remove barriers from the road and not take unnecessary risks.

An excerpt from the work of V.N. Andreeva, V.N. Medvedev "PROBLEMS OF SEISMIC RISK IN THE REPUBLIC OF SAKHA (YAKUTIA)" without author's illustrations.

Killer houses on the disaster map

An alarming trend has been revealed by the latest Maps of the general seismic zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation: in comparison with previous calculations, the number of regions with increased seismic hazard has increased significantly.

The planet continues to show its violent nature. Earthquakes occur with surprising regularity. In just two weeks there were 15 of them - in Turkey and Mexico, Sakhalin and Kamchatka, Los Angeles and Alaska, the Caucasus and Taiwan, the Ionian Sea and Japan. Fortunately, this time the tremors were not the strongest - their maximum intensity did not exceed 6.2 points, but they also led to destruction and death. But a strong earthquake can become an economic and social catastrophe for the whole country, just remember the tragedy in India on January 26 last year.
In recent decades, the danger of seismic disasters has increased dramatically, which is primarily due to human economic activity, man-made impacts on the earth's crust - the creation of reservoirs, the extraction of oil, gas, solid minerals, the injection of liquid industrial waste and a number of other factors. And the possible destruction of large engineering structures built on the surface (nuclear power plants, chemical plants, high-rise dams, etc.) can lead to environmental disasters. An example of such a potential hazard is the Balakovo NPP, which will withstand an earthquake no stronger than 6 points, despite the fact that the Saratov region today is classified as a seven-point seismicity zone.
Practically not a single strong tremor passes without a trace: after each, the expected seismic hazard in the affected and adjacent regions increases. For example, the earthquake in Neftegorsk in 1995 was estimated by experts as 9-10 points. But back in the 60s, this and the adjacent territories were not considered seismically dangerous at all, and the possibility of earthquakes was not taken into account when designing buildings. The same underestimated seismic activity forecasts were made in Japan, China, Greece and other countries. Unfortunately, similar errors are not ruled out in the future.
So the sad list of regions where the earth can suddenly stand on end is constantly growing. The latest Maps of the general seismic zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation clearly demonstrate this. Until recently, two regions of Russia were considered the most seismic - Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Kuriles and other regions of the Far East, as well as the territories of Eastern Siberia adjacent to the Baikal and Transbaikalia, including the Altai Mountains. Catastrophic earthquakes with an intensity of 9 or more points (up to 8.5 on the Richter scale) are possible there. By the way, the territory of the Sakhalin region is one of the most seismically dangerous not only in Russia, but also in the world.
Now, on the latest maps, the threat of earthquakes of magnitude 9 or more has spread to a significant part of the North Caucasus, where about 7 million people live. And this despite the fact that the construction of residential buildings and industrial buildings until recently was carried out here, taking into account the seismicity of 7 points. The Krasnodar Territory with a population of five million causes the greatest concern. In the summer months, on a narrow strip of the Black Sea coast, the number of people increases many times over.
Another very important difference between the new maps is that for the first time zones of 10-magnitude earthquakes appeared on them. They are located on Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Altai. Previously, there were no such areas in our country.
But the exact location, strength and time of an earthquake cannot be predicted. There are no ways to prevent the cataclysm. The main task is to minimize the destruction and loss of life. The latest strong earthquakes in Neftegorsk (1995), Turkey and Taiwan (1999) showed that fundamentally new approaches are needed in the regulation and design of engineering structures.

In the meantime, experts come to shocking results: the main "killers" of people during earthquakes are buildings of two types. And the most common. First of all - houses with walls made of low-strength materials. The second type is reinforced concrete frame buildings, the mass destruction of which turned out to be completely unexpected, since until recently they were in one of the first places in terms of seismic resistance. So, during the earthquake in Leninakan, 98 percent of the reinforced concrete frame houses folded like an accordion, more than 10 thousand people died in them.

Unlike frame buildings, large-panel buildings and houses with walls made of monolithic reinforced concrete, which have maximum rigidity in all directions, have proven themselves very well.
Of course, the cardinal solution to the current situation: the demolition of all dangerous houses and the construction of new ones in their place is unrealistic today. Therefore, the most difficult and urgent task is to strengthen buildings built without taking into account possible seismic effects or designed for minor earthquakes. Unfortunately, in Russia this problem is extremely acute. It is not for nothing that the Federal Target Program “Seismic Safety of the Territory of Russia”, which began operating this year, contains a terrible phrase: “In the entire history of the USSR and the Russian Federation, nationwide programs on seismic safety have not been implemented in the country, as a result of which tens of millions of people live in seismically hazardous territories. in houses characterized by a seismic resistance deficit of 2-3 points. At the same time, in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, even according to rough estimates, from 60 to 90 percent of buildings and other structures should be classified as non-seismic.
According to the Program, more than half of the territory of Russia may be affected by earthquakes of medium magnitude, which can lead to severe consequences in densely populated areas, and “about 25 percent of the territory of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 20 million people may be subject to earthquakes of magnitude 7 or more.
Taking into account the high seismic hazard, population density, the degree of actual seismic vulnerability of development, the subjects of the Russian Federation were classified depending on the seismic risk index and divided into 2 groups.
The first group (see table) included 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the regions with the highest seismic risk. Many cities and large settlements in these regions are located in areas with seismicity of 9 and 10 points.
The second group includes Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Stavropol and Khabarovsk Territories, Amur, Kemerovo, Magadan, Chita Regions, Jewish Autonomous Region, Ust-Orda Buryat, Chukotka and Koryak Autonomous Okrugs, the Republics of Sakha (Yakutia), Adygea, Khakassia, Altai and the Chechen Republic. In these regions, the predicted seismic activity is 7-8 points and lower.
Moscow and the Moscow region, according to the Russian Academy of Sciences, are not a seismically hazardous area. The maximum possible fluctuations here will not exceed 5 points.

Alexander Kolotilkin

High risk area

Region Seismic risk index * Large cities (number of facilities requiring priority strengthening)
Krasnodar region 9 Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik (1600)
Kamchatka region 8 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yelizovo, Keys (270)
Sakhalin region 8 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Nevelsk, Uglegorsk, Kurilsk, Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Kholmsk, Poronaysk, Krasnogorsk, Okha, Makarov, Severo-Kurilsk, Chekhov (460).
The Republic of Dagestan 7 Makhachkala, Buynaksk, Derbent, Kizlyar, Khasavyurt, Dagestan Lights, Izberbash, Kaspiysk (690)
The Republic of Buryatia 5 Ulan-Ude, Severobaikalsk, Babushkin (485)
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 3,5 Vladikavkaz, Alagir, Ardon, Digora, Beslan (400)
Irkutsk region 2,5 Irkutsk, Shelekhov, Tulun, Usolye-Sibirskoe, Cheremkhovo, Angarsk, Slyudyanka (860)
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 2 Nalchik, Prokhladny, Terek, Nartkala, Tyrnyauz (330)
Ingush Republic 1,8 Nazran, Malgobek, Karabulak (125)
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 1,8 Cherkessk, Teberda (20)
Tyva Republic 1,8 Kyzyl, Ak-Dovurak, Chadan, Shagonar (145)

*Seismic risk index characterizes the required amount of anti-seismic reinforcement, takes into account seismic hazard, seismic risk and population in large settlements.


The territory of the Russian Federation, in comparison with other countries of the world located in seismically active regions, is generally characterized by moderate seismicity. The exception is the regions of the North Caucasus, southern Siberia and the Far East, where the intensity of seismic shaking reaches 8-9 and 9-10 points according to the 12-point macroseismic scale MSK-64. The 6-7-point zones in the densely populated European part of the country also pose a certain threat.

Map of seismicity of the territory of Russia and adjacent regions.

To refer to:

Ulomov V.I. Seismicity // National Atlas of Russia. Volume 2. Nature. Ecology. 2004. S. 56-57.
Ulomov V.I. Dynamics of the Earth's crust in Central Asia and the forecast of earthquakes. Monograph. Tashkent: FAN. 1974. 218 p. (you can download this book pdf_19Mb ).

The first information about strong earthquakes in Russia can be found in historical documents of the 17th - 18th centuries. Systematic studies of the geography and nature of seismic phenomena began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They are associated with the names of I.V. Mushketov and A.P. Orlov, who in 1893 compiled the first catalog of earthquakes in the country and showed that seismicity and mountain-building processes have the same geodynamic nature.

A new era in the study of the nature and causes of earthquakes began with the work of Academician Prince B.B. Golitsyn, who in 1902 laid the foundations for domestic seismology and seismometry. Thanks to the opening of the first seismic stations in Pulkovo, Baku, Irkutsk, Makeevka, Tashkent and Tiflis, for the first time more reliable information about seismic phenomena began to arrive on the territory of the Russian Empire. Modern seismic monitoring of the territory of Russia and adjacent regions is carried out by the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GS RAS), established in 1994 and uniting over 300 seismic stations in the country.

In seismic terms, the territory of Russia belongs to Northern Eurasia, the seismicity of which is due to the intense geodynamic interaction of several large lithospheric plates - the Eurasian, African, Arabian, Indo-Australian, Chinese, Pacific, North American and Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The most mobile and, therefore, active are the plate boundaries where large seismogenic orogenic belts are formed: the Alpine-Himalayan belt in the southwest, the Trans-Asian belt in the south, the Chersky belt in the northeast, and the Pacific belt in the east of Northern Eurasia. Each of the belts is heterogeneous in structure, strength properties, seismic geodynamics and consists of peculiarly structured seismically active regions.

In the European part of Russia, the North Caucasus is characterized by high seismicity, in Siberia - Altai, Sayan Mountains, Baikal and Transbaikalia, in the Far East - the Kuril-Kamchatka region and Sakhalin Island. The Verkhoyansk-Kolyma region, the regions of the Amur Region, Primorye, Koryakia and Chukotka are less active in seismic terms, although quite strong earthquakes occur here. Relatively low seismicity is observed on the plains of the East European, Scythian, West Siberian and East Siberian platforms. Along with local seismicity, strong earthquakes in neighboring foreign regions (Eastern Carpathians, Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, etc.) are also felt on the territory of Russia.

A characteristic feature of all seismically active regions is their approximately the same length (about 3000 km), due to the size of ancient and modern subduction zones (immersion of the oceanic lithosphere into the Earth's upper mantle), located along the periphery of the oceans, and their orogenic relics on the continents. The predominant number of earthquake sources is concentrated in the upper part of the earth's crust at depths of up to 15-20 km. The Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone is characterized by the deepest (up to 650 km) foci. Earthquakes with intermediate focal depths (70-300 km) operate in the Eastern Carpathians (Romania, Vrancea zone, depth up to 150 km), in Central Asia (Afghanistan, Hindu Kush zone, depth up to 300 km), as well as under the Greater Caucasus and in the central part of the Caspian Sea (up to 100 km and deeper). The strongest of them are felt on the territory of Russia. Each region is characterized by a certain frequency of occurrence of earthquakes and the migration of seismic activation along fault zones. The dimensions (length) of each of the sources determine the magnitude (M, according to Richter) of earthquakes. The length of the rupture of rocks in the sources of earthquakes with M=7.0 and above reaches tens and hundreds of kilometers. The amplitude of displacements of the earth's surface is measured in meters.

It is convenient to consider the seismicity of the territory of Russia by regions located in three main sectors - in the European part of the country, Siberia and the Far East. The degree of knowledge of the seismicity of these territories is presented in the same sequence, based not only on instrumental, but also on historical and geological information about earthquakes. More or less comparable and reliable are the results of observations made only from the beginning of the 19th century, which is also reflected in the presentation below.

European part of Russia.

North Caucasus, being an integral part of the extended Crimea-Caucasus-Kopetdag zone of the Iran-Caucasus-Anatolian seismically active region, is characterized by the highest seismicity in the European part of the country. Earthquakes with a magnitude of about M=7.0 and a seismic effect in the epicentral region with an intensity of I 0 = 9 points and higher are known here. The most active is the eastern part of the North Caucasus - the territories of Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia and North Ossetia. Of the major seismic events in Dagestan, the earthquakes of 1830 (M=6.3, I 0 =8-9 points) and 1971 (M=6.6, I 0 =8-9 points) are known; on the territory of Chechnya - an earthquake in 1976 (M = 6.2, I 0 = 8-9 points). In the western part, near the Russian border, the Teberda (1902, М=6.4, I 0 =7-8 points) and Chkhalta (1963, М=6.2, I 0 =9 points) earthquakes occurred.

The largest known earthquakes in the Caucasus, felt on the territory of Russia with an intensity of up to 5-6 points, occurred in Azerbaijan in 1902 (Shamakhi, M = 6.9, I 0 = 8-9 points), in Armenia in 1988 (Spitak, M=7.0, I 0 =9-10 points), in Georgia in 1991 (Racha, M=6.9, I 0 =8-9 points) and in 1992 (Barisakho, M=6.3, I 0 =8 -9 points).

On the Scythian plate, local seismicity is associated with the Stavropol uplift, which partially covers Adygea, the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. The magnitudes of earthquakes known here have not yet reached M = 6.5. In 1879, there was a strong Nizhnekuban earthquake (M = 6.0, I 0 = 7-8 points). There is historical information about the catastrophic Ponticapaeum earthquake (63 BC), which destroyed a number of cities on both sides of the Kerch Strait. Numerous strong and tangible earthquakes have been recorded in the area of ​​Anapa, Novorossiysk, Sochi and other parts of the Black Sea coast, as well as in the waters of the Black and Caspian Seas.

East European Plain and Ural characterized by relatively weak seismicity and rarely occurring here local earthquakes with magnitude M=5.5 and less, intensity up to I 0 =6-7 points. Such phenomena are known in the area of ​​the cities of Almetyevsk (1914, 1986), Yelabuga (1851, 1989), Vyatka (1897), Syktyvkar (1939), Upper Ustyug (1829). No less strong earthquakes occur in the Middle Urals, in the Cis-Urals, the Volga region, in the region of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Voronezh region. Larger seismic events were also noted on the Kola Peninsula and adjacent territories (White Sea, Kandalaksha, 1626, М=6.3, I0=8 points). Weak earthquakes (with I 0 =5-6 points or less) are possible almost everywhere.

Earthquakes of Scandinavia are felt in the north-west of Russia (Norway, 1817). In the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions, weak local earthquakes also occur due to the ongoing post-glacial isostatic uplift of Scandinavia. In the south of the country, strong earthquakes are felt on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea (Turkmenistan, Krasnovodsk, 1895, Nebitdag, 2000), the Caucasus (Spitak, Armenia, 1988), Crimea (Yalta, 1927). On a vast area, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg, seismic fluctuations with an intensity of up to 3-4 points were repeatedly observed from deep sources of large earthquakes occurring in the Eastern Carpathians (Romania, Vrancea zone, 1802, 1940, 1977, 1986, 1990). .). Often, seismic activity is exacerbated by man-made impact on the Earth's lithospheric shell (extraction of oil, gas and other minerals, injection of fluids into faults, etc.). Such "induced" earthquakes are registered in Tatarstan, the Perm region and in other regions of the country.


Altai, including its Mongolian part, and Sayans- one of the most seismically active inland regions of the world. On the territory of Russia, Eastern Sayan is characterized by fairly strong local earthquakes, where earthquakes with M about 7.0 and I 0 about 9 points are known (1800, 1829, 1839, 1950) and ancient geological traces (paleo-seismic dislocations) of larger seismic events were found. In Altai, the strongest recent earthquake occurred on September 27, 2003 in the high-mountainous Kosh-Agach region (M=7.5, I 0 =9-10 points). Less significant in magnitude (M=6.0-6.6, I 0 =8-9 points) earthquakes occurred in the Russian Altai and Western Sayan earlier.

A crack above the source of the Gorno-Altai (Chuy) earthquake on September 27, 2003

(pictured is Dr. Valery Imaev, Institute of the Earth's Crust, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk).

The largest seismic disasters at the beginning of the last century took place in the Mongolian Altai. These include the Khangai earthquakes on July 9 and 23, 1905. The first of them, according to the definition of American seismologists B. Gutenberg and C. Richter, had a magnitude of M=8.4, and the seismic effect in the epicentral region was I 0 =11-12 points. The magnitude and seismic effect of the second earthquake, according to their own estimates, are close to the limiting magnitudes and seismic effect - М=8.7, I 0 =11-12 points. Both earthquakes were felt on the vast territory of the Russian Empire, at distances up to 2000 km from the epicenter. In Irkutsk, Tomsk, Yenisei provinces and throughout Transbaikalia, the intensity of shaking reached 6-7 points. Other strong earthquakes on the territory of Mongolia adjacent to Russia were the Mongolian-Altai (1931, М=8.0, I 0 =10 points), Gobi-Altai (1957, М =8.2, I 0 =11 points) and Mogotskoye ( 1967, M = 7.8, I 0 = 10-11 points).

Baikal Rift Zone - a unique seismogeodynamic region of the world. The basin of the lake is represented by three seismically active basins - southern, middle and northern. A similar zonality is also characteristic of the manifestation of seismicity to the east of the lake, up to the river. Olekma. The Olekma-Stanovaya seismically active zone to the east traces the boundary between the Eurasian and Chinese lithospheric plates (some researchers also distinguish an intermediate, smaller Amur plate). At the junction of the Baikal zone and the Eastern Sayan, traces of ancient earthquakes with M = 7.7 and higher (I 0 = 10-11 points) have been preserved. In 1862, during an earthquake I 0 =10 points in the northern part of the Selenga delta, a land area of ​​200 km 2 with six uluses, in which 1300 people lived, went under water, and Proval Bay was formed. Among the relatively recent large earthquakes are the Mondinskoe (1950, М=7.1, I 0 =9 points), the Muiskoye (1957, М=7.7, I 0 =10 points) and the Middle Baikal (1959, М=6.9, I 0 = 9 points).

Verkhoyansk-Kolyma region belongs to the Chersky belt, stretching in a southeast direction from the mouth of the river. Lena to the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Northern Kamchatka and the Commander Islands. The strongest earthquakes known in Yakutia are two Bulunsky (1927, M = 6.8 and I 0 = 9 points each) in the lower reaches of the river. Lena and Artyk (1971, M=7.1, I 0 =9 points) - near the border of Yakutia with the Magadan region. Less significant seismic events with magnitude up to М=5.5 and intensity I 0 =7 points or less were observed on the territory of the West Siberian platform.

arctic rift zone is the northwestern continuation of the seismically active structure of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma region, extending in a narrow strip into the Arctic Ocean and connecting in the west with a similar rift zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. On the shelf of the Laptev Sea in 1909 and 1964 there were two earthquakes with magnitude M=6.8.

Far East.

Kuril-Kamchatka zone is a classic example of the subduction of the Pacific lithospheric plate under the mainland. It stretches along the eastern coast of Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and the island of Hokkaido. Here occur the largest earthquakes in Northern Eurasia with M more than 8.0 and seismic effect I 0 =10 points and higher. The structure of the zone is clearly traced by the location of the sources in the plan and at depth. Its length along the arc is about 2500 km, in depth - over 650 km, thickness - about 70 km, angle of inclination to the horizon - up to 50 o. The seismic effect on the earth's surface from deep sources is relatively low. Earthquakes associated with the activity of Kamchatka volcanoes pose a certain seismic hazard (1827, during the eruption of Avachinsky volcano, the intensity of shaking reached 6-7 points). The strongest (M = 8.0-8.5, I 0 = 10-11 points) earthquakes occur at a depth of up to 80 km in a relatively narrow band between the ocean trench, Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands (1737, 1780, 1792, 1841, 1918, 1923, 1952 , 1958, 1963, 1969, 1994, 1997 and others). Most of them were accompanied by powerful tsunamis 10-15 m high and higher. The Shikotan (1994, M=8.0, I 0 =9-10 points) and Kronotsky (1997, M=7.9, I 0 = 9-10 points) earthquakes, which occurred near the South Kuriles and the eastern coast of Kamchatka, are the most studied. The Shikotan earthquake was accompanied by a tsunami up to 10 m high, strong aftershocks, and extensive destruction on the Shikotan, Iturup, and Kunashir Islands. 12 people were killed, huge material damage was caused.

Sakhalin represents the northern continuation of the Sakhalin-Japanese island arc and traces the boundary between the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Eurasian plates. Before the catastrophic Neftegorsk earthquake (1995, M=7.5, I 0 =9-10 points), the seismicity of the island seemed to be moderate and before the creation in 1991-1997. of the new set of maps of the general seismic zoning of the territory of Russia (OSR-97), only earthquakes with an intensity of up to 6-7 points were expected here. The Neftegorsk earthquake was the most destructive ever known in Russia. More than 2000 people died. As a result, the working settlement of Neftegorsk was completely liquidated. It can be assumed that technogenic factors (uncontrolled pumping of oil products) played the role of a trigger mechanism for the elastic geodynamic stresses accumulated by that time in the region. The Moneron earthquake (1971, M=7.5), which occurred on the shelf 40 km southwest of Sakhalin Island, was felt on the coast with an intensity of up to 7 points. A major seismic event was the Uglegorsk earthquake (2000, М=7.1, I 0 about 9 points). Having arisen in the southern part of the island, far from settlements, it caused practically no damage, but confirmed the increased seismic hazard of Sakhalin.

Amur and Primorye characterized by moderate seismicity. Of the earthquakes known here, so far only one in the north of the Amur Region has reached magnitude M=7.0 (1967 I 0 =9 points). In the future, the magnitude of potential earthquakes in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory may also be at least M=7.0, and in the north of the Amur Region, earthquakes with M=7.5 and higher are not excluded. Along with intracrustal earthquakes, deep-focus earthquakes are felt in Primorye in the southwestern part of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone. Earthquakes on the shelf are often accompanied by tsunamis.

Chukotka and the Koryak Highlands are still insufficiently studied in seismic terms due to the lack of the necessary number of seismic stations here. In 1928, a swarm of strong earthquakes with magnitudes M=6.9, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.2 occurred off the eastern coast of Chukotka. In the same place in 1996 there was an earthquake with М=6.2. The strongest of the previously known in the Koryak Highlands was the Khailinsky earthquake of 1991 (M=7.0, I 0 =8-9 points). Even more significant (M=7.8, I 0 =9-10 points ) an earthquake occurred in the Koryak Highlands on April 21, 2006. The villages of Tilichiki and Korf suffered the most, from where more than half a thousand residents of emergency houses were evacuated. Due to the sparse population, there were no deaths. Tremors were felt in the Olyutorsky and Karaginsky districts of Koryakia. Several villages were affected by the storm.

Earthquake epicenters and aboutThe main seismically active regions of Northern Eurasia:

1. - European part of Russia; 2. - Central Asia; 3 - Siberia; 4. - Far East. Below, in the form of vertical elevations, the ratio of the average annual number of earthquakes in these regions is shown. As can be seen, the second place in seismic activity, after the Kuriles and Kamchatka, is followed by Central Asia.

Network of seismic stations of the Geophysical Service of Russia as of 2004

The regions for which the processing centers of the GS RAS indicated on the map are responsible are outlined.


V.I.Ulomov. Seismicity // Great Russian Encyclopedia (BRE). Volume "Russia". 2004. S.34-39.

Seismicity and seismic zoning of Northern Eurasia (Editor-in-chief V.I.Ulomov). Volume 1. M.: IPE RAN. 1993. 303 p. and Volume 2-3. M.: OIFZ RAN. 1995. 490 p.

Earthquakes in Russia in 2004. - Obninsk: GS RAN, 2007. - 140 p.

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The main factors that negatively affect the health of university teachers ("bad habits", "low personal responsibility for their own health", "high workload", "low physical activity", "high level of stressful situations"), which can be controlled, have been identified. using internal (personal) and external (administrative) resources. Directions for protecting the health of teachers ("forming a healthy lifestyle", "improving disease prevention", "improving the organization of psychological assistance"), as well as measures that contribute to improving the health of university teachers ("monitoring the individual health of an employee", "more in-depth examination during conducting professional examinations" and "equipment with modern diagnostic equipment"). Teachers' health management is possible by improving preventive care and organizing psychological services at the university, which ensure the formation of personal responsibility for one's health and help in overcoming psychological problems associated with professional activities.

workload", "low physical activity", "high level of stressful situations"), which<...>Lisitsyn: high level (no diseases, excellent health - I group of health, healthy<...>The higher level of health of the teaching staff was considered by the experts of the departmental university, which is quite explicable by the specifics<...>The consensus of experts' opinions on this issue is from medium to high (W = 0.3-0.8; χ2<...>



The aim of the work is to find out the specific nature of the excess surplus product obtained on reclaimed lands, propose a methodology for its calculation and determine the value of this product, consider the relationship between collective farms and the state in the distribution of surplus product and suggest ways to improve them.

fertility of the land, but also a factor; contributing to the construction of a socialist society / -," : : :::\ : "High<...>Farms leading production on the wasp. cultivated lands, receive high yields of agricultural<...>proper mineral filling; fertilizers, new technology", varietal seeds, etc. will not provide high<...>systems, government assistance to farms at the time of development of drained lands, etc. Only by providing high<...>using reclaimed lands will be able to receive large crop yields and high



The article is devoted to the analysis of the figurative system of A. Blok's play "The King on the Square". Parallels between the central images of the drama are considered. In addition, the genre definition of the work is explained: its lyrical and dramatic elements proper.

"The tall beauty in black silks" chooses the path of serving the people, and in this sense, she becomes


The article is devoted to the analysis of the possibility of citizens' participation in assessing the quality of work of medical institutions. The regulatory framework for such participation, the criteria for evaluating the activities of medical personnel and the functioning of medical institutions are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the need to combine the vertical and horizontal axes of interaction between all subjects of the medical care system, as well as the implementation of the principles and rules of bioethics.

university teachers ("bad habits", "low personal responsibility for their own health", "high<...>workload", "low physical activity", "high level of stressful situations"), which




The aim of the study was to study the degree of influence of new conditions of existence on the physiological functions of the body and economically useful traits of animals of the light Aquitan breed and to determine, on the basis of this, the suitability of imported animals for breeding in Belarus.

For imported animals of the light Akhvatena breed, the calves obtained from them are characterized by a high salinity.<...>in the autumn, while among the Hereford peers, these indicators remained at a higher<...>distinguishing between breeds in the amount of costs, "and the low yield of calves in their low growth energy led to their high<...>Most imported heifers in the new environmental conditions "showed high growth energy and by the first<...>- allowed the calves reared on suction to show the high energy of growth characteristic of the breed.





Purpose and objectives of research. The purpose of our work was to improve some elements of the technology of growing a healthy source material for primary potato seed production, mainly health improvement and accelerated reproduction.

The high efficiency of the "leaf cuttings" method alone and in combination with other methods of accelerated<...>As a result of the study, the "high efficiency of the combination of an inhibitor of IHH viruses with thermotherapy" was shown.<...>cultures a "pyaksov, allows you to increase the distribution of the latter to T.0 km and" while maintaining a fairly high<...>their size (0.1-0.15 mm), random fluctuations in the yield of healthy regenerants are very large and quite high<...>During this period, a high illumination intensity of at least 12,000 lux was provided.





The purpose of the research: to develop proposals for increasing wool productivity, preserving and improving the quantitative and qualitative characteristics and properties of Tushino wool during the restoration of the Tushino breed from crossbred livestock, to clarify the directions for using the wool of Tushino and crossbred sheep.

Identified and clearly defined qualitative features and their indicators that determine high quality<...>Adult sheep of the Tushino breed have a high (for coarse wool sheep) wool productivity.<...>Adult sheep of the Tushino breed are characterized by a high average fineness and good evenness of the fibers.<...>The content of wax in the wool of Tushino sheep is comparatively (for sheep of coarse wool breeds) not high.<...>The extensibility of down fibers is high, while that of the core fibers is much lower.





The purpose of our research was to study the state of the main spawning water bodies of the north of the Aral Sea, to quantify the nutrition of juvenile fish in conditions of decreasing river flow, to reveal the nature of nutritional relationships in juveniles, and also to find out the role of the nutrition factor in the low yield of juveniles.

Its transparency in the spring is quite "high - 1.45-2.8 m.<...>The oxygen regime was characterized by a high oxygen content - 80.7-230% saturation with some<...>In Kuilyus, rotifers also dominated in spring, with the only difference that they did not reach such a high<...>Juveniles of red pepper and atherpna have a high food plasticity.<...>In juvenile roach and shemai, the coefficient of similarity of FISHI is high only in larvae of 6-11 mm.





The goal is to study the nutritional value and efficiency of the use of BVD and premixes when rearing gilts mainly on feed of their own production.

. ;" high productive and operational,;: "the quality of the repair guinea pigs: _ :\ V*, gilts can be<...>Lna.shspruya.yes:.b.e. on. balance-ase ta, .it should be noted that the highest deposit-it was „<...>\b 2 higher dose of vitamin E.<...>Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" More high average daily growth was<...>Animals of the experimental group were distinguished by higher reproductive qualities.



No. 4 [Healthcare of the Russian Federation, 2015]

Founded in 1957. Editor-in-Chief Onishchenko Gennady Grigorievich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Doctor of Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Assistant to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The main objectives of the journal: informing about the theoretical and scientific substantiation of measures aimed at improving the health of the population, the demographic situation, environmental protection, the activities of the health care system, publishing materials on legislative and regulatory acts related to improving the work of health authorities and institutions, publishing information on positive experience the work of territorial bodies and health care institutions, new ways of this work, the presentation of specific data on the state of health of certain categories of the population, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in various regions of Russia. In accordance with the specified tasks, materials are printed on the results of the implementation of the national projects "Health" and "Demography", on improving the strategy in the field of economics and health management, on the development and implementation of new forms of organization of health care, medical technologies, on the assessment and dynamics of the state health of the population of various regions of the Russian Federation, on the training of medical personnel and the improvement of their qualifications.

High technologies in medicine. 2012; 11:3-7. R E F E R E N C E S 1.<...>The highest growth rates were noted among children.<...>, 0.9-0.99 - very high.<...>The average annual growth rate of the indicator is the highest among the child population (5.1%).<...>The highest level of primary morbidity was noted in the children's population.

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As a result of the work carried out, pea varieties resistant to damage by caryopsis were found (the existence of such varieties was not known at that time) and the reasons for this were clarified.

High cold resistance and 1 short growing season of peas make it possible to obtain high<...>Studies have shown the high efficiency of the drug HCCH in the fight against it. "" The results of the work were<...>Under. under the influence of high humidity under the leaf cover, they “peel off” and are discarded from the surface<...>The number of dead larvae in the grain in some varieties reaches a high percentage.<...>The reason for the higher resistance of these varieties against grain damage is that the beans





Purpose and objectives of research. The purpose of the research was to develop scientific and practical foundations for improving the technologies for cultivating agricultural crops, increasing the level of their adaptation to the conditions of the agrolandscapes of the Central Black Earth Region. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: - to conduct an agroecological assessment of the effectiveness of the adaptive-landscape system of agriculture with the contour-reclamation organization of the territory in the conditions of erosion-hazardous landscapes; - to study the influence of different in intensity and nature of the impact on the soil methods of basic cultivation in combination with different fertilizer systems in crop rotations on the agrophysical properties of chernozem soils; - to determine the patterns of changes in the indicators of fertility of chernozem soils, depending on crop rotations, methods of basic tillage and fertilizers; - to establish the influence of the main technological methods and agricultural technologies in general on the productivity of crop rotations, the size and quality of crops; - to develop the main parameters of fertility models of chernozem soils of agrolandscapes: Central Chernozem region; - to give an agrotechnical, economic and bioenergetic assessment of the effectiveness of farming systems and agricultural technologies; - to develop practical proposals for the agro-industrial complex of the Central Chernozem region to improve the technologies for cultivating winter wheat, sugar beets, corn for grain and other crops.

In the Central Black Earth Region of Russia, a large food infrastructure has been formed, which has a high<...>-X. crops with a high level of adaptation to landscape conditions, taking into account specialization and intensification<...>Of the studied methods of basic cultivation, the highest productivity of arable land is achieved by plowing<...>It is characteristic that the effect of mechanical tillage is noticeably reduced against the background of the introduction of higher<...>In our studies, the use of kinmix provided a high effect (94.5%).





Purpose and objectives of research. The task of our research included: to study the main agrobiological features of 26 varieties of black currant, some issues of its reproduction, productivity and the formation of the quality of berries; to establish the effect of foliar top dressing with microelements on the productivity, quality and chemical composition of black currant berries. For this purpose, the role of the variety and the influence of microelements on the content of dry, pectin, tannins and coloring substances in berries were studied.

As a result of the research, the best varieties of black currant were identified, characterized by high yields.<...>The variety and agrotechnical methods of growing high yields of berry crops are of no small importance.<...>researched; varieties in our conditions are characterized by high winter hardiness and winter hardiness.<...>The highest yield from most varieties was obtained in 1968, the lowest - in 1969.<...>High content of soluble su.



Psychological reserves of engineering training


Experience has shown that in 100 years, those who have high scores on PZ tests,<...>There is a loss in the face of these students of those who could reach a higher level.<...>According to the second criterion, the commander was appointed energetic, self-directed, with high self-esteem.<...>of course, a high level of organization of intellectual processes.<...>The organizer must have a high, speedy quality of thinking.

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The main task of the present; work was: 1) to investigate the dynamics of runoff, and. flushing, depending on various natural and economic conditions, and to show how and how some of them can enhance, while others slow down and stop the processes of mountain erosion; 2) to identify the specific features of these processes in the zonal section - in two subtropical areas that are sharply opposite in terms of moisture; 3) on the basis of the conducted studies of the data of best practices and literature sources, to scientifically substantiate and outline the basic principles and ways of combating mountain erosion.

G. Vilensky goes from 3 to 5 liters of water), high field moisture content (35-15%) and quite high<...>brown carbonate soils of Tajikistan, on the contrary, have a low water absorption from above, and a higher<...>Areas with high water permeability (>2.5 mm/min) are occupied by the hedgehog.<...>The coefficient of runoff of melted snow water in the high foothills varies from year to year within the range of 10-38%.<...>A "high appreciation of the phytom" is given to eliorations in the "mountains, carried out with the help of tree, shrub howl



Innovative technologies based on pressing [proc. allowance]

SSAU publishing house

Innovative technologies based on pressing. Programs used: Adobe Acrobat. Proceedings of SSAU employees (electronic version)

This is the “high fantasy” that came true, which began with the profound thought of student R.<...>But some manifestations in the form of individual anomalously high properties are found.<...>By increasing the rotation speed ω, it is possible to achieve a high exhaust velocity Vist.<...>The productivity of the process is high and reaches 500 kg/hour.<...>Together with the extrolling section, the ABP replaces the high performance press.

Preview: Innovative technologies based on pressing.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Project of measures to improve the organization of the provision of additional services (on the example of the Marriott Grand Hotel)

Checked through the search system of text borrowings

And in order to achieve the highest possible performance, it is necessary to develop a project of measures to improve<...>High requirements for the head of structural divisions 2.<...>, meeting the high requirements of hotel standards.<...>The highest score is 4.<...>The opportunity to receive a high salary - this factor amounted to only 19%.

Preview: Project of measures to improve the organization of the provision of additional services (on the example of the Marriott Grand Hotel).pdf (0.5 Mb)


Operation and diagnostics of hardware and software of information systems studies. allowance for students in education. higher education programs education in the areas of training 09.04.02 and 09.03.02 Inform. systems and technologies

The tutorial is intended to familiarize you with the Russian market of diagnostic programs, contain a brief description of special tools for diagnosing and optimizing the hardware and software of information systems and the technology for working with some of them.

of this class is complicated by a number of reasons, the most important of which seem to be the following: a) high<...>tires at large time intervals, so that rare and one-time events can be recorded; e) high<...>High performance power plan improves system performance and responsiveness<...>Select "High performance".<...>Therefore, anyone who wants to maintain high performance should use CCleaner.

Preview: Operation and diagnostics of hardware and software of information systems.pdf (0.6 Mb)


A product of a particular genre. This is a philosophical satire on post-Stalin society, primarily on the ruling communist class.

Between high ranksCopyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service"<...>how he was before being treated with party ticks, and how he became again at his last hour - high<...>They shine high in the green twilight, like distant suns, and it seems to me that my bed has been removed.<...>Outside the windows, the dense growth of a young park turned green, “a high cast-iron fence blackened in the distance.<...>Her high breasts in a red silk dot quivered like a banner in the wind: - And you say it,


Possible approaches to long-term seismic hazard prediction are considered in connection with the practical need to justify the safety of geological isolation of long-lived radioactive waste. The required forecast period significantly exceeds that reflected in the set of maps of the general seismic zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation (OSR-97). The first geological repository in the Russian Federation is planned to be created in the Nizhnekansky granite massif in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This area is an intraplate territory and is characterized by relatively high seismicity. The article summarizes the analysis of well-known empirical generalizations and theoretical provisions underlying the seismic hazard forecast. Real seismic events constantly violate forecast estimates even over relatively short periods of time. These and other arguments indicate that the stationarity hypothesis of the seismic regime, which is today the basis of long-range forecasting, has limited and indeterminate applicability in time. The prediction of intraplate earthquakes is especially uncertain due to the uncertainty of the causes that form tectonic stresses in such areas. The short horizon of the forecast based on statistical methods can be associated with the non-linearity of seismogeodynamic processes. As a scientific basis for a long-term seismic hazard prediction in areas selected for geological storages of long-lived radioactive waste, it is proposed to use the fundamental regularities of geotectonic processes. These processes can be reflected in models of the migration of seismically active boundaries of lithospheric plates and the occurrence of seismic activity in intraplate areas.

This area is an intraplate territory and, at the same time, is characterized by a relatively high seismicity.<...>This somewhat reduces the potential danger of high seismicity for geological repositories.<...>, for all regions without exception, the graphs of the average annual rate of the flow of events indicate a higher<...>Time of existence of belts of high seismicity along the boundaries of tectonic plates and, accordingly, areas<...>The area belongs to the Alpine-Himalayan belt of high seismicity and is confined to the 7-point (or


Designers of Russia, USA, Japan and Germany of the XX century studies. allowance

Contains theoretical material on the development of fashion and design of the twentieth century. Particular attention is paid to the leading designers of Russia, the USA, Japan and Germany.

They look great with high heels.<...>"High fashion", Kaliningrad Grand Prix. 1999<...>I am a hybrid product with a high American sensibility.<...>In his a-ros project, Miyake took this dialogue to an unattainable level.<...>He insisted that he hated all these fitted silhouettes, wasp waists, high heels and so on.

Preview: Designers of Russia, USA, Japan and Germany of the 20th century.pdf (0.9 Mb)


The prospects for research are discussed, which are opened by the hypothesis of a causal relationship between magmatism and seismicity in the Tien Shan. The hypothesis leads to a new look at the causes of global phenomena and the development of the Earth as a whole

<...> <...>Seismicity of the Earth.<...> <...>


COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF GROUND-REINFORCED RETAINING WALLS FOR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS UNDER SEISMIC CONDITIONS [Electronic resource] / Kasharina, Kasharin // Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh obuchenii. North Caucasian region. Technical sciences.- 2016 .- No. 3 .- P. 88-95 .- Access mode: https://site/efd/520365

The issues of construction of transport systems in seismic conditions are considered. Technical solutions for soil-reinforced structures to ensure the stability of transport systems during the development of areas of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East with high seismicity are given. The results of experimental studies and numerical modeling are presented, as well as empirical dependencies for determining the parameters of reinforcing the subgrade of automobile and railway communications.

Email: [email protected] The issues of construction of transport systems in seismic conditions are considered<...>ensuring the sustainability of transport systems in the development of regions of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East with high<...>seismicity.<...>Caucasus, Far East, Siberia, it is necessary to take into account the difficult natural and climatic conditions associated with high<...>seismicity of the region.


Ceramics for technologists studies. allowance

On the basis of modern achievements in mathematics, physics and chemistry, the latest approaches to ceramics technology are presented. Technology is considered as a sequence of non-equilibrium processes, in this regard, the significant role of synergetics is shown. The presentation of theoretical issues is illustrated by specific examples in the production of various ceramic materials.

characteristics (strength, hardness, Young's modulus), as well as high melting points.<...>Such a material should be characterized by high strength at a relatively low density.<...>The term "kaolin" is a corruption of the Chinese word "kualing", which means "high mountain".<...>At lower temperatures, such migration is difficult due to the high viscosity of bound water.<...>In cases of a higher content of bound water, this regularity is no longer observed.

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The natural and geotechnical conditions of the main pipelines being created in different parts of Siberia, which can be conditionally divided into two groups, are highlighted. The first group includes the constructed and already operating main oil pipeline Eastern Siberia - the Pacific Ocean, and the second group includes two planned gas transmission systems in Western and Eastern Siberia. In August 2015, a fundamental decision was made to establish a third GTS for natural fuel supplies to China. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state and scale of the transformation of the natural environment in the areas of hydrocarbon transportation at objects of different stages of development and the prospects for each

unique in terms of ensuring the reliability of the object, achieved through the use of pipes with high<...>This makes it possible to preliminarily take into account the danger of a complex landscape structure with high seismicity.<...>First of all, the high seismicity and dynamism of the permafrost situation, due to<...>seismicity, etc.<...>seismicity and dynamics of the permafrost environment.


No. 6 [Volcanology and seismology, 2017]

The journal publishes articles containing the results of theoretical and experimental work on the following issues: modern land and underwater volcanic activity, products of volcanic eruptions, the structure of volcanoes and their roots. The journal "Volcanology and Seismology" covers the following topics: Neogene-Quaternary volcanism, the evolution of volcanism in the history of the Earth; petrology of igneous rocks, origin of magmas; geochemistry of volcanic, post-volcanic processes and associated mineral and ore formation; geothermal and hydrothermal systems of volcanic regions; seismological observations, seismicity, physics of earthquakes, modern movements, seismic forecast. Review articles, reports, reviews, chronicle of events are also published. The journal "Volcanology and Seismology" is intended for volcanologists, seismologists, geologists, geophysicists, geochemists and readers of other specialties interested in the problems of volcanism and seismicity.

On the transfer of criteria for high seismicity of the Andes mountain belt to Kamchatka // Izvestiya AN SSSR.<...>On the criteria for high seismicity, Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1972. V. 202. No. 6. S. 1317–1320. Gorshkov A.I.<...>about it as a burst of seismicity.<...>Tolud seismic outburst.<...>The anomalously high seismicity of the region is due to the overlap (mutual intersections) of different types of zones

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Pedagogical process in higher school studies. allowance

The textbook has been developed taking into account the requirements for the training of highly qualified specialists and is intended to contribute to the understanding of the guidelines and main directions of psychological and pedagogical activity in higher education for teachers, undergraduates, and graduate students.

The second type - (45%) - a fairly high level of productivity.<...>E.V. Bondarevskaya singles out a high level of pedagogical culture and “mass” one.<...>I had a much higher opinion of you."<...>The lowest level is primitive, the highest is spiritual.<...>A high level of communication involves communication based on the "subject-subject" scheme.

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The group of continental margins (transitional zones) of the island-arc and alternative types is fundamentally different in all respects from the continental margins of the riftogenic group. The main geomorphological and tectonic elements here are the classical, quasi, suture-block and reduced island-arc systems (ODS). They are distributed in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans both along the periphery and in the open ocean. Orographic, geomorphological and tectonic features of the structure of such ODS are the basis for their classification.

seismicity (Espinosa et al., 1981).<...>seismicity, and the seismic focal surface is inclined under the island lines, towards the seismic focal<...>seismicity and the presence of many dead and active volcanoes.<...>seismicity.<...>The Yuzhno-Sandvicheva ODS is characterized by high seismicity and active tectonic movements.


Development of leadership qualities in the process of professional training: psychological and acmeological aspect monograph

Theoretical aspects and practical state of the problem of leadership in the professional activity of a leader are considered. The role of the development of leadership qualities that influence the formation of the whole complex of professionally important characteristics of a manager is determined. The features of the development of leadership qualities in the process of vocational training and the psychological and acmeological conditions for their implementation in preparing students for managerial activities are studied.

Demanding on others is high. Criticism is negative.<...>The third leadership style "participate" is characterized by a moderately high degree of maturity.<...>The fourth leadership style "delegate" implies a high degree of maturity.<...>Therefore, the leader needs a high communicative art.<...>The highest correlation coefficient (0.869) was found between parameters 17 and 11.

Preview: The development of leadership qualities in the process of professional training, the psychological and acmeological aspect.pdf (0.2 Mb)


The continental margin (transitional zone) is characterized by a complex structure, in which island-arc systems (IAS) play the main role. The latter are located between blocks of the lithosphere with a crust of continental or subcontinental type and a thickened mature crust of oceanic or suboceanic origin. Blocks-lumps are about. New Guinea, the Admiralty-New Ireland Plateau, the bases of the Fijian basins, part of the Solomon Sea depression, the Tonga archipelago, New Zealand, etc. The blocks with oceanic-type crust include structures included in the ODS. The strikes of island arcs repeat the outlines of the edges of boulders. Seismic focal surfaces are inclined in different directions, and some of them are vertical. The ODS are, as it were, squeezed out from the bottom up from the base of the lithosphere to the day surface. Therefore, this group of ODS is assigned to the suture-block type

The structures of the New Guinea ODS are characterized by rather high seismicity.<...>Exceptionally high seismicity is observed on about. New Britain.<...>The seismicity of the ODS of the Solomon Archipelago is exceptionally high and manifests itself within the boundaries of a relatively narrow<...>The seismicity of the New Hebrides ODS is very high.<...>The seismicity of the ODS Tonga-Kermadec is exceptionally high, especially in its northern half.


The construction of the Kerch Bridge, already once erected during the Great Patriotic War according to a temporary scheme by the heroic efforts of the Red Army soldiers and bridge builders and destroyed 70 years ago by a catastrophic ice drift from the Sea of ​​Azov, is becoming a reality. The new bridge will meet modern needs and the level of development of world and Russian bridge building. In the process of pre-project studies and preparation of a feasibility study, dozens of options were considered, and today design solutions are predetermined by project documentation at the "Project" stage

Another problem, however solved, is the high seismicity of the area (up to 10 points, which excludes the construction<...>microseismic sounding to study in detail the structure and composition of fault rocks, and on this basis to reduce seismicity<...>JSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service TRANSPORT CONSTRUCTION No. 10/2015 31 IN MEMORY OF A COMRADE seismicity<...>The multifaceted labor activity of Alexander Petrovich was highly appreciated.


The complex natural environment of the zone of influence of the ESPO oil pipeline, characterized by high seismicity and the complex nature of the development of frozen rocks, as well as the geotechnical features of the complex, created and operated using the latest technologies, are highlighted. It is shown that various problems associated with the complex engineering and geological conditions of the oil pipeline route and the uniqueness of the pipe crossing through one of the largest rivers in Siberia, the Lena, have been successfully resolved to the operational stage. The need for mandatory geotechnical monitoring for all stages was noted.

reality) The complex natural environment of the zone of influence of the ESPO oil pipeline, characterized by high<...>seismicity and the complex nature of the development of frozen rocks, as well as the geotechnical features of the complex<...>First of all, these are high seismicity and dynamism of the permafrost situation, due to the wide<...>In areas of increased seismicity, in particular, special comprehensive work was carried out to assess it.<...>The experience of long-term operation of the crossing indicates a high degree of reliability of the facility that did not cause


Numerous traces of paleoseismic events (seismites) have been established in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic marine sedimentary strata of the North Caucasus. These traces are most distinctly imprinted in terrigenous sandy-argillaceous deposits of the Middle Miocene. The impact of seismic shocks on relatively weakly lithified deposits led to the disruption of the primary sedimentary structure, the liquefaction of sandy material, and the appearance of injection bodies of various morphologies (neptunian dikes, sills); the formation of fracturing in the deposits increased their vertical permeability and promoted the migration of diagenetic solutions into adjacent horizons, which led to the formation of subvertical carbonate bodies. The number and intensity of seismic events varied at different stages of accumulation of the stratum, and was also different in the area of ​​the paleobasin. In the eastern sector of the North Caucasian region, apparently, already by the Middle Miocene, a general plan of seismic activity close to the modern one was formed: maximum in Dagestan and weakening in the western direction. Traces of seismic activity are also noted in the terrigenous deposits of the Maikop (Oligocene–Lower Miocene) and the Lower and Middle Jurassic.

An exhaustive analysis of the state of seismicity in recent times for the North Caucasus, the nature of the manifestation<...>The high seismicity of the region in the Middle Miocene time, obviously, was also the reason for the appearance inside<...>Moreover, the main traces of high seismicity here are confined to the upper half of the Chokrak sequence; in Karagan<...>the intensity of seismicity clearly decreases.<...>At the same time, periods of relative rest were replaced by seismicity activation, which was often due to


Engineering-geological structures are separated by a combination of regional and zonal geological factors. Classifications of engineering-geological structures of the Earth and Russia are given. The main engineering-geological features and regularities of the spatial distribution of continental subaerial, continental subaqueous, transitional predominantly subaqueous and oceanic predominantly subaquatic engineering-geological mega- and macrostructures identified on the territory of Russia are described.

A very high degree of seismicity (up to 10 points and higher) is characteristic.<...>seismicity (up to 10 points and above).<...>Seismic activity is high.<...>Another characteristic feature of rifts is very high seismicity, up to magnitude 8–10 or more.<...>seismicity.


No. 4 [Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry, 2018]

Development and maintenance of measuring instruments, automation, telemechanization and communications, process control systems, information and information systems, CAD and metrological, mathematical, software

When working at the highest drilling speeds - 260 rpm, you can use MMG with almost any<...>Corresponds to the depth of the oil pipeline ISOU is innovative, allows a high degree of accuracy<...>Using the above methods together provides a high degree of performance and accuracy.<...>Measurements must be carried out with a high sampling rate (up to 50 measurements/s).<...>So, the most significant parameters should have higher values ​​of the similarity ratio, for example, you can

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No. 5 [Physico-technical problems of mining, 2009]

The journal publishes articles on topical issues of mining science. Traditional topics of the journal: problems of rock and mass mechanics arising in connection with human activities in the exploitation of subsoil; fundamentally new methods of destruction of rocks; modern technologies for extracting minerals; the basics of creating and ensuring the effectiveness of the use of mechanization of mining operations and automation of process control; issues of improving underground and open pit mining; improving the safety of mining operations; mineral processing problems.

seismicity.<...>To compare mine seismicity data with the natural seismicity regime, the catalog<...>For the natural seismicity of the region under consideration, it is equal to 0.88. 3.<...>Study of excited seismicity on the river.<...>High velocity corresponds to the second maximum of heat release on the DSC curve.

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Everyone has heard about earthquakes ... This is understandable, because it is natural for a person to stand firmly on his feet, and therefore the slightest vibrations of the soil are remembered by him for a long time, and the memory of them is passed on from generation to generation. No wonder that the first information about earthquakes was recorded as soon as writing appeared.

The Apennine peninsula, on which this state is located, has long been known not only as a region of high<...>seismicity, but also as a kind of testing ground for a comprehensive study of this natural phenomenon.<...>By the way, domestic researchers made a great contribution to the study of seismicity in Italy.<...>Shenkareva published the book "Seismicity of the Apennine Peninsula and Adjacent Islands", in which she indicated


The article attempts to position the explored and developed natural and economic resources on the territory of the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan in order to identify the most promising and realistic objects for development in terms of decision-making in terms of investment, development and deployment of production forces

economy ... the level of use of the resource potential of the Sughd region is affected to a certain extent by high<...>seismicity of the territory of the region and all of Tajikistan, causing an increase in the cost of capital construction<...>potential of the Sughd region is affected to a certain extent by the high seismicity of the territory of the region and the whole<...>Tajikistan, will not be confirmed, or their production on an industrial scale will be assessed as associated with extremely high




The purpose of the dissertation work is to further develop the scientific foundations for planning, building and landscaping public centers in rural areas of Central Asia based on the study and generalization of the patterns of their development during the period of extensive construction of a communist society, as well as the development and introduction into production practice of progressive methods for arranging centers, taking into account zonal natural features and a new settlement system.

seismicity, as well as the demography of the population, its age structure and established progressive traditions<...>The territory of Central Asia is climatically characterized by high summer temperatures,<...>The influence of seismicity.<...>Most rural settlements in Central Asia are located in areas with high

seismicity and dynamics of permafrost (PFR).<...>, through which the gas pipeline can pass, the mountainous framing of the Ukok plateau, is located in the zone of 8–9-point seismicity<...>Forces of Siberia", allow already at the design stage of the "Altai" to take into account the complex landscape structure with high<...>seismicity and dynamism of the permafrost situation and foresee the necessary environmental<...>is the creation of geotechnical systems adapted to difficult natural conditions, characterized by high


The article presents, within the framework of the Sakhalin-2 project, construction technologies using gabion structures and rolled geosynthetic materials in order to protect pipelines in places of tectonic faults. Technical solutions are substantiated that ensure the non-freezing and watertightness of trenches, maintaining the thermal balance of pipelines

<...>seismicity of the region.<...>technological solutions for the transition of the onshore main pipeline through tectonic faults in conditions of high<...>seismicity of the region.


No. 4 [Geotectonics, 2018]

Materials are published on general and regional tectonics, structural geology, geodynamics, experimental tectonics, including articles that examine the relationship between tectonics and the deep structure of the Earth, magmatism, metamorphism, and minerals. Reviews of scientific articles and books, information about the events of scientific life, new scientific publications and cartographic materials, new methods of tectonic research and processing of the results are also published.

The collision process continues at the present stage, as evidenced by the high level of seismicity.<...>velocity structure of the crust with modern seismicity.<...>This process is controlled by the zone of high seismicity of the Kerch–Taman branch of the KSZ, within which<...>A region of high seismicity is shown in the depth interval of 10–30 km, bounded from above by a waveguide at<...>Such high seismicity in the crust is not observed in the eastern block.

Preview: Geotectonics №4 2018.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The morphostructure and heat flow in the transform fault zones of the North Atlantic and Southeast Pacific are considered. The fundamental difference between the heat flow in the active and passive parts of such faults is emphasized. In the active parts located between segments of the mid-ocean ridge (MOR) adjacent to the fault, the measured heat flux is close to that observed in the MOR rift zones and is considered as the total effect of the conductive heat conduction of the oceanic crust and convective heat and mass transfer during the circulation of hydrothermal fluids inside the oceanic crust. In the passive parts, the heat flux decreases with distance from the MOR to the background values ​​typical for thalassocratons. The factors that deform the heat flow are the rate of sedimentation in the fault zone and the refraction of the conductive heat flow due to the heterogeneity of the thermophysical properties of the geological section.

Thus, the magmatism of the Middle Range and the seismicity of the transform fault are two conjugated<...>The active part of the fault (between adjacent segments of the MAR) is seismic.<...>Latitudinal depressions are characterized by relatively stable and anomalously high values ​​(112–260 mW<...>Based on the features of seismicity, underwater relief and tectonics, the zone is divided into three segments [<...>seismicity.


<...> <...>They are characterized by approximately the same thickness of the crust (25-40, rarely up to 55 km) and high seismicity.<...>"; II "general seismicity background seismicity"; III "general seismicity aftershock sequence<...>CONCLUSION For Kamchatka with its high seismicity, the issue of earthquake prediction is of paramount importance.


temperature, seismicity, etc.).<...>Reducing the permafrost thickness to such limits requires an increase in the estimated seismicity score.<...>T a b l e 5.1 Estimation of seismicity of the construction site depending on soil properties Category<...>soil according to seismic properties Soils Seismicity of the construction site at the seismicity of the<...>With an estimated seismicity of 8 points or less, it is allowed to perform winter laying manually with the obligatory

Preview: Construction of buildings in extreme conditions planning, design and technological methods of reconstruction.pdf (0.4 Mb)



The journal publishes the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of Earth sciences (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology, volcanology, seismology). Journal “Vestnik KRAUNTS. Series: Earth Sciences" is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of the main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of doctor and candidate of science.

One of the largest feathering structures of the San Andreas system is a highly seismic active zone.<...>The eastern boundary of the Bayan-Khar block (22), framed by highly seismic interblock zones, coincides<...>They are characterized by approximately the same thickness of the crust (25-40, rarely up to 55 km) and

Mass production of AGB in the USSR began in the late 50s. of the last century, when 10 plants were built, equipped with Polish equipment, with a total capacity of more than 1.5 million m3 / year. Enterprises mainly produced large-sized reinforced products with a density of 800–1000 kg/m3. Later, these factories were supplemented by factories with domestic equipment (Universal 60, Silbetblok, etc.), which made it possible to produce small blocks using cutting technology. By 1984, there were already 99 enterprises producing cellular concrete in the USSR with a total annual productivity of about 5.9 million m3, producing reinforced products and small blocks with a density of 600–700 kg/m3.

At the same time, imports of AGB products, mainly from Belarus, remain quite high.<...>In some cases, the density of manufactured products is affected by the seismicity of the region.<...>In particular, in the Southern District, the production of low-density products is difficult due to high seismicity.


No. 1 [Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Geology, 2007]

The journal is included in the HAC List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of science should be published

Seismicity, as a rule, is high around intermountain depressions.<...>It is very likely that the higher level of seismicity southwest of the Talas-Fergana fault is associated<...>Seismicity of the Earth.<...>Island arcs are of igneous origin; high seismicity takes place along them.<...>In the Northern Hemisphere (Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska), high seismicity reaches 60°.

Preview: Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series Geology №1 2007.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 3 [Geology and geophysics, 2019]

The monthly scientific journal has been published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1960. The journal publishes general theoretical and methodological articles on all issues of geology and geophysics. It differs from other geological journals in the largest coverage of topics in the field of Earth sciences: paleontology and regional geology, mineralogy and petrology, problems of geotectonics and geomorphology of minerals, metallogeny and geochemistry, global and exploration geophysics, various aspects of experiments modeling natural processes. Much attention is paid to the coverage of the latest methods of laboratory research and their applied use. The journal has subscribers in all scientific centers, large industrial cities of our country and abroad. "Elsevier" distributes our journal in English in many countries of the world. The journal "Geology and Geophysics" is indexed in Current Contents

Silica experiences intense polymorphism at high pressures.<...>High concentrations of TiO2 (2.40–3.86 wt %), Zr (244 ppm), Nb (54 ppm) and high values ​​of<...>Yuzhakovskiye granites have the highest K/Rb ratio of 500.<...>Among them, varieties with very high REE contents (up to 850 ppm) were found.<...>Seismicity and zoning of seismic hazard in the territory of Mongolia.

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