Modern lesson and school library. The school library is the brain of the school

You can always see when a person works not just to earn a living, but puts his whole soul into his work. It is always interesting to communicate with such a person and share experience. On May 4, a whole constellation of such people attended the seminar. Perhaps that is why the official event was a gift for those who are eager to work.

I was very happy for my colleagues, because I know that it is difficult to shake up the whole school for any activity, and in our time, not everyone can captivate with reading. Enthusiasts stood on the stage.
A real gift for school librarians was the presence at the seminar of the President of the Association of School Librarians (RSBA), Ph.D. ped. Sciences Tatyana Dmitrievna Zhukova.

I met Tatyana Dmitrievna at the World Forum of the International Association of School Libraries IASL-2014. Then she struck me with her simplicity in communication and sincere love for her work. Three years later, T.D. Zhukova continues to say that the librarian is the main specialist in human capital management, that the school can be immediately identified by the library. Tatyana Dmitrievna, emphasized the role of the school librarian in the educational process, as a specialist in working with information.
A very interesting experience was brought by T. D. Zhukova from Shanghai. There, schools teach not only children, but there are also special lessons for parents on pedagogy, psychology and TEACHING CONSCIOUS AND EMOTIONAL READING. In this country, they understand that this is the only way to grow competent specialists for their state.
The speech of Vaulina Larisa Fraunzevna, director of MBOU secondary school No. 32 in Krasnodar, was very interesting. On the basis of her school, an internship site was created on the topic "Development of the information and library center."

Of course, everyone wanted to see what school libraries would look like in the near future, and the director invited us to visit the school library, the library of school No. 32.
What I saw exceeded all my expectations. Watch and enjoy what will happen to us in the future.

Workplace of the librarian.

Individual places for reading.

Reading comfort zone.

Reading room.

Reading room, computer area.

The place of the best reader.

And this is me, in a blue dream.

Everything in the library is automated. It was a great discovery for me that there is already a new library automation program, and that barcoding is already a passed stage.
This was told by the director of Avid-system LLC Tokmaev Vyacheslav Viktorovich from Yekaterinburg.

He told the audience about the program in great detail. SAB IRBMS64, which significantly reduces the time of the most labor-intensive costs: in this way, in 2-3 hours, you can make a complete inventory in the school library, it takes a few minutes to issue textbooks, etc. And the most important thing, in my opinion, is that the representatives of this company do not leave the library after the delivery of the equipment. And they themselves enter the entire collection into the system, check the operation of the machines and train librarians for several months.

Why such happiness at the Krasnodar school. It turns out that everything is very simple - the school won a grand prize in one of the competitions and it was decided to spend the money on the transformation of the library. I think that our colleagues from this school have proven time and time again that they deserve to work in the library of the future.

P.S. There was still a lot of interesting things at the seminar, and I will definitely share the experience of my colleagues in the next publications.

L. A. Borisova Head of the Culture Department of the Raduga-LIK Production Association, Ryazan

The rapid development of information technology in the last two decades has made the question of the role of the library in modern society relevant, which is regarded as an information center that provides access to the digitized resources of all libraries in the world, and a cultural and leisure center that focuses on various forms of mass work with the reader.

We, the developers and manufacturers of Raduga-LIK library equipment, see the library as an information, cultural and spiritual center, a kind of bridge between the classical cultural heritage and modernity. First of all, this concerns the school library, which, in our opinion, can adequately fulfill the educational function of education.

Let's clarify our position. The spread of the Internet has certainly given us access to a vast amount of information. But, like any powerful drug used unchecked, network wealth has a number of side effects that society is already experiencing. Scattered attention, the habit of jumping from news to news, not dwelling on what was read, the lack of desire to formulate one's own thoughts, replaced by reading other people's superficial comments, give rise to Internet addiction. First of all, this concerns children, in whom the ability to think independently in such conditions has almost no chance of being formed. Reading any serious, deep literature without the skills of concentration of thought and independent analysis of the text becomes almost impossible.

Unfortunately, the density of the school curriculum does not allow teachers to linger for a long time on the study of individual works of the classics, not to mention educating students in the ability to read in the traditional sense of the word - not skimming the text in order to grab the main events, but trying on the thoughts and actions of the characters , catching hints and references scattered by the author, asking in the end the same questions that prompted the author to write the book. The aspect of moral development in reading classical literature thus remains unaffected. Who, if not a librarian, can and should stand up for the eternal values, the stronghold of which for previous generations of readers was classical literature?

Based on the triune concept of a modern school library - informational, cultural and spiritual - we designed the library space of the St. Petersburg secondary school "Education Center "Kudrovo"".

The school library includes a subscription, a reading room, a fund of textbooks and a media library.

In accordance with the principle of multifunctionality, the space of the reading room is equipped with transformable furniture and is divided into several zones.

The free work zone provides space for various types of group intellectual activities. For example, in the development of independent thinking of schoolchildren, the ability to analyze information and reasonably defend their position, discussion clubs are of great help.

We see the librarian as the organizer and leader of such clubs, focusing the attention of students on the acute problems of our time, as well as instilling the skills of a culture of discussion.

No less important is the active participation of the librarian in other school associations. For example, when staging plays in a school theater, a librarian can recommend literature about life, customs, manners of that time, critical articles that help to understand the author's intention. He can lead a political circle, in which, in addition to analyzing current events, their socio-economic background is analyzed and methods of influencing the electorate are studied. A cinema club that introduces schoolchildren to great films, a poetry circle, a historical club, the editors of a school website - an analogue of a traditional wall newspaper - all this can reveal the intellectual and moral potential of a student, become a place of live communication between children and adults.

Multifunctional furniture made by us - such as a multimedia rack with a computer and panels for drawing with a marker, as well as transformable "slide" modules, from which you can create multi-level seating rows and a stage for performances - is designed for all of the above activities. Among other things, this furniture complex allows you to conduct lessons and seminars that require connection to the global computer network.

Actual classes at the intersection of several disciplines are appropriate here, and the participation of a librarian who can help find the necessary information, recommend interesting resources, new works related to the topic under study, will be most welcome.

For younger students, there is a separate area with racks in the form of a train with trailers, Christmas trees and houses. On the play podium-slide with soft cushions, children can be seated during master classes or performances in the puppet theater with a screen, also included in the furniture set. Transforming tables on wheels, armchairs and chairs are designed for group work. As practice has shown, this zone is very popular among children.

The multimedia zone, designed for individual work with information, includes acoustic balloon chairs, soft cabin modules and open chairs for working with laptops and tablets, as well as separate tables - everyone can choose a seat according to their preferences. Rest islands are scattered throughout the territory - comfortable chairs for singles and sofas for companies.

In general, the design of the premises is aimed at making the person who comes here feel comfortable and at ease both during work and during leisure. As far as one can judge, the idea justified itself: the library is very popular among students who come here to study, communicate, and just relax between lessons.

Of course, new forms of work imply special requirements for a library employee: versatile erudition, communication skills, and the ability to navigate Internet resources. And the modern solutions we used are just a tool in the work of a teacher-librarian. He will become a guide through the network labyrinths for both students and teachers. Only he can "spiritualize" the library space, help the modern schoolchild to overcome the "cultural gap" between the problems of a consumer-oriented society and the eternal questions of humanity that pervade the world's classical literature.

Fortunately, just such a person is at the head of the library of the new Kudrovo school - Yulia Vyacheslavovna Kovalenko. And we allow ourselves to express the hope that through the joint efforts of teachers and librarians, the Internet will turn from a virtual world in which a child prefers to spend his free time into a regular information base. And the library will become the intellectual, cultural and spiritual center of the school.

We are reading the new Federal State Educational Standard: what should the school library see in it?

A modern school library is one of the main conditions for the implementation of federal educational standards.
If you make an excursion into the recent past, it should be noted that in the documents of federal significance for many years the presence of a library in educational institutions was not indicated in any way. The Law “On Education”, with numerous additions and amendments, did not introduce the mention of libraries into the educational documentary environment. The document, approved by the Government of Russia, describes in detail the medical care of the participants in the educational process and their nutrition. The school library is not mentioned. Only now, in new documents, school libraries are not ignored.
What changes are (or should be) happening in school libraries?
1.School libraries are needed by the school as library and information centers(BIC), which are an important component of the educational process. What is the difference between a library and an information center? The library, serving its readers, uses only its funds. In addition to traditional funds, the IC also has access to remote resources of the largest information centers and book depositories in the world. The selected Internet resources make it possible to use it most fully for the development of schoolchildren, to expand their horizons, and to choose the best works of literature for reading. Is an electronic encyclopedia really necessary if children in the library have not mastered the traditional reference funds, which have their own irreplaceable advantages? No Internet can replace a smart reference book, because working with it requires solving a bunch of intellectual tasks that a machine is not capable of.

2.Another requirement for libraries: they must be equipped with high-quality sources of information, moreover, these must be information resources on different media. These are different types and types of electronic publications: interactive courses on the subject, tests and problem books, electronic encyclopedias, interactive whiteboards on the subject, teaching aids. In the GEF section “24. Material and technical conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of secondary (complete) general education "it is directly stated that" The material and technical equipment of the educational process should provide the possibility of "... access in the school library to Internet information resources, educational and fiction literature, collections of media resources on electronic media , to copying technology for replicating educational and methodological textographic and audio and video materials, the results of creative and research and project activities of students.

3.The school library is more than just books. In the context of the development of Internet technologies and their mass use by teenage schoolchildren, this is also the formation of information literacy and culture. Our understanding of IS is becoming hypertrophied and somewhat miserable. It all comes down to the fact that a person must be able to look for a book, or work with a dictionary, or press buttons. In fact, information and communication competence is a much broader concept.
When we studied, we took a lot of notes on primary sources and through these notes we learned to work with texts, we knew what a plan, a thesis, an abstract are ... Modern children (and not only children, unfortunately) not only write a summary, read a short dictionary entry do not want. They ask you to photocopy it. No copier - trying to take a picture on the phone. If he does not take small texts, they recite on the phone, as if on a dictaphone ... They are refined as best they can. Anything, just to not work. Some adults encourage them to do so.

4. The following thread runs through the entire GEF: use of ICT and their introduction in schools is considered as an educational technology, as the development of skills to work with information, and not as a separate subject "informatics". Already in elementary school, children should master the basics of searching, sorting information, organizing and storing it - using computer technology! Undoubtedly, it is necessary to teach the child to independently obtain information, look for it in encyclopedias, work with reference books, access the Internet. In addition, when organizing access to information, it should be cleverly limited, protecting children from the “bad Internet”. The virtual world should not become a substitute for the real one.

5. One more point, which is also mentioned in the Standard: information should be equally available to absolutely every child, regardless of social status or whether he is healthy or a child with disabilities, etc.
We often hear the library needs to change. But the library is an inanimate entity. Does this mean that should the librarian change? It's no secret that the knowledge gained in an educational institution becomes obsolete rather quickly. The library, like any other institution, is interested in specialists who improve their professional level throughout their lives. But the forms of advanced training of a librarian do not always meet the requirements of the present. The main problem of Russian school libraries is the crisis of funds and the crisis of personnel. The second problem is the social insecurity of librarians.

6. Of the innovations, it should be noted emergence of extracurricular activities in the school curriculum. Librarians, obviously, will not remain outside of it. Active participation in extracurricular activities of children can serve to raise the status of the library and promote quality reading. Extracurricular activities should include work in the reading room and participation in its mass events, when personal results of education are achieved through a book, reading, which should reflect, according to the standard, "Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one's Motherland, the Russian people and history Russia, awareness of their ethnic and national identity; formation of values ​​of the multinational Russian society; formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations”.

So, let's sum up. The new generation standard obliges libraries to significantly restructure their work:
school libraries are needed by the school as BI Centers, which are an important component of the educational process, contributing to the implementation of educational standards;
Bicenters should be equipped with high-quality sources of information on various media;
qualified library personnel must meet the requirements of the time, strive for innovation in the professional field, and be ready for a continuous education process;
Bicenters should become the embodiment of the attractiveness, comfort, and friendliness of the educational environment.

P.S. Everything written is modern, timely and true. But how far is it from the time when all our school libraries can meet the requirements that are placed on them? Question open...

What makes a school library modern? Free internet access? Fashionable boring design? All this, of course, is good and even necessary, but without a modern understanding of its functions, the library will remain a huge dusty "bookcase".

The global crisis of libraries in the digital age has been talked about for a long time and a lot, and, fortunately, over the past five years, these conversations have increasingly touched on real examples of how to overcome the crisis. One does not have to look far for such examples: Moscow residents could already appreciate the “library revolution” of Boris Kupriyanov, a well-known Russian publisher and bookseller, whom officials called for help in order to save the metropolitan regional libraries from extinction.

Under the leadership of Boris Kupriyanov, part of the Moscow regional libraries has turned into open public spaces where visitors can feel as free as in a cafe over a cup of coffee. The public gasped at the unusual design developed by the Dutch architectural bureau, and Boris Kupriyanov never tired of repeating in an interview that design is only the outer side of the matter, the main thing is a change in our attitude towards the functions of the library.

At one meeting with journalists in Irkutsk, Kupriyanov said that the library was called upon to preserve not catalogs, but "that great practice that has accompanied mankind for seven thousand years" - reading. And the librarian fulfills a cultural mission - in a sense, he teaches to read, demonstrating the potential and importance of this activity.

Boris Kupriyanov

publisher and publicist, co-founder of the Falanster bookstore

The most important criterion for the professional suitability of a librarian is not the ability to make high-quality bibliographic collections, but the general culture, love of books and knowledge of literature. If a person knows librarianship by heart, but does not like books and readers, he is unsuitable for professional work. This is fundamentally important. Will you trust a pilot who hates to fly? The library has to lose its temper, literally and figuratively. Get out of your walls, offer new practices, new relationships.

The example of Moscow libraries was quickly adopted in other cities: in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Nizhnekamsk. Along with the visual change of space, such a simple solution as allowing readers to independently take books from the shelves was a real breakthrough.

If in the general case we are talking about the fact that the library should be rebuilt in order to perform an educational function, then in the case of the school, pedagogical functions are assigned to it.

How to instill in modern children a love of reading? How to make the school space more friendly, open and adapted for modern education? How to teach children information literacy? - these three questions, perhaps, describe the range of tasks facing the modern school library.

When in the early 2000s the German public was alarmed by the crisis in education, which was demonstrated by the results of PISA, the Foundation. Bertelsman developed "Public Library and School". The fact is that in Germany not every school has its own library, and the PISA results showed "failures" in precisely those skills of children that are associated with reading. The Foundation's program provides recommendations on how to use the possibilities of libraries in order to "bring up" schoolchildren in their ability to read and search for information. For this it was suggested:

  • Recognize that information search skills are one of the basic ones, and the library is a place where these skills can and should be developed.
  • Create conditions so that teachers can teach librarians pedagogical techniques, and librarians teachers - the ability to work with information.
  • Consider the library as a space for individual education.

These basic recommendations show that the library for the school is a resource for solving problems that are not always possible to complete in the classroom. If in the classes children are guided to a greater or lesser extent by the teacher, then the library should create an environment in which the child can and wants to independently choose what and when to read, unobtrusively mastering the skills of independent work with information.

As for the love of reading, here school libraries may need to decide on more daring experiments than literary and poetry evenings in renovated interiors. One of the most striking examples of such courage is reading for dogs, which is gaining popularity in libraries around the world. Yes, yes, small children may not like to read, but almost everyone loves animals and agrees to read a book or two to attentive four-legged friends.

Bedina I.P.

What is the modern school library like? Significant changes in public education that have taken place in recent years have influenced the development of the school library. With the advent of schools - gymnasiums, lyceums of schools with in-depth study of various subjects or languages, the role of the library has become a higher rank. Trends in the specialization of the educational process require from the library, on the one hand, the availability of highly specialized literature, and on the other hand, the improvement and technical equipment of the library. So, what kind of library does a school need, what requirements should it meet, what new content will it be filled with, what place should it take in the process of teaching and educating schoolchildren? It is impossible to answer all these questions within the framework of one article, therefore, I considered my main task to describe the system of work of our school library that has developed over many years, reflecting the most important aspects of the librarian's activity.

The school library is a small but universal mass library, therefore it has all its features and peculiarities. The complexity of the work of a librarian in it lies in the fact that he alone has to engage in a variety of activities, from the design of the library premises to the preparation of accounting documents, etc. that has nothing to do with serving readers. In this regard, in my opinion, the main thing in the work of a school librarian is the correct organization of all aspects of activity. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain balance, equilibrium, “ golden mean”between the numerous responsibilities and opportunities of the library, because usually there is only one librarian at school, and everything depends on his organization: there is no one to wait for help from. I tried to bring into the system all aspects of the work of the school library and depicted it in the form of a diagram shown in the figure.

This scheme is rather arbitrary, but it gives a visual representation of all aspects of the work of the school library.

A few words about the basic principles of fund acquisition, the main of which are:

multiple instances of software literature,

multiple copies of literature on extracurricular reading for primary school students,

availability of anthologies and collections of literature used in the educational process,

replenishment of the fund with new editions of reference literature and methodological literature.

The fund of the school library has been created for decades and requires both a careful approach to its design, and painstaking and nervous work to preserve it. Maintaining a fund is no easier, if not more difficult, than accumulating it.

After all, sometimes you have to overcome the irresponsibility of readers: students and teachers.

Unfortunately, the most "brutal" methods have to be used in order to force the reader to return books to the library.

A properly stocked fund is the basis of a library; if there is no fund, there are no readers, no work.

The main book fund of our library has approximately 16 thousand books, 1.5 thousand brochures and about 20 thousand textbooks, the book value of the fund is 100 thousand rubles. The number of readers is maintained from year to year and fluctuates between 850 - 900 readers, which is 80 - 85% of the school's payroll;

In order to cope with such a volume of work, one person needs to properly organize the work within the library, which is not visible, but should occupy a leading place in the work of a librarian. Every day, the library must be ready to serve readers quickly.

Library work includes:

Recording books taken by readers; arrangement of reader's forms by classes; arranging books handed over by readers on the shelves; selection of reader requests by topic; filling in the library diary (number of readers who signed up for the library); filling out financial documents; selection of literature for teachers for lessons; directory management and more

Library work must be done during the day and nothing should be left “for tomorrow”.

The specificity of serving readers in the school library is the uneven arrival of readers, when 15-20 people need to be served in 15 minutes of a break. This is very difficult to do, as reader requests are very different. If a book by a specific author or title is required, then the librarian must know whether it is in the library or not, and therefore can quickly serve the reader. For more complex queries, I use a card file of reader applications, which indicates the topic for selecting literature. The reader comes for books after lessons. When it is not possible to find the right book from the subscription fund, the reader is invited to work in the reading room, where there is mainly reference literature from thematic dictionaries to universal encyclopedias. Our library has accumulated a large number of dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias on various topics. A variety of reference literature enables students, without leaving the walls of the school, to look for the necessary material. The most popular with us is the latest edition of the Children's Encyclopedia, published by the Avanta publishing house. I would like to note that the lack of funding in recent years greatly complicates the acquisition of new volumes of the encyclopedia. But we use every opportunity to replenish the library. Thus, the last volumes of the encyclopedia were purchased with the money received from the school-wide collection of waste paper. I will not dwell on the reader service technology, it is approximately the same for everyone. I will note an attempt to introduce a personal computer (PC) to organize catalogs and subscriptions.

As shown in the diagram, work with the reader has various forms that are not directly related to the lending of books. The librarian talks about the latest in literature, going to the classrooms to students with reviews, invites the children to the library to pay attention to the new exhibition.

Exhibitions, as one of the important forms of developing students' interest in books, tell the book collections, introduce the names of writers, discover new names and titles of books, inform about the writer of the anniversary, show the possibilities of printing art, invite you to enter the world of unread books. Exhibitions can be divided into cycle and thematic, personal and information. It is interesting to keep statistics taken from the exhibition of books. Of the exhibitions I have made recently, the most successful exhibitions have turned out to be “Petersburg in Russian Poetry”, “The Soul of Petersburg”, “Golden-domed Moscow”, “In Secret to the Whole World”.

The guys are interested in books, ask for books from exhibitions, some of them even formed a queue.

One of the interesting forms of work of a librarian together with a teacher is extra-curricular reading of students.

Figure - a diagram of the main forms of work of the school library
