Tomsk State University. Subsystem of information messages


to the TSU Educational Portal,

providing training sites for EP 30/70 and BFG

(Educational portalv1.0)

1. General information 3

1.1. Full name of the system and its symbol 3

1.2. Name of developer and customer 3

1.3. Basis for system development 3

1.3.1. List of documents regulating automated activities 3

1.3.2. List of documents regulating the development of the system and TOR 3

1.3.3. List of classifiers used in the development of the system 4

1.4. Definitions and abbreviations 4

1.5. Planned start and end dates for the creation of the system 5

1.6. The procedure for registration and presentation of the results of work 5

2. Purpose and goals of creation (development) of the system 5

2.1. Purpose of system 5

2.2. System goals 6

3. Characteristics of the automation object 6

3.1. Togliatti State University 6

3.2. Experimental sites TSU 7

3.3. Operating and implemented AIMS TSU 7

4. System requirements 8

4.1. Overall system requirements 8

4.1.1. Requirements for the integration of system modules 8

4.1.2. Requirements for system integration with related systems 10

4.1.3. Requirements for the structure and functioning of the core of the educational portal 10 Single Data Space 10 Authentication Subsystem 12 Interface Subsystem 12 Subsystem of information messages 14 Contextual links subsystem 14 Data archiving subsystem 14

4.1.4. Portal Style Requirements 15

4.1.5. Requirements for the modes of operation and reliability of the system 15

4.1.6. Prospects for development, modernization of the system 15

4.2. Requirements for the functions performed by the system 16

4.3. Requirements for types of collateral 16

4.3.1. Requirements for information support 16

4.3.2. Software and hardware requirements 17

4.3.3. Requirements for organizational support 17

5. Composition and content of work on the creation of the system 18

6. System implementation 18

6.1. The order of control and acceptance of the system 18

6.2. System Documentation Requirements 18

6.3. Personnel requirements 19

1. General information

1.1. Full name of the system and its symbol

Educational portal of TSU, providing educational sites for experimental sites 30/70 and BFG.

System symbol: Educational portal v1.0

1.2. Name of developer and customer

Customer: GOU VPO "Togliatti State University" represented by Rector Zhilkin S.F.

Implementing partner: Center for New Information Technologies of Togliatti State University represented by R.V. Boyur, Deputy Director for Information Educational Technologies.

1.3. Basis for system development

1.3.1. List of documents regulating automated activities

Title of the document

Document Number

Acceptance date

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education"

Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Charter of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Togliatti State University"

With changes and additions from 28.02.2006

Regulations on the experimental site of TSU

Decision #340

Academic Council of TSU

Development Program of Togliatti State University for 2006-2007. and up to 2008 inclusive

Decision #489

Academic Council of TSU

1.3.2. List of documents regulating the development of the system and TK

1. GOST 24.104-85 "Automated control systems. General requirements".

2. GOST 34.201-89 "Types, completeness and designation of documents when creating automated systems".

3. GOST 34.601-90 "Automated systems. Stages of creation".

4. GOST 34.602-89 "Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system"

1.3.3. List of classifiers used in the development of the system

Title of the document

Document Number

Organization that accepted the document

Acceptance date

Unified classifiers and directories of information of the integrated automated information system in the field of education

Letter No. 34-51-53in/01-11

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education

Order No. 4

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

All-Russian classifier of information about the population (OKIN)

VNIIKI, Department of Statistical Standards and Classifications of the State Statistics Committee

Conducted constantly

Education Information Resource Classifiers (/classifiers/)

1.4. Definitions and abbreviations

AISU- automated information management system, a term adopted at TSU to refer to an information system that automates any part of the University's activities (some business processes or activities of any departments). When developing an educational portal, it is preferable to talk not about several AIMS being developed, but about the development of a single integrated AIMS of the educational process, built on modular principle.

Authentication- a technology that allows you to make sure that this particular user is working with the system. The standard identification method is a name / password request, more reliable but expensive methods are magnetic cards, biometrics, etc.

Buisness process– a sustainable sequence of operations to achieve certain business goals. Traditional business processes allocated in production are supply, personnel management, employment, warehouse, accrual allocated in production - this is not about several developed AIMS 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 production of goods, etc. In educational activities, one can distinguish such business processes as methodological work (development of training courses), development of educational programs, semester planning, scheduling, conducting training courses, etc.

Stub- a temporary layout of the future module of the educational portal, providing the data necessary for the operation of other modules. Instead of developing full-fledged functional places, a data structure is designed in a stub, which is then manually filled in by the portal administrator.

Module– according to the definition of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "any in a series of standardized units for use together". In developing AISU learning process a module is a part of an information system that automates one or more business processes, integrated with other modules, but designed in such a way that, in the event of its alteration, it does not affect other modules.

Naming- the stage of developing a corporate identity, inventing a sonorous and memorable name (verbal trademark).

Portal- the word "portal" came to the Internet from architecture in the meaning of "main entrance". This refers to the site from which a person regularly starts his work on the Internet, which he makes the start page of his browser. The portal should combine web services, content and links to other resources in such a way as to meet the needs of a large number of users (Internet-Russian Phrasebook, Yandex.Dictionaries).

DBMS– database management system.

TSU- Togliatti State University.

Gateway- a temporary module of the educational portal, designed to receive data from an already developed or being developed AIMS. It is a data structure required for the operation of other modules, and a system for synchronizing with the data of the existing AIMS.

1.5. Planned dates for the start and completion of work on the creation of the system

Scheduled commencement of works: 01.05.2006

Planned completion of works: 31.08.2006

1.6. The procedure for registration and presentation of the results of work

The result of the development is a functioning portal that meets the functional requirements for it, and a trained group of teachers and tutors who will conduct training courses 30/70 and BFG with a supporting site.

2. Purpose and goals of creation (development) of the system

2.1. Purpose of the system

Educational portal v1.0 is designed to provide training courses 30/70 and BFG, launched from September 2006, with telecommunication support using websites. For more details on experimental sites 30/70 and BFG, see section 3.2. Experimental sites of TSU.

2.2. The goals of creating a system

The purpose of developing an educational portal is to create a virtual educational environment at Togliatti State University, an important characteristic of which is the density of the information space and the intensity of communication flows.

The implementation period for a large project is 3…5 years. But already at the first stage, which solves rather limited tasks, a number of key solutions are laid in the core of the developed portal, allowing it to be developed in future versions. See Section 4.1.1 for more details. "Requirements for the structure and functioning of the core of the educational portal".

Since the organization of educational activities in a virtual environment is incomprehensible and unusual for the teaching staff, it is necessary not only to automate the business processes existing at the University, such as setting attendance, issuing study assignments, etc. The launch of the TSU educational portal is a social project, and in the designed virtual educational environment it should be convenient for all participants in the educational process to live and act - students, teachers, assistants, tutors, methodologists, administrators.

3. Characteristics of the automation object

3.1. Togliatti State University

Togliatti State University was established in 2001 on the basis of the Togliatti Polytechnic Institute (founded in 1951) and the Togliatti branch of the Samara State Pedagogical University (founded in 1988). In 2002, Sergei Fyodorovich Zhilkin was elected rector of the university.

Togliatti State University includes four institutes: automechanical, physical and technical, humanitarian and pedagogical, 7 faculties, 70 departments, the Department of Scientific Research and a number of affiliated educational, scientific and production units. All faculties and departments are equipped with educational laboratories, computer classes.

More than 1,500 employees work at the university, including 758 faculty members, including 60 doctors of sciences, 421 candidates of sciences.

The number of students is more than 13,000 people.

The university is located in 11 buildings in the Central and Avtozavodsky districts of the city. The total area of ​​educational and auxiliary buildings is more than 100 thousand square meters. meters. The area occupied by the university is more than 75 thousand sq.m. 3 hostels, 4 sports halls, 3 canteens for 996 seats, 7 canteens, hostel, publishing center. Library with a fund of more than 800 thousand copies, six reading rooms for 260 reading places.

The university provides its students with the passage of introductory, industrial and pre-diploma practice in full.

Graduates are issued a state diploma.

There are preparatory courses, retraining and advanced training courses, and postgraduate studies.

3.2. Experimental sites of TSU

Over the past three years, a number of experimental sites have been deployed at TSU for testing and introducing new forms of organizing the educational process. The experimental site is defined as "a form of organization of experimental activities for the development and implementation of socially significant projects that determine the development strategy of the university."

The educational technology "30/70" involves the division of classroom hours, provided for by the current curriculum, so that no more than 30% of these hours fall on the classroom work of the teacher with students, and the remaining 70% fall on the organized independent work of students. Educational technology involves a reduction in lectures and a corresponding increase in the time for self-training of students, as well as current and final control of the level of their preparation. To date, 11 experimental sites are operating using the "30/70" technology.

The block of functional literacy ("BFG") is a cycle of disciplines of the first year of study at TSU, the same for all specialties and areas of training. The purpose of the BFG cycle is to establish the basic functional literacy required for further education at the University. The BFG disciplines for September 2006 include "Fundamentals of Self-Organization", "Russian Language and Speech Culture", "Fundamentals of Computer Literacy", "Fundamentals of Working on the Internet".

In September 2006, the first stage of mass introduction of educational products into the educational process of TSU, developed according to the 30/70 technology and for the Functional Literacy Block, begins. Approximately 300…1000 students will take each BFG training course, and in a year, in September 2007, the entire flow of the first course will be completed. Servicing such a number of students should be carried out using modern telecommunication technologies - the task was to develop websites for training courses. At the same time, it is obvious that the development of a separate site for each course is inefficient, it is necessary to create a support system for the educational process with the ability to quickly and conveniently add new training courses to it.

BFG and 30/70 courses are only the first signs in the future system of organizing the educational process at TSU. The implementation of the theses of practice-oriented learning, the involvement of employers in the development of educational standards and "TSU - a city-forming factor" inevitably leads to the need for a serious revision of existing and development of training courses that are innovative both in content and in form. It is possible to manage the process of methodological development only if a whole system of methodological standards is developed and transferred to a technological basis.

3.3. Active and implemented AIMS TSU

At Togliatti State University, the following information systems have been implemented and are being maintained or are being developed/implemented:

"Human Resources Department"- admission, dismissal, transfer, staffing, units and their composition, etc. Forms an up-to-date database of employees.

"Student Personnel Department" and "Deans"- registration of students, distribution by groups, transfer from course to course, between specialties and groups, academic and maternity leave, output of reports, including a diploma of higher education. Forming an up-to-date database of students.

"Chairs"- automation of the department's workflow, the system is under development of the terms of reference.

"AST-Center Testing"- conducting tests in accordance with the schedule in computer classes. Requires data on the composition of students and the schedule of tests. Generates data about the results of testing.

"Curriculums (Mine)"– database of curricula of specialties. The composition of disciplines for blocks, semesters is described, teachers are attached, the load of students and teachers is calculated. Generates data on which academic disciplines in which semester for which specialties should be read. It does not take into account the peculiarities of the transition to an asynchronous credit-modular system, although it includes the ability to evaluate disciplines in credits.

"AUTO Schedule"- scheduling. Requires data on semester plans, the current database of students, teachers, classroom fund. Checks the compiled schedule for non-intersection by people and audiences. Generates data about which lesson in which classroom with which teachers and students will be held.

"Selection committee"- the work of the selection committee, registration of applicants, the results of their entrance exams, ratings, enrollment.

"Document management"– automation of office work, preparation, coordination, signature, distribution of orders. Through the "Document Management" there is an integration between the various developed AIMS.

"Reports"– preparation of reports for the Ministry of Education and Science and other regulatory authorities. A standalone module that does not provide meaningful data to other modules.

4. System Requirements

4.1. General system requirements

4.1.1. Requirements for the integration of system modules

The principal architecture of the educational portal should be modular and allow:

    develop separate modules and expand their functionality without a radical reworking of previously developed modules;

    provide encapsulation of the data structure and code within separate modules, and thus allow separate modules to be developed by different development teams.

The entire composition of the modules integrated as part of the educational portal can be divided into three groups:

1. Modules to be fully developed for portal version 1.0 by September 2006. These are the modules "Education", "Forum", "Electronic repository of educational materials", "Tests, trainings and assignments", "Websites".

2. Modules that will be fully developed in the next versions of the portal, but whose data is necessary for the operation of the modules of the first group. These are the modules "Development of educational programs", "Semester planning and choice of courses", "Methodological work", "Accounting for the classroom fund".

3. Existing or developing AIMS, which are already starting to generate relevant data for the operation of the modules of the first group. These are AISU "Student Personnel Department", "Staff Personnel Department", "Deans", "Schedule". For these modules, the structure of the required data and the synchronization system are being developed.

Scheme 1 shows various options for interacting with the core of the educational portal.

Scheme 1. Interaction of integrable modules with the OP core

When developing OP v1.0 for the modules of the second group, "stubs" are being developed, in which there is only the data structure that these modules will provide, and simple jobs for filling them. For the educational portal to work, the following data is required:

    from the module "Semester planning" - information about which students take which training courses in the current semester;

    from the module "Methodological work" - information about the internal structure of the BFG and 30/70 training courses - the composition of their training units, a list of teaching materials, the type of test event, the assessment system;

    from the module "Accounting for classroom stock" - an up-to-date database of audiences indicating their location (building, floor);

    from the "Schedule" module - information about the classroom lessons set in the schedule.

In the future, the necessary modules can be developed without changing the modules of the first group.

4.1.2. Requirements for system integration with related systems

For integration with existing AIMS, in addition to “stubs” in the form of data structures, “gates” (“gates”) should be developed so that the data already existing in these systems can be transferred to the core of the educational portal. Synchronization through gateways should be carried out with the frequency required for the effective operation of the portal (at least once a day).

4.1.3. Requirements for the structure and functioning of the core of the educational portal Single data space

Scheme 1. Single data space of modules

The kernel provides a single data space and separation of access to data of different modules. Each module has independent access to its own database space, its own space for placing server scripts, interacts in a unified way with the interface module and uses kernel subsystems. If necessary, modules can provide each other with access-restricted data in various ways - on tables by reading, on certain fields or records, providing access to a function or providing a View, including from several tables.

The kernel data area contains information about the main parameters of registered users of the system (id, full name, gender, date of birth, login, password, photo) and service information necessary for registering other modules. By the identifier of the user who entered the portal under the name / password, any module can find out the full name, gender, date of birth of the user.

Such an organization of access to module data provides the possibility of independent development of modules by different groups of developers, as well as increasing the functionality of one module without changing others. End-to-end visibility of data by the DBMS administrator allows implementing end-to-end indexing, referential integrity, and a uniform data archiving system. Authentication Subsystem

Each employee, student or other authorized user (applicant, employer, etc.) must have a permanent identifier. To log in, the user uses two strings - login and password. Initially, all logins are created from user IDs, then individual categories of users are given the opportunity to change logins. The system ensures the uniqueness of logins, including the reservation of special logins for system administrators.

The system must ensure that the password transmitted over the network is protected by a secure connection. The system should provide the ability to recover a forgotten password via email using the control word entered by the user. The system must provide effective methods of protection against password guessing, including standard types of hacker attacks.

It should be possible to create user groups in order to distribute rights not to individual users, but to groups at once. Rules for resolving conflicts of rights should be developed if the rights allocated to an individual user and to him as a member of a group differ. A number of groups (groups, specialties, years of study of students, a group taking a course, divisions of employees, etc.) are created globally. Being created in a certain module (“Semester planning”, “OK students”, etc.), they become available to all other modules. In addition to groups, the core provides modules with access to a number of additional user attributes, such as the time of day, from where the entry was made (from the computer network of the University or via the Internet), etc.

Each module performs user authorization independently. Roles in modules can be assigned to work with individual objects, taking into account their hierarchy. Thus, a moderator can be assigned to a topic, a section, or an entire forum, and so on. Depending on the role, certain functions on the page can be available, certain information is visible, or certain pages are completely inaccessible. The core of the system should provide modules with a set of standard functions for organizing simple authorization. The system interface should, if possible, not show the user links to those functions that he is not authorized to use.

All user sessions should be logged for statistical purposes. Interface Subsystem

The portal provides users with jobs in the educational environment, which should be built according to the classic rules for building interfaces:

    the workplace should help solve problems, and not become a task itself;

    the user should not have a suspicion that the system is stupid;

    the user should have no doubt that he is considered stupid.

The interface should provide the following permanent functional areas at the location on the portal pages:

    corporate identification (brand identity of TSU, educational portal, possibly visual identification of sections of the portal) is placed on each page in a fairly small area;

    service information - counters, copyrights, feedback, is placed at the bottom of each page;

    main menu - a hierarchical list of functions available to the user, located on the left side of the page, includes the ability for the user to add quick links to the pages he most often places;

    feed of information messages (see "Subsystem of information messages") - can also inform the user that new messages have appeared in the process of work, is placed on the right side of the page (except for the start page of the portal, on which the feed is placed in the working area of ​​modules );

    working area of ​​modules - various modules implement their interface with the user and display information in it, it is located in the center of each page of the portal;

    service area - it contains a number of icons that provide the ability to print a page, register with a username / password, get help on the current page, located in the upper right corner of the screen.

All functional zones, except for the workspace, are implemented by the interface subsystem, while modules being developed are only centrally registered in them. Each functional area is located in a rectangular area with a title heading. It should be possible to collapse zones that are unnecessary for the user (except for the service and working areas of modules) and the entire left and right parts of the screen to maximize the use of screen space. If necessary, the interface subsystem provides a way for modules to automatically call this function.

The interface should allow the user to customize the size of screen fonts.

The interface should enable the user to perform the functions required of him with optimal speed, including the ability to efficiently enter using the keyboard, the use of reference books and tips, "wizards" for performing complex sequences of operations, and the possibility of sorting.

The interface should provide instant feedback on user actions. In the case of lengthy operations, a warning should appear on the screen that a wait may be required.

All typical ways of interacting with the user (error message, warning about a dangerous action, information about an incorrectly completed form, etc.) should occur uniformly in all modules that work as part of the educational portal.

The interface development team should provide feedback from users to receive suggestions and comments on the arrangement of user workstations.

It is not required to preserve the functionality when viewing the portal with other versions of browsers, including Lynx, with disabled JavaScript, disabled cookies, using WebTV and on other monitors with a resolution below 800x600px. Subsystem of information messages

A system of internal messages between users should be developed, including messages automatically sent to users when events occur in various modules. Thus, a teacher leading a course must promptly receive a message at his workplace that the student personnel department or the dean's office has registered a new student in the group for which the teacher is teaching a course; the teacher should be able to see how many unchecked student papers are waiting for him, etc. Each module should provide a list of events at which it is able to generate messages, and when designing a workplace, it should be possible to specify which events should always come, from which the user can "unsubscribe" and which ones "subscribe".

It should be possible to deliver aggregated messages when the user is informed about the total number of events that have occurred, for example, the total number of new publications on the sites of departments on topics of interest to him. To implement this opportunity, a single thematic catalog of the University is being created, to which all new publications are linked on the forum, websites of departments and their news feeds, in the next versions of the portal - in the electronic library. The catalog structure is maintained by the TSU Media Center.

Messages sent to the user must have a certain lifetime in days, after which they, being unread, are automatically removed from the list to the archive. It should be possible to remove a message from the list by reading it, or by user action. A message priority system and automatic sorting by priority should be implemented. In future versions of the portal, it should be possible to select (both developers and the user) different channels for delivering messages - to the contextual links zone of the portal, via ICQ, via SMS. Contextual links subsystem

In the process of working in the AIMS modules, the portal should provide the user with the opportunity to switch to other materials or functions that are important in this context. For example, when viewing academic assignments, the student should be able to quickly switch to the teacher's schedule of other classes in order to find a convenient consultation time. When you switch from viewing course materials to the forum, you should be able to quickly return to the course. The contextual links subsystem should ensure that the context of the user's work is preserved when he moves through the portal and provide the ability for one module to provide links to their pages from other modules. Data archiving subsystem

The educational process is a very information-intensive business process. The volume of tasks completed, attendance set, tests passed, grades received is growing very quickly, and for each type of data of this kind, their lifetime in the database must be determined. An end-to-end archiving system for all modules should provide the ability to clean the database of obsolete data and transfer them to an archival state with the possibility, if necessary, of temporarily raising this data from the archive upon an authorized request (for example, when it is necessary to restore the test results of a certain student five years ago).

4.1.4. Portal Style Requirements

Naming must be carried out for the educational portal. The chosen name of the portal should be harmonious and memorable and not contradict the functional purpose of the portal and the corporate culture of TSU.

The portal should have a design that uses TSU corporate symbols and is made in a modern attractive style. Color, font solutions, modular grid, system of navigation icons, image sizes should be developed initially for the entire portal and used by each of the modules in its composition. Color coding of various modules is allowed.

The design of the portal should make efficient use of screen real estate if the user enlarges the window. The design should include the ability in future versions of the portal to allow the user to customize the size of screen fonts and to choose between several styling solutions ("skins"), as well as the administrator to customize the appearance of the portal for certain events, such as major holidays.

The layout of the portal should provide for the correct display of the portal in the following browsers:

    Internet Explorer version 5 and above,

    Mozilla FireFox version 1.5 and above,

    Opera version 8 and above.

The portal should look decent even if the user has disabled the loading of images.

A design should be developed for printing the site pages, including the main statements and reporting forms.

4.1.5. Requirements for the modes of operation and reliability of the system

The mode of operation is uninterrupted around the clock (with the exception of agreed periods of time for routine maintenance of equipment or software of the system) with the provision of technical support during the opening hours of the services and departments of the university.

Ensuring the operability of server equipment and network equipment is carried out by the technical support group.

The reliability of the system being created should be ensured by:

    selection of fault-tolerant equipment and its structural redundancy;

    using uninterruptible power supplies;

    the choice of the topology of telecommunication and local computer networks, providing variability in the routing of information flows;

    duplication of information carriers;

    using a reliable configuration of the operating system, database management system and server applications.

4.1.6. Prospects for development, modernization of the system

The following versions of the educational portal are expected to be developed:

    search subsystem, end-to-end for all sections and modules of the portal;

    help subsystem integrated into the portal and allowing to receive help on each of the functions available to the user;

    a full-fledged module "Electronic Library" with an alphabetical, thematic catalog and a full-text search system;

    module "Methodical work" with the ability to design and visualize the device of the training course;

    module "Development of an educational program", which provides an opportunity for those responsible for the development of educational programs to describe them in the system for the subsequent transfer of this information to the semester planning module;

    the "Semester Planning" module, which makes it possible to draw up semester administrative curricula, organize the choice of courses by students and their final distribution among courses;

    the "Schedule" module, possibly using the AUTO schedule optimization logic;

    a number of other service modules.

Hardware and server software should provide the ability to increase functionality without changing the developed software, for example, by increasing the power of servers, the bandwidth of the local network, switching to a cluster organization of a database server, changing the version of system software.

4.2. Requirements for the functions performed by the system

The following modules should function in the educational portal v1.0:

    "Training" (jobs for the main participants in the educational process - students, teachers, visualization of the course schedule, the issuance and implementation of training tasks, the current rating of students);

    "Forum" (distant communication between the participants of the educational process on the issues of the training course);

    "Sites" (the ability for students or groups of students to create educational sites and publish materials on them as learning tasks);

    "Electronic repository of educational materials" (an infrastructure that provides the ability to store educational materials for other modules);

    "Test-training system" (possibility of computer testing, work on various simulators and performance of educational tasks).

A detailed description of the functions of the main modules of the system is drawn up in separate Terms of Reference for each module.

4.3. Requirements for types of collateral

4.3.1. Requirements for information support

The core and all modules of the educational portal v1.0 must use a single database located on one or more database servers.

The system should provide the user with access to data and functions via the Web interface, providing the ability to work with it on any computer on the university's corporate network, as well as via the Internet. The system should have a three-tier architecture (database server - application server - client) and completely eliminate the configuration and maintenance of client workstations for working with the educational portal.

The educational portal of TSU must have a dedicated third-level domain name, for example, .

Information compatibility of the educational portal with other information systems of the university should be ensured by standardizing the structure and forms of electronic documents of the university.

4.3.2. Software and hardware requirements

The system must provide 24x7 operation (non-stop around the clock).

In the event of software or hardware failures, recovery of data lost as a result of failures must be ensured to ensure the continued operation of the system with minimal loss of time.

The developed system should function in the existing corporate network of the University and allow users to work with it both from any computer connected to the TSU corporate network and via the Internet.

The system must be compatible with all modern standards of network administration and service.

The system should be the basis for creating a unified information environment of the University and allow the possibility of integrating into its structure the elements necessary for further development.

The system should have a reserve for increasing functionality, without going beyond the accepted information model of the University's business processes, the characteristics of the technological base and the specific needs of users.

The system should be able to increase the capacity of the information flow (the volume and speed of processed information, the intensity of data exchange, the growth in the number of users, etc.) without a fundamental restructuring of the system.

All software used both by the developed system itself and during its development must be licensed by the time the system is put into commercial operation.

For the functioning of the system, two dedicated servers are required - a DBMS and server applications.

4.3.3. Requirements for organizational support

Modules of the educational portal are developed on the basis of a functional model of the process of production of educational services. In the event of an organizational restructuring of the process and redistribution of functions between the employees of the University, the functional model should be changed and, on its basis, the functions and access rights of users should be reorganized.

5. Composition and content of work on the creation of the system

The terms of reference for each module integrated as part of the educational portal are developed and approved separately. The stages and terms of work for each module should be determined by a separate development contract.

The main subsystems of the core of the educational portal v1.0 should be developed by the time the portal is launched in September 2006.

6. Implementation of the system

6.1. Procedure for control and acceptance of the system

Acceptance into operation of each module is carried out by the commission in accordance with the work plan for the module, fixed in a separate technical assignment. After completion of the stage of work, an act of completed work is drawn up. After the completion of the trial operation of a certain module, an act of acceptance of the module for commercial operation is drawn up.

Acceptance of the educational portal v1.0 into operation takes place after the completion of the development of the main modules and the launch of the site of training courses 30/70 and BFG in September 2006.

6.2. System Documentation Requirements

The core of the system is accompanied by the following documentation:

    general description of the system core;

    integrated data model of the subsystem, implemented in the IDEF1X methodology.

The programmer's guide, administrator's guide and user's guide for portal version 1.0 are not being developed.

Program code should be documented to the extent that it can be understood by other experienced programmers.

Each module developed as part of the educational portal may be accompanied by additional documentation:

    general description of the module;

    functional model of the module, made in the IDEF0 methodology;

    data model used by the module, implemented in the IDEF1X methodology;

    programmer's guide;

    administrator's guide;

    user's manual;

    organizational procedure for making changes to the logic and data structure of the module.

The exact list of the developed documentation is approved in a separate terms of reference for each module.

The user should not have a deep understanding of the logic of the module, but should get a clear and, if possible, visual idea of ​​the logic of the business process in which he participates, what functions and information are available to him, with whom and how he interacts. The same manual should be integrated into the system interface and available as online help via contextual links.

In the process of developing a technical project of the educational portal and modules of the AIMS of the educational process, a "TSU standard" in the field of information systems development should be formed. It should include:

    a single glossary of terms;

    rules and norms for describing technical specifications;

    rules for schematization of automated business processes;

    rules for prototyping interfaces and developing their functional layouts;

    a single set of principles for building an interface, including a reaction to erroneous user actions, a system of hints and help, wizards for performing complex operations, etc.;

    coding rules (naming functions and variables, code commenting, shared library of functions / classes);

    the main list of software tools used for development (operating systems, web servers, application servers, databases, development environments);

    rules for documenting developed systems.

6.3. Personnel Requirements

A group of administrators should be prepared to maintain the servers and services of the educational portal. A group of administrators must have the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the main system services, configure the software and hardware of the system, and classify and eliminate errors that occur.

Users of the system are required to be able to work in the web interface. Training of teachers and tutors to work with the site that supports the educational process on 30/70 and BFG must be completed by the beginning of the academic semester (09/01/2006). Primary training should take place before the summer holidays on the developed functional layouts of the main modules of the portal.

  • Terms of reference for the module "semester planning" as part of the TSU educational portal providing educational sites for ep 30/70 and bfg (module "semester planning" v 2 0)

    Technical task

    2007 "___" _______________2007 TECHNICALEXERCISEon the module "Semester planning" as part of educationalportalTSU, providingeducationalsitesEP30 /70 and BFG(Module "Semester planning" ...

  • Section i strategic priorities for the development of TSU for 2010-2011

    A task

    key staff, providingtraining process in... educational program. 3. TK on the creating a module " Educational programs V 1.0" portalTSU; 4. EP by description educational... 1. Compose Technicalexerciseon the

  • Tomsk, ave. Lenina, 36. Psychology, social work. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. S. 474) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ...

    - (TUSUR) International name of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TSU of CSR) ... Wikipedia

    Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics- Tomsk, ave. Lenina, 40. Social work. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. S. 474) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics of Tomsk State University (FPMK TSU) has been organized since 1970-71 academic years. The main idea of ​​​​the faculty curriculum is to graduate a specialist who should be able to: build ... ... Wikipedia

    - (TSPU) International name ... Wikipedia

    - (TGASU) International name Tomsk state University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB) Founded June 5, 1952 ... Wikipedia

    Tomsk State Pedagogical University- Tomsk, Komsomolsky prospekt, 75. Psychology, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education, social pedagogy, speech therapy, valeology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Surgut State University of Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Ugra (GBOU VPO SurGU Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug of Yugra) International name Surgut State University ... Wikipedia


    • Religious denominations of Western Siberia in the 40-60s of the XX century, Soskovets L.I.. The monograph examines for the first time the complex of religious organizations in Western Siberia in the 1940-1960s. The polyconfessional nature of the West Siberian region is being clarified, the location of…
    • Methodology of science. Collection of works of the All-Russian Philosophical Seminar. Issue 5. Problems of method typology,. The collection presents the works of the participants of the fifth session of the permanent All-Russian seminar `Methodology of Science` (April 2002). The seminar is held at the Tomsk State…


    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION SITES The word site (in English “site”) itself means “place”. Place on the Internet. A site is a set of web pages interconnected by cross-references, located under one common root name. For example, (website of the Institute of Distance Education of Tomsk State University).

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION The site contains web pages with information about the Institute: for example, "Bank of Courses": a section containing information about electronic educational resources developed at IDO TSU.

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION directories and databases for the system of general secondary, primary and special education, as well as the system of additional education in general.


    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Site Planet of Dissertations contains abstracts of dissertations in various fields of knowledge. Abstracts of dissertations defended at TSU:

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Dissertations Library and Archives Canada (from 1998 to August 31, 2002) Library and Archives Canada Elektronische Dissertationen der Ruhr-Universität Elektronische Dissertationen der Ruhr-Universität Patents United States Patent and Trademark Office (from 1790 to 2005 .) United States Patent and Trademark Office VINITI abstract and bibliographic databases (since 1981) VINITI INION

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Sites of Correspondence Schools In modern conditions, correspondence schools are turning into distance work centers that can meet the diverse needs of the population, including those for preparing for universities and introducing original educational programs. Correspondence schools of TSU received support within the framework of the ISO project - "Informatization of the Education System".

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TSU Correspondence School of Physics and Mathematics: Correspondence School "Young Chemist" Correspondence School "Young Biologist" Correspondence School "Young Manager"

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL PORTALS The word portal - (from the English portal - “portal”) came to the Internet from architecture in the meaning of “main entrance”. Initially, the portal was understood as a site from which a person regularly starts his work on the Internet and makes it the home page of his browser. A portal should be a site that combines web services, content (content) and links to other resources in such a way as to meet the needs of a large number of users.

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION So, large resources of the Network, for example, Mail, Google, Yahoo!, Rambler, Yandex, Aport, which provide users, in addition to search tools, also a lot of additional services - from mail to news and information about the exchange rate - it is customary to call portals. Note: You can place a link to your site, for example, on the website of the Tomsk Region of the Russian General Educational Portal:

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Information retrieval systems allow you to provide a deep search for the necessary information on a specific topic. Information retrieval systems include: Web search engines (Mail, Rambler, Yandex, Aport); reference systems "Garant", "Consultant Plus", "Kodeks" electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias (Wikipedia:).

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Electronic catalogs are used on the Web as a repository of reference information, as well as libraries of full-text resources, electronic educational resources (EER). Various educational portals accumulate and store EER in catalogs or collections. The Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources includes a variety of digital educational resources: methodological materials, thematic collections, tools (software) to support educational activities and organize the educational process.

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Catalog of the Russian General Educational Portal: Collection "Russian Language - Dictations" (ibid.): Collection "History of Education" of the Russian General Educational Portal

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Catalog of printed educational publications posted on the Internet (website of the Republican Center for Multimedia and Telecommunications in Education) Catalog of educational CD-ROMs (Internet catalog of multimedia CD-ROMs) Catalog of links to educational resources “All education on the Internet » Catalog of electronic educational resources IDO TSU "Bank of Courses"

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Nobel laureates: biographical articles Rubricon: encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books Encyclopedia “Krugosvet” Encyclopedia “The nature of science. 200 laws of the universe" Russian Biographical Dictionary

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Federal portals Federal portal "Russian education" Russian general education portal:

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Federal educational portal “Economics. Sociology. Management Federal Portal Engineering Education Federal Portal Social, Humanitarian and Political Science Education Federal Legal Portal Legal Russia

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Federal portal "Continuing teacher training" Educational portals Natural science educational portal: Portal "Museums of Russia"

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Portal of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources (FCIER) Library of EER (Electronic Educational Resources) FCIOR Portal for searching electronic educational resources

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Single window of access to educational resources


    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Resources of 10 Siberian regions are presented for all levels of education Portal of the Siberian Federal Resource Center


    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Open Access Resources Section "Electronic Scientific Resources" NB TSU: The TSU Scientific Library provides access to full-text remote resources, which are represented by electronic journals and books, mainly in English. Access to resources is possible from all TSU computers and reading rooms of the TSU Scientific Library.

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Electronic Libraries Electronic Library of the Russian Internet University for the Humanities Electronic Library of the Russian Humanitarian Internet University Virtual Library EUNnet Library of Electronic Resources of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University Library of the site "Ecoculture" Library of Maxim Moshkov

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Library "Ikhtika" FEB: Fundamental electronic library "Russian literature and folklore"

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION Industry fund of OFAP algorithms and programs: Performs registration of electronic educational resources. OFAP Database (OFAP DB, Query Builder for Users) - y_sys_user.php?state=config y_sys_user.php?state=config

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION List of the most needed links on the portal -

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION State rubricator of scientific and technical information; (GRNTI) All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations (OKPO) - Library of advertising and technical descriptions (RTO) Library and bibliographic classifier (LBC) -

    TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION The main part of the advertising and technical description (RDD) must necessarily contain the following sections, with the same name: 1) functional purpose of the program, scope, its limitations; 2) used technical means; 3) special conditions and requirements of an organizational, technical and technological nature; 4) conditions for the transfer of documentation or its sale.