Sir Ken Robinson believes that traditional education kills creativity. Ken Robinson

One of the most famous specialists in the world in the field of development of human creative abilities. He advised the governments of many countries and the management of many private companies on how to properly manage human resources. The main idea of ​​Ken Robinson is that we all have some talents, but the modern education system and the general structure of society suppress their development. He devotes a lot of his books and speeches to exactly what and how we need to change in our educational system in order not to do so.

Robinson's books in Russian are published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. Let's talk about a book with a rather loud title "Vocation".

The book's subtitle reads, "How to Find What You're Made for and Live in Your Element." The element is the key word around which the whole book is built, what Ken Robinson puts at the basis of his whole idea. The element is a place where what we love and what we are good at merge together. And from this merger, something else is born - a full and interesting life, in which even work is not perceived as work.

You have probably heard that in psychology there is the concept of flow (thanks to the psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi for it) - a certain state that is characterized by a person's complete involvement in what he is doing, complete concentration and focus on success. This flow state gives you a very special inner feeling: you are doing everything well, all your decisions are correct, actions are effective, words are accurate, and thoughts are clear and clear. This is a state of crystal clear consciousness and high efficiency of actions, a state of extraordinary deeds and good intellectual indicators. When you are in the flow, your activity brings you pleasure. And, according to Ken Robinson, you will be in the flow when you find your element in life. In fact, when you find your calling.

But how many of us can boast of such a thing? No. And one of the reasons for this is the modern education system. Ken Robinson talks a lot about the fact that almost all first-graders have creative abilities. But among high school students such are already a minority.

One little girl was sitting at a drawing lesson and was drawing something intently. Usually the girl did not pay attention to the lessons, but here she was very passionate. The teacher became interested in what she was doing, came up and asked what she was drawing. The girl said, "I'm painting God." “But no one knows what God looks like,” exclaimed the teacher. “They will soon find out,” the girl replied.

What happens to them? Do they develop critical thinking skills? Maybe. But it is more likely that the existing education system does not allow them to develop. And what does not develop quickly perishes.

In the course of getting an education in the system, people lose confidence in their abilities.

Modern society encourages only very specific skills and some traditional development paths. If a person does not fit into them, then this is a person's problem.

What is surprisingly good about the book is the stories. Behind each of them is a living person, with his own, most often very difficult fate. These are the stories of people who managed to find their way and overcome the limitations imposed, among other things, by the modern education system. Such stories do not seem to have any practical value, but they are able to motivate and inspire people for further searches and for further development.

Ken Robinson proposes to take a fresh look at the abilities of people, to expand our understanding of what are really our abilities, to think about what exactly we need to develop. After all, we must strive to emphasize the individuality of each person, while our society and our education system are going in the opposite direction: towards the achievement of certain common universal standards and a certain faceless community.

The book is full of stories about children who did not fit into accepted standards and who could be irretrievably lost to society if they continued to be required to conform to general rules and someone else's ideas (or, even worse, if they began to treat what was perceived as deviation from the norm), but who in fact simply had other talents, talents that are simply not noticed in ordinary schools.

All education systems, without exception, are currently at the stage of reform. But this is not enough. The reform is already useless, because it is designed to improve a broken model. We need... and the word has been used many times in this conference, we need not an evolution, but a revolution in education. It must be transformed into something new.

One of the book's leitmotifs is the question of why our education system has become the way it is now, and what we must do to change it. Ken Robinson talks a lot about the fact that the current system is well suited for creating a human cog in a big machine, but not for creating a separate creative individual with his own characteristics and his own opinion.

We will not mix politics here and talk about how beneficial this or that type of person’s personality is to the state (Ken Robinson, for example, believes that it would be more beneficial for the state if all the people were creative and creative, but it seems to me that the existing system and the ongoing reforms clearly say: the state thinks differently). Let's look at this approach from the point of view of a person, from the point of view of teachers and parents. Yes, teaching and being parents of a person with your own opinion is much more difficult (although much more interesting).

But what fate would we like for children? The fate of the screw or the fate of the individual?

And if we choose the second option, it means that we must make some efforts, because such a fate will not arise by itself under the circumstances.

The important thing is that the book not only motivates a person to think about his own path and his own calling, but also about how to help other people develop and find them in themselves, for example, your students. This book may be useful to those school teachers (but not only them!), who believe that the school should help children develop and develop their best qualities, and not just sit out the prescribed hours, acquiring knowledge and skills that, perhaps, they will never not useful in life.

Children are different. And you can't teach them all the same. It is impossible to demand the same from a talented musician or dancer as from a person prone to mathematics and physics. We need to look for an individual approach and develop those talents and inclinations that children have, and not those that we want to see in them.

Of course, it may be objected to us that it is very difficult to approach everyone in their own unique way. Complicated? May be. But not so long ago, only in the 19th century, there was no unified system of general secondary education. Education was seen as the privilege of the wealthy and (sometimes) the smartest. Then it was also believed that it was very difficult to teach everyone. But we coped with this task - it's time to set ourselves the next one.

Who among us does not want to find his calling, element, passion? The author promises to help with the search. But if you're hoping to find a simple, step-by-step recipe, you're in for a treat. It is not that simple! It turns out that we do not perceive ourselves as we should. We have forgotten about one of the most important components of our life, our personality. We forgot about creativity. In schools, creativity is given the last place, and therefore few of us know what talents we have. And the fact that we have them is undeniable.

So what to do? And that's what - to develop creative abilities. To do this, it is not necessary to wrap your neck in a colored scarf and grab a brush (but if you are drawn, be sure to give in to the desire!). Every area of ​​our life is somehow connected with creativity. Even science. Not least! Mathematics, physics, biology - everything is connected with creativity. You need to find this vein in yourself, and with it comes an understanding of what you really want from life.

The book is replete with success stories. The heart starts to beat faster when you read about how people find their favorite thing and follow the path of their happiness. These stories are truly inspiring. It turns out that you don't have to shine at school to be talented. It's never too late to find your element! In a word, dream, seek, create - and you will get what you deserve from life - complete satisfaction. Find your self, take place as a person, benefit the world and society!

This book inspired me to find my element. If you want to get it too - this book will definitely not be superfluous to you.

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An expert in the field of education, a popularizer of the idea of ​​changing the educational paradigm, believes that the roots of this problem should be sought in the past - in the middle of the 18th century, when the very idea of ​​general education was born.

If you look at a typical school schedule, then at its core we will see disciplines that are useful from an economic point of view - mathematics, natural sciences. That is, everything that, according to the generally accepted opinion, can be useful in life. All other disciplines related to creativity are studied optionally or not studied at all, since, from an economic point of view, they are completely useless. But why is the economy still put at the forefront, although no one really knows what the economic situation will be even by the end of this week?

Divergent thinking is a method of creative thinking that is usually used to solve problems and problems. It consists in finding many solutions to the same problem.

The current model of education was born during the heyday of the industrial revolution. Therefore, schools were created according to the type of factories: the call - the lesson begins, the call - the lesson is over, the characteristics of the children do not matter, they are sorted by "production date". Standardization - that was the basis of such an education system, which has survived in the same form to this day.

Only now there is an understanding that the industrial approach to education is somewhat outdated. That going into the future, based on the experience of the 19th century, is at least impractical. And one of the disturbing symptoms is a disorder called Attention Deficit Disorder. Children grow up in an environment oversaturated with information, in the era of television, the Internet, and iPhones. And what do adults want from them? Squeeze into traditional education and direct their attention to things that seem boring to them.

Recall the fifties, when it was customary for children to have their tonsils removed. This was done with the same ease with which schoolchildren are now prescribed serious drugs that suppress feelings and emotions, put them to sleep in order to direct the focus of attention to “useful things”. And this is instead of waking them up to look at themselves and understand who they really are and what they want.

In his book The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, Ken Robinson describes the stories of people who have succeeded through passion and enthusiasm, from Paul McCartney and Matt Groening to Arianna Huffington and Richard Feynmann. Buy, 550 r.

ADD is, if not a myth, then at least a massively overblown story. Since trying to follow the outdated method of education, where practical reason dominates, society forgets about another method of perceiving the world - about the sensual, when a person feels himself here and now, when his feelings work to the limit and he experiences genuine interest in the subjects studied, from immersion in present, from life itself. We must teach creativity the same way we teach literacy.

Some time ago, there was a wonderful work on divergent thinking. Some confuse it with creativity, but they are not the same thing. Divergent thinking is an indisputable component of creative thinking. But its essence lies in the ability to see a huge number of solutions to one problem. In a large number of interpretations of one question.

If you ask people a question about how to use a paper clip, most will give 15-20 options. Few will make it to 200 asking probing questions like, can a paper clip be 200 feet tall and rubbery? The more questions, the higher the level of divergent thinking.

What is the basis of such thinking? Imagination. The idea of ​​what is not, but what could be. It is imagination that essentially distinguishes us from other living creatures. Many living beings sing - but they don't make beautiful operas. Other creatures run - but they don't organize the Olympic Games.

Tests were conducted among children of different ages, which showed that the older the child, the lower the level of his divergence. From 98 percent in preschoolers, it drops to 10 percent in teenagers, and then continues to drop. In people over 25 years old, it is already about 2%. It turns out that the priceless gift given to us by nature is wasted over the years. But we have in our arsenal the experience of passing exams, filling out tests, a set of classical knowledge - what is called education.

I like to tell one story - about a girl in a drawing class. The teacher approached her and asked: "What are you drawing?". She replied, "I'm painting God." “But no one knows what God looks like,” the teacher objected, and heard the answer: “They will find out in 10 minutes.”

Initially, children are not afraid to make a mistake. Of course, I do not want to say that constantly making mistakes is the same as being a creative person, no. But I am sure that if people are not ready for the fact that it is possible and necessary to make mistakes, they will never create anything new and original. As children grow older, they lose their priceless divergency because teachers instill fear of error in them.

Sir Ken Robinson is one of the leading experts in the field of human capital development, his area of ​​research is creative thinking, education and innovation. He has advised US, European and Asian governments, worked with international agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and international cultural organizations.

Teachers tend to say that there is only one right answer to a question. And it is forbidden to peep at a neighbor - because this is a deception. Although in the adult world this is called a collaboration. We are taught to think alone, while great discoveries are made in cooperation with other enthusiastic people. And such cooperation leads to growth, to progress.

Another problem of education is that, as a result of standardization, the individual inclinations of children to different subjects, developmental features, and cultural background have ceased to be taken into account.

Now we should not only move away from the industrial approach in education, but also stop perceiving human communities as mechanisms that require only coordinated work. The community of people is much more like an organism full of vital energy. It remains only to make a choice: whether to continue to suppress this energy with the help of drugs - or to give it an outlet.

Picasso believed that all children are born artists - the only problem is to remain an artist by the time you become an adult. I believe that our only hope for the future is to adopt a new concept of human ecology. One in which we would rethink the concept of the wealth of human abilities. The current educational system is emptying our minds in the same way that we are emptying the bowels of the planet - for certain purposes. Such an approach is an approach without a future. We must rethink the basic principles of teaching our children.

Jonas Salk once said: “If all insects disappear from the face of the Earth, in 50 years life will cease. If all humans disappear, in 50 years all forms of life on Earth will flourish.” He is right: and the only way out is to appreciate the diversity of our creative abilities.

When I think about the modern education system and attempts to comprehend it, against the background of numerous authors, I single out three figures for myself. Not because they were the first or said some exceptional things, but because I strongly associate their name with one of the important stages in the criticism of compulsory schooling.

First author - John Hall C. John Holt showed how children learn, what makes them curious, and how school education often does not take into account the development and learning of children. Next - John Taylor Gatto- explained in great detail that schools were never designed to reveal children's talents, and that schools do an excellent job with their original function - to promote the promotion of units to the top of the pyramid, and in the rest to produce a more or less homogeneous product for the needs of the industrial economy. And finally - Ken Robinson(Ken Robinson). Ken Robinson made it clear that the kind of education that exists now doesn't just cripple people, it already economically unprofitable and does not meet the needs of today.

I am ambivalent about Ken Robinson, I consider some of his ideas to be erroneous, others unoriginal. Unfortunately, he does not refer to his predecessors anywhere, but perhaps these are just features of building public speaking. But Sir Ken Robinson has an undeniable advantage over the rest - his listen.

An internationally recognized expert in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources, he has worked (and works) with governments in Europe, Asia and the US, with international agencies, major corporations, and cultural organizations. In 1998, he chaired the Commission on Creativity, Education and the Economy in the government of Tony Blair, where he produced the highly publicized report "Our Future: Creativity, Culture and Education" (The Robinson Report). He was one of four international advisers to the Singapore government when it launched reforms to make Singapore the creative hub of Southeast Asia. In 2003, Elizabeth II knighted him for his service to the arts. His speech at the TED conference How Schools Are Killing the Ability to Think Creatively has been downloaded over four million times (4,000,000).

That is, it is a mastodon. And the things he says, they get through. They reach a lot. And even if "above" Ken Robinson's recommendations will cover up another waste of taxpayers' money, then millions of people whose thoughts resonate with his ideas cannot be discounted. So I've translated some text excerpts from his website to introduce you to the mainstream.

Unpredictable future

Children who start school this year will retire in 2065. Once again, in 2065. Do you have any idea what the world will look like in 2065? I do not have. And I don't think that anyone would dare to give forecasts for more than 5 years ahead. However, it is our responsibility to prepare children for the next world. In the world of the future, of which we only know that it will not be like the present.

Technological and economic changes in our lives are happening faster and faster every day. For example: in 1957, the first list of the S&P (Standard and Poor) 500 largest corporations was released. After 40 years, in 1997, only 74 companies out of those 500 remained on the list. By 2020, according to experts, 75% of the S&P list will consist of companies that are not known to us today, many will be engaged in types of business that are still not invented.

Amid the economic crisis, American employers need workers who are creative, flexible and adaptable to change. Creativity is not a luxury, but a means of survival. In 2001, McKinsey & Co surveyed 6,000 executives from the top 400 companies to find out what the biggest challenge they face today is. Most noted that it is very difficult to find people who can make good decisions in uncertain times, who can adapt to new opportunities and creatively respond to change. And these are the problems of the leaders of top companies who can afford to hire the cream of the workforce! What can we say about everyone else.

Companies either poach employees who are able to think outside the box from each other, or create conditions within their structures (courses, seminars and trainings) to increase the creative potential of their employees. Billions are spent annually on this, because the existing education system no longer meets the real needs of the economy.

Outdated education system

The system of education, which is now being persistently tried to be reformed in all industrial countries, was put into practice at the end of the 18th - in the 19th century in order to meet the needs of that era, the era of industrialism, when manual labor was 80%, and mental 20%. The era has passed. If in 1965 about 30% of all employed in the economy were employed in production, now this figure is less than 12%. It's still not small, but much less than before. And this number is constantly decreasing.

The world is now actively developing businesses related to intellectual work: various forms of art, software development, the development of science and technology. In these areas, ideas are valued above all else. Many countries are already beginning to realize that the future prosperity of their economies depends on the flow of innovation, the ability to think creatively is becoming more important than formal education.

An amazing paradox. We clearly understand that all we know about our future is that we do not know anything about it, except that it will not be like the present. Yet all secondary education reforms are based on the idea that we can prepare for the future by simply doing better what we did in the past. We just need to raise the standards.

The problem is not that we should not raise standards. Of course, we must raise standards. The problem is standardization. Standardization is the enemy of innovation. Because the standards are very narrow and create an atmosphere of fear and risk avoidance.

Many of the views of parents were formed in their childhood and adolescence, and they project their experience onto their children without realizing how different their experience is from the experience that their children receive in a modern school. Approaches and ideas of 20-30-40 years ago dominate in the education reform that we need so much. And our politicians do not question them. But the truth is that we need to do something completely different.

In the 1960s and 70s, we believed that if you studied well, studied at the university and received a diploma, then you could find a quiet job with a good salary and provide for yourself for the rest of your life. The story was true then, but not now, and the kids know it. The numbers of unemployed university graduates are constantly growing. Yes, they can find a job and a salary, but not equivalent to their education. And this is not their problem, this is the problem of the general depreciation of traditional academic education, the inflation of diplomas.

Schools kill creativity

About 10 years ago, George Land and Beth Jarman, Breakpoint and Beyond: Mastering the Future Today, published Breakpoint and Beyond: Mastering the Future Today. In the book, they described the results of a study of divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is not identical to creativity, but is a good example of creativity. This is the ability to think non-logically: to think by analogy and associatively.

The study consisted of a series of tests that were given to 1600 children from 3 to 5 years old. If a child achieved a certain result, he was considered a genius of divergent thinking. Of the 1600 children, 98% turned out to be “geniuses”. It was a longitudinal study and after 5 years, the researchers interviewed the same children using the same tests. 32% turned out to be “geniuses” of divergent thinking. The survey was repeated 5 years later. Only 10% of children achieved the results of "genius". Then scientists gave the same tests to 200,000 adults, and only 2% were able to cross the line of "genius" in divergent thinking.

What's happening? We are used to the fact that a small child does not know anything, and gradually learns or is taught, and he becomes better and better. But in this experiment, we see how children gradually lose their amazing creativity.

We do not know everything that happened to these children from 5 to 15 years old, but we know one thing for sure, they all went to school, they were all educated. In a modern school, they teach not to make mistakes, they teach not to take risks, they teach to know that this particular answer is the right one. And it is written at the end of the textbook. But you can't look there.

Conclusion: We are all born with great natural talents, but our educational institutions tend to stifle many of them. This waste of talent is due to several factors: a narrow focus on a few academic subjects, the exclusion of arts and humanities from schools, dry teaching of math and science, an obsession with standardized tests, and the funding-driven need to teach for tests.

… In the traditional education system, the child does not study what he has the ability to, but a very narrow set of compulsory subjects, because once knowledge of these subjects was promising in terms of employment. Today our children are studying these subjects because our politicians think that in the future it will be useful for the economy. But if you ask businessmen, almost all of them will say the opposite. They will say that high school graduates are not innovative, cannot work in a team, and cannot communicate effectively.

From the mechanistic model to the agricultural model

Now our society is on the verge of an ecological, humanitarian and economic catastrophe. And those trials that fall to our lot now or will fall in the future can only be overcome if we are able to think creatively, penetrate the essence of things, be open to innovations and non-standard solutions. But our education system consistently oppresses all these qualities in the next generation of young people. Simply reforming the system is no longer enough. We live in a cultural and economic revolution. This revolution is global in scope and unpredictable in nature. To comply, we need a revolution in the culture of education.

This new culture will emerge from a broader understanding of human talent. To comprehend it, I am sure, we will need to leave behind the principles of industrialism and recognize the organic principles of ecology. The education system should not produce, but should cultivate, develop human potential. Human development has never been linear, as people have tried to present it, it has always been organic and dynamic.

Human collectives are not mechanisms, but rather organisms. They depend on feelings, and attitudes, and motivations. In them, the way people associate themselves with these collectives is of great importance. You yourself know that how we work in an organization is deeply dependent on how important this organization is to us.

Like all living organisms, we thrive under certain conditions and languish under others. The answer lies not in the standardization of education, but in its personalization, adjustment to the needs of each student and each community.

Sources for translation.