Reading technique with a high level of memorization. How to master shorthand

Speed ​​reading is the most powerful engine for the development of intelligence. A person with this skill reads 1-7 books a week, spending many times less time.

Speed ​​reading includes: speed, comprehension, and retention of what has been read. With this skill, you can quickly study the subject of interest, area, specialization, science.

The more a person reads useful literature, the more educated and intellectual he becomes. With speed reading, intelligence develops with virtually no limits. Its development is similar to driving a car compared to walking speed. When the brain works in turbo mode, there is no time to think and pronounce words, understanding comes instantly. The brain no longer wastes time on pronunciation and extraneous thoughts.

Exercises online

Schulte tables

They develop peripheral vision, search for the desired element in the text, memory, concentration, speed of thinking. This is the most popular speed reading exercise. Click on the start button and look for numbers from 1 to 16, looking only at the center of the table.

Red-black tables Gorbov-Schulte

First find the black minimum, then the red maximum, then the next black minimum, and the next red maximum. For example, for a 5x5 table: 1 and 12, 2 and 11, 3 and 10, and so on.


Guess the words for a while, learn to see the whole word.

Letter search

The faster you find letters, the faster you will navigate in the text.

Finding Numbers

We train in the search for numbers by analogy with the search for letters:

Reading by sighting

School course for the development of speed reading

To achieve the required speed faster and easier, I recommend enrolling in the Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days. In this course we will work on:

  1. with classic exercises
  2. synchronize the hemispheres of the brain to speed up the work of the brain
  3. use techniques developed by me to accelerate the increase in reading speed
  4. understand the psychology of speed reading
  5. answer questions from other course participants.

Course Feedback

School courses for the development of intelligence

Interactive development courses

In addition to the Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days, interactive brainapps courses for the development of speed reading, memory, and attention are perfect. For 490 rubles a month or 1400 a year you get 4 browser-based programs for training speed reading, memory, attention and a bunch of brain fitness games.

For example, among the exercises there is a game "Find all the words." In this game, 256 letters will be shown on the screen, only 3 words are made up of them to be found. This exercise trains the eyes to quickly search for the right words in the text, which noticeably speeds up speed reading. Other exercises in this course train other skills Important for speed reading.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for the development of children. Each lesson contains useful advice, some interesting exercises, a task for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping will begin for you.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that occurred during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular tricks and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of tricks for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, calculating percentages, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Mental counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained in solving interesting problems.

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

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Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Why are there money problems? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course, you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.


For the rapid development of intelligence, practice speed reading. Speed ​​reading will help develop intelligence, and turn the brain into a supercomputer, making a genius out of a simple person.

In this article, I talked about 5 classic exercises for developing speed reading. These exercises will double your reading speed in 2-4 weeks.

The main human need is to acquire new knowledge and improve. For this reason, people learn foreign languages, master musical instruments and do all kinds of sports. Regardless of which direction a person has chosen, he needs to receive new information. The speed of learning for children and adults directly depends on the speed of reading and reading comprehension.

Not everyone has the right reading speed. There's nothing wrong with that, you just have to learn how to do it.

Before mastering speed reading, you need to understand what speed reading is? The normal speed of perception is considered to be 160-250 words per minute. With such reading, a person can cope with one page of printed text in 2 minutes.

The reading speed record is 3,000 words in one minute. Achieving such a result is not so easy, but anyone can develop a reading speed of 500-600 words per minute.

As for children, their reading speed is lower. In grade 3, a student must read at least 120 words per minute. Speed ​​reading and memory development will allow you to quickly learn new material. This makes it easier for children to learn.

Speed ​​reading allows people to focus on sentences and phrases that make more sense. Thus, words that do not affect the understanding of the essence will be skipped.

When and how to start learning speed reading?

The classic method of speed reading is the complete suppression of internal pronunciation. Primary school students learn new information better if reading is identical to the speed of human speech. For this reason, teaching new reading techniques to children under 12 is not recommended.

Despite the age restrictions, you can resort to some tricks, thanks to which, memorizing new material is faster. It is necessary to take into account the mistakes made by parents when teaching children:

  • When a child learns the name of the letters and not the sounds, he cannot read the word. For example, instead of the word "MAMA", the student reads "MEAAMEAA". Thus, the reading speed becomes 3–5 times lower;
  • Rapid memorization of new information will be carried out if the student reads the syllables. Parents don't pay attention to it. Children at home do not read syllables, but list letters. For example, the word mom is like "M A M A". Sound must be read.
  • Parents, studying at home, force the child to read the text in full, while they do not let go anywhere. This is fundamentally wrong. It is better to read less, but more often.

Mastering the technique of speed reading at home

A school of speed reading and intelligence development would quickly help a person cope with the task. A modern person is so busy that it is difficult for him to find time to attend courses. Therefore, many people want to get a benefit and study at home.

Homeschooling has a number of benefits:

  • Memorization of the acquired material is carried out faster. This is due to the fact that a person is engaged in those hours in which nothing interferes with him and no one distracts;
  • At present, it is not difficult to find techniques to increase the speed of reading, so there will be no problems with buying specialized books;
  • At home, there are no factors that can distract the assimilation of new material;
  • Speed ​​Reading School offers several hours per week. Self-study will allow you to study as much as you need.

After reading books on speed reading that Vasilyeva wrote, a person is able to remember more information in a short period of time. Memorization of information for children is the key to successful study, and for adults - career growth.

Acquisition of necessary skills

To assimilate large amounts of information, it is necessary to teach children to get rid of some unnecessary things. The same applies to adults. First of all, memorizing the material excludes the following things:

  • Speed ​​reading is hindered by subvocalization - the habit of mentally pronouncing the material read to oneself. To get rid of such a habit, at the time of reading, it is necessary to “tap” a certain beat on the table with a pencil. You can also mentally pronounce verses or text;
  • Poor peripheral vision. It is difficult for a person to cover a sufficient piece of text with a glance. In this case, it is recommended to resort to vertical reading. It is recommended to look at the center of the line, so that it can be seen in its entirety, after that, go to the next line;
  • Another inhibitory factor is the return movement of the eyes to the already read text. Sometimes remembering the material is complicated by inattention or difficulty of perception. A person has to return to read sentences up to 10 times. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to cover with a cardboard or notebook what has already been read.

Consolidation of success

As for adults, the technique of reading will allow them to succeed in learning languages ​​and much more. The results will not keep you waiting. To consolidate success, it is recommended to perform exercises every day.

Today's world offers us a huge amount of information and knowledge from different fields, which must be able to quickly and effectively assimilate. This online course is designed for people who want to quickly and free of charge learn the technique of speed reading at home. The program of this course consists of several lessons on the development of key skills for developing the ability to quickly read, which you can learn on your own in a few weeks. Our teaching methodology is suitable for both children and adults, and contains numerous techniques and exercises to learn how to read faster.

And if you want to master the technique of speed reading as quickly and efficiently as possible, sign up for our.

It is hard to imagine that even 20-30 years ago, in order to find an answer to any question, you had to go to the library, take books on a topic that interests you and look for the desired materials there. Nowadays, it is enough just to ask the appropriate query to the search engine and get a huge amount of information on the issue that interests you.

Now there is no problem of lack of information, but there is a problem of its overabundance, in which a person is lost. In the modern information space, you need to be able to navigate in order to make this space useful for yourself. One of the most useful skills is the ability to quickly, and most importantly, usefully perceive the information that we see in our laptops, e-books, iPhone, iPad and all other sources of information, including newspapers and books.

The ability to quickly read an article, book, textbook, as well as understand and assimilate the material will allow you to become more effective, more successful than you were before. And most importantly, it will save your time, which becomes one of the most important resources. This section contains useful materials on how to master the technique of speed reading with a high level of effective perception of information.

Today by taking the time to master speed reading techniques, tomorrow you will be able to receive and process more information, while remaining the master of your saved time.

What is shorthand?

speed reading (or fast reading) is the ability to quickly perceive textual information when using special reading methods. Fast reading is 3-4 times faster than normal reading. (Wikipedia).

One of the most popular speed reading schools in Russia, Oleg Andreev's school, says that after completing 2 levels of training, you can achieve a reading speed of 10,000 characters per minute, which is approximately 5-7 pages of an average book.

It turns out that you can read 150-200 pages of a book in a half-hour trip on the subway at that speed. This is far more than the average person will read in that amount of time.

In addition to the Oleg Andreev School, such well-known experts in speed reading as Natalia Grace, Andrey Spodin, Vladimir and Ekaterina Vasiliev and many others offer their courses. However, some people have learned to read quickly without attending courses, schools, trainings and special centers, and without reading speed reading textbooks - you even know many of them, these are Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin, Thomas Edison and many others. Therefore, try to learn it yourself first, especially since it will cost you nothing.

And how fast do you read?

We suggest you check how fast you read. To do this, read the text in the exercise below and answer a few questions on its assimilation.

Course Description

This course is designed to master the skill of speed reading. This speed reading skill is most useful for studying Internet resources, informational articles, reading newspapers, magazines, popular science literature, and textbooks. Fast reading will allow you not only to read texts faster, but also to master information better - find it and remember it in order of priority.

This training involves daily classes at home or at work for 20-40 minutes (you can do it less often, but then the effect will be less). The course consists of 5 stages, each of which involves the development of certain skills that help to read quickly. To master the skill, it is important to practice more - read articles on resources of interest to you (for example, sections you like on Wikipedia), read newspapers, magazines, textbooks - devote at least half an hour a day extra to this.

With this mode of study, you will get results in a couple of weeks, and if you study for 2-3 months, you can significantly increase the speed and quality of reading.

How to learn to read quickly?

To learn how to read fast on this site, just follow the exercises described in 5 lessons. If you try to generalize the various techniques for teaching speed reading, then the process of mastering this skill can be divided into 5 parts (these are 5 lessons). Each lesson allows you to master a specific skill that will increase your reading speed and efficiency in mastering the material. The content of the lessons is built in such a way that you can study online as interactively and conveniently as possible without teachers and tutors.

To get started, look at all the lessons, try to complete the exercises, if some skill is given to you quickly, then do not stop for a long time in this lesson. For example, many people do not have attention problems when reading and are able to skip to Lesson 2. Pay more attention to those lessons and exercises that:

  1. seem useful to you
  2. cause you trouble.

It is not necessary to go through the exercises in the sequence indicated in the lessons, the main thing is to achieve the goal for each part.

5 Speed ​​Reading Lessons

5 skills useful for speed reading, which you can learn on our website:

1. Focus(LESSON 1)
You have probably noticed that an interesting book is read in one breath and faster than a boring textbook. Also, for example, when reading an interesting book, you gradually accelerate, plunging into the process of reading ... Attention for speed reading is very important, and most importantly, it can be trained.

2. Suppression of articulation (pronunciation of the text)(LESSON 2)
Most people have a habit of reading text by saying it to themselves. If you want to read the text quickly, you need to do it "silently", that is, by saving yourself from articulation.

3. Improving visual skills(LESSON 3)
The ability to see all the text at once in a paragraph or even on a page, understand its structure, read not from left to right, but from top to bottom (or, as they say, “diagonally”) is an important skill for fast reading. Therefore, visual skills also need to be trained, and in life they can be useful when driving a car, playing sports, etc. The lesson contains special tables and a simulator for training speed reading.

4. Fast reading and information management(LESSON 4)
It's no secret that most texts have only a small amount of useful information that you must learn to quickly find. This skill comes most often with the experience of reading, but you can speed up this process with the help of special exercises.

5. Speed ​​reading and memory development(LESSON 5)
When you learn to read quickly, you will be able to master a fairly large amount of information. But the skill of speed reading can be useless if what is read is forgotten, which in principle is not strange, with such a volume of information. This information must be memorized.

In addition, the site provides additional materials for speed reading: books and textbooks, videos, simulators and programs, downloads, as well as articles with comments and reviews from social networks.

All children read slowly. Reading speed depends on the child's vocabulary and how much time he devotes to learning. If your child reads too slowly, gets low marks in reading, and teachers ask you to study with your child, then it's time to learn speed reading at home. Of course, you can use the services of private teachers who will take care of your child for a “very modest amount”, but is it worth paying if there is an opportunity to study on your own? This has another plus: you will be able to spend more time with your son or daughter.

What is shorthand?

If the child began to lag behind in school in many subjects and he does not have enough time allotted for the lesson to familiarize himself with the information provided in the textbook, it will be just fine to teach him speed reading. Of course, he will not become a genius who can completely read all the sheets in the time when classmates read only the first page. Speed ​​reading implies the selection of only the main thing and the complete rejection of unnecessary information, that is, that verbal garbage that does not affect the essence of what is being presented.

At what age can a child be taught to read?

There is no definite threshold here. The opinions of experts are divided, and someone believes that it is necessary to teach a child to speed read before the age of ten, while someone argues with this opinion, arguing that it is impossible to learn such a technique before the age of fourteen.

Speed ​​reading at home for children should start from the age when the child can correctly comprehend the text, that is, not only can read, but also understands the essence. This age is different for everyone and largely depends on kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers and parents. So, to understand that your baby is ready to learn speed reading, you should focus on four basics:

  1. The ability not only to distinguish letters, but also to build syllables and words from them.
  2. Correct reading comprehension. That is, if a child reads about a turtle, but says that it is about a horse, then he is not ready, because he does not understand the meaning.
  3. The ability to choose only the main thing from the whole text.
  4. Can retell what has been read.

And in order for speed reading at home (we will describe exercises to master this skill) to bring a greater effect, it is worth starting from the activity of the child. If he is not diligent, then it is worth waiting a bit until the hyperactivity passes.

Mistakes made during training

How to learn speed reading at home without desire? There is only one answer, it is completely impossible, therefore, before starting the course, it is worth starting from the desire of the child. If he absolutely does not want to read (refers to preschool age), then you should not force him, as the desire to learn will completely disappear. So, if the child is determined to learn, then you can start.

The first thing every parent should remember is that the initial skills should not be spent a lot of time, and the initial exercises should not last more than fifteen minutes. After that, it is worth giving the child a rest for about an hour and continue on. Why? Just a small amount of material is absorbed quickly, and from a large amount, the child can remember absolutely nothing.

Teach your child not letters, but sounds, that is, say not "EM", but "M". Otherwise, the child will read instead of "mother" - "emaema".

Learn to immediately read in syllables, and not in letters, so the process will go faster. Stop all attempts by the baby to move his lips when reading to himself. Teachers assure that with such stirring, the child will comprehend the same word for too long.

Speed ​​reading at home for children: exercises for the brain

Of course, you can choose the technique yourself, but you can also use the proven method that experts use. The main thing is to choose one training method, and not change it daily. So, we begin to learn speed reading at home, let's start an effective course with brain training.

Find a couple

To develop the speed of thinking, you can start this exercise from a very early age, the main thing is that the baby already knows the letters and knows how to work with syllables. You can buy, or you can draw cards on which syllables will be written on your own. Spread them on the table in a disorderly position and invite the child to make words that he can find. For example: "vo-yes", "pa-pa", "ba-ba". With each exercise, complicate the task by adding one syllable to the words.

The cards should have syllables of those words that the child has already seen, the main thing here is attention, memory.

Reading per minute

Take a book you haven't read yet and have your child read a few lines. Note the time yourself and mark with a pencil the place where he stopped after a minute. Then again ask to read the same passage, and the number of words this time will be more. Repeat the exercise every day.


Speed ​​reading at home will become much more productive if you train your visual memory hard. Write the wrong sentence on a piece of paper and the corrected version on another. For example: "A frog was sitting on a green meadow" and "A frog was sitting on a green meadow." Ask the child to quickly read the first option, and then just as quickly - the second. You will be surprised, but the baby will read the second option as correctly as the first. This is visual memory.

You can do the same not with sentences, but with words, removing all vowels or several letters from the second option.

If the first time did not work out, ask them to find the mistakes made in the sentence or word, and continue training every day.

visual perception

Spend dictations with your child, but not those that we used to write at school, but visual ones. Take a book with large letters and a clean sheet. Close all sentences from the child except the first one, and give him a minute to study it. Then close the entire text, and let him write on the sheet what he read. Do the same with the following sentences.

Not with a whip, but with a stick

If your child fails to learn speed reading at home, the exercises are not given as they should, then in no case scold him. Try again and again, and be sure to praise for each success. The trainee should have only a good mood, a positive attitude and positive emotions. If you scold him, then he will be pinched internally, and, most likely, you will not have to wait for success, and the result will get worse.

Why does a child need speed reading?

Speed ​​reading helps to quickly assimilate the material covered, eliminate all errors in reading. For example, if a child often "stammers", confuses letters and syllables, "swallows endings", then this technique will help get rid of these moments.

By increasing the speed of reading, the child will do more at school, learn to separate the main from the unnecessary in the material covered.

Speed ​​reading is great for developing memory. This is very important when learning, because every day children are given a huge amount of information, and a developed memory will help to better assimilate information, which means that their grades will improve!

In addition to reading and the exercises provided above, the child should also practice speed speech. Prepare tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings for him. Speed ​​reading at home will be more productive if the baby can speak quickly.

When reading, put the book on your lap, and while reading, run your finger along the line, the child should sit next to you and try to catch up with your movement. Move your finger a little faster each time.

Speed ​​reading for children at home: reviews

Many parents who have been self-taught with their child have noticed after completing the course that they are doing better in school. Also, children who have completed such a course have become much more attentive.

There are those who write that the teacher could not teach speed reading, because the child was uncomfortable in the classroom. With parents, children feel more relaxed.

There are parents who claim that they did not have the patience to educate their baby on their own, and they decided that they did not really need it.

In the age of modern technology and the eternal rush, you do not want to waste a minute or a second of your personal time. So adults try to do everything everywhere, and teach their children to this rhythm. Speed ​​reading is the latest innovation in our world. . Yes, this is something similar to the reading technique classes in elementary grades, but not quite the same. This is another concept that helps children and adults read quickly and absorb what they read at the same time.

What is shorthand

What is the process of speed reading or speed reading? In the lower grades, children still do not read very well, confusedly, slowly. For some, of course, this skill is given more easily, and they quickly adapt, get carried away and simply master any information that needs to be read. But usually every parent sooner or later thinks about how to teach a child to read faster, how to develop such abilities in him? And in order to help parents in this difficult task, today we will discuss useful recommendations, get acquainted with the history of this skill, discuss its pros and cons in children's life and give specific exercises and speed reading techniques.

Children who read well and quickly usually have a developed memory, they have well-constructed speech, and they can clearly and correctly construct a retelling of what they have read. By the way, teachers who conducted practical research in junior and senior grades also revealed the benefits of speed reading. They noted that high school students who knew how to quickly read and read in childhood found it much easier to study, and their academic performance was many times higher.

Some of the history of speed reading

The very first thoughts and ideas that reading technique can be improved began to appear at the beginning of the last century. This happened with the development of our world, with the increasing flow of information that humanity had to master and disseminate. The first serious developments and manuals began to appear both in Russia and abroad. However, they did not become too famous and widely used.

Everything began to change rapidly in the middle of the last century. In late 1945, Evelyn Wood, a teacher student, sent a large article to the famous Professor Lees. He, in turn, very quickly sent a response review. Evelyn was very surprised, because the article was really huge in size, and here is such a quick and, most importantly, worthy competent answer. Undoubtedly, the article was read from and to, and worked out. The surprised girl began to observe such "quick readers", and she was fascinated by the occupation for several years. During this period, she saw more than fifty people who, just like the professor, quickly studied any printed material, and responded amazingly quickly to it. During her observations, Evelyn noted the peculiarities of the behavior of these people, and the features of the most noticed tactics, here are just a few of them:

  • All the "fast readers" eyes on the book page moved vertically, not horizontally. And down. And not from left to right, as in ordinary reading;
  • Read at once or several words or even phrases;
  • The read text is practically not repeated. That is, it is read once.

Such famous people as Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Napoleon Bonaparte, John F. Kennedy, Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx possessed speed reading skills.

Do I need to learn speed reading and why?

In the age of information technology, the entire presentation and study of information has changed a lot. Needless to say, how difficult everything has become if the kids pass their first exams already in the first grade?!

In the modern world, it is not enough to study at the university once in a lifetime and defend a diploma. You need to constantly update your knowledge if you want to work in your specialty. What else is shorthand for? How to memorize more today's children, on whose heads this insane amount of various information has fallen?

It is precisely this skill that will help solve the problems of perception and processing of knowledge. If you and your child master the ability to read quickly, then you will be able to notice how much easier it has become for you to deal with new facts, technology, you will have new hobbies, about which you will also draw knowledge in books, on the Web ... The possibilities are endless!

In order to master speed reading, you need at least:

  • get rid of internal articulation (pronunciation of words)
  • use a wide angle of view (cover most of the page)
  • set a clear task of reading, i.e. understand and realize what and why you read

Another reason to learn to speed read is to overcome internal tightness and shyness. After all, reading and getting acquainted with more and more information, the child masters more knowledge, he becomes more sociable, more precisely, it is easier to open up for this communication. He has a lot of “ready-made, mastered” phrases in his head that he can use at will in everyday life.

For concentration of attention and development of thinking, it is incredibly useful to unravel. And their benefits are obvious not only for children, but for adults too.

Whatever method you choose, whatever exercise you like, the main thing in classes is regularity. The most desirable goal and motivation for you should be the fact that you and your child will be able to process information of any nature in a shorter period of time.

And do not forget to praise the child for any success!

The video below summarizes the above. The life hacks offered here are available to everyone:
