Assessment system in the subject of physical education. Multilevel grading system

Vodyankin Evgeny Georgievich,

physical culture teacher
MBOU "Zonalnenskaya secondary school" of the Tomsk region

The recent changes in society have led to changes in the learning process, which, in turn, has necessitated a new approach to assessing the skills and abilities of students. A more objective way to take into account all aspects of students' activities in a physical education lesson (physical fitness, skills and abilities, diligence) is the scoring system that I developed in the 2001-2002 academic year. Approbation of this system was carried out at school (from 5 to 11 classes) for two years.

The essence of the point system is that students gain points for classes in the classroom, passing standards, for participating in school competitions. In the first year after the introduction of this grading system, the number of underachievers increased sharply from 1-2% to 10-15% in a quarter, since instead of "fake" triples, according to the points scored, twos were obtained. But in such types as strength, endurance, the results increased by 10-12%, in speed-strength standards by about 5%. Diligence has improved, technical training has increased.

After analyzing the current situation, we came to the conclusion that the main reason for the increase in the number of underachievers was the lack of awareness of parents and class teachers about the features of the assessment system. Many students did not believe that if they did not score the required amount of points, they would be given a "2". At a meeting of the methodological association, it was decided to put the coefficient of diligence in class journals and to inform class teachers and parents about the state of children's progress in a timely manner. In turn, additional explanatory work was carried out at the pedagogical council and parent meetings. This gave the expected result and positive changes took place in subsequent years.

In the 2004-2005 academic year, at a meeting of the methodological association of physical education teachers, a decision was made to switch to a credit system. In my opinion, the main advantage is that it is possible to carry out an individual approach to students when receiving a credit. All students, depending on physical fitness and physical development, belong to a certain level from 1 to 5 for credit. And each level requires its own amount of points scored. Stage 1, as a rule, includes poorly trained students, as well as schoolchildren with obvious overweight, and the level also increases according to the degree of increase in physical condition. As a result, more points are required to qualify.

In contrast to the usual grading system, in our school all the standards have been transferred to a 10-point system, where the lower limit is accessible even for poorly prepared children. And they become interested in passing the standards, in contrast to those situations when the top three “I still won’t pass, what’s the point of passing this type.” It turns out that the motivation for passing the required standards is always high.

At the beginning of the school year, students are explained in detail each point of the position of the point system for obtaining credit in physical education. These are the points:

  1. A student who does not miss a single lesson without a good reason receives 60 points.
  2. A student who has been involved in all physical education classes receives an additional 5 points.
  3. For each lesson, the student receives a coefficient of diligence from 0 to 1, which is set for him at the end of each lesson.
  4. Missing a lesson without a good reason - minus 5 points.
  5. Participation in a school-wide competition (cross-country, "Presidential competitions", strength training, athletics) - plus 5 points.
  6. Participation in school-wide competitions in team sports (football, basketball, volleyball, Russian rounders, towns, table tennis) - plus 2 points.
  7. In each quarter, standards are given, where for each type you can get from 0 to 10 points. If there are more than four standards, then a recalculation is made for 4 types according to the formula: C ÷ K × 4, where C is the sum of points scored for the standards, K is the number of types to be handed over.
  8. When receiving reduced coefficients for lessons (being late for a lesson, violation of discipline, dishonest fulfillment of teacher's tasks, etc.), a subtraction is made from the total points in the calculation of k (-0.3) -1 points. For example, a student received a coefficient k=0.4 for a lesson, that is, 0.6 is not enough to coefficient 1, which means that 2 points are subtracted.
  9. All points are summed up (points for lessons are reported to students by the teacher). To receive a credit, you must score: 1 step - 68 points; 2 levels - 74 points; 3 steps - 80 points; 4 steps - 86 points; on the 5th step - 92 points.

A prerequisite for obtaining a credit is the correct maintenance of documentation (“notebook of personal achievements of students”). The notebook indicates which standards were passed and how many points the result is shown, in which competitions he took part, how many points were received for lessons, how many points were scored in a quarter. In the first and fourth quarters, a table is filled in to determine the level of physical fitness. It is determined by 10 tests: length from a place, triple from a place, flexibility, lifting the torso in 30 seconds, shuttle run 3 to 9, squats and standing on one leg, pull-ups from the hang, girls from the hanging lying, running 60 meters, 10-11 classes - 100 meters, running 1000 meters, flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position.

The average score is displayed and the level of physical fitness of the student is determined by the average score:

  • 9.5 and above - super;
  • 9.0-9.4 - excellent;
  • 8.0-8.9 - excellent;
  • 7.0-7.9 - good;
  • 6.0-6.9 - medium;
  • 5.0-5.9 - satisfactory;
  • 4.0-4.9 - mediocre;
  • 3.0-3.9 - low;
  • 2.0-2.9 - weak;
  • up to 1.9 - very weak.

The levels of physical fitness were developed and adopted at the meeting of the methodological association of physical education teachers on September 3, 2004. The notebook also indicates exercises for doing homework in physical education. After scoring, students give the notebook to their parents for signature, and then hand it over to the teacher. In case of a shortage of points, the student has the opportunity to compensate for the missing number by additional classes outside of school hours. Keeping a notebook of personal achievements of students is of great importance. The student himself determines the level of his physical fitness at the beginning and at the end of the school year. The results are systematically recorded in the notebook, which makes it possible to see growth or problems in any form and eliminate them in a timely manner. This document allows parents to be aware of the situation of the child during the physical education school year.

A growing body needs adequate exercise. And if a child is released from physical education for a long time, then he develops a syndrome of physical inactivity, which is one of the causes of many diseases. Students classified for health reasons in the preparatory group must also receive a "credit" in physical education. This category of students passes only those standards for which they have no restrictions. If the number of submitted species is less than four, then recalculation is made for four species according to the same formula С÷К×4.

The results of the introduction of the rating system are as follows: the average score for the quarters remained approximately the same as it was before, but the increase in results in such standards as standing long jump, endurance, strength training (pulling up), flexibility, static strength is significant compared to last year (by 8-10%). But the main task of physical education lessons is still the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the desire for self-control of physical development, the opportunity to fulfill oneself in the chosen sport. Thus, the scoring system allows, on the one hand, to evaluate more objectively, on the other hand, it serves as a good motivation in improving the physical fitness of students.


  1. Amonashvili Sh.A. Education. Grade. Mark. - M., 1980.- 180 p.
  2. Bakhmutsky A.E. School system for assessing the quality of education // School technologies. - 2004. - No. 1. - P.136-143.
  3. Vorontsov A.B. Pedagogical technology for monitoring and evaluating educational activities. - M., Rasskazov, 2002. - 360s.
  4. Kamaev. E.V. Evaluative activity in the lesson // School technologies. - 2004. - No. 4 - S.184-186.
  5. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.12. 2001 No. 1756 - R (p. 2) // Official documents in education. - 2002.-№4. S.3-31
  6. On the development of a multi-point system for assessing knowledge. Information letter of the Ministry of Education dated February 13, 2003 No. 01-51-012in // Bulletin of Education of Russia. - 2003. - No. 9. - P.19-21

The problem of a school mark only at first glance may seem formal and superficial in relation to the learning process. In fact, it performs a number of important and interrelated tasks. The mark acts as a means of diagnosing educational activities, with its help, communication is carried out between the teacher, student, parent. The control and corrective functions of the mark are essential. Undoubtedly, the significant educational potential of the mark, its stimulating and motivational role. (This characterization of the school mark was given by M.V. Boguslavsky, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education).

It is clear that the scale of marks is rigid and formalized. It should be easy to use, understandable to all subjects of the educational process.

The main task of the assessment is to determine the nature of the personal efforts of students, to establish the depth and volume of individual knowledge; contribute to the correction of the motivational-need sphere of a student who compares himself with a certain standard of a student, the achievements of other students, himself some time ago. Evaluation is always aimed at the personality of the student, while the mark is addressed to the society.

To assess in the aggregate all types of student activity can be a lesson score. The concept of "lesson score" was introduced by Lipetsk teachers in the early 60s. Such an approach, undoubtedly, played a stimulating and motivational role, leveled the negative aspects of the mark. However, the module-rating system and its numerous analogue modifications were still an assessment system, not a mark of knowledge.

The teacher of physical culture, on the basis of the data available to the school doctor about the state of health of the child, decides on an individual approach in the selection of physical exercises. He also takes into account the results of the control and the comments of the parents. The teacher of physical culture, comparing the normative and actual results achieved by the student in the process of completing tasks at home, can determine which physical qualities are not sufficiently developed in the child, and focus on their improvement. The grades given at physical culture lessons cannot be the final result. The Law on Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation (Article 14) refers to the fulfillment of regulatory requirements for control tests determined by curricula. As a result of mastering the mandatory minimum content of the subject "Physical Education", graduates are required to: know, be able to, demonstrate (without taking into account the height, weight, physique of the child, etc.). To assess physical fitness, test methods and regulatory requirements for them are used, provided for by the main program and regulatory document - the Comprehensive Program for Physical Education in a secondary school: 30 m run (speed assessment); 6-minute run (endurance score); standing long jump (evaluation of speed strength); leaning forward from a sitting position (flexibility assessment); pulling up on a high bar (strength assessment in boys), lifting - lowering the body from a supine position for 30 seconds. (assessment of strength in girls). At school, to assess physical fitness, I use various tests that are now recommended: “School all-around”, “Presidential competitions”. And to set the final grade, I introduced additional grades: attending physical education classes (OKZ - attitude to one's health), control tests (CT), student activity at all stages of the lesson, current accounting (A), movement technique and theoretical knowledge in the learning process are assessed motor actions (TIM - technique of the studied material). The formula is obtained: OKZ + CT + A + TIM \u003d FINAL ASSESSMENT.

Let's make an explanation:

The grade for OKZ is put on the basis of taking into account the attendance of lessons. If the student attended from 91% to 100% of the lessons - a score of "5",

70% - 90% of the lessons - grade "4",

50% - 69% of the lessons - grade "3".

Lessons missed for a good reason or because of illness are not taken into account.

The assessment for CT is based on the estimated standards, taking into account the growth at the end of the year in relation to the beginning.

The increase in this student was 0.25 points = grade "4", if 0.50 points = grade "5".

The assessment at the beginning of the year is a kind of "springboard" for increasing the assessment of physical fitness. Rating "2" is excluded. If the standard is not met, then a score of "3" is put, from which the growth counts until the standard is met. When deriving an average grade, a student can significantly improve the results in one or two standards, which he does better, and then work out others. This is the zone of proximal development for him.

Grade A is given for conscientious work in the classroom. Work at all stages of the lesson: both when studying new material, and in games. Knowledge of theoretical information related to the performance of motor actions included in this topic is taken into account.

The TIM score is based on the credits for the studied topic. Each section has a set of topics.

Thus, the assessment of the student in physical culture is formed on the basis of 4 components:

Moreover, the 1st and 4th quarters are calculated according to the formula: OKZ + A + CT + TIM (In the 4th quarter, CT, taking into account the growth for the year), and in the 2nd and 3rd, the final grade is not affected by CT, those. only OKZ + A + TIM are added.

It is possible to pass exams in the final classes at the choice of students.

I believe that such an approach to physical education assessment is more gentle and objective in relation to students with poor health who have physical disabilities, and pursues the following goals:

  1. Develop a responsible attitude towards your health.
  2. Attending physical education classes.
  3. Overcoming the feeling of fear, gaining confidence in passing the standards for physical fitness.
  4. The return of the significance of the assessment for the child, his interest;
  5. Involving students in regular physical education and active physical exercise.
  6. The solution of the main task is to develop and improve the physical culture of the student's personality.
  7. Graduates reach the appropriate level of development of physical culture.

As an extracurricular work in physical education, I introduced the defense of homework in the form of competitions, the definition of the best class for the least missed lessons without a good reason (missing for the year of the entire class is counted) and I include this indicator in the school-wide sports day. This is another incentive for students.

Alexander WAGNER,
physical culture teacher
Kuraginskoy secondary school №7

Assessment in physical education lessons


New grading systems

1. Multi-level system of evaluation.

I started teaching back in the Kuibyshev district (now the Eastern District) at school number 1080. The school has two large sports halls, and we conducted lessons for boys and girls separately. For example, lessons in the 4th "A" and the 4th "B" were simultaneously entered into the school schedule. Boys of both classes studied in the same room with one teacher, girls in another room with another teacher. At that time, the direction of the work of our entire school was multi-level education.

I was wondering how it can be organized in a physical education lesson? I started to build it based on student test scores. After all, the test results should be primarily needed by us, physical education teachers. In addition, there is a close relationship between the level of physical fitness and the ability of children to learn and master motor skills.

I created a rating of the physical fitness of students: I wrote out all the results of children in parallel on tests conducted at school: shuttle running, pulling up on the crossbar, lifting the body in one minute, bending forward, long jumps from a place and running for endurance (in the future, almost all of these types of tests will make up a battery of tests of the mayor of Moscow), and then compiled a testing rating. The principle was the simplest - by the smallest amount of places occupied by the student in each test. The places taken by all indicators were summed up, and the one with the smallest amount took the first line in the ranking. The remaining places were distributed in ascending order of the total points (places) scored. A lot of work was done, despite the fact that there were no computers then.

Then all the boys of the two combined classes (for example, 32 people) were divided into 4 groups (departments). Group "A" consisted of the strongest guys, taking places from 1st to 8th. Group "B" - boys, occupying places from 9th to 16th, group "C" - for boys, occupying places from 17th to 24th, and in group "G" - the last of the rating list. In our work, my colleagues and I almost constantly used the circuit training method.

This division into groups helped us a lot in our work. We no longer had to divide the children into subgroups every time. Each of them knew his group and worked with it. And thanks to this division, we began to use different exercises for groups at each “station”. Naturally, the exercises for the “A” group were selected ahead of the program, and for the “G” group, on the contrary, a lighter version, and their dosage of exercises was less. At the same time, the description of the exercises was at each “station”, where it was clearly written what the guys from group “A” needed to do here, what - the guys from group “B”, etc. Depending on the objectives of the lesson, the teacher could pay more attention one or the other group. You should have seen how the eyes of the children lit up when the rating appeared! With what zeal they began to relate to the testing that we conducted every quarter! Everyone wanted to achieve a better result compared to the previous testing and improve their rating.

But what about evaluation? Such a division of children into groups allowed the teacher not only to select tasks of different levels, but also to evaluate the children within their groups accordingly. With this approach, the performance of different exercises by different children does not create any uncomfortable situation in the lesson. No one will laugh at your mistake, and at the same time, all the exercises become available, and the guys have a desire to achieve more and move to another group. By the way, in the final assessment, the highest score is always given to the student who, according to the results of the next test, moved from one group to another. If you managed to stay in your group - that’s also good, you went down, which means you won’t have a good mark. Thus, in itself, being in the strongest group does not guarantee a high mark in the subject and vice versa. I must say that in our time, the time of universal computerization, this assessment system has become more accessible. But I will immediately emphasize that it is best to use it when working in elementary school or with children no older than the 6th grade.

As in the previous assessment system, it is based on the so-called student rating. Rating options can be very different. In the previous grading system, the rating was based on test results. For a variant, consider another example of ranking. It will be based on student grades for completed test work.

Let's take the first quarter as an example. For 18 lessons, students can complete 6 tests (tests) to be assessed. For example, the performance of control standards (tests of the mayor or presidential tests), sprinting, throwing a small ball for a distance, track and field cross-country, ball delivery and ball passing technique in volleyball. The maximum possible number of points scored by a student in a quarter can be 30 (if the student receives “five” for all test exercises).

In order for the final grade to be excellent in the quarter, the student must score at least 85% of the maximum number of rating points, in our case, at least 25 points, that is, from 26 and above.

To get a "Four" for a quarter, the student needs to score at least 70% of the points, that is, the student's rating must be from 22 to 25 points.

Mark "3" (from 40 to 70% of the maximum) should fit in the range from 13 to 21 points.

At first glance, there is no difference with the generally accepted (normalized) grading system. However, it is not. Firstly, the student must complete all the test exercises, since failure to complete at least one test does not give him the opportunity to claim a high mark. Thus, the student should not miss lessons, and in case of absence for a good reason, be given the opportunity to pass the missed test. This, by the way, adds worries to the teacher, but believe me, it's worth it.

Secondly, by the points scored, you can determine the best student or student of the class, parallels, etc. By the way, in the second, third, fourth quarter, the rating is added to the rating of the first quarter, and then the assessment in physical education turns into a kind of competition. With an equal number of credits for all classes, it is possible to compare the rating of students even for the entire school.

Thirdly, the student's final mark for a quarter becomes "transparent", especially if the student rating is posted in the hallway in front of the entrance to the gym and changes are made to it after each test, as well as the next tests and requirements for students to complete them. This version of the rating is simpler than the previous one. It does not make any changes to the content of the lesson and does not entail additional entries in the school journal. But it makes sense to use marks "1" and "2", since each point scored by the student is very important.

The proposed grading system works better at middle and senior levels (from 5th to 11th grade), but, unfortunately, does not take into account formative (current) grading.

It is also based on the rating of students. Here, every quarter, the student strives to score 100 points. At the end of the quarter, the points scored, according to the already known scheme, are transferred to the assessment scale we need. For the "five" you need to score more than 85 points, for the "four" - more than 70 and for the three - more than 40. How is the score collected? Consider this on the example of the same first quarter. Until the autumn holidays, at physical education classes, children study athletics and sports (outdoor) games. In addition, we are recommended to conduct control testing in the first quarter (approximately at the end of September). Thus, for the entire first quarter, we allocate three large tests (by the way, there should be from two to five for a quarter) and evenly distribute 100 points between them: 30 points for athletics, 30 for game types and 30 for testing. Where's the other 10 points? The teacher leaves the remaining points for the current (formative) assessment. These points are scored or not scored by the student for activity in and out of the lesson, for helping the teacher, conscientious attitude to work, etc.

Now back to the total control. How are points awarded here? Evaluation of students is carried out according to certain criteria, which are communicated to children in advance. Let's take a look at the example of control testing.

The student's final grade is made up of four components (criteria). Criterion A. Physical fitness of the student. The practical results of the student themselves are very important.

Control testing

Criterion B. Technical readiness of the student.

Exercise technique

Criterion B. Progress in test scores. In fact, it is this criterion that is of particular interest to the student and the teacher, since it allows us to analyze the dynamics of the physical development of students. A positive assessment of even small successes of children is very important.

Progress achieved

Criterion D. Attitude towards work. Unfortunately, students do not always show their maximum capabilities in testing, and some students perform tasks carelessly. And with the introduction of assessment according to this criterion, the guys try to do the exercises, fully realizing their full potential. The maximum score for this criterion is 5 points. Moreover, the teacher makes the decision to assign one or another number of points not subjectively, but on the basis of the proposed description, which the children also get acquainted with in advance.

Attitude to work

Once I happened to evaluate one competition in which criteria for evaluation were proposed, but there was no description. And how can you evaluate a contestant, say, according to the criterion of "artistic" without having such a description? And if he is not artistic enough, how many points out of 10 possible does he deserve? 9, 7 or 3? Such a criteria-based evaluation system becomes completely subjective. When using the description, this situation is unacceptable.

The total score is from 0 to 30

Just like the previous assessment systems, the criteria-rating system allows you to introduce an element of competition between students of the same parallel and even the entire school. This assessment system works most effectively in the middle link (from 5th to 8th grade).

4. Criteria evaluation system.

This grading system is used in schools operating under the International Baccalaureate programs, many schools abroad and individual schools in Russia. At first glance, it is quite complicated, but let's try to figure it out.

For each criterion, there is a predetermined number of points. So, according to criterion A (exercise technique), a student can score a maximum of 10 points, according to criterion B (artistic) - 10 points, according to criterion C (physical fitness) - 6 points, according to criterion D (tactical and theoretical training) - 6 points . Score descriptors are proposed in advance or developed jointly with students. Consider the system in more detail again using the example of a quarter.

The end of the study of one topic provides for the final work, say, a test on the topic covered. In the first quarter it is athletics and sports games. It is desirable, but by no means necessary, that the test on the topic covered be evaluated according to all of the above criteria. So, in athletics, we evaluate physical fitness, technique, knowledge and understanding of the rules. And in the lessons of sports games, we also evaluate the technique of mastering individual elements, tactical training. You can also develop special tests for physical fitness.

The most difficult thing to evaluate is artistry, but, I know, some teachers have experience in developing such assignments as well. Performing certain basketball exercises to the music, a competition of spectacular jump shots, rebounding from the backboard, ingenious combinations in pairs, etc.

For each criterion, the student receives a certain number of points (using descriptors). After evaluating all the criteria, the points are summed up and then divided by the maximum possible number of points. The resulting figure (as a percentage) is translated into the final mark for the offset based on the conversion scale discussed above. For example, in the athletics test, a student scored 8 points out of 10 according to criterion A, 5 points out of 6 according to criterion C, and 3 points out of 6 according to criterion D. Thus, the sum of his points is 16 out of 22 possible. By dividing and converting to a percentage, we get 72.7%, which corresponds to the mark "4" on our generally accepted five-point scale.

The scores according to the criteria for each test are recorded in the school journal. The ratio of points scored from the maximum possible number is also entered in the journal through a fraction. And in the very last column - the final mark for the offset. When setting the final mark for a quarter, the points scored by the student for each criterion separately are summed up, and only then the whole amount is divided by the maximum possible number of points for the entire quarter.

This principle when setting the final mark is more correct, as it allows you to objectively take into account the possibility of "controversial" marks. In addition, using criteria and recording them in a journal allows you to find the strengths and weaknesses of each student. This, in turn, can help in adjusting exercises and homework assignments.

Of course, the proposed list may be more extensive, but it depends on you and me. After all, over the years, the population of the country has developed a certain stereotype of a physical education teacher as a person with a whistle, walking along the corridor with a ball, constantly shouting at children and evaluating them only according to standards. Let's try to change it. If each of us changes our attitude towards the assessment of a student and tries to find our own solution to the problem, then perhaps the attitude towards physical education at school will change. And don't let some difficulties stop us.


General provisions

This Regulation on the assessment of students in grades 2-11 in physical education was developed in accordance with the following legal documents in accordance with the Charter of the school and the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the assessment and certification of students classified for health reasons to a special medical group for classes physical culture” dated October 31, 2003 No. 13-51-263 / 123, with the aim of objective, individual assessment of each student in physical education lessons. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 27, 2012 No. No. 273-FZ (as amended by the Federal Laws of 07.05.2013 No. 99-FZ, dated 07.23.2013 No. 203-FZ);

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”;

By order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Sports of the Russian Federation and

of the Russian Academy of Education of July 16, 2002 No. 2715/227/166/19 "On the improvement of the process of physical education in educational institutions of the Russian Federation";

Organization of physical education lessons

For the purpose of a differentiated approach to the organization of physical education lessons, all students, depending on their state of health, are divided into three groups: basic, preparatory and special medical groups. At the beginning of each academic year, the health worker of the school fills out health sheets in the class register indicating the medical group of each student of the school. Classes in these groups differ in the training volume and structure of physical activity, as well as the requirements for the level of mastering the educational material.

 Students with a satisfactory state of health belong to the main

medical group.

 Students with insufficient physical development and low physical

preparedness or having minor deviations in the state of health,

belong to the preparatory medical group. This category of students

it is allowed to engage in physical culture according to the program of the day of the main group with

taking into account some restrictions in the volume and intensity of physical activity (including

number of temporary).

 Students who, on the basis of a medical report on their condition

health cannot be engaged in physical culture according to the program for the main

groups belong to a special medical group (SMG). Special

the medical group is divided into two subgroups: subgroup "A" (students with

reversible diseases, which, after medical and recreational activities

can be transferred to the preparatory group) and subgroup "B" (students with

pathological abnormalities, i.e. irreversible disease).

Due to the workload of the sports hall of the educational institution, students,

assigned to a special medical group, are engaged together with the main

group, but on the basis of an individual (differentiated) approach.

1. Physical education lessons are attended by all students, having a sports

form in accordance with weather conditions, type of sports activity or lesson,

in accordance with the requirements of safety and labor protection. From physical activity

students who provide a certificate from the medical control commission are exempted

at the beginning of each academic year.

2. All students, exempted from physical activity, are in the room

gym or on the sports ground under the supervision of a teacher of physical


3. Students temporarily exempted from physical activity, from the subject

"physical culture" are not exempt. In the classroom, they study theoretical questions,

prove themselves in judging, evaluate the movement technique of those involved, etc.,

receive appropriate grades and homework.

4. When skipping physical education lessons, the student must confirm the reason

lack of a certified medical certificate or other official document,

which is passed on to the class teacher.

5. The teacher of physical culture determines the type, degree and level of physical or

other activities with these students for the upcoming lesson:

Theoretical study of the material;

Intellectual games (checkers, chess);

Table tennis, badminton;

All possible assistance in judging or organizing a lesson.

Students recommended for physiotherapy exercises who visit specialized exercise therapy rooms outside of school hours under the supervision of doctors, upon completion of the exercise therapy course, must provide a certificate to the physical education teacher to receive an assessment.

6. Sports uniform for physical education lessons:

 for the hall

Grades 1-4: T-shirts or T-shirts of the same color, sports shorts or trousers, socks, sneakers (sneakers).

5-11 classes T-shirts or t-shirts, sports shorts or trousers, sneakers (sneakers) in

in accordance with the sport studied in the program.

 for the street (autumn and spring) - tracksuit, T-shirt, socks, sneakers

(sneakers), according to the weather hats, gloves.

Criteria for assessing the educational achievements of students in physical culture

Students are evaluated at physical education lessons for a grade of 5 (excellent),

subject to the following specific conditions.

2. Complies with all safety requirements and rules of conduct in

gyms and stadiums. Complies with hygiene rules and security

strongly motivated to exercise. There are significant

positive changes in the physical abilities of students, which

noticed by the teacher. Engaged independently in the sports section of the lyceum,

sports school of the city, has sports ranks or sports successes on

competitions of any rank.

4. Constantly in the classroom demonstrates significant changes in the formation

quarter or half a year. Successfully passes or confirms all required

in the classroom standards for physical culture for their age.

gymnastics, provides all possible assistance in refereeing school competitions

between classes or organizing class sporting events, owns

necessary skills, theoretical and practical knowledge in the field

physical culture.

Students are assessed in physical education lessons for a grade of 4 (good), depending on the following specific conditions.

1. Has a sports uniform with him in full accordance with the weather conditions,

type of sports activity or lesson.

labor when performing sports exercises.

3. A student who has pronounced deviations in the state of health, while

motivated to exercise. There are positive

changes in the physical abilities of students that are noticed


4. Constantly in the lessons demonstrates significant changes in the formation

skills, abilities and in the development of physical or moral-volitional qualities in

quarter or half a year. Successfully passes or approves 80% of all

the standards for physical culture required in the lessons, for their age.

5. Performs all the theoretical or other tasks of the teacher, mastered the available to him

skills of self-improvement, or corrective

gymnastics, provides all possible assistance in refereeing or organizing a lesson,

also possesses the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in

areas of physical culture.

Students are assessed in physical education lessons for a grade of 3 (satisfactory), depending on the following specific conditions.

1. Has with him a sports uniform that is not in full accordance with the weather

conditions, type of sports activity or lesson.

2. Complies with all safety requirements and rules of conduct in

gyms and stadiums. Complies with hygiene and safety requirements

labor when performing sports exercises.

3. A student who has pronounced deviations in the state of health, while

diligent, motivated to exercise, have

minor but positive changes in physical abilities

student, which can be seen by a physical education teacher.

4. Demonstrated insignificant shifts in the formation of skills, abilities and in

development of physical or moral-volitional qualities within six months.

5. Partially fulfills all the theoretical or other tasks of the teacher, mastered

available to him skills of self-improvement or

corrective gymnastics, necessary theoretical and practical

knowledge in the field of physical culture.

Students are assessed in physical education lessons for a grade of 2 (unsatisfactory), depending on the following specific conditions:

1. Does not have a sports uniform with him in accordance with weather conditions,

type of sports activity or lesson.

2. Does not comply with the requirements of safety and labor protection in the classroom

physical culture.

3. A student who does not have pronounced deviations in the state of health, while

does not have a strong motivation for physical exercises and dynamics

their physical abilities, there are no positive changes in physical

student's abilities, which should be noticed by the teacher.

4. Did not demonstrate significant changes in the formation of skills, abilities and

in the development of physical or moral-volitional qualities.

5. Did not fulfill the theoretical or other tasks of the teacher, did not master the available to him

skills of self-study of health-improving or corrective

gymnastics, the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field

physical culture.

Peculiarities of evaluation of educational achievements of students of a special medical group. The main emphasis in the assessment of educational achievements in physical culture students in SMG groups should be based on their persistent motivation for classes physical exercises and the dynamics of their physical capabilities (with the most insignificant positive changes in the physical capabilities of students, a positive mark is set). A positive mark is given to students who regularly attend physical education classes, diligently fulfill the teacher's tasks, and have mastered the skills of independent study available to a particular student. recreational gymnastics, the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of physical culture). Exercise therapy for children with chronic diseases is carried out in medical institutions by specialists - medical workers, methodologists. As the state of health improves, children can work with healthy children in their class, observing the conditions of the lesson form of classes. Current and final certification of students in physical culture When setting a quarter, semi-annual, annual and final mark in physical culture, diligence, diligence in working on oneself and the implementation of all the recommendations of a physical education teacher are taken into account.

Therefore, the final score may differ from the arithmetic mean score. All students exempted from physical activity, at the end of each academic quarter, half year and at the end of the academic year, receive final grades for the above tasks and completed homework. The current mark in physical culture in the SHG groups is set taking into account the success of the student in the formation of healthy lifestyle skills and rational motor mode so that the mark contributes to the development of the student, stimulates him to engage in physical culture.

The final mark in physical culture in the SHG groups is set taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills and abilities,

to carry out physical culture and health-improving and sports and health-improving activities), taking into account the dynamics of physical fitness and diligence.

In the certificates of basic general education and secondary (complete) general education, a mark in physical culture is required for all students. on the assessment of students in grades 2-11, exempted from practical classes in physical culture

Requirements for attending lessons by students exempted from practical classes in physical culture

1. All students exempted from practical training in physical culture,

confirm the fact of release with a certified medical certificate or other

an official document that is provided to the class teacher or

physical education teacher.

2. All students exempted from practical training in physical culture,

during the lesson are in the gym or in the stadium under

supervised by a physical education teacher.

Criteria for assessing students

1. For students exempted from practical training in physical culture

for a period of not more than 50% of one quarter, the physical education teacher determines

lesson is a theoretical task that corresponds to the one planned in the working

educational material program.

2. When assessing knowledge in the subject "Physical culture", the following are taken into account

indicators: depth, completeness, argumentation, ability to use them

in relation to specific cases and physical exercises.

In order to test knowledge, the following methods are used: survey, testing.

score 5

For an answer in which the student demonstrates a deep understanding of the essence of the material;

logically states it, using it in activity.

score 4

For the same answer if it contains small inaccuracies and minor errors.


For an answer that lacks a logical sequence, there are gaps in

knowledge of the material, there is no proper argumentation and the ability to use knowledge in practice.

score 2

For ignorance of the material of the program, refusal to complete the task of the teacher.

3. The teacher of physical education can evaluate positively (with a score of 4 or 5) the student's help in judging, competitions, etc.

4. For students of grades 2-4, exempted from practical training in physical culture, the teacher of physical culture determines a theoretical task for the lesson, which corresponds to the educational material planned in the work program.

5. Students who are exempted from practical classes in physical culture for a period of more than 50% of the quarter (including for half a year or an academic year) prepare written reports on physical culture (grades 5-8, 10th grades), abstracts (9.11 -th classes).

Requirements for the preparation and implementation of written reports, abstracts on physical culture.

1. The topic of a written report, abstract is determined by the physical education teacher based on the content of the program material.

2. Written communication, abstract are independent work of the student.

3. A written communication is prepared in the amount of no more than 2 pages of printed text (14 font, 1.5 spacing). Abstract no more than 10 pages of printed text (14 font, 1.5 spacing).

Abstract structure:

In the introductory part - to answer the question: why is this topic so important for society and for you personally;

A brief description of the sport or health system, its features, varieties and basic rules;

History of development and current state, achievements and development prospects in the future (schools, city, Russia, world + choice, Olympic achievements - mandatory)

The significance of this sport or health system for the development of athletes:

a) physical qualities (speed, endurance, etc.).

b) the basics of technique or system of exercises in this sport.

c) development of psychological, aesthetic, moral (personal) qualities.

d) the basics of tactical actions in interaction, playing in attack and defense.

e) safety requirements for self-study and training, and at competitions in this sport.

Conclusion: the importance of this sport (system of exercises) for physical and personal development. School achievements (teams, personal achievements, plans for