Russian phraseology: stylistic coloring of phraseological units; functional characteristics of phraseological units. Speech errors associated with the use of phraseological units

Ignorance of the exact meaning of a phraseological unit, its lexical and grammatical composition, expressive and stylistic features, scope of use, compatibility, and finally, an inattentive attitude to the figurative nature of phraseological units lead to speech errors. When using phraseological units, errors may not be related to the specifics of phraseological units as reproducible stable turns. An unsuccessful choice of a phraseological synonym, the use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics, a violation of the compatibility of a phraseological phrase with the words of the surrounding context, etc. - all these errors, in essence, do not differ from similar speech errors when using individual words.

As part of phraseological units, it is also impossible to allow distortion of prepositions [He never thought that these words would come true in his fate to the full extent (instead of: to the full extent)]. Such careless handling of prepositions and case forms makes speech illiterate.

The greatest damage to style is caused by the unjustified destruction of the figurativeness of phraseological expression. For example: The gramophone record has not yet said its last word. The context showed the direct meaning of the words that formed the phraseological unit, and as a result, a pun arose.

A prerequisite for the correct use of phraseological units is strict adherence to the features of their compatibility with the words of the context. So, the phraseological unit to publish can be used only in combination with the names of printed publications. Therefore, the proposal is stylistically incorrect. The Musical Theater released the ballet “The Lonely Sail Turns White”; in this case, it was necessary to write staged a ballet ... or prepared a premiere ... Such a phrase is stylistically incorrect: Life, as in the palm of your hand, passed in front of people (phraseologism as in the palm of your hand requires the word to be seen).

The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech may be the contamination of elements of various set expressions. For example: The tongue does not rise to talk about it ... Phraseologisms are known, the tongue does not turn and the hand does not rise; the author used a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from the second.

Considering stylistic errors associated with the incorrect use of phraseological units, one should also touch on those cases when involuntary puns appear in speech, due to the fact that the speaker uses words in their direct meaning, but listeners perceive their combination as a figurative expression of a phraseological nature, so that a completely unexpected meaning is attached to the statement: Three times they wrote down in the protocol the decision on the need to reserve slate for the landfill, but the time has come - there is nothing to cover. Against the background of an emotionally charged statement, the last two words are perceived not in the literal sense, but as a phraseological unit meaning "nothing to say in response, nothing to object to." Thus, phraseology, being a source of imagery and expressiveness of speech, can also create significant difficulties with an inattentive attitude to the word.

Phraseology- the totality of all stable combinations in the language, the science that studies phraseological units (PU)

FE- a stable combination, characterized by fixed meaning and composition, reproducibility, metaphor (figurativeness), relative untranslatability (translation often destroys phraseological units) and indivisibility.

Differ :

1) by the number of values

a) unambiguous ( blue blood, tight wallet)

b) multivalued ( play a role - 1. have a value, 2. influence something, 3. perform a function, 4. pretend to be someone)

2) according to the degree of semantic fusion (by motivation / unmotivation of the meaning of FU by the meanings of its constituent words)

a) fusion (idiom) - the meaning is not motivated ( get out of your mind). The composition often includes obsolete words ( goof) and shapes. Or: a) one of the components is not used anywhere except in this phraseological unit. b) the meaning of each is clear, but in total does not give meaning to the phraseological unit ( eat dog)

b) unity - the meaning is partly motivated ( sit in a puddle). PU is homonymous with a free phrase ( go with the flow, go with the flow)

c) combination - a word with limited compatibility will be included in the composition (cry sobbing, a delicate question, pitch hell)

d) expression (aphorism, proverb) - the meaning is motivated and generalized (Live and learn)

3) by the ratio of values

a) synonyms ( roll up your sleeves, in the sweat of your face)

b) antonyms ( at hand - far away)

c) homonyms ( let the rooster - make a fire and sing out of tune)

4) by origin

a) primordial - not translated into other languages, the basis of modern phraseology, replenished from various sources: professional (until the court and case), jargon (at peak interest), dialect (written on the water with a pitchfork)

b) borrowed - from Old Slavonic (parable of the town), from Greek, Latin (Gordian knot). Western European languages ​​(to be or not to be)

5) by activity / passivity

a) active ( was was not)

b) passive ( beat with a forehead)

c) neologisms ( deep purple)

6) by stylistic coloring

a) colloquial - used in the field of everyday communication, pronounced figurativeness, low ratings ( dog in the manger, not kicked in the tooth)

b) book - used in writing ( the stones are crying out), sublimely evaluative, rhetorical

Functional characteristics of phraseological units:

Phraseology- that part of the language in which aesthetic, religious, emotive and evaluative ideas about the world are focused. This is an integral part of the Russian mentality. The environment of the functions performed by phraseological units is the main one - expressive. Often used in colloquial speech to give figurativeness to what was said.

A variety of stylistic and stylistic characteristics allows the use of phraseological units for various purposes (creating a comic effect, creating expressive-emotional structures, etc.).

Use is subject to certain regulations:

1) normative usage- correspondence of the semantics of phraseological units to lexical and grammatical characteristics, compatibility. In modern speech, strict normativity is cut off in use neo-phraseologisms(white collar, shadow economy, consumer basket, find your niche) who have not yet lost their living connection with the reality that gave birth to them.

2)abuse(if it is not erroneous) is due either to historical changes in the language, or to the communicative setting of the author. Usually the changes relate to the semantics or structure of phraseological units.

a) historically-conditioned deviations from the norm - In modern Russian, "good obscenities" with verbs to scream, yell, and in the XVIII-XIX centuries - with verbs to run, rush (I decided to go with good obscenities). Do not lose sight of your face - in the 19th century you will definitely include the pronoun yourself.

b) individual author's deviations from the norm. Component replacement: the cat cried - the dog cried, the seal cried, instead of blood with milk - blood with cognac. There is a truncation of the form: instead of take the bull by the horns - bull by the horns. These "one-time changes" characterize the writer's style.

c) contamination - mixing two or more phraseological units in one expression, may be a mistake and a trick (if it is a deliberate deviation from the norm): wait for the wind in the field = wait by the sea for the weather + look for the wind in the field. This technique does not lead to the formation of a new phraseological unit.

Errors associated with the use of phraseological units

1) change in the component composition of a phraseological unit

2) replacement of a phraseological unit component with a synonym (play the main violin), antonym, paronym, thematically related word, or no related word at all

3) unmotivated expansion or narrowing of the component composition of a phraseological unit

4) the use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its meaning

5) the use of phraseology without taking into account its stylistic coloring

6) simultaneous use of a combination of owls in a free meaning and in a phraseologically related one

7) contamination (overlapping/mixing phraseological units)

13. Difficult cases of using a noun: fluctuations in gender; kind of indeclinable words; gender of female names by profession, position, etc.; declension of compound nouns; declension of toponyms; variants of case endings units. and pl.

Genus of foreign invariable words:

a) I. (under the influence of most words)

if: foreign language + immutable + inanimate, then neuter gender

II. Gender depends on the thematic group to which the word belongs.

1) names of languages ​​- masculine ( argo, esperanto- and m.r. and cf.r)

2) predominantly male activities and characteristics - m.r.

3) according to the real gender of the face (emancipe, lady, miss)

M./female for words counterpart, protégé, hippie

Incognito (m.+m.+f.r.)

4) animals in a broad sense - m.r.

Zh.r. if there is a context, an indication of the female

5) drinks m.r. and cf.

6) the name of the winds - m.r. (unexpected tornado/sirocco)

7) geographical names - the gender is determined by the gender of the common noun, acting as a generic concept (sunny Tbilisi (city), wide Mississippi (river), etc.)

8) substantiated words (loud "cheers", sharp "I don't want", the usual "yes") - the middle gender.

III. Words to remember

1) iwashi - f.b.

2) tsetse - f.r.

3) drying - m.r.

4) penalty m.s.

5) avenue - f.r.

6) salami - f.r.

7) kohlrabi - f.b.

b) Type of abbreviations

If the abbreviation is high-frequency and ends with:

a) on -o or -e, then cf. genus

b) to a hard consonant - there is a high probability of transition to the category of words m.r. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ZhEK, NEP)

c) gender of proper names

d) the gender of compound words depends on the nature of these words:

1) composite names: museum-apartment, cape-tent. They are characterized by a relative dismemberment of perception, both parts are inclined, and the gender is determined by the first.

2) fused names: characterized by * some incomprehensible words *. Only the second part is inclined, and the genus is determined from it.

e) the name of women by profession

standard - direct motivation: m.r. gives female (student - student). Reverse motivation is rare (midwife)

Karellit (correspondence) does not exist if:

a) there is a correspondence with another value

b) there is no correspondence, i.e. persons of the opposite sex do not perform specific activities or do not have the characteristics of the other sex (dowry)

Correspondences may differ in meaning: the heroine

Gender of female names by profession, position, etc.

1. Many nouns m.r. denoting a person by profession, retain their form in cases where they refer to females (teacher, physicist, operator, ...). In colloquial speech, predicates are often put in zh.r. (the pediatrician held an appointment..., the master of sports set a new record)

2. Paired formations in cases where the activity is associated with female and male equally (pilot - pilot, weaver - weaver, teacher - teacher). But in an official business style, it is better to keep m.r.

3. Paired formations in colloquial speech (doctor - doctor, accountant - accountant) - vernacular, are used to a limited extent.

End options:

14. Difficult cases of the use of adjectives: features of the formation and use of full and short forms of quality adjectives; features of the formation and use of degrees of comparison of adjectives; synonymous and pseudosynonymous use of adjectives and oblique cases of a noun.

Adjective - an independent part of speech, indicates a sign of an object and answers the questions "what ?, whose?". There are quality(question "which one?"), relative(the question "what?", indicate the material from which the object is made or temporary signs), possessive(question "whose?")

Features of the formation of short forms :

In the short form, adjectives do not change by case, but change by gender and number, and take the appropriate endings m, f, cf. kind.

When forming short forms of adjectives m.r. a fluent vowel o or e may appear in them (strong - strong, warm - warm, smart - smart, BUT worthy - worthy)

From adjectives ending in -n, short forms m.r. are formed. in -en: essential - essential, related - related, limited - limited. In some cases, the old form is preserved in -enen: sincere - sincere, frank - frank. Some adjectives do not have a short form m.r., less often f.r.

Some adjectives do not have a short form:

a) adjectives with suffixes: comradely, efficient, advanced

b) in superlative degree: strongest, tiny

c) included in the terminological names: deep rear, fast train.

Some adjectives are used only in a short form: glad, much, must, need.

Degrees of comparison:

Degrees of comparison - the general name of the three forms of the adjective, expressing various degrees of quality inherent in the subject, the name of which is determined by this adjective or adverb. Degrees - positive, comparative, superlative.

Synonymy adj + noun and noun + noun

Adjectives, which always contain a qualitative characteristic of an object, indicate a stable feature, and the indirect case of a noun - only the relationship between two objects, which can also be temporary: exam tickets - tickets for exams, annual plan - plan for the year, mountain village - village in the mountains.

Constructions with nouns in indirect cases have a significant potential for expression (because they cause a clear idea of ​​two objects, which creates conditions for their greater figurativeness). They also have the advantage of being able to more fully and accurately characterize the subject with the help of defining adjectives ( fox habits - habits of a cunning fox). Writers especially appreciate this thing.

However, when metaphorizing, the weight of the adjective increases significantly, and then its use can give speech more figurative than the case form of the noun: golden word, golden hands, golden days.

The use of phraseological units in speech is regulated by phraseological norms. We can distinguish the following speech errors associated with the violation of phraseological norms.

1. Unjustified reduction or expansion of the phraseological unit due to the inclusion or exclusion of individual words.

She rushed to run with all her long legs (correctly: FROM ALL LEGS).

It is necessary to note this aggravating circumstance (correctly: aggravating circumstance).

2. Replacement of any component of a phraseological unit, as a rule, a word.

The young man succeeds, he must have been born under a lucky moon (that's right: BORN UNDER A LUCKY STAR).

Without further ado, I will give an excerpt from the article (correctly: without further ado).

3. Distortion of the grammatical form of the phraseological unit components.

At the graduation party, a representative of the administration said that the regiment of talented managers arrived (correctly: THE SHELF ARRIVED).

At the forefront of the leadership put two questions (correctly: TOP OF THE CORNER).

4. Contamination, or mixing, of two phraseological units.

Mutual understanding is of great importance in family life (IS IMPORTANT and IMPORTANT).

The tongue does not rise to speak about it (the tongue does not turn and the hand does not rise).

5. The use of phraseology without taking into account its meaning.

In the planning departments and accounting departments, they settle the last scores with the past year (to settle the last scores (with life) means ‘to commit suicide’).

6. Destruction of the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit.

Oblomov was a sign of the times (correctly: a sign of the times).

7. Reading a phraseological unit in its direct meaning (de-idiomatization).

A person is not fed up with bread alone, we also need potatoes, vermicelli, meat would not hurt (Phraseologism Not fed up with bread alone indicates the need for spiritual food, but here we are talking about material food, food).

Announcement in the shooting range: Each shooter who hits the target receives a bullet (GET A BULLET means ‘to be shot, killed’, in the context it is said about the possibility of an additional shot).

20. Changing the composition of a phraseological unit
as a stylistic device

Phraseologisms in newspaper speech are an important source of expression necessary to influence the reader. They contain the actual national-Russian component, reflecting folk wisdom, way of life, culture, history.

One of the essential properties of phraseological units is the stability of the components and their reproducibility in finished form. However, in recent decades, the desire to transform phraseological units has clearly manifested itself - to change its structure or meaning. This is a peculiar stylistic device, especially common in journalism, which serves to realize creativity, to express an individual assessment. See examples of such a transformation in publicistic speeches of the last few years:

Lovers of both sexes, unite; warrant officers of all countries, unite; we are ours, we will arrange a new coup; a lot of jargon, good and different; more parties (goods, models) good and different; the armor is strong, not like the ruble; Russia is great, but there is nowhere to trade; Russia is great, but there is no one to win; all brides are good - choose to taste; get up, Chechnya is huge; pain, the country is huge; Gaidar was left behind; an order was given to him for signature; an order was given to him: "In disgrace"; a ghost haunts Europe…: the ghost of a united Germany; I would go to the janitors (pharmacists, magicians, conductors).

The transformation of stable combinations in a newspaper text has several goals:

Attracting the attention of readers;

Interpretation of the essence of the material in an extremely compressed form;

Revitalization of publicistic text;

- "approximation" of the reader;

Hiding a straightforward, harsh, unethical statement.

We can distinguish the following methods of transformation of phraseological units:

1) replacement of individual components of a phraseological unit while maintaining the sound image of a phraseological unit and rhythmic-melodic pattern:

Our copies are crossed.

2) the introduction of additional components into the phraseological unit, which leads to its distribution, that is, the expansion of the lexical composition:

He puts not only his head, arms and legs into the business, but also his soul.

3) the use of an image contained in a stable combination as a metaphorical basis for creating a context:

People go through history in different ways. Who head and who, sorry, than others. Have you heard of the Marquis Galifet, I hope? So that scoundrel squeezed in his pants.

4) the formation of a free combination according to the model of an associatively close phraseological unit.

The shares were stuffed into envelopes; the envelopes were handed over to the addressees. Shito - covered. Quiet - calm. All documents are available. Fake, really.

5) substantiation of a phraseological unit (use of a noun (substantive) instead of the original word of another part of speech).

Promises are pouring in like from a cornucopia. The time for the horns will come a little later.

6) inversion - a change in the traditional order of the components of a phraseological unit:

There, the peasants - the descendants of the Novgorod ushkuiniks - are used to not breaking their hats to the masters.

7. isolating from circulation one of the components of a phraseological unit, verbal or nominal, which, as a free member, enters into an independent semantic and syntactic connection with other members of the sentence:

And then he had to switch to new areas of science, start from the basics, and develop the basics himself.

8. ellipsis - omission of one of the components of a phraseological unit, easily restored from the context:

He probably didn’t smile for a long time: joy, a stone from the soul - here she is, mother, coming to you, arms outstretched (the verb has fallen down is omitted).

9. deidiomatization - reading phraseologism in its direct meaning while maintaining the syntactic structure of the phraseological unit and the figurativeness of the original combination:

Baikal literally makes the weather in my home country. It is he who sends us rain and fog, and clear weather, so that his breath is always palpable.

10. combination of two meanings of a phraseological unit - direct and figurative.

In a month, a couple of wolves will leave deer horns and legs from the whole herd.

Similar information.

Variation of phraseological units;

Basic properties of phraseological units and types of phraseological units;

Literary norms in the field of phraseology

Lecture #5


Equally important is the ability to widely use phraseological turns in speech.

Phraseologism is such a stable combination of words in which the meaning of the whole is not equal to the meaning of the individual words included in it. The meaning of the whole is not made up of the individual elements that form it.

This is a combination of words that is stable in its use, which the speaker retrieves from memory in finished form. Stability is a measure, a degree of semantic unity and indecomposability of the elements that form a phraseological unit as a whole.

Phraseologism has a special, phraseological, meaning. The specificity of the phraseological meaning is that it is:

holistic meaning, perceived indivisibly




Emotionally expressive

Phraseological meaning has a highly abstract content, is aimed at a figurative and generalized perception of the world in abstract representations:

Ø twist the soul (greatly disturb, worry)

Ø so that neither the bottom nor the tire (wishing misfortune failure)

Ø bring to a white heat (bring into a state of frenzy, complete loss of self-control)

Ø grated roll (about a very experienced person who is difficult to deceive).

Phraseologism differs from the word and from the usual phrase. It differs from a word in that it is a combination of words that is retrieved from memory in a finished form and is not, like a word, single-stressed.

It differs from a phrase in that its general, integral meaning is not equal to the simple sum of its components.

The main features of phraseological units, therefore, are the following:





Phraseologisms in their semantics are very diverse. It is customary to single out the main types of phraseological units according to the semantic cohesion of the components: phraseological fusions, phraseological units and phraseological combinations.

· phraseological fusions - the meaning of one or more of its elements is completely obscured, incomprehensible; often in their composition there are archaisms; here there are words that are “dead” from the point of view of modern linguistic consciousness or meanings that cannot be explained. The meaning of phraseological fusion is in no way derived from the meanings of its constituent components and does not even find any motivation in them. byword

so cranberries!

pull the bagpipe

· phraseological unity - Phraseological unity is such a stable phrase that also has a semantically indivisible meaning, but in which, unlike phraseological fusion, this integral meaning is motivated. The connection between individual and general, integral meaning is still visible; it is easy to detect if you translate the combination from the allegorical into the literal plane:

drive a quitter

swims shallowly

can't get through with a gun

wait by the sea for the weather

a fly in the ointment

· phraseological combinations contain in their structure, in addition to words with a phraseologically related meaning and limited use, also words with free meanings.



refuse flatly


Two or more phraseological units can act as synonyms in speech, that is, expressions that are close in meaning. about hard exhausting work: bend your back (colloquial) / break your back (simple) / callous hands (simple) / calluses (simple) / shedding sweat (colloquial) / pull the strap (colloquial);

Ø about an overly talkative, unbusinesslike, empty person: long tongue (colloquial, disapproved) / stringless balalaika (colloquial, disapproved) / weak on the tongue (colloquial, disapproved) / boneless tongue (colloquial, ironic);

Ø try your best: climb out of the skin (colloquial) / smash into a puddle (simple) / stretch into a thread (colloquial) / drag from the last (colloquial) / break apart (colloquial) / torn in two (colloquial).

Phraseological synonyms differ from each other in shades of their meanings or in the scope of use, i.e., in the same properties as ordinary synonyms, therefore, they must be used legibly and carefully in speech. This is facilitated by special dictionaries, including the Dictionary of Phraseological Synonyms of the Russian Language, ed. V.P. Zhukov, which contains about 730 synonymic rows.

Many phraseological units are characterized by variance. With variability, the form of expression of a stable turnover changes somewhat, and the meaning remains common for both of them:

Ø stay unpunished: go out dry from water get out dry from water;

Ø to be arrogant, to put on airs: bully nose - raise nose - tear nose;

Ø very close to smth.: on a hair - on a hair - on a hair;

Ø do smth. useless: wear sieve water - carry sieve water - scoop water with a sieve;

Ø does not concern anyone at all: my hut on the edge - mine hut on the edge - yours hut ( hut) on the edge - his hut ( hut) on the edge…

In speech, phraseological turns are used very often. They are especially characteristic of colloquial speech. Phraseologisms make speech rich and expressive, vivid and emotional. This is a favorite language means of expression used in journalistic and artistic style. The scientific style does not avoid it either, but in such genres that are more related to popular science substyles: popular science articles, public speaking such as lectures, etc. The official business style does not use phraseological units.

Due to the fact that phraseological units provide such qualities of speech culture as richness of speech, expressiveness of speech, and due to the fact that they are very diverse and enter into complex systemic relationships with each other (synonyms, antonyms, variants), they should be used in speech accurately. Illiterate use of them leads to speech errors.

Thus, a phraseological unit is characterized by the constancy of the composition of its components, therefore it is impossible to arbitrarily change one component to another. It would never occur to anyone to say instead scapegoat – *scapegoat / *scapegoat…; instead of where Makar did not drive calves – *where Anton / Peter / Ivan ... did not drive calves.

Most phraseological units do not allow the inclusion of new words or changes in the word form included in them, i.e. "breaking" their form:

Phraseologisms have a strictly fixed order of components, so they cannot be interchanged:

Most often in speech they encounter such a phenomenon as a mixture of two phraseological units, which is called contamination. Contamination in the field of phraseology is an erroneous combination in speech of two phraseological units known to the language, and as a result, the generation of a completely new (third) phraseological unit, which is not in the language:

Ø occurs (to be, to be, to take place) and has to be (it will happen then: the celebration has to be on October 2) → * has a place to be

Ø tired worse than bitter radish and stuck like a bath leaftired as a bath sheet ;

Ø put in archive and discountdebit;

Ø play the role and matterhave a role.

So, the strict fixation of the components, the constancy of the composition, the figurative stable meaning of phraseological units, it would seem, does not give room for creativity. But it's not.

Often in speech, phraseological turns are beaten. “The meaning of a phraseological unit cannot be derived from the meaning of its constituent units, however, the primary, unrelated meaning “weakly flickers” in it and can be “reanimated” by speakers to create a comic effect” (Sannikov V. Z. Russian language in the mirror of the language game, p. 297):

Ø Life is in full swing - and everything is on the head

Ø Who better than a hare knows what a wolfish appetite is?

Ø Is it worth eating a subordinate if you can't digest it?

Ø For the sake of credit, a student goes to everything, even to classes

“The effect of a phraseological unit increases significantly if the author plays with the literal meaning of its components, changes its lexical composition, includes it in new, unusual combinations for him” (Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G. Rhetoric and culture of speech, p. 153 ). But this skill must be achieved. Any speaker should ideally strive for such a level of general culture and language culture that, knowing the meaning of a particular word, a particular turnover, freely and skillfully use it. In the case of self-expression, it is necessary to take into account the fine line that lies between right and wrong, truly talented and pretentious or even vulgar.

With the help of phraseology, you can say a lot about a little. “Phraseology attracts speakers with its expressiveness, the potential ability to positively or negatively evaluate phenomena, express approval or condemnation, ironic, mocking or other attitude towards it” (Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G. Rhetoric and culture of speech, p. 154) .

All this makes it possible to make speech not only rich and expressive, but also, in a certain sense, economical and achieving the pragmatic goals of the speaker.

Ignorance of the exact meaning of a phraseological unit leads to speech errors.

1) Stylistically unjustified change in the composition of a phraseological unit

The composition of a phraseological unit in specific speech situations can change in different ways.

There is an unmotivated expansion of the phraseological unit as a result of the use of clarifying words. The authors, not taking into account the impenetrability of phraseological units, try to “supplement” them, color them with epithets, which gives rise to verbosity.

There is an unjustified reduction in the composition of the phraseological unit as a result of the omission of its components. So, they write: this is an aggravating circumstance (instead of an aggravating circumstance). Erroneously truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement.

Often there is a distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units: the master more than once spoke heart to heart with his wards (it should: he spoke). The erroneous substitution of one of the components of the phraseological unit can be explained by the synonymous similarity of the words: the path led from the gate to the wing from which Antoshin had just barely removed his feet (it followed: he carried away and even more often by a mixture of paronyms: he went into himself (necessarily: left); escaped from him from the tongue (it is necessary: ​​it fell off); False associations sometimes give rise to very funny and ridiculous mistakes: go and figure out which of them hides the ax in his bosom (phraseologism: keep a stone in his bosom).

The change in the composition of a phraseological unit can be caused by the renewal of grammatical forms, the use of which in stable phrases is fixed by tradition. For example: The children killed the worms and had fun - you can not use the plural instead of the singular.

2) Distortion of the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit

The greatest damage to style is caused by the unjustified destruction of the figurativeness of phraseological expression. For example: The gramophone record has not yet said its last word. The context showed the direct meaning of the words that formed the phraseological unit, and as a result, a pun arose. To avoid such errors, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the context.

Violation of the unity of the figurative system of phraseology and context gives the speech comedy. For example: The speaker spoke in a loud and shrill voice, like a Jericho trumpet.

A prerequisite for the correct use of phraseological units is strict adherence to the features of their compatibility with the words of the context. So, the phraseological unit to publish can be used only in combination with the names of printed publications. Therefore, the proposal is stylistically incorrect. The Musical Theater released the ballet “The Lonely Sail Turns White”.

3) Contamination of various phraseological units

The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech may be the contamination of elements of various set expressions. For example: The tongue does not rise to talk about it ... Phraseologisms are known, the tongue does not turn and the hand does not rise; the author used a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from the second. Some stable combinations are constantly “unlucky”: they say: take action (from take action and take steps), give importance (from pay attention and attach importance), make a difference (from influence and attach importance). Such stylistic errors are explained by false associations.

The contamination of elements of various phraseological units can make speech illogical: Many, knowing about these outrages, look at the tricks of enterprising businessmen through their sleeves (they work through their sleeves, but look through their fingers);

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can cause a comic sound of speech (a grated sparrow, a shot kalach, not everything is a hangover for a cat, it’s Shrovetide in someone else’s feast).

Thus, phraseology, being a source of figurativeness and expressiveness of speech, can also create significant difficulties with an inattentive attitude to the word [Golub I.B.; 1997: 201-203].