Entertaining show - gamepad at the graduation party of elementary school. New graduation scenario in elementary school "Everything is the other way around or Children and Ancestors" Entertainment program last call

The soundtrack of a song from the movie "Carnival Night" sounds. The presenter in the form of a doctor enters the hall with a suitcase. While the song is playing, he conducts a preventive examination of graduates.

He puts fake thermometers on them, checks their blood pressure, examines their tongues, feels their pulse, checks their heart function, listens to their lungs, etc. In addition, he distributes fake pills - circles of different colors cut out of paper with inscribed names of various drugs.


So so so! Dear graduates, I don't like you today! You look kind of emaciated! You won't last that long! Urgent medical intervention is needed. Yes, you need to take care of your health.

In your future adult life, you will need iron nerves and hot hearts, but what do I see with you? You sit all day and night over textbooks, you earn physical inactivity, you eat irregularly, somehow, out, many already have shortness of breath. No, no, preventive measures are needed - then, perhaps, some of you will still survive, at least survive until the morning! So please, sign up! Here I ask at least you, something is clearly wrong with you!

Doctor Good Mood summons everyone from those present, using the tablets distributed for this, and conducts the contests and attractions described below. After each competition, he writes prescriptions for sick players, gives them medicines and exercise equipment - real or fake, drawn on paper.


1st competition:

Competitors must pick up objects lying on the floor at the back without turning around.


That's it, that's what I knew! You have terrible osteochondrosis - look, you can not even perform the simplest medical flexibility test! Your only salvation is daily, even I would recommend, hourly exercise!

It sounds like a fast composition, a specially recorded soundtrack is better. Doctor shows dance moves. All participants in the evening, standing in a general circle, repeat them.

Doctor (singing to the soundtrack):

We are charging

We start in the morning

Let diseases fear us

Let them not come to us.


One-two, wider step!

Do it with us!

Spread branches wide

Near the house is an old maple,

The neighbor's cat arched his back -

He loves exercise!


One-two, wider step!

Do it with us!

The bird spreads its wings

Waking up at dawn

Teddy bear kneads its paws

At the den on the grass.


One-two, wider step!

Do it with us!

2nd competition:

Two people participate, the rest of the guys are divided into two teams in a circle and stand behind the back of the participant they will root for during the game. A leaflet is attached to the back of one player with the inscription "Jump higher!", And the second - "Come in from the side!" - so that they do not see the opponent's back. The task of the players is to find out what is written on the opponent's back. Fans can use facial expressions and gestures to tell their player what is written on the back of his opponent. The game is played to fast music.


How do you twitch, jump! There is clearly something wrong with your nerves. This is a symptom of a terrible disease (checks the pulse of the players, feels the forehead). You are highly aroused. But don't worry, don't worry. We will heal you! Here is the recipe for you.

3rd competition:

Everyone who wants to participate. They get an appointment with Dr. Ear, Nose, and Throat. The doctor plays a nose-nose-ear game. The host calls the parts of the face, and the players must show these parts on themselves. But the doctor is distracted, he gets confused all the time and instead of the nose he points to the ear, hair, etc. The task of the players is to show the named parts of the face without getting confused. The doctor selects those players who do not succeed immediately and not always.


Everything is clear - I knew it: this is a general epidemic! Everyone here is sick! Everyone has the same diagnosis - impaired coordination of movements! What to do here, what to do? Aha! Remembered! I have an old recipe.

He unfolds an old manuscript, reads it carefully, prescribes a game for all those present as a medical procedure, and conducts one of the outdoor games for coordination of movements, call the “Traps” measures.

Some of the players, maybe boys, stand in pairs in a circle and raise their clasped hands above their heads, forming a "gate". All the other players, girls, while the fast music is memorizing, holding hands, run in a circle, running under the gates. As soon as the music stops, the "gates slam" and the trapped girls get into their trap, expanding it. The game continues until all the girls fall into the traps. The winners and recovered are those players whose trap will be the largest, and those "hares" who managed to avoid falling into the trap. All other players get a "new routine" and do any quick dance.

4th competition:

The doctor invites a young man and a girl for a preventive examination of two players, examines their teeth and gives the task: to eat an apple hanging on a thread without touching it with your hands. The one who completes the task faster wins.

5th contest:

The doctor calls several patients, listens to them with a special tube.


My friend, I have nothing to please you - you have a sick heart. You definitely need to be treated. And there is only one cure. For this disease, I recommend trying a soulful song

A slow composition sounds, or all participants in the evening, accompanied by a guitar or button accordion, perform several well-known songs on any topic, perhaps a school one.

6th contest:

The doctor calls several more patients for examination, asks them in turn to name what drugs they know or what smiles they know: thoughtful, cheerful, flirtatious, etc. Then he makes a diagnosis.


All clear! You have obvious memory loss. You need her constant training.

The doctor conducts the game "Handkerchief in a circle": all participants stand in a large circle, in the center is the leader. While the fast composition is playing, the players pass the handkerchief from hand to hand in a circle. The music is interrupted, and the player who still has a handkerchief in his hands goes to the center and takes the place of the driver, and the game is repeated several times according to the specified rules. Then the doctor asks to turn on a slow composition and announces a slow dance.

7th contest:

It can be held after the next quick composition, when all players stand in a general circle. The doctor conducts another general examination, is interested in well-being and mood, distributes vitamins.


Well, I'm quite pleased with the results achieved. The pulse of the majority is normal, the smiles on their faces are cheerful, they feel cheerful! Perfectly! Then here's another test for you: try to simultaneously draw your first name, last name and patronymic on the floor with your right foot and in the air with your left hand. Try it! (The players try to complete the task they have received.) All clear! Not everything is as good as I thought. Here you need a comprehensive, long-term treatment, thorough and constant training. Here is my final recipe. I advise you to take it regularly, three-five-ten times a day, as often as possible. I am sure he will certainly help you from all troubles and diseases, including the invasion of cockroaches and a deuce in the exam.

The doctor takes out and unfolds a huge prescription, on which is written in huge letters: "Good mood."


Come on, patients, all together: what is prescribed for you? (Children all read together what is written on the recipe and say it several times.)

And the last procedure that I prescribe for you and advise you to take today throughout the night is running and a marathon, of course, a dance one, from now until the very morning!

Under the song from "Carnival Night", the doctor says goodbye to the graduates and leaves, and the disco evening continues in the hall.

Ring louder, our cheerful call!

Description of work: This methodological development will be useful for primary school teachers. Game program "Ring louder, our cheerful call!is aimed at first graders, it is recommended to use this scenario for September 1. Exciting tasks and games will help first graders get to know the teacher, each other, and the school.


To create conditions for positive motivation for learning among first-graders through the use of gaming forms of learning;

Activate the emotional factor of learning;

To develop the communication skills of students, guided by the principles of trust, support, creativity and success.

Equipment: projector, class decorated with balloons.

Event progress

Veda 1: There is a school in Sherbakul,

There are countless different classes in it.

But now we notice:

There is one superclass in it!

Veda 2: First class - he is the coolest,

The best and most beautiful

Restless and noisy.

In a word - the smartest!

Veda 1: All the guys in it are talents:

There are singers and musicians

Both athletes and actors.

There are artists, dancers.

Vedas 2: Your class is just for selection,

It is not Chernomor that rules them,

Not Suvorov and not Putin.

Your teacher is known to everyone.

Vedas 1: Who is more beautiful than everyone, smarter than everyone,

Full of knowledge and ideas?

And you don't have to tell.

Her name is ... Irina Vasilievna.

Dear Irina Vasilievna, let me give you a few lines of poetry.

Honorable and complex

teacher work,

calling, heart

They are called to the road.

But knowledge is wealth

You give again

And with them - hope

Good and love!

holy patience

And genuine laughter

perseverance, joy

And faith in success.

Live with dignity

Giving us strength

Always tense

So, not in vain!

Vedas 2: Today we said goodbye to summer.

Summer was dressed in greenery.

Autumn has come to us again.

The kids are running to school!

Vedas.1: Today in our class there is a holiday Hello, school country. And what is a school? Who can answer this question?

(answers of children, parents, teachers, educators)

Veda 2: What is a school? School is childhood.

It's a wonderful world

Fabulous, beautiful and varied.

At school we read, write and count.

At school we grow up and we will all become smart!

Vedas.1: Let the winds blow past,

And time flies by!

We are only in our dear school

Want to study!

The song "Teach at school"

(The first presenter leaves to change clothes to play the role of Dunno)

Ved.2: Before starting classes, teachers always do a roll call at school. First, let's remember what your names are. Whose name I now call, I will ask him to complete my task. Dear parents can also take part in our roll call. Do you agree? Then we start.

Sasha - hands raised up,

Katy - squealed

...... - they clapped their hands.

Arthur and Seryozha - stomped their feet,

... .. - sat down,

….. - meowed in unison,

….. - grunted a little.

…..- jumped higher.

….. - bent down lower.

Who I didn't say

And today she was silent

Like one family

Let's shout together: "I!"

Here we met again.

Dunno appears to the music of _______________________________________

Dunno: They didn't even call me! Hello! Looks like I'm on holiday!

Ved.2 : Hello, Dunno! Yes, you are indeed on holiday.

Dunno : You know, I love holidays so much, especially birthdays.

Ved.2 : Why birthdays?

Dunno : Passion how I love cakes, pastries, sweets! Only, for some reason, I don’t see anything like that!

Ved.2 : Dunno, today is a holiday called Hello, school country. Here it is more appropriate to see a book, a textbook. And in general, it's time for us to give the first call. He just got lost somewhere.

Dunno: Excuse me, is it so shiny, strumming, ringing?

Ved.2 : Yes, exactly like that.

Dunno A: I didn't even think you needed it. I took it to play. Now I will return the call. Can I just ask the guys a few riddles?

Ved.2: Of course you can.

Dunno : My first riddle

I'll tell the kids

If it's hard, then ask

Help from moms and dads.

Who is the first time

Will he open the doors to his class?

Who celebrates the holiday with flowers?

Well, of course it is ... (first grader)

There is a harder riddle

For the most serious people.

Here is a beautiful house

Lots of bright windows

Whoever enters this house

Gain a lot of knowledge!

What is this house guys? (school)

I carry a new house in my hand,

The door of the house is locked

Here the tenants are paper,

All terribly important ... (briefcase)

Dunno: I also wanted to find out from the guys whether they had collected their portfolios correctly.

What do you have in your portfolio?

(children collect a portfolio)

Letters for writing

I write myself.


Black Ivashka, wooden shirt,

Where will he hold his nose,

Puts a note there.


In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, pens, paper clips. Buttons

Anything for the soul.

(pencil case)

I am a special notebook

Don't forget to take me.

It contains homework

And there are marks nearby -

How good are they!

Show your mom at home!


Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Write a bag on me.

You can also draw.

What is me?


Game "Collect a portfolio"

Stranger: Well done! I wouldn't be able to

I return your call!

(ringing the bell)

Lead 2: The bell rings for you again

For our September lesson.

An exciting and touching hour has come.

We say goodbye to summer now.

Let's welcome the school and the class!

Applause will sound for you!

(friendly applause sounds)

Dunno: But I’m wondering, do all the guys do their homework, or does someone help them?

Ved.2: Of course, children at this age need help. And that's why educators are always with them. For them now sound a few words.

So September has arrived.

It's school time for them.

Will bring them new worries and troubles,

It will force you to rebuild your whole life.

Dunno: I will name the cases, and you should give an answer in unison, who is involved in such cases. Do you agree?

Who will follow the uniform of the first grader?

Who gets up at seven in the morning?

Who will eat breakfast first?

Who will carry the briefcase every day?

Who will study diligently?

Who will be lazy and yawn a lot?

Who will say to a first grader: “To bed!”

Ved.2: Well done, we see that everyone has prepared for the school year.

The kids have grown up

They came back to school.

Look, they're sitting here

Can you imagine? Don't play pranks!

Dunno: Since the guys are not naughty and sitting quietly, then we will play the game "Verbal portraits of classmates."

Who is always the first to run out for recess?

Who will always give a pen to someone who has forgotten theirs?

Who speaks the loudest in the class?

Who runs the fastest?

Who is the latest in physical education?

Who laughs the loudest and most cheerfully of all?

Who always raises his hand up?

Who likes to dream and therefore looks out the window?

Vedas 2: As it should be in a real school, we will now have a change. We will rest and play.

Days of the week game

Get bolder in the circle

Take hold of your hands!

I'll ask you for order:

Has everyone been exercising?

I believe! I believe! But I'll check now!

I will name the days of the week

And you all together low-low squat!

We will go to school together

On Monday,


On Wednesday,

And on Thursday

And on Friday

And on Saturday

And Sunday is a day off.

Vedas 2: And now listen to the poems.

Dunno: Mom and dad told

How to behave at the desk.

For example, you can't lie

A desk is not a bed.

Vedas: I intend to sit straight,

As my mother taught me.

I want to ask, say

I will raise my hand.

Dunno: And we will not chat,

So as not to disrupt the lessons!

Forty-five minute lesson!

Would last the whole time.

Vedas: We all know "excellent" -

Fighting in the classroom is not decent!

We will be very polite

And let's forget about quarrels.

Dunno: The student must know:

You have to write well

To avoid mistakes

And in the notebook was "five"!

Vedas: We will try to be friends,

Do more sports.

We promise not to be lazy

I really want to study.

Dunno: Let the doors of the school open,

Lessons start soon!

First class, meet us

Start the school year!

Vedas 2: I think that the guys learned the alphabet. Well, everyone has learned the first letter of the alphabet, and now we will watch a cartoon about it.

M / F about the letter "A".

Dunno: The long-awaited moment has come.

The bell sounded again.

He invited us to change.

He gave me the opportunity to move.

I ask all the guys to stand up,

And repeat the movements after me.

You are standing on the platform

Start charging!

Hands up, raised up

Lowered - breathe clearly.

One, two, three, four, five.

We repeat everything again.

Hands up, raised up

Lowered - breathe clearly.

Exercise two.

Hands to the side, legs apart.

So long ago it happened.

Do three tilts down

Four, get up.

Everyone needs flexibility in the world,

Let's bow down, kids!

Once - to the right,

Two to the left

We do everything skillfully.

Squats every day

Drive away sleep and laziness.

Squat down -

Grow taller!

In conclusion, in a good hour,

We are walking now.

One two three four.

Let us live in friendship and in peace.

Veda 2: Well done, guys. How well you moved. Dispersed fatigue and with renewed vigor proceed to the next task.

Dunno: Guys, do you love your mom?

Ved.2: And what kind of mothers do you have? Let's pick the most beautiful words for moms.

What is mom like? (kind, sweet, beloved, affectionate, beautiful, smart, charming, attractive, fair)

Stranger: Well done! You know everything. Completed all tasks!

Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end.

May all children be happy

Who carry notebooks and books,

Let them be healthy, talented, brave,

Lessons let everyone be only successful.

goodbye guys

We want to give you an order:

Gotta get up on time

Don't be late for lessons.

Take care of your school

And love teachers and educators!

Dunno: Accept congratulations from us

And many good wishes!

Here you will learn a lot of tricks:

Solve problems, write correctly,

Learn not to be afraid of difficulties.

And everyone will learn to take care of themselves:

Collect a portfolio, braid pigtails.

We believe you will succeed!

So good luck! Have a good trip!

Song _________________________________________________


    Berdnikova, N.V. First time in first grade [text] / N.V. Berdnikova // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 7. - P.10 - 12.

    Vladimirova, L.A. Rides, rides Kotofey! [text] / L.A. Vladimirova // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2008. - No. 5. -S. 61 - 63. (according to the work of V. D. Berestov)

    Glavatskikh, E.P. Birthday is only once a year. [text] /E.P. Glavatskikh // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2008. - No. 5. -S. 25 - 26.

    Guskov, E.A. Hello School Country![ text ] / Last call. - 2009. - No. 7 - P.13 -15.

    Karpova, E. hello, hello, third grade! [text] / E. Karpova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2007. - No. 4. -S. 73 - 80.

    Ponomareva, T. Farewell to elementary school [text] / T. Ponomareva // Education of schoolchildren. - 2007. - No. 4. - P. 68 - 73.

    Khomenko, N.Yu. Yagyoshka and Koshcheichik go to school. [text] / N.Yu. Khomenko // Pedagogical Council. - 2009. - No. 7. - P.4 - 5.

    Shalaginova, V.M. The First September story about Masha Pyaterkina [text] / V.M. Shalaginova // Pedagogical Council. - 2008. - No. 6. -C.3 -4.

Compiled by: Belousova O. I., teacher of KOU SKOSHI


On the stage, behind a screen, there is a door with the inscription "Entrance to adulthood" and the inscription "Caution! There is no turning back!” Behind the door is a crowd of attackers from 11b, arguing who is the first, and with them their class teacher I.A.
two presenters come out, the crowd freezes like a snap shot:
1st leader. Good afternoon dear friends!
2nd leader. Hello dear guests, parents and teachers!
1st leader. We are glad to welcome you to the first in the history of the Festival of Television Programs, dedicated to the entry into a great life of 11 graders from all over the country!
2nd See how impatiently they are waiting for this event, how eager they are to go! (step aside)
(Coming to life) IA: Guys, be polite, but I taught you! All in time, boys, make way for the girls! Well, everything! Go! The first one went, the second one went! The fourteenth has gone! Where is Vladik? Vlad, come here, don't be afraid! Let's be so careful, from school and to foreign language, they will meet you there, everything will work out! (shoves him through the door. So, what about Nikitin? He didn’t go through! What’s the problem with him again?
Nikitin, watching everything at the railing of the stage: Irina Alekseevna, I have been here for a long time! I've been on my own since 6th grade! Everything is fine!
2nd leader! Well, since everything is fine - let's release everyone!
1st. Well, the adult world, meet the release of 2010!.
Alumni Exit
2nd - A opens our festival ... .. (officials)

1st And now let me introduce the main organizers of our Festival who have invested a lot of effort and creative energy in its creation: this is the administration and teaching staff of school No. 90 (11 "A" gives flowers to everyone.)
1st leader. Dear friends, well, today you will see the most popular, most beloved by the audience, TV shows that have a high rating in our country.
2nd leader. Your attention will be presented weekly news, exciting, children's and music programs, humorous and analytical programs.
1st leader. The festival opens with the most rated news program of the NTV program "Today"
There is a screensaver of the TV program "Today". There are two leaders at the table.
Leading. Hello. A special edition of the program "Today" is on the air.
Leading. Hello, and with you are the hosts of the program Vitaly Vazhenin and Zhanna Agalakova
Leading. Victoria Chernyshova!!!
Vazhenin looks at her in surprise.
- It's too early for you, Vitalechka, with Agalakova on the same air!
Leading. Well, okay, and we have the main news of the day!
Today, May 22, 2010, all schools in our country are in the solemn expectation of the holiday.
for millions of eleventh graders, the last school bell will ring today.
Our special correspondent Victoria Tretyakova is now in one of the best schools in our country.
Let's give her the floor. Victoria, you have the floor! (pre-filmed video)
Hello. I am in the epicenter of the holiday at the main entrance to the building, all the students of l1-x classes with their class teachers have gathered here. They are visibly worried, of course, because they have to say goodbye to school. Solemn music performed by a brass band sounds (a video of the orchestra is playing) And now one of the most touching moments of farewell to the school is coming (a living corridor is depicted on the porch, stairs). All students from 5th to 10th grade built a living corridor along the front stairs leading to the school assembly hall. They greet the graduates with streets, flowers and balloons, and shout enthusiastically: “Farewell, Vasya!” and other kind words. Vasya is also touched! Vitaly?
Leading. Yes, Victoria, this is indeed a historic event, but do the graduates themselves feel that they are becoming a part of history?
Corr. Let's ask them (addressing the students). How do you rate graduation? Is today's holiday a historical event for you?
l-th student. Our history teacher, Poznakhirko Galina Vasilievna, explained to us that a truly historical event can only be discerned about half a century after it happened. Suppose one of us becomes great and famous, then everyone will be interested in where and when he studied. Therefore, I decided to achieve high results in life, so that today would definitely become significant in the history of our country! (Kashlach)
2nd student. But it seems to me that I am more like an ancient Slav who underwent an initiation rite, Mikheiko Marina Alexandrovna once told us about him in law classes. Society will now recognize me not as a boy, but as a husband, and will entrust me with the duties and rights of an adult. I am very proud of this and grateful to my teachers! (Pavlov)
3rd student. I perceive this event as a revolutionary situation in the family, my parents can no longer manage me in the old way, and I do not want to live the old way, I am already an adult. Thanks to my history teacher Padalko Nikolai Nikolayevich, for teaching me how to evaluate the events and stubbornly accustomed us to independence. (Osokin)
4th student. And I remembered one decree of Peter 1, we were also told about it in history. After finishing school, nobles were allowed to marry! This is this knowledge, oh how it will come in handy for me, Mom, don’t be afraid !! (Miller)
Corr: I would like to say a huge thank you to the social science teachers of this wonderful school, for teaching the children to feel the historical time so precisely. Thank you. Vitaly?
Leading. Thank you Victoria It was a special issue dedicated to the main news of the DAY.
- And Svetlana Stanislavovna Borishkevich, our leading columnist, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, who has been closely following the performance of our graduates for many years, will comment on what is happening.
- Svetlana Stanislavovna, are all graduates admitted to the Unified State Examination, and what will they have in store for them this year?
(Order on admission to exams)
- So, in our studio there was a chief specialist in our academic performance, do not switch!
Leading. You can read the rest of the news on the Internet in the School No. 90 group on Vkontakte and on Odnoklassniki.

Leading. What deep knowledge not only in music, but also in poetry!
- Yes! We are like that!
2 student. Today I honestly admit that, to my literature teacher, Zhigan Marina Nikolaevna, I passed this poem the fourth time!
Leading. Yes, well, literature lessons were not in vain for you! And finally, here is such a melody (Song in the sleeping city the wind is spinning ..
Uch-it's about the tenth grade!
Host: Amazing! I have no more questions for them, I hope you will show the same deep knowledge on the exam! And we meet the 10th grade! In the blockbuster "Unlawful Invasion"
10th grade performance.
- Well, hello again! The NTV channel is again with you and with you the program "Protagonist". What kind of experiments we did not conduct: Girls from the Tatu group laid asphalt on Moscow roads, Boris Moiseev was in the shoes of a traffic police officer, and today an experiment that is completely insane in its boldness: Sergey Zverev in a mathematics lesson with Valentina Alekseevna! We look: (Kim, Tolmachev)
Well, on behalf of the directorate of the NTV channel and on behalf of the graduates of school No. 90, we express our deep gratitude to the faithful priestesses of the queen of mathematics Malinovskaya Alla Maksimovna, Rukosueva Olga Pavlovna and our wonderful, demanding, fair and super responsible Gribovskaya Valentina Alekseevna! And for you, the number from the program "Obvious Incredible" Pustynsky Victor for the first time in an official suit and performs a farewell song.
(after Pustynsky's song) (Chirkova, Khalturina, Vasilyeva, Nikitin with a camera)
The melody of the program “Siberian Garden” sounds, girls come out with a watering can, a bucket, a net:
-Listen, I don’t understand, where we and the Siberian Garden have to do with it. We still have ten years before the garden and the garden! In my opinion - this is generally a draw of some kind!
- Girls, I'm telling you for sure, the Siberian Garden does not go on NTV, we got to the wrong place!
- What's the difference there or not there? Now we will issue the text, let them film us and show us where necessary!
- Eh, you're not at school, what would be stupid to drive the text! We are going out into life, so what do you think you say?
- Is it like you told me to follow the market?
-AAA! I stepped on someone! Ouch! Ant! I think I crushed him!
- Do not worry! He is okay! Ants can carry 1000 times their own weight! Taught biology!
- but he's not breathing!
- Perhaps you beat off his kidneys?
- Maybe we’ll give him milk, it removes intoxication!
- It's better to put it on a pebble, in the sun, vitamin D is produced in the sun! It will work out to make him feel better!
- Oh, girls, we are so smart! Today I was at the hairdresser's, discolored and I ask about the paint: does it contain hydrogen peroxide? The hairdresser took so long to load!
-And what?
- Cho, cho - you need to know chemistry, it's bad for hair!
-Don't you need to know geography?
-What about geography?
- Do you remember how you came here, travelers? We went left, right, straight, right again, and then I don’t remember! It seems like ten years have passed! I think we are lost! The studio is kind of strange, there’s even some kind of reservoir, let’s go and swim! It’s hot!
- Stop! Do you know how deep it is? Swimming in unfamiliar waters is life-threatening! Don't you remember what Evgeny Alexandrovich said!? (2 boys appear)
- Hello girls! We are from the program “director of our own” and have just filmed you in a wonderful video “Girls in an unnatural habitat for them”, but you behaved quite naturally! Maybe you want to give something to someone?
Together: we want!
-We want to convey a huge thank you to our teachers of chemistry, biology, geography and life safety,
- We have fully mastered your science at the household level
- We took from you everything that we will need in life!
- In general, thanks to you, Evgeny Alexandrovich
- Nina Ivanovna
- Antonina Innokentievna
- Elena Gennadievna
-Natalya Vitalievna
- Vladimir Vladimirovich, we will not be lost!
- We have a high adaptability to the environment
- Stress resistance to irritants
- We are not afraid not only of long breaks in eating during our student years, but also of Samalian pirates!
- About pirates you in vain! Look, they're standing!
- So what can we take from us? This is a gift for teachers!

Dance "Pirates"
- How wonderful that we work today without advertising!
- Even as it is unusual! Let's run at least one!
Advertising (Kolya, Pasha) - (Video on multimedia)
- Where is my favorite cow?
- What are you, Mikhailo! 20 years have already passed.
- So I ask, where is my cow?
- Yes that you, Mikhailo! Cows live 8 years.
- And where is the cow?
- What science are you good at, Mikhailo? In zoology al in mechanics?
- Nadezhda Mikhailovna has already hammered the mechanic into me!
- Well then your cow broke.
- Learn physics at School No. 90!
- Nadezhda Mikhailovna, we love you!
- And we give the floor to our sports commentator Olga Danilovich:
- Dear friends today, for the first time in the history of the school, an unusual football match is taking place between the famous Spartak team and the Graduate 2010 team, it is unusual in that it takes place not at the stadium, but on the stage! The hall is filled to capacity! Fans are chanting:
-: Attention young fans! (young fans stop chanting) Your history teacher is at the game!
And here come the players! Alexei dribbles the ball, throw, and the ball is in the upper net of the goal! Well, what can you do if basketball throws are the best practice we have! Thanks to Mikhail Mikhailovich! Any of our graduates can be safely taken to the NBA basketball team. But Elena intercepts the ball! Elena was engaged in the volleyball section with us! What she does? With a practiced volleyball technique, she sends the ball into the goal! Here is the hardening! Ah yes well done Yuri Valentinovich! What kind of volleyball players does he prepare! And Denis Nazarov appears on the court! Here is a somersault! Yes, the gymnastics of Galina Kuzminichna was not in vain for him! Boxing! And the ball is in the goal! 3-0 in favor of our graduates! Hall rejoices! Bravo, bravo, physical education teacher of school No. 90! And our participants of the match go down to the coaching box with well-deserved awards!! (put on impromptu medals) Thank you for your attention, Olga Danilovich was with you!

After a series of films about Harry Potter, and in our school they began to be more careful to offend little rickety bespectacled people

Thirteen-year-old Vova Shibkoumnov graduated from school as an external student, having passed exams and money for school repairs for the 9th, 10th and 11th grades.

Fermat's Theorem, which could not be proved for more than a hundred years, is finally proven. Vasya's dad is really strong in mathematics.

To combat obesity, the United States purchased 10,000 physical education teachers from Russia.

Russian scientists have calculated the exact value of the Dofiga number. But this data is still classified.

According to Interfax, Minister of Education Fursenko also regularly collects money from ministry employees for curtains and repairs.

Shut up, everyone sat down in their places, closed their drooling mouths, landed their asses and listen carefully to me - this is how the lesson of world art culture usually begins in our school.

Good news for those who like to skip school on purpose: We invite them to temperature increase courses!
- Hello! You have reached the military office. If you want to serve in the army, press the "asterisk", if not - "bar" ...
In the school cafeteria.
- I'm three second.
“Don’t you want the square root of minus two?”

Hey! Hands behind your head, feet shoulder-width apart!
- This is a robbery?!
- No - physical education lesson!
Parents, remember! The computer does not help study ... Only the promise of its acquisition helps.
And finally the announcement:

He was 10 years older than her. But she sat on his neck and dangled her legs. Watch May 22 in all schools - the last call

And finally, our festival ends with the retro program "Visiting a Fairy Tale"
- Favorite children's show of our moms and dads. See you!
(Speech 8G and the last phrases of the king:
- And submit here 11A
- Citizens-comrades 11A, please go to the stage! - herald)

Business card 11 A (Akimova and Faskhutdinova)



Music noise, vanity,
Rainbow holiday, nights without sleep -
In a school notebook, written to the skin,
Spring will put an end today.

All the turmoil swirled spring,
But, as usual, in due time,
Our successes, mistakes, accomplishments -
Everything will be summed up by the last call.

The trill of the school bell rings, the Zvonochek (a girl in the Bell's costume) appears on the stage, runs around the circle, stands up to the microphone.

Call. Hello dear teachers and parents! I am the school bell. Exactly 11 years I saw our graduates from class to class, and today I came to see them off on the high road of life, the ladder of classes ended. Today it will break as soon as my sad farewell song sounds.

Dear graduates! My time has come, it does not endure, I invite you to the last school line.


Attention, friends, attention!
Our holiday begins.
Good and happiness wishes
Let today not end.
Saying goodbye to the school with sadness,
A piece of her magic
They promise to keep in the heart
The culprits of the celebration.
Confused and happy
Now appear before us.
And their feelings are unique
They will not be able to express in words.

Leading: School! By the meeting of graduates of the 2008-2009 academic year, stand still, alignment with the graduates of the school.

The melody of the school song.

The hall includes graduates with class teachers.

Welcome 11 A class- class teachers Shiryaeva V.P. and Prokusheva L.N. (the class teacher and the first teacher accompany the class).

We meet 11 B class- class teachers Popova N.A. and Belousova N.I.

The threshold of the school porch crosses 11 In the class - class teachers Rassadnikova N.N. and Degod'eva T.G.


Spring took possession of the earth without a fight.
At the scheduled time.
Today the school says goodbye to you
Today is the last call

The solemn line dedicated to the Last Bell Holiday and the graduation of 2009 should be considered open.

The anthem of Russia sounds.

Leading. So this solemn and exciting day has come, the day when the last school bell will sound for you. Hearing it, you will sadly turn around, look back at the years that will never return. This is the happiest and most carefree time that has given you a lot of good things: strong knowledge, useful skills, true friends, first love. You are the most unique for the school. According to the established tradition, the floor for congratulations and the announcement of the order for admission to the exam is given to the director of OSOSh N 1 ... ...


Leading: Today your school comrades, students of grade 10 A, came to congratulate you.

4 tenth graders come on stage.

1st presenter.

In a year, we will stand in your place,
Let's worry just like now.
We sincerely wish you good luck
And please listen to our advice.

2nd host.

If someone is immediately caught with a spur,
For an act, this "deuce" threatens you
Remember how many good teachers
And hope for indulgence at this moment.

3rd host.

And we will continue your business at school,
Let's go down the path.
Go to the cherished goal boldly,
And in a year we will follow you!

4th presenter.

Today we take the baton
From your strong hands, graduates.
You launched a rocket to knowledge,
We will launch our own shuttles behind her.

1st presenter.

And so from year to year, from century to century
Strives upward, to the knowledge of man.
And you - successfully continue your path,
And we - with dignity to keep our school banner!

Tenth graders sing a song to the tune "Everything will pass." Appendix 1

  1. Soon the bell will ring in silence
    Fun and sad.
    No lessons, no change -
    It suddenly becomes empty.
    And we will not have older friends,
    Kind and cheerful.
    And you will come as guests, now
    To your home school.


Everything will pass - both sadness and joy,
Everything will pass - this is how the world works.
Everything will pass, you just have to believe
That love doesn't go away, no

  1. We will miss you very much
    At the time of big offsets.
    You'll have to get used to it now.
    To new concerns.
    But remember us sometimes
    And their faces brighten up.
    Through the flying whirlwind of the year
    School friendship lasts.

2nd host. How we do not want to part with our graduates! After all, they are the smartest!

3rd host. Beautiful!

4th presenter. Good!

1st presenter. Talented!

2nd host. Sensitive!

3rd host. Raised!

4th presenter. How can we do everything so that they stay at least another year in our school?!

1st presenter. Need to think!

2nd host (joyfully). O! Close the doors before the exams and lose the keys!

3rd host. Not! It's better to waste exam tickets and let them fly, fly! ..

4th presenter. Or maybe sneak into the school and make mistakes in the compositions! Well?

1 .leading. Calm down! We just received this now. (Shows a printed sheet.) An order from Moscow. From the Ministry of Education. I'm reading. “In connection with the new requirements of modern society for the youth of our country, in connection with the upcoming year of youth, I order: to increase the number of years of study in schools by three years, starting from May 2009 Minister __________.”

Leading (together). Hooray!

1st presenter (referring to grade 11). Why don't you rejoice, 11th graders? Don't want to stay?

Under the music. Graduates enter the background.

1st graduate.

Very soon we will say goodbye to school,
Our final bell will ring.
We anxiously sit down at our desks,
As once on the first lesson.
Within these walls we were taught good;
We went to school, as in our family.
Here we spent our childhood
Here we met our youth.

2nd graduate. We dedicate the first lines of our speech to the first teachers.

First ever teacher
Stay. All school years
We peered at the pretty features--
How much goodness and warmth in them!
What love, patience reserve
You need to teach us all
understand, help, forgive
il scold -
At the same time, love everyone.

3rd graduate.

There is no favorite person in school!
We cherish your eyes of radiant light,
Smile and praise for the cause -
Your kind words are so appreciated!
But the main thing is that we have been given a great start,
And we are grateful to you for this.
So in life your knowledge will come in handy!
And henceforth we will try to learn,
So as not to let you down, but to show
That you gave knowledge to many on the "five".
And we will remember that from your hands
We went to the world of big sciences.

4th graduate. We express our words of appreciation and gratitude to the most persistent and selfless teachers of the school - our class teachers.

Very sad for the last time
To hear overflows of a call ...
He will call us with you
To lessons under the school roof.
We can't believe that already
We don't have to wear a "shift"
Run away from class sometimes
Looking forward to a fun change.

5th graduate.

You don't have to stand at the blackboard
And drive on the map with a pointer,
You don't have to write cheat sheets
And with a plea to catch clues.
Everything will be left behind...
There is a big road ahead.
We say to the school: "I'm sorry,
Please don't judge us harshly."
Well, to you, dear, relatives,
The best in the world, our
amazing teachers,
We say thank you very much.

6th graduate.

Forgive us for all sins
What have they done over the years.
We admit our guilt
We weren't the best.
How much pain, resentment and tears
They accidentally hurt you.
Please forgive us
Anyway, we loved you very much.

Dear our very first and coolest, class teachers and the kindest and most fair director, Tatyana Valeryevna, we ask you to come to us.

Teacher's response.

  1. My friend! You, making the path of the earth,
    Tied his fate with my fate!
    Now neither distance nor year
    We will never be separated!
    Do you remember, a carefree and cheerful boy
    Did you see the school for the first time?
    I saw delight in your eyes
    And I saw a smile on my lips.
  2. And you are a snub-nosed girl with a bow
    Do you remember entering the school house?
    Elegant, like a doll, all in flowers,
    And curiosity sparks in the eyes.
    Even faster strings of days fly -
    And there are no more awkward ducklings.
    They all turned into swans
    And the wings behind your back grow faster!
  3. And now you are ready to fly.
    Life is calling you.
    And the school now has only one concern -
    So that you all become high-flying birds!
    Let the wind beat your wings into your blood,
    Don't get tired of moving forward.
    And I ask you, remember every time:
    The school remembers you and hopes for you!
  4. Undoubtedly, you have grown up,
    More independently - you can understand everything.
    But, remember sometimes teachers,
    After all, you see, there is something to remember?
    Who was next to you on the path of life?
    Who helped to overcome steep turns?
    For all for them, today, you are, in fact,
    Pieces of their wounded soul.
  5. The whole school celebrates this day
    Spring holiday on the threshold of summer.
    And as always, lilacs bloom in the gardens,
    The nightingale's trill does not stop until dawn.
    Isn't that why the stage is dressed in flowers?
    Isn't that why the hall is brightly decorated?
    What a big change awaits you all,
    Not at school anymore, already in your life.
  6. Your school marathon is over.
    You passed it from the call to the call.
    It's not for us to judge how difficult it is,
    But, it's time for you to say: "Bye"!
    And according to tradition, at the moment of parting,
    With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eyes,
    Please accept our sincere wishes,
    God bless you! Goodbye! Good time!

7 young men with flowers go to the center of the hall, go to the site, stand in front of the teachers.

7th graduate.

We stand before you today
At the solemn, cherished hour
And we know: again you are behind us
And again worry about us.
So unobtrusive and modest
In the stream of different school days
They gave their love exactly,
All were accepted as "their children."

8th graduate.

Heartache for everything in the world,
To delve into everything, to give your whole life,
For children to gain knowledge
And they could understand the purpose of life.
Thank you, our dear director,
We are grateful to you to the point of tears.
We don't know where you get your strength
Pull such a heavy cart!
Teacher, your work is not easy
Probably nothing to measure
Your every day theater and fight
And there is strength to believe in victory!
Bearing teachings of light,
Are you an altruist by nature?
And in human culture
There are no more jobs like this!

9th graduate.

Thank you! bow to the ground
From all graduates, accept
And also, carefully loving,
Teach your students.
We will remember you like this
And we can't change our memory
Graduates now in front of you
They want to bend their knees.

Young men get down on one knee, hand over flowers to the director, class teachers, and the first teachers. At this time, the melody of the song "Thank you teachers" sounds.

The teachers leave the stage.

Graduates sing a song to the tune of the song "Crossroads". Annex 2

And now our call has rung out,
What invitingly called us to the lesson,
And it's time to cross the threshold.
School threshold at the beginning of seven roads.
Together we walked the path in 10 years,
The one that left a trace
About those days gone by
school, teachers,
And ahead of our lives scope.


Crossroads of seven roads
Here we are!
Young hearts are full of our faith.
And there was one last chance
We will perform our school waltz,
This dance is farewell and bright for us.

The dance group is built on a waltz.

Call. You got so carried away that you completely forgot about me. Holiday something after all today and my.
Even if I don’t make spiritual speeches with you, I follow the progress very, very strictly. Even now I would not speak, but some very important people insistently begged me to give them the floor.

Takes the hand of first-graders and takes them to the stage to the melody of the song "First-grader, first-grader"

  1. Since they gave us a microphone -
    Let him not shut up!
    We will miss you
    But our hour will come!
    Let me be unsightly now
    freckled student,
    I will grow up and I will also be called a graduate!
  2. The last school call
    We have come to you today.
    Wishing you good luck as a gift brought!
    We won't be for very long
    Praises for you to sing!
    Just what is that word?
    I need to look somewhere...
  3. You are a lot of words
    Studied for ten years.
    Image maker, integrals,
    "Relax, menn!", mobile, buffet!
    We also know about the buffet.
    In vain, or what, at school for a whole year
    Half a lesson "freezes"
    It has school graduation people!
  4. What good kids!
    Well, where else can you find them?
    Everyone loves to study and listen to mom,
    And they eat porridge without leaving a single gram!!
    And among them is the one
    who, imagine, does not smoke,
    And the class cleans up and
    often on duty!!
  5. You scientists, of course!
    Ten years to count, write!
    From such a cool study
    You can break your head!
    Nothing, don't worry!
    Knowledge is power, not a burden!
    A month, two, get together,
    And go straight to the university!
  6. We promise you today
    Follow the school here!
    Increase the glory of the school
    All that is asked is to learn!
    Run better, jump further
    Sing beautifully and without falsehood!
    Let's respect adults
    And take the exam for five.
  7. Final exam coming soon
    The time is coming
    We sincerely wish
    TOGETHER: No fluff or feathers for you!


Here they are, here they are dashing
first graders are gone.
These kids are babies
Flowers will be given to you.
Petal - wish
Pull on yourself.
And you immediately know
What lies ahead for you.

Three first-graders present large paper flowers to class teachers of 11 A, 11 B, 11 C classes.

(Height is 80 cm, the number of petals is the same as the number of students in the class.) Annex 3

Musical background.

10th graduate.

So suddenly the road ended
The one we've been following for so many years.
We are now at the school doorstep,
The only way forward - there is no alternative.

Life, like time, cannot be turned back,
We walk forward into the open distance.
There, ahead, we will find our way in life,
We are only sorry to part with you.

11th graduate.

The last rod of pasta is written out,
Wasted to the last crumb of chalk.
This moment is not something to fear.
I just seem to miss something.

It seemed so many years, ... the same thing,
But delusion is as old as ancient Rome.
Now I understand what's bothering me
After all, every school moment is unique.

12th graduate.

I can't go back to these walls
My last lesson is over.
But strange!!! More than anything in the world
Now, I want to push this deadline.

The term of parting with school and friends,
Which I could not wait for ten years ...
It has arrived! And something suddenly happened to us...
And what? Nobody wants to hear that answer.

Song to the motive "Poplar Fluff"

  1. Remember guys how it all started
    We were little ones, we were called pervachki.
    With round eyes we looked at the world
    And they pored over each letter in the recipe.

School time - darkness lessons:
Russian, foreign language, drawing,
Algebra, history and physics,
Labor, natural history.
School time - spring in the soul,
cute little girls bows
And boys cheeky eyes
And there are bunnies on the walls.

  1. Ten years, like in a fairy tale, swept by, rushed by.
    Every year we went up a class.
    Children's drawings were replaced by a drawing,
    New items beckoned.

School time - darkness lessons:
Physics and geometry,
OBZH, botany and literature,
MHK and singing.
School time - teachers,
class hours, meetings,
Where you scolded us sometimes
For gaps in knowledge.

  1. Far, far away childhood.
    How to return to it? Remedy unknown.
    We are a little sad, but we know for sure
    That we leave particles of the heart at school.

School time - friends everywhere:
Classmates and classmates
This is friendship "do not spill water",
Will not rub off with an eraser.
School time and behind
Days of fun and carelessness.
Sometimes we will miss
Yours, school, tenderness.

Thank you. Thank you,
For being our mother.
And we want to wish you
So that you take into account all the "5"!

Light music.

Dear our most strict and kind, fair and wise teachers, we ask you to go to the center of the square. Envy us all. We were taught the mind to reason and even achieved success: students call teachers parallels.

Flowers are given to teachers.

13th graduate.

Today we say goodbye to school
And tomorrow we have to make a decision:
There are many different and useful professions,
Which road should we choose?
-Where do we go with the certificate?
Which institute should we send him to?
Who can help us in this matter?
Of course, dad, mom and family.

1st graduate.

Thank you dear parents.
Forgive us if we offended you in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience.

2nd graduate. Dear our parents! In this hall, and in the whole wide world, there is no one closer and dearer than you. It is your parting words that will play a decisive role in our future life.

Presentation by parents.

Well, that's it, the worries are gone.
School days and years behind
But there's still a lot of work ahead
All life, guys, ahead.

There is no need to slow down the pace of school life,
With a run, the jump is easier and longer,
While thoughts sparkle with the sun,
Take another step towards it.

The light of knowledge will not hinder you,
Light is always more pleasant than darkness,
Flowers bloom under the sun
And fade away without its warmth.

Go to the assault of higher knowledge,
The school gave you a lot
The foundation is there, now you're on your own
You have to decide your own business.

There are many different and good professions,
And though the paths to them are difficult,
I am sure that you are not afraid of difficult
And you have to go through them.

It doesn't matter who you are
More important is how you live your life
It is more important that you wake up in your soul
And what, you will see, is the meaning of all life.

Decide for yourself, choose
Everyone has their own destiny,
But never forget
That we only have one life.

Breaking firewood is not so difficult,
It is more difficult to create and create,
But so that life does not seem boring,
You can't drool in it.

I want you to be happy
To bring happiness to others
And how bright and sweet today
After decades and winters!


Behind the year of your studies...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And on this day we wanted to
Do you remember every moment...
While you are together, in class, still nearby ...
And ahead is a long, difficult path.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
Ask for forgiveness - for something!
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears.
And in your difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams, and dreams!

Just a few seconds and a couple of steps separate you from your new title, the title of 2009 GRADUATE. Having taken 2 steps forward, you will no longer be just 11th graders, but Graduates. School equal, calmly! Alumni Achievement!


Forward, graduates, step boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again!

Solemn music sounds, graduates cross the line drawn on the square.

Leading: Today is the most long-awaited and most wonderful day. 55 of the most talented, cheerful, resilient graduates will leave the school firmament. When leaving the school house, we would like you to leave it happy. You are lucky, now you will become witnesses of a rare phenomenon. Our courtyard has turned into a square of stars, where everyone will shine their own, standing on it you must make a wish that will certainly come true, you just need to believe and go forward!!!

Each graduate stands on an Asterisk painted on the square.

An instrumental melody plays.


The line is close to completion.
The last call ... A moment of excitement!
I wished that on this holiday
All your stars are not extinguished!
In memory of the kids about you
The stars will light up now!
And on the pavement - your name!
Traditional star finish!

The song "Dozens of the kindest words" to the motive of the song "Do not leave me, darling" performed by "ViaGra".

  1. We do not know what to do with this trouble,
    After all, we had everything in the world, but not that,
    10 years have passed, were, were not
    So it's probably meant to be, but...
    How to say in words what the heart says
    And what is it in the chest, worrying, knocking
    As if praying to God at the blackboard,
    There is only one embarrassment on the lips, but ...
    Dozens of the kindest words,
    You from your students
    Accept with heart and soul.
    Smile and sadness
    Thank you very much for everything.

(In a loss, the couples standing on the stage waltz.)

  1. You gave us 10 years of your life
    Difficult years you shared with us in half
    Fly away like fast birds
    Opening the window from the school, but
    We don't know what to do with this trouble
    After all, we had everything in the world, but not that
    What's ahead we don't know
    Let everything be as it is meant to be, but
    Dozens of the kindest words
    You from your students
    Accept with heart and soul
    Smile and sadness
    We are sorry to part with you
    Thank you very much for everything.

(Graduates, holding hands, swing to the beat of the melody)

Dozens of the kindest words
You from your students
Accept with heart and soul
Smile and sadness
We are sorry to part with you
Thank you very much for everything.


Well that's all. Last time
You will enter the class for the lesson
You probably can't believe it now
That the bell will ring for the last time

It has so much joy and sadness
And wishes and parting words!
It has a sad, tender look of childhood,
But there is no turning back for you!


You were in a hurry to grow up quickly,
But you didn't know yesterday
As in the school building ray,
The last call will take you.
He sings - and it becomes a pity
What is already in golden September
You will not fly over the rope
At recess in the school yard...


Let him ring louder, farewell,
So that everyone can feel
This gentle, but a little sad
Accompanying you to the world call!

The right to file the last school call of the 2009 graduates is granted ... and ....


Call over your favorite school
Call and sonorous, and cheerful!
Ring the bell! overflow
And pour into the heart of the song.
Dreams, hopes, expectations
All in the future, all ahead
But, and now over the school building
Ring the bell, ring, ring!

Leading: The Solemn Line dedicated to the Last Bell Holiday is declared closed. The line ends, and the holiday continues. Farewell photography, friendly handshakes and the last cool hours - all this awaits you today and now!

The last call is the day of farewell to the school. The entertainment program will make the holiday fun and bright. Outdoor games and team competitions between classes will amuse children. Interesting quizzes will enable students to demonstrate their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

    The competition involves 2 teams of schoolchildren of 7 people each. It can be inter-class or intra-class competition.

    The facilitator puts a chair in front of each group of participants, on which lies a briefcase, school supplies (notebooks, pens, books, pencil case, pencils, ruler, album) and non-school items (soccer ball, T-shirt, rope).

    The task of the teams is to collect school supplies in a portfolio as quickly as possible. One player has the right to put one item. The catch is that participants, trying to pass the relay as quickly as possible, forget about what can and cannot be put in a portfolio.

    The team that completes the task correctly and faster than its rivals wins.

    The competition involves 2 classes with approximately the same number of students. The task of the participants is to line up by last name as they are written in the journal.

    The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins. To complicate the competition, participants can be blindfolded.

    A creative competition in which students can show their imagination. It has 2 teams. Each of them receives a piece of paper and a pen.

    The task of the participants is to make up as many new names as possible for familiar school subjects in 2 minutes. For example, such a subject as mathematics can be replaced by the word number calculator, biology - flower picking, drawing - caricature.

    The team that comes up with the most original names for school subjects wins.

    The game "Track of knowledge"

    Development game. Children who are confident in their knowledge of various school subjects participate.

    On the floor of the class or school yard in front of each participant, the leader lays out sheets in the form of a track with a pre-printed text: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Russian language, literature. Players take turns stepping on each leaf and pronouncing a rule or association that relates to the science written on the leaf. For example: literature - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov; algebra - the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse; physics - there are three types of aggregate state of substances. It is forbidden to repeat the rules already said by previous participants.

    The winner is the player who does not skip the sheets with names and tells one rule for each item.

    2 teams of schoolchildren participate in the competition. Each of them receives a piece of paper on which 33 squares are drawn.

    The task of the participants is to take turns entering the letters of the alphabet into the squares so that they do not repeat. The order of placement doesn't matter.

    The winner is the team that fills all the squares faster and does not allow repetitions of the same letters.

    Game "Define the subject"

    10 children are playing. They are divided equally into 2 teams. To play the game, you will need cards with the names of school supplies.

    After the start of the game, the participants of each group in turn approach the leader and draw a card at random. Their task is to describe to the members of their team what is written on it, without naming the word itself. For example: a participant pulls out a card with the word "notebook". He can explain this subject as follows: specially sewn sheets, drawn in a line or a cage, are intended for writing. Each player is given 1 minute to explain the word. After the team guesses the object or the time runs out, the next participant draws a new card. After the leader's signal "stop" the game ends.