Comic funny quizzes for teachers. Prank quiz for teachers

Dear teachers! The entire creative team that created this festive issue really wanted to please, surprise, and cheer you up! True, and this time it was not without your help. We asked you to answer some questions, trying to understand you better, to know, to feel ... And now we can safely say that your profession has become even closer to us, and we are sure that one of us will definitely follow your example.

1. Do you remember how you felt when you taught your first lesson?

2. What do you feel when you have to put "2"?

3. Recall some funny episode from your teaching practice.

4. If you had not become a teacher, what profession would you have chosen then?

5. Your ideal teacher.

6. Recall an aphorism, catchphrase or quote related to the teaching profession.

7. Would you like one of the Pleskovites to become a teacher, and what advice would you give him?

Andrey Alexandrovich Bocharov (teacher of biology)

1. It was a biology lesson, during teaching practice in one of the schools in Bryansk, it was not scary, but there was excitement, because it was necessary to conduct a good lesson and comply with all methodological requirements.

2. A variety of feelings: pity, sometimes surprise, resentment, confusion, but never joy!

3. 1992 I am a school attendant. Classes finish cleaning. Suddenly my attention was attracted by noise in one of the corridors, I quickly went there. An eighth grader stands near the classroom door and holds the door, from behind which knocks and screams are heard. I demand to open it, the student asks: “Not that!”, I demand very persistently and angrily, he is forced to obey. I open the door, a disheveled girl jumps out and, shouting “ha,” pours a glass of water on me, confusing it with a boy.

5. Janusz Korczak, who, along with his students, ended up in a concentration camp, he was offered freedom, but without students, he chose death.

6. “A student is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit”; "Think globally, act locally"

7. The decision to choose a profession, everyone, having prayed, makes himself.

Irina Mikhailovna Galitskaya (mathematics teacher)

1. My first lesson was when I was a student. I learned the script of the lesson by heart and went out in front of the students, as if in front of the audience. Strictly fulfilling the lesson plan, in my opinion, I didn’t see anything in front of me, and kind viewers only sometimes helped me by answering questions.

2. It seems to me that I am more afraid of this assessment than the students.

3. Somehow, a new student was brought to the 8th grade (where I was the class teacher) and warned that the boy had just come from the colony, he was very “difficult” and it was almost impossible to find a common language with him. But during the conversation it turned out that we have a mutual friend - my former pupil from the boarding school, who was their commander in the colony. This student once caused too much trouble, but thanks to him, I found a common language with this "very difficult" teenager.

4. Choreographer.

5. Kind, "a little naive", understanding students, "interesting", educated.

6. "Mathematics educates the student's love for truth" (N. V. Bugaev)

7. Of course, yes! But, if you feel that the children annoy you, and you, in turn, are indifferent to them and the class is one “gray mass” for you, then immediately run away from school.

Andrey Viktorovich Keiv (history teacher)

1. Tension, fear of forgetting something, desire to be interesting, dissatisfaction with the low activity of the class, joy at unexpected deep thoughts of students.

2. Annoyance, hope for the desire of the student to correct the grade.

3. At the lesson on interethnic relations, they tried to put themselves in the place of representatives of other nations. The "played" students communicated with each other for several more days as representatives of different nationalities. It's especially funny at recess.

4. Director.

5. Socrates, D. S. Likhachev, K. I. Chukovsky.

6. "Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, he can be a teacher" (Confucius). “Teacher, educate a student so that there is someone to learn from” (Evgeny Vinokurov).

7. Live eagerly and interestingly. Do everything from the heart, but have patience.

Anoprikova Tatyana Gennadievna (language teacher)

1. It was scary. My first students were 10 years younger than me, there were 44 of them, and no one could even help. And I'm alone! Can I handle it? What are they waiting for?

2. Unpleasant sensation. Sometimes it’s a pity for the student (if he is “not given”), sometimes - what did I do wrong?

3. There were so many of them, but the pearls from the compositions are more vividly remembered. One student wrote: “Pavka took part in the construction of the Narrow Gauge” (meaning the narrow gauge railway). A student in an essay on "The Captain's Daughter": "The kibitka stopped, not knowing where to go."

4. Dreamed of becoming a journalist and a lawyer.

5. Loving children, profession, knowledgeable, hardworking, fair.

6. “That teacher is good, whose words do not differ from deeds” (Cato)

7. On the one hand, I would like to. This means that we planted some kind of spark in the soul of the student. On the other hand, no. Very hard and sometimes thankless work. And higher organizations will fill up with papers.

Priest Andrei Mokhovikov (teacher of the Law of God)

1. I don't remember.

2. Regret.

3. I have a "short" memory for the past.

4. I am not a professional teacher

5. Kind, sympathetic specialist.

6. "The apple does not fall far from the tree."

7. To become a teacher you need to love and feel children.

Svetlana Nikolaevna Zubkova (mathematics teacher)

1. At the beginning of the lesson - fear, then - confidence, joy, at the end of the lesson - confusion.

2. 1) Grief; 2) I conclude that it is necessary to explain the material again.

3. The case is not very funny, but I remember it. There was a girl in the class who constantly interrupted me, did not let me explain. Once I called her to the blackboard to prove a theorem. She began to answer and suddenly stammered (she probably forgot). And silent, and I am silent, and the class is silent.

4. Accountant.

5. Sukhomlinsky V. A.

6. 1) “A teacher is an eternal student” 2) “A teacher is a profession and destiny” 3) “Whoever comprehends the new, cherishing the old, can be a teacher”

7. Yes. Be patient and attentive to your students. Remember that you were once students. Respect your students.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Sazhenova (informatics teacher)

1. Adrenaline rush, excitement, but as with actors, attention is important, so that they hear.

2. I don’t bet, but if sometimes I have to, I get terribly upset.

3. Theme "Algorithms", homework: to compose any algorithm. The whole class made algorithms for cooking (food), although a lot of life situations suggest different algorithms. But there was a post, and when the last student brought the algorithm for making scrambled eggs, everyone laughed.

5. Custom

6. "There are no bad ships, there are bad captains"

7. Patience and diligence. Most of our students should become teachers.

Galina Vasilievna Chernyakova (mathematics teacher)

1. I was worried, but it was necessary to cope with the excitement and give an excellent lesson in geometry in the 10th grade.

2. I am very worried about the student, I invite him to additional classes.

4. A teacher and only a teacher

5. Sukhomlinsky. My teachers of literature and mathematics.

6. "Don't you dare forget the teachers!"

Elena Borisovna Morozova (mathematics teacher)

1. Whatever the first lesson (and I have the first lesson in elementary school, and the first lesson of labor education, and even more so - mathematics), always start with joy.

2. Regret about wasted time: his and his student.

3. All interesting episodes are mainly related to extracurricular life. Not much fun in class. It's true, it's a lot of fun to watch students. (From the last check of notebooks in geometry: “Let's draw a circle, a straight line. Soon we will get a point at the intersection”).

4. Also creative.

5. I won’t name it specifically, but in every teacher of our school I can find the desire for an ideal image.

6. "In order to acquire knowledge well, one must study with appetite." "Teaching - learning."

7. We have few male teachers, I wanted one of the boys to think about the profession of a teacher or educator, and becoming one, did not forget what he was at his current age.

Maria Vasilievna Bocharova, (geography teacher)

1. It was very scary, she was afraid of her students, but she tried with all her might not to show it.

2. It's a shame that the children do not take what you give in the lesson.

3. When I came to a geography lesson in grade 9b (there were 26 people in the class), I noticed that during our lesson there was not one hooligan student. I, as if nothing had happened, taught the lesson. He passed with a bang. The bell rang, the class was silent, no one was leaving. I knew from the very beginning that my student was in the closet. After the bell, I quietly approached, I opened the closet, and the whole class saw Andrei lying on a small shelf, crooked and unhappy. All sweaty and red.

4. Choreographer

6. “Working at school is a good school of life”, “A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.”

7. I really want to. I wish love and patience to our students. The teacher should be kind, strict, wise, knowledgeable.

Olga Ivanovna Kritinina (teacher of Church Slavonic)

1. I was worried, this lesson is an exam for me.

2. Annoyance.

3. I remember the first exam of students and Alexander Pivovarov, who suddenly appeared on it, worried that I could underestimate the grades of graduates.

5. Loving, patient

6. "Patience and work will grind everything."

Svetlana Borisovna Dmitrieva (English teacher)

1. Joy and excitement. Awareness of great responsibility.

2. I really don't like to put "2". I always get upset.

3. Once, I forgot to take a very important material to the lesson, since then I never scold students if they forgot something at home. But this does not mean that from today they can forget everything.

4. Maybe I would have stayed in music

5. There is no personality yet. Patient and understanding, he knows his stuff.

6. "We could never learn to be brave and patient, it was only joy in the world"

7. Study, study, study all your life.

Irina Vladimirovna Nikishina (English teacher)

1. Excitement, joy, courage!

2. "It's my fault!"

3. Alik Malkhasyan: “Irina Vladimirovna! Why do you have such sad eyes? Why don't you smile? Who offended you? I’ll catch it, I’ll cut it for barbecue, we’ll eat together.”

4. Artist-designer.

5. My mother is an English teacher, translator.

6. "Live and learn"

7. No one will teach you to love children anywhere, but if the Lord gave you this happiness, feel free to go into this profession!

Elena Ivanovna Sukhanova (educator)

1. In 1964 I started working at a school for working youth, I really wanted to look older than my years, since I was 24 years old, and my students were 30-40 years old.

2. I try not to put "2"

5. The teacher must be fair, knowing his subject, and able to captivate his students, possess erudition, love children.

6. “Russia is famous for teachers, students bring glory to it”, “Our future is in the hands of a teacher”

7. This year, many have chosen the profession of a teacher, my advice is not to be indifferent, to love children.

Grigory Nikolaevich Baldenkov (teacher of biology)

1. Worried that the students would not understand me.

2. Regret that mutual work was unsuccessful.

3. When I slammed the door after the end of the lesson, but there was no key. The children had to leave the classroom through the windows of the 2nd floor using the stairs.

4. I am a scientist by profession, and I became a teacher when I taught at the institute, and then at school.

5. Competent, understanding.

7. I can’t give such advice, it’s a very big responsibility.

Being a teacher is one of the noblest professions. To learn more about the people of this profession, we have prepared questions for teachers on Teacher's Day. Many of the questions are rather difficult, even tricky, with a catch, while others are comic and funny. They are great for school interviews that can be done with teachers.

Look at this list for some questions to ask your teacher. You will like the way your school's teachers answer school questions.

Questions for Teachers on Teacher's Day

  1. Is it true that children today have learned to write correctly?
  2. What do teachers actually do in the staff room?
  3. How do you deal with your dislikes and likes in class?
  4. How should a young teacher behave if a student / high school student confesses his love to him?
  5. What would you like to change in the teaching methods or approach to schooling?
  6. Is it easy to be a teacher, what difficulties of this profession are the most difficult to endure?
  7. What prompted you to become a teacher?
  8. What do you like most about schooling and what do you hate the most?
  9. If you had to choose a new profession again, would you agree to become a teacher?
  10. Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to quit your job?
  11. What's the dumbest or weirdest question you've ever been asked by a student?
  12. What is the worst thing about the current education system?
  13. What historical character would be the most boring when meeting in real life?
  14. When did you get the idea to become a teacher?
  15. Which teacher influenced your whole future life?
  16. What key factors (features) helped you become a good teacher?
  17. What is the most important piece of advice you want to give parents of an elementary school child?
  18. What do you know about your students?
  19. If you could get something from the Minister of Education, what would it be?
  20. Do teachers have other holidays besides school holidays?
  21. What age of students is the most aggressive?
  22. If you had to become a student of our school, who would be your favorite teacher?
  23. Is there something you would like to teach students but can't do?
  24. What's the funniest, most embarrassing thing that's happened to you during class?
  25. Do you think that your profession affects the upbringing of your own children?
  26. What is the hardest thing about being a teacher?
  27. What was the worst thing you had while working with parents of students?
  28. What are the signs that students are manipulating you?
  29. What teaching mistake did you most regret?
  30. Do you have school pets?
  31. For the sake of revenge, can you lower a student's grade in exams?
  32. Who is the most popular hero of our school?

Funny Questions for Teachers on Teacher's Day

  • If ham comes from pigs and beef comes from cows, then what animal does bread come from?
  • Why don't people on the other side of the earth fall?
  • Girl in physics class: “If there is a speed of light, then what is the speed of darkness?
  • Why do meteorites always land in craters?
  • Is the African sun the same as in Russia? Then why is it warmer there?
  • If Russian is the language of Pushkin, then what language are our surnames?
  • If, according to the teacher, mathematics is so simple, then why does the mathematician have so many problems with students?
  • How do you punish your family members (children, marriage partner) when they misbehave? Do you kick them out the door, give them a bad mark, or call your parents in for a chat?
  • When you come home, do your children stand up and say "Good evening, teacher"?
  • If I have problems, can I use the Pythagorean theorem to solve them?
  • Do you chew on your pens or pencils?
  • Which super hero is most like you?
  • What do you drink for dinner?
  • Why do teachers ask questions to students (why, why, how much), they don't know the answer themselves?
  • Can you roll your tongue with pleasure?
  • Why don't the skies fall on us?

Prank questions for teachers

  1. The farmer has 17 sheep. All but nine die. How many sheep does he have left? (answer: 9 sheep).
  2. There are ten candles burning in the dining room. The draft blew out three of them. How many candles are left by morning? (Answer: three candles, since the seven remaining candles will completely melt, and the only whole candles will be three extinguished by a draft).
  3. What word in Russian is always misspelled? (Word: wrong).
  4. Which is correct to say: "The yolk of the egg is white" or "the yolk of the egg is white?" (Answer: Both are wrong because egg yolks are yellow.)
  5. A man stands on one side of the river, his dog on the other. He calls out to a dog that crossed the river so quickly that it didn't even get wet. At the same time, the dog did not run across the bridge and was not in the boat. The question is, how did the dog cross the river? (Answer: on ice, since the river was frozen).
  6. If you give me food, I will live, but if you give me water, I will die. Who am I? (Fire).
  7. Your parents have six sons, including you, and each son has one sister. How many people does your family have? (Answer: 9 people: both parents, six sons and one daughter, who is a sister to all boys).
  8. What is black when bought, red when used, and white when used? (Charcoal).
  9. I have no eyes, no legs, no ears, but at the same time I move the earth, who am I? (Earthworm).

Tricky questions for teachers

Do you feel like interviewing a teacher, but don't feel like asking him the usual questions? Then these teacher trick questions are just what you need.

  1. What does the perfect teacher's day party look like?
  2. In what subject did you get the most A's during your high school or college years?
  3. Is change for the teacher or the student?
  4. What excuses did you give when you were late for class?
  5. Did you have to cheat at school, did you use cheat sheets in exams?
  6. The teacher sets an example for the students, if he is late for the lessons, then it is possible for the students as well?
  7. If a student does not read books, can he become president?
  8. What is your favorite meal from the school cafeteria?
  9. Do you want to teach at school until the age of 100?
  10. What was the worst lesson for you?
  11. Have you ever wanted to hit a student? What was it for?
  12. Have you ever fallen in love with students?
  13. Do teachers take drugs to soothe themselves?
  14. Does the teacher learn something from his students? And what have you learned?
  15. Would you yourself agree to take the exam or final exams?
  16. Do you know that in Japan teachers don't have to honor the emperor? But we are not in Japan is it bad or good?
  17. Is it true that the only way to succeed in life is to be a nerd?
  18. As a student, did you ever dislike one of your teachers? Why?
  19. If you are smarter than me, does that make me smarter than you?
  20. You are very worried about our exam marks, but what were your marks on the exams?
  21. What were your first university days like: did you completely occupy your time with your studies, were you bored or did you want to skip classes?
  22. What funny, funny nicknames did you give teachers when you were a student?
  23. Poked fun or trolling teachers?
  24. In the classroom, which teacher from your school would you like to be a student of? Why?
  25. What would you like to change in your behavior, returning back to the school desk?
  26. Why are subjects being taught today that are simply useless in life?
  27. Why do students have to compromise their health by doing a lot of homework instead of getting enough rest?
  28. Always understand students who really feel bad?

Strange questions

  1. Where is the Great Wall of China?
  2. Isn't the moon the same sun just turned off for the day?
  3. What are pyramid things in Egypt?
  4. How do the islands not float away?
  5. Are there real bears?
  6. How old was the average 18 year old in 1942?

Teacher Interview Questions

Like all interviews in the field of education, interviews with teachers also have specific questions. They are focused on knowledge of the methodology of work, a sense of vocation, the ability to manage the discipline of students. Here is a list of common questions in this interview format:

  1. What is your education?
  2. Why do you want to work in education?
  3. How do you plan to conduct your courses, classes, lessons?
  4. How do you feel about school discipline?
  5. What is your attitude towards modern education?
  6. What do you think about psychology in education?
  7. What do you think about pedagogy?
  8. Do you consider yourself risky?
  9. Do you consider yourself a positive teacher?
  10. What will you do if a student calls you a bad teacher?
  11. If you were a school principal, what goals would you set for the next school year?
  12. What was the last book you managed to fully read?
  13. How would you motivate students to read?
  14. In what decade would you like to become a teacher? Why?
  15. Do you have a loved one that motivates you?

Questions about life outside of school

  1. What is one of your hidden talents?
  2. What might surprise students when they see you outside the school doors?
  3. How do you dream of spending your vacation after the school year?
  4. How do you manage to spend your summer holidays?
  5. What books would you like to have on a desert island?
  6. What will be your last lesson?

Questions about the school

  1. What traditions or superstitions do teachers have? Do you stick to them yourself?
  2. What school day for a teacher is considered good, successful?
  3. What student accomplishment this year fills or fills you with pride?
  4. How do you manage to stay calm and patient? [the question is especially relevant for experienced teachers]
  5. What inspires you?
  6. What technologies make learning easier or more difficult?
  7. What is the best/worst thing about being a teacher?

Questions about students

  1. What worries you about the behavior of modern students? Why?
  2. What will help the teacher to win the respect of students?
  3. What is the best time for academic performance: morning or lunch?
  4. What part of your knowledge would you like to pass on to your students?
  5. How do you feel when a student whispers to a neighbor while ignoring your remarks?
  6. What helps you to be patient with those disciples that even God cannot handle?
  7. How do you manage to remember the names of all your students, do you have any associations with them?
  8. Having the opportunity to visit with your class anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
  9. Do you keep in touch with any of your former students on social networks?
  10. Do you have a personal diary about your students, students?
  11. What song should students listen to while doing homework?
  12. What is the first thing you remember from your work as a teacher?
  13. Do you think your pupils/students will remember you and the class they were in?


Here is a list of questions from which you can choose the appropriate ones to ask them to teachers. It is important to remember that an interview is a conversation. So be natural and use questions wisely. Remember, it's better to get honest answers to a few interesting questions instead of a dozen lengthy answers to one stupid question?

If you see a trick, use it. It will be interesting and fun. Don't be afraid to veer off topic a bit when the opportunity arises. Keep in mind, however, that these questions for teachers on Teacher's Day are a great start to learning more about your teachers, understanding the challenges, or vice versa, the attractive side of the profession.

Sincerely, Helen.

By the way, look at questions with the substitution of answers for teachers (shifters).

The main culprits of the celebration are teachers. Various numbers, games and competitions are performed for them. Bright and cheerful presenters praise the merits of the teaching staff, and Leo will introduce the horoscope for each sign of the Zodiac. The touchingness of the finale and the warm friendly atmosphere will make this holiday memorable for a long time.

Target: creating a festive atmosphere, fostering a respectful attitude to the work of a teacher.

Room decoration

The hall is decorated with various posters with congratulations, wall newspapers. To decorate the stage, you can use multi-colored and paper flowers. For teachers, seats are allocated in the front row - they are the main ones at the holiday.

Required props:

  • Projector and a computer to watch the interview.
  • Item in the chest for the game "Guess the object."
  • 20 cards with words and a magnetic board for the game "Memory".
  • Goldfish by the number of teachers.


  • Presenters: dressed in festive and bright attire.
  • necessarily a mane, tail with a tassel, dark orange pants and a turtleneck. You can sew fluffy cuffs of the same shade on the sleeves.
  • Other members also dressed brightly and festively.

preliminary work

Prepare numbers for congratulations (poetry, dance - waltz, songs); prepare a video interview with teachers "My first steps".

Event progress

Teachers are seated in the front rows in the hall to the music. Two leaders enter.

Presenter 1: Hello dear teachers!

Host 2: Good afternoon, our dear mentors!

Presenter 1: Today we have gathered in this festively decorated hall to celebrate another event.

Host 2: Not just an event, but a grandiose event! After all, we will honor our mentors - our beloved teachers!

Presenter 1: You light stars, find talents in every student. And today we will light for you!

A student performs with a poem about teachers.

Host 2: Of course, you, dear teachers, have countless talents. Each has its own zest, its own peculiarity, which allows us to love and respect you.

Presenter 1: And you are the most strict and fair! The school year has just begun, and we have already managed to get pretty tired, earning the coveted "five".

Host 2: But by no means do we blame you for this! After all, we understand that whoever does not work does not eat, that is, does not receive the necessary knowledge!

Presenter 1: In gratitude for the care and attention, the entire student staff of the school decided to give our beloved teachers the opportunity to have a good rest, recharge with vigor and good mood for the whole year.

Host 2: However, you will also have to work hard today to "earn" a good mood and get the lion's share of our attention!

Presenter 1: Don't be afraid, we won't bring the lion. After all, he can eat you! What will we do then without you - our amazing mentors?

Lead 2 (dreamily): If only to sleep longer, hang out on the Internet more often, and no lessons ...

Presenter 1: Do not even hope! Others will be sent from RONO, and new teachers are akin to aliens - first you need to establish contact in order to understand what they want. Do we need this hassle?

Host 2: Of course not! So we will protect you, such relatives and friends, from all misfortunes. And no lions in our hall!

A student dressed as a lion enters.

Presenter 1: Oh oh oh! What is it? Or rather, who are you?

(proudly): I am a lion! King of beasts! Head of the zodiac horoscope! Isn't it visible?

Lead 2 (terribly): And why did you, the head of the animal state, come? Is there really little game in your forest and you decided to hunt with us?

(scared): No, no, by no means! I do not eat living organisms - I am from the zodiac! I heard you have a great event.

Presenter 1: That's right, today we celebrate Teacher's Day. And here, in the front row, sit the heroes of the occasion (points).

In this case, I would like to convey small wishes from my colleagues - signs of the zodiac (reads comic wishes to teachers of various zodiac signs).

Host 2: Thank you for your wishes and forecast.

It's nice to make people happy. Well, it remains to say goodbye - my heavenly friends are waiting for me. See you! (Runs away).

Presenter 1: So unexpected, yet so nice. We are not the only ones who consider our teachers worthy.

Host 2: True, but the congratulations don't end there - there's more to come! The vocal team of our school dreams of congratulating our beloved teachers.

A song sounds - congratulations performed by school students.

Presenter 1: Our teachers, so wise and experienced, once went to school and got grades just like we do now.

Host 2: They dreamed that someday they would grow up and become teachers.

Presenter 1: And now the dream has come true: you are teachers! Tell me, what were your first impressions at the beginning of the activity? What were your first successes or failures?

Interview "My first steps". You can interview teachers in advance and show the finished video, or you can conduct a survey during the event.

Host 2: Let's make up a fairy tale about our mentors.

Presenter 1: Our teachers are such creative and gifted individuals that we should write a poem about them, not a fairy tale!

Host 2: Well, I'm not a poet, I can't write poetry. Therefore, you still have to have a fairy tale - but so bright that it makes your soul feel warm.

Presenter 1: It would be great!

Host 2: So, in a bright, bright forest ...

Presenter 1: On a bright, bright meadow...

Host 2: There is a bright, bright house, called a school.

Presenter 1: And bright, bright people live in that house ...

Host 2: With a bright, bright soul...

Presenter 1: And they teach bright, bright children to everything bright, good and beautiful!

Host 2: And from such a bright, bright attitude, it is constantly light around.

Presenter 1: The original "light" fairy tale turned out. I wonder if there are many similar-root words for the word “light”?

Host 2: Let's ask our teachers to name them, and let's count ourselves?

Teachers call words with the same root: light, bright, brighten, brighten, and so on.

Presenter 1: How many words were formed from the word "light"!

Host 2: But light is a science! After all, it is said: "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness."

Presenter 1: Exactly! And our teachers lead us to the light. For this, we give you, dear teachers, another gift - dance.

The high school students dance the waltz. At the last verse, you can invite teachers.

Host 2: Yes, our teachers are masters of all trades: they can not only teach, but also sing and dance.

Presenter 1: And yet, it is impossible to combine so many talents in one! I don't believe it!

Host 2: And what do you suggest?

Presenter 1: You know, there is a saying: trust, but verify. So I propose to check whether they really know how to do everything, or just pretend.

Host 2: And how are you going to check?

Presenter 1 (in a loud whisper): We will ask our teachers the most tricky questions. If they cope with the task, then I will believe in their unique abilities! (Loudly with a pleading intonation). Dear teachers! My friend was given homework to do so many different tasks. He just can't handle them. Help him please!

There is a joke quiz.

Host 2: What all the same our teachers are resourceful and quick-witted!

Presenter 1: Now I'm sure of it too. However, I think they are a little tired. I propose to give a call for a change! (Bell rings). And change is always rest and joy.

Host 2: Joy is games.

Presenter 1: So now we're going to play a little.

Host 2: You will not need to jump, jump, dance or sing.

Presenter 1: You just need to think and guess what item is hidden in the chest.

The game "Guess the object" is being played.

Host 2: Probably the most intelligent and quick-witted teachers have gathered in our school.

Presenter 1: Indeed, they know and can do a lot.

Host 2: And everything that concerns their subject, they can even tell when they are awake.

Presenter 1: I suggest you have some fun and train your memory and attention.

The game "Memory" is being played.

Host 2: How not to love such wonderful people!

Presenter 1: After all, you are our guides to adulthood. You don't just teach, you put your whole soul into the learning process.

Host 2: Our successes are your successes, and you perceive our failures as your own.

Presenter 1: You help us to find ourselves, to believe in our strengths and abilities. And for this you want to say a huge ...

Together: Thank you!

Poetry congratulations from the team of students.

Host 2: Dear teachers! We are glad that we have you, and not someone else!

Presenter 1: Yes, we sometimes do not obey, do not do our homework, but this does not mean at all that we do not love and respect you.

Host 2: Just the opposite. And this song is for you.

The group of students sings the song "Teacher". Then individual students say the words aloud.

Student 1: You radiate light in the dark realm of ignorance.

Student 2: You illuminate everything around with your kind light.

Student 1: You light up the stars in the sky.

Student 2: You give us your warmth and kindness.

You are Teachers with a capital letter.

Presenter 1: We wish that all your dreams and desires come true!

They sing the song “Three Wishes” from the m / f “Masha and the Bear”, at the last chorus they go down and give the teachers pre-prepared symbols - goldfish.

Host 2: We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all the brightest, kindest, best!

Presenter 1: Goodbye!

Host 2: See you soon!

Additional material

Comic wishes for teachers according to the signs of the zodiac

  • Aries will be able to cut a window into the world of knowledge for students this year. However, you should be careful - intolerance and the desire to figure everything out may not have very good consequences.
  • Taurus is waiting for success in any business. You can sing and dance - no one will throw rotten tomatoes. It is still worth being careful with careless statements - it is better to first understand the situation, and then evaluate it.
  • The twins will find themselves in a twofold situation and will be able to finally prove Fermat's theorem by approaching the issue from the other side. Focusing on the learning process and deciding on the assessment criteria, you can safely step from lesson to lesson.
  • Cancers have the opportunity to move to a new level of learning - more perfect. The main thing is not to return to the origins and traditions, otherwise the school carousel will roll along the same inclined path.
  • Lions will be inundated with interesting work. This year you have the opportunity to be under the auspices of the administration - do not miss the chance!
  • Pedantry and accuracy Dev will allow them not to lose their heads in the cycle of school days and holidays, and to stay on top in any turn of events.
  • A good year awaits those born under the sign of Libra. The main thing is to make informed decisions that do not allow you to strain too much.
  • Scorpions will have to hide their sting so that luck does not run away from them. In this case, a stunning success among the students is likely.
  • Streltsov can expect promotion up to the director. If this does not happen this year, do not worry - fortune is close!
  • Capricorns should allocate a leader in the student team and rely on it. In this case, it is possible to raise authority and prestige among students.
  • Great luck awaits Aquarius. Just do not drown in the sea of ​​your own success from dizziness. Otherwise, packs of predators can take advantage of your weakness and write off the control.
  • Pisces will be able to take control of the situation, however, it is necessary to avoid communicating with too friendly colleagues who can easily fry you in the pan of the director's anger.

Comic quiz for Teacher's Day

  1. The name of which film echoes the student's favorite period during school days? (Big change).
  2. What do the rider, the rooster and the student have on the test? (Spur).
  3. What lessons did Rasputin "teach"? (French lessons).
  4. Why was the student kicked out of class? (Out the door).
  5. What letter has a bad effect even on the kindest teacher? ("M": teacher-tormentor).
  6. In ancient Rome, teachers of linguistics were called a grammarian, reading - a writer. A slave who accompanied children to and from school was called a teacher. What was the name of the arithmetic teacher? (Calculator).
  7. What can't hunters, drummers and mathematicians do without? (No fraction).
  8. What subject does the dictator teach? (Russian language).
  9. Why do computer science teachers constantly catch colds? (Sit for a long time in front of the "open" windows).
  10. Why do cats like to sit on the mat in front of the computer? (there is a mouse).
  11. Which teachers have a skeleton in their closet? (Biology teacher).

Games and contests

  • The game "Guess the object." Any object related to the school is hidden in the chest. The task of teachers is to guess and name it. To do this, you need to ask questions that can be answered in one word: “Yes” or “No”. Whoever guesses which item is hidden gets it as a gift.
  • Memory game. 20 inverted cards are laid out on a magnetic board: 10 pieces with mathematical words (ruler, square, formula, equation, and others), and 10 pieces with words related to the Russian language (letter, root, suffix, and so on). The mathematician and the linguist take turns opening the cards, finding "their" words. If a “foreign” word is open, the move goes to the opponent. The winner is the one who collects all the cards the fastest. Words may refer to other sciences, respectively, and other specialists will participate.

Every year at the beginning of October we celebrate Teacher's Day. A teacher is one of the most important figures in the life of every person, because it depends on him not only with what baggage of knowledge, but also what kind of person you will enter adulthood.

To find out what today's students think about their teachers, we conducted a small survey among students from different schools.

“What do you think an ideal teacher should be?” We asked this question to Georgy Berandze, a 11th grade student of school No. 1. He answered this question as follows:

“The ideal teacher is the one who can inspire his student that he is a person, that he is a full-fledged member of society, that his views are shared and perceived in the right way, that he has the right to his opinion, and this opinion is listened to ... The ideal teacher should the first “contact” with the child, “select” the necessary material and “present” it in such a way that the child becomes interested.

What is the teacher's pride? Irina Snegovaya, a student of the 10th grade of school No. 7, answered this question as follows:

“The pride of a teacher lies in the love for students, the desire not only to help them fall in love and master your subject, but also to educate a person who knows how to choose his own path in life.”

The following question was asked to a 9th grade student of school No. 1 Anna Skorospelova

“If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?” The answer was this:

“I would teach English. Even though it is difficult, I really enjoy studying it because it inspires me. I also love to travel and study the history of other countries.”

“Why is the teaching profession so important and necessary?” Vladislav Skryabin, an 8th grade student of school No. 2, answered this question as follows:

“We come to school as unintelligent kids. The teacher takes us by the hand and leads us to knowledge. With him, we go through life for 11 years, experiencing our first ups and downs. We learn to read, write, learn a lot of new things. Teachers lead us along the road of knowledge, showing the route, and we develop it, try to go along it. And we succeed, because there are people nearby who you can always turn to for help and support, and this is what the profession of a teacher is for!

We asked a 5th grade student of school No. 1 the question: “Do you think the profession of a teacher is eternal?”

The answer was:

“I think that this is an eternal profession, because no society can develop without a teacher.”

We asked the last question to a student who had just entered the threshold of school knowledge - a first grader from school No. 1 Sofya Zhuravleva: “What impression did your first teacher make on you?”
Sophia replied:

“Nadezhda Vladimirovna Mitrofanova made a lot of positive impressions on me. She is very kind, sensitive, caring and will always help in difficult times. I'm very happy to be in her class."

Dear our teachers! Congratulations on World Teacher's Day! We highly appreciate the generosity of your loving hearts, your patience and understanding, dedication and love for us - your students! We wish you the best health, vivacity of body and spirit, joy from your hard work and all kinds of good luck in your personal life! May you be surrounded by respect and love, benevolence and mercy, cheerfulness and our gratitude!

Pupils of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 1 Polina Panikarova and Snezhanna Bogdanova

lyudmila malivanova
"14 signs that you are a caregiver" - a comic test for caregivers.

A few years ago, on the Internet, I read joke test,"14 signs of,what do you educator".Reading it, I smiled and agreed with some points, because in fact it happens. I bring to your attention this test, maybe he will cheer someone up, someone will find out that he is not alone in something, and someone will determine his level of qualification. I wish you a pleasant acquaintance with test.

1. You bring everything from home that can be useful in kindergarten (paint, hammer, CDs, books.)

2. YOU bring into the house a lot of useless, from the point of view of normal people, your relatives and friends, who watch with fear how the mountain of "everything very" necessary "in your apartment" grows.

3. Your family is sacrificed to education, they also work with you, although they are not on the staff. They work quietly, pitying you, and others cursing your kindergarten.

4. The fate of your child to wait. at the office, in the group, at home. Wait patiently and silently!

5. People who are far from education do not understand when you talk about your 25 children and 50 parents.

6. Each informal meeting with colleagues develops into a mini-pedagogical council, despite the fact that you swear all the time not to talk about kindergarten and work.

7. Someone else's money in your purse is always much more than your own. (For the repair of a group, site, theater).

8. You wake up in the middle of the night to write down another brilliant idea for tomorrow's class.

9. Your house is already suffocating from vases and other unnecessary knick-knacks, which your conscience does not allow you to throw away - gifts are the same!

10. Half of the district greets you, and the same half evaluates: how are you? who are you with? and where are you?

11. You know how to paint, whitewash, hammer nails, glue, repair furniture, work in two shifts, persuade, go to work sick and enter into someone's position.

12. You don't know how to relax, say "no" to the administration, walk past bookcases. 13. There are many times more things to celebrate in life than there are others: the beginning of the school year, the day of the preschool worker, matinees, the new year, March 8, the end of the school year, and the same number of reasons for a headache.

14. You can't decide on 1 September: accept congratulations or condolences?

If all this is about you, then you are a real teacher!

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