Lesson-game in English - “Traveling around Great Britain. Theme "Great Britain"

Learning English, of course, arouses interest in the country in which this language is the state language. And this country is Great Britain or Great Britain. Today we want to talk to you, dear readers, about England and everything connected with it. How to conduct a lesson on the topic "Great Britain"? In the movie "Seven Psychopaths" the following phrase was heard: "- I saw Maggie sitting on a chair, in a very dull place. - In England or what?". So, today we will figure out what kind of country this is, is it really so dull, what is interesting in it and how to conduct a lesson on the topic of Great Britain.

If you are a parent and you decide to give your child a lesson on the UK, or if you are a teacher and want to teach a lesson on this topic at school, then there is a huge scope for your imagination. Great Britain or England (as we used to call it) is an incredibly interesting and beautiful country! You can talk about it to the guys from morning until late at night. And it is unlikely that just one school lesson in English will be enough to introduce children to this country.

The full name of Britain is: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Each of these territories has its own history, culture, customs and traditions. Each part of Britain has its main cities and symbols.

Great Britain has an unusual climate, especially in Great Britain's capital, London. You have probably heard that the climate of London is in many ways similar to the climate of St. Petersburg: sunny and warm weather can be replaced by rain, fog is abruptly replaced by the sun, and so on several times a day. Not without reason in England there were sayings about the weather, such as: Weather, wind, women, and fortune change like the moon. — Weather, wind, women and fate change like the moon .

Perhaps the most interesting thing that attracts tourists to the UK is its capital. Like any other world capital, London is the economic, administrative, political and cultural center of the country.

The main administrative buildings, the residence of the queen, as well as many beautiful sights are concentrated here: Big Ben - Big Ben, Buckingham Palace - Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus - Piccadilly Circus, London Eye - Ferris Wheel in London, Nelson's Column - Nelson's Column, National Gallery - National Gallery etc. Residents of London, and the British in general, are proud of their capital.

But not only London can be proud of its beauty and majesty. The UK is full of other interesting places. For example, the city of Liverpool (Liverpool), which gave the world a famous and beloved band The Beatles.

Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, Giant's Road, the beauty of Edinburgh, Hampton Court and much more awaits us in the UK.
What is the UK, brief information about the country

A bit about the culture of Britain

An English lesson about Great Britain itself cannot do without getting to know its culture. The culture in this country is very rich. The history of Britain is full of exciting events and prominent political figures.

There are many theaters and museums in all four parts of Great Britain. Literature, philosophy, music, architecture are developed in this country. She gave the world brilliant artists, poets, writers, musicians, actors, directors, rock bands.

Speaking about the culture of Great Britain, it is impossible not to say about the language. Due to its simplicity and ease, as well as its distribution, English has gained international status. In schools and universities in most countries, the study of this nominal language is common. In Britain, English is the official state language.

It is so widespread in the world that not knowing English in modern life is even somehow ashamed. Thanks to this language, we have the opportunity to communicate in any country, even without knowing the language of this state. Because there will always be those who speak English and thereby facilitate communication.

English Literature - what is it?

English Literature or English. Literature is a huge spiritual heritage of both British and world significance. Great Britain has given the world a huge number of poets and writers, as well as folklore works. William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Francis Bacon and many other English writers gave us their immortal works.

If you are studying English with children, then let each of your lessons be at least a ten-minute acquaintance with some writer or poet. Children need to know their names, their works. It is very important to read these writers in the original, that is, in English. Reading stories, reading and memorizing poems - all this will enrich the speech and vocabulary of the child, as well as introduce him to the culture of the country.

What is the best thing to use in class?

If the topic of your English lesson is “Great Britain” and everything connected with it, then there is room for your imagination to run wild. Use the visuals with the image of British sights, postcards with views of cities, let the guys see it all with their own eyes. Various informative texts and articles from the “Did you know what…” section, as well as about the culture and inhabitants of the country, will help you introduce your students to England.

Audio and video materials will also diversify your lesson in English and British civilization. Show the children documentaries about this country, listen with them to texts and dialogues on cassettes and CDs. Don't forget to comment with them on everything you watch and listen to. Ask the children to find and prepare information about the UK themselves, discuss it with the whole class.

We hope our advice will serve you well. Good luck friends!

Topic in English with translation on the topic Great Britain (Great Britain) will help you talk about the country whose language you are learning. Topic Great Britain in English will give you a general idea of ​​this country, its geography and main attractions.


Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe and are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water. It is called the English Channel. Seas and oceans influence the British climate. It is too cold in winter but never very hot in summer.

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the central part, it occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. Each part has its capital: the capital of England is London, Scotland has Edinburgh, Wales has Cardiff, and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

The capital of Great Britain is London; it is the cultural center of the country and is situated on the banks of the Thames. There are s lot of places of interest to visit. The Big Ben, the Tower Bridge over the river Thames, the International London Heathrow Airport, the Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery of Art and many others.

There are about 64 million people living in Great Britain, most of them are English, Irish and Scottish. They all have special traditions for celebrating holidays and cook special food for festivals. All the members of families take part in these events. People in Great Britain are polite and kind.

Great Britain is the state of the future. I dream of going to London and seeing the most wonderful sights of the capital of the United Kingdom and I hope it will come true one day.


United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located in the British Isles. They lie in the north of Europe and are separated from the continent by a narrow strait. It's called the English Channel. The British climate is influenced by the seas and oceans. It gets too cold in winter, but never too hot in summer.

The United Kingdom consists of 4 parts - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Each part has its own capital. London is the capital of England, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff is the capital of Wales, and Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

The capital of Great Britain - London, is the cultural center of the country, and it is located on the banks of the Thames. It has many attractions that you can visit - Big Ben, Tower Bridge over the River Thames, Heathrow International Airport, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery of Art and many others.

About 64 million people live in Britain, most of them English, Irish and Scottish. They all have special traditions for holidays, they prepare special food for festivals. All family members take part in these events. People in Britain are polite and kind.

Many famous people were born in Britain. One of them is William Shakespeare, who wrote the tragedies Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth and many other plays. William Shakespeare Born in 1564 and lived in Stratford upon Avon with his wife and children. Shakespeare died in 1616.

Great Britain is considered the state of the future. My dream is to visit London and enjoy the beautiful views of the capital of the United Kingdom for myself and I hope that this dream will someday come true.

17 Sep

Topic in English: England

Topic in English: England (England). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on the topic.

Country England

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It covers the central and 2/3 of the southern part of the island of Great Britain, including over 100 smaller islands. The country is bordered by Scotland and Wales. It is washed by the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea and the North Sea. The English Channel separates England from continental Europe. The population of the country is about 51 million people.

Emergence of the United Kingdom

Originally settled by the Celts, England was conquered by the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes and Normans. The acts of uniting England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 and Ireland in 1801 formed the United Kingdom. The capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom is London.

England has a temperate maritime climate. The weather in the country is very changeable with frequent rainfall, especially in the Lake District.


The most important rivers in England are the Thames, Mersey and Tyne, with ports respectively at London, Liverpool and Newcastle.


The economy of England is one of the largest in the world. The country is a leader in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in aerospace and military. Tourism has also become an important part of England's economy. The country is visited by millions of tourists every year.


There are many theatres, museums, libraries and galleries in England. Among the most significant are the London British Museum, which holds a collection of more than 7 million exhibits, the British Library and the National Gallery.


There are a large number of universities in England. The most famous - Oxford and Cambridge, attract students from all over the world. Common similar features gave them the name Oxbridge.


It is worth noting another interesting fact: England is the birthplace of many sports, but the most common of them is football.


England is a very interesting and beautiful country.

Download Topic in English: England



England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It comprises the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, including over 100 smaller islands. The country borders on Scotland and Wales. It is washed by the Irish Sea, the Celtic Sea and the North Sea. The English Channel separates England from continental Europe. The population of the country is about 51 million people.

Acts of union

Originally settled by Celtic peoples, England was conquered by Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Normans. Acts of union joined England with Wales in 1536, with Scotland in 1707 and with Ireland in 1801 to form the United Kingdom. The capital and the largest city of both England and the United Kingdom is London.


England has a temperate maritime climate. The weather in the country is very changeable and it rains a lot, especially in the Lake District.


The most important rivers in England are Thames, Mersey and Tyne with the ports respectively in London, Liverpool and Newcastle.

England's economy

England's economy is one of the largest in the world. The country is a leader in chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well as in aerospace and the arms industries. Tourism has also become an important part of England's economy. The country is visited by millions of people every year.


There are lots of theaters, museums, libraries and galleries in England. Among the most notable are London's British Museum, housing a collection of more than 7 million objects, The British Library and the National Gallery.


There are a great number of universities in England. The most famous are Cambridge and Oxford attracting students from all over the world. They have many common features and known as Oxbridge.


One more interesting fact to mention is that England is home to lots of different sports but the most played one is football.


England is a very interesting nice country.

State professional educational institution

Torez Mining College named after A.F. Zyasiadko"


open class


by discipline


specialty: 13.02.11 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment


Foreword ………………………………………………………………..

Lesson Plan ………………………………………………….

The course of the lesson ……………………………………………………………………


The role of the discipline "Foreign language"

in the system of social and humanitarian disciplines

The main goal of the discipline "Foreign language (according to professional orientation)" is the formation of the necessary communicative capabilities in the areas of professional and situational communication in oral and written forms.

The urgency of the problem can be explained by a number of circumstances. Thus, the main direction of modernizationprofessional higher education at the present stage of development involves, first of all, improving the qualityassimilationgeneral educational and professional knowledge, practical and creative trainingstudents.

foreign language likeacademic disciplinecan and should contribute to the development of students' creative abilities. With a hugeeducational, educational and developing potential of the creative abilities of adolescents, a foreign language can realize it only in the course of implementing the practical goal of learning, that is, only ifstudentin the process of foreign language communicative and cognitive activity (listening, speaking, reading, using writing) will expand their general educationalhorizon, develop your thinking, memory, feelings and emotions; if in processforeign languagecommunication, the social and value qualities of the individual will be formed: worldview,moralvalues ​​and beliefs, character traits.

Creative activity gives students ample opportunities to express their own individuality. Their direct, active participation in this activity, at an accessible level of complexity, opens up great prospects for the integrated development and formation of the creative potential of the individual. In addition, by comprehending the secrets of the English language, teenagers get acquainted with the wonderful world of Western man, with his worldview, etc.

Influencing the personality, the formation of creative abilities enriches the emotional and practical experience, develops the psyche, forms the intellectual potential, promotes educationaestheticand mental abilities, leads to the accumulation of professionalskillsand skills, development of naturalmakingsand their moral qualities. It sets you up for further, active, creatively consciousactivityadolescents, which meets their spiritual needs, satisfies their desire forself-realizationand display of personality traits. All this is an effective means of complex development of the personality, revealing the formation of its creative potential.

A practical lesson in the form of a lesson - travel is one of the forms of non-traditional lessons. The lesson is combined with the dominance of educational motivation, with the leading role of speaking and listening.

Travel classes are the best way to contribute to the formation of an active person who has not only a certain amount of knowledge, but also the ability to receive it independently. Unusual in form, such classes arouse great interest among students, well develop creative abilities. It is especially important that such classes create favorable conditions for collective learning activities. Lesson efficiency increases through the development of students' creative abilities.

The lesson is conducted with the aim of generalizing and consolidating the studied material.

The following approaches to building a lesson have been proposed:

When presenting educational material to students, set a specific goal that determines the organization of educational work;

Present learning material in such a way that it expands the scope of knowledge and transforms the personal experience of each student;

Use various forms of individual work in the classroom;

To work with handouts, work in pairs, groups, work with various supports;

Try to actively encourage students to independent activities.

One of the technologies that provides student-centered learning is the method of projects, as a way of developing creativity, cognitive activity, and independence. The students were given homework of an advanced nature: to prepare multimedia presentations on the topics “Geographical position of Great Britain”, “Sights of Great Britain” and “Outstanding personalities of Great Britain”. Students worked with reference literature, dictionaries, a computer, thereby creating the possibility of direct contact with the authentic language, which is not possible with learning the language only with the help of a textbook in class.

The lesson used another method of interactive learning - role-playing. Students were asked to put themselves in life situations that might arise outside the classroom, in real life while traveling abroad. A significant advantage of a role-playing game over other forms of learning is the 100% employment of students, as well as the concentration of participants' attention throughout the game.


Discipline: Foreign language

Speciality: 13.02.11 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment

Group: 2 Feasibility Study-13

Topic of the lesson: "United Kingdom"

Purpose of the lesson:


Improve the methodology for conducting a lesson on the generalization and systematization of knowledge using the forms and methods of interactive technologies and the use of multimedia presentations of students;

Show the effectiveness of the lesson - travel.


To acquaint students with general information about the UK, to consolidate the use of the studied vocabulary in speech;

Contribute to the understanding of the socio-cultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied.


Develop listening, reading, speaking skills;

To promote the development of students' thought processes (generalization of information, reasoning, action according to the model);

Develop collaboration skills.


F to form respect for the country, the language being studied;

To cultivate internationalism, the ability to work in a group.

Class type: practical lesson

Forms and methods of conducting: problem-search, reproductive methods, work in pairs, groups.

Intersubject communications Keywords: geography, literature, regional studies.

Methodological support of the lesson:

    Training program

    Working curriculum

    Methodological development of the lesson

    Visual Aids: Presentations, "Welcome to Britain" video, audio recording of "Tour of London" dialogue, handout.

Equipment: computer, multimedia system



    New Headway English Course : John and Liz Soars, Oxford University Press

    Sinelnikova V.V. All English topics - K .: Master class, 2008-2009

    Mansi E.O. 100 conversational topics in English - K .: "A.S.K.", 2006

    Simon Greenall. Reward.- Macmillian Heinemann, 1998

Internet resources:

Lesson structure:

    Introductory part

    1. Organizational part

      Familiarization of students with the topic of the lesson

      Updating of basic knowledge

      Motivation for learning activities

    Main part

2.2 Exercise "Microphone".

2. 4 Reading the text "Window to Britain"

2.5 Listening to the text "London"

2.6 Role play

    Final part

    1. Summing up the lesson

3.2. Reflection

4. Homework


1.Introductory part

1.1. Organizational part

Greeting and checking in attendance

1.2. Familiarization of students with the topic of the lesson

I'm glad to see you today. I’m happy to work with you, our topic is very interesting and exciting, because we are going to take a trip to one of the most beautiful countries of Europe. I want you to be positive, I want you to be in a high spirit today, I hope you'll get bright impressions about our meeting. I do my best to make our lesson memorable and interesting. Of course, I need your help to do our lesson more productive and useful. Today I want to find out how smart you are, how many interesting facts about Great Britain you know and how cooperative you can be.

1.3. Updating of basic knowledge

phonetic charging.

Teacher: Let's start our lesson from Mind-Map. Tell me please: What do you associate with the word “country”?

Countr y

T: Every country has its own anthem. Now we'll listen to the British anthem “God Save the Queen”, a national patriotic song which is used for important events in Great Britain.

1) Watching the video of the British anthem “God Save the Queen”.

1. God save our gracious Queen,

long live our noble queen,

God Save the Queen:

send her victorious,

Happy and Glorious,

Long to reign over us:

God save the Queen.

2. Lord, our God, arise,

Scatter her enemies,

And make them fall.

Confound their politics

Frustrat their knavish tricks

On Thee our hopes we fix

God save us all.

3. Thy choicest gifts in store,

On her be pleased to pour;

Long may she reign:

may she defend our laws,

And ever give us cause

To sing with heart and voice

God save the Queen.

2) T: At first let's translate some words from the first stanza.

Gracious - merciful, generous

Noble - excellent, majestic

Victorious - victorious

Glorious - magnificent, delightful

To reign (over) - reign, dominate.

T: You see that the anthem shows us the main features of the British people: their pride for centuries-old history of monarchy, pride and admiration of their Queen, pride for their country.

3) Performing exercises for the development of memory.

The first verse of the anthem is displayed on the screen. The students read it again. The teacher asks students to close their eyes, and at this time the slide changes and the first verse of the anthem appears, in which words are missing. The task of the students is to complete the sentences in the "Snowball" couplet.

_____ save our graceful _____,

Live our noble ______,

Save the ______:

Send her _____,

Happy and _______ ,

Long to reign over us:

____ save the _______.

1.4 Motivation for learning activities

2. Main body

2.1 Checking homework. Presentation of reports about the UK using multimedia.

T: Now it's time to listen to you. You had to prepare reports to the topic “The Geographical position of GB”, “Sights of GB” and “Famous People of GB”.

2.2 An exercise « Microphone» .

T: Imagine we are on the conference. Be ready to answer my questions about the United Kingdom.

  1. What is the official name of the country? (The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

  2. How many countries does the UK consist of? Name them.

(The UK consists of four countries. They are Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland.)

  1. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?

(It is situated on the British Isles.)

  1. How many islands does the UK consist of? What is the largest island of the country?

(The UK consists of more than 5000 islands of different sizes. GB is the largest island).

  1. What is the official language of the country? (English is the official language of the country).

  2. What seas and oceans is the UK washed by? (The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The English channel separates Great Britain from the continent.)

  3. What is the climate of Great Britain like? (The climate of GB is rather cool and changeable but it often rains).

  4. What is the national flag of the UK? (The national flag of the UK is called the Union Jack).

  5. What is the capital of the UK? (The capital of the UK is London).

  6. What are the capitals of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland?

(The capitals of these parts are Edinburgh, Cardiff, London and Belfast).

2.3 Viewing the presentation "Guess the great Englishman."

T: GB is famous not only by its sights but it's famous for its people who created history by their works. They are well-known in all countries and on every continent. And not one generation will grow up with them. You will see some pictures which help you to understand who these people are. Look at the screen and name the person.

Guess :

1) wax doll (Tussauds),

2) an apple falling on a person's head (Newton),

3) monkey (Darwin),

4) Bagheera, Kaa, Baloo ("The Jungle Book", Kipling),

6) a girl, a cat with a smile, a card queen (“Alice in Wonderland”, by Lewis Carol),

7) desert island, Friday ("Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe),

8) a pirate on one leg with a parrot on his shoulder (John Silver from Stevenson's novel Treasure Island).

2.4 Reading(viewing the video clip "Welcome to Britain").

1) pre-reading activity

    Match the words to the pictures.

1. a temple; 2. an island; 3.aport; 4.a cathedral; 5.a bank note; 6.a tunnel; 7.a calendar; 7. a hill; 8. a lake.

Window to Britain

Hello. I'm Leonie Dodd and welcome to Window on Britain. What do you know about Britain? How many people live here? What's the capital city? What are the names of other famous cities? The answers are in this programme.

Britain also has 10 national parks. They cover 9 percent of the land. All these parks have wonderful countryside. This is the Lake District in the north-west of England. It has beautiful hills and lakes. A lot of British people come here on holiday. And foreign tourists. Over 24 million foreign tourists come to Britain every year. They visit lots of places. For example, Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland. This Stonehenge. What is it? Well, nobody really knows. Perhaps it's a temple or a clock or is it a calendar? In Wales the Snowdon National Park is very popular. And look – Welsh people don’t just speak English, about 20 percent of the population speak Welsh, too. Britain is an island but it isn't only one island. In fact there are over eight hundred. These ones are on the beautiful west coast of Scotland.

I'm at Waterloo Station in London. From here, trains go through the Channel tunnel to Paris, in France and to Brussels in Belgium. Is Britain really an island now?

2) while reading

    Try to complete the sentences with numbers from the box.

a. Over……… % of the land in Britain is farmland.

b. Only……. %of the working population are farmers.

with . Britain has……. national parks.

d. National parks cover…….% of Britain.

e. Over……… million foreign tourists come to Britain every year.

    Watch the sequence and tick (✓ ) the true sentences.

1. The Giant's Causeway is in Northern Ireland.

2. Tourists visit Stonehenge.

3. The Snowdon National Park is in Northern Ireland.

4. 50% of people in Wales speak Welsh.

5. Britain has over 800 islands.

2.5 Listening

1) Pre-listening tasks

T: Write London on the board. Tell me what you know about this city.

Have you been to London?

Do you know any famous places in London?

T: I'm going to say the first part of a famous place in London and you have to complete the name.

Big Ben, London Eye, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Houses of Parliament, Oxford Street, Madame Tussauds.

T: You will work in pairs to match the place names and the pictures of famous places.


Do this exercise before you listen. Match the pictures with the words below.

open-top bus

Big Ben

London Eye

tower bridge

Tower of London

Oxford Street

Buckingham Palace

Houses of Parliament

T: How do tourists usually visit these famous places?

Do they go by train, taxi, or tourist bus? Point out the open-top bus in the preparation task.

Who usually talks to the tourists about the famous places during a tour on a bus? (A tour guide.)

T: We are going to listen to a guided tour on a bus in London.

They need to put the places in the order that the tour bus will visit them.

Play the audio then students compare answers before checking and correcting as a

class. Play again if necessary.

2) While-listening activity

Transcript for Tour of London

tour guide: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this fantastic tour of London by bus.

My name's Greg and I'm your guide this afternoon on our tour of London. As you can see, we're on an open top bus, so you can see all the attractions from your seat and you don't need to walk anywhere. And please don't worry about the rain, I'm sure it'll stop soon. A-a-and please ask any questions at any time.

Tourist 1: I have a question.

tour guide: Yes?

Tourist 1: Do you have extra umbrellas? I mean if it rains a lot.

tour guide: Err, no, we don't have any extra umbrellas, but don't worry, I'm sure the rain will stop soon. Right, OK, so where are we going on our wonderful tour? Well, the tour takes 2 hours and we are going to visit all the famous sites. First we'll see Madame Tussauds, the museum with wax models of famous people and celebrities, then we'll drive along the most famous shopping street in the world, Oxford Street. After that we'll see the famous clock Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament. As we drive along the river you’ll see the popular attraction, the London Eye, from which you can see the whole city on a sunny day. Then we'll see Tower Bridge and the famous Tower of London before arriving at Buckingham Palace, just in time for a cup of tea with the Queen.

Tourist 2: Is that included in the tour? A cup of tea with the Queen?

tour guide: Err, well, no not exactly, but there's a lovely café near the palace where you can get a cup of tea.

(Sound of a storm right overhead, loud thunder and very heavy downpour)

Tourist 1: I have another question.

tour guide: Yes?

Tourist 1: Can we have our money back? We're getting off the bus.

tour guide: Err, well, you see... Quick! Run! Everyone off the bus! ...

3) Post-listening activity

A) Check your understanding: ordering

Do this exercise while you listen. Write a number (1-8) to put these places in order that the tour bus will visit them.

…………. Oxford Street

…………. Madame Tussauds, Museum

…………. Tower of London

…………. London Eye

…………. Houses of Parliament

…………. Buckingham Palace

…………. Big Ben

…………. tower bridge

T: Students now look at the ‘check your understanding: multiple choice’ task on the worksheet. Students select the correct answers.

B) Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. The tour takes (2 / 3 / 4) hours.

2. At Madame Tussaud's you can see (maps of London / models of famous people / famous shops).

3. Oxford Street is a famous street for (drinking tea / eating / shopping).

4. The Queen lives at (Buckingham Palace / the Tower of London / Tower Bridge).

5. Big Ben is a (tour guide / clock / bridge).

6. You can see great views of London from (Oxford Street / the Houses of Parliament / London Eye).

2.6 Role play.

T: Imagine that you are on a guided tour visiting the places we have spoken about. One of you is a tour guide and others are tourists. First you need to do some preparation.

T: Now we'll repeat the types of questions. A tour guide prepares his/her speech. Tourists prepare their questions in a group.

Tour of London. Role play

You are a tour guide. Instructions: Prepare your speech and then give a guided tour. Be prepared to answer the tourists' questions!

Good morning/afternoon everyone! Welcome to this tour of ____ (place) by_______ (transport). My name's ___ . I'm your guide on our tour of ______. Any questions?

The tour will take _______ hours.

First we'll see ____.

Then we'll see______ Next we'll ___.

After that__. Finally we'll ____.

You are a tourist. Instructions: Prepare some questions to ask your tour guide. Asks lots of questions because you want to practice your English!

What places will we visit today?

How long does the tour last?

How much is the tour?

Where does the tour depart from?

Will we visit ___________?

Where can I buy a _______?

T: We continue to play. If you want to travel abroad you need to do some things. At first you need to book the flight and book the hotel. Let's dramatize some dialogues.

In the tour agency

Agent: Good morning. Dream Travel.

Billy: Oh hello. Do you sell airline tickets to Great Britain?

Agent: Yes.

Billy: Right. I'd like four tickets from Moscow to London.

Agent: And when do you want to go?

Billy: I'd like to go on Friday the fifth of next month.

Agent: Return or one way?

Billy: I'd like return tickets, please. We want to come back one month later.

Agent: OK. I'll just check on the computer. Ok, do you want economy or business class?

Billy: Oh, business class is very expensive. I prefer economy. How much is that?

Agent: Let me see. It's 700 pounds for one person.

Billy: What time does the flight leave London?

Agent: At ten thirty in the morning.

Billy: Is it a direct flight?

Agent: No, there's a short stop in Berlin.

Billy: Fine. I'd like four tickets then, please.

hotel reservation

Receptionist: Hello. Hotel Europe. Can I help you?

Woman: Yes, I'd like to book a room, please.

Receptionist: OK. For how many nights?

Woman: For two nights?

Receptionist: Which dates, please.

Woman: For the 15th and 16th of December, please.

Receptionist: Ok, that's fine. Would you like a single or a double room?

Woman: Do you have twin rooms?

Receptionist: Yes, we do.

Woman: I'd like to book a twin room then. How much is that, please?

Receptionist: That's 120 euros a night. Can I take your name and your credit card details first, please?

in a hotel

Receptionist: Can I help you, miss?

Woman: Yes, I asked for a twin room.

Receptionist: Yes, miss.

Woman: Well, you've given me a double room.

Receptionist: Oh, I'm sorry, miss.

Woman: Can we have a twin room, please?

Receptionist: I'll just have a look … yes, we have one on the second floor.

* * *

Receptionist: Can I help you?

Man: Yes, I asked for tea with my breakfast.

Receptionist: Yes?

Man: And you've given me coffee.

Receptionist: I'm sorry, sir. I'll call the kitchen and get you some tea.

Man: Ok. thank you.

* * *

Receptionist: Yes, sir. Can I help you?

Man: Yes, I booked golf for this morning.

Receptionist: Yes, sir?

Man: The golf club has just told me that there isn't a booking for me.

Receptionist: Oh, that's strange. I'm sure the golf club can fit you in later. I'll call them and sort it out for you.

3. Final part

3.1. Summing up the lesson

Student Assessment

3.2. Reflection

Thank you for such an interesting and exciting lesson. It was really great. I am very glad that you are interested in English.

    Let's do the usual task, answer these questions:

    Today we spoke about …

    It was interesting to know ...

    It was difficult…

    Now I know…

    I will try …

    I want…

    I am … ​​(good, bad, so-so, ok)


Level 1 (3 points) - repeat the lexical units of the topic and prepare 7 questions on the topic "Great Britain".

Level 2 (4 points) - write a dialogue on the topic "In a travel agency"

level (5 points) - to prepare an oral presentation on the topic of Great Britain (15-17 sentences).

teacher: You are wonderful today. It's a good job. You were active and smart. I think this lesson will be memorable and you'll get only positive impressions

The methodological development of the lesson is intended for second-year students of all specialties of secondary specialized educational institutions. The lesson is aimed at the formation of foreign language communicative linguistic, sociolinguistic, sociocultural and other competencies among students, as well as the formation of competencies necessary for the use of English in educational and professional activities, the formation of an understanding of the need for further education in higher educational institutions.



Development of a lesson on the topic "Education in the UK" for students of the second year of the SVE system

Lesson plan:


Foreign language (English)

Lesson topic

Reading thematic texts about the education system in Russia and Great Britain. Drawing up a plan for retelling the text, monologues and dialogues based on the text

Class type


Lesson type

Lesson consolidation of the studied material



Lesson objectives


consolidate English language skills in the application to educational activities;

consolidate the theoretical material.


promote the development of creative and logical thinking;

develop the ability to analyze, compare, compare facts.


motivate students to learn a foreign language;

contribute to the education of attentiveness, purposefulness;

promote the development of interest in education, future profession.

Lesson structure:

No. p / p

Lesson stage

Time (min.)

Organizing time

Activation of students' attention, inclusion in the work process

Checking homework

Determining student readiness and checking homework

goal setting

Defining the purpose and objectives of the lesson

The main stage of the lesson

Completing tasks in order to consolidate the studied material


Explanation of homework assignments and grading

Summing up the lesson

Overall assessment of student work

Technological map of the lesson

No. p / p

Lesson stage

Time, min.

Teacher activity

Student activities


Organizing time

Audience readiness check

Student readiness check

good day!

I'm glad to see you! Take your seats!

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Thank you for your answers! So let's begin our lesson!

What was your homework?

Are you ready?

Name the date of the lesson

Name the day of the week

Compose a story about higher education in Russia

Not really

Student concentration

Checking homework

Let's check your home task

Can you tell us about higher education in Russia?

What can you add?

What can you add?

What can you add?

Thank you very much!


Higher education in Russia can be obtained at institutes, academies and universities. Education can be free and paid. Typically, higher education is obtained between the ages of 18 and 22. To enter and study at the university, you must obtain a certificate and pass entrance exams. In institutes, academies and universities, one can get a specialty and profession, that is, higher education.

Putting into operation

Formulation of goals and objectives of the lesson

So, what topic did we study in the last lesson?

In general, we considered what?

What country's education system were we talking about?

Having studied this topic, can you now tell your friends or acquaintances from other countries about the education system in Russia?

And if they ask you about the education system in the country of the language we are learning (UK), can you tell us what you know?

What's stopping you?

So let's define, what is the topic of our today's lesson? (Write the topic on the board)

What is the purpose of our lesson?

What must we do to achieve this goal?


Education system (The system of education)

About the education system Russian Federation(The system of education in Russia)



We did not receive such information, we do not know the words ...

The system of education in Great Britain (The system of education in Great Britain)

Motivation to study the topic, defining the purpose and objectives of the lesson

The main stage of the lesson

Since we know little about the topic of our today's lesson, I will not invite you to think about what vocabulary we need for this. Many of the words you already know, as our education systems are a bit similar.

I will give you some words to help you understand this text. Open your dictionaries and write them down.

To determine - determine, establish

To support - to promote, support

Fund - fund, stock, reserve

Feature - feature, sign, trait

Reflect - reflect

Divide - distribute, divide

Selective - selective, selective

Syllabus - program, summary, plan

Provide - provide, provide

Stage - stage, step

cost - cost

depend on - depend on

choose - choose

nursery school - kindergarten

infant classes - preparatory school

primary school - primary school

infant - a child, a student of a preparatory school (from 4 to 7 years old)

junior - elementary school student

composition - composition, composition

timetable - schedule

stream - divide into streams

according to - according to something

ability - ability

comprehensive school - comprehensive school

majority - the majority

finance - finance

gain entry - take entrance exams

college - institute

term - semester

differ - differ, differ

foundation - foundation

the Degree of Bachelor of Arts- Degree in Humanities

the Master's Degree - master's degree

the Doctor's Degree - doctoral degree

Research - research

So, now I think we can start to get acquainted with the education system in the UK.

Let me remind you that we determined the purpose of our lesson: Studying the UK education system, compiling a story about it.

What were our tasks?

So, let's make such a plan as we read the text (Appendix 1).

Please read the text.

(retelling plan is written on the board)

In order to make it easier for you to compose a retelling, to use it for further work on the topic, I have prepared a retelling plan for you (handout: Appendix 2)

Now you are familiar with the education system in the UK, have the necessary vocabulary and have a retelling plan. Can you tell us about the education system in the UK?

(If not, what is missing? repeat tenses, etc.)

So, in order to solve the tasks we have set and achieve the goal of the lesson, let's try to make a retelling.

You work in pairs, talk about the education system in the UK, relying on new and already learned vocabulary, a retelling plan. Ready?

I will go to each couple and listen to your story, if you have any questions, you can ask them to me.

You have 10 - 15 minutes for this work.

For this assignment, you will receive grades:

“5” full answer without mistakes;

“4” answer with one - two mistakes;

“3” answer with three - five mistakes;

“2” answer with six or more mistakes. (evaluation criteria are indicated on the board)

The best students will present their retelling in front of the group and receive an additional mark.

So let's begin!

Thank you very much! Your work was very productive!

Ratings!!! Major Mistakes!!!

The best students are: ___, ____.

Please, tell us about the system of education in Great Britain!

Listening to 1 - 2 students!!!

So, I see that you can tell about the education system in both Russia and the UK. However, if you talk about this with a representative of another country, then you will get not just a story, but a dialogue where you will be asked questions, and you will have to answer (react) them and vice versa. So your homework is to write dialogues. The main goal is to discuss the advantages of the education system in Russia and the UK and compare them. To be ready for this, let's act out such a situation.

One of you will be a representative of the country of the language being studied, the other - Russia. You met at the student conference “Problems and Perspectives of Education in the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Your task is to compose such a dialogue as fully as possible so that at home you only have to correct it and check the correctness of speech (grammar).

(the remaining time the teacher approaches the students working in pairs, helps)

So, I see that you have already selected the main material for discussing the topic under study and made up dialogues, but they need to be finalized, don't they?

Write down new vocabulary, listen to the pronunciation of words

Repeat words after the teacher

Read several words in turn, write down the transcription of complex words and expressions if necessary

Take turns reading and translating the text together, helping to plan the retelling

Not really



Working in pairs

A story about the education system based on the plan and new vocabulary

Listen to the best students

Work in pairs


Achieving the goal of the lesson through the implementation of tasks


What will your homework be like?

REMINDER: The main goal is to discuss the advantages of the education system in Russia and the UK, to compare them!

Learn words, make dialogues.

write down

Definition of homework


Let's remember why we have gathered today, and first of all - the topic of the lesson!

What was the purpose of the lesson?

What tasks did we have to complete?

What did we do best?

What problems have been left unattended, what has not been achieved?

What are your wishes for the next couple?

Thanks for the activity!!!

Study the education system in the UK, learn how to talk about it


Determining the results, the degree of achievement of the goal of the lesson

Appendix 1

The system of education in Great Britain

The system of education in Great Britain is determined by the National Education Acts. Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free of charge for all children between the ages of 5 and 16. There are many children who attend a nursery school from the age of 2, but it is not compulsory. Some children between 2 and 5 receive education in nursery classes or in infant classes at primary schools. In these establishments they learn some elementary things such as numbers, colours, and letters. Apart from that, babies play, have lunch and sleep there.

Compulsory education begins at the age of 5 when children go to primary schools. Primary education lasts for 6 years. It is divided into two periods: infant schools (pupils from 5 to 7 years old) and junior schools (pupils from 7 to 11 years old). In infant schools children don "t have real classes. They mostly play and learn through playing. But when pupils are 7, real studying begins. They study reading, composition, history, geography, nature study. Art and music, physical education, swimming are also on the timetable.

Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years. Secondary school is traditionally divided into 5 forms: a form to each year. Children study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign language and have lessons of Physical training. Religious education is also provided. English, Mathematics and Science are called "core" subjects. At the age of 7, 11 and 14 pupils take examinations in the core subjects.

There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain. They are:

1) comprehensive schools, which take pupils of all abilities without exams. In such schools pupils are often put into certain sets or groups, which are formed according to their abilities for technical or humanitarian subjects. Almost all senior pupils (around 90 per cent) go there;

2) grammar schools, which give secondary education of a very high standard. Entrance is based on the test of ability, usually at 11. Grammar schools are single sexed schools;

3) modern schools, which don "t prepare pupils for universities. Education in such schools gives good prospects for practical jobs.

After five years of secondary education, at the age of 16, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination. When they are in the third or in the forth form, they begin to choose their exam subjects and prepare for them.

After finishing the fifth form pupils can make their choice: they may either leave school and go to a Further Education College or continue their education in the sixth form. Those who stay at school after GCSE, study for 2 more years for "A" (Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects which is necessary to get a place at one of British universities.

There are also about 500 private schools in Great Britain. Most of these schools are boarding ones, where children live as well as study. Education in such schools is very expensive, that's why only 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend them. Private schools are also called preparatory (for children up to 13 years old) and public schools (for pupils from 13 to 18 years old). Any pupil can enter the best university of the country after leaving this school.

After leaving secondary school young people can apply to a university, a polytechnic or a college of further education.

There are 126 universities in Britain. They are divided into 5 types:

The Old ones, which were founded before the 19th century, such as Oxford and Cambridge;

The Red Brick, which were founded in the 19th or 20th century;

The Plate Glass, which were founded in the 1960s;

The Open University It is the only university offering extramural education. students learn subjects at home and then post ready exercises off to their tutors for marking;

The New ones. They are former polytechnic academies and colleges.

Universities usually select students basing on their A-level results and an interview.

The academic year at Britain's Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of education is divided into three terms, which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.

After three years of study a university graduate get the Degree of a Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Many students then continue their studies for a Master's Degree and then a Doctor's Degree (PhD).

Annex 2

Education in Great Britain

The system of education in Great Britain is determined by the National Education Acts.

Nursery school, infant classes

primary school

infant schools

junior schools

Comprehensive school

Grammar schools

Modern schools

Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges

Free-of charge - free Fee-paying - paid

between 2 and 5

from 5 to 7 years old

from 7 to 11 years old

the age of 11 to 16

gain entry to universities at the age of 18 – 19

learn some elementary things such as numbers, colours, and letters.

play, have lunch and sleep there.

play and learn through playing

reading, composition, history, geography, nature study, art and music, physical education, swimming

At the age of 7, 11 and 14 pupils take examinations in the core subjects.

English, Mathematics, Science ("core" subjects), History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign language, Physical training, Religious education

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination

Private (preparatory and public) schools

126 universities in Britain

5 types: The Old, The Red Brick, The Plate Glass, The Open, The New

three terms: the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.

Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc. Later he may continue to take the Master's Degree and then the Doctor's Degree