Poems about the teacher's profession. Scenario of the annual concert "Teacher, you dedicate the days of your life to your school family ..." concert of teachers of the Children's Music School named after D.D.

I knew how to please my teachers

I knew how to please my teachers,
He went to the torment, science gnawed granite.
But never knew where to fold
Where should subtraction be done?

Wherever I crawl, wherever I run,
One question torments me again:
Under the plus sign or under the minus sign
All that is realized, perceive?

Alexander Mezhirov

Our older friend

Our elder friend, our priceless friend,
Our permanent campfire!
fire mighty plant
Noisy with undying foliage.

And he is above our disputes,
And entertainment, and undertakings -
The life-giving fire
You saved our Prometheus.

You deserve this name.
You by your disinterestedness
We were infected and taught
Shine on others, burn yourself.

More than once, bristling evil feathers,
Like Prometheus among the rocks
Eagle of soullessness, mistrust
You shamelessly pecked.

But, having overcome adversity,
As before it shines, crushing the darkness,
Filled with supreme passion,
Inextinguishable soul.

Gives salvation from old age,
And our youth is alive
And on an undying plant
Noisy green foliage.

Love Orphan

Who teaches us?
Who is torturing us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
With you it is clear and bright,
The heart is always warm.
And sorry if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
All of our teachers
And we wish you all good health
From pranksters of children!

Who teaches us

Reach out to every heart

Reach out to every heart
Those whom you choose to teach
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy
Late for the first lesson
And a naughty girl in the past
Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass
Maybe someone's fate
And the pain and hardships will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study
And the answers are at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without malice,
And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky

Like the know-it-all Olya

Like the know-it-all Olya
Be a school teacher.
Chalk on the blackboard to write
The letter "A" and the number "five"
And indicate with a pointer:
"It's a catfish! And this is a treat!
This is a fish! It's a beast!
This is a party! It's a door!"

"Ding-ding-ding!" - the bell rings
That's the end of the lesson.
And the students should
Wipe the chalk off the board with a rag.

Olesya Emelyanova

The teacher came to class

The teacher came to class
She's a little older than us.
And I took a lesson
That we forgot about the call.
We wanted to know more
And become adults faster
And choose the right path in life
And look into the future.
Perhaps one of us
Will enter the same way in the school class
And teach such a lesson
That everyone will forget about the call.

Vadim Malkov

Teachers! They are like a light on the way
What kind of fiery heart do you need
To have in the chest to bring light to people,
So that his trace could never be erased!
And how to measure their work, you ask
Millions of people's army.
There are many ascetics in Russia,
But there is no wiser and nobler than them!

Teachers! They are like a light on the way

not work, but renunciation

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give everything
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this to see the light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of the cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,
And part of the soul from grateful us!


There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring the source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With which we know the world.
And on this day we want to promise you
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, the warmth of hearts and the search for excitement!

There is no better profession in the world

The teacher generously teaches us that

The teacher generously teaches us that
What will be very necessary in life:
Patience, reading, counting and writing,
And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

Viktor Viktorov

Teacher, the days of your life are like one

Teacher, the days of your life, as one,
You dedicate to the school family,
You are all who came to study to you,
You call your children.
But the children grow up, from the school bench
Walking the paths of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And keep you in your heart.
Beloved teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though it's hard sometimes to get you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Accept our thanks!
We remember how you led us into people
From timid funny first-graders.

Mikhail Sadovsky

Teacher - three syllables

Not so much,

And how many skills it contains!

Ability to dream! Ability to hold on!

The ability to give yourself to work!

Ability to teach! Ability to create!

The ability to love children selflessly!

Teacher - three syllables.

But what a lot!

And this calling is given to you by God!

Nadezhda Vedenyapina

Teachers, teachers...

There are no better professions!

Stand firmly at the helm,

Opening the door for the child.

The teacher is the most faithful friend,

Will not give out, will not betray;

And if something happens suddenly,

He will give a hand to everyone.

How intense is this work:

Understand and teach.

Always go to the teacher

Students and doctors…

Come into the bright classroom when,

Can't be ignored

Always so cute

Tired eyes.

Oh, how brave is this work:

Bullies, naughty…

Sometimes they lie stubbornly in the eyes.

You must understand them.

Teachers, teachers...

There are no better professions!

Stand firmly at the helm,

Opening the door for the child.

You led us on the path of knowledge.

Giving us a lot of strength and mind.

How much effort have you put in?

May we always study well!

You taught us to write beautifully,

Solve problems and behave

Always calm, sensitive, patient

And you managed to find an approach to each.

You led us on the path of knowledge

Wishes for teachers

In a great life you opened the doors for us,
You taught us not only the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe in you!
We have received lessons of kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun
Thank you - it started the way it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

Natalia Ivanova

The cold hands crumpled the apron,
All turned pale, the darling trembles.
Grandma will be sad: granddaughter
Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing
These tears in the lowered gaze.
Ah, the unit is a big loss!
First grief!

Tear after tear fell, sparkling,
A page floats in white circles...
Does the teacher know what
Pain is a unit?

Marina Tsvetaeva

In memory of Innokenty Annensky

And the one whom I consider a teacher,
How the shadow passed and did not leave a shadow,
I absorbed all the poison, I drank all this stupidity,
And he waited for glory, and he did not wait for glory,
Who was the harbinger

an omen
He took pity on everyone, breathed into everyone

languor -
And suffocated...

Anna Akhmatova

Such is the profession - a teacher

Such is the profession - a teacher.
I don't think it's more important.
Teacher, master, educator,
Keeper of knowledge, creator of children's souls,
The teacher holds the whole world on himself.

He polishes generations every year,
Like a jeweler topaz, or diamond.
It would be appropriate to compare here,
Teacher without patience
Leave the profession at the same time.

How much effort does it take
To teach children something.
Sometimes the teacher cries out of impotence
And because labor in the country of Russia
He is not appreciated. How can you not cry.

But they yell at every crossroads
Him: “Shut up! Releasing marriage!
Those words are insulting, of course, biting.
So overexcited teenagers
Courage in anticipation of fights.

Maybe the accusations are true
And worthless to him, the teacher, the price.
After all, children smoke, deceitful, wicked,
Rude, cynical and lazy at heart,
But is it only teachers' fault?

Olga Panchishkina

And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students
To start a new life.

There is no richer and more generous in the world,
Than these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers
Although they themselves are almost gray-haired.

They are in the fate of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly pronounce every time
Simple three words: "This is my teacher."

We are all in his best hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder…
Live always in your students
And be happy, our captain is a teacher!

And again in the gilding of poplar

Teacher, school teacher!

You worry about us

Rush invisibly into space,

Go to the taiga to search

Into the desert along unsteady dunes,

In the sea foam road ...

We are your eternal youth

Hope, joy, anxiety.

You still have no peace

Devoted all his life to children.

teacher, school teacher

A cheerful bell sounded
In yellow-red September,
School doors opened
Our noisy children.
In a long life exam
On the track indirect
Will lead to the land of knowledge
Our teacher is the helmsman.

A cheerful bell sounded

Teacher, how much patience
You hide in your soul,
Anxiety, thoughts and doubts -
You have already experienced everything.
What should love be?
To dedicate it to children!
Each has its own character
And everyone needs to be understood.
After all, children need to give
From your heart a particle,
Wishing them well every day
Think about them and pray about them.
They need to be given knowledge
And teach you what to strive for
When it's hard for them to support
Do not let suffer, do not let lazy.
So that you, we want, do not be sad,
Resentment did not lay down like a stone,
And all the good that you put in
Giving back to you to return.

Teacher, how much patience

Soul beautiful and very kind,

You are strong with talent and generous with your heart

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find the way to the children,

May you have success along the way!

Soul beautiful and very kind

A Word About the Teacher

"Sow reasonable, good, eternal..."
N. A. Nekrasov

I saw poets
in bronze and granite,
And met kings
on copper horses.
The names of the great
in gilding letters
Blaze brightly
in the rays of the sun.

I am for justice!
Should have put
Somewhere on the street
modest pedestal -
Monument to the Teacher...
And on it would be the inscription:
“Without him, Pushkin would
Pushkin did not.

Without him, there would be Matrosov
did not go under the bullets,
I wouldn't close my heart
Without him, people would
did not step into space,
And it would not be kind
unreasonable sowing…”

Life won't end
if there is a teacher:
Strict and not very
old, young...
If he comes
to the school dormitory
That won't stop
our earthly ball.

Kohl sometimes at night
he sits tired
With a pile of notebooks
future Tolstoy,
So, put it back
somewhere pedestals
With new names
in strings of gold.

So again Tchaikovsky
born somewhere
And magical music
delight souls.
So again Russia
who will be proud
So again the teacher
will visit the earth.

Remember teachers!
Does he need a lot?
News, smile,
say hello...
Years in his hair
attacked with silver
But in the soul of the teacher
the light won't go out.

Will he still
an asterisk for youth,
The heart won't get tired
beat in unison
With children's hearts.
Wisdom Wisps
He has sly eyes
will ignite.

Remember teachers
somewhere under the stars
Starship Confident
heading up!
Remember teachers!
And forever remember
Those cherished words:
“You are learning. Learn!”

Vladimir Evplukhin

For mentors

Not eternal life. The human term is short.
The veterans are leaving.
We are grateful to them for their honest work.
Their knowledge and experience will not die.
Aging and years in spite of
The older ones are followed by the students.
Years go by. The earth is spinning.
Teachers raise pupils.
Their wise look and kind hand -
The textbook is the main one for the student.
The work is immortal, the thread is uninterrupted.
The young ones will come to replace the elders.
And will be accepted at the abandoned post
Teachers hope and dream.
And therefore the commandment is so strong:
"Master, educate a student!"

Don't you dare forget the teachers

Don't you dare forget the teachers.
They care about us and remember.
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
Waiting for our return and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings.
And no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher Happiness Happens
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
On New Year's Eve we do not send them congratulations.
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.
They are waiting for us. They are watching us
And rejoice every time for those
Who again passed the exam somewhere
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget the teachers.
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers.
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget the teachers!

Andrey Dementiev

We don't always notice
How many worries we have
And patient work
The teacher gives.
With barely noticeable gray hair
On a dark blond strand
She stands in front of you
Stacking up notebooks.
And you love like him, like me,
Her - and let's face it:
She is your second mother.
And who is more precious than mom?

We don't always notice

I'm still a small child
But I started going to school.
Learning has become excellent
And do excellent.
My teacher passes by
I'm waiting for a signal from him.
After all, I study "excellently"
Almost quite easy.
The teacher teaches us good
And we are trying to help him.
And we learn letters, numbers,
And we just rush to knowledge!
Teacher first, you are my friend!
Your profession is a ray of light.
That's why I love you
Because I appreciate your work!
Teach me and everyone
Appreciate the parents, the planet.
Love, dream, strive for the light!
And never forget you.
There is no better profession in the world!

I'm still a small child

You are needed, needed forever
Both youth and old man
To enrich them stubbornly.
This is how ore is mined.
So the spring of light is always waiting,
And that's how grains are grown.
Your work ... So the jeweler sometimes
Grinding a tiny diamond
This is how the brilliance of damask is reported.
Yes, the main thing in the current fate
The earth owes you.
Teacher! Let you a hundred times
Praise, give thanks
And they will lift you to the throne of songs,
So that with each generation henceforth
You magically look younger
In work, which is so wonderful!

You are needed, needed forever

I remember now:
I came to school in the first grade,
I hold a bouquet of flowers in my hands
I want to give it to the teacher.
I loudly "Hello!" said,
She ran towards the teacher
Gave her a bouquet of flowers
And don't forget to smile.
Our acquaintance took place
School life began with him.
I met my first teacher
She became my second mother.
I learned to write and read
The teacher was always there.
And if there's something I don't understand
She patiently explained to me.
And it went on for many years
I got a lot of knowledge
There is no better profession "teacher"
I made it clear.
I know many professions
But if you make a list
From the profession of "teacher"
It needs to be started.

I remember now

And here's the call
The school house is emptying quickly.
In the ringing silence
Last steps.
But in a quiet class you are all sitting at the table,
And again, your students are in front of you.
And in silence you think of them
Yesterday strangers, now relatives,
About their question, about your answer,
For something that doesn't have an answer...
And tomorrow the day will come again
And school joyful people
Fill the floors with noise
And whirl in the whirlwind of life!
Once upon a time on the third desk against the wall
I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult
Even then you decided to be a teacher,
The difficult one chose the path, but he knew that he had enough strength.
And again in the school silence,
And the old globe by the window
In the magazine suffix and case,
And so many fates and hopes ...
In your hands is the fate of the country, the fate of the land,
Your students' dreams will come true.
They sow bread, guide ships along the course,
Dedicate life to children, as you did ...
And again in the school silence,
And the old globe by the window
In the magazine suffix and case,
And so many fates and hopes ...

And here is the call

Teacher. All her features
Clarified in the morning simply:
Solitude of quiet kindness,
The grandeur of ancient construction.
But again the speech is calm and easy,
And again breathe reflected brilliance
Hexameters of an old verse,
And the splash of foliage in the old biblical gardens.
Fatherland, will, that bitterest smoke,
What will wake us up late or early
But let me cry repentantly for once:
“Master, before your name…”


Teacher, what a beautiful word

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and light and basis.
Shines for us as a guiding star
And leads into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it over and over.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the fount of science!

You can learn everything in life
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.

Nadezhda Vedenyapina

Being a teacher is a calling

Being a teacher is a calling.
You need to love children so much
To soul and diligence
Give them without a trace.
Be a role model
Interesting to explain
To have all desire
Answer in class.

Olga Poveshchenko

I’ll go to the blackboard to explain. And the heart, I know, will be young
As long as the sacred fire will be with him.
Your soul from all sorts of adversities
The healing flame will save.
It will help us along the way.
The trickiest riddles to beat.
It will still help, and more than once,
My teacher, continue you in business!
Teacher! Even after many years
The light you lit will not go out!

Teacher! Even after many years


Good luck, rural and urban
respected teachers,
Good, bad and none
captains on the ship's bridge!
Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck!
Especially in the morning
when you enter the classrooms,
Some are like in a cage, others are like in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy things,
which can not be completed anyway,
Tightly shackled
Instructions and shouts from the city government.
Good luck to you, different looking,
with tricks and without any tricks,
loving or hating
these - be they three times ... - children.
You know I still believe
that if the earth remains alive,
the highest dignity of mankind
will someday be teachers!
Not in words, but in things of tradition,
which tomorrow's life to match.
The teacher must be born
and only after that - to become.
There will be talented-daring wisdom in him,
He will carry the sun on his wing.
Teaching is a long-range profession
Home on Earth!

Robert Rozhdestvensky

If there was no teacher

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.

And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.

Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher! Decency and honesty.
Many wince from chatter,
empty briskness,
They teach by example
Elemental resilience…
They have a strong mental core
Respect their calling.
Some are deserving
Others, yes
Without any title!
When you comprehend that in personal destiny
Not all theorems are proven
Old teachers to you
They seem like family!
Invisibly shoulder support
Chicks of his tribe.
Talk to them - and there is something -
Yes, somehow there is no time.

Teachers are different

In big cities and villages
The bell rings in the morning
And the guys rush to school -
The lesson starts.
On the teacher inquisitively
Seeing so many different eyes!
Answers patiently
He's a hundred questions an hour!
"Why does the sun go down?"
"Where does the hippo sleep?"
"Does an elephant ever laugh?"
"Why is it raining? »
If it is difficult, he will help,
It is not clear - explain.
Whirlwind brawlers too
Reconcile very quickly.
No, the teacher is not a magician,
You just have to know a lot.
Don't be lazy tutorial
Also open more often.

Do you remember there was...

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From warm mother's hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand and now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow
Change the name of the river
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever.
(K. Ibryaev)

Teacher, the days of your life are like one...

Teacher, the days of your life, as one,
You dedicate to the school family,
You are all who came to study to you,
You call your children.
But the children grow up, from the school bench
Walking the paths of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And keep you in your heart.
Beloved teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though it's hard sometimes to get you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Accept our thanks!
We remember how you led us into people
From timid funny first-graders.
(M. Sadovsky)

Reach out to every heart ...

Reach out to every heart
Those whom you choose to teach
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy
Late for the first lesson
And a naughty girl in the past
Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass
Maybe someone's fate
And the pain and hardships will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study
And the answers are at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without malice,
And donated rose petals.
(M. Lvovsky)

Teacher, what a beautiful word...

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and light and basis.
Shines for us as a guiding star
And leads into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it over and over.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the fount of science!

You can learn everything in life
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.
(N. Vedenyapina)


If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!
(V. Tushnova)


Our elder friend, our priceless friend,
Our permanent campfire!
fire mighty plant
Noisy with undying foliage.
And he is above our disputes,
And entertainment, and undertakings -
The life-giving fire
You saved our Prometheus.
You deserve this name.
You by your disinterestedness
We were infected and taught
Shine on others, burn yourself.
More than once, bristling evil feathers,
Like Prometheus among the rocks
Eagle of heartlessness, mistrust
You shamelessly pecked.
But, having overcome adversity,
As before it shines, crushing the darkness,
Filled with supreme passion,
Inextinguishable soul.
Gives salvation from old age,
And our youth is alive
And on an undying plant
Noisy green foliage.
(L. Sirota)


Touched by hand -
And immediately it will become easier
How does mom calm down
Like a good doctor heals.

I feel sorry for her! poor thing
She often gets sad.
Must be hard to put
Bad grade for me.

Put - after crying,
Probably at night
And in the morning to school, then
She comes sad.

Everything! I'm ready for the answer
I solved all the problems
Secretly to her table - candy!
Don't cry at night...
(O. Bundur)

Poems about the profession of a teacher

There are many of them - snub-nosed, dissimilar ...

A lot of them -
Snub-nosed, dissimilar,
Flying into the school in a crowd.
And it's not easy with them. But still
Any one is dear to his soul.
He led them
On the ladder of knowledge
Learned to appreciate the country
And see through the distance
And be friends with a smart book ...
Let someone become a builder
And someone is the owner of the rivers,
But my heart believes
Will put
Five to them tomorrow's century.
And, becoming adults, through the years
Guys remember well
And his severity, and worries, -
The hard work of a teacher.
(B. Gaikovich)

For mentors

Not eternal life. The human term is short.
The veterans are leaving.
We are grateful to them for their honest work.
Their knowledge and experience will not die.
Aging and years in spite of
The older ones are followed by the students.
Years go by. The earth is spinning.
Teachers raise pupils.
Their wise look and kind hand -
The textbook is the main one for the student.
The work is immortal, the thread is uninterrupted.
The young ones will come to replace the elders.
And will be accepted at the abandoned post
Teachers hope and dream.
And therefore the commandment is so strong:
"Master, educate a student!"
(Yu Kim)


Don't cry, don't whine tediously,
Though sometimes the Earth tilts.
How your "difficult" is pressing on your shoulders,
My friends are teachers.

Not a day of rest. Forget about yourself
Lead the souls of children forward,
And you do not have one extra minute,
And you have a heavy load of worries.

Notebooks, cultural trips, meetings,
Abandoned house ... We will forgive you.
You burn, illuminating the path to tomorrow,
And the torch in your heart is unquenchable.

Age of speed. Time frantically rushes,
Try to let go of the reins!
And I don't have the strength to quit
And I don’t have the strength to carry my heavy load.

Graying, with young hearts,
Those who do not know idle life,
You are afraid to evaluate yourself -
So I give you a five for life!

Human hearts, beat and knock,
To accomplish the main feat in life.
There is always a teacher in each of us
And teaches to live honestly and beautifully.
(V. Kosheleva)

Your friend

Do you have a good friend
There is no more reliable friend.
Ask about the north and about the south,
About what's around you -
He will answer everything.

Do you remember when he came to class?
Decided everything: severe!
But how much did he find for you
Simple, understandable words!

You at the desk alone
Explained the task.
Help your neighbor
And separated the fighters.

Do you remember, I led you on a hike
In the morning, at seven o'clock?
What bird sings
He spoke in the forest.

Autumn evening has come.
You're already in bed...
The teacher has just revealed
Your heavy portfolio.

You are fast asleep now
You've seen dreams.
And he, bending under the lamp,
Praise: "Five" this time,
Seryozha Ivanov!

Raised good guys
Your friend for many years.
He is now thanked
Collective farmer and poet
Noble scientist, horn,
Artist and combat pilot...

Trusted friend -
Your teacher!
(Y. Akim)

Beautiful and sweet poems have always been and will be a wonderful congratulation to our teachers. If you liked our selection of poems, then perhaps you will be interested in the following articles.

* * *

The teacher came to class
She's a little older than us.
And I took a lesson
That we forgot about the call.
We wanted to know more
And become adults faster
And choose the right path in life
And look into the future.
Perhaps one of us
Will enter the same way in the school class
And teach such a lesson
That everyone will forget about the call.

* * *

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!


I saw poets in bronze and granite,
And I met kings on copper horses.
Names of great letters in gilding
They glow brightly in the sun.
I am for justice!
Should have put
Somewhere on the street a modest pedestal -
A monument to the Teacher ... And there would be an inscription on it:
“Without him, Pushkin would not have become Pushkin.
Without him, Matrosov would not have gone under the bullets,
I would not close the pharynx with the heart of the loopholes.
Without it, people would not have stepped into space,
And he would not be kind, not a reasonable sowing ... "
Life will not end if there is a Teacher
Strict and not very, old, young ...
If he comes to the school cloister -
That our earthly ball will not stop.
If sometimes at night he sits tired,
With a pile of future Tolstoy notebooks,
So, they will put pedestals somewhere again
With new names in golden strings.
So, again Tchaikovsky will be born somewhere
And delight the soul with magical music.
So, again, Russia will be proud of someone,
This means that the Teacher will visit the earth again.
Remember teachers! Does he need a lot?
News, a smile, say "hello" ...
Years attacked his hair with silver,
But in the soul of the teacher the light will not go out.
He will still be an asterisk for youth,
The heart will not get tired of beating in unison
With children's hearts. Wisdom Wisps
He will light up in smart eyes.
Remember a teacher somewhere under the stars
Starship confidently pointing up!
Remember teachers! And forever remember
Those cherished words: “You study. Learn!”


Every day I go to class
And hour after hour flies
And my palm is in chalk,
Knowledge of how to light a fire?

Everyone is sitting at their desks
Whose eyes are on fire
At this time, someone is sleeping,
Whatever you ask, he is silent!

Someone is looking out the window again
They won't show movies there.
The girl has no tasks
He will say a word, immediately cry!

Answer at the blackboard
Many students
Repeat again
Who is "three", and who is "five"!

Every day I go to class
I see many eyes
But their students
I am always ready to teach!

* * *

Do you have a good friend
There is no more reliable friend.
Ask about the north and about the south,
About what's around you -
He will answer everything.

Do you remember when he came to class?
Decided everything: severe!
But how much did he find for you
Simple, understandable words!

You at the desk alone
Explained the task
Help your neighbor
And separated the fighters.

Do you remember, I led you on a hike
In the morning, at seven o'clock?
What bird sings
He spoke in the forest.

Autumn evening has come
You are already in bed.
...the teacher just revealed
Your heavy portfolio.

You are fast asleep now
You've seen dreams.
And he, bending under the lamp,
Praise: "Five" this time,
Seryozha Ivanov!

Raised good guys
Your friend for many years.
He is now thanked
Collective farmer and poet
Scientist, noble horn,
Artist and combat pilot...

Trusted friend -
Your teacher!


Let the sun shine brightly on an autumn day,
Let the foliage glow with bouquets,
A bright beam will enter the classroom through the window -
He also congratulates you today!

Thank you for your knowledge, skills,
For the light of a smile, an affectionate word,
For your work, for love and for patience! -
We gratefully repeat again.

May there be much joy in your life
And happiness, let health not fail,
And never know worries, fatigue
We wish you sincerely and with love!

Teacher, the days of your life, as one,
You dedicate to the school family,
You are all who came to study to you,
You call your children.
But the children grow up, from the school bench
Walking the paths of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And keep you in your heart.
Beloved teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though it's hard sometimes to get you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Accept our thanks!
We remember how you led us into people
From timid funny first-graders.

Teacher, the days of your life, as one,

You dedicate to the school family,

You are all who came to study to you,

You call your children.

But the children grow up, from the school bench

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.

Beloved teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though it's hard sometimes to get you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,

Accept our thanks!

We remember how you led us into people

From timid funny first-graders.

Mikhail Sadovsky


And here's the call

The school house is emptying quickly.

In the ringing silence

Last steps.

But in a quiet class you are all sitting at the table,

And again, your students are in front of you.

And in silence you think of them

Yesterday strangers, now relatives,

About their question, about your answer,

About what there is no answer,

And tomorrow the day will come again

And school joyful people

Fill the floors with noise

And whirl in the whirlwind of life!

Once upon a time on the third desk against the wall

I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult

Even then you decided to be a teacher,

The difficult one chose the path, but he knew that he had enough strength.

And again in the school silence,

And the old globe by the window

In the magazine suffix and case,

And so many fates and hopes

In your hands is the fate of the country, the fate of the land,

Your students' dreams will come true.

They sow bread, guide ships along the course,

Dedicate life to children, as you did

And again in the school silence,

And the old globe by the window

In the magazine suffix and case,

And so many fates and hopes.

S. Vladimirsky


Reach out to every heart

Those whom you choose to teach

And the secret door will open

To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some overslept boy

Late for the first lesson

And a naughty girl in the past

Invite to the last call!

And many more years will pass

Maybe someone's fate

And the pain and hardships will disappear,

Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be weekdays of study

And the answers are at the blackboard,

Peace without violence and without malice,

And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky


He is always on the road

In worries, looking for anxiety -

And there is never peace.

And a hundred questions on the threshold

And you need to give the right answer.

He judges himself more severely.

It is all earthly, but it is torn upwards.

Do not count, perhaps, how many fates

Intertwined with his fate.

I. Druzhinin


The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.

How long does it last, the last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows,

The school looks, but itself decreases.

Views fly over the distant steering wheel,

With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,

And over the country, as over the assembly hall,

The day is filled with blue and scarlet

School, farewell crystal bell ...



I ask myself a question

For many years in a row

There has always been a demand for many professions -

They can be listed in a row

But why in my life

Did you choose this path?

And why did you suddenly decide

That I will become a teacher.

And I began to think

Sitting quietly at the window.

And as if the frames rushed

My kindergarten years.

And immediately my childhood surfaced,

I felt a little cramped in it

Always attracted somewhere far away;

And opening the fate of the "veil",

I knew right then

That I will become a teacher.

I am dolls, bears and bunnies

Taught knowledge, goodness.

And the bench is cramped - cramped

Planted in grandma's garden.

And went forward with one desire -

I want to work in education.

Everything is great here:

The children's eyes sparkle clearly.

Wonderful world of kindness and childhood:

Rich methods and means.

The road of beginnings was hard,

But I wasn't alone.

I had colleagues with me, children,

I will remember these years.

Since then I have been driving train cars,

I am personally responsible for them.

Children ride in my carriages

And I know everyone as a person.

In the carriages, laughter and fuss,

Fun, music, play.

Children come from childhood -

School time will meet them.

And we only care about one thing

And no one is given that.

Open a child like a flower

Develop abilities, talent, skills,

And show all your patience.

For creativity, open the way for him,

So that it would be joyful to go through life with him,

So that the fairy tale suddenly comes again

And she was a child's soul.

And suddenly I realized one thing:

I found this way myself

And I don't want to be different

I love children with all my heart.

After all, kindergarten is my second home,

And I feel very comfortable in it.

And those with whom I go on the road,

Please, go ahead and do it.

Do not forget Sukhomlinsky's call,

And give your heart to your children.

From reflection it suddenly became brighter,

Though outside the window long ago - long dark.

I will say one thing: there is no more important profession in the world,

And I am proud that I have been given the opportunity to be an Educator!

educator MBDOU No. 6 "Spikelet"

with. Khodynino Rybnovsky district

Ryazan region, Russia


"If there were no teacher..."

That would not have been, probably

Neither a poet nor a thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And still would probably

If there were no teacher

Undiscovered Americas

Remained unopened.

And we would not be Icarus,

We would never take to the sky

If in us his efforts

Wings were not grown.

Without him, a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

Because we are very expensive

The name of our teacher!


"To the teachers"

Don't cry, don't whine tediously,

Though sometimes the Earth tilts.

How your "difficult" is pressing on your shoulders,

My friends are teachers.

Not a day of rest. Forget about yourself

Lead the souls of children forward,

And you do not have one extra minute,

And you have a heavy load of worries.

Notebooks, cultural trips, meetings,

Abandoned house ... We will forgive you.

You burn, illuminating the path to tomorrow,

And the torch in your heart is unquenchable.

Age of speed. Time frantically rushes,

Try to let go of the reins!

And I don't have the strength to quit

And I don’t have the strength to carry my heavy load.

Graying, with young hearts,

Those who do not know idle life,

Are you afraid to evaluate yourself?

So I give you a five for life!

Human hearts, beat and knock,

To accomplish the main feat in life.

There is always a teacher in each of us

And teaches to live honestly and beautifully.



The calendar turns pages in surprise

Teacher's Day again, guys, we have

May you dream of a firebird today in a dream,

Well, tomorrow your class will give it to you.

The sun will wink at you - a good sign,

Yes, even if you got up on your left foot

You are a wonderful teacher, remember that

And you have incomparable students.

May your soul never tire of singing

Because the song is more pleasant to swim

It's good to see Sasha and Tanya

And something to teach them

Well, sadness is far, far away - it's somewhere,

In the meantime, the eyes are cheerful and soft.

You are a wonderful teacher

Remember this

And you have excellent students.

Don't worry, put everything on the shelves,

The purpose of the lesson is good, write it down in your plan.

And fives, fives, fives give!

The rest of the marks are unusual for you.

You will not fall asleep again, you will again before dawn

Either solve problems, or give poems to everyone.

You are a brilliant teacher, remember this

And you have amazing students.

Happy Teacher's Day, gentlemen!

All autumn holidays are important to consider,

And then they are simpler, then wiser

And the verses sound in honor

Dear teachers!

It's not a profession - it's destiny

Happy Teacher's Day to you

Happy Teacher's Day to you

Happy Teacher's Day, gentlemen!

(I. Lvova)


How time is mercilessly fleeting

And the country seems to be sinking...

But only the teacher lights the candles

When others curse the darkness.

And let the speeches not subside

Let the eyes of the students shine

Then we just light the candles

When love doesn't stop.

And only the teacher is honest, kind, cordial,

And only the teacher is sincere and bold,

That's why he lights the candles

To keep the darkness out.

(I. Lvova.)


You taught us to be persistent in the fight,

He taught me to work hard.

Our teacher, earthly bow to you

For everything, for everything you taught us.

For honest work, which is akin to a feat.

For your life, which is alien to peace.

For apprenticeship, the happiest days,

Our teacher, accept the bow of the earth.



Don't you dare forget the teachers.

They worry about you, and remember

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed

Teacher's happiness builds up

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

On New Year's Eve, we do not send them congratulations,

And in the bustle, or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us. They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who will pass the exam somewhere again

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers,

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

(A. Dementiev)


That day the sun shone hot,

Light yellow maples outside the window ...

You put your hand on my shoulder

She said: "Well, come on, my friend, let's start!"

You were already gray then,

With deep wrinkles around the eyes ...

And so we set off on a journey with you,

And you haven't left us since.

Grow flowers and catch butterflies

Look at everything and remember everything.

And everything is native, Russian, to love.

Years have passed. Your students

Scattered all over the mainland:

Who builds a hydroelectric power station on the banks of the river,

Who became the commander on the ship.

And you still go to class in the morning

Talk about rivers and seas.

You, with kind wrinkles around your eyes, -

My first teacher.

You say to the weakest: "Hold on!"

You are ready to help them with all your heart ...

And again someone's little life

In your hands it becomes big.


Learn to work, think boldly,

Walk - the roads are good ...

There is no more joyful thing in the world,

Than education of the soul!

Mentors - poems and songs,

The sparkle of inspirational lines.

The wisest of all professions

The greatness of the title: "Teacher!"

There is no better job in the world

Labor is more courageous and dear ...

Shining blue. It is a holiday today

My friends, teachers.

Anyone who has become a teacher will understand

What happiness - to be useful to people,

Teach His Majesty the People!

Bring him the gift of wisdom and knowledge,

And the kindness of your heart light -

There is no more responsible calling on earth,

More honorable and happier - no.

Outlined by immortal ideas,

May your work be honest to the end,

And then they will open up to you

Fellow citizens of young pure hearts.

And they will carry like a baton,

As a memory of your teacher,

Our desire to make this land,

The planet we live on!

(G. Krunin).

* * *

Teacher ... Word - what a!

Teacher! Here they run

Path under the river,

Sparrows that among themselves

Your name is teacher.

They're running. Their faces blush.

And in the bags - pencils,

Notebooks ... and another particle

Yours - for all one - souls.

What year - oh, it's hard, right,

And remember: the years fly by! -

You are in front of this horde

You get up ... which year in a row!

Oh, forty-five minutes of a lesson!

Oh, the joy of complete silence!

When, open wide,

Eyes on you!

Confident and defenseless

They look. And you are in a circle

Those blue, brown eyes, teacher.

Like an unmowed meadow.

They are full of attention again

They are full of love for you.

They see everything! Only early

Your gray hairs do not see ...

(S. Vikulov).

How quickly and menacingly the Earth spins

And school teachers grow old!

No strength to watch them grow old

For peaceful days, for war days.

Years will fly by, you will pass by the school -

As before, youth rustles at the door.

And the school teacher - he is so old! -

In deep wrinkles and hair is white.

Shoulders hunched, jacket baggy.

And he looks like he's to blame.

How quickly and menacingly the Earth spins.

And school teachers grow old!

(A. Mezhirov).

Each of us is ready to give you

A thousand kind and affectionate words!

From your yesterdays, from your current ones,

From tomorrow's students.

Today we are on behalf of every heart,

On behalf of our happy youth,

On behalf of our sonorous childhood

We say thank you!

You will always stay by our side,

Because we always need.

So you will never grow old.

Never! Never! Never!

(A. Mezhirov).

* * *

The teachers were different.

In the human community

But the earth held on to them,

Our discoveries...

They didn't expect us

indispensable fame,

But they preferred a well-known stock

Decency and honesty.

Many winced from the chatter,

empty briskness,

They taught by example

Elemental resilience…

They had a strong mental backbone,

They respected their calling.

Some - Honored, others -

Without any title.

Protected us - say thank you! -

In years of unthinkable complexity.

And - in the majority! - avoid lying

As far as possible.

When you comprehend that in personal destiny

Not all theorems will be proved, -

Old teachers to you

They will seem like family!

Invisibly shoulder support

Chicks of his tribe.

Talk to them - and there is something!

Yes, there is no time...

School poplars have grown.

And we live, we are not lost:

Now they are teachers.

As much as we can, we try...

(L. Kuklin).

* * *

You, every day and every hour

Dedicated to hard work,

One thought of us

You live with one concern:

So that the Earth is famous for us,

And so that we grow up honest.

Thank you teachers.

As mothers, thank you for everything!

It's brighter next to you to live.

And we know - sooner or later

Other things you can forget

But we can't forget about you.

(I. Pshenitsyn).

* * *

Lovely, cordial, good,

My good teachers!

Since childhood, I say goodbye to school,

I just don't say goodbye to you.

Thank you for loving us

Although they were strict with us at times.

Because you taught us how to think,

For everything, for everything you have done for us!

Sincerely filial "thank you"

We say to all teachers.

Be young and happy

Peace, many years, health to you!


Also, the material of this page is poems about the profession of a teacher and pictures on the topic: "The profession of a teacher" will help prepare an essay, essay, report or presentation about the profession.

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Municipal Autonomous Institution

additional education of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad"

"Children's Music School named after D.D. Shostakovich"

“Master, the days of your life are like one,
You dedicate to the school family,
You are all who came to study to you,
You call your children.
But the children grow up, from the school bench
Walking the paths of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And keep you in your heart.
Beloved teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though it's hard sometimes to get you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Accept our thanks!
We remember how you led us into people
From timid funny first-graders.

Mikhail Sadovsky

Scenario of the annual concert

« Teacher, the days of your life

dedicated to Teacher's Day

Written by -Sovrikova Larisa Andreevna , Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of the All-Russian Musical Society, teacher-organizer, teacher of the highest qualification category of the D.D. Shostakovich in piano, deputy chairman of the Kaliningrad regional public organization "F. Chopin Society"


Concert Hall of the Children's Music School named after D.D. Shostakovich

Scenario plan of the event.

Name : « Teacher, the days of your life

you dedicate to the school family .... "

Event Form : annualconcert of teachers of the Children's Music School named after D.D. Shostakovich dedicated to Teacher's Day. Soloists and creative teams of all performing departments take part in the concert

Structural plan of the event:

1. Introduction

2. Statistics of victories and pedagogical achievements

3. History in faces

4. We honor the founders of the pedagogical traditions of the school

5. Children's music school named after D.D. Shostakovich today

6. Holiday greetings

Date and time of the event : 05.10.2016

Duration : 1 hour 15 minutes

Location : concert hall of the Children's Music School named after D.D. Shostakovich

The purpose of the : educating students and their parents respect to pedagogical work and assistance in understanding the importance of the pedagogical contribution to the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation; creation of conditions for the realization of creative opportunities and the continuity of self-development of teachers of music schools

Audience : students and teachers of the D.D. Shostakovich, lovers of classical music from among the parents of students of the Children's Music School named after D.D. Shostakovich and residents of the city of Kaliningrad

Leading : Sovrikova Larisa Andreevna

Results of the event : stimulation of interest in the performing arts of music school teachers; education in students and their parents of respect for pedagogical work as a fundamental factor in the musical and aesthetic development of the younger generation

“Master, the days of your life

you dedicate to the school family .... "

concert of teachers of the Children's Music School named after D.D. Shostakovich,

dedicated to Teacher's Day



This poem by M. Sadovsky is a real hymn to the great, one might say holy profession - the profession of "Teacher"!

For many teachers who work at the D.D. Shostakovich, this profession has become the meaning of life, and the students from whom they bring up real musicians become for teachers their children, relatives and relatives for life.

The famous words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky:

Musical education is not the education of a musician, and above all human ”.

They most fully reveal the essence of pedagogy in general and the activities of each teacher in our school.

Maxim Gorky remarked:

« You need to love what you do, and then labor will rise to creativity. ».

    Statistics of victories and pedagogical achievements


Thanks to the creative approach of each teacher to their profession, our school has becomereal creative laboratory . Our school is an institution where teachersthe most advanced pedagogical technologies and strategies are boldly used and applied in teaching young musicians .

Therefore, the results of the work of the teaching staff causeadmiration and respect!

According to the results of the past academic year (2015 - 2016) at the school:

190 Laureates of International, All-Russian and regional competitions and festivals,

12 scholarship holders of the Head of the urban district "City of Kaliningrad" and the governor of the Kaliningrad region.

Our school is working59 teachers. Among them -13 have high state awards.16 teachers work within the walls of our schoolover 40 years.

Immediately after the opening of the school in1974 Sadovskaya Olga Stepanovna, Stepanova Tatyana Alexandrovna, Osipova Lyubov Vladimirovna came to work (on September 1, she celebrated her 50th anniversary of teaching experience), in1976 year - Ogievskaya Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Malakhova Galina Nikolaevna, in 1977 - Litvinenko Nadezhda Ivanovana, Rukavichkina Irina Nikolaevna, Sovrikova Larisa Andreevna, in 1979 - Korotaeva Elena Vitalievna.

Beauty saves the world, the spiritually developed generation create Russia, preserve and increase the cultural and historical traditions of the Fatherland. And this is the most important and expected result of the activities of music school teachers.

For many years, a unique concert “Teacher! You dedicate the days of your life to your school family ... ". The concert is dedicated to Teacher's Day and the teachers of our school take part in the concert program.

Today the right to open this concert is grantedKudyna Alexander,

piano student:

You led us through the realm of wondrous sounds.

And the music filled the classroom.

Harmony is the highest science

Which generously you taught us!

Thank you so much for this

Good luck, health, happiness, light!

The music program is opened by the youngest and most talented teacher, accompanistIsaeva Kamila Azamatovna

    N. Paganini "Cantabile»

Use Dushkin Gleb (violin)

Conc. Isaeva Kamila Azamatovna

    C. Debussy "Searings"

Piece for flute solo

Use Roman Polyakov,

Soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baltic Fleet

    History in faces


Classes at the newly opened school (music school of the Central District) have begunSeptember 1, 1973 of the year, and the first teachers' council took place in class No. 3; barrels stood there, and Alexander Vasilievich Morozov put boards instead of seats. The Board of Directors was held in the following composition:

Founder and director of the school,

Rozina Eleonora Grigorievna , teacher of theoretical disciplines,

piano teacher,

Lysogor Alevtina Viktorovna , piano teacher,

Kuznetsova Lyubov Semyonovna , teacher of folk instruments department,

Morozov Alexander Vasilievich , teacher of the department of folk instruments

Today we are especially happy to welcome veterans of labor in the hall - our honored teachers of the school:

Lysogor Alevtina Viktorovna - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Alevtina Viktorovna is the founder of the piano department of the school. She was a renowned and respected teacher and mentor. Her experience, professional exactingness and diligence contributed to the creation of a creative environment at the department and the desire for a high professional bar for teachers and students.

Karetnikova Nelli Alexandrovna - teacher of the piano department since 1974, for many years she headed the piano department (five-year training period), was a teacher-mentor. She brought up a large number of graduates for whom music lessons have become an important part of their lives.

Litvinenko Nadezhda Ivanovna - teacher of the department of folk instruments, founder of the orchestra of folk instruments of our school.

A teacher who loves children and her profession very much, has always been active in extracurricular activities, came up with interesting competitions that develop class hours and meetings, and brought up many graduates. Graduates of Nadezhda Ivanovna's class continue the work of their teacher and work as a teacher at our school.

Zabolotnaya Ludmila Petrovna - teacher of the general piano department, for many years headed the general piano department. She has worked at the school since 1974. Over the years of teaching, I was able to make the subject of my choice (general piano) my favorite subject

Savenko Vera Vasilievna - choirmaster of the choir of primary school students "Capel". A bright creative personality, a favorite of children, a Musician with a capital letter. The performances of the junior choir have always been an incredible success at concerts.

Grivtsova Ludmila Klementyevna - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, a respected piano teacher in the city. Lyudmila Klementyevna brought up a lot of talented students, many of whom chose music as their profession. Now graduates study and work in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Israel

    V. Gredyushko Fantasia on the Belarusian Folk Song

Savka and Grishka

Use Kudryavtseva Victoria Vasilievna (guitar)

Kirillov Anton Sergeevich (guitar)

There is a creative atmosphere in our school. So creative that it contributes to the birth of families of young teachers. This is not only a spiritual union, but also a creative one. The duet Kudryavtseva Viktoria Vasilievna (guitar) and Perekhoda Pavel Leonidovich (flute), as well as Garbuz Elena Vladimirovna (vocals) and Kirillov Anton Sergeevich (guitar) actively perform in concerts

    Muses. E. Frolova, lyrics by M. Tsvetaeva Romance "Fierce Vale"

Use Garbuz Elena Vladimirovna (vocals)

Conc. Kirillov Anton Sergeevich (guitar)

IV . We honor the founders of the pedagogical traditions of the school


Our school is one of the leading schools in the Kaliningrad region. Through the efforts of many teachers who worked at the school in different years, it has become one of the well-known and respected Centers of Culture and Education in Kaliningrad. Today we rememberdeparted teachers who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of our institution:

Kovalevskaya Olga Alexandrovna , founder and director of the school, outstanding teacher, musician, personality. For 25 years, under the leadership of the director of the school, Olga Alexandrovna Kovalevskaya, there has been a continuous process of formation and development of an educational institution with its own bright and unique style. Olga Alexandrovna laid down the traditions of the team's movement towards professional excellence, striving for pedagogical innovations.

Yakubovskaya Valentina Pavlovna

Belozerova Ludmila Vladimirovna - piano teacher and accompanist

Listunova Yulia Evgenievna - teacher of theoretical disciplines, head of the educational department

Kuznetsova Lyubov Semyonovna - Lecturer in the Department of Folk Instruments

Kovalevskaya Tatyana Konstantinovna - piano teacher

    S. Rachmaninov "Vocalise"

Use Pavlova Nadezhda Valerievna (domra)


It is gratifying to note that among our teachers there is also family continuity.

A special contribution to the development of the school was made by Bokovenko Nina Alekseevna, a teacher of theoretical disciplines. Now the Department of Music Theory is headed by her daughter, Kleshnyak Milana Yurievna.

One of the founders of the school was Kuznetsova Lyubov Semyonovna, and now her daughter Poroshenko Svetlana Vikentievna, one of the best accompanists of the city, works at the school.

Now Grigorovich Yulia Alekseevna, a brilliant teacher and accompanist, as well as her daughter Anastasia Yuryevna Skidanova are working at the school.

    A. Tsygankov "Introduction" and "Chardash"

Use Gavrilkova Diana Valerievna (dulcimer)

Conc. Skidanova Anastasia Yurievna

    A. Piazzolla "ADIOSNONINO»

Use piano duo consisting of:

Yurchuk Tatyana Viktorovna,

Nikiforova Inna Vladimirovna

    R. Bazhilin "Ballad"

Use duet of accordionists:

Trunova Yulia Ivanovna,

Garbuz Elena Vladimirovna

    Eros Ramazzotti "PiuChePuoi»

Use Talisman Igor Daseevich (saxophone)

    M. Fradkin "Bolshak"

Use Litovchenko Ekaterina Ivanovna (pop vocal)

    Children's music school them. D.D. Shostakovich today


18 years Marina Rashidovna Struchenkova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Member of the Union of Composers of Russia, leads our team. Continuing the best traditions of our institution, the director brings creativity to the organization of the educational process of the school, pushing the usual boundaries. Thanks to the director's efforts, today our school is a cozy and well-groomed room. The school has the largest number of children's creative teams in comparison with similar children's institutions in the city. In recent years, she has initiated creative competitions "Young art critic", "I compose music", a competition for young jazz performers named after V. Avdeev. Marina Rashidovna makes every effort to ensure that the staff of the personalized school follows the high professional principles of the great D.D. Shostakovich.

32 years Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Elena Mikhailovna Shpakova is the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of our school. The general experience of administrative work in our area is 40 years. Since 1984, she has been an indispensable "helmsman" of the school's educational process. It is hard to imagine what efforts in such a small room of our school Elena Mikhailovna manages to create comfortable working conditions for all teachers and students, as well as for numerous creative teams. Elena Mikhailovna is the author of many important initiatives, ideas and traditions of the school: on her initiative, for over 25 years, there has been a Center for Preschool Musical and Aesthetic Development "Golden Key", a children's exemplary theater "Tutti", she is the initiator of annual reporting concerts and performing competitions of all departments of the school .

Our school today occupies a leading position in the Kaliningrad region and a huge contribution to the achievements of the institution is made by the heads of departments:

Damaeva Elena Antonovna, Yurchuk Tatiana Viktorovna

Kleshnyak Milana Yurievna, Luzhetskaya Nelli Vasilievna

Talisman Igor Daseevich, Briginevich Dmitry Vladimirovich,

Fedotova Svetlana Evgenievna

Special thanks to the leaders of the children's creative teams of the school:

Honored Workers of Culture N.V. Luzhetskaya, V.G. Gribovsky, L.Y. Dunaeva, O.V. Mezentseva, D.V. Briginevich, Honored Workers of the All-Russian Musical Society, L.F. Osipova L.V., Poroshenko S.V., as well as Fedotova T.I., Lezina A.A., Morozov A.V., Gavrilkova D.V. Kolpashnikova L.A., Garbuz E.V., Kirillov A.S.

VI . holiday greetings


Smirnova Daria on behalf of the accordion ensemble congratulates the teachers:

How many springs have already flown by!
We can't stop these years
And for you the main thing was -
To teach children day by day.
Let bad weather not look into your house
And diseases will not find roads.
We wish you health and happiness!
And thank you for your good work!

    "Argentine tango"

Use accordion ensemble

Ruk. Trunova Yulia Ivanovna

Leading gives the floor to the representative of the parent committee of the school Valentina Nikolaevna Murashova, who thanks the teachers of the school for educating the students of the school and her three grandchildren.

Leading: at the end of today's holiday concertthe ensemble of teachers of the department of folk instruments under the leadership of Morozov Alexander Vasilievich performs. As part of the ensemble, almost all teachers of the department of folk instruments. The ensemble is the laureate of the regional competition of performing skills. In the first years of the existence of our institution, the first instrumental ensemble was created from the teachers of the department of folk instruments. Under the guidance of school veteran A.V. Morozov, this creative team today continues the traditions of pedagogical performance.

    G. Mancini "Charades"

A. Petrov "Rumba" from the movie "Amphibian Man"

UseEnsemble of Teachers of the Department of Folk Instruments

Ruk. Morozov Alexander Vasilievich

Leading: Music and poetry are one.

I would like to end our festive evening with Andrey Dementiev's poems addressed to all of us:

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

They care about us and remember

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings,

And no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher's happiness builds up

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them,

On New Year's Eve, we do not send congratulations to them,

And in the bustle or just out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us, they are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her,

Don't you dare forget the teachers.