Independent work as a kind of activity. Types of independent work of students

Independent work of younger students in.

Primary school is the foundation, the foundation. It is in primary school that the main part of the work on the formation of learning skills should be done..To work independently in the process of teaching children must be taught from primary school age.

Independent work is considered as a means of learning. If the guys get used to independent work even in the lower grades, then this habit will remain with them for the rest of their lives. The teacher should encourage students to work independently. And, most importantly, so that the desire to work independently arises not under compulsion, but at the behest of the will, that is, you need to make sure that independent work becomes a student's need. This has a lot to do with student achievement.

The teacher's guidance in independent work is to enable students to show themselves, their strengths in solving tasks and exercises. This is possible if the teacher understands well the level of development of the students in the class, knows the individual characteristics of the children and knows how to choose a feasible and interesting task for independent work.

Under independent educational work is understood any active activity of students organized by the teacher, aimed at fulfilling the set didactic goal in the time specially allotted for this. At the same time, such actions as the search for knowledge, their comprehension, consolidation, formation and development of skills and abilities, generalization and systematization of knowledge should be carried out.

The following types of independent educational work of schoolchildren are distinguished:

) work with an educational book (varieties - drawing up a plan of individual chapters, answering questions from a teacher, analyzing the ideological content or artistic features of a work on teacher questions, characterizing characters, working on documents and other primary sources, etc.);

2) work with reference literature (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.);

3) solving and compiling tasks;

4) training exercises;

5) essays and descriptions (based on key words, pictures, personal impressions, etc.);

6) observations and laboratory work (work with herbarized material, collections of minerals, observation of natural phenomena and their explanation).

7) work related to the use of handouts (sets of pictures, figures, etc.;

Independent work of students on educational literature:

1. Work on the text of the textbook for compiling:

a) a plan;

b) abstract;

c) answers to the teacher's questions;

d) tables;

e) diagrams and diagrams.

2. Work on the illustrative material of the textbook.

3. Performing exercises and tasks based on the textbook:

a) looking for examples;

b) drawing up tasks.

4. Working with other literature and teaching aids:

a) with fiction;

b) with other literary sources;

c) with dictionaries;

d) with an atlas and contour maps;

e) with visual aids;

e) with films;

g) observations;

h) practical and laboratory work.

When organizing independent work, it is necessary to comply with the relevant requirements:

    Any independent work should have a specific goal.

    Each student must know the order of execution and master the techniques of independent work.

    Independent work should correspond to the learning abilities of students.

    The results or conclusions obtained during independent work should be used in the educational process.

    A combination of different types of independent work should be provided.

    Independent work should ensure the development of students' cognitive abilities.

    All types of independent work should ensure the formation of the habit of independent knowledge.

    In tasks for independent work, it is necessary to provide for the development of the student's independence.

Tasks for independent work with sources of knowledge when obtaining new information and mastering the methods of educational work, like all other educational tasks, can be different.

    Simple questions (Where? How much? When? Why? How? Why? Etc.).

    Logically related questions (What will change if ...? How is it different? etc.).

    Various tests (alternative, choice of answer, etc.).

    instructions or plans.

    Brief requirements (draw up a diagram, prove, explain, substantiate, extract from a textbook, etc.).

    The tasks are quantitative, qualitative, cognitive (search for new knowledge, search for new ways of obtaining knowledge), training (reinforcing knowledge, consolidating ways of obtaining knowledge).

Allocates 4 types of independent work:

─ according to the model;


─ variable;

- creative.

Each of them has its own didactic purposes.

Independent work according to the model are necessary for the formation of skills and their strong consolidation. They form the foundation for truly independent activity of the student.

Reconstructive independent work teaches to analyze events, phenomena, facts, forms techniques and methods of cognitive activity, contributes to the development of internal motives for cognition, creates conditions for the development of mental activity of schoolchildren.

Independent works of this type form the basis for further creative activity of the student.

Variable with independent work forms the skills and abilities of finding an answer outside the known sample. The constant search for new solutions, the generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge, their transfer to completely non-standard situations make the student's knowledge more flexible, form a creative personality.

Creative independent work is the crown of the system of independent activity of schoolchildren. These works reinforce the skills of independent search for knowledge, are one of the most effective means of forming a creative personality.

Thus, the practical application of various types of independent work contributes to the improvement of the ability to work independently and the development of independence. .

The value of independent work in teaching younger students

Without the systematic organization of independent work of schoolchildren, it is impossible to achieve a lasting and deep assimilation of concepts and laws by them;

Independent work is also of great importance when repeating, consolidating and testing knowledge and skills.

are considered not only as a means of forming knowledge, skills and abilities, but also as a condition that allows students to show maximum initiative and independence in the process of their implementation. It is shown that it is advisable to include tasks in such works that are identical in content and different in the way they are performed. It is the use of such tasks that is effective in terms of independent development.

Independence of thinking is characterized by the following skills:

highlight the main thing, see the general pattern and draw generalized conclusions;

consistently, logically justify their actions and control them;

apply knowledge in new conditions, often complicated, with elements of a creative non-standard approach to achieving the goal;

reach the truth without asking for help.

Consequently, the education system in the primary grades should become the link where the cult of independent cognitive activity should be created, the cult of the formation of skills to study independently.

The independent activity of schoolchildren in educational activities is connected with the formation of their skills of educational work. The most important of these are planning and self-control. The ability to plan is the training of schoolchildren in the general rules for drawing up a plan: setting a goal, defining tasks and stages of work, allocating time, etc.

Self-control involves the ability of students to control the level of their knowledge both in general on the topic, section, and at individual stages of their assimilation.

Independent work of students can be carried out in the classroom by studying the text of new material, doing exercises, solving problems, conducting experiments and observations, labor operations, etc. A very common type of independent work is homework, oral and written.

This can be work with an educational book, independent work when performing written exercises or writing essays, stories, poems, working with instruments and laboratory devices, independent problem solving, etc.

It is difficult, impossible to overestimate the student's work with the book. Performing written exercises, writing essays, stories, poems, etc. ─ These are independent creative works that require more activity and efficiency. Independent problem solving develops practical skills and develops logical thinking. Here it is important to put the student in a concretely new situation, then independent work will be a great success.

Independent work performed at home also plays a big role. Homework is important for the formation of skills for independent mental work and self-education, a sense of responsibility for the task assigned.

By definition, independent work in the process of teaching younger students should teach children to think, acquire knowledge on their own, and arouse interest in learning at school.

At all stages of independent work, the student thinks, this develops his mental abilities. Teaching your child to think for themselves

helping independent work. The child comes to school with a great desire to learn something new. And the teacher helps him in this. Children experience intellectual satisfaction from independent activity, they have a desire to learn.

Mathematics is loved by those students who know how to solve problems on their own. The weak often find it difficult to solve problems. And there may not be indifferent if the teacher takes into account the possibilities of each student in organizing independent work, and gives assignments that are accessible to him.

When organizing independent work on a task, it is necessary to use differentiated tasks, in the form of a brief record of the condition, drawing, figure, table.

Such an organization of independent work on several tasks helps a strong student to show his creative abilities, and gives a weak student the opportunity to know the joy of work ─ to find the right way to solve a problem using differentiated help.

A special place is occupied by work with demonstration paintings and plot pictures.

Using plot pictures, I use various types of tasks.

    Making sentences on key words and expressions.

    Compilation of complete answers to questions.

Questions help students select the right words, establish the correct word order, link words in a sentence. The teacher's questions and the students' answers gradually become more complicated: at first, the children use almost all the words of the question when answering, then the questions are posed in such a form that the students are forced to give freer answers based on the image.

    Composing a story.

Work begins with grade 1 and, gradually becoming more complex, is applied in all grades of elementary school. The work proceeds in the following sequence: first, the children, looking at the picture, name the objects and actions depicted on it; then compose complete answers to questions; thus, a coherent story is obtained.

    Image captions.

The teacher asks the students to name the picture, the children give different names. Each is discussed, the most suitable one is chosen, expressing the main idea.

All of these types, of course, are initially educational, gradually preparing for independent work.

In our practice, punched cards have become widespread, which can significantly increase the amount of independent work of students. It takes much less time to complete a task using punched cards. However, it is impossible to reduce all exercises to working with a punched card, so we combined them with traditional means.

All of the above types of independent work are educational. Some of them are based mainly on the reproduction by students of the actions of the teacher. Others require independent application of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired earlier in situations similar to those in which they were formed, or in new, different situations. Teaching independent work also includes the so-called creative, requiring students to independently conduct observations, independently infer, independently select material, I will give tasks when working with a textbook in literature lessons.

    Identification of the main idea of ​​the reading.

    Making a reading plan.

    Verbal drawing of pictures to the text, stories from pictures.

    Drawing up a plan using a system of questions.

    Dividing the text into semantic parts and highlighting the main idea.

    Drawing up various plans (simple, detailed, oral, written, in the form of quotes, theses, questions).

    Compilation of comparative characteristics.

When working with a textbook, tasks were initially selected simple, then they became more complicated, the time to complete decreased, the requirements for independent work and the use of skills increased. The main material for independent work of students is provided by the textbook. He determines the content and system of independent work in the primary grades. But, of course, a textbook alone is not enough for the proper organization of independent work, so we used didactic handouts to differentiate tasks, carry out individual work, and used memos to work with the book. The importance of independent work of schoolchildren, from the educational and purely didactic point of view, is beyond doubt. It is believed that in the primary grades, the share of independent work should be 20% of the study time, in the middle grades - less than 50%, senior grades - at least 70%

Independent work has a significant impact on the depth and strength of students' knowledge of the subject, on the development of their cognitive abilities, on the rate of assimilation of new material.

Independent work- this is a type of learning activity performed by the student without direct contact with the teacher or controlled by the teacher indirectly through special educational materials; an integral mandatory link in the learning process, which primarily provides for the individual work of students in accordance with the instructions of the teacher or textbook, training program.

In modern didactics, independent work of students is considered, on the one hand, as a type of educational work carried out without direct intervention, but under the guidance of a teacher, and on the other hand, as a means of involving students in independent cognitive activity, forming their methods of organizing such activities. The effect of independent work of students can be obtained only when it is organized and implemented in the educational process as an integral system that permeates all stages of student education at the university.

Types of independent work of students. According to the particular didactic purpose, four types of independent work can be distinguished.

1st type. The formation of the trainees' skills to identify in the external plan what is required of them, based on the activity algorithm given to them and the premises for this activity contained in the assignment condition. In this case, the cognitive activity of the trainees consists in recognizing the objects of a given field of knowledge during the repeated perception of information about them or actions with them.

As independent work of this type, homework is most often used: work with a textbook, lecture notes, etc. Common to independent work of the first type is that all the data of the desired, as well as the method of performing the task itself, must be presented explicitly or directly in the task itself, or in the corresponding instructions.

2nd type. Formation of knowledge-copies and knowledge that allows solving typical problems. In this case, the cognitive activity of trainees consists in pure reproduction and partial reconstruction, transformation of the structure and content of previously military educational information, which implies the need to analyze this description of the object, various ways of completing the task, choosing the most correct of them or sequentially determining the logically following one after another methods solutions.

Independent work of this type includes separate stages of laboratory work and practical exercises, standard course projects, as well as specially prepared homework assignments with algorithmic instructions. The peculiarity of the work of this group is that in the assignment it is necessary to communicate the idea, the principle of the solution and put forward the requirement for the students to develop this principle or idea in a way (methods) in relation to these conditions.

3rd type. Formation of students' knowledge underlying the solution of non-standard tasks. The cognitive activity of students in solving such problems consists in accumulating and manifesting in the external plan a new experience for them on the basis of previously acquired formalized experience (actions according to a known algorithm) by transferring knowledge, skills and abilities. Tasks of this type involve the search, formulation and implementation of the idea of ​​a solution, which always goes beyond the past formalized experience and requires the student to vary the conditions of the task and previously learned educational information, considering them from a new angle. Independent work of the third type should put forward the requirement to analyze situations unfamiliar to students and generate subjectively new information. Typical for independent work of students of the third type are term papers and diploma projects.

4th type. Creation of prerequisites for creative activity. The cognitive activity of students in the performance of these works consists in deep penetration into the essence of the object under study, the establishment of new connections and relationships necessary to find new, previously unknown principles, ideas, and generate new information. This type of independent work is usually implemented when performing research assignments, including term papers and graduation projects.

Organization of independent work of students. In the process of independent activity, the student must learn to identify cognitive tasks, choose ways to solve them, perform operations to control the correctness of solving the task, improve the skills of implementing theoretical knowledge. The formation of skills and abilities of independent work of students can proceed both on a conscious and on an intuitive basis. In the first case, the initial basis for the correct organization of activities is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives, forms, methods of work, conscious control over its process and results. In the second case, a vague understanding prevails, the action of habits formed under the influence of mechanical repetitions, imitation, etc.

Independent work of a student under the guidance of a teacher proceeds in the form of business interaction: the student receives direct instructions, recommendations from the teacher on the organization of independent activity, and the teacher performs the function of management through accounting, control and correction of erroneous actions. Based on modern didactics, the teacher must establish the required type of independent work of students and determine the necessary degree of its inclusion in the study of their discipline.

The direct organization of independent work of students proceeds in two stages. The first stage is the period of initial organization, requiring the teacher to be directly involved in the activities of the students, with the detection and indication of the causes of errors. The second stage is the period of self-organization, when the direct participation of the teacher in the process of self-formation of students' knowledge is not required.

In the organization of independent work of students, it is especially important to correctly determine the volume and structure of the content of educational material submitted for independent study, as well as the necessary methodological support independent work of students. The latter, as a rule, includes a program of work (conducting observations, studying primary sources, etc.), variant tasks, non-standard individual tasks for each student, and tools for their implementation. The various methodological manuals currently used for independent work of students are usually informational in nature. The student must be oriented towards creative activity in the context of the discipline. Therefore, fundamentally new methodological developments are needed.

Principles of organizing independent work of students. Analyzing the situation with independent work of students that has developed in universities, V. A. Kan-Kalik puts forward his thoughts on the principles on which such student activity should be based. When planning independent work on a particular course, first of all, it is necessary to single out its so-called fundamental tree, which includes the main system of methodological, theoretical knowledge that needs to be submitted for mandatory lecture study. So, from a 100-hour course, the fundamental volume will take up half of it. Further, as derivatives of this “fundamental tree”, it is proposed to form various types of independent work of students, providing for them topics, the nature of the study, forms, venue, variable methods of implementation, a control and accounting system, as well as various reporting methods. According to Kan-Kalik, without such a system, not a single type of independent work of students will give an educational and professional effect.

The success of independent work is primarily determined by the degree of preparedness of the student. At its core, independent work involves the maximum activity of students in various aspects: the organization of mental work, the search for information, the desire to turn knowledge into beliefs. The psychological prerequisites for the development of students' independence lie in their academic success, positive attitude towards it, interest and enthusiasm for the subject, understanding that with the proper organization of independent work, skills and experience in creative activity are acquired.

One of the conditions for the regulation of human activity as the main prerequisite for the success of any type of activity is mental self-regulation, which is a closed loop of regulation. This is an information process, the carriers of which are various mental forms of reflection of reality. General patterns of self-regulation in an individual form, depending on specific conditions, as well as on the nature of nervous activity, personal qualities of a person and his system of organizing his actions, are formed in the process of education and self-education. Creating a system of independent work of students, it is necessary, firstly, to teach them to study(this should be done from the first classes at the university, for example, in the course of introduction to the specialty) and, secondly, to acquaint with the psychophysiological foundations of mental labor, the technique of its scientific organization.

Rules for the rational organization of independent work of students. The intensity of educational work especially increases in conditions of rapid switching from one type of educational activity to another, as well as with unexpected changes in educational situations (actions) in the process of manifestation of high emotionality and its change in the course of training.

A high degree of mental stress with low physical activity can lead to a kind of pathology - changes in autonomic functions (increased heart rate), high blood pressure, hormonal changes, and sometimes drastic changes that reach a state of stress. Mental overload, especially in situations where a student studies independently, without the teacher's control, can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system, deterioration of memory and attention, loss of interest in learning and social work. Physical exercises, rational nutrition, the correct mode of study work, and the use of rational methods of work help to cope with mental overload.

With regard to the organization of independent work, it is useful for both the teacher and students to know the rules for the rational organization of mental work formulated by the largest Russian scientist N. A. Vvedensky (1852–1922).

1. You need to enter the work not immediately, not in a jerk, but gradually drawn into it. Physiologically, this is justified by the fact that the basis of any activity is the formation of a dynamic stereotype - a relatively stable system of conditioned reflex connections formed by repeated repetition of the same environmental influences on the senses.

2. It is necessary to develop a rhythm of work, an even distribution of work throughout the day, week, month and year. Rhythm serves as a means of mental stimulation of a person and plays an exceptionally high role in his life.

3. It is necessary to follow the sequence in solving any cases.

4. It is reasonable to combine the alternation of work and rest.

5. Finally, an important rule of fruitful mental activity is the social significance of labor.

Over time, the skills of the culture of mental work turn into habits and become a natural need of the individual. Internal composure and organization are the result of a well-organized work regime, strong-willed manifestations and systematic self-control.

Independent work as part of the educational activities of students. Independent work is a special, highest degree of learning activity. It is due to individual psychological differences of the student and personal characteristics and requires a high level of self-awareness, reflectivity. Independent work can be carried out both outside the classroom (at home, in the laboratory), and in the classroom in written or oral form.

Independent work of students is an integral part of educational work and is aimed at consolidating and deepening the acquired knowledge and skills, searching for and acquiring new knowledge, including using automated learning systems, as well as completing training tasks, preparing for upcoming classes, tests and exams. This type of activity of students is organized, provided and controlled by the relevant departments.

Independent work is intended not only for mastering each discipline, but also for the formation of independent work skills in general, in educational, scientific, professional activities, the ability to take responsibility, independently solve a problem, find constructive solutions, get out of a crisis situation, etc. The importance of independent work goes far beyond the scope of a single subject, and therefore graduating departments should develop a strategy for the formation of a system of skills and abilities of independent work. At the same time, one should proceed from the level of independence of applicants and the requirements for the level of independence of graduates, so that a sufficient level is achieved over the entire period of study.

According to the new educational paradigm, regardless of the specialization and nature of the work, any novice specialist must have fundamental knowledge, professional skills and skills in their field, experience in creative and research activities to solve new problems, social and evaluation activities. The last two components of education are formed in the process of independent work of students. In addition, the task of the departments is to develop differentiated criteria for independence depending on the specialty and type of activity (researcher, designer, designer, technologist, repairman, manager, etc.).

The main features of the organization of training at the university are the specifics of the applied methods of educational work and the degree of independence of the trainees. The teacher only directs the cognitive activity of the student, who himself carries out cognitive activity. Independent work completes the tasks of all types of educational work. No knowledge that is not backed up by independent activity can become the true property of a person. In addition, independent work has an educational value: it forms independence not only as a set of skills and abilities, but also as a character trait that plays a significant role in the personality structure of a modern highly qualified specialist. Therefore, in each university, in each course, material is carefully selected for independent work of students under the guidance of teachers. The forms of such work can be different - these are different types of homework. Universities draw up schedules of independent work for the semester with the application of semester curricula and curricula. Schedules stimulate, organize, make rational use of time. The work should be systematically supervised by teachers. The basis of independent work is a scientific and theoretical course, a complex of knowledge gained by students. When distributing tasks, students receive instructions for their implementation, guidelines, manuals, a list of necessary literature.

Features of group independent work of students. In a higher educational institution, various types of individual independent work are combined, such as preparation for lectures, seminars, laboratory work, tests, exams, the implementation of abstracts, assignments, term papers and projects, and at the last, final stage, the completion of a graduation project. The teaching staff of the university can make independent work more effective if students are organized in pairs or in groups of three. Group work enhances the factor of motivation and mutual intellectual activity, increases the efficiency of students' cognitive activity due to mutual control and self-control.

The participation of a partner significantly restructures the student's psychology. In the case of individual training, the student subjectively evaluates his activity as complete and complete, but such an assessment may be erroneous. In group individual work, a group self-examination takes place, followed by correction by the teacher. This second link of independent learning activity ensures the effectiveness of the work as a whole. With a sufficiently high level of independent work, the student himself can perform an individual part of the work and demonstrate it to a fellow student partner.

Technology of organization of independent work of students. The ratio of time allotted for classroom and independent work is 1: 3.5 all over the world. This proportion is based on the huge didactic potential of this type of student learning activity. Independent work contributes to the deepening and expansion of knowledge, the formation of interest in cognitive activity, mastery of the methods of the process of cognition, and the development of cognitive abilities. In accordance with this, independent work of students becomes one of the main reserves for increasing the efficiency of training young specialists at the university.

Independent work is carried out using supporting didactic materials designed to correct the work of students and improve its quality. Modern requirements for the teaching process suggest that the teams of the departments develop in a timely manner: a) a system of tasks for independent work; b) topics of abstracts and reports; c) instructions and guidelines for performing laboratory work, training exercises, homework, etc.; d) topics of term papers, course and diploma projects; e) lists of mandatory and additional literature.

Independent work includes reproducing and creative processes in the student's activity. Depending on this, three levels of independent activity of students are distinguished: 1) reproductive (training); 2) reconstructive; 3) creative, search.

For the organization and successful functioning of independent work of students, it is necessary, firstly, an integrated approach to the organization of such activities in all forms of classroom work, secondly, a combination of all levels (types) of independent work, thirdly, ensuring control over the quality of performance (requirements , consultations) and, finally, forms of control.

Activation of independent work of students. Independent work is carried out by students in different parts of the learning process: when obtaining new knowledge, consolidating it, repeating and testing it. The systematic reduction of the direct assistance of the teacher serves as a means of increasing the creative activity of students.

The effectiveness of students' creative activity depends on the organization of classes and the nature of the teacher's influence. Pedagogical literature describes and practically applies various methods of activating students' independent work. Here are the most effective ones.

1. Teaching students the methods of independent work (temporary guidelines for the implementation of independent work to develop the skills of planning a time budget; communication of reflective knowledge necessary for introspection and self-assessment).

2. A convincing demonstration of the need to master the proposed educational material for the upcoming educational and professional activities in introductory lectures, guidelines and manuals.

3. Problematic presentation of the material, reproducing the typical ways of real reasoning used in science and technology.

4. Application of operational formulations of laws and definitions in order to establish an unambiguous connection between theory and practice.

5. Use of active learning methods (case analysis, discussions, group and pair work, collective discussion of difficult issues, business games).

6. Development and familiarization of students with the structural-logical scheme of the discipline and its elements; video application.

7. Issuance of guidelines to undergraduate students containing a detailed algorithm; gradual reduction of the explanatory part from course to course in order to accustom students to greater independence.

8. Development of comprehensive teaching aids for independent work, combining theoretical material, guidelines and tasks for solving.

9. Development of teaching aids of an interdisciplinary nature.

10. Individualization of homework and laboratory work, and in group work - its clear distribution among group members.

11. Introducing difficulties into typical tasks, issuing tasks with redundant data.

12. Control questions for the lecture stream after each lecture.

13. Students reading a fragment of a lecture (15–20 minutes) with the preliminary preparation of it with the help of a teacher.

14. Assigning the status of student consultants to the most advanced and capable of them; providing such students with comprehensive assistance.

15. Development and implementation of collective teaching methods, group, pair work.

Ways to improve the efficiency of students' independent work. The leading scientists and teachers of Russian universities see the way out to a new quality of training in the reorientation of curricula to the widespread use of independent work, including in junior courses. In this regard, certain constructive proposals deserve attention, such as:

› organization of individual training plans with the involvement of students in research work and, if possible, in real design on the orders of enterprises;

› inclusion of independent work of students in the curriculum and class schedule with the organization of individual consultations at the departments;

› creation of a complex of educational and teaching aids for students to perform independent work;

› development of a system of integrated interdepartmental assignments;

› orientation of lecture courses towards independent work;

› collegial relations between teachers and students;

› development of tasks involving non-standard solutions;

› individual consultations of the teacher and recalculation of his teaching load, taking into account the independent work of students;

› conducting forms of lectures such as lecture-conversation, lecture-discussion, where the speakers and co-speakers are the students themselves, and the teacher acts as a leader. Such classes involve a preliminary independent study of each specific topic by the speakers using textbooks, consultations with the teacher and the use of additional literature.

On the whole, the orientation of the educational process towards independent work and increasing its efficiency presupposes, firstly, an increase in the number of hours spent on independent work of students; secondly, the organization of permanent consultations and advisory services, the issuance of a set of tasks for independent work of students immediately or in stages; thirdly, the creation of an educational, methodological and material and technical base in universities (textbooks, teaching aids, computer classes), which makes it possible to independently master the discipline; fourthly, the availability of laboratories and workshops for self-fulfillment of a laboratory workshop; fifthly, the organization of constant (better than rating) control, which allows minimizing traditional control procedures and, at the expense of session time, increasing the time budget for students' independent work; fifthly, the abolition of most of the established forms of practical and laboratory classes in order to free up time for independent work and maintenance of counseling centers.

Pedagogical practice includes a huge number of elements important for the mental development of schoolchildren. This is an explanation of the material in the form of lectures, and homework, and various practical exercises. Also a very important element is independent work, which, by the way, has a double meaning.

The versatility of the concept

It is interesting to understand the concept itself. So, what exactly is “self-employment?” Someone will say that this is the desire of the student to comprehend knowledge without anyone's help, and someone will simply remember the next task in the lesson, when there is simply nowhere to wait for help and it is necessary to state the knowledge gained on paper alone. Both answers can be considered correct. This concept can be viewed from several angles.

About independence

It should be noted that independent work is an important element of every student. Indeed, not only excellent academic performance, but also the mental development of the child depends on how much the student is interested in learning new material, on the desire to comprehend new knowledge. But how do you get a student to learn on their own? It is quite difficult to do this, because first of all you need a great desire on the part of the student. But you can try to interest the class in one or another subject. It already depends on the skill and professionalism of each individual teacher. It is necessary not only to promise rewards in the form of marks for excellent independent work outside the school walls, but also to instill a desire for knowledge itself, for the desire to learn something new. It is very important in almost every lesson not to give children answers to all questions, but to leave a bit of uncertainty for self-education. Working from a template is much easier, but not as productive as we would like. It is necessary to force the child to independently look for the answer, then this activity will have a positive, desired result. It is worth noting that such independent work even during school education will greatly help the child in the future, in adulthood, and will enable everyone not to lose heart before severe trials, simply looking for a solution to the problem.

Knowledge check

In addition to the above, no less important are independent and control work, which are designed to check the knowledge of students on the material covered. In this way, you can track what remains incomprehensible from the past and what else is worth working with schoolchildren. So, independent work in algebra (grade 8 and above), physics, chemistry and other rather difficult disciplines are very important for school education. Individual work in the humanities also brings benefits, enabling the teacher to control the course of the educational process and the progress of students. But this form of teaching is also useful for students, when most of the knowledge takes shape, and the gaps in the information received in the lessons and from textbooks become clear and visible.

Based on the above, we can conclude that independent work in any of its forms is extremely useful for the mental development of each student. Do not limit yourself to ordinary homework, a deep understanding of the subject is the key to strong knowledge.

Under the independent work of students we understand such work that is performed by students on the instructions and under the control of the teacher, but without his direct participation in it, at a time specially provided for this. At the same time, students consciously strive to achieve the goal, using their mental efforts and expressing in one form or another (oral answer, graphic construction, description of experiments, calculations, etc.) the result of mental and physical actions.

Independent work involves active mental actions of students associated with the search for the most rational ways to complete the tasks proposed by the teacher, with an analysis of the results of the work. In the learning process, various types of independent work of students are used, with the help of which they independently acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

All types of independent work used in the educational process can be classified according to various criteria: by didactic purpose, by the nature of the students' learning activities, by content, by the degree of independence and the element of students' creativity, etc.

Depending on the goals, independent work can be divided into the following:








Let's consider in more detail each of the types.

1. Educational independent work. Their meaning lies in the independent fulfillment by students of the tasks given by the teacher in the course of explaining new material. The purpose of such work is the development of interest in the material being studied, the involvement of each student in the work in the lesson. When performing this type of work, the student immediately sees what is not clear to him, and he can ask for additional explanation of this part of the material. The teacher draws up a scheme for further explanation of the material, in which he prescribes difficult moments for students, which will need to be paid attention to in the future. Also, this type of independent work helps to identify gaps in the knowledge of past material among schoolchildren. Independent work on the formation of knowledge is carried out at the stage of preparation for the introduction of new content, also with the direct introduction of new content, with the primary consolidation of knowledge, i.e. immediately after the explanation of the new, when the students' knowledge is not yet strong.

Since self-study work is carried out to explain new material or immediately after the explanation, then, in our opinion, their immediate verification is necessary. It creates a clear picture of what is happening in the lesson, what is the degree of understanding by students of new material, at the very early stage of learning. The purpose of these works is not control, but training, so they should be given enough time in the lesson. Compilation of examples on the studied properties and rules can also be attributed to independent educational work.

Obviously that independent work, organized in preparation for the assimilation of new knowledge, is important for students.

It should be noted that this type of activity can be organized in the following cases:

In the process of establishing a connection between new material and previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;

When creating a search situation and revealing the prospects for the upcoming educational work;

In the course of transferring the acquired methods of cognitive activity while mastering new knowledge, skills and abilities.

If the student is in the process of independent work thinks through the facts on the basis of which new material is presented or a problem is solved, then the productivity of his further work is significantly increased.

Conducting independent work should be organized so that it not only ensures the perception of program material, but also contributes to the comprehensive development of students.

2. Training independent work. These include tasks for the recognition of various objects and properties.

In training tasks, it is often required to reproduce or directly apply theorems, properties of certain mathematical objects, etc.

Training independent work mainly consists of tasks of the same type, containing essential features and properties of this definition, rule. Such work allows you to develop basic skills and abilities, thereby creating a basis for further study of the material. When performing training independent work, the help of a teacher is necessary. You can also allow the use of a textbook and notes in notebooks, tables, etc. All this creates a favorable climate for weak students. In such conditions, they are easily included in the work and perform it. In training independent work, you can include the performance of tasks on multi-level cards. Independent work has a significant impact on the depth and strength of students' knowledge of the subject, on the development of their cognitive abilities, on the rate of assimilation of new material.

3. Fixing independent work. These include independent work that contributes to the development of logical thinking and requires the combined application of various rules and theorems. They show how well the learning material is learned. Based on the results of checking tasks of this type, the teacher determines the amount of time that needs to be devoted to repeating and consolidating this topic. Examples of such works are found in abundance in the didactic material.

4. Very important are the so-called repetitive (review or thematic) works.

5. Independent work of a developing nature. These can be tasks for compiling reports on certain topics, preparing for olympiads, scientific and creative conferences, holding mathematics days at school, etc. In the classroom, these can be independent works that include research tasks.

6. Students are of great interest creative independent work which assume a sufficiently high level of independence. Here, students discover new aspects of the knowledge they already have, learn to apply this knowledge in unexpected, non-standard situations. In creative independent work, you can include tasks, during which you need to find several ways to solve them.

7. Control independent work. As the name implies, their main function is the control function. It is necessary to highlight the conditions that must be taken into account when compiling tasks for independent examinations. Firstly, control tasks should be equivalent in content and scope of work; secondly, they should be aimed at developing basic skills; thirdly, to provide reliable verification of the level of knowledge; fourthly, they should stimulate students, allow them to demonstrate all their skills and abilities.

The effectiveness of independent work, the formation of independent work skills largely depends on the timely analysis of the results of the work, when the student has not yet completed the process of adjusting his own new knowledge, it is obvious that the analysis of independent work should be educational in nature, i.e. not just to state the number of errors, but to analyze them so that students can fully understand the issues in which they made mistakes.

There is another classification of independent work according to the didactic goal, which distinguishes five groups of activities:

1) the acquisition of new knowledge, mastering the ability to independently acquire knowledge;

2) consolidation and refinement of knowledge;

3) development of the doctrine to apply knowledge in solving educational and practical problems;

4) formation of teachings and practical skills;

5) the formation of skills and abilities of a creative nature, the ability to apply knowledge in a complicated situation.

Each of the above groups includes several types of independent work, since the solution of the same didactic task can be carried out in different ways. These groups are closely related. This connection is due to the fact that the same types of work can be used to solve various didactic problems.

The main types of independent work include the following:

1. Working with the book.

2. Exercise.

3. Implementation of practical and laboratory work.

4. Verification independent, control work, dictations, essays.

5. Preparation of reports, abstracts.

6. Home experiments, observations.

7. Technical modeling and design.

Talking about the types of do-it-yourself work, it is customary to single out, in accordance with the levels of independent activity, reproducing, reconstructive-variative, heuristic, creative.

Creative independent works include such forms as:

Practical work;

Test papers;

Thematic offsets;

Protection and writing of abstracts;

Solving problematic problems of an applied nature and others.

From the point of view of the organization, independent work can be:

Frontal (general class) - students perform the same task; group - to complete the task, students are divided into small groups (3 people each);

Steam room - for example, when conducting experiments, performing various constructions, designing models;

Individual - each student performs a separate task.

Organizing student work, the teacher unobtrusively reveals the conflict situation when studying the material. There is no need to invent contradictions, problems, conflict situations, they are in every topic, they are the essence of the process of cognition of any object or process.

Considering independent activity as cognitive, four varieties of it are distinguished in the learning process:

1. The student determines the goal and plan of work with the help of a teacher.

2. The student determines the goal with the help of the teacher, and the plan independently.

Z. The student determines the goal and plan on his own, but the task is given by the teacher.

4. Without the help of a teacher, the student himself determines the content, purpose, plan of work and independently performs it.

The first type is the simplest., and with it the teacher should begin preparing the children for more difficult stages of independent work. Then gradually, moving from stage to stage, the student gets the opportunity to fully demonstrate his knowledge, initiative, personal qualities and individual characteristics. Independent work is organized with the help of individual forms of education. The student works independently at home when doing homework, writing essays, etc.

The individual form involves the student's activity to perform tasks common to the entire class without contact with classmates, at the same pace for all. It is mainly used in the consolidation of knowledge, the formation of skills, knowledge control. Individual work in the classroom requires careful preparation from the teacher, a large expenditure of time and effort. However, this form of organization of cognitive activity does not always create conditions for complete independent activity of students. It is a good means of organizing the activities of conscious students.

But it is often possible to observe a picture in the classroom when poorly performing students either do nothing, because they cannot cope with the task on their own, or ask their deskmates about the solution, which leads to cheating and tips. To organize greater independence of schoolchildren, an individualized form of education is used. This form implies such an organization of work in which each student performs his own task, different from others, taking into account learning opportunities.

The practical experience of teachers in many schools has shown that:

1. Systematically conducted independent work (with a textbook on solving problems, performing observations and experiments), with its proper organization, helps students to obtain deeper and more solid knowledge compared to those that they acquire when the teacher communicates ready-made knowledge.

2. The organization of the implementation by students of various independent works in terms of didactic purpose and content contributes to the development of their cognitive and creative abilities, the development of thinking.

3. With a carefully thought-out methodology for conducting independent work, the pace of formation of practical skills and abilities in students is accelerated, and this, in turn, has a positive effect on the formation of cognitive skills and abilities.

Over time with the systematic organization of independent work in the classroom and its combination with various types of homework on the subject, students develop stable skills for independent work. As a result, students spend significantly less time to perform work of approximately the same volume and degree of difficulty compared to students in classes in which independent work is practically not organized or is carried out irregularly. This allows you to gradually increase the pace of studying program material, increase the time for solving problems, performing experimental work and other types of creative work.

Introduction………………………………………………………………….……….. ...3

    Independent work as a kind of learning activity.

1.1. The concept of independent work. Analysis of different approaches…………...5

1.2. Didactic principles of organizing independent work………...11

1.3. The value of independent work for the development of cognitive abilities of students……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Classification of types and forms of independent work……………………….17

2.1. Homework of students………..………………………………..19

2.2. Working with the book….………….…………………………………………………….22

2.2.1. Traditional forms of working with a book…………………………………………23

2.2.2. Unconventional forms……………………………………………………28

2.3. Exercises - as an independent type of educational activity………….32

Practical part…………………………………………………………...37





The relevance of this problem is indisputable, because. knowledge, skills, beliefs, spirituality cannot be transferred from a teacher to a student, resorting only to words. This process includes acquaintance, perception, independent processing, awareness and acceptance of these skills and concepts.

And, perhaps, the main function of independent work is the formation of a highly cultured personality. Man develops only in independent intellectual and spiritual activity.

The organization of independent work, its management is a responsible and difficult work of every teacher. The education of activity and independence must be considered as an integral part of the education of students. This task appears before every teacher among the tasks of paramount importance.

Speaking about the formation of independence among schoolchildren, it is necessary to keep in mind two closely related tasks. The first of them is to develop students' independence in cognitive activity, to teach them to acquire knowledge on their own, to form their own worldview; the second is to teach them to independently apply the existing knowledge in teaching and practical activities.

Independent work is not an end in itself. It is a means of fighting for deep and solid knowledge of students, a means of forming their activity and independence as personality traits, and developing their mental abilities. A child crossing the threshold of a school for the first time cannot yet independently set the goal of his activity, is not yet able to plan his actions, correct their implementation, and correlate the result obtained with the goal set.

In the process of learning, he must achieve a certain sufficiently high level of independence, which opens up the opportunity to cope with various tasks, to get something new in the process of solving educational problems.

The purpose of this qualification work is to study the organization of independent work of schoolchildren and the conditions for their successful implementation. To address this goal, we put forward the following tasks:

To analyze various directions in the study of the nature of students' independence in learning,

Get acquainted with a variety of definitions and find out what functions the independent cognitive activity of students performs and why it is so necessary for the formation of a mature personality,

To test some types of independent work in practice.

Hypothesis: The use of various types of independent work in the informatics lesson forms the ability of students to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practice.

The object of study is the student's independent activity. The subject is the conditions for its implementation.

1. Independent work as a kind of learning activity.

      The concept of independent work. Analysis of different approaches.

Analysis of monographic works devoted to the problem of organizing independent work of schoolchildren, P.I. Pidkasistoy, I.A. Zimney, showed that there are several definitions for the concept of independent work. P.I. Pidkasty gives such a definition of independent work.

Independent work is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the teacher, but on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while students consciously strive to achieve their goals, using their efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical (or both) actions.

By definition A.I. In winter, independent work is presented as purposeful, internally motivated, structured by the object itself in the totality of the actions performed and corrected by it according to the process and result of the activity. Its implementation requires a sufficiently high level of self-consciousness, reflectivity, self-discipline, personal responsibility, gives the student satisfaction as a process of self-improvement and self-knowledge.

A.I. Zimnyaya emphasizes that the student's independent work is a consequence of his properly organized learning activities in the classroom, which motivates its independent expansion, deepening and continuation in his free time. For the teacher, this means a clear awareness not only of his plan of educational activities, but also the conscious formation of it among schoolchildren as a certain scheme for mastering a school subject in the course of solving new learning tasks. But in general, this is a parallel existing employment of a schoolchild according to a program chosen by him from ready-made programs or by himself, developed by him for the assimilation of any material.

In my opinion, this definition is the most extended and affects both the activities of the student and the teacher.

The effectiveness of the educational process of cognition is determined by the quality of teaching and the independent cognitive activity of students. These two concepts are very closely related, but independent work should be singled out as a leading and activating form of learning due to a number of circumstances. Firstly, knowledge, skills, abilities, habits, beliefs, spirituality cannot be transferred from a teacher to a student in the same way as material objects are transferred. Each student masters them through independent cognitive work: listening, understanding oral information, reading, parsing and understanding texts, and critical analysis.

Secondly, the process of cognition, aimed at revealing the essence and content of what is being studied, obeys strict laws that determine the sequence of cognition: acquaintance, perception, processing, awareness, acceptance. Violation of the sequence leads to superficial, inaccurate, shallow, fragile knowledge, which practically cannot be realized.

Thirdly, if a person lives in a state of the highest intellectual tension, then he will certainly change, form as a person of high culture. It is independent work that develops a high culture of mental work, which involves not only the technique of reading, studying a book, keeping records, but above all the mind, the need for independent activity, the desire to delve into the essence of the issue, go into the depths of problems that have not yet been solved. In the process of such work, the individual abilities of schoolchildren, their inclinations and interests are most fully revealed, which contribute to the development of the ability to analyze facts and phenomena, teach independent thinking, which leads to creative development and the creation of their own opinions, their views, ideas, their position.

Thus, independent work can be given the following definition: independent work is the highest work of a student’s educational activity and is a component of a holistic pedagogical process, therefore, it has such functions as upbringing, educational, and developmental.

The fundamental requirement of society for a modern school is the formation of a person who would be able to independently creatively solve scientific, industrial, social problems, think critically, develop and defend his point of view, his convictions, systematically and continuously replenish and update his knowledge through self-education, improve skills, creatively apply them to reality.

Experts in this field emphasized that it is important for students to be given a method, a guiding thread for organizing the acquisition of knowledge, which means equipping them with the skills and abilities of the scientific organization of mental labor, i.e. the ability to set a goal, choose the means to achieve it, plan work in time. For the formation of a holistic and harmonious personality, it is necessary to systematically include it in independent activity, which in the process of a special type of educational tasks - independent work - acquires the character of problem-search activity.

There are many different directions in the study of the nature of activity and independence of students in learning. The first direction originates in antiquity. Its representatives can be considered even the ancient Greek scientists (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), who deeply and comprehensively substantiated the importance of the child's voluntary, active and independent mastery of knowledge. In their judgments, they proceeded from the fact that the development of human thinking can proceed successfully only in the process of independent activity, and the improvement of the personality and the development of its ability through self-knowledge (Socrates). Such activity gives the child joy and satisfaction and thereby eliminates passivity on his part in acquiring new knowledge. They are further developed in the statements of Francois Rabelais, Michel Montaigne, Thomas More, who, in the era of the dark Middle Ages, at the height of prosperity in the practice of the school of scholasticism, dogmatism and cramming, demand to teach the child independence, to educate in him a thoughtful, critically thinking person. The same thoughts are developed on the pages of the pedagogical works of Ya.A. Kamensky, Zh.Zh. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky and others.

In pedagogical work, scientists theorists, in unity with philosophers, psychologists, sociologists and physiologists, explore and theoretically substantiate this aspect of the problem in the light of the main personality traits of a representative of the modern era - initiative, independence, creative activity - as the main indicators of the comprehensive development of a person of our days.

Studying the essence of independent work in theoretical terms, there are 3 areas of activity in which the independence of learning can develop - cognitive, practical and organizational and technical. B.P. Esipov (60s) substantiated the role, place, tasks of independent work in the educational process. In the formation of students' knowledge and skills, the stereotypical, mostly verbal way of teaching becomes ineffective. The role of independent work of schoolchildren is also increasing in connection with a change in the purpose of education, its focus on the formation of skills, creative activity, as well as in connection with the computerization of education.

The second direction originates in the works of Ya.A. Comenius. Its content is the development of organizational and practical issues of involving schoolchildren in independent activities. At the same time, the subject of theoretical substantiation of the main provisions of the problem is teaching, the activity of the teacher without a sufficiently deep study and analysis of the nature of the activity of the student himself. Within the framework of the didactic direction, the areas of application of independent work are analyzed, their types are studied, the methodology for their use in various parts of the educational process is steadily improved. The problem of the relationship between pedagogical guidance and the independence of the student in educational cognition is becoming and to a large extent being solved in the methodological aspect. The practice of teaching was also enriched in many respects by informative materials for organizing independent work of schoolchildren in the classroom and at home.

The third direction is characterized by the fact that independent activity is chosen as the subject of research. This direction originates mainly in the works of K.D. Ushinsky. The studies that developed in line with the psychological and pedagogical direction were aimed at identifying the essence of independent activity as a didactic category, its elements - the subject and purpose of activity. However, with all the achievements in the study of this area of ​​independent activity of the student, its process and structure have not yet been fully disclosed.

However, there are some structural principles for analyzing the meaning, place and function of independent activity. There are 2 options, close in essence, but having their own content and specifics: they determine (under the condition of their unity) the essence of the independent coloring of activity.

First group:

2) operational component: a variety of actions, operating skills, techniques, both externally and internally;

3) the effective component: new knowledge, methods, social experience, ideas, abilities, qualities.

Second group:

2) procedural component: selection, definition, application of adequate methods of action leading to the achievement of results;

3) motivational component: the need for new knowledge that performs the functions of word formation and awareness of activity.

The actual process of independent activity is represented as a triad: motive - plan (action) - result.

So, in social terms, independent activity can be considered in a very wide range. In any relation of the individual to the world around him, in any form of his concrete interaction with the environment.