Greymane What are the heroes of the Nexus talking about? Genn Greymane vs. Sylvanas Windrunner

King Genn Greymane- The ruler of Gilneas and one of the founders of the Alliance of Lordaeron, created for the war against the orcs after the First War. Despite the fact that he should have been seventy or eighty years old, he remains a tall and powerful warrior. He is known for his stubbornness, pride, and arrogance, as well as cunning and determination.

During the Second War, Greymane met with other rulers of the human states in the capital of Lordaeron, where he learned about the devastation of Stormwind by orcs who arrived from another world. Genn helped form the Alliance to oppose the Horde, but due to his pride, he offered only token support. Years after the end of the war, Genn was annoyed that Gilneas had to pay taxes to maintain the orc captive camps and Nethergarde Hold. Greymane decided that his kingdom would not pay for the wars of other states, and announced its withdrawal from the Alliance of Lordaeron. He ordered a high wall to be built around the kingdom to isolate it from the outside world.

As the Third War raged across the world, Genn tasked Archmage Arugal with summoning wild worgen to protect Gilneas from the Scourge. However, they could not be controlled, and the curse of the worgen began to spread among the inhabitants of the kingdom. In the years leading up to the war against the Lich King, the worgen increased significantly in numbers and attacked the capital city of Gilneas. Genn took part in the defense of the city and the evacuation of the inhabitants to Darkhaven. Later, Greymane had to face the dual threat of the onset of the Cataclysm and the invasion of the Forsaken. When the undead troops captured the capital, Genn led the battle against them and witnessed the death of Liam, his son and heir.

Greymane, who was humbled by the death of his son and the ruin of his state, accepted the help of the night elves, who offered to transport the rescued inhabitants of Gilneas to Darnassus. The king tried to be stubborn, not wanting to rejoin the Alliance, until he almost lost his wife and daughter during the crossing. After spending some time in Darnassus, he decided to travel to Stormwind to speak with Varian Wrynn.


Early history

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Genn's father was Archibald Greymane, during whose reign Gilneas prospered as never before. From a young age, his father taught him never to rely on others and not to ask for help, because this is a sign of weakness. Throughout his life, Genn was haunted by these words. Since childhood, Genn's best friend has been Baron Ashbury, whose father was one of Archibald's advisors. The father told his son more than once that the Ashbury family had always been loyal to the crown.

After the death of Archibald, Genn took the throne and ruled the kingdom according to the behests of his father. Once he met Mia at the royal ball of Aderic and was captivated by her smile. They married, and the queen gave birth to two children - a boy, Liam, who became the heir, and a girl, Tess, who would have died in infancy, if not for the skill of the royal alchemist Krennan Aranas. Greymane was rude to his children and did not often say that he loved them.

Alliance of Lordaeron

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Genn was among the rulers of the human kingdoms who were urgently summoned to the capital of Lordaeron by King Terenas Menethil. He arrived there accompanied by nobles, including Baron Ashbury, Lord Vincent Godfrey, and Lord Darius Crowley, the youngest member of the council. Greymane listened to Anduin Lothar's tale of the fall of Stormwind and the threat posed by the Horde. Genn confidently declared that the Gilnean army would be able to face any threat. Most of the rulers agreed to unite in the Alliance to fight against the orcs, but Greymane hesitated for a long time and did not give an exact answer.

After a ceremonial dinner with the other kings, Genn retired to the guest quarters to discuss the situation with the Gilnean nobility. Crowley was thrilled at the prospect of forming an Alliance and stated that the support of the mighty Gilnean army would help strengthen ties with the brother nations, which would greatly benefit the people of the kingdom in the future. Greymane considered Crowley to be a naive idealist and rejected his proposals. Godfrey supported Crowley, but offered his own option - to send only a small border detachment to help the Alliance, so as not to cause displeasure of neighboring states with a refusal and not damage trade relations. The Baron Ashbury also liked Godfrey's idea and the King declared that he would consider it.

Soon, the rulers of the realms gathered together again, and Greymane announced that he had joined the Alliance of Lordaeron. However, Gilneas provided only token support, as Godfrey's plan should have, and in fact Genn's kingdom existed separately from the Alliance throughout the Second War. When the war ended, Greymane was present at the meeting of the kings, which was held in Nethergarde Keep near the Dark Portal.

When the treachery of Aiden Perenold, who ruled Alterac, was revealed, Genn set his sights on a kingdom that was left without a ruler, although he had no rights to it. He supported the claim of Isiden, Lord Perenold's nephew, to the throne of Alterac. Later, he, like many others, fell under the influence of mind control and began to support Lord Daval Prestor in the quest for a free throne, not knowing that it was Deathwing in human form. After the sudden disappearance of Prestor, Genn turned his attention back to Isiden.

The King of Gilneas attended the initiation of Prince Arthas Menethil into the Knights of the Silver Hand, which took place in Stormwind's Cathedral of Light.

Separation from the Alliance

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After the end of the Second War, Genn became irritated with the taxes that had to be paid to maintain the camps for captive orcs and the Nethergarde Keep, which guarded the Dark Portal in case of a new invasion. In a conversation with Godfrey, he stated that he should not have listened to the advice of the lords and joined the Alliance, which gave nothing in return, and only the soldiers of Gilneas died in battle. The king spoke about his new plan - to leave the Alliance and isolate himself from the whole world so that nothing would interfere with the prosperity of the kingdom. The cunning Godfrey proposed to build a wall across Crowley's domain, where the mountains could become a natural barrier. This would have required the separation of Pyrefire Village and Ambermill, but Genn, who liked the idea, was confident that Darius would put up with it.

However, Lord Crowley did not put up with the separation from the Alliance and the construction of a wall across his lands. He led a rebellion against the king and gathered around him many like-minded people, including his daughter Lorna and Tobias Mistmantle. Thus began the North Gate Rebellion. The civil war significantly weakened the kingdom and divided its inhabitants into two groups - those who supported the decision of the king, and those who wanted to overthrow Greymane. Even after its completion, the echoes of the rebellion accompanied Gilneas for many years to come. Crowley sent a detachment, the Gilnean Brigade, to aid the Alliance and Lady Jaina Proudmoore during the Third War.

Greymane was hurt that a man he considered his friend had led a rebellion against him. In the end, troops loyal to the king were able to defeat the rebels and threw Darius Crowley, along with his followers, into prison.

The arrival of the worgen

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During the Third War, Greymane learned from Archmage Arugal that he had discovered a way to summon worgen, mysterious wild creatures from another world. Genn, who had seen the undead hordes approaching the kingdom wall, told no one of his plan and ordered Arugal to start summoning worgen to fight against the Scourge. However, the wild worgen refused to obey, and the curse spread through the people of Silverpine, affecting even the Gilnean warriors who defended the wall. Soon the curse penetrated through her and began to slowly take over the entire kingdom. Residents of Gilneas, who now and then heard about strange attacks and disappearances, were gripped by fear for their lives.

The mysterious half-wolves were considered a common legend or horror story. But Greymane and his courtiers were aware of the blight that gripped the realm, and every full moon they rode into the Black Oaks to hunt the worgen for both fun and vengeance. On one such trip, Genn, who had separated from the others, was ambushed, and the worgen pounced on him before the king could shoot him. Greymane knew that the nobles would immediately kill him if they saw the wound, and he knew he would have done the same. He wiped the blood from his pauldron, ripped a piece of fabric off his bag and covered the wound with it, and pulled his collar up high. As the king had hoped, he managed to hide his infection.

Curse of the Worgen

Genn had to face many challenges even when the North Gate rebellion was defeated. The King and his loyal people are trapped as the Forsaken try to break through the Greymane Wall to conquer the kingdom. Rumors began to circulate that Crowley's supporters were once again beginning to unite, and the Understar Rippers, as those responsible for the mysterious murders of the king's supporters were called, attacked with increasing frequency. Livestock theft also increased. Genn planned to impose a curfew to make cities safer and buy time to find a solution to the problem. He learned about the apparent death of Halford Ramsey and gave the order to comb the surrounding forests. He later issued orders to reinforce garrisons throughout Gilneas without weakening the wall's defenses. However, he did not want to give the population a reason to panic and did not declare the true enemy of the kingdom. He ordered the announcement that Crowley's rebels were back in business.

Over time, the people of Gilneas began to fear leaving their homes, and even among the nobles, unrest spread. Lord Godfrey, despite all the kingdom's other problems, was only interested in defeating the worgen, and asked Greymane why he stopped hunting with them. Godfrey assumed that the king was tired after a hard civil war and asked to be allowed to personally eliminate the worgen threat by going into the forests with loyal people. Genn refused, not wanting to let Godfrey create panic among the residents. The king knew that the lord would immediately turn on him if he learned the truth about the worgen and Greymane's own infestation. Genn spent much of his time at his observatory at the top of Greymane Manor, where the night elf Belisra helped him control the transformation and told him about how the worgen and their curse came to be.

Belisra told Genn that the worgen freed by Arugal were formerly night elf druids who fell victim to the cursed form ten thousand years ago when their people fought against the satyrs. To contain the threat these druids posed, Malfurion Stormrage sent them to eternal imprisonment in the Emerald Dream. Belisra also spoke about the ritual used by the priestesses of Elune. He could have allowed the infected Gilneans to control themselves even in worgen form, but those who were consumed by guilt could not assume human form at will. Genn, who hid the infection even from his family, allowed Belisra to perform this ritual for him in a simplified form. He also asked her to help his friend Krennan Aranas, who was trying to create an experimental potion that could stop the transformation of the worgen.

The king, influenced by both Krennan's potion and Belisra's magic, was able to keep his infection a secret and control his mind, but as time went on, he was able to control the external transformation more and more difficult. Genn considered granting an amnesty for his old friend Darius Crowley and his rebels to help fight the Worgen and the Forsaken. But he feared that they would not be able to forget their differences.

In Cataclysm

King of Gilneas.

Genn from Glowei.

Eventually, large numbers of those infected by the worgen curse openly attacked the kingdom's capital. Genn, his son Liam, and Lord Godfrey commanded the defense of the city, and the king, despite all previous disagreements, gave the order to free Crowley. After his release, Darius gathered those who had once fought alongside him and found old secret stockpiles of artillery left over from the uprising.

King Genn Greymane and a pack of worgen.

In the ensuing chaos, Krennan Aranas was captured, and the city's defenders had to devote forces to free him. Once Krennan was safe, Greymane gave the order to begin evacuating the capital. Darius Crowley and his party decided to stay behind to distract the worgen and allow the king to lead the rescued humans to Darkhaven, which remained relatively safe. Lorna Crowley, his daughter, found out about her father's release, and then Liam told her about the choice he had made. Lorna drew her gun and aimed at Genn, cursing him. She believed that the king had taken revenge on her father for the rebellion by leaving him to die in a city overrun by the worgen. Liam restrained her, and in hysterics, Lorna begged to be allowed to die next to her father.


Genn brandishing his sword.

The earthquake caused by the onset of the Cataclysm destroyed the cliffs that protected Gilneas and part of the Greymane Wall, allowing the Forsaken to launch a full-fledged invasion of the kingdom. They fought their way all the way to the capital and managed to retake it from the worgen.

From the start of the evacuation, Genn and Krennan worked on a way to partially cure the worgen's curse. The king's soldiers captured wild worgen in the forest and gave them an experimental potion to control their minds. Godfrey spoke out against using the serum on wild worgen, saying that they should all be shot. Greymane did not listen to him and saved one of the worgen from the hands of the executioner, after which he personally injected him with the serum. The mind-controlled worgen was still unable to revert to human form, but was no longer a threat. As Forsaken ships began bombarding Darkhaven, Genn ordered Krennan to distribute the cure to as many worgen as possible and led them to defend the settlement.

Greymane travels to his estate to contemplate a plan to save his people from the Forsaken fleet. Tess reminded him that there is always hope by showing him a simple flower, the peaceflower. Soon, a further earthquake floods Darkhaven with seawater, and Genn decides to send his men away from the coast, sending them to Wuthering Heights inside stagecoaches.

Later, the king gets to Tal "doren, where the worgen who went through the ritual of Elune gathered, and finds Darius Crowley there, along with his rebels, who were infected in the capital. Greymane and Godfrey invited Crowley to join them to fight against the Forsaken. Crowley took the offer skeptically , knowing how Godfrey felt about the infected, Genn dispelled his doubts, saying that they were now equal, and turning into a worgen, Darius, satisfied with what he saw, agreed to fight against the undead along with the king.

Upon learning of Greymane's infestation, Lord Godfrey, accompanied by Lord Walden and Baron Ashbury, betrayed Gilneas and held the king hostage near Storm's End to hand him over to the Forsaken. Krennan Aranas, who learned of this, asked for help, and the brave men of the rescued inhabitants thwarted Godfrey's plans and freed Genn, killing Walden and Ashbury. Godfrey, who was about to be arrested for treason, declared that he would rather die than recognize the worgen as his king, and jumped off a cliff. A few days later, Greymane told his son the truth about the spread of the curse and how and when he was infected. Liam supported his father, and the differences between them finally stopped. Genn decided to stop hiding his status and told all the people that he himself had become a worgen. The people of Gilneas also supported the tainted king, and he called for a unified attack on the Forsaken forces.

Soon the battle for the kingdom's capital began, and Genn participated in it, bravely attacking Sylvanas Windrunner, who led the Forsaken. During the battle, Liam shielded his father from a poisoned arrow fired from Sylvanas' bow and died. Genn, Darius, and Lorna buried the prince near Aderic's Rest shortly before the people of Gilneas were forced to leave the capital again after learning that Sylvanas was about to use the plague. Crowley, along with his daughter and his loyal men, stayed behind and organized the Gilneas Liberation Front.

Wolf heart

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The official incorporation of the worgen of Gilneas depended on the decision of all the rulers of the peoples of the Alliance, and Malfurion took the word from Genn Greymane that he would try to make the best impression on them. Genn began his speech at the first meeting by stating that the wall was a mistake and that he thanked the Alliance for giving his country a second chance. The Alliance leaders took Genn's words favorably, and the banquet began. After the arrival of Varian Wrynn, the atmosphere became tense - the king of Stormwind, having heard about the victories of Gilneas in the battles against the Horde, immediately opposed what he heard. He bluntly told Genn that the people of Gilneas are cowards and weaklings. Genn tried to contain his anger and convinced Varian that Gilneas had changed a lot over the years and was ready to become a loyal ally of the Alliance. However, Varian still insisted on his point and reminded how Gilneas refused to help them during the Third War. Varian refused to accept Gilneas into the Alliance and had no intention of having anything to do with that kingdom. Although the first meeting was unsuccessful, Genn later revealed that he noticed a part of Goldrinn in Varian. He believed that because of this, the king of Stormwind might change his attitude towards the inhabitants of Gilneas, who became worgen.

Later, Genn showed off Gilneas' military power and the worgen's incredible abilities to prove his worth to the Alliance. The rulers approved of the benefits provided by his people and supported the incorporation of Gilneas. But Varian rose from his seat and declared that although he acknowledged the goodness of this kingdom, he could never forgive Gilneas for refusing to help during the Third War. He added that the Alliance did not need allies who could betray at any moment, and that he would never agree to accept them. This declaration ended any chance for Gilneas to join the Alliance, and Genn, angry at Varian and frustrated, left the meeting.

Soon, Malfurion, intent on getting his way, called Varian to the worgen hunting grounds. A dispute arose between Varian and Genn as to which of them was the better hunter. Malfurion offered to deal with this right on the hunt. While trying to drive a boar, they accidentally stumbled upon a giant bear. The kings of Gilneas and Stormwind had to fight together to defeat the beast, and the final blow came with Varian's hunting knife. Genn thanked him for his help, but Varian didn't listen to him and left.

After walking through the forest and thinking about this whole situation, Varian turned to Genn as he was about to leave Darnassus. He asked me to teach him how to manage his anger. Genn led him to the Howling Oak and showed him how the night elf ritual was performed to allow the worgen to control themselves. Greymane warned Wrynn that not everyone could survive this ritual because they had become too close to the worgen within them. Varian made up his mind and drank the waters from the Fountains of Rage, Tranquility and Balance.

Genn advised Varian to remember the key moments of his life and the choices he made to come to them. When Varian, who was participating in the ritual, was overcome with rage, he heard Goldrinn's howl of approval and awakened. Genn and the other worgen watched in fear as the King of Stormwind was enveloped in Goldrinn's aura. Varian became the champion chosen by the ancient wolf and ordered Genn to gather his army to fight Garrosh Hellscream.

Combining the worgen and his forces, Varian gathered an army in Ashenvale and supported those who fought there against Garrosh's Horde. Genn was on the side of Varian, who led the attack against the Horde, and carried out his orders. The worgen were instrumental in defeating the Horde and slaying a large magnataur that fought alongside the enemy. With the support of the worgen and Varian's leadership, the Alliance was able to drive the Horde out of Ashenvale.

After the battle, Varian was honored as a hero and champion chosen by Goldrinn. The King of Stormwind soon reconvened the Alliance council and declared his support for the annexation of Gilneas. After that, the worgen officially became part of the Alliance, and Varian talked about how many threats their alliance must face, trying for so long to achieve peace. The Horde has become a key enemy of the Alliance more than ever, and they must unite and unleash their fury on their enemy to survive in this world destroyed by Deathwing. Varian assured his allies that with the worgen, the Alliance could win and do it with honor.


Genn traveled to Stormwind to help Varian conduct military operations and attempt to reclaim Gilneas. He became his adviser and took a seat next to the king's throne. On the other side stood Prince Anduin Wrynn. Gwen Armstead, a major in Darkhaven, was left as Greymane's second-in-command in Darnassus.

The blood of our fathers

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Genn at the Shrine of the Seven Stars.

Genn makes brief appearance as being present at the meeting of the Honor Delegation and Varian Wrynn in the Throne Room .

Tides of War

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The King of Gilneas was present at almost all events that were important for the Alliance, and represented his people at them. He was among the nobility assembled on Memorial Day.


He arrived at the Shrine of the Seven Stars in Pandaria, where the leaders of the Alliance were discussing the possibility of using Sha energy to their advantage.

Siege of Orgrimmar

While Genn is not present in the Siege of Orgrimmar, he can be seen in a vision of an alternate timeline where he is present with the leaders of the Alliance and Horde observing Garrosh's body.

War crimes

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He attended Garrosh Hellscream's trial in the guise of a worgen, and even offered to judge all of the Horde's rulers rather than just him.


Genn in worgen form

Genn Greymane appears throughout Gilneas during the Worgen starting experience and is involved in the following quests:

Abilities in Stormwind Power

Genn Greymane fights alongside Varian Wrynn at Stormwind Keep. Only Varian's death is needed for the For the Horde! achievement.


In Gilneas

Time to regroup King Genn Greymane says: If we can make it past the gates into Duskhaven we'll be safe. The eastern mountains are virtually impassable. Lord Darius Crowley says: We need to keep the worgen "s attention in the city, Genn. It" s the only shot we have for the survivors to make it to Duskhaven. Prince Liam Greymane says: I "ll stay behind with the Royal Guard, father. It is my duty to Gilneas. Lord Darius Crowley says: Not a chance boy. Gilneas is going to need its king "s undivided attention. Can" t have your father wondering whether his child is alive or not. Lord Darius Crowley says: My men and I will hole up inside the Light's Dawn Cathedral. I've already given the order and the cannons are on their way. Lead our people well, Genn. King Genn Greymane says: We were fools to take up arms against each other, Darius. The worgen would "ve never stood a chance. Last drop of humanity Krennan Aranas says: I am not giving up on you I don't have a cure for the Curse yet...but there are treatments. You will have control again. Lord Godfrey says: Give it up, Krennan. It's time to put this one down. It's protocol. King Genn Greymane says: Tell me Godfrey. Those who stayed in Gilneas City so that we could live. Were they following protocol? King Genn Greymane says: I didn't think so. Now hand me that potion, Krennan...and double the dosage. Not a man, but not a beast Lorna and Godfrey run in from town. Lorna Crowley yells: Father! Lord Darius Crowley yells: Lorna! Lord Godfrey says: Crowley! You and your elven allies are hereby ordered to serve along the king's army. Cursed or not, you are still bound by Gilnean law! Genn saunters in. Lord Darius Crowley yells: Does this toad speak for you, Genn? Do you come to our dwelling as a friend? Or do you come as a tyrant? King Genn Greymane says: No, old friend. I "ve come to you as an equal. Genn enters worgen form. Lord Godfrey yells: Impossible! Lord Darius Crowley says: Aye, Genn. It is not law that binds us. It is something far stronger. My men are ready to give their lives under your command. King Genn Greymane says: It is decided, then. We will unite all Gilneans and drive the Forsaken from our lands. Battle for Gilneas
  • Block their retreat, Liam! We "ve got them right where we want them!
  • LIAM!! NO!!!
Blessing of the Patriarch King Genn Greymane says: May the Light bless the spirits of our ancestors, for they "ve chosen upon allow my son to rest this holy ground. King Genn Greymane says: It is here, surrounded by the heroes and patriots of Gilneas where he belongs. Lorna Crowley says: You were a true man of the people, Liam. Unlike any Royal I ever met. We'll make them pay for this. Lord Darius Crowley says: Gilneas will remember your courage forever, Liam. King Genn Greymane says: We "ll return, Liam. I swear this to you.

In Stormwind

  • Gilneas will rise again!
  • For Gilneas!
  • Gilneas will prevail!
  • My people have suffered so long... if only I could shoulder more of their burden.
  • The Alliance has done us a great service, for this I am eternally grateful. (After the Storyline.)
Killing a Player
  • Fall before me!
  • You have no chance!
  • Gilneas...I have...failed you.


It's time for a long-awaited story about the life of one of the rulers of the Alliance, a legendary warrior, a brave and arrogant king who once ruled the greatest kingdom. We present to your attention, the ruler of Gilneas - Genn Greymane.

In 582 a.d. e. the crown prince and future king of Gilneas, Genn Greymane, was born. His father, Archibald Greymane, was a strong and wise king, but he never merged with other kingdoms, which is what he taught his son. He believed that only cowards and weaklings ask for help from others and form alliances. The young prince always admired his father and always tried to be like him in everything.

When the boy grew up and his time came, the kingdom was transferred into the hands of Genn. His reign was long and Genn ruled wisely.
His kingdom took an active part in the First War. Genn did not initiate the creation of the Alliance of Lordaeron, but supported the idea at the first council of the Eastern Kingdoms. Gilneas is one of the strongest kingdoms that have joined the Alliance.
But after the end of the war, Greymane realized that his kingdom did not need allies and he did not want to take part in the Second War. Gilneas helped the Alliance only tokenly. After the end of the war, Genn Greymane ordered the construction of a huge wall around his kingdom to permanently separate his people from the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms.
Genn believed that this was not his war and he did not have to help anyone. Moreover, Gilneas did not need allies at all.

For many years the kingdom remained excluded from the Alliance. And everything would be wonderful if it were not for the terrible infection that raged in the city. While the Alliance and the Horde fought the Scourge - Genn and his warriors killed monsters that turned people into terrible creatures, bloodthirsty and merciless. These animals, half-humans, half-wolves killed the civilian population of the city and turned people into the same monsters.
The city was engulfed in blood. Hatred, rage, pain and death destroyed Gilneas from within. And the great wall was powerless here...

During these dark times, Genn Greymane's only hope was for the scientists of Gilneas who were trying to create a serum that would heal the infected. But it became impossible. In one experiment, scientists found that by doubling the dose of the serum, the infected could take control of themselves, even in wolf form. This potion has become the main and main salvation for many warriors.

In one battle with the monsters, Genn Greymane himself was wounded. The bite was deep and he could feel the blood of the Worgen coursing through his veins.
Hiding, from his warriors, his wound, the king went to the scientists and took the serum to contain his bestial half.
By taking the cure, Genn was able to control the transformation and even transform, allowing him to uncover the secret of the Worgen and find a new home for his new people.

The lands of Gilneas, torn apart from the inside, were attacked from the outside. The great wall of Gilneas has fallen. The once strongest human kingdom was destroyed. Only part of the land has retained its former appearance.

The King saved his people and joined the Night Elves, thus joining the Alliance. Now, the Worgen race lives among the peoples of the Alliance, and Genn Greymane himself has joined Varian Wrynn and taken a place of honor in Stormwind.


Genn's father was the great king of Gilneas, Archibald Greymane. But after the death of Archibald Greymane, Genn took his place on the throne, and from now on, ruled the kingdom, as his father wanted. Later, Genn had children, a son and a daughter. The son's name was Liam, and the daughter's name was Tess. But the daughter did not live long, and as a baby she died. Greymane might be rough with his children, but he loved them.

When the Horde intended to invade the Eastern Lands, and at that time the people from Stormwind had already settled in Lordaeron, a council of the Seven Kingdoms was created, where Genn and his kingdom were also part of this council. Gilneas supplied all the most necessary resources to the Alliance, in fact, Gilneas acted jack of all trades, let's say - it contributed to the Alliance in the second war much more than other kingdoms.

After dinner, which was attended by all the leaders of the Alliance, Genn retired to his room, where he was able to meet with Crowley and discuss with him the situation and everything that affects his kingdom. Darius Crowley was only glad that, along with their kingdom, such an alliance was united. But Genn considered Crowley a naive idealist, and ultimately rejected all his proposals. Genn Greymane, after the second war, attended the ceremonial initiation of Prince Arthas into a Knight of the Silver Hand.

Gilneas on its own

When the second war was over and the people were victorious, Genn only began to feel annoyed, since his kingdom was all in taxes, because of the concentration camps of captive orcs, and not only. In connection with all this, Genn terminated the contract with the Alliance, and cared only about his kingdom for many more years. Therefore, Genn began the great construction of the Gilneas wall. Crowley was not impressed at all, moreover, he was disappointed in Greymane, and therefore a civil war was unleashed. And while during the third war in Gilneas there was a war, Crowley helped the Alliance with all his might, sending them the troops of Gilneas that were loyal to him, although these troops were not numerous.

First Worgen

Greymane learned from Archmage Arugal that he had a way to summon wild creatures from the forests - worgen - so that they could serve the Alliance. It was then that Arugal began, at the behest of Genn Greymane, to summon the worgen. With their first appearance, the worgen did not obey them, and at this time, because of them, the curse began to spread throughout Gilneas. Soon, the people of Gilneas themselves turned into worgen, and even their king.


During the Cataclysm, Genn joins his kingdom to the Alliance, because when he brought the inhabitants out of his kingdom en masse, the night elves helped them, sheltering them in Darnassus. In addition, Genn remembers the alliance with the Alliance. In the Alliance, Genn was able to befriend Varian Wrynn, although at first, the two disliked each other. But soon, they became so close friends that Genn even became an adviser to Varian Wrynn.


Under the Legion, in the Broken Isles, when victory was close at hand, the Horde that protected the rear of the Alliance rushed into retreat. They left the Alliance alone against the demons, while the ranks of the Alliance on the Broken Isles were already thinning, and it no longer made sense to wait for reinforcements. Genn knew they couldn't be trusted, and so, along with the others, he left. But the king of the Alliance, Varian Wrynn, did not fly away. Before dying, Varian gave the letter to Genn Greymane to bring to Varian's son, Anduin Wrynn. And himself, Varian died during the battle with the demons, remaining the last. Upon arriving in Stormwind, Genn immediately rushed to Anduin Wrynn with a letter. Since then, Velen and Genn have been mentors to Anduin Wrynn so that he can stand firmly on his feet and lead the Alliance forward.

Genn Greymane also fought Sylvanas Windrunner when she was a Banshee. Genn freed the Val'kyr who were held captive by Sylvanas, thus turning the tide of the battle.

Battle for Azeroth

In the Battle for Azeroth, Genn Greymane led the Alliance to lay siege to the Forsaken capital of Lordaeron. Having successfully captured Lordaeron, Greymane, Alleria, Jaina and Anduin Wrynn were able to face Sylvanas. After a brief conversation, Sylvanas ambushed them on the spot. But thanks to Jaina, they were able to get out.
On this, the path of Greymane does not end.

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Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater, legendary cards from the upcoming Witchwood expansion, will bring two brand new archetypes to Hearthstone: odd and even decks.

There are already several cards in the game that impose restrictions on deck building. Among them is the notorious Renault Jackson, which does not allow you to use more than one copy of each card. In turn, the new Baku Moon Eater and Genn Greymane limit the deck to even and odd cost cards, respectively. In one of the previous articles, you could find a detailed review of Baku the Moon Eater, in the same one, the prospects that Genn Greymane opens up for players will be revealed.

Review by Genn Greymane

Genn Greymane is a 6/5 neutral minion for 6 mana. It has not the worst characteristics, while the main reason why you should use it is, of course, its effect. At the start of a match, if your deck has no odd-cost cards, Genn will reduce the cost of your starting Hero Power to 1 Mana Crystal. This happens automatically right at the start of the game, and it doesn't require you to find and play Genn Greymane from your hand.

The players had a number of questions about the operation of this card. Here is some confirmed information from the developers:

  • All 30 cards in your deck must meet the condition (must cost an even amount of mana - 0, 2, 4, 6, etc.) to activate the Genn effect.
  • You cannot use Quests from Expedition to Un'Goro in a deck with Genn, as they cost 1. mana. More precisely, you can certainly do this, but the effect of reducing the cost of the hero power will not work.
  • Cards for 0 mana count as even, so will work with Genn. The cost of the Scroll Scroll is also considered to be zero.
  • Genn only cheapens the initial strength of the hero. If you change it in the course of the game (for example, using one of the Death Knight cards), then Genn will not propagate its effect to the new hero power.

Genn's ability does not look as bright and interesting as Baku's ability. However, as Malfurion the Pernicious once showed, brightness and strength often have nothing in common with each other.

Genn and Druid

Important Druid cards that cannot be used with Genn:

On the one hand, this list contains several of the foundational tools of the current Agro Druid. It is extremely difficult to imagine him without Living Mana and Wild Roar.

On the other hand, an even Druid deck loses a few mana boosts that are so important in slow decks. In addition, important cards for the control game also fall into this list - Malfurion the Maleficent and Charm: small jasper. Is the cheapened Hero Power worth the loss of a good removal and powerful Hero Power in the late game?

Maybe you should use elementals. Pyros, Glimpse of the Storm, Vaporcloud, and Firecrown Phoenix are good candidates for this. Even an Ice Walker can fit into this deck, given that Hero Power costs 1. mana. Given all these elementals, Ward: Lesser Ruby can also play in this build.

The Mage has all the tools to put together an Aggro or Midrange deck, possibly with elementals. With Cabal Minion, Medivh's Footman, and Crystalbringer leaving Standard, Secret Mage will be significantly weakened, so other archetypes will be able to compete with him for the title of the best decks in the class.

Genn and Paladin

Important Paladin cards that cannot be used with Genn:

And again, a large list of good cards.

However, in this case, these are not the best Paladin cards. Still available will be Sunkeeper Tarim, To Arms! , as well as Salted Steed, for which you can always create a token for 1 unit. mana.

Also, the Paladin will be able to use all the main board clears: Equality, Vicious Pyromancer, Illumination and Doomsayer.

Paladin with Genn Greymane looks quite promising. Of course, the class loses some useful cards, but you get an infinite opportunity to create paladin recruits for 1 unit. mana. This can be useful both in Aggro and Midrange builds for obvious reasons, and in Control Paladin, as he still has all the main cards to control. Definitely a very interesting class for Genn Greymane.

Genn and Priest

Important Priest cards that cannot be used with Genn:

And again some serious losses. If only Genn had an effect on the altered Hero Power... But no, you can't use it to create a new Razakus Priest. And how are you not ashamed to think about such things at all? You just need to say goodbye to this deck!

Something based on capturing the table? Big Spell Priest? Wicked Summoner, Thing of Amber, and Mind Control are available in even decks, as is Duskbringer. With the Draconid Spy heading into Wild Mode, the question is whether the Priest can pick up enough useful dragons for the Duskbringer to redeem himself. Of course, the lack of odd cards causes some difficulty, but there is no doubt that the Big Spell Priest will be able to present the build even in these conditions. He is quite capable of using dragons such as Faerie Dragon, Twilight Dragon, Bone Dragon, and Prehistoric Dragon.

Genn is very interesting for the Rogue due to the fact that he changes the style of the early game of this class. Whether it's useful is another question.

Genn and Shaman

Important Shaman cards that cannot be used with Genn:

As compensation for the lack of odd cards, the Shaman will receive a special card for the even deck, Sparkle Eel. Undoubtedly, this is a powerful card, very similar to the lackey of Medivh without special conditions - it deals 2 damage. damage instead of 3, of course, if the deck does not contain odd cards.

Regarding losses, it is obvious that a deck built around Ward: Lesser Sapphire will not be available. Bloodlust is also unavailable, which theoretically interacts well with the reduced cost of summoning totems. Also an obvious candidate to use with a 1-mana Hero Power is Windshear Summoner, but it also has an odd cost.

The Paleomurloc Totem and Flametongue Totem remain available. Hero Power on turn one, then one of those second drops or Sparkling Eel is a good start for this deck. If the Witchwood brings some cards that interact with totems, even the Kobold Hermit could be useful.

Don't forget about elementals. Thundering Elemental, Firecrown Herald (which can make the cost of other elementals odd!), Firecrown Phoenix, Grumble, Worldshaker, Fire Elemental, Kalimos Primordial, and Al'Akir is quite an impressive list.

Shaman is another class that has some even deck building blocks. But putting together a solid deck from these scraps doesn't seem all that obvious at the moment. If new even cards appear that interact with totems or elementals, then a workable build may see the light of day.

Genn and Warlock

Important Warlock cards that cannot be used with Genn.

Many of our heroes end up in the so-called Nexus. This is a special world in which the universes intersect and force their greatest representatives to fight each other in an endless battle. We know that among you, dear readers, there are those who are also participating in these battles.

Famous personalities of Azeroth often exchange affectionate (and not so) phrases among themselves. Their meaning, at times, is not so easy to catch with the naked eye, so our historians decided to help both you and yourself figure out the background of the most interesting quotes.

"After the battle, I'll deal with you"

When Genn Greymane and Sylvanas Windrunner meet in Heroes of the Storm, Genn grins menacingly at the Banshee Queen. "After the battle, I'll deal with you," Greymane promises, to which Sylvanas replies with a smile, "You will die in agony. Like your son." And it's not about the confrontation between the Alliance and the Horde. While defeating Sylvanas in Heroes of the Storm, Genn is reminded of his son Liam.

This story began when the Forsaken decided to invade the kingdom of Gilneas, hidden behind a high and solid wall for many years. The kingdom had enough worries without it - the civil war turned into the spread of the worgen curse, because of which the inhabitants of Gilneas turned into werewolves and attacked each other. However, the wall successfully held back the undead until Deathwing's appearance triggered the Cataclysm. Earthquakes destroyed the rocks that protected Gilneas from the sea, and part of the wall. The forces of the Forsaken - an army of the undead free from the power of the Lich King - led by Sylvanas, broke into the kingdom and recaptured the capital from the wild worgen, in which many inhabitants turned.

However, some, including Greymane and his family, managed to evacuate from the capital. Although Genn was already under the curse, his wife and children remained healthy. A group of survivors roamed Gilneas, gaining strength and creating a cure that would allow the worgen to control themselves. In the end, the people of the kingdom, including the infected, united and decided to settle the score with Sylvanas and her minions.

Liam Greymane, the king's eldest son, has led one of the squads and proved to be a capable commander. He not only managed to inspire his people, but also fought bravely in the battle that unfolded on the streets of the capital. The resistance of the undead was fierce, but the inhabitants of Gilneas broke it. As a result, Liam joined his father, who fought against Sylvanas and her chosen banshees.

As soon as the Forsaken queen realized that this battle was lost, she let out a piercing howl that deafened her opponents. Sylvanas did not intend to lose the entire war and knew that the people of Gilneas would have a hard time without their leader. In a desperate attempt, she aimed the black arrow straight at Genn's heart. Greymane would have died, but at the last moment, his son, Liam, stood between his father and the black arrow. Sylvanas fled, and Genn hugged his dying son, who, before his death, comforted his father in a whisper, saying that they managed to reclaim their city.

Scouts chasing Sylvanas have learned that the Forsaken queen intends to use the plague against the people of Gilneas. Genn had to make the hardest choice of his life - try to avenge the murder of his son or save the surviving refugees. Knowing that Liam cared most about the welfare of his people, the king decided to honor his memory and again evacuate the inhabitants. Through a tunnel under the river, the refugees made their way to the sacred grounds of Aderic's Rest, where Liam's body was buried. Here he could rest among the other heroes and patriots of Gilneas. Standing over the grave of his son, Genn swore that he would definitely return his kingdom.