Let's pass oge and exam. What is GIA, Unified State Examination, OGE: we understand school exams

Despite the fact that you think about the exam and the exam very often (long sleepless nights), some interesting nuances may still remain unknown. Schoolchildren and their parents are still confused and do not understand the features of these exams. So, let's figure it out: GIA, Unified State Examination, OGE - what is the difference, who and how takes them.

USE, GIA, OGE: Get the full picture

State final certification is the common name for the OGE and the USE. Sometimes you can find inscriptions such as GIA-9 (in fact, this is our native OGE) or GIA-11 (USE).

You don't need to know anything more about these three funny letters, let's move on.

What is GIA-9, or OGE?

Basic state exam. By the way, he received the pretentious name “main” quite deservedly: absolutely all schoolchildren, without exception, take this exam (unlike the USE). In the ninth grade, every Russian must pass four subjects in the OGE format: Russian, mathematics, and two to choose from.

You need to pass everything to the top three and above, otherwise you simply won’t get a certificate, you will have to retake the OGE until all four subjects are closed. If you couldn’t pass one or two subjects, you are given a chance to retake it on a reserve day in the same year, but if you couldn’t, only a year later. By the way, the results of the OGE also affect the grade in the certificate!

To date, all students are allowed to pass the OGE without any additional tests, but very soon the final interview (oral part in Russian) will become mandatory.

Actually, it's not all that scary. The OGE checks the knowledge of the school curriculum for the period from the fifth to the ninth grade, absolutely every student can prepare for it, even if, for example, he is “not very friendly with mathematics.” The main thing is not to procrastinate.

Having passed the OGE, you can go to college or take the first step towards the exam by going to the tenth grade.

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What is the USE?

The unified state exam, which is taken in the 11th grade for admission to higher educational institutions of the country. This exam covers grades 5-11 of the school curriculum, so many topics in the OGE and the USE are the same.

All eleventh-graders must pass the Russian language in the USE format and mathematics. At the same time, those who do not enter the university with mathematics can choose the basic level of complexity.

You need to pass these two subjects at least for the minimum scores if you want to get a certificate. The rest of the subjects are chosen by the student. All graduates take the exam on the territory of another school, under the supervision of cameras.

The format of the OGE and the USE are similar, but the second, of course, is more difficult, so you need to start preparing for it from the tenth grade. Unlike the OGE, there are no standard school grades, there is a hundred-point system.

To be admitted to the unified state exam, it is necessary to write a final essay in literature and receive a “pass”.

Thus, the OGE and the USE are similar, despite numerous differences. If a student plans to stay at school until grade 11, special attention should be paid to preparing for the OGE, because this is a dress rehearsal for the exam, and repeating the material in grade 11 in this case will take less time.

Due to frequent changes, confusion often arises in the minds of schoolchildren and their parents with exams, their forms, deadlines and subjects that are required to pass. Read below about what the abbreviations USE, OGE, GVE and GIA mean.

GIA - State final certification

“SIA is an annual event for state control of mastering by graduates of the basic general education programs of secondary general education (GIA-11) or basic general education (GIA-9) in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standards of secondary general education or basic general education, respectively.”

In other words, GIA is the general name of the exams that students must pass at the end of grades 9 and 11. At the same time, the GIA has several forms: OGE (grade 9), Unified State Examination (grade 11) and GVE (both grades 9 and 11).

OGE - Main State Exam (Grade 9)

“OGE is a form of state final certification for educational programs of basic general education. When conducting the OGE, control measuring materials of a standardized form are used.

At the end of the 9th grade, it is obligatory to take exams in Russian language and mathematics. Students take exams in other academic subjects on a voluntary basis of their choice.

The following are allowed to pass the OGE:

  • Graduates of the 9th grade of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation with annual marks in all subjects not lower than "3"
  • graduates with one "2", with the condition that they will take an exam in this subject
  • foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons studying in a general education institution
  • graduates of previous years who did not receive a certificate

USE - Unified State Exam (grade 11)

“USE is a form of state final certification (GIA) for educational programs of secondary general education. When conducting the exam, control measuring materials of a standardized form are used.

To obtain a certificate, 11th grade graduates take two compulsory subjects: Russian and mathematics. Participants take other USE subjects on a voluntary basis, depending on the chosen specialty and university. If you decide to enter a humanitarian university, then you will be interested.

The following are allowed to pass the exam:

  • Graduates of the 9th grade of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation with annual marks in all subjects not lower than "3" and who successfully wrote the final essay (statement)
  • college students
  • graduates of past years: schools, colleges
  • graduates of foreign countries

Thus, if a student has a deuce in one of the subjects, he will not be allowed to take the exam and will remain "for the second year."

GVE - State final exam (grades 9 and 11)

“GVE is a form of State Examination for educational programs of secondary general education in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, tasks, tickets.”

This exam is taken after grades 9 and 11 by special categories of students who, for various reasons, cannot pass the Unified State Examination or the OGE (schoolchildren with disabilities).

So what and when should you submit?

  • If a student is in grade 9, he needs to pass the GIA in Russian language and mathematics for a grade of at least "satisfactory" in order to go to grade 10 or college / technical school.
    • in the shape of OGE.
    • in the form of GVE-9.
  • If a student is in grade 11, he needs to pass the GIA in the Russian language and mathematics and at least two elective subjects for a grade of at least “satisfactory” in order to finish school, if desired, enter a university.
    • If there are no health restrictions, the GIA surrenders in the form of the exam.
    • If there are health restrictions, the GIA surrenders in the form of GVE-11.

We hope we have clarified the situation with school exams a little and now it is easier for you to navigate in this area!

GIA - the common name for the state final certification for the 9th and 11th grades. It is easy for schoolchildren and their parents to get confused in the letter abbreviations, because there is also the OGE, GVE and the Unified State Examination.

What is the GIA and how to understand these concepts?

GIA - state final certification, stands for compulsory exams in the ninth and eleventh grades. Each type of exam has its own name:

  • Grade 9 - OGE (main state exam). It is called the main one for a reason - absolutely all schoolchildren in the country take it.
  • Grade 11 - USE (unified state exam). This exam is taken only by those who complete the 11th grade and enter universities.

1 OGE exam

Let us consider in more detail the examination in the 9th grade: all schoolchildren in Russia pass this form of final certification, in contrast to the USE. Based on the results of the OGE, the student will be able to continue his studies and pass the Unified State Examination in two years or enter a college and technical school.

Often compared with the exam - indeed, the form of the conduct is similar to the unified state exam. A ninth-grader must pass two exams in the main compulsory subjects, which include the Russian language and mathematics. Also, the student must choose two disciplines at will - any of the school curriculum.

Mathematics is taken in two modules - algebra and geometry. The Russian language is also tested in several versions - an essay, a presentation, a multiple-choice test, and tasks with a full answer. These two exams are compulsory for all students in the country.

By 2020, they plan to introduce another mandatory exam in the school curriculum - in a foreign language. At the moment, the student can take exams in two more subjects that he chooses on his own. If a ninth-grader plans to continue to go to a specialized class or enter an educational institution, it is advised to approach the choice of subjects consciously. Often, colleges and technical schools require results in a core subject.

Based on the results of the exam, the student is issued a certificate of basic general education. Exam results are determined on a scale of points from 20 to 70.

The OGE scheme is the same as that of the USE - exams are taken at another school, under close supervision and with strict rules. At the moment, all students are allowed to the GIA in the 9th grade, but it is planned to introduce a final interview, the successful completion of which will be admission to the exam.

2 USE exam

Unlike the OGE, the USE is no longer a novelty for Russians - it has been actively held in many regions of the country since 2003. Since 2009, this form of state certification has been the only one in the 11th grade. The USE simultaneously serves as a final exam from schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, as well as an entrance exam to a university.

The exam system in the 11th grade is similar to the OGE. There are also two compulsory subjects - mathematics and Russian. It is also possible to choose two subjects at will, any of the school curriculum.

Innovation in 2015 - mathematics is divided into two areas, basic and specialized. A student can choose a profile version of the exam only if it is required for admission to a university.

Graduates should prepare in advance and choose those subjects that are required for admission to a higher educational institution. Also conducted in foreign languages, including Spanish, French and German. In 2016, for the first time, a trial exam in Chinese was held in the Amur Region.

According to the results of the exams, the graduate receives points in each subject. It is important to get the minimum number of points that Rosobrnadzor allows. The higher the score, the more chances the applicant has to enter the university for the desired specialty. Each institution of higher education has its own passing score for admission.

It is held in the building of another school, with other teachers in order to avoid incorrect results. Every year the exam procedure becomes more and more strict, video surveillance is installed in the classrooms, and schoolchildren are even escorted to the toilet.

The introduction of the USE still causes serious controversy among both children and parents, as well as representatives of the educational system. Preparation for the unified state exam is advised to start as early as possible.

3 HVE Exam

There is another form of state final certification - GVE (the abbreviation stands for state final exam). It is rather an exception to the general rule and applies to certain categories of graduates. These include children with disabilities, children with disabilities, students of educational and educational institutions of a closed type, and so on.

The main final certification awaits all schoolchildren in Russia. The OGE is a great way to test your knowledge in grade 9 and prepare for the exam. And the unified state exam gives the graduate a good opportunity to score high scores for admission to the university and pass the competition.

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Main State Exam (OGE) - this is the main type of exam for graduates of the 9th grade in a Russian secondary school. Passing the OGE is required to move to grade 10. The results of the OGE affect the grades in the certificate. Graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions pass 2 required exams(Russian language and mathematics) and 2 exams in elective subjects. According to the new Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, students take exams in other academic subjects on a voluntary basis of their choice.

New form of OGE (GIA-9)

Since 2004, GIA has been tested in a new form in Russia. The people call it the Unified State Examination for ninth graders, as graduates solve tasks in a standardized form. According to the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the state final certification for grade 9 is mandatory. Since 2014 GIA has become the main state exam (OGE). This means that ninth-grade graduates will no longer be able to take final exams in the traditional form (by tickets).

Since 2015, in the KIMs of the OGE, there is no longer a division into parts A, B and C: the examination paper is divided into 2 parts, and the tasks have a continuous numbering. However, this does not mean that tests have completely disappeared from exams. Tasks for choosing one correct option from several proposed ones remained. It's just that now you will need to write down the correct answer in the answer sheet with the corresponding number, and not with a cross.

GIA can be passed in 14 general education subjects.

Required items:

  • Russian language
  • mathematics

Optional items:

  • social science
  • story
  • physics
  • biology
  • chemistry
  • literature
  • informatics and ICT
  • geography
  • English language
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish language

Those studying the languages ​​and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (native language and literature) have the right to choose these subjects for delivery in the form of the OGE (GIA).

Features of the OGE in some subjects

  • OGE in physics includes an experimental part
  • OGE in chemistry can be passed in one of 2 options: with or without a real experiment
  • OGE in foreign languages ​​has an oral part
  • Personal computers are used in the computer science exam

Who participates in the OGE?

The following are allowed to pass the OGE:

  • graduates of the 9th grade of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation with annual marks in all subjects not lower than "3";
  • graduates with one "2", with the condition that they will take an exam in this subject;
  • foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons studying in a general education institution;
  • graduates of previous years who did not receive a certificate.

OGE results

The final grades in the compulsory subjects of the OGE are set in the certificate as follows:

  • if the annual mark and the mark obtained at the OGE differ by 1 point, a higher mark is put in the certificate;
  • if the difference between the annual mark and the mark obtained at the OGE is more than one point, then the arithmetic mean of these marks is put in the certificate.

Since 2017, the results of the OGE (including unsatisfactory ones) in two elective subjects affect the grades in the certificate of basic education.

The region may introduce, in addition to the certificate, a document confirming the results of the OGE.

The results of the OGE can be taken into account by the school when forming profile 10th grades.

If a “deuce” was received at the OGE

If a graduate received an unsatisfactory grade at the OGE in one or two subjects, he is allowed to retake these exams in additional terms.

If, even in additional terms, the graduate did not cope with the test, instead of a certificate, he will be issued a certificate of completion of training. The certificate indicates the subjects for which "deuces" were obtained. It will be possible to retake these items only next year. At the discretion of the parents (legal representatives, guardians), the graduate may be left for re-training.

The education system does not stand still, which leads to certain reforms. Every year, the parents of graduates clutch their heads and try to figure out the abbreviations OGE, EGE, GVE, GIA. And the most important question for them is what does it all mean, how is it different, who rents and where? And, of course, how it will affect the child himself. According to the observations of recent years, parents are more subject to panic than the child himself, who needs to pass the exam. Let's talk more about these types of exams.

What is OGE

The abbreviation OGE itself appeared in 2014, it stands for " Mandatory state exam". Previously, these exams were called GIA (State Final Attestation). Pass this exam at the end of the 9th grade. The OGE provides for the passing of two mandatory exams - this is Russian language and mathematics, and two additional ones that students can choose on their own. When issuing a certificate, the results of all four exams are taken into account, they must at least be passed satisfactorily.

What score do you need to score to pass the exam?

Depending on the chosen discipline, there is a passing score. The maximum number of points for the OGE in the Russian language 39 . To pass the exam, you must score at least 15 points. And for the math exam 8 points. If we translate points into grades, we get:

Russian language 0-14 points is two; from 15 to 24 points equals grade 3; from 25 to 33 is 4 (provided that the student scored at least 4 points on GK1-GK4 questions); from 34 to 39 points - grade 5 (provided that the student scored at least 6 points on questions GK1-GK4).

Max math score 32 , respectively, if the student scores from 0 to 7 points in the exam - score 2; from 8 to 14 points is already three; from 15 to 21 - equals 4; from 22 to 32 points - is estimated at 5 points.
Who is allowed to pass the OGE

Students of educational organizations (gymnasiums, lyceums, schools), including self-study, who have mastered the general education program full-time, part-time or part-time, are allowed to attend. Foreign citizens and refugees who have mastered the general education program, including compatriots abroad.

What is the USE

The unified state exam was first introduced on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2001. He means a single objective test of students' knowledge, for their verification use control measuring materials. Based on the results of this exam, a certificate is issued. When passing the exam, there are two mandatory exams - this is Russian and mathematics (basic). In addition, students take three exams to choose from, depending on the university they plan to enter.

Who is allowed to pass the exam

Students who have passed the general education program of eleven classes are allowed to take the exam. This exam is taken by students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums. It is worth noting that the examiner should not have debts in other subjects (i.e., the final grade in subjects should not be lower than 3). A student is allowed to take exams with a grade below 3 only if he passes the exam in this subject.

What score do you need to score to pass the exam?

To successfully pass the exam, you must score at least 36 points in Russian, and at least 27 points in mathematics. For a more successful passing of the exam, the following indicators are required: - Russian language for 4 from to 71, and for 5 from 72 to 100 points. In mathematics, you need to score on 4 from 47 to 64 points, and on 5 your result should be higher than 65 points.

Differences between the OGE and the USE

Similarity of these exams in what they imply an independent assessment of the knowledge of the examinees. These two exams differ in that the OGE is passed after the 9th grade on the territory of the educational institution in which the student was trained. But the exam is given after the 11th grade in an unusual territory for a student, it is called PES. At the OGE, the commission consists of school teachers, and at the Unified State Examination, an independent commission. An hour more time is given to complete the OGE exam than for the exam.

What innovations are expected in the next 5 years?

Dmitry Livanov confirmed the information that a mandatory unified exam in history would be introduced, but no specific dates were announced. The ministry is discussing such subjects as physics and geography and the possibility of adding them to the list of mandatory exams. Accordingly, there is a risk of increasing the mandatory state exams from two to five.

By 2022, a unified exam in English will be introduced. It is planned to ease the retake of the exam, respectively, the number of retake attempts will be increased to three. Should I be worried about my child taking exams? - No, you can't get away from it. You need to pay more attention to your child's education.