Psychological and pedagogical study of the child's personality is an example. The position of the child in the classroom

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I underwent psychological and pedagogical practice at the Krasnoyarsk school No. 9, in the period from 01/17/2008. to 6.02.2008

During my internship, my goal was to:

To master the necessary skills for the practical work of a teacher-psychologist in the education system.


Deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained at the institute, and learn how to apply this knowledge in practice in educational work with children;

To learn, based on the knowledge of psychology, pedagogy and physiology of children and adolescents, to conduct educational, correctional and developmental work with children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, to take care of the health of schoolchildren;

Prepare and conduct a remedial session;

To master some skills of research work in the field of psychological science, to observe, analyze and generalize advanced psychological and pedagogical experience;

Also, in the process of practice, I had to master the following psychological and pedagogical skills:

Plan the work of a psychologist with students, a class, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students;

Conduct work on the study of individual students;

To carry out a psychological analysis of the lesson, correctional and developmental classes;

Determine and implement the corrective tasks of the lesson, select and apply the best methods and techniques;

Use in the process of implementation of correctional and developmental, psychoprophylactic activities, a variety of technical means;

Create conditions for improving the educational process.

During the educational practice at school, I conducted 1 remedial lesson with the 4th "A" class, diagnostic work with a student of the 4th "A" class.

In my opinion, the remedial session went well. I was able to compose and conduct the lesson taking into account the interests of the children. The children listened attentively, answered the questions, participated in the discussion and took an active part in the game. A friendly, warm atmosphere was created in the classroom between children, as well as agreement between groups of children. They performed all the tasks with great passion and listened attentively to my instructions and the advice of a psychologist. It was very interesting for me to work at school as a psychologist, to communicate with children, conduct classes and diagnose.


complex psychological and pedagogical practice

student4 courses groups Pip

correspondence department 2007/ 2008school year.

Practice dates fromJanuary 17 on February 62008.

General information about the school:

School No. 9

Group leader:

Head teacher:

Deputy director for educational work:

Psychologist teacher:


Signature of psychologist, methodologist

Acquaintance and meeting with a psychologist. Discussion of work at school. Drawing up a work plan.

Attendance at a psychologist's class. Acquaintance with various forms of work. Visiting the methodical office, selection of literature for work.

Observation of 4"A" class. Attendance at Russian language and mathematics lessons. Work in the methodical office, selection of methods.

Visit to the methodical office. Search for literature for compiling a remedial lesson.

Work in the methodical office. Refinement of a correctional lesson. Compilation and verification.

Meeting with the school psychologist, checking the remedial lesson. Conversation with the teacher of the 4th "A" class.

Conducting a remedial session. Discussion with a psychologist, drawing up self-analysis.

A visit to the methodological room, the selection of methods for the study of the child. Consultation with a psychologist at school.

Diagnostic examination according to the method of "Ch. Spielberg's Personality Scale of Self-Esteem" with a student of the 4th "A" class.

Registration of protocols.

Diagnostic examination according to the methodology “Personal questionnaire G.Yu. Eysenck".

Processing of survey results.

Registration of protocols.

Diagnostic examination according to the Amthauer mental development test method.

Processing of survey results.

Registration of protocols.

Diagnostic examination according to the 8-color Luscher test. Protocol processing.

Processing of survey results.

Registration of protocols.

Compilation of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student.

Consultation with a psychologist.

Preparation of reporting documentation





Individual counseling

Psychological gymnastics

School for parents, I - IV grade


Psychodiagnostics (processing of results)

Optional for girls (training)

Helpline (1 shift)

School for parents, V-VIII grade.

Modular courses

Optional for boys (training)

Psychological gymnastics

Individual consultations

Pedagogical Council

Helpline (2nd shift)

School of three "C"

Individual consultations

Consultative meeting with the administration



School for parents, grades IX-XI


remedial lesson,spent with students 4 BUTclassschools 9 Krasnoyarsk student ______________

The date of the:

Subject: "In Search of the Lost Stone, or Raja's Diamond"

Target: Optimization of intra-group relationships: development of group interaction skills, the ability to reckon with the views of others, constructively resolve conflict situations.


Form: group

Means: verbal-communicative, visual, expressive.


· Business cards of several colors (according to the number of teams);

· Paper, felt-tip pens, pens;

· Matches;

Forms for answers to the second task;

· Encrypted letter;

· Chairs;

«Diamond of Raja»

· Forms of "licenses" by the number of teams;

· Musical accompaniment

Lesson progress

Upon entering the room where the lesson is held, each participant receives a business card of one of the colors. The children take their seats.

Host: Hello guys. I'm glad to see you. Now we will warm up a little with you. The exercises "Non-traditional greeting", "Tropical rain", "Those who" are performed. When performing the last exercise, you need to divide the participants into teams according to the color of business cards (the last task will be: “Those who received red cards go to one part of the room, blue to another, etc.)

Leading. Each team is a detective agency with an expiring detective license (the “license” form is shown). In order to extend it, you must complete a number of tasks.

Teams that can prove that they have the right to continue their detective work receive licenses and become members of the association of detective agencies.

The symbol of this association is the "Raja diamond" - a unique gem. It is kept in the office of one of the agents, and once a year, on the day of the professional holiday of detectives, it is transferred in turn to another agency (the "Raja diamond" is demonstrated.

Based on the results of each task, your agencies will receive points (minimum 1, maximum 3). After completing all tasks, agencies that have received from 6 to 11 points renew their license for one year, from 12 to 17 - for 5 years, from 18 to 21 - for 10 years.

The decision to award points is made by a professional jury, which includes: Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Mrs. Marple (the hosts become these famous detectives for the duration of the game).

Along the way, teams need to not only perform well on assignments, but also observe the work of colleagues from other agencies - in the future, they may have to cooperate with them when unraveling mysterious cases.

The first task "Business card"

Equipment: sheets of paper for the emblem and business card, felt-tip pens (1 set for each team).

Leading. For successful work, you need to have a name, emblem, motto. You are given 10 minutes to come up with all this, draw an emblem, write a motto, design business cards for all agency employees in the same style. Then you will have to give a brief history of the agency, tell about the main activities - what kind of crimes does your agency solve, explain its emblem and motto (within 3 minutes).

After completing this exercise, conduct a reflection by offering to evaluate the work of colleagues from other agencies (continue the phrase: “I liked the work of other agents most of all ...”). The jury announces the points awarded.

Note: This exercise actualizes the skills of group cooperation, introduces the atmosphere of the game.

Second task. "A Day in the Life of a Detective"

Leading. On duty, a detective must possess many qualities: professionalism, skill, observation, accuracy of movements, ability to cooperate. To convince the jury that you can do all this, you must complete the following exercises.

Exercise 1

Leading. You need to make a well of matches. Everyone takes turns placing one match. The higher the well, the more points the team will receive. Time is limited.

Exercise 2.

Leading. This exercise will reveal if you have a sense of time. You should sit comfortably and close your eyes. I will say: “Started”, and after a while “Finished”.

After that, each team should discuss and write down on their answer sheet how much time has passed (1.5 minutes). The more accurate the answer, the more points are awarded.

Exercise 3

Leading. This exercise will reveal how accurately you can determine the size of objects by eye. I will show you 3 books with different number of pages, each book has a bookmark. It is necessary to determine by eye how many pages are in each book and on which page the bookmark lies. You can't take books.

After the discussion, each team makes a note on the answer sheet. The more accurate the answer, the more points are awarded.

Exercise 4

Leading. This exercise will reveal how attentive you are. Words are hidden among a set of letters. It is necessary to find and read these words as quickly as possible, as well as underline words containing 5 or more letters.

Letter set.



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Self-analysis of the remedial session

In the modern social situation, the person who has the following psychological neoplasms is able to fully, subjectively develop and function: the ability to unconditionally accept oneself; capacity for healthy intergroup relationships.

Children of the 4th grade, aged 10-11 years, participated in the remedial lesson on Optimization of intragroup relationships. We conducted the lesson in a playful way. The duration of the lesson was 40 minutes.

In preparing for the remedial session, we set the following goals:

Demonstrate various social roles and how to assume them;

To develop the skills of group interaction, the ability to reckon with the views of others, to constructively resolve conflict situations.

The objectives of the event were:

1. Activate logical, creative thinking, imagination, attention, observation and fantasy among the participants in the game;

2. Strengthen cooperation, team cohesion;

The main idea of ​​this lesson was to strengthen the friendly attitude of children towards each other and to unite the team, to teach them how to easily get out of conflict situations. Involve separate groups of children to cooperate in order to achieve the goal.

When observing during the lesson, we can draw the following conclusions that the guys have good relationships in the team, during the game we found a common language with the guys, and they willingly fulfilled all the conditions of the game.

Children quickly became interested in the game, took an active part, listened carefully to the tasks. When performing tasks, it was not immediately possible to achieve coordinated actions and mutual understanding from the teams. The feeling of mutual assistance and the ability to listen to a friend soon came to the guys thanks to the timely advice of a psychologist and the desire to get a prize.

This lesson helped to activate logical, creative thinking, imagination, attention, as well as observation and fantasy among the participants of the game. This manifested itself in the performance of tasks.



pupils Semyonova Sveta class 4 "A"

schools № 9

for 2007-2008 academic year G.

Child's age 10 years;

The development and health of the girl corresponds to the average norm according to age and sex. The child is erudite, speaks well, does not pick up words for a long time to answer.

In the family of a girl, parents have higher education. Alcohol is not used. A lot of time is devoted to raising a child. Brothers, no sisters. The family lives in a 3-room apartment with an improved layout, where the child has his own room. Relationships in the family are warm. The child is treated with love. The family loves outdoor activities. Of the domestic animals, a large parrot lives in the house.

There are 10 boys and 20 girls in Sveta's class. The performance in the class is average, there are excellent students, shock students, three-year-olds and one's own loser. Sveta studies well, but there is one triple in a quarter in the Russian language. The discipline in the class according to the age of the students is good. The class is friendly, as it is formed from the children of the same kindergarten group. Pupils in the class are trained according to the Vinogradov system. The class also has its own tradition: "Birthday Day" - takes place 4 times a year according to the seasons. Children visit the search theater, an exhibition hall, visit the forest museum, go on small trips to the Yenisei River in the summer, etc.

The girl is sociable, develops successfully, easily finds a common language with her comrades. She is balanced, calm, the level of mental stability, as well as extra / introversion in the girl corresponds to the average norm for his gender and age. The level of anxiety is average. Easily makes contact, but is not a leader in the class. She has many friends and girlfriends in the class, with whom she constantly keeps in touch, plays, goes to visit and for birthdays. He considers cheating from a neighbor to be a normal phenomenon "what if you don't know something." The child loves to draw, sculpt from clay, is engaged in weaving from beads. Fantasy is highly developed, loves to fantasize and dream.

The school serves as a nurse. This position is chosen by popular vote. There are also positions: a florist, a headman, a labor worker, an educational sector for working on mistakes.

The level of claims is adequate. He treats himself demandingly, he does his homework carefully sometimes with the help of his parents. Accepts criticism from teachers. Works well in cooperation with other guys. She loves when people listen to her opinion. He treats work well, loves team work at school. Diagnosing mental abilities, it can be concluded that the girl has a high level of intelligence. She successfully copes with tasks on awareness, generalization and classification. Sensitive and responsive, however, there is some tension in it. She wants to seek and make decisions to draw conclusions herself without anyone's intervention. Dislikes monotony and mediocrity. Since she wants to be seen as a person whose opinion is authoritative - it is difficult for her to admit that she is wrong, sometimes she only reluctantly accepts the point of view of another. He needs recognition from others, in their agreement with her desires and respect for her views - without this, he cannot feel easy and carefree.

Everything unusual, original, including people with some outstanding properties, make a strong impression on him. She tries to adopt those qualities that she admires and shows the originality of her own personality.

Shows interest in the humanities, loves mathematics, music, folklore.

During the internship, we conducted a remedial lesson to optimize intra-group relationships: the development of group interaction skills, the ability to reckon with the views of others, and constructively resolve conflict situations. During the lesson, the children had small disagreements between the groups, but thanks to the work of the psychologist and my help in resolving conflict situations, we managed to make the lesson useful and exciting. A team to unite in achieving a common goal. Sveta listened to my advice during the lesson attentively and helped us to unite different groups into one whole.

I would like to advise teachers to pay more attention to Sveta, to give her the opportunity to express herself, to help her use her authority in communicating with children, to feel self-confidence.

I would like to advise parents to instill in their child a love for sports, this will help Sveta feel more confident and learn to overcome difficulties.

Surname and name of the child: Semyonova Sveta

Child's age 10 years

Date of examination 31.01.2008

Start time of the survey 11:45

Exam end time 11:50

Method(s) Intelligence Test Amthauera

1. The first subtest - a study of the differentiation of essential features of objects and phenomena from non-essential ones, as well as the stock of knowledge of the subject (the subject scored 9.5 points out of 10 possible);

2. The second subtest - the study of operations of generalization and distraction, the ability to highlight the essential features of objects and phenomena (the subject scored 10 points out of 10 possible);

3. The third subtest - the study of the ability to establish logical connections and relationships between concepts (the subject scored 9 points out of 10 possible);

4. The fourth subtest - identifying the ability to generalize (the subject scored 9.5 points out of 10 possible).

Level of success 7th highest (1st lowest, 7th highest)


Surname and name of the child: Semyonova Sveta

Child's age 10 years

Date of examination 02.02.2008

Start time of the survey 11:45

Exam end time 11:50

Method(s) 8-color Luscher test

Conclusions: Based on the results of the test, we can draw the following conclusions:

Analysis of the features of the emotional sphere of a person



Surname and name of the child: Semyonova Sveta

Child's age 10 years

Date of examination 26.01.2008

Start time of the survey 11:45

Exam end time 11:50

Method(s) Ch. Spielberg's Personal Self-Esteem Scale

Conclusions: Based on the results of the test, we can draw the following conclusions:

This technique allows you to assess the level of situational and personal anxiety. (ST=36; LT=48) Average level of anxiety. Sometimes it covers unmotivated anxiety and you have to make efforts to “keep yourself in control” without falling into depression and not showing excessive irritability.


according to the results of psychological examination

Surname, name of the child: Semyonova Sveta

Date of Birth: 16.02 1997. Age 10 years old

Educational institution: Lesosibirsk school №9

Date of examination: 26/29/31.01. 2008, 02.02.2008

Methods used in the examination:

Personality Questionnaire G.Yu. Eysenck; Intelligence Test Amthauer; Methodology for diagnosing self-assessment of anxiety by Ch.D. Spielberg; Technique 8-color Luscher test.

Diagnostic results:

According to the Eysenck questionnaire, the following results were obtained on a lie scale of 1 point, on a scale of extraversion and introversion 12 points, a scale of neuroticism 9 points.

Amthauer Intelligence Test the subject typed:

First subtest 9.5 points out of 10 possible;

The second subtest the subject scored 10 points out of 10 possible;

The third subtest the subject scored 9 points out of 10 possible;

In the fourth subtest, the subject scored 9.5 points out of 10 possible.

According to the method of diagnosing self-assessment of anxiety by Ch.D. Spielberg: ST=36, LT=48.

According to the method of 8-color Luscher test. +5+4+4+7+1=0-3-2-6+5-6

Conclusion on the results of the survey:

During the diagnostic examination, the girl behaved calmly, balanced, showed interest. In matters of assignments she quickly navigated. Sveta is sociable, develops successfully, easily finds a common language with her comrades. She is balanced, calm, the level of mental stability and extra / introversion in the girl corresponds to the average norm for his gender and age. The level of anxiety is average.

Diagnosing mental abilities, it can be concluded that the girl has a high level of intelligence. She successfully copes with tasks on awareness, generalization and classification.

In the emotional sphere - he longs for interesting and exciting events. (+5 + 4) He can really like others - bribing them with his obvious interest in them and the very sincerity of his charm. The imagination is too developed, likes to fantasize and dream.

Sensitive and responsive, however, there is some tension in it. She needs peace, which she can find in the company of a loved one. Works well in collaboration with others. Her personal life should be based on mutual understanding and be free from disagreements.

She feels unhappy because of the resistance she encounters whenever she tries to assert her rights. Believes, however, that there is little she can do to change and that she should experience the situation as it is.

The circumstances are such that she finds herself forced to temporarily compromise if she does not want to deprive herself of some affection or "full participation".

Physiological interpretation (-7-6) - Stress caused by unpleasant restrictions or prohibitions;

Psychological interpretation - Resists any kind of pressure from others and demands independence as a person. She wants to seek and make decisions to draw conclusions herself without anyone's intervention. Hates monotony and mediocrity. Since she wants to be seen as a person whose opinion is authoritative - it is difficult for her to admit that she is wrong, sometimes she only reluctantly accepts the point of view of another.

Physiological interpretation (-2-6) - Stress caused by excessive self-control. Aimed at the conquest and location of others.

Psychological Interpretation - Has an unsatisfied need to associate with people who have the same high standards as her, wants to stand out from the crowd. This causes her considerable stress, but she remains true to her positions despite her lack of recognition. Finds the situation "unpleasant" and would like to end it, does not refuse to sacrifice his beliefs for the sake of compromises. Unable to find a way out of this situation. constantly delays making the necessary decision due to doubts about whether she will be able to repel the resistance that this decision causes. He needs recognition from others, in their agreement with her desires and respect for her views - without this, he cannot feel easy and carefree.

Current problem or behavior caused by stress -

(+5-6) Everything unusual, original, including people with some outstanding properties, make a strong impression on him. She tries to adopt those qualities that she admires and shows the originality of her own personality.

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Writing a pedagogical description is an integral part of planning individual and group correctional work, summing up the results of all pedagogical work.

The purpose of writing a pedagogical description for a child is to document his psychological characteristics, the knowledge gained, the stages of his development, for further use to select the best option for an individual educational route. The modern education system makes it possible, on the basis of a detailed description of students, to build the most optimal variant for mastering the school curriculum and facilitating the joint work of teachers, specialists and parents of the child. The result of this work should be to help the child in mastering the school curriculum.

The characteristic of the development of the child should be a document that reflects in a structured way information about the characteristics of development, skills, character traits, and achievements of the child. With its help, an idea is compiled about the level of development of the child, the work carried out by the teacher, and further pedagogical or correctional work is built.

Drawing up a pedagogical characteristic requires a comprehensive study of the child. The main methods of the teacher, in addition to observation in the educational process, studying school grades, should also be conversations with the school doctor, parents, the use of psychological and pedagogical methods, and observation in extracurricular activities.

Plan (structure) for writing a pedagogical characteristic.

Young teachers often have difficulty how to write a characterization for a child. When compiling a pedagogical characteristic, it is necessary to adhere to a certain structure in order to describe the features of the child's development as accurately as possible and not to miss important characteristics. The proposed structure of the characteristics of children of primary school age contains the main points, without which the description will not be complete. The structure may vary depending on the specifics of the situation of use and pedagogical needs, it is possible to add and expand some positions, the analytical part.

The structure of the pedagogical characteristics for a child of primary school age:

Surname. Name. Surname.

Student's age.

Since what period has he been studying at this school, class, according to what program. When studying - in the CCM since when the transfer was made.

The effectiveness of mastering the material of the studied program. Analysis of the causes in case of poor progress: behavioral disorders, absenteeism, individual somatic weakness, the presence of a chronic disease, insufficient outlook. This part of the characteristic may contain the conclusions of the teacher. Possible formulations: the material of the school curriculum assimilates completely / partially / with difficulty / satisfactorily despite the potential / without difficulty, as evidenced by belonging to the good students ....

In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate the features of the assimilation of various subjects of the program. Recommendations of specialists on the transition to training in another program (specify what type). When recommending a special education program, the reason why the child continues to study in the classroom is indicated.

Characteristics of the student's educational and cognitive activity. Unlike the previous paragraph. It is not the result of assimilation that is revealed here, but the process of assimilation, the reasons for which the result is achieved.

When describing educational and cognitive activity, one should take into account how the child accepts the educational task: accepts / does not accept / in accordance with the mood / well-being / understands the task incompletely / independently / with the help of a teacher. The ability to keep the task, to finish what has been started is analyzed, it loses the goal, goes to secondary factors, is distracted. In the course of completing the task, it is taken into account whether the child needs help, the nature of the help: leading questions, multiple training help, organizing help. Problem solving planning. Ability to independently plan a solution: plans, needs help, does not know how to plan. Methods for solving educational problems: finding the path of least resistance, refuses to solve in case of difficulties, tries to avoid difficulties, shift the decision to another, uses all means to achieve a result, uses rational methods of solving, is able to choose from the proposed answers.

The ability to evaluate one's own actions, the ability to correct mistakes, accept the assessment of the teacher.

Description of the features of obtaining knowledge, mastering skills. This paragraph describes the features of perception, difficulties in writing and mastering the material by ear, with independent reading, understanding what is read, counting in the mind. The degree of meaningfulness of the material by the child, the ability to act by analogy, apply knowledge in new conditions, the ability to apply in practice.

Characteristics of cognitive processes. Decryption of the above features:

- attention: arbitrariness, volume, stability, switchability;

- performance: high-low, stable-unstable during the lesson;

- characteristics of perception: its volume, completeness, speed and activity, the formation of sensory standards, spatial orientation, the dominant indicators of information processing);

- characteristics of the predominant memory.

- the type of thinking of the child: activity, inactivity, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to form and operate with concepts.

Speech activity.

Characteristics of the emotional sphere of the student. The strength and degree of manifestation of emotions, the brightness of manifestations, irritability, aggressiveness, dysphoric disorders, the manifestation of feelings of euphoria, character accentuations, poise or lability of mood, the presence of affects. Characteristics of the level of self-esteem. The development of volitional regulation, the ability to volitional efforts, criticality, the ability to control one's own actions. Tendency to antisocial behavior. Character traits that contribute to or hinder educational activities, interests, their stability.

The degree of acceptance of the role of the "student" (assimilation and acceptance completely - non-acceptance of the role of the student) Characteristics of educational motivation: formed, not formed, partially formed, Characteristics of the prevailing motives: achieving success, avoiding failures, influence of momentary desires. Stability, activity and degree of external manifestation of motivation. The ability to comply with the requirements for students, compliance with the norms of behavior, the ability to organize educational activities during and after lessons.

Features of communication. Development of communication skills, features of contacts with strangers. Characteristics of relationships in the children's team. Communication motives. Striving for leadership, fulfillment of social roles. Age preferences in contacts. The ability to keep a distance when communicating with adults, a tendency to familiarity. Communication style, the presence of demonstrativeness, affective outbursts, psychopathic manifestations. Forecast of the development of communication skills, prospects for being in a children's team, the possibility of carrying out measures to correct behavior.

The completeness and practical orientation of the data provided can become a determining factor in the decision on the further educational route of the child. When compiling the characteristics, the teacher needs to start from the facts, the characteristics of the child and the indicators of educational activity, and not subjective opinion.

The characteristic should be as objective as possible and reflect the actual state of affairs, then on its basis a decision will be made in the interests of the student, which is the main task of the education system.

per ____________________________________________ student (tsu) ________________ class

School No. ______________ (district) No. ________________ for the period from _________ to _______


Age, pioneer or Komsomol member, was he in kindergarten, how old are you? Did the class change? If yes, why?

Appearance (verbal portrait).


    General health, presence of chronic diseases. state of the eyes.

    Height Weight. Correspondence of physical development to age norms.


    Family composition: age of each family member, profession, education, place of work and position of adult family members.

    Living conditions. What conditions does the student have in the apartment (a separate room, a corner, a separate table, there is no permanent place of study, etc.).

    Financial security of the family.

    The general atmosphere of relationships in the family (the presence of conflict, antipathy, friendliness, consent, etc.).

    The attitude of family members towards the student (blind adoration, caring, friendship, trust, equality, alienation, petty guardianship, complete independence, independence, lack of control, assistance in educational activities, attention to the spiritual development of the child, etc.)

    The student's attitude towards family members (respect, desire to support, caring, politeness, obedience, selfishness, capriciousness, stubbornness, negativism, despotism, neglect, etc.).


    Quantitative and gender composition.

    General characteristics of academic performance, discipline, social activity, psychological climate in the classroom.


    The official status of the student (achievement, discipline, what social assignments do they perform?).

    How does he perform public assignments (good, satisfactory, bad, enthusiastically, with pleasure, does not perform.?).

    What position does he occupy in the class (leader, popular, accepted, isolated, outcast).

    What role does he play in social work, games with peers (initiator, organizer, performer, contemplator?).

    How does he relate to the opinion of the collective, to the demands and criticisms of his comrades (benevolently, seriously, indifferently, hostilely?).

    Sociability, breadth and constancy of contacts with classmates, the presence or absence of close friends among classmates, the reasons for friendship, the manifestation of comradely qualities (mutual assistance, mutual assistance, reliability or ability to betray, etc.). If a student is alone in the class, then where, with whom and on the basis of what interests does he communicate?

    The nature of relationships with peers of the opposite sex (active friendships or inability to establish contact, restraint or swagger, etc.).

    The nature of the relationship with teachers (the presence or absence of conflicts, the manifestation of rudeness, the reaction to grades and comments, etc.).


    The degree of formation of the ideological and political orientation of the individual (does he show interest in political events in the country, in periodicals, in sharply debatable youth television shows? Depth and breadth of awareness on political issues. Formation of personal position),

    Do you have an individualistic or collectivist orientation?

    The student's moral beliefs (for example, his representation of honesty, justice, integrity, decency, kindness, etc.). Content, degree of formation and stability of moral convictions. The unity of knowledge and behavior. Ideals of the student (their content, the degree of influence on behavior and self-education).

    Attitude to work (socially useful work both at school and at home, labor lessons). Does he respect work or treat it with disdain? Does he show conscientiousness, diligence, accuracy in work, or the opposite qualities? What work skills (including self-service skills) have been formed? Is there a habit of prolonged labor effort?

    The prevailing motives of educational activity (for the sake of what, why does he study?). What attitude does he show towards various academic subjects (enthusiastic, interested, conscientious, indifferent, negative). Specify the reasons for the formed relationship. What activity does he show in the lessons (high, medium, low, does not show?). How does he perform his academic duties (neatly, carelessly, regularly, not regularly, has difficulty in work, does not perform)?

    Does he show interest in art, sports, technology, etc.? Sustainability, depth, breadth, effectiveness of interests. cultural outlook; Does the circle, sections, electives participate in the work (if so, in which and where)? What are the student's reading interests (their content, sustainability)? Do non-curricular interests positively or negatively influence educational interests and vice versa? Give examples.

    Does it have a stable professional intention (if so, who does it want to be)? What type of professions does he have an inclination for (man - man, man - nature, man - technology, man - sign system, man - artistic image)? Does he have a fairly complete idea of ​​his future profession (yes, partially, no)? Does he prepare himself for his future profession? Do the student's abilities match his professional intentions? (The presence of this or that ability is manifested in the successful performance of the corresponding activity, in the relatively quick and lasting assimilation of knowledge).


    Evaluation of the level of claims (high, medium, low). It manifests itself in the goals that the student wants to achieve in his studies and future work, in the position that he achieves in the class team.

    Characteristics of self-esteem (adequate or inadequate, the latter may be overestimated or underestimated). Give examples of situations in which the nature of the student's self-esteem manifested itself. Adequate self-esteem is manifested in the student's ability to objectively evaluate his successes and failures in school or other activities, in the ability to see and admit his mistakes, in a critical attitude to his character flaws, etc. Inflated self-esteem gives rise to such behavioral features as selfishness, narcissism , arrogance, arrogance, desire for leadership, disregard for the opinions of others, an uncritical attitude towards oneself and very high demands on others. Low self-esteem in a student manifests itself in self-doubt, passivity, alienation, high anxiety, depression, painful sensitivity and vulnerability, a feeling of inferiority compared to others.


    The degree of formation of general educational skills and abilities (the ability to highlight the main thing, plan educational work, read and write at the right pace, work independently with a book, exercise self-control).

    features of attention. Evaluate how developed the student's ability to control his attention (in other words, is the formation of voluntary attention and does its development correspond to age-related patterns?). Does the student have attention deficits, in what form (“Khlestakov’s” or “professor’s” absent-mindedness)? Describe the features of the development of individual properties of attention (stability, concentration, distribution, switching).

a) Describing stability, it should, firstly, be noted whether the student's attention is stable, as a rule, throughout the entire lesson, or whether the student can be concentrated only for a certain period of time (indicate which: 5, 10, 15 min. ... At the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the lesson). Secondly, to indicate whether the instability of attention manifests itself approximately the same in all lessons or depends significantly on the interests of the student.

b) The degree of concentration of the student's attention is evidenced by his reaction to distracting stimuli. The stronger the stimulus required to divert the attention of the student, the more concentrated his attention. And, conversely, if the student is easily distracted by minor extraneous stimuli, then the concentration of attention is low.

c) The ability of the student to successfully perform several types of activities at the same time testifies to the high development of the distribution of attention. Give examples of the manifestation of this quality.

d) The high speed of switching attention is evidenced by the ease of inclusion in the work at the beginning of the lesson; ease of transition from one type of educational activity to another (for example, from mastering new material to answering homework); Please note that the switchability of attention is closely related to the type of temperament. In mobile types of temperament (sanguine, choleric), this quality is usually more developed than in sedentary types of temperament (phlegmatic, melancholic).

    Features of perception (type of perception, degree of development of observation).

    Features of memory (Speed ​​of learning, duration of retention, accuracy of reproduction. Type of memory according to the optimal method of memorization. Comparative development of semantic and mechanical memory. Comparative development of figurative and verbal-logical memory. Possession of rational methods of memorization).

a) Different schoolchildren require a different number of repetitions in order to memorize the same poem, formula, rule, etc. The memory of schoolchildren in this case differs in the speed of memorization.

b) The existence of individual differences in the duration of material retention is illustrated by the following example: one student easily recalls material learned several months (years) ago, while another cannot recall material learned several days ago.

c) characterizing the individual characteristics of the student's memory in terms of the accuracy of reproduction, it should be noted how fully the student usually reproduces the educational material, whether he makes factual errors, etc.

d) When determining the type of memory, it should be remembered that there are visual, auditory, motor and combined types of memory. The type of memory is determined by the most optimal way for a given person to remember information of any content. It can be established on the basis of observations, student self-report, as well as experimental studies.

e) The high development of mechanical memory is evidenced, for example, by the ease of memorizing digital material, poems, as well as the verbatim transmission of educational texts.

f) The high development of figurative memory is evidenced, for example, by a good memory for faces, the voices of friends, pictures of nature, musical melodies, smells, etc. The high development of verbal-logical memory is evidenced by the ease of memorizing texts of various contents, mathematical formulas, etc. d.

g) The rational methods of memorization include: the semantic grouping of the text, the repetition distributed in time, the use of mnemonic techniques, etc.

    Features of thinking

a) What type of thinking is predominant in this student? (subject-effective, visual-figurative, abstract). If a student shows an inclination to solve technical, design, organizational problems, then he has developed a subject-effective type of thinking.

If, when studying mathematics, a student solves geometric problems more easily than algebraic ones; if, when studying history, for example, it is easier to learn facts, characteristics of individual historical figures, details of events, prone to emotional presentation, then the student is dominated by figurative thinking.

If the student more easily solves problems that require abstract reasoning, easily makes generalizations, and when presenting the material, focuses on the main patterns and connections of events, then abstract thinking prevails.

    flexibility(the ability to find new ways to solve problems, the ability to understand the opinion of another person and take his point of view, etc.) The opposite quality is called inertia;

    skill logical, evidentiary reasonably express your thoughts;

    depth(the ability to penetrate into the essence of complex issues, to see the causes and consequences of a phenomenon, etc.);

    resourcefulness, ingenuity(ability to deal with difficult situations in a short time). The opposite quality is called slow thinking;

    independence in reasoning (the ability to develop one's opinion, to argue one's point of view);

    criticality(the ability to objectively evaluate their own and other people's thoughts).

    conduct analysis educational text, task conditions, work of art, etc.;

    conduct comparison concepts;

    give definition concepts;

    give examples and facts illustrating and confirming any rules and laws;

    conduct classification concepts and phenomena.

    Features of speech (vocabulary, correctness, expressiveness, figurativeness, emotionality of speech, the ability to express one's thoughts in oral and written speech).


    Prevailing emotional tone: what mood is most typical for a student (cheerful, optimistic, cheerful, cheerful, calm, serious, frivolous, lethargic, depressed, sad, irritable, excited, anxious, pessimistic, etc.)?

    Stability of emotional states. It can be large (manifested in a rare change of mood, it is difficult to excite such a person, he does not calm down quickly, etc.) or small (opposite manifestations).

    The degree of emotional excitability. Excitability can be increased (such a person is easy to surprise, please, offend, anger; for the slightest reason he gets excited, impressionable, etc.) or reduced (opposite manifestations).

    The nature of the flow of emotions (stormy, vivid expression, ardor, irascibility, a tendency to affect or restraint, self-control).

    Is the student's typical form of reaction to a stressful situation: aggressive or depressive? For example, when a student is insulted or offended, how does he react: is he rude, embittered, fights or cries, falls into despair, experiences self-doubt? How does he behave in a responsible situation (at an exam, competition, public speaking): is he mobilized and shows better results than usual, or vice versa?


Evaluate how developed the student has such qualities as purposefulness, determination, perseverance, endurance, self-control, courage, independence, discipline, organization, suggestibility, stubbornness.


What type of higher nervous activity (in terms of strength - weakness, balance, mobility of nervous processes) is typical for a student? Features of what type of temperament predominate (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic)?

What type of higher nervous activity (according to the predominance of the left or right hemisphere) is manifested in the student (thinking or artistic type)?


In this section, it should be indicated whether the student’s character is “average” in terms of severity or he has an accentuation of character, that is, some character traits are sharply enhanced. In the latter case, one can presumably determine the type of accentuation based on the descriptions of various character accentuations given. Each type of accentuation is characterized by the presence of a “weak link” or “place of least resistance”. These are those strictly defined situations in which the type of character shows its weakness.


    Is the student's personality developing correctly? What personality traits (interests, character traits, abilities) should be cultivated in a student for his all-round development? What personality flaws need to be corrected?

    What conditions of life, upbringing in the family and school contributed to the development of positive personality traits and which led to negative ones?

    What should be the individual approach to this student on the part of individual teachers, class teacher, pioneer and Komsomol organizations to improve their educational impact?

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student:

structure and content

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, there are many different recommendations and schemes for compiling student characteristics. Each of them has its pros and cons.

After analyzing the currently existing criteria for compiling characteristics, we have identified several basic requirements that these characteristics must meet.

1. The characteristics of the student should reflect as fully as possible the individual psychological characteristics of a particular child, manifested in his communication, behavior, and learning.

2. The characteristic of the student should be easily "readable" and understandable for other specialists who are not familiar with the child being characterized.

3. The characteristics of the student should be compiled according to the standard scheme, this process should not be laborious.

4. The structure of the characteristic should include 5 main blocks:

1) general information about the child;

2) features of the child's cognitive activity;

3) features of the child's personality;

4) features of the child's behavior;

A well-composed psychological and pedagogical description of the student helps the educator and teacher to get an idea of ​​the child's personal qualities, establish contact with him, build a plan for further pedagogical and educational work, and create optimal conditions for the development of the student.

The template for compiling the characteristics of the student and the detailed content of the individual sections that cause the greatest difficulties in the description are presented below (see Table 1). In addition, we provide a template for characterizing the class as a whole (its goals and objectives are related to determining the directions for developing preventive work with the class).

student (student) ___ class

(school name)

FULL NAME. child __________ date of birth _______________



Date of Birth.

Date of admission to the institution.

Child's family ties(parents, brothers, sisters, next of kin).

Health Information(presence of chronic diseases, health group).


academic performance(excellent, good, satisfactory).

School motivation(attitude towards school, the presence of interest and desire to learn).

Features of the assimilation of individual subjects(level of assimilation of the program, difficulties in assimilation of the material, favorite subjects) .

Features of attention(concentration, switching, stability of attention).

Features of perception and comprehension of information(understanding the instructions for tasks, understanding the content of pictures, stories, highlighting the main thing in the text).

Features of thinking(the ability to compare objects, generalize the material, draw conclusions).

Memory Features(speed and accuracy of memorization, type of memory: auditory, visual, motor).

Features of speech(vocabulary, completeness and coherence of speech, pronunciation defects).

Pace of activity(speed of tasks, switching, fatigue).

Behavior in the classroom(understanding and observance of school norms and rules of conduct).


Orientation of the interests of the child ( educational, artistic and aesthetic, sports or other activities).

 (does the student like to study, what encourages him to study, attitude to various academic subjects, attitude to successes and failures):

Public activity-passivity;





Striving for success, leadership;



Attitude towards people(relationships with the class team, teachers, the attitude of the class to the student):

Features of relations with adults (politeness, a sense of distance, openness, attitude to criticism and praise - self-criticism).

Features of relations with peers (sociability, collectivism, disinterestedness, honesty, truthfulness, justice).

self-attitude ( self-assessment and self-control):

Modesty or, on the contrary, tells, boasts about his achievements, virtues

Self-confidence, i.e. whether he performs tasks, assignments without the help of others or needs the approval and help of others

Self-control, emotional balance.

Table 1 can help in filling out the second and third sections of the characteristics. "The content of individual sections of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student", presented below.


Compliance with social norms and rules of conduct.

Reaction to failures and failures.

behavior in conflict situations.

Bad habits.

Tendency to antisocial forms of behavior(deceit, theft, vagrancy, etc.)

General impression of the child.

findings(strengths of the student that should be developed and weaknesses that need to be corrected).



(school name)

General information about the class(number of children, age, composition of the class, health status of children).

Formal class structure(class asset).

Goals and objectives of the class as a team(the main directions of educational work with the class).

Achievement and attitude to educational activities(the number of excellent students, shock students, three students, favorite subjects, etc.).

Extracurricular activities(interests of children, involvement in circle activities, participation in events, competitions).

The state of discipline in the classroom(understanding and observance of social norms and rules of behavior).

Relationship between class and class teacher, other teachers.

Interpersonal relationships in the classroom(informal class structure, the role of positive and negative class leaders, the psychological climate in the class).

class cohesion(the ability to work collectively, the values ​​of the students of the class).

Class Achievements(educational, sports, literary, etc.).

Table 1

Child Assessment Options

Possible options for the development of the studied parameters of the child



Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the explanation of the teacher. He never gets distracted in class, does not make mistakes due to inattention in class

Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking

He listens attentively enough only when he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, does not always correct them when checking

As a rule, slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking


When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires rote memorization is easily memorized by him.

When memorizing, he can remember only what he previously understood, understood. Material requiring rote memorization is given with difficulty

Material that requires rote memorization is absorbed very easily, it is enough to look at it 1-2 times

To memorize the material repeatedly mechanically repeats it, indiscriminately and comprehended, makes semantic errors.


Quickly grasps the essence of the material, always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.

Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher's explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually does not offer his own original solutions

Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.

He understands the material only after additional classes, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses known “templates” when solving problems.


Attitude to affairs, assignments

Public activity

Actively participates in all public affairs.

Does not show activity in public life, but carries out instructions.

Rarely takes part in public affairs.


The child performs any task willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.

Carries out household chores and errands for adults.

Often evades cases and assignments, performs them in bad faith.


He always performs any task entrusted to him well and on time.

Often completes assigned tasks on time.

Rarely completes the tasks entrusted to him.


He knows how to properly distribute and completes his work on time.

Correctly distributes and performs his work on time only under the supervision of an adult.

Does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.


Always keeps his belongings in perfect order. Dressed neatly, pulled up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.

Keeps in proper order own and loaned to him things (books, abstracts). Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather out of duty.

Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Doesn't care about his appearance. Does not protect public property.

Striving for success and excellence

Always and in everything strives to be the first (in studies, sports, etc.), persistently achieves this.

Strives in one thing, especially of interest to him, to achieve recognition, success.

Very rarely strives for success in any activity, easily satisfied with the position of the "middle peasant".


Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.

Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.

Rarely dare to make any responsible decision

Unable to make any responsible decision on their own


He always achieves what he has planned, even if long-term efforts are required, he does not back down in the face of difficulties.

Brings to the end the plan, only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant or require short-term efforts.

He rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

Faced with difficulties, immediately abandons attempts to fulfill the intended.

Attitude towards people

The position of the child in the classroom

Sympathy classmates

He is the favorite of the class, he is forgiven some shortcomings.

Enjoys the sympathy of only a part of classmates.

The class doesn't like him.

Relationships with adults

Politeness, tact

Always shows due respect for other people.

Sometimes it is impolite and tactless.

Often too harsh, starts quarrels, insults others, is rude.


He adequately perceives criticism, listens to advice, tries to correct his shortcomings.

Often listens to fair remarks, tries to take them into account.

Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious faults, does nothing to correct them

Relationships with peers


Always willingly and with pleasure comes into contact with people, loves to work and relax with others.

Communicates with a limited circle of people.

Prefers individual forms of work and rest. Closed, uncommunicative.


He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.

As a rule, he helps his comrades when asked.

He very rarely helps his comrades: if asked, he can refuse to help.


In his actions he is always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people, and not his own benefit.

Almost always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people.

In his actions he is guided by his own benefit, and the benefit of the case.

Honesty, truthfulness

Always truthful in relation to teachers and educators, comrades. He speaks the truth even when it is “unprofitable” for him.

Rarely deceives, almost always truthful to other people

Often tells lies for personal gain


Actively fights what he considers unfair.

Rarely speaks out against what he considers unfair.

Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.

Attitude towards yourself


He never flaunts his merits and merits.

Sometimes, he talks about his real achievements and virtues.

Often boasts of even minor achievements, exaggerated virtues, or things that have not yet been done


Very confident. Rarely consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.

Self-assured. All tasks are performed without the help of others. Asks for help only when needed.

Often, when performing tasks, he asks for help, support from others, even if he himself can handle it.

self control

Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.

As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions. Poorly owns his feelings, easily loses his temper.


Construction principles psychological and pedagogical characteristics accurately described by A.F. Lazursky: “In order for these characteristics not to be a random pile of raw material (the value of which in such cases would be more than doubtful), one very important condition must be observed: each characteristic must be subjected to a detailed psychological analysis , in order to determine the prevailing inclinations of a given person and the way they are combined, to show how combinations of the prevailing basic inclinations form a number of complex manifestations characteristic of this person, in a word - to find out the psychological structure of this person.

While attaching such importance to the psychological analysis of the results obtained, we at the same time directed all our efforts towards avoiding another mistake, due to which even detailed characteristics often lose half of their significance. This error lies in the fact that the observer, noting some quality in the person being characterized, does so in general terms, without citing either external, concrete manifestations of this quality, or such facts on the basis of which he came to his conclusion. Noting, for example, that the observed boy is neat, or persistent, or absent-minded and inattentive, they often confine themselves to this and do not consider it necessary to embark on further explanations. (A.F. Lazursky, 1908).

Thus, the characteristic you compiled should be an analysis of the characteristics of the child's personality, i.e. reveal their inner connection and connection with the environment and activities of the child, and be confirmed by the results of observations, examples from life. It must be a description of a living child, not an abstract individual, and at the same time it must be an accurate, scientific description in psychological language.